Incise Drapes UK GX750 6p
Incise Drapes UK GX750 6p
Incise Drapes UK GX750 6p
3M Incise Drapes
A barrier to bacterial contamination
Rate of bacterial recolonisation of the skin after preparation: four methods compared
“Within the duration of the study the
slow release iodophor drape was more 30
effective than the other regimes in
delaying bacterial recolonisation”.1 20
Chlorhexidine in alcohol 10
Povidone-iodine in alcohol
Alcohol and non-3M incise drape 0
Alcohol and Ioban 2 antimicrobial film incise drape 5 Minutes 30 Minutes 1 Hour
Sampling time 3 Hours
1. Johnston D.H., Fairclough J.A., Brown E.M., Morris R: Rate of bacterial recolonisation of the skin after preparation: four methods compared. Br. J. Surg. 1987; 74 p64.
Incise Drapes Literature 2005 7/11/05 3:31 PM Page 5
The more we learn about the largest of Prep Efficacy (Post-Prep) by Subject
our human organs, the skin, the more we Darkfield image Darkfield image
understand the microbial challenge it ethyl alcohol (ETOH) at initial time point at 2 hours
presents. The skin is a living organ that providone iodine (PI) Antimicrobial incise drape (Ioban)
provides an effective barrier to the chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)
outside microbial world.
3M’s Infection Prevention Discovery Centre continues to study this area and other topics in asepsis.
Best practice is achieved through the sophisticated skills of health care professionals combined with sound What’s on your patient’s skin
when you get ready to operate ?
scientific study. For more than 50 years, 3M has offered health care providers innovative solutions designed
to enhance patient outcomes. For a CD Rom that provides more detailed
information about 3M Infection Prevention
Discovery Centre studies, call 01509 613151.
3M Incise Drapes
A p p l i c a t i o n R e m o v a l
Prior to skin closure
Disinfect the skin with your
usual skin-preparation. Allow the
skin-preparation agent to dry Create a crease in the drape by
completely. pinching the film near the
incision’s edge.
3M Incise Drapes
Ordering Information
For further information, samples or to arrange a free demonstration of gowns and draping systems,
contact your local Theatre Products Representative or Customer Services on 01509 613151.