11 Assessment For Education

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11 ASSESSMENT FOR EDUCATION  Objective ng RtI : is ma accelerate yung learning process

ng lahat ng students. And mabilis niya din ma- iidentify

THE ROLE OF TESTING AND ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION kung sino yung mga learning disability.
 For the perspective ng student may assessment para  Nakikita ung RtI na superior compares sa traditional or
malaman kung totoo napapasa ba ng teacher yun knowledge referred based process or wait to fail ng mga gawa.
na tinuturo niya.
 Sa part naman ng teachers is para malaman kung saan Implementing RtI
nahihirapan si student and kung saang extent yung kaya ni  So dahil nga na implement na siya sa mga states ang question
student referred yung readiness or aptitude. is how?
 Pero another part ng testing law.  Some states used?
 Popularity ng RtI 1. PROBLEM SOLVING MODEL : intervention is used na
naka pattern para sa mga students na selected ng school
Response to intervention ( RtI) 2. GENERAL INTERVENTION- other school rely herewhere
pwede siya magamit ng ibat ibang students. All are
Background included.
 (So ng mid 1970's) yung federal na mandate na mag identify  So nagkaroon ng test and measurement na na published
and assist ng children na may learning problems about sa pag gamit ng RtI to know who will be included in the
o defined yung learning disability na " severe program.
discrepancy between achievement and intellectual  keep in mind that IDEA who mandate ng RtI still used
ability" multiple resources no matter what is the diagnosis dapat
o so for decades na label yung mga taong may hindi mag rely sa one process to identify child with disability
discrepancy ang intelligence sa achievement in 1 or so nagkaroon ng integrative assessment
2 areas na (SLD) or Specific Learning Disability.  Integrative assessment: multidisciplinary approach to
 2007, Public Law 108-147- nabago ung definition ng SLD evaluation
(SPECIFIC LEARNING DISABILITY)  Rti is a dynamic assessment
o disorder where 1 or 2 na psychological process in
understanding orusing ng language (spoken or Dynamic Assessment
written) has imperfect na ability to listen, think,  Kahit na originally ginamit siya for children, pwede siya
read, write , spell or do math gamitin sa ibang ages.
 2004 enacted sa law in 2006 ( IDEA)- THE INDIVIDUALS WITH  Lumayo siya sa traditional na static or stay put na mga
o no longer used yung definition ng SLD na  Explore the learning potential of individuals
discrepancy in achievement and intelligence rather  Model : test-intervention- retest model na makikita sa work
they require the states to use ng process based in ni Budoff, Feuerstein, Vygotsky.
child response sa intevention.
o Response to intervention Dynamic Assessment
o 2008 – most states changed na policies sa existing  Budoff- explored the deficits na nakita sa mga standardize
special education na require RtI test due to difference in education versus mental deficiency
 Feuerstein – focus on teaching or principle and strategies
The RtI model mediate learning) that can modify ng cognition
 Based sa National Center on Response To Intervention a. The learning Potential Assessment device or
 We may defined the response to intervention model as (LPAD) a Dynamic assessment task
multilevel prevention framework na apllied sa educational b. Developed by Feuerstein and his colleagues
setting na designed para ma maximized yung student c. To know about the nature and amount of
achievement gamit ung data to identify students at risk and intervention an individual need to enhance the
may poor learning outcomes child
 combined with evidence based na intervention plus yung  Vygotsky- zone of proximal development - introduced this
teaching na adjusted based sa response ni student. concept where level ng development ng problem solving and
level ng potential development ng individual through
 Simple process:
guidance of others.
1. Teacher provide evidence based instruction
a. Zone: test takers ability, measure by test and result
2. Student learning the instruction and regularly siya na
of guidance, and index of learning potential. ( very
depend on test taker ability and nature of task )
3. Intervention pag kailangan kung saan adjusted siya ng
 made pilot study on 3rd grades dahil nga na mandate na ung
4. Re-evaluation
standardize test to redesign for the purpose of dynamic
5. Intervention and reassessment
 nakita niya na magbebenefit hindi lang yung child kung hindi
The RtI model
lahat teachers, parents.
