White Paper On ADS Validation Framework Guidelines: Disclaimer

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ADS Validation Framework Guidelines

White Paper on ADS Validation

Framework Guidelines

By: Gutulov Razvan Constantin

Date Created: March 2017

This document is provided for information purposes only, may not be incorporated into any contract and the
contents hereof are subject to change without notice. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or
functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.
This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.
ADS Validation Framework Guidelines

Table of Contents

Overview ……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……...... 3

1. Validation Type ……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……....……...... 4

2. Validation Behavior ……......……......……......……......……......……......……......……......…….........……...... 4

3. Guideline for Error-handling ……......……........……......……......……......……......……......……....……...... 5

4. Validation Operations Details ……......……........……......……......……......……......……......……....……..... 6

4.1 Check Integrity ………………..……......……........……......……......……......……......……......……....……..... 6

4.2 Validate ……......……........……......……...................................……......……......……......……....……..... 6

4.3 Validate Project ……………….……......……........……......……......……......……......……......……....…….... 6

4.4 Validate/Check Integrity on Submit for Copy ……......……........……......……......……......……......… 7

4.5 Check Integrity vs. Validate ………………………………......……........……......……......……......……......… 7

ADS Validation Framework Guidelines


This guideline is intended to help customers understand how ADS Validation (Validate/Check
Integrity) is working on PeopleTools versions 8.54 and 8.55.

ADS Validation Framework Guidelines

1. Validation Type
Type Description Purpose

Check if field value is in the translate range when the field is set “Translate
” Field Edit Type.

Check if field value is “Y” or “N” when the field is set “YES/NO” Field Edit
Type. Check if data set instances in project are
correct against their metadata definitions in
Validation Required Check if field is not empty when the field is set “Required”. database.
Check if field value can be found in its prompt table when the field is set “
Prompt” Field Edit Type .
Check if the references for data set instances in project are correct , which
are defined in “Relations” of Data Set Designer.
It is defined optionally by data set owner through Application Class Extend the base validation class to define
Custom Validation
Extension . specific validation logic.

2. Validation Behavior
 Operations marked as * are recommended.
 There are two kinds of Message severity: Error and Warning.
 In case of validation errors when operating Validate Project in CopyFromFile stage,
corresponding data will not be copied to target environment.
 If defined Custom Validation, they will be executed in all stages of data migration

Details for PT8.54

Environments Source Target
Stages of Data Migration Process Before CopyToFile Before Compare/CopyFromFile CopyFromFile After CopyFromFile

Validation Operations(UI Controls) * Check Integrity Validate * Check Integrity * Check Integrity After Copy Check Integrity

Translate √ √ √ √ √
YES/NO √ √ √ √ √
Required √ √ √ √ √
Prompt √ √ √ √ √
References √ √ √ √ √

 The above matrix reflects behaviors for PT8.54.09 and upward patch levels.
 Validate Project in Compare/CopyFromFile is enabled for patch levels lower than PT8.54.09.

ADS Validation Framework Guidelines

Details for PT8.55

Environments Source Target

Stages of Data Migration Process Before CopyToFile Before Compare/CopyFromFile CompareFromFile CopyFromFile After CopyFromFile

Validation Operations(UI Controls) * Check Integrity Validate * Check Integrity * Validate Project Validate Project * Check Integrity After Copy Check Integrity

Translate √ √ √ √ √ √ √
YES/NO √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Basic Required √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Prompt √ X √ X X √ √

References √ X √ X X √ √

 The message severity in Validate/Validate Project for Basic Validation is lowered to
“Warning”. If defined Custom Validation, the message severity in Custom Validation is
defined by data set owner.

3. Guideline for Error-handling

For all types of validations, if there are validation errors please create a service request to
Global Customer Support (GCS) team using MOS.

Special cases

In case of prompt table validation errors and the prompt table have SETID/multiple keys, the
following should be followed to identify the issues:
Check if field value is actually in the prompt table, and ignore the error if it is so, otherwise
transfer the error report GCS team.


 Get Database/Tools version:

Get Database version by running SQL:

Get tools version by running psreleaseinfo.
On Windows: PS_HOME\bin\client\winx86\psreleaseinfo.exe
On UNIX: PS_HOME/bin/psreleaseinfo

ADS Validation Framework Guidelines

4. Validation Operations Details

4.1 Check Integrity

Check the data validity against database. It is available in both source and target
environment. For target environment, it can be executed prior to or after CopyFromFile.

4.2 Validate

Check data validity in project file against target database, can be executed prior to
Compare/CopyFromFile stage.

4.3 Validate Project

An optional validation which can be triggered in stage of CompareFromFile

ADS Validation Framework Guidelines

4.4 Validate/Check Integrity on Submit for Copy

Validate or Check Integrity can be triggered in stage of CopyFromFile, by selecting “Validate

Project” or “Check Integrity After Copy” option. They are exclusive.

4.5 Check Integrity vs. Validate

Generally, the purpose of ADS validation (Validate/Check Integrity) is to check data validity
based on rules defined on record fields (metadata), for example, whether a field value could be
empty. Data that will be validated come from either project file (Validate) or database (Check
Integrity), while the “rules” are always stored in database as metadata.

ADS Validation Framework Guidelines

Example :

1. Running Check Integrity before Compare/CopyFromFile

The purpose of this operation is to validate if data already existing in database are valid
according to meta-data of corresponding fields. This helps user to check the sanity of existing
data before making any changes to them.

2. Running Validate before Compare/CopyFromFile

The purpose of this operation is to validate if the data in project file which will be copied to
target database are valid.
If there are new data which do not exist on target database, there will not be any validation
message when running Check Integrity before Compare/CopyFromFile. Messages will be
logged in this case when running Validate, as these data do exist in project file.

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