Overbridges and Footbridges: Standard

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T HR CI 12030 ST


Overbridges and Footbridges

Version 3.0
Issue date: 18 February 2020

© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020

Superseded by T HR CI 12030 ST v4.0, 29/05/2020 T HR CI 12030 ST
Overbridges and Footbridges
Version 3.0
Issue date: 18 February 2020

Important message
This document is one of a set of standards developed solely and specifically for use on
Transport Assets (as defined in the Asset Standards Authority Charter). It is not suitable for any
other purpose.

The copyright and any other intellectual property in this document will at all times remain the
property of the State of New South Wales (Transport for NSW).

You must not use or adapt this document or rely upon it in any way unless you are providing
products or services to a NSW Government agency and that agency has expressly authorised
you in writing to do so. If this document forms part of a contract with, or is a condition of
approval by a NSW Government agency, use of the document is subject to the terms of the
contract or approval. To be clear, the content of this document is not licensed under any
Creative Commons Licence.

This document may contain third party material. The inclusion of third party material is for
illustrative purposes only and does not represent an endorsement by NSW Government of any
third party product or service.

If you use this document or rely upon it without authorisation under these terms, the State of
New South Wales (including Transport for NSW) and its personnel does not accept any liability
to you or any other person for any loss, damage, costs and expenses that you or anyone else
may suffer or incur from your use and reliance on the content contained in this document. Users
should exercise their own skill and care in the use of the document.

This document may not be current and is uncontrolled when printed or downloaded. Standards
may be accessed from the Transport for NSW website at www.transport.nsw.gov.au

For queries regarding this document, please email the ASA at

[email protected] or visit www.transport.nsw.gov.au

© State of NSW through Transport for NSW 2020

Superseded by T HR CI 12030 ST v4.0, 29/05/2020 T HR CI 12030 ST
Overbridges and Footbridges
Version 3.0
Issue date: 18 February 2020

Standard governance
Owner: Lead Civil Engineer, Asset Standards Authority
Authoriser: Chief Engineer, Asset Standards Authority
Approver: Executive Director, Asset Standards Authority on behalf of the ASA Configuration Control

Document history
Version Summary of changes
1.0 First issue 13 April 2015
2.0 Second issue 29 June 2016
3.0 The changes to the previous version include: updates to referenced documents; removal of
requirements for safety refuges and handhold devices and no safe place signs – covered in T HR
CI 12073 ST Safe Places; removal of requirements for guard rails – covered in T HR CI 12071 ST
Guard Rails; addition of durability requirements; updates to collision protection requirements;
updates to environmental and sustainability requirements; updates to decommissioning and
disposal requirements; and rearrangement of the order of requirements.

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Overbridges and Footbridges
Version 3.0
Issue date: 18 February 2020

The Asset Standards Authority (ASA) is a key strategic branch of Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
As the network design and standards authority for NSW Transport Assets, as specified in the
ASA Charter, the ASA identifies, selects, develops, publishes, maintains and controls a suite of
requirements documents on behalf of TfNSW, the asset owner.

The ASA deploys TfNSW requirements for asset and safety assurance by creating and
managing TfNSW's governance models, documents and processes. To achieve this, the ASA
focuses on four primary tasks:

• publishing and managing TfNSW's process and requirements documents including TfNSW
plans, standards, manuals and guides

• deploying TfNSW's Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) framework

• continuously improving TfNSW’s Asset Management Framework

• collaborating with the Transport cluster and industry through open engagement

The AEO framework authorises engineering organisations to supply and provide asset related
products and services to TfNSW. It works to assure the safety, quality and fitness for purpose of
those products and services over the asset's whole-of-life. AEOs are expected to demonstrate
how they have applied the requirements of ASA documents, including TfNSW plans, standards
and guides, when delivering assets and related services for TfNSW.

Compliance with ASA requirements by itself is not sufficient to ensure satisfactory outcomes for
NSW Transport Assets. The ASA expects that professional judgement be used by competent
personnel when using ASA requirements to produce those outcomes.

About this document

This standard details the design requirements for overbridges in the metropolitan rail area and
footbridges in the metropolitan rail area and the country rail area.

This standard is a third issue. The changes to the previous version include the following:

• updates to referenced documents

• removal of requirements for safety refuges and handhold devices and no safe place signs
– covered in T HR CI 12073 ST Safe Places

• removal of requirements for guard rails – covered in T HR CI 12071 ST Guard Rails

• addition of durability requirements

• updates to collision protection requirements

• updates to environmental and sustainability requirements

• updates to decommissioning and disposal requirements

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Version 3.0
Issue date: 18 February 2020

• rearrangement of the order of requirements

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Version 3.0
Issue date: 18 February 2020

Table of contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 9
2. Purpose .................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2. Application ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3. Reference documents ........................................................................................................................... 10
4. Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................... 13
5. Risk and safety ...................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1. Risk assessment .................................................................................................................................. 15
5.2. Safe places .......................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3. Security ................................................................................................................................................ 16
6. Environment and sustainability ........................................................................................................... 16
6.1. Green infrastructure ............................................................................................................................. 16
6.2. Sustainability assurance requirements ................................................................................................ 16
6.3. Ambient environmental conditions ....................................................................................................... 17
6.4. Noise barriers ...................................................................................................................................... 17
7. Aesthetics............................................................................................................................................... 17
8. Heritage .................................................................................................................................................. 17
9. Design standards................................................................................................................................... 18
9.1. Matters for resolution for bridge design ............................................................................................... 19
9.2. RMS bridge and road standard arrangements .................................................................................... 19
9.3. RMS Bridge Technical Direction Manual ............................................................................................. 20
9.4. Importance level .................................................................................................................................. 20
10. Approved materials ............................................................................................................................... 20
10.1. Requirements for polycarbonate and polymethyl methacrylate materials ....................................... 21
10.2. Formwork ......................................................................................................................................... 21
10.3. Prohibited materials ......................................................................................................................... 21
10.4. New and infrequently used materials .............................................................................................. 22
11. Durability ................................................................................................................................................ 22
11.1. Design life ........................................................................................................................................ 22
11.2. Stray current and electrolysis .......................................................................................................... 22
11.3. Earthing and bonding ....................................................................................................................... 22
12. Clearances.............................................................................................................................................. 23
12.1. Clearance to electrical services ....................................................................................................... 23
12.2. Clearance over waterways .............................................................................................................. 23
13. Waterway and flood design .................................................................................................................. 23
14. Drainage ................................................................................................................................................. 24
15. Attachment of OHW ............................................................................................................................... 25
16. Bearings and deck joints ...................................................................................................................... 25

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16.1. Deck joints ....................................................................................................................................... 25