Model is multilevel because there is 3 levels;
 Achievement test
1. Classroom environment where everyone is taught
2. Segragate small groups that cant follow for special
3. Intervention individually and instructions again who
failed on level 2  
ACHIEVEMENT TEST  Test of reading comprehension is iba din dapat ung examinee
 Main purpose of achievement test : to measure ma require lang na word connected sa word na un or yung
accomplishment dapat interpret mo pa.
 Measure what you learned
 Test may standardized regionally, locally or nationally or not at  Secondary :
all a. Cooperative Achievement Test - consist ng series
 Helpful siya para sa placement and to screen kung saan ng achievement test na standardized depende sa
nahihirapan area si bata at kung saan yung area na kailangan minority and grade
ulit ituro
 One way para ma categorize si achievement is how general  College : testing sa college. May used sa placement or
yung content . entrance exam pwede din para makapag earn ng credit or ESL
 How to see the validity ? Use content validity (Sme) a. College level examination (CLEP) knowledge na
obtained through independent studying not only on
Measures of General Achievement formal schooling
 Measures of general achievement may measure from 1 to b. PEP (Proficiency Examination Program) -offered
more academic area American testing program designed para ma
 "achievement batteries“- divided sometimes in 7 subtest assessed yung skill outside the classroom
 Can administer individually or group. c. Able (Adult Basic Learning Examination) - test na
gamit ng 17 yrs old na hindi nacomplete yung 8
1) WIDE RANGE ACHIEVEMENT TEST-4 (WRAT-4) years na formal education , subjects are vocabulary
- WILKINSON & ROBERTSON reading, spelling and arithmetic
3. ARITHMETIC  Achievement test is pwede magkaroon ng items na hindi
4. READING AND COMPHREHENSION (NEW TO 4TH EDITION naman naturo sa school sa may tinatawag na;
 Curriculum based assessment (CBA) kung saan yung
2. STEP ( SEQUENTIAL TEST OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS) assessment is dapat tinuro sa school
 KINDER – GRADE 12  Curriculum based measurement (CBM) – type of CBA
 SUBTEST standardized measurement which derived the local norms in
- READING evaluation of performance of student inside the curriculum
- VOCABULARY  2 different tupes of achievement test - type of mental
- MATH process na required para maka ag sagot ng items
- WRITING a. Fact based items - na doon na kagad ung sagot
- SCIENCE b. Conceptual items - mag eeliminate ka pa ng choices
- SOCIAL STUDIES mag ra-rationalized ka pa (APPLICATION)
 Identify gifted
 5 steps may administer or above depends on grade APTITUDE TEST


- Kinder to grade 12  Difference the achievement and aptitude test is that
achievement test is ginagamit pag may formal education na
 Some test are norm referenced or criterion na naganap while aptitude test more sa informal.
 Yung iba may practice test  Nag kakatalo na lang sa judgment ng dalawa
 Locator test or routing test – used to know if exam is  Prognostic test - aptitude test is referred as, used for
appropriate prediction
 Pretest is administered  Achievement test is also use for prediction. however, nagiging
narrower siya because of formal education. example yung
achievement test ng basic conversation of french pwede na
WECHSLER INDIVIDUAL ACHIEVEMENT TEST- 3RD EDITION (WIAT-III) makapag predict na ready na siya sa advance french.
 Age: 4 to 50  aptitude test mas broad yung mga variable na pwede niya ma
 Popular instrument predict
 16 subtest hindi naman lahat is pinatetest a. Readiness test
 Used in school setting as well as clinics
 Standardized: 3000 student and adults THE PRESCHOOL LEVEL
 Draw back ng achievement test is paano pag hindi naman niya - First 5 year of life ni bata , time para sa intense change
naaral yung isang content and matagal siyang gawin.  Basic reflexes is na de-developed, nalagpasan na din ni bata
 Baka ma outdated lang siya yung sensorimotor milestone like crawling sitting standing
 Usually 18- 24 months
MEASURE OF ACHIEVEMENT IN SPECIFIC SUBJECT AREAS  Age : 2 years old, average vocabulary is 200 words
• Where achievement batteries are standardized yung in specific  Kadalasan sa preschool level na assessment tinitignan kung
areas are teacher made na. (pwedeng test, quiz or final exam para yung cognitive, emotional and social development ni bata is
ma measure yung achievement) inclined sa age niya.  
 Elementary: basic skills such as reading, writing and math.
 Iba iba ung way nag pag measure like sa reading pwedeng
group or individual, depende sa theory ng cognitive ability.
