List of Potential PHD Advisors and Co-Pd

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List of potential PhD advisors and co-advisor

No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
1 Dr Ranavijai Bahadur Mobility and Environment., Urban devt & regional planning Asst. professor CUDE
Singh infrastructure Applied environmental management ,
provision and mngt. geography and environmental governance,
regional planning, urban land management,
population and urban and regional health,
regional regional disparities, water and
development sanitation, +16 research
2 Dr Azime Adem Public Financial Public finance -Taxation & revenue Asst Professor CFMD
Hassen management mngt. & mobilization nexus to economic
accounting growth
-FDI and its impact
-tax compliance
3 Dr Mesfin Tilaye Environmental Ecosystem Solid waste governance Asst Professor CUDE
climate change Envt governance Urban greening
management Natural resource Eco system service
management Envtal governance
Solid waste
4 Dr Habtamu Regassa Public procurement Business Supply chain management, Asst. Professor CFMD
management, strategic management,
marketing marketing, strategic
management, management
purchasing and
supply mangt.

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
5 Dr Tesfaye Molla School of International Electoral systems Asst Professor CLG
Diplomacy& relations, foreign Dynamics of conflict, conflict
international policy, diplomacy, management, citizenship &
relations comparative democracy, human rights,
political economy foreign policy, regional
of devt, peace and economic integrations [IGAD]
conflict, security
6 Dr Dessalegn Shirkabo Public Management Public Leadership styles, education Asst. Professor CFMD
Management, and sustainable development,
curriculum and training,
7 Dr Mushir Ali Urban & Regional Urban population, Asso. Professor CUDE
planning urban and
regional planning
8 Dr Amsalu Bedemo School of policy Economics, Saving behavior, food security, Asso. Professor CLG
studies Agricultural labor market, institutions and
Economics governance in economic devt,
micro and Macro economics
9 Dr Daniel Lirebo Urban Planning & Urban design, Density and the built form. Asst. professor CUDE
Devt urban planning, urban greening, Resilience
architecture &adaptation, urban renewal,
neighborhood design

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
10 Dr. Issac Paul Governance & Economics, Micro finance, value chain Asso. Professor CLG
Development, Development analysis, decentralization, local
African Institute of studies, government finance, small and
Governance and development medium enterprises, poverty &
Development (IGAD) economics , inequality, migration and
regional growth & development, regional growth
public finance
11 Dr Narayan Dash School of Public Social Revitalization of rural areas, Asst. Professor CLG
Policy Studies anthropology, law rural tourism, human rights for
marginalized group, nutrition,
12 Dr Seifu Bekuretsion International Foreign languages Public management Asst. Professor International
relations directorate and literature, relations
TEFL, public directorate
13 Dr. Belew Dagnew Mobility and Geography, Urban transport planning, Asst. Professor CUDE
infrastructure transportation, traffic accidents and traffic
environmental safety management,
studies sustainable public transit,
transport infrastructure, freight
transport and logistics
14 Dr Asfaw Wassie Public and social Business Export marketing, employment Asst. Professor CFMD
Mekonnen security leadership, and entrepreneurship HRM,
management business entrepreneurial venture,
administration, competitiveness, clusters and
business global value chains

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
15 Dr Frew Mengistu Urban Planning and Real estate Planning urban centers as Asst. professor CUDE
Development markets and integral parts of regional and
institutions, urban national systems, informal
management, settlements and institutions,
urban Planning, public private partnership,
architecture social organizing capacity and
urban development, urban land
management, housing devt,
urbanization, urban transition
and the real estate sector,
credibility of institutions, urban
planning and governance,
planning practices in Ethiopia,
21st urban challenges and
planning responses, planning
cities as complex adaptive
systems + research
16 Dr. Belay File Development Economics, Urban economics, evaluation of Asst. Professor CFMD
economics development privatization programs, smart
studies, cities, Ethiopian urbanization,
national urbanization strategy,
enterprise development, urban
rural linkages, microenterprises
& informal economy, foreign
aid and poverty alleviation,
economic growth and income
inequality, decentralization and
service delivery + STATA, SPSS

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
17 Dr Serkaddis Zegeye Governance, LL. M Economic law and legal Asst. Professor CLG
in international consultancy,
economic law, Course planning, curriculum
development in criminal law,
18 Dr Kanchan Singh Urban planning and Urban planning, Remote sensing and GIS,
development physical Settlement structure, regional
geography development & planning,
urban studies, population
studies , natural resources
managements such as land and
water, climate change, regional
patterns of poverty,
geomorphic regions and
landforms, environment and
development, regionalization
19 Dr Lemessa Bayissa Public Financial Accounting and Taxation, tax accounting, tax Asst Professor CFMD
management finance auditing, financial
management cost accounting
20 Dr. Pragya Tiwari ?????? Geography, urban Project management, urban Asso Professor ?????
Gupta labour market, development, migration and
regional and population development,
regional organizational coordination,
development migration, spatial mobility,
development and population
dynamics, urbanization, urban
heat island effect, health and
urban areas, ecology, health
burden and urbanization,
social capital+ STATA, SPSS, GIS

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
21 Dr Bisrat Kifle Environment and Environmental Climate modeling, renewable Asst. Professor CUDE
climate change management, energy, climate change
management climate and adaptation, Remote sensing,
urbanization, atmospheric radio metric
meteorology correction, climatology,
atmosphere at the urban local
scale, surface water availability,
wind and noise pattern,
environmental aspects of Eco-
industrial park development,
environmental impact
assessment , effects of land use
and land use/cover change on
climate, climate change and
human health, solid waste
mngt., urban slums
22 Dr Simret Gebretsadik Leadership and Public Squatting and regularization, Asst Professor CLG
Good Governance management, organizational culture change,
urban human right situation of
management, LLB relocattees , administrative
in law discretion, and good
governance aspects of
expropriation, Ethiopian
commercial law, value chain
23 Dr Mesfin Seyoum Development Service delivery, access to land Asst Professor CLG
studies, public for women MSE operators,
administration, decentralization and good
governance, urban land policy,