16.2. Bearings ........................................................................................................................................... 26
17. Screens ................................................................................................................................................... 26
17.1. Safety screens ................................................................................................................................. 26
17.2. Protection screens ........................................................................................................................... 27
17.3. Screens with Polycarbonate or PMMA infill material ....................................................................... 27
18. Collision protection ............................................................................................................................... 28
18.1. Support elements adjacent to roads ................................................................................................ 28
18.2. Support elements adjacent to rail .................................................................................................... 28
18.3. Platform requirements for pier protection ........................................................................................ 28
19. Services and utilities ............................................................................................................................. 29
20. Signs and lighting structures ............................................................................................................... 29
20.1. Road signs ....................................................................................................................................... 30
20.2. Advertising signs .............................................................................................................................. 30
20.3. Lighting structures ........................................................................................................................... 31
21. Fire safety performance objectives ..................................................................................................... 31
22. Documentation....................................................................................................................................... 32
22.1. Investigation report .......................................................................................................................... 32
22.2. Detailed design report ...................................................................................................................... 32
22.3. Construction drawings ..................................................................................................................... 33
22.4. Technical specification ..................................................................................................................... 33
23. Painting ................................................................................................................................................... 34
24. Construction .......................................................................................................................................... 34
24.1. Earthworks ....................................................................................................................................... 35
24.2. Temporary works ............................................................................................................................. 35
24.3. Bird nesting ...................................................................................................................................... 35
24.4. Nameplates ...................................................................................................................................... 35
24.5. Street name signs ............................................................................................................................ 36
25. Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 37
26. Decommissioning or disposal ............................................................................................................. 37
27. Specific requirements for overbridges ............................................................................................... 38
27.1. Configuration of overbridges............................................................................................................ 38
27.2. Deck width and traffic lanes ............................................................................................................. 38
27.3. Road traffic design load for overbridges .......................................................................................... 39
27.4. Earthquake classification for overbridges ........................................................................................ 39
27.5. Collision requirements for overbridge piers on platforms ................................................................ 39
27.6. Traffic barriers .................................................................................................................................. 40
27.7. Fire safety requirements for overbridges ......................................................................................... 41
28. Specific requirements for footbridges ................................................................................................ 41
28.1. Configuration of footbridges............................................................................................................. 42

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Issue date: 18 February 2020

28.2. Pedestrian traffic design load for footbridges .................................................................................. 42

28.3. Earthquake classification for footbridges ......................................................................................... 42
28.4. Collision requirements for footbridge piers on platforms ................................................................. 43
28.5. Pedestrian and cyclist path barriers ................................................................................................ 43
28.6. Lift structures ................................................................................................................................... 43
28.7. Stepways ......................................................................................................................................... 43
28.8. Ramps.............................................................................................................................................. 44
28.9. Collision requirements for stepways and ramps .............................................................................. 44
28.10. Fire safety requirements for footbridges .......................................................................................... 44
28.11. Temporary footbridges ..................................................................................................................... 45
29. Existing bridges ..................................................................................................................................... 46
29.1. Bridge refurbishment ....................................................................................................................... 46
29.2. Minor upgrade work ......................................................................................................................... 46
29.3. Major upgrade work ......................................................................................................................... 48
29.4. Collision protection of existing bridges ............................................................................................ 49
29.5. Capacity assessment....................................................................................................................... 50
Appendix A AS 5100 - matters for resolution ...................................................................................... 51
Appendix B RMS Bridge Technical Directions .................................................................................... 58
Appendix C T44 vehicle.......................................................................................................................... 59

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Overbridges and Footbridges
Version 3.0
Issue date: 18 February 2020

1. Introduction
An overbridge is a bridge carrying vehicular traffic over rail track. Overbridges may include
provisions for pedestrians, cyclists and light rail vehicles.

A footbridge is a bridge that carries pedestrian and cyclist traffic only. Footbridges may be
freestanding structures at stations, freestanding structures between stations, or integrated with
an overhead booking office, station concourse or retail outlets and may have stairs, ramps , lifts
or a combination of all three.

2. Purpose
This standard specifies the design, construction, refurbishment, upgrade, maintenance,
decommissioning and disposal requirements for overbridges in the metropolitan rail area and
footbridges in the metropolitan rail area and the country rail area.

2.1. Scope
This standard covers the requirements for the whole-of-life, from design through to
decommissioning, for the following structures:

• overbridges in the metropolitan rail area

• footbridges in the metropolitan rail area and the country rail area

This document provides guidance information in complying with the requirements for
refurbished and upgraded works of existing structures. It also provides guidance information on
aesthetic considerations in the design of overbridges and footbridges.

The requirements for bridges over the rail network that only carry light rail traffic are in
T LR CI 12500 ST Civil Infrastructure Design Standards.

This standard includes requirements for the capacity assessment of existing bridges.

2.2. Application
This standard applies to all organisations and individuals involved in the design of new
overbridges or footbridges and the refurbishment of existing overbridges or footbridges.

This standard applies to all overbridges in the metropolitan rail area and all footbridges in the
entire rail network.

In addition to the requirements of this standard, asset decisions take into account the life cycle
cost considerations specified in T MU AM 01001 ST Life Cycle Costing.

If when using this standard, it is considered that the intent of stated requirements is unclear, a
clarification should be sought from the Asset Standards Authority (ASA).

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Issue date: 18 February 2020

3. Reference documents
The following documents are cited in the text. For dated references, only the cited edition
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.

International standards

ISO 6603-1: 1985 Plastics - Determination of Puncture Impact Behaviour of Rigid Plastics -
Part 1: Non-Instrumented Impact Testing

Australian standards

AS 1530.4 Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures – Part 4:
Fire-resistance tests for elements of construction

AS 1744 Standard alphabets for road signs

AS 5100 Bridge design (all parts)

AS 5100.1:2017 Bridge design – Part 1: Scope and general principles

AS 5100.2:2017 Bridge design – Part 2: Design loads

AS 5100.3:2017 Bridge design – Part 3: Foundation and soil-supporting structures

AS 5100.5:2017 Bridge design – Part 5: Concrete

AS 5100.7 Bridge design – Part 7: Bridge assessment

AS 5100.8:2017 Bridge design – Part 8: Rehabilitation and strengthening of existing bridges

AS 5216 Design of post-installed and cast-in fastenings in concrete

AS/NZS 1170.0 Structural design actions – Part 0: General principles

AS/NZS 1734 Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate

AS/NZS 1906.1 Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes – Part 1:
Retroreflective sheeting

AS/NZS 3845.1 Road safety barrier systems and devices – Part 1: Road safety barrier systems

AS/NZS 5100.6:2017 Bridge design – Part 6: Steel and composite construction

Transport for NSW standards

ESB 000 Introduction

ESB 001 Design Context and Process

ESB 002 Design Principles

ESB 003 Station Functional Spaces

ESB 004 Station Services and Systems

ESC 200 Track System

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ESC 215 Transit Space

ESC 300 Structures System

ESC 302 Structures Defect Limits

MN A 00100 Civil and Track Technical Maintenance

SPC 301 Structures Construction

T HR CI 12002 ST Durability Requirements for Civil Infrastructure

T HR CI 12008 ST Capacity Assessment of Underbridges

T HR CI 12020 ST Underbridges

T HR CI 12070 ST Miscellaneous Structures

T HR CI 12073 ST Safe Places

T HR CI 12200 ST Access Roads

T HR EL 08001 ST Safety Screens and Barriers for 1500 V OHW Equipment

T HR EL 10001 ST HV Aerial Line Standards for Design and Construction

T HR EL 12004 ST Low Voltage Distribution and Installations Earthing

T HR EL 20003 ST Underground Installation Configurations for High Voltage and 1500 V dc


T HR SS 80001 ST Infrastructure Lighting

T HR SS 90002 ST Barriers, Balustrades, Screens and Handrails

T LR CI 12500 ST Civil Infrastructure Design Standards

TMC 302 Structures Repair

TMC 321 Overbridge Traffic Barrier Replacement - Risk Ranking Model

T MU AM 01001 ST Life Cycle Costing

T MU AM 01003 ST Development of Technical Maintenance Plans

T MU EN 00005 ST Ambient Environmental Conditions

T MU EN 00007 GU Integrating Green Infrastructure

T MU EN 00008 ST Sustainability Assurance Requirements

T MU MD 00006 ST Engineering Drawings and CAD Requirements

T MU MD 20001 ST System Safety Standard for New or Altered Assets

T MU MD 20002 ST Risk Criteria for Use by Organisations Providing Engineering Services

T MU SY 20001 ST Surface Transport Fixed Infrastructure Physical Security Standard