46. 16 scale ranging from daily activities to study skills
2. THE PRESCHOOL LEVEL 47. SRP or self report personality: included if respondednt have
3. 1970's public law 94-142: sufficient insight into own behavior with regard to
• mandate to have assessmeent for child 3 years old and • Interpersonal relations
older that is suspected to have physical or mental • Self esteem
disabilities para sa special education needs. • Sensation seeking
• Government have funds 48. CHECKLIST AND RATING SCALE
4. 1986, amendment of PL 94-142 known as PL 99-457 is extended to 49. Gumagamit ng checklist or rating scale para mag screen kung sino
birth year 1990-1991 nagkaroon ng free education sa mga disable yung at risk
children ages 3-5 yrs old 50. Used for screening purpose
5. 1997 , na expand ang law to PL 105-17 51. At risk – not ready to be on school
• para ma extend yung attention sa mga diversity issues, • Intevention required
yung infants is naka received ng services sa bahay ang ma
continue sa school 52. PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST
6. 1999 - ADHD , na dagdag sa disability ng mandate, full service  At age 2, nag enter na yung child sa world ng assessor at this
school rate yung conceptualization skill and language is nag uumpisa
8. Tools of preschool assessment are age appropriate to them like.  verbal and performance test is inappropriate pa.
9. Checklist  Attention span nila is short , advisable na ung materials is
10. Rating Scale colorful and 1 hour lang yung testing time.
11. Test And Interview.  Dual ease test administration format- test material that can
13. Checklist is used to check the presence or absence ng isang content  Advisable na magkaroon ng behavioral observations.
14. Rating Scale - judgement ng nag rarate kung ano yung stand ng  Right or wrong can be utilized for young children
15. 3 common used checklist and rating scale  Infant intelligence test na may combined ng ibang information
16. Achenbach child behavior checklist ( CBCL) is useful sa health professionals.
17. Connor rating scale - revised (CRS-R)  Play role in slecting infant for educational, therapy, prenatal
18. Behavior assessment system for children (BASC-2) interventions
 Test such as WPPSI-III and the SB5 may be used to gauge
19. CHECKLIST AND RATING SCALE developmental strength and weaknesses but ung items are
CBCL questionable din minsaan .
20. Has different versions  Pero kadalasan ginagawang assessment preschool is for
21. 1 half to 5 years old intervention
22. 4 to 18 year old 54. PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST
23. CBCL was checked by parents kung sino malapit sa kanila . Other measures:
24. checklist is composed ng specific behavior or emotional problems.  interviews, portfolio, Role-play methods.
25. protocol is machine score, hand sores or computer scored.  Example ng pwede I-measure temperament, family
26. Composed din ng 8 syndrome checklist where nag occur yung environment, Language skills.
emotional and behavioral problems.  May iba din na may focus talaga like
 Child sexual behavior inventory - 2 years old kung tinitignan
27. CHECKLIST AND RATING SCALE kung a naabused bas sila.
28. Composed din ng 8 syndrome 55. TEST AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL
29. anxious/ depressed
30. withdrawing/ depressed 56. TEST AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL
31. somatic complaints
32. social problems  So ung pag pasok ng elementary is iba iba depende sa state,
33. thought kung kailan ready ung bata meron tinatawag na school
34. problem attention readiness test.
35. rule breaking behavior 57. TEST AT THE ELEMENTARY LEVEL
36. aggressive behavior
 - used para malaman ung development ng reading and
Connor rating scale - revised (CRS-R)
mathematics skills which is important in early stages ng
38. Used para mag screen ng ADHD or other behavioral problems
formal shool
39. May different versions siya may
 2 test is divided sa
40. Long form ( 15- 20 minutes)
 Level 1 : individual administered
41. Short form ( 5-10 minutes)
 Level 2: group administered
42. Parents and teacher version (3- 17 years old )
 2 forms at each level may practice test, untimed and takes 90
43. Adolescent version (12-17 )
minutes para ma administer.
• Used to monitor ADHD TREATMENT
 Gumamit ng 30,000 people para ma standardized.