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
24 Dr Mulugetta Worku Environment and Geography, Urban planning, regional towns Asst Professor CUDE
Climate change demography, development, efficiency of
Management urban public service institutions, safe
management, and healthy environment, land
urban planning use patterns, urban poverty,
and development urban density and efficient
urban land use + GIS
25 Dr Srialaxmi Public management Public Development management, Asst Professor CFMD
Shanmugham administration, public administration,
economics and marketing, gender
political science, mainstreaming strategies, ICT
MBA, and development,
organizational behavior, HRM,
WATSAN, solid waste,
organizational mngt.,
26 Dr Zerihun Doda Environment & Bio diversity Livelihood and traditional Asst Professor CUDE, CREI
climate change; management, resource, traditional medicine
Centre for research environmental and healthcare, identities and
in ethics and anthropology, cultural-historical heritages,
integrity anthropology, gender, social justice,
sociology and environment, economic
social development and social-
administration cultural aspects, conservation
of endangered trees,
biodiversity+ advanced
qualitative research
methodology herbal medicine
+software for data analysis:
CAQDAS, NVivo (versions 10
&11), MAXQDA (11 &12) ,
ATLAS.ti (7.5), Quirkos (2.0)

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
27 Dr. Jonnakuti School of Policy Political science, Social capital, social Asst professor CLG
Prashnthi Studies English literature enterprises, self-help groups,
group dynamics, policy
implementation, development
of women and children in rural
areas, biblical perspectives of
human rights
28 Dr Duvvada Environment and Environmental Ground water quality, Asst Professor CUDE
Mallikarjuna Rao climate change sciences, maths, saltwater intrusion in costal
physics and tracts, heavy metal
chemistry contamination, physic chemical
analysis of river water,
hydrology and watershed
management, sustainable
environmental sanitation and
water resources + use and
handling of laboratory
equipments for water quality +
29 Dr. Mahesh Kumar Environment and Environmental Soil and water conservation Asst Professor CUDE
Akkaraboyina climate change engineering and and community perception,
management management , urban water supply and
civil engineering consumptions systems,
rehabilitation and restoration
of urban rivers, time series
forecasting of water quality,
WATSAN, WASH+ Auto Cad ,
Primavera, SPSS

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
30 Dr. Baharu G/Yesus School of public Sociology Livelihood diversification and Asst Professor CLG
policy???? agriculture intensification, rural
development, environmental
quality and agriculture, early
warning systems and food
31 Dr Fisseha Zelalem Public Public `Business score card, strategic Asst Professor CFMD
management???? management, planning and management,
special needs BPR
education and
32 Dr Markos Sintayehu ??? Urban planning ???? Asst professor CUDE
Metaferia and development,
geography and
33 Dr. Mohammednur School of Policy Political science Municipal governance, micro Asst Professor CLG
Ahmed Studies and public and small enterprises, public
Mehammednur administration, sector management and
regional and local administration, organizational
development management, policy design,
studies, service delivery, ethics and
management social responsibilities,
corporate governance, BPR and
BSC impact assessment, urban
civic service, urban agriculture
and opportunities for
employment, pastoralist

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
34 Dr Mohamed School of Policy Rural food Rural food security link with Asst Professor CLG
Teshome Goshu studies security and child child nutrition, health,
nutrition, urban education, employment across
management, social groups,
local economic
and social
35 Dr Mulatu Takele Business HRD climate, job satisfaction Asst Professor CLG
management, in the public sector
36 Dr Kassa Teshager Development Development Rural Development, Asst Professor CFMD
economics studies , Agriculture, Rural Livelihoods,
development Food Security, Social
management, Protection, Value Chain
Analysis, Local Economic
Development, Urban and
Rural Poverty Alleviation,
Private Sector Development,
NGOs, Local Government,
decentralization and
Governance, Migration and
Development, Institutions,
Institutional Economics,
Governance and
Development, Development

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No . Name Home base - specialization Research area Academic College
Program Rank
37 Dr Mehreteab Educational policy Education related need Asst Professor
G/Selassie T/Giorgis and leadership, assessments, project
educational implementation, educational
planning and impact assessment
38 Dr Rahel Jigi Tax and customs Economics Taxation and public finance, Asst professor CFMD
(development, behavioral economics, natural
environment and resource and environmental
taxation), tax economics, local development
administration and local community
empowerment, environment
conservation and green devt. ,
trust and trustworthiness in
public good provision
39 Dr Pankaj Tiwari Public Management Management, Finance, behavioral science, Asst Professor CFMD
MBA demonetization and digital
finance, supply management,
financial derivatives, bond
markets, capital markets,
agency problem, corporate
social responsibility, risk
40 Prof Ajay Prashar* Human Resource Professor CFMD
41 Dr Mishra S.* Leadership Asso Prof CLG

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42 Yohanes Peros Development Rural livelihood diversification ,
(finalizing his PhD studies, regional vulnerability to climate change
studies) and local
studies, rural
43 Mr. Legesse Mengie School of law and LL.B, LL.M. in Federalism, ethnic conflict, land Asst. professor CLG
federalism comparative lease law, access to land,
constitutional law, urban land acquisition, market
international and integration through WTO,
European public global trade governance

• Are requested to send their CVs

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