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TN 016: 2015 Overbridges and footbridges – Earthing and bonding requirements


Heritage Act 1977

Work Health Safety Act 2011

Other reference documents

Australian Paint Approval Scheme (APAS) Permanent Graffiti Barrier (Specification 1441/1)

Austroads 2010, Guide to Road Design Part 6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers

Centre for Urban Design 2019, Bridge Aesthetics – Design guideline to improve the appearance
of bridges in NSW

Department of Planning and Environment 2017, Transport Corridor Outdoor Advertising and
Signage Guidelines – Assessing Development Applications Under SEPP 64

Highways Department Design Manual for Roads and Bridges BD 90/05 Design of FRP Bridges
and Highway Structures

John L. Clarke, 2014, Structural design of polymer composites: EUROCOMP design code and

SafeWork NSW 2019, Code of Practice, Safe Design of Structures

Office of Environment and Heritage, State Heritage Register

Office of Environment and Heritage 2005, State Agency Heritage Guide – Management of
Heritage Assets by NSW Government Agencies

RailCorp Section 170 Heritage and Conservation Register

RailCorp Section 170 Heritage and Conservation Register - Movable heritage

RISSB Code of Practice - Derailment containment and protection for rail underbridges

Roads and Maritime Services Bridge Policy Circular BPC 2003/02 Rev 1 Waterproofing
Membranes for Concrete Bridge Decks

Roads and Maritime Services Bridge Technical Direction (BTD) Manual

Roads and Maritime Services Bridge Technical Direction BTD 2007/08 Rev 2, RMS 18.1106
Design of Replacement Traffic Barriers on Existing Bridges

Roads and Maritime Services Bridge Technical Direction BTD 2012/01 Provision of Safety
Screens on Bridges

Roads and Maritime Services QA Specification B201 – Steelwork for bridges

Roads and Maritime Services QA Specification B345 – Supply of Bridge Nameplates

Roads and Maritime Services QA Specification R23 – Plastic Flexible Pipes

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Roads and Maritime Services QA Specification R143 - Signposting

Roads and Traffic Authority Bridge Policy Circular BPC 2002/05 Bridge Concept

Roads and Traffic Authority Bridge Policy Circular BPC 2005/09 Provision of Disabled Access
for Pedestrian Bridges

Roads and Traffic Authority Bridge Technical Direction BTD 2008/06 Joints in Precast Concrete
Barrier Elements on a Grade

Roads and Traffic Authority Bridge Technical Direction BTD 2008/08 Provision of Conduits in
Bridge Traffic Barriers

Roads and Traffic Authority Bridge Technical Direction BTD 2008/09 Link Slabs for Precast
Pretensioned Concrete Girder Bridges

Roads and Traffic Authority Bridge Technical Direction BTD 2008/15 Concrete Parapets on
Pedestrian Overbridges

Roads and Traffic Authority Bridge Technical Direction BTD 2010/03 Pretensioned bridge
members – concrete transfer strength requirements

Roads and Traffic Authority Bridge Technical Direction BTD 2017/01 Standard Bridge Drawings

Australian Building Codes Board, National Construction Code, volume one

4. Terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions apply in this document:

AEO Authorised Engineering Organisation

ARI average recurrence interval

ASA Asset Standards Authority

BEDC bridge earthquake design category

country rail area that part of the NSW rail network (as defined in the Transport Administration
Act) not within the metropolitan rail area (Transport Administration Act)

dc direct current

FRP fibre reinforced plastic

HV high voltage

LV low voltage

main line main running lines, crossing loops, refuge loops and sidings with a maximum
permissible speed greater than 25 km/h

metropolitan rail area the rail freight network and the rail passenger network within the
metropolitan rail area bounded by Newcastle (in the north), Richmond (in the northwest),

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Bowenfels (in the west), Macarthur (in the southwest) and Bomaderry (in the south), and all
connection lines and sidings within these areas, but excluding private sidings

NCC National Construction Code

OHW overhead wiring

PMMA polymethyl methacrylate

rail corridor the land between the boundary fences over which a railway line passes or, where
there are no fences, the extent of land owned, leased or otherwise utilised by the rail

RIM rail infrastructure manager; in relation to rail infrastructure of a railway, means the person
who has effective control and management of the rail infrastructure, whether or not the person -

(a) owns the rail infrastructure; or

(b) has a statutory or contractual right to use the rail infrastructure or to control, or provide,
access to it

(RIM approval or acceptance within this standard refers to written agreement by the Civil
discipline Head or equivalent position, of the RIM’s organisation)

RMS Roads and Maritime Services

RTA Roads and Traffic Authority

SLS serviceability limit state

TfNSW Transport for NSW

TMP technical maintenance plan

5. Risk and safety

Safe design is mandated in the Work Health Safety Act 2011 and shall be incorporated into the
design of overbridges and footbridges. Guidance on the safe design of structures can be found
in the NSW Government 2019 Code of Practice, Safe Design of Structures. Refer to AS 5100
Bridge Design (all parts) for additional information.

The design of overbridges and footbridges shall take into account safety considerations for
construction, operational, maintenance and decommissioning workers as well as the users of
the structure.

The designer shall establish and implement a process that manages safety assurance across
the full life cycle of the structure. The design process system shall be developed in accordance
with T MU MD 20001 ST System Safety Standard for New or Altered Assets.

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The design of overbridges and footbridges shall provide safe access for inspection and
maintenance. This may include items such as access steps, ladders, cages, walkways and
static line attachment points.

5.1. Risk assessment

Where required, risk assessments shall be conducted in accordance with T MU MD 20002 ST
Risk Criteria for Use by Organisations Providing Engineering Services.

Risk assessments shall be site-specific. Risk assessments should consider at least the

• road safety audit to identify hazards to all road users

• road usage, geometry and speed

• previous barrier impact damage

• geotechnical risks ( such as potential for differential settlement)

• security and accessibility into the rail corridor

• type of structure, that is, the potential for collapse and damage to trains

• train derailment history at the site

• track clearance to support elements

• presence of hazards at the site, for example track turnouts

• track components in the approach direction of travel, for example, catchpoints, facing and
trailing turnouts, slips, diamonds or scissor crossovers

• track geometry, that is, straight or curved track, steep or flat gradient

• track speed (and potential out of control train speed) at the location

• track type, that is, class, sleeper type and rail size

• type of rolling stock

• rail traffic frequency and stopping pattern

• future usage and growth in patronage

• construction

• maintainability

The risk assessment shall also include any other relevant site-specific criteria. The risk
assessment shall be used to determine the extent of mitigation required.

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Additional information regarding derailment risk factors associated with rail infrastructure and
operations and risk management tools and techniques may be obtained from RISSB Code of
Practice - Derailment containment and protection for rail underbridges.

Risk assessments shall be submitted for acceptance by the rail infrastructure manager (RIM).

5.2. Safe places

The design of new overbridges and footbridges shall make provision for safe places at track
level for authorised staff to stand during the passage of a train. Safe places shall be provided in
accordance with T HR CI 12073 ST Safe Places.

5.3. Security
Requirements for security and crime prevention strategies shall be determined in consultation
with the RIM, in accordance with T MU SY 20001 ST Surface Transport Fixed Infrastructure
Physical Security Standard.

6. Environment and sustainability

Section 6.1 to Section 6.4 set out environmental and sustainability requirements during
investigation, design, construction and operational activities.

6.1. Green infrastructure

The design of overbridges and footbridges shall identify opportunities to integrate green
infrastructure. For further guidance refer to T MU EN 00007 GU Integrating Green

Plant species used in landscaping the precinct around the overbridge or footbridge shall be
carefully selected to ensure that they do not accelerate the deterioration, or prevent the
examination, of an overbridge or footbridge.