 Reliable and valid
 The most used school aptitude test on secondary level
Behavior assessment system for children (BASC-2)
 (1993) went to the name na Scholastic Aptitude Test
45. teacher and parent rating, adaptived difficulties
 Hindi lang siya guide for college but nag he-help din siya sa job
placements 77. Reading test
 SAT data is used by government kung sino ung bibigyan ng The Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R)
scholarship 78. Measure reading difficulty, readiness and achievement
 SAT Is consist ng test 79. Time : 15 to 45 minutes administer
 Multipart na test ( reading, math, writings) 80. Age: 4 and half and 80 yrs old
 SAT subjects 81. Reading test
• SAT IS WORK IN PROGRESS ( Always evolving) The Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R)
59. THE SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL • Letter Identification: Items that measure the
 SAT ability to name letters presented in different
 TIME: 1 hour long per subject forms. Both cursive and printed as well as
 Known as work in progress test kase paiba iba , continue parin uppercase and lowercase letters are presented.
kase ung -pag evolved niya. • Word Identification: Words in isolation arranged
 ACT ( A-C-T) - ACT ASSESSMENT - American College Testing in order of increasing difficulty. The student is
Program - developed sa university of IOWA. asked to read each word aloud.
 Purpose is similar sa SAT pero curriculum based siya and • Word Attack: Nonsense syllables that incorporate
found na highly correlated din sa SAT phonetic as well as structural analysis skills. The
 SAT AND ACT - can be balanced by other assessment like student is asked to pronounce each nonsense
letters, interviews. syllable.
 Motivation and interest - is malaking factor din • Word Comprehension: Items that assess word
meaning by using a four-part analogy format.
60. THE COLLEGE LEVEL AND BEYOND • Passage Comprehension: Phrases, sentences, or
 GRE- Graduate Record Examination short paragraphs, read silently, in which a word is
 ginagamit na test sa graduate school sa general test form missing. The student must supply the missing
contains. word.
 Verbal and quantitative section- as well as analytical and 82.  
writing sections, can be taken ng paper or pencil 83. Reading test
The Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests-Revised (WRMT-R)
 • *3rd edition add
61. THE COLLEGE LEVEL AND BEYOND • phonological awareness
 MILLER ANALOGIES TEST (MAT)- 100 item , • listening comprehension
 multiple choice analogy test measure yung general • oral reading fluency
intelligence vocab and academic learning.
 Most cost effective na test among all aptitude test
84. Math Tests
63. Other aptitude test : 85. Math Tests
musical aptitude. May 6 subtest
66. HORN ART APTITUDE INVENTOR- Measures artistic aptitude 86. Math Tests
 AGE: 4AND HALF- 21
67. Diagnostic test  2 forms 10 subtest
 Hand score or computer scored
68. Diagnostic test '  Individual
 Binet And Simon wrote their concept ng mental orthopedics.  Review of math standards and national council of teacher of
 Yung intelligence data daw is pwede magamit na para mathematic
maimprove yung learning.  Pearson
 Evaluative vs diagnostic 87. Math Tests
 Evaluative : used to make judgements ( evaluative purposes, STANfORD DIAGNOSTIC TEST (4TH EDITION) ( SDMT4)
evaluative information)  Can used ng mga kakapasok lng ng school or college
 Diagnostic : para ma pinpoint yung student difficulty more  Individual or group administered
used para sa intervention ( remedial purpose, for intervention  Multiple choice optional or free response
 Pero yung dalawa pwede mag collide like yung diagnostic  2003, online version is available ]
information pwede mo magamit para evaluate yung bata.  Used to firsthand undertsandbf of the reasoning, strateges,
 Example you found out na dyslexia siya so yung will refer him methods applied by testtaker to solve differemy kind of
to another grade. problems
 Diagnostic test will not answer whys
69. Reading test
70. Reading test 90. Psychoeducational test batteries are test kits that generally contain
71. tests available to help pinpoint reading difficulties two types of tests:
72. Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test 91. those that measure abilities related to academic
73. Metropolitan Reading Instructional Tests success
74. Diagnostic Reading Scale 92. those that measure educational achievement in
75. Durrell Analysis of Reading Test areas such as reading and arithmetic
76. Woodcock ready mastery test (WRMT –III)
93. Mga na de-derived na data ay nagagamit sa normative comparison • The performance task is kailangan gawin para sa
kung ano yung performance niya compared sa ibang group and ano assessment .
ung strength and weakness para makapag plan ng educational • Depend on the domain set
interventions. • Example sa architecture kailangan niya makagawa ng
95. The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC)  Performance task – work sample
96. the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition  One example is portfolio
97. PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL TEST BATTERIES 129. Performance, portfolio, and authentic assessment
K-ABC 130. Portfolio - synonymous sa work sample.
