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2, 2009
therapeutic methods or they had had no treatment history tions. The Chi-square test was used for statistical analysis.
for more than 6 months before visiting our clinic. The sera A p value≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.
obtained from the 15 alopecia areata patients were used
as test materials. RESULTS
All of the 15 subjects completed this study. They were
Supplementation with oral zinc gluconate tablet (50 mg/ enrolled from September 2006 to August 2007. The
tablet/day, zinc 50, GNC, USA) was used as a therapeutic patient information is shown in Table 1. After the zinc
method for twelve weeks without any other treatment. supplementation the mean serum zinc level changed from
Each patient’s serum zinc level was measured before and 56.9 μg/dl to 84.5 μg/dl. The results of the changed se-
after supplementation therapy. We defined a mild type of rum zinc levels are shown in Table 2, and the differences
alopecia areata as hair loss of less than 25% of the total of the zinc serum levels were statistically significant before
scalp hair, a moderate type of alopecia areata was defined and after supplementation therapy (p=0.002). Positive
as hair loss between 25% and 50% of the total scalp hair therapeutic effects were seen in 9 out of 15 patients
and a severe type of alopecia areata was defined as hair (66.7%). Out of the 9 patients with positive therapeutic
loss of more than 50% of total scalp hair. The therapeutic effects, 7 patients showed a marked recovery (Fig. 1) and
effects of oral zinc supplementation in alopecia areata 2 patients showed a partial recovery. However, the the-
patients were evaluated through the extent of vellus hair rapeutic effects were not statistically significant (p=0.439,
and terminal hair regrowth on the scalp. We graded the Table 3). After zinc supplementation, there was a
therapeutic effects as follows: difference of the serum zinc level between the positive
(1) Marked recovery: cosmetic satisfaction or terminal hair response group and the negative response group. The
regrowth of more than 60% on the hair loss patch serum zinc level of the positive response group increased
(2) Partial recovery: terminal hair regrowth less than 60% by 40.9 μg/dl and that of the negative response group
on the hair loss patch increased by 7.7 μg/dl. In the positive response group, the
(3) Poor recovery: only vellus hair regrowth on the hair serum zinc levels after therapy were significantly higher
loss patch than those before therapy (p=0.003). The changed serum
(4) No recovery: aggravation or an unchanged alopecia zinc levels are shown in Table 4. The patients with mild
areata state as compared to before therapy alopecia areata and who had a single alopecia areata
Of the 4 grades, we defined that the positive therapeutic patch displayed more positive results than the patients
effects were marked and partial recovery9,10. With main- who had multiple alopecia areata patches (Table 5). Two
taining zinc supplementation for at least 6 months, the patients complained of mild nausea as a side effect. The
positive response group was followed up for continuous summary of the patients is shown in Table 6.
terminal hair regrowth and recurrence of alopecia areata.
Statistical analysis Table 2. Serum zinc levels in the alopecia areata patients before
and after therapy
The results were expressed as means±standard devia-
M SD p-value
Before therapy 56.87 8.06
Table 1. Clinical data of the 15 patients with alopecia areata After therapy 84.47 28.28
Table 4. Serum zinc levels before and after supplementation Table 6. Summary of the patients
Serum zinc Serum zinc
Gender Therapeutic
Before After No. level (before level (after
/Age effect
therapy therapy therapy) therapy)
M SD M SD 1 M/17 70 103 Yes (MR)
2 M/6 56 81 Yes (MR)
Positive 55.89 9.19 96.78 21.20 .003 3 M/7 56 164 Yes (MR)
response (9 pts) 4 F/42 57 53 No (NR)
Negative 58.33 6.53 66.00 16.88 .288 5 M/37 66 70 No (NR)
response (6 pts) 6 M/27 54 41 No (NR)
7 F/15 61 88 Yes (MR)
M: mean, SD: standard deviation, pts: patients
8 F/42 61 79 Yes (PR)
9 M/51 62 87 Yes (PR)
10 M/7 45 71 Yes (MR)
Table 5. Therapeutic effect by the extent and duration of alopecia
11 F/30 54 65 No (NR)
areata and the number of hair loss patches
12 M/38 52 84 No (PoR)
No. of No. of 13 M/37 52 113 Yes (MR)
Factors positive negative 14 M/23 67 83 No (PoR)
response (%) response (%) 15 F/57 40 85 Yes (MR)
Extent of the hair loss patch MR: marked recovery, PR: partial recovery, PoR: poor recovery,
Mild type (<25%) 8 (61.5) 5 (38.5) NR: no recovery
Moderate type (25∼50%) 1 (50) 1 (50)
<1 year 2 (100) 0
≥1 year 7 (53.8) 6 (46.2) DISCUSSION
Number of patch
Single 7 (77.8) 2 (22.2) There are several reports stating that the serum zinc level
Multiple 2 (33.3) 4 (66.7)
is low in alopecia areata patients7,11-13. However, the
pathogenesis of this reduced serum zinc level is unknown. fference was statistically significant. Those patients with
As cofactors of metalloenzymes, zinc has considerable mild alopecia areata and those with a single alopecia areata
effects on nearly all aspects of the metabolism that takes patch had a greater positive response than the patients with
place in the organs of the body, including the skin. In fact, moderate alopecia areata and those with multiple alopecia
congenital and acquired zinc deficiencies are usually areata patches. The positive response group maintained zinc
expressed as a variety of skin manifestations such as acro- supplementation for at least 6 months with no recurrence of
dermatitis enteropathica, psoriasis-like eruptions, blisters, their hair loss being seen during their follow-up. The posi-
onychopathy and loss of hair6,14. Several reports have tive response group also showed continuous terminal hair
shown that oral administration of zinc compounds im- regrowth during follow-up. Although these patients had a
proved hair growth5. Yet in 1981, Ead15 reported that oral mild type of long term alopecia areata, zinc supplemen-
administration of zinc compounds had no therapeutic tation can become a possible adjuvant therapy when
effect on hair loss. Ead15 found that after zinc supple- combined with other therapeutic methods, and especially
mentation, the serum zinc level changed from 77.5 μg/dl for those alopecia areata patients with a low serum zinc
to 112.2 μg/dl and the serum zinc level increased by 34.7 level. Prior to this study, there has only been one report of
μg/dl, but the patients did not show a positive therapeutic alopecia areata patients having a low serum zinc level in the
effect. In this study, 6 out of 15 patients belonged to the Korean medical literature3 and there has been no report
negative response group. Among this negative response about the therapeutic effects of zinc supplementation in
group, 4 patients’ serum zinc levels increased and 2 Korea. This study was the first in Korea to evaluate the the-
patients’ serum zinc levels decreased. We think that the rapeutic effects of twelve weeks of oral zinc supplemen-
increased serum zinc levels in the 4 patients are related to tation in alopecia areata patients with a low serum zinc
another cause. The serum zinc level of three patients level and we reported on the changing serum zinc levels
except patient No. 12, increased less than those of the after oral zinc supplementation. Positive therapeutic effects
positive response group. We thought that the No.12 were seen in 9 out of 15 patients, but because of the small
patient’s cause of hair loss was related to stress and numbers of patients, the therapeutic effects were not statis-
fatigue. Two patients with decreased serum zinc levels tically significant. Subsequent studies with a large number
had an irregular oral zinc tablet intake during this study. of alopecia areata patients are needed to clarify the thera-
Zinc is a metal moiety of many enzymes and it is indis- peutic effects of oral zinc supplementation.
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