Only low maintenance species with non-invasive root systems shall be planted on areas
retained adjacent to rail infrastructure.

6.2. Sustainability assurance requirements

Design of overbridges and footbridges shall incorporate solutions to TfNSW key sustainability
areas as outlined in T MU EN 00008 ST Sustainability Assurance Requirements.

Additional information on sustainability and climate change considerations is set out in AS 5100.

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6.3. Ambient environmental conditions

Overbridges and footbridges shall be designed to operate under the current and projected
environmental conditions defined in T MU EN 00005 ST Ambient Environmental Conditions.

6.4. Noise barriers

The environmental assessment of the project shall determine whether noise barriers are
required on an overbridge or footbridge.

Noise barriers, where required, shall be integrated with protection screens and designed in
accordance with AS 5100, T HR CI 12070 ST Miscellaneous Structures and other requirements
specified in this standard.

7. Aesthetics
The final appearance and aesthetic qualities of a bridge shall be considered in the design

Designs for bridge structures shall also be considered in relation to the environmental context.
Sensitive contextual design involves being responsive to a particular setting. Structures shall be
designed such that they make a positive visual contribution to their surroundings.

Refer to the Centre for Urban Design's Bridge Aesthetics - Design guideline to improve the
appearance of bridges in NSW for information on aesthetic treatment of overbridges and

8. Heritage
TfNSW is responsible for maintaining and appropriately managing heritage items under its
stewardship and control. The Heritage Act 1977 was enacted to protect, conserve and manage
environmental heritage, including items of archaeological significance. The provisions of the
Heritage Act 1977 shall be met when changes are proposed for items listed on the Office of
Environment and Heritage State Heritage Register. The principles and relevant guidelines
contained in the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage State Agency Heritage Guide –
Management of Heritage Assets by NSW Government Agencies shall be followed for heritage
items listed on the RailCorp Section 170 Heritage and Conservation Register.

Maintenance and design changes to heritage-listed overbridges and footbridges shall result in
minimal adverse visual and physical heritage impacts, and shall keep their setting and broader
landscape context in order to respect and maintain their heritage significance.

Heritage significance shall be considered at a sufficiently early stage of a project to be

satisfactorily addressed in concept designs. When bridges are required to be modified,
anticipated maintenance requirements for maintaining and conserving the heritage fabric shall

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be taken into account at all design stages. Approaches to conservation, including appropriate
means of protecting significant fabric from damage and vandalism, may be required for bridges
(and remnant sections of bridges) that are no longer being used.

Whilst rail heritage listings typically comprise a station group or precinct, a number of
overbridges and footbridges are individually listed as individual items. For example, in station
precincts, overhead booking offices are often located adjacent to, or structurally integrated with,
overbridges or footbridges (common to many early steel girder footbridges), and so the
maintenance of these related elements shall be considered sympathetically.

9. Design standards
Overbridges and footbridges shall be designed in accordance with AS 5100 and the
requirements specified in this standard. Associated infrastructure, such as earthworks or
retaining walls, shall be designed in accordance with the relevant TfNSW standards associated
with these activities.

The design of an overbridge or footbridge shall comply with TfNSW requirements for the

• service routes

• OHW and signalling infrastructure

• earthing and bonding

• drainage

• geotechnical conditions

• architectural treatments

• any other site-specific requirements

Where the designer proposes to adopt design methods, procedures and requirements that differ
from those in AS 5100, approval shall be obtained from the Lead Civil Engineer, ASA prior to
the commencement of the design.

Where a conflict exists between an Australian standard referenced directly in this standard (or
as an indirect reference through a referenced standard) and this standard, the requirements of
this standard shall take precedence.

Where overbridges and footbridges are located at stations, the following TfNSW stations and
buildings standards apply:

• ESB 000 Introduction

• ESB 001 Design Context and Process

• ESB 002 Design Principles

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• ESB 003 Station Functional Spaces

• ESB 004 Station Services and Systems

• T HR SS 90002 ST Barriers, Balustrade, Screens and Handrails

Fibre composite design shall be in accordance with the following:

• for strengthening of existing bridges: AS 5100.8

• for walkways and minor components: John L. Clarke, 2014, Structural design of polymer
composites: EUROCOMP design code and handbook

• for bridge components: guidance can be obtained from Highways Department Design
Manual for Roads and Bridges BD 90/05 Design of FRP Bridges and Highway Structures

Where a conflict exists between the standards referenced and this standard, clarification shall
be obtained from the Lead Civil Engineer, ASA.

9.1. Matters for resolution for bridge design

Matters for resolution that shall be confirmed and accepted by TfNSW before commencing
design are nominated in the following:

• AS 5100.1:2017 Bridge design – Part 1: Scope and general principles

• AS 5100.2:2017 Bridge design – Part 2: Design loads

• AS 5100.3:2017 Bridge design – Part 3: Foundation and soil-supporting structures

• AS 5100.5:2017 Bridge design - Part 5: Concrete

• AS 5100.7:2017 Bridge design – Part 7: Bridge assessment

• AS 5100.8:2017 Bridge Design – Part 8: Rehabilitation and strengthening of existing


• AS/NZS 5100.6:2017 Bridge design – Part 6: Steel and composite construction

Appendix A contains the list of matters for resolution mapped against the requirements in
relevant sections within this standard.

9.2. RMS bridge and road standard arrangements

Unless specified otherwise in this standard, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) standard
details and arrangements for bridges and roads shall be used where possible.

The use of non-standard RMS arrangements shall be justified in the bridge investigation and
design reports and submitted for approval by the RIM.

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9.3. RMS Bridge Technical Direction Manual

The design of overbridges and footbridges shall comply with the requirements in the relevant
technical directions in the RMS Bridge Technical Direction Manual.

Where a conflict exists between the requirements of this standard and an RMS bridge technical
direction, the requirements of this standard shall take precedence.

The RMS bridge technical directions applicable to TfNSW overbridges and footbridges are listed
in Appendix B. The list is current at the date of publication of this standard.

The designer shall establish the currency of the list and determine whether new bridge technical
directions are relevant to the design of overbridges and footbridges.

9.4. Importance level

Overbridges and footbridges have different levels of importance based on the existing, or
proposed, operating environment.

The minimum importance level in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.0 Structural design actions –
Part 0: General principles for overbridges (including footbridges) shall be as given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Importance levels for overbridges and footbridges

Minimum importance level Application to overbridges and footbridges

4 All overbridges and footbridges over main lines
3 Overbridges on public roads over sidings, subject to the
approval of the relevant road authority
3 Overbridges on access roads, including private access roads,
over sidings
3 All other footbridges

10. Approved materials

Approved construction materials for main structural elements are steel and concrete in
accordance with AS 5100 and SPC 301 Structures Construction.

Timber materials may be used as structural elements in existing overbridges or footbridges as

decking and step treads in heritage structures, subject to the approval of the Lead Civil
Engineer, ASA.

In special circumstances such as for heritage reasons, masonry is approved for the
refurbishment of existing structures and for cladding of new structures.

Fibre composite and engineered timber products may be used for structural elements subject to
the approval of the Lead Civil Engineer, ASA for the following applications:

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• bridge strengthening in accordance with AS 5100.8:2017, subject to satisfying fire

performance requirements

• walkway components, subject to satisfying fire performance requirements

Plastic pipes for deck drainage shall be in accordance with RMS QA Specification R23 Plastic
Flexible Pipes.

10.1. Requirements for polycarbonate and polymethyl

methacrylate materials
Polycarbonate and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) may be used as infill material between
posts for vertical safety screens and protection screens; see Section 18.3 for further

The proposed polycarbonate or PMMA shall have the following characteristics:

• be a clear, smooth and flat solid sheet

• be provided with an ultraviolet (UV) stabilised layer on both sides

• be provided with an abrasion resistant anti-graffiti layer on both sides

• be 100% ductile at failure, if failure is observed, when tested in accordance with

ISO 6603-1: 1985 Plastics - Determination of Puncture Impact Behaviour of Rigid Plastics -
Part 1: Non-Instrumented Impact Testing

• have a minimum design life of 20 years, with only minor reduction in light transmission

The use of polycarbonate and PMMA material is subject to acceptance by the RIM. See
Section 18 for further requirements.

10.2. Formwork
Permanent formwork located above 1500 V direct current (dc) overhead wiring (OHW)
equipment shall be comprised of non-corrosive and non-conductive materials in order to
eliminate the potential safety risk of deterioration and subsequent contact with the equipment.

Acceptable products for permanent formwork above electrified tracks include non-conductive
material such as fibrous cement sheet, reinforced concrete and fibreglass.

Steel decking permanent formwork shall only be used subject to the approval of the Lead Civil
Engineer, ASA.

10.3. Prohibited materials

Fibrous cement sheeting shall not be used on new and refurbished footbridges as a permanent
decking material.

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10.4. New and infrequently used materials

Any products specified in the design documentation that can reasonably be deemed to be new
or infrequently used shall be identified by the designer and referred to the Lead Civil Engineer,
ASA for approval.

The designer shall ensure that the manufacturer, constructor and maintainer of the product
understand any special requirements or practices relating to the use of the product in the rail
environment prior to release of the design documentation. The design documentation shall
include these special requirements.

11. Durability
The durability requirements shall be in accordance with T HR CI 12002 ST Durability
Requirements for Civil Infrastructure.

11.1. Design life

The design life of overbridge and footbridge elements shall be as specified in
T HR CI 12002 ST. This is typically 120 years for primary structural elements and also for items
which cannot be easily maintained or replaced.

11.2. Stray current and electrolysis

The designer shall assess the requirements for stray current and electrolysis prevention in the
overbridge and footbridge design.

Requirements for any ongoing monitoring shall be specified in the durability plan and technical
maintenance plan (TMP).

11.3. Earthing and bonding

In electrified areas, the design of overbridges and footbridges shall provide for earthing and
bonding of metallic components on the overbridge or footbridge in order to mitigate touch
potential hazards and electrolysis initiated corrosion of steel.

The design for earthing and bonding of all overbridges and footbridges in the electrified area
shall comply with the requirements in TN 016: 2015 Overbridges and footbridges – Earthing and
bonding requirements.

Earthing and bonding requirements for low voltage shall be in accordance with
T HR EL 12004 ST Low Voltage Distribution and Installations Earthing.

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12. Clearances
Horizontal and vertical clearances for new overbridge and footbridge spans in the rail corridor
shall comply with ESC 215 Transit Space.

Horizontal and vertical clearances of spans outside the rail corridor shall be determined in
accordance with AS 5100 and in consultation with the relevant authorities.

Clearance shall account for any planned future developments, as nominated by TfNSW.

12.1. Clearance to electrical services

Electrical services within the rail corridor may include aerial lines, 1500 V dc OHW equipment
and low voltage (LV) equipment.

The design and construction of overbridges and footbridges shall ensure that minimum
clearances to all electrical power lines and equipment comply with Australian standards, the
regulations of the relevant electrical authorities and TfNSW standards.

Where high voltage (HV) aerial lines are located above an overbridge or footbridge, appropriate
measures shall be taken to ensure the following:

• The buildings on the bridge shall not be located under the HV aerial line. Refer to
T HR EL 10001 ST HV Aerial Line Standards for Design and Construction for prohibited
configurations with buildings under HV aerial lines.

• The risk associated with transfer potential from fallen conductors is mitigated.

The deck structure in the vicinity of OHW shall be designed to provide an impenetrable barrier
to prevent persons from contacting OHW equipment, see Section 17.1 for requirements.

12.2. Clearance over waterways

Clearances for overbridge spans over navigable waterways shall be agreed with the relevant
waterway authority and the RIM.

13. Waterway and flood design

The waterway and flood design requirements for overbridges and footbridges with spans over
waterways shall be in accordance with T HR CI 12020 ST Underbridges.

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14. Drainage
Drainage systems for bridge superstructure and substructure shall be designed in accordance
with AS 5100. The drainage system shall achieve the following:

• be considered when developing bridge arrangements

• account for any recommendation from an environment assessment regarding the

discharge of water

• surface drainage run-off water shall not discharge into the rail corridor

• have a serviceability limit state (SLS) flood design annual recurrence interval (ARI) of 50

• a minimum 10% blockage assumed

• have a design life in accordance with T HR CI 12002 ST for embedded drainage

components and for fasteners to the bridge

• intercept water flowing downgrade from bridge approaches

• divert water away from bearings, and not allow to pond near bearings

• have a minimum pipe diameter of 150 mm for pipes in the bridge deck and comprised of
rigid type pipes

• allow for at least 10% blockage of scuppers and outlets within the bridge

• have a minimum pipe diameter of 225 mm for below ground pipes carrying surface run-off

• have a minimum pipe diameter of 150 mm for sub-soil pipes

• have a minimum gradient of 1 in 100 for pipes and concrete lined drainage paths

• subsurface drainage systems behind abutments and retaining walls for the control of
ground water are permitted to discharge into the rail corridor from designated weepholes

• be able to be cleaned out routinely, including weepholes

• have pipeline flushing points at the start, at abrupt changes of grade or alignment and at
intervals of not more than 10 m along the bridge

• accommodate deck movements

• accommodate long-term settlements and creep of the bridge, including minimum gradients
and falls

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15. Attachment of OHW

OHW infrastructure should not be attached to overbridges and footbridges. Where this is not
practical due to the length or width of the bridge or constraints in the design of the OHW
system, agreement to attach OHW supports shall be obtained from the RIM.

Terminating anchors shall not be attached to the side faces of overbridges and shall not be
attached to footbridges.

Where anchor plates are used to attach OHW to a bridge, the electrical requirements shall
comply with TN 016: 2015.

For bridges where OHW attachment is approved, the following applies:

• For concrete bridges, stainless steel anchors shall be cast into the new bridge elements.
Anchors in existing concrete bridges shall be stainless steel chemical anchors designed
and installed in accordance with AS 5216 Design of post-installed and cast-in fastenings in

• For attachment to steel girder bridges, bolting shall be in accordance with AS 5100.6 and
RMS specification B201.

16. Bearings and deck joints

The design of bearings, joints and adjacent structural elements shall incorporate adequate
clearances and access for inspection, maintenance and replacement of bearings and joints.

16.1. Deck joints

The configuration of bridge superstructure shall be one that provides a jointless deck within
each span, that is, without open gaps or non-structural joints (joints not contributing to load
transfer) in the transverse or longitudinal direction within the span.

Where simply supported girders are used, links slabs in the concrete deck over the supports to
eliminate transverse deck joints should be used.

Longitudinal deck joints are permitted between adjacent superstructures of a widened bridge
deck. The longitudinal deck joint shall satisfy the following requirements:

• The longitudinal deck joint shall be located within a raised median or outside any marked
traffic lane.

• The longitudinal joint shall have a durable cover to prevent debris from falling onto the
tracks below and prevent access to overhead wiring.

• Water shall not be permitted to enter into the rail corridor from the longitudinal joint.

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• The longitudinal joint shall be maintainable from the road surface without the need to enter
into the rail corridor.

• Agreement from the road authority shall be obtained for the longitudinal deck joint

Half-joints supporting bearings shall not be used on any part of a bridge.

16.2. Bearings
Jacking locations for bearing replacement activities shall be provided on the superstructures
and substructure bearing shelf. Jacking locations and jacking loads shall be clearly shown on
design drawings.

17. Screens
Section 18.1 to Section 18.3 provide requirements for safety screens, protection screens, and
polycarbonate or PMMA screen infill material.

17.1. Safety screens

A safety screen is a physical barrier that provides protection against direct contact with exposed
1500 V dc OHW equipment. Safety screens shall comply with the requirements in
T HR EL 08001 ST Safety Screens and Barriers for 1500 V OHW Equipment. In addition, the
following requirements apply:

• Safety screens shall be used on all new overbridges and footbridges in the 1500 V dc area.

• Vertical safety screens shall be used where it is feasible and they may be integrated with a
protection screen.

• Vertical safety screens shall be designed for the same loads as for protection screens. See
Section 18.2 for protection screen requirements.

• Where a vertical safety screen on a new bridge is not feasible, a horizontal safety screen
may be used, subject to the approval of the Lead Civil Engineer, ASA.

• Horizontal safety screens may be used on existing bridges. The safety screens shall be
insulated from the bridge structure. The RIM shall assess the risk of security breaches and
trespassers gaining access to the horizontal safety screens and carry out mitigation as

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• Safety screens shall be provided on stepways, ramps and landings adjacent to 1500 V dc
OHW equipment and within the clearance requirements specified in T HR EL 08001 ST.

• The minimum design life of safety screens shall be in accordance with T HR CI 12002 ST,
except for polycarbonate or PMMA panel infill material. See Section 18.3 for design life
requirements for polycarbonate and PMMA materials.

17.2. Protection screens

Protection screens are installed on overbridges and footbridges to restrict objects from falling or
being thrown into the rail corridor.

Protection screens are required on all new overbridges and footbridges, and where nominated
by the RIM, on existing bridges.

Where the function of a vertical safety screen is incorporated into a protection screen, it shall
also prevent access to 1500 V dc OHW equipment.

The following requirements apply to protection screens:

• Protection screens shall be designed and configured in accordance with AS 5100.1 and
AS 5100.2.

• Protection screens adjacent to pedestrian paths shall curve inwards.

• Protection screens adjacent to roadways shall be vertical. Where fitted onto an existing
bridge and clearance is required to allow for vehicle roll, the protection screen may be
sloped outwards. Justification for the provision of outward sloping protection screen shall
be provided in the design report.

• Protection screens may be combined with pedestrian barriers. The requirements of

pedestrian barriers shall be satisfied. See Section 29.5 for further requirements.

• The designer shall carry out a risk assessment and provide details at the ends of protection
screens (for example, adjacent to the abutments), to prevent unauthorised access to the
outside of the bridge, the horizontal safety screens or to the live, exposed 1500 V dc OHW

17.3. Screens with Polycarbonate or PMMA infill material

Polycarbonate and PMMA material that comply with Section 11 may be used as vertical safety
screen and protection screen infill material, subject to acceptance by the RIM.

The designer shall consider the fire performance requirements of the materials chosen where
the protection screen also performs the function of pedestrian barriers.

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The design requirements for polycarbonate or PMMA screen infill are as follows:

• the infill shall be clamped on all four sides

• the minimum thickness of polycarbonate or PMMA shall be 12 mm

• the supporting framework shall be designed to facilitate maintenance and replacement of

the infill

• the aspect ratio of the panels shall not exceed the manufacturer’s recommendations

18. Collision protection

Overbridges and footbridges shall be designed for protection from collision from railway and
road traffic. Collision protection shall be in accordance with AS 5100 unless noted otherwise in
this standard.

The length of deflection walls, where used, shall be determined based on risk assessment
requirements and site conditions.

18.1. Support elements adjacent to roads

The requirements for collision protection for support elements adjacent to roads shall be
determined in conjunction with the relevant road authority and the RIM.

The collision load shall not be less than that specified in AS 5100.

18.2. Support elements adjacent to rail

Bridge piers and abutments adjacent to rail shall comply with the requirements of AS 5100.
Bridge piers that are located on platforms are subject to the requirements in Section 28.5 and
Section 29.4.

18.3. Platform requirements for pier protection

Bridge piers are permitted on existing and new platforms where all of the following platform
conditions are satisfied:

• platforms are earth-filled

• the transverse distance from the outside face of the platform wall (ignoring coping
overhang where present) to the nearest face of the pier or column is more than 1.7 m

• the transverse location of the face of a pier or column (with respect to the design centre-
line of track) is in accordance with ESC 215 (that is, 4.3 m or more from the design centre-
line of the adjacent track, for side platforms and island platforms)

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• the longitudinal distance of a pier or column (with respect to track) is more than 20 m from
the end of a ramped platform (excluding the length of the ramp); or, is more than 4 m from
the end of a vertical (non-ramped) platform

• the length of the platform between the pier and the platform end is capable of resisting the
collision loads specified in clause 11.4.2 of AS 5100.2:2017

• the platform is isolated from transferring collision load onto the pier

Where the above conditions are not satisfied, localised platform strengthening around the
bridge support, to satisfy the requirements of clause 11.4.2 of AS 5100.2:2017 shall be carried

See Section 28.5 and Section 29.4 for further requirements.

19. Services and utilities

The design of overbridges and footbridges shall accommodate services owned by TfNSW and
external utilities organisations and shall be in accordance with AS 5100 unless noted otherwise
in this standard. Services owned by TfNSW can include signalling, telecommunications, bridge
lighting, HV and LV systems.

Utilities owned by other organisations can include communications, water and sewerage, power
and gas.

The designer shall consult the relevant authorities and shall provide special ducts for existing
services and, where appropriate, future services. When required, services shall be segregated.
For example, signalling and power services shall be segregated.

Segregation requirements for HV cables are provided in T HR EL 20003 ST Underground

Installation Configurations for High Voltage and 1500 V dc Cables.

The location and fixing of service ducts shall facilitate access to services for maintenance
activities without the interruption of rail or road operations. The location and fixing of service
ducts shall not obstruct access to the main structure for inspection and maintenance activities.

The preferred placement is that service ducts are housed within the structure, for example
within footways, rather than having exposed service ducts.

Services and utilities shall accommodate deck and joint movements and superstructure jacking
movements. See Section 17 for details on bearings and deck joints.

20. Signs and lighting structures

Road signs and lighting structures that satisfy the criteria in AS 5100 and are attached to
overbridges and footbridges shall be designed in accordance with AS 5100. Other signs and

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lighting structures shall be designed in accordance with the requirements in Section 21.1 to
Section 21.3.

The design life of road signs and lighting structures shall be in accordance with AS 5100.

20.1. Road signs

Road signs attached to overbridges shall be in accordance with AS 5100.2, including fatigue
requirements, and manufactured and installed in accordance with RMS QA Specification R143

The design wind speed for signs attached to overbridges shall be as specified in AS/NZS
1170.2 for a 1000 year average recurrence interval.

20.2. Advertising signs

The requirements for advertising signs on overbridges and footbridges are as follows:

• advertising signs shall not be attached to the external faces, that is, facing towards the
track, of overbridges and footbridges

• advertising signs may be attached to the inside face of pedestrian barriers

• the design loading for advertising signs shall be in accordance with the relevant Australian

• existing bridges shall be assessed to determine if they have sufficient structural capacity to
carry the additional loads from proposed advertising signs

• advertising signs shall not adversely affect the structural integrity or durability of a bridge

• advertising signs shall not create an obstruction that causes water to pond or debris to
accumulate anywhere on an overbridge or footbridge

• signs shall not contribute to the deterioration of the bridge

• access ladders for a sign shall not infringe the clear walking space of footbridges or
pedestrian walkways on overbridges

• signs and fixings shall not prevent access for inspection and maintenance of the overbridge
or footbridge including the part of the structure immediately behind the sign

Guidance on the advertising sign structures can be found in the NSW Planning and
Environment publication Transport Corridor Outdoor Advertising and Signage Guidelines –
Assessing Development Applications under SEPP 64.

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20.3. Lighting structures

Lighting structures on overbridges that are outside the scope of AS 5100 shall be in accordance
with the requirements of the relevant road authority.

For the requirements of lighting structures on footbridges, refer to T HR SS 80001 ST

Infrastructure Lighting and T HR EL 12004 ST.

21. Fire safety performance objectives

The aim of the fire safety design of bridges is to provide an adequate level of fire safety on and
around bridges in the event of a fire. Fire safety objectives include the following:

• safety of bridge and rail corridor users, including members of public, staff and emergency
services personnel

• facilitation of effective emergency services intervention

• protection of adjoining property and third parties

• minimisation of interruption to railway operations and the roadway in the event of fire
(business continuity)

• minimisation of property damage (asset protection)

Fire resistance shall be provided to ensure that bridges maintain their structural stability in case
of a fire incident with consideration of the following:

• time required for evacuation and emergency services intervention

• characteristics of fires for which stability is expected

• potential consequences of structural failure

• expected rail traffic mix, including the potential for diesel powered rolling stock and
dangerous goods which determines relevant fire hazard

• expected rail traffic mix

• other safety systems present, such as fire suppression

• fire safety objectives as defined in the preceding paragraph, particularly asset protection
and rail line operational continuity in the event of a fire incident as well as the facilitation of
fire services intervention

Specific fire performance requirements for overbridges are in Section 28.7 and for footbridges in
Section 29.10.

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22. Documentation
The design of all new overbridges and footbridges shall be fully documented and relevant
information retained by the RIM. Section 23.1 to Section 23.4 set out the required

22.1. Investigation report

Where an investigation is carried out for an overbridge or footbridge, the investigation report
shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

• bridge location and description including track and kilometrage and asset ID

• photos and existing drawings

• condition inspections and assessment for existing bridges

• bridge capacity assessment for existing bridges

• site geotechnical investigation, survey, services searches

• hydrologic and hydraulic investigations where applicable

• heritage impact assessment where applicable

• traffic barrier assessment for existing overbridges

• design options, including arrangement drawings

• cost estimates and options evaluation including life cycle costing assessment

• safety in design and hazard log

• recommendations for preferred option

22.2. Detailed design report

A detailed design report shall be prepared for all new overbridges and footbridges. The detailed
design reports shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

• bridge, track (line and kilometrage) and location description

• design standards

• design inputs and assumptions

• design life, material and section properties

• design methodology and analysis methods and software used

• summary of design loads, member design actions and member design capacities

• fatigue design

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• heritage and environmental and sustainability issues

• drainage design

• constructability issues

• hydrologic, hydraulic design where applicable

• durability plan

• TMPs

• safety in design, risk and hazard logs

• design construction drawings

• technical specifications

22.3. Construction drawings

Drawings for construction shall comply with T MU MD 00006 ST Engineering Drawings and
CAD Requirements.

The construction drawings shall detail the following:

• bridge (including line and kilometrage) and component identification and numbering in
accordance with ESC 300 Structures System

• the design loadings

• horizontal and vertical clearances

• any other information that is relevant to ensure that the new structure is constructed and
maintained in accordance with the design

• the details of granted concessions

• the construction hazards and risks on the general arrangement drawing in the form of
safety notes

• construction sequence

22.3.1. As-built construction drawings

As-built construction drawings shall be prepared and submitted to the TfNSW Virtual Planroom
at the completion of the construction works.

22.4. Technical specification

The designer shall prepare a complete technical specification for the bridge and associated

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The technical specification for overbridge or footbridge construction shall be in accordance with
SPC 301.

RMS QA specifications are referenced in SPC 301. The designer shall supply all the relevant
design information required as input into the relevant appendices within the RMS specifications,
including any amendments required to specific clauses.

The design documentation shall reflect this requirement and shall include all project specific
requirements necessary for completeness of the technical specifications.

23. Painting
Protective paint coating of steelwork shall comply with the requirements of SPC 301.

Overbridges and footbridges shall not be painted using the safe working colours of red, orange
or green.

Intumescent paint shall not be used.

Painting of steel girders shall be undertaken only as part of an approved protective coating
system, or durability plan strategy.

Concrete or permanent formwork elements of the superstructure soffit or the adjacent high-level
substructure elements of an overbridge or footbridge shall only be painted as a durability

The colour and surface finish of paint on concrete surfaces shall be approved by the RIM. The
colour shall be similar to the unpainted surface or be transparent. Dark paint colours do not
facilitate the periodic visual examination of a structure.

24. Construction
Overbridges and footbridges shall be constructed in accordance with the technical
specifications in SPC 301.

The design shall take into account construction constraints, particularly construction activities
during live road and rail operating conditions as well as any restrictions associated with
construction during track possession.

Particular requirements include the following:

• Clearances shall take into account transit space requirements, safe working and
construction plant and equipment.

• Bearings, joints and adjacent structure elements shall be designed to provide sufficient
access and clearances for the inspection, maintenance and replacement of the bearings
and joints.

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• Jacking points shall be provided on the superstructure and on the bearing shelf to facilitate
the replacement of bearings. Sufficient vertical clearance between the underside of the
superstructure and the bearing shelf shall be provided for proved jacking systems.

• Adequate clearance shall be provided to allow for inspection and maintenance under
normal train operations.

• Access shall be provided to all parts of the bridge including substructure and embankment
scour protection, for inspections and maintenance activities such as re-painting, in
accordance with specific requirements stated in the durability plan.

24.1. Earthworks
Earthworks associated with the approaches to overbridges and footbridges shall be constructed
in accordance with SPC 301.

24.2. Temporary works

The design of some temporary works requires a detailed knowledge of the structural capacity
and structural behaviour of the permanent works component. In such situations, the detailed
design and documentation of the temporary works shall be carried out by the design Authorised
Engineering Organisation (AEO) that prepared the permanent works design and documented as
part of the bridge design.

24.3. Bird nesting

Design features such as spikes and screen barriers shall be installed to prevent birds nesting on
overbridges and footbridges.

Bird proof screening shall be provided around bearings, in consultation with the RIM.

24.4. Nameplates
Nameplates shall be provided on all new overbridges and footbridges and on bridges that
undergo major upgrade works.

The legend and location details of the nameplate shall comply with the following:

• the nameplate shall indicate the kilometrage of the bridge, the name of the constructing
authority (for example TfNSW) and the year of construction

• the nameplate shall be securely attached to a suitable location on the Down Sydney side of
the bridge (for example the bridge kerb or the end-post of the balustrade), facing the road
or footway

All other details for nameplates shall comply with RMS QA Specification B345 Supply of Bridge

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24.5. Street name signs

Street name signs shall be installed on the outside face, facing towards the track, of both sides
of an overbridge.

The name description shall be clearly stated in a conventional street type designation, for
example ‘Erskineville Road’.

24.5.1. Location
For single and double tracks, signage shall be installed to comply with the following:

• The location of the sign shall be on the left side of the track, as seen by the train driver as
the train approaches the structure, on bridge girder, deck or superstructure. The left edge
of street name signs shall be no more than 2000 mm from the centre of the track.

• The sign should be fixed onto the protection screen.

