Android Developer: Niaga IT Medan

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I'm a student of Medan State Polytechnic, Department in Computer and

Information Engineering, focusing on Mobile Apps and Web Development. I'm
currently active as an Android freelance developer for my campus area, and I also
active in participating in events or courses held at Dicoding Academy to improve
my Mobile Apps and Web Development skills.


Niaga IT Medan Aug2020-Sep2020

Android Developer
In Niaga IT is a professional website & application creation service provider in
AB OU T M E Medan. here I work as an android developer as well as handling the SILAP OPT
project (Reporting System for Plant Destruction Organisms and Online-based
Date of Birth: 18 March 2001 OPT Data Recapitulation) for the ministry of agriculture in Medan city. here I in
Age: 19 charge of making a design & android application of SILAPOpt-in a vulnerable
Gender: Male time of 3 weeks.
Birth Place: Pematang Siantar,
North Sumatra PROJECT
Nationality : Indonesia
Vending Machine With V-Pay Mei2019-Juli2019
Here, I made a vending machine with only 5 types of drinks that are equipped with
a payment application. with 3 of my friends and 1 of my lecturer, we both worked
CON TACT on this experimental project. here I can make a payment application and connect
the vending machine and the payment within 3 months.
Besar Tembung Street
Number 114, Medan, Ochicken Food Delivery Restaurant Dec2019-Feb2020
North Sumatra
Here, I made food delivery online using kotlin programming language(Android
+62-82258821877 Studio) for O'Chicken Medan Restaurant on Sei Batang Hari Street Number 6. With
a budget of 10 million rupiahs within 6 months. Within 6 months I participated
[email protected] together with my friends working on the database, UI UX design, server computers,
maintenance, and make the food Delivery Application

Silap OPT Android Application Aug2020-Sep2020

Language In Niaga IT is a professional website & application creation service provider in
Indonesia Native
Medan. here I work as an android developer as well as handling the SILAP OPT
project (Reporting System for Plant Destruction Organisms and Online-based
English Good OPT Data Recapitulation) for the ministry of agriculture in Medan city. here I in
charge of making a design & android application of SILAPOpt-in a vulnerable
time of 3 weeks.

Sk i l l s EDUCATION

Mobile Development SMAN 2 Pematang Siantar Jul2015-Mei2018

Web Development Senior High School
Graphic Design
Medan State Polytechnic Sep2018-UntilNow
Diploma Degree in Computer Engineering
Kotlin Programming Language
So ci al M e di a
Linked: Time Name Course Provider/Scholarship Certification Nov2019- IT ESSENTIALS Digitalent Scholarship KOMINFO
ussi-hersiano-b2b20a186/ Nov2020 & Cisco Network
U Academy
Github: Apr2020- Kotlin IDCAMP Scholarship Dicoding Apr2023 Programming & Dicoding Academy Academy
O B J E C TLanguage
Apr2020- Make Android IDCAMP Scholarship Dicoding
Instagram: Apr2023 Application For & Dicoding Academy Academy Begginers
Apr2020- Mobile Skill Academy Skill Academy
Apr2023 Programming
Android & Kotlin

Apr2020- Solid IDCAMP Scholarship Dicoding

Apr2023 Programming & Dicoding Academy Academy
Oct2020- Fundamentals of IDCAMP Scholarship Dicoding
Oct2023 Android & Dicoding Academy Academy


2nd & 3Rd Winner Category Mobile Application Design & Concept
Here I won the competition from building creativity in the pandemic of covid on
November 2, 2020, which was held online for all Medan state polytechnic students.
here I am working on 1 application, starting from 24 October 2020 to 1 November
2020. Because each student may submit more than one work. So from that, I
collected two of my works, namely the social media Github application & online
course application. I did not think that my two applications won and I won second
and third place
Winner Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha 2019
In here we are me and 3 of my friends and 1 of my lecturers. we won the
entrepreneurial student program in 2019. the entrepreneurial student program is a
grant of 10 million rupiahs from the Ministry of Education and Culture to increase
entrepreneurial interest in students in 2019

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