98. 2 ½ to age 12 ½ • Often used to find gifted,
99. Measure both intelligence and achievement • drawback is paano pag masyado na madaming students
100. 2 kind of information processing skills (Luria) and hindi creative si student.
• Simultaneous skills • diverse so yung inter-rater reliability ni portfolio is
• Sequential skills mababa
101. PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL TEST BATTERIES • Portfolio assessment – evaluation of work samples
102. 3rd factor 131. Performance, portfolio, and authentic assessment
103. Predict achievement 132. Authentic assessment
104. Processing strength: derived from K-ABC , if sequential learner • also known as performance based assessment
should teach as sequential learner • evaluation is relevant, meaningful
• Drawback : knowledge prior
105. PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL TEST BATTERIES • example. Yung pag susulat so mag babased ka sa writing
K-ABC skills niya.
106. Next generation ng K-ABC published by 2004 133.  
107. . Binago yun Hypen naging KABC-II 134. Peer appraisal techniques
108. Change in conceptualization 135. Asking other peer to do the evaluation
109. Change in age range ( extended upward by 3 to 18 yrs old) 136. elementary " guess who technique yung ginagamit"
110. 10 new subtest, ni removed yung 8 subtest   137. nominating technique: din kung saan inaasked yung invidividual
111. Dual ground of theory ng Kaufmann test is luria theory ng kung saan sino gusto niya isama like that and then I rarartionalized
sequential vs simultaneous process additionally and CHC model, nila
pag cultural CHC model if not applicable then luria 138. Result of peer appraisal can graph
112. KABC-II is valid and closely align sa 5 CHC BROAD ABILITIES . 139. sociogram - yung figures is may circles or squares na nag
rerepresent ng different individuals. ( you can see the most rejected
Woodcock- johnson III (WJ III) 140. Nominating techniques is widely used highly relaible and valid.
114. Consist ng 2 co-normed na batteries • Dapat aaware na pwede pa bago bago ung nasa isip
• Test of achievement • Important to verify the information
• test of cognitive abilities
115. Both based on CHC model 141. Measuring study habits, interest and attitudes
142. Academic Performance : result ng iba ibang factor.
116. PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL TEST BATTERIES 143. Ability and motivation is inseparable sa pag kuha ng academic
Woodcock- johnson III (WJ III) success.
117. Age : 2 - 90 + 144. Merong number ng instrument na na design para makuha ung mga
118. Measures : general g, as well as specific cognitive abilities, factors such as study habits, interest and attitudes ang mga na
achievement, scholastic aptitude, oral language published
119. Along with other techniques :interviews, portfolios
120. Used : diagnosing SLD's to plan educational programs and 145. Measuring study habits, interest and attitudes
interventions Study habits checklist
121. Normed : 8,818 subject 2 -90 yrs olf 146. Gr 9 through 12
122. Scoring : pwedeng software 147. 37 items
148. Assess study habits
Woodcock- johnson III (WJ III) 150. Reading material
124. Test of achievement : parallel form A AND B, divided sa 12 subtest 151. General study practices
ng standard battery, 10 additional sa extended battery
125. test of cognitive abilities: divided din sa standard battery ( 10 ) and 152. Measuring study habits, interest and attitudes
extended battery (10) The what I like to do interest inventory
• Standard battery: ginagamit sa screening and sandaliang 153. 150 forced choice items
evaluation 154. 4 areas of interest
• Extended battery: para sa detailed and diagnosis • Academic interest
• Artistic interest
126. tools of assessment in educational setting • Occupational interest
• Interest in leisure time
127. Performance, portfolio, and authentic assessment 155. Measuring study habits, interest and attitudes
128. Performance assessment 156. Attitudes
• focus nito is knowledge and skills • Survey of School attitude
• assessment is process of evaluation • the quality of school life scales
157. Measuring study habits, interest and attitudes
• Use of grade 7 – college
• 100 items tapping poor study skills and attidudes
• 2 forms available
• H and C
• 20-25 minutes
• 5 point scale
• 6 areas

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