At locations with more than two tracks, the position of the sign shall be determined on a case-
by-case basis with due consideration of a train driver’s angle of vision, predominant track
usage, train direction and other site-specific factors.

24.5.2. Fixing details

Suitable fixing details shall be designed for each location.

24.5.3. Font details

The stencilling details for the text shall be as follows:

• black lettering

• white background

• font type in accordance with AS 1744 Standard alphabets for road signs with medium

• font size of 200 mm

At locations prone to vandalism, signs shall have an anti-graffiti coating applied.

Figure 1 shows a typical configuration of a street sign.

Figure 1 - Typical configuration of a street name sign

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24.5.4. Manufacturing details

Signs shall be manufactured from high strength, corrosion resistant aluminium of grades as

• extrusions - grade 6063 T6 or grade 6061 T6 to in accordance with AS/NZS 1734

Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate

• sheet - grade 5251 H38 to in accordance with AS/NZS 1734

The sheet metal used to manufacture the sign shall be 2 mm thick.

The material on the sign shall be retroreflective material in accordance with AS/NZS 1906.1:
Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes – Part 1: Retroreflective

25. Maintenance
The design shall provide ease of access to, and sufficient clearance around components for
inspection and maintenance activities.

The designer shall carefully select components, materials and finishes that minimise
maintenance during the life of the structure. See Section 12 for durability requirements.

Anti-graffiti paints shall be used on bridges in all areas accessible by the public and within the
rail corridor where prone to vandalism, in consultation with the RIM.

Anti-graffiti coatings shall comply with Australian Paint Approval Scheme (APAS) Specification
1441 Permanent Graffiti Barrier.

Maintenance requirements shall be specified in the TMP for the structure. The requirements
shall include examination tasks and frequencies, damage limits and repair standards.
MN A 00100 Civil and Track Technical Maintenance and ESC 302 Structures Defect Limits
applies to most bridges. However, it may be necessary to document additional site-specific
maintenance requirements in a specific TMP.

The requirements and high-level processes for the development of TMPs are in
T MU AM 01003 ST Development of Technical Maintenance Plans.

26. Decommissioning or disposal

Decommissioning is the final process of withdrawing an asset from active service on the

Disposal is the process of removing an asset from the network, for example, demolition of an
overbridge followed by removal and recycling.

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The decommissioning or disposal of a bridge is the final stage of the asset life cycle. Proper
planning of this part of the life cycle is an integral part of the strategic life cycle process.

The process to be undertaken for the disposal of an overbridge or footbridge shall be as follows:

• justification in the investigation report (safety, financial and so on) for disposal of the asset

• confirmation of stakeholder engagement regarding the proposed action - such engagement

shall include all relevant authorities, but not be limited to heritage; local, state and federal
government; the RIM; and environmental body consultation

• agreement from all stakeholders to the decommissioning or disposal of the existing

overbridge or footbridge

After decommissioning and disposal, the asset database shall be updated by the RIM to reflect
network changes.

At least fifty per cent of construction and demolition waste by weight of the decommissioned
asset should be diverted from landfill.

27. Specific requirements for overbridges

Overbridges shall also comply with the requirements in Section 28.1 to Section 28.7.

27.1. Configuration of overbridges

The following configuration requirements apply to overbridges:

• Overbridges not located at compliant platforms (see Section 19.3) shall comprise a clear
span between abutments. This requirement can only be satisfied by a single span bridge
without piers.

• Overbridges located at stations may have piers positioned on platforms, provided the
platform configuration requirements specified in Section 19.3 are satisfied.

• Piers supporting spans over the rail corridor, where approved, shall not be frangible.

• Abutments that comply with the requirements of this standard and AS 5100 are permitted
within the rail corridor.

• Span configuration shall include provision for future tracks as nominated by TfNSW.

• All overbridge designs shall be submitted for acceptance by the RIM.

27.2. Deck width and traffic lanes

The deck width, crossfall and superelevation, number of traffic lanes and pedestrian
requirements for new overbridges and superstructure replacements shall be subject to
agreement by the relevant road authority.

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27.3. Road traffic design load for overbridges

Overbridges shall be designed for the minimum road traffic load in accordance with Table 2.

Table 2 - Minimum road traffic design load

Road type Design road traffic load Reference

Public road AS 5100 (1) AS 5100
Private road T44 (2) Appendix C
Access road (4) T44 (3) Appendix C


1 - Include loads such as heavy load platform (HLP) where nominated by the road

2 - Include any special load requirements where nominated by the road owner agreed
by the RIM

3 - Include any special load requirements where nominated by the RIM

4 - Refer to T HR CI 12200 ST Access Roads

27.4. Earthquake classification for overbridges

The bridge earthquake design category (BEDC) as defined in AS 5100.2 shall be as follows:

• BEDC-4 for all overbridges over mainlines

• BEDC-3 for overbridges on public roads over sidings, subject to the agreement of the
relevant road authority

• BEDC-3 for overbridges on rail corridor access roads, private access roads, and over

Track classifications are defined in ESC 200 Track System.

27.5. Collision requirements for overbridge piers on

Where overbridge piers are located on platforms that comply with Section 19.3, the piers shall
be subject to the following requirements:

• not less than half the collision load specified in Clause 11.4.2 of AS 5100.2:2017 shall be

• the full collision load specified in Clause 11.4.3 of AS 5100.2:2017 shall be applied

• deflection walls are not required

• piers may be comprised of individual columns without a crash wall between the columns

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• the load on each individual column shall not be less than half of the collision loads
specified in Clause 11.4.2 of AS 5100.2:2017, and the full load specified in Clause 11.4.3
of AS 5100.2:2017

• the minimum thickness of any structural element shall be 800 mm

Where the platform conditions specified in Section 19.3 are not satisfied, the pier shall be
designed for the full collision load and conditions specified in clause 11.4 of AS 5100.2:2017.

27.6. Traffic barriers

Barriers for overbridges include the following:

• road traffic barriers

• road approach barriers and transitions

• pedestrian and cyclist barriers

• light rail barriers

27.6.1. Road traffic barriers

Road traffic barriers on overbridges shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of
AS 5100.

Traffic barrier profiles on bridges and end treatment of road barriers that are not in accordance
with RMS standard practice shall only be used with the approval of the Lead Civil Engineer,

Road traffic barriers for overbridges above the rail corridor for new bridges shall be at least
medium performance level in accordance with AS 5100 and shall be subject to risk assessment
in accordance with AS 5100 to determine whether a special performance level is required.

Replacement of traffic barriers on existing bridges is covered in Section 30.2.3.

27.6.2. Road approach barriers

Road approach barriers to overbridges shall comply with Austroads Guide to Road Design Part
6: Roadside Design, Safety and Barriers and AS/NZS 3845.1 Road safety barrier systems and
devices – Part 1: Road safety barrier systems and RMS standards. This shall include the
transition from a rigid bridge barrier to an approach barrier or flexible barrier type on the

Where a risk of vehicle incursion into the rail corridor from the road approaches to the bridge is
identified, a risk assessment shall be undertaken to determine the minimum type and length of
traffic barriers required to minimise the risk of vehicle incursion. Road approach barriers with a
higher performance requirement than standard may be necessary.

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27.6.3. Pedestrian and cyclist barriers on overbridges

Requirements for pedestrian, cyclist and shared path barriers on overbridges shall be as
specified in Section 29.5.

27.6.4. Light rail barriers

Overbridges that carry road vehicular traffic and light rail traffic shall be provided with barriers
that have the capacity to contain both road and light rail traffic.

27.7. Fire safety requirements for overbridges

The fire safety performance objectives of this standard can be deemed to be satisfied for
overbridges by demonstrating compliance with the following:

• for overbridges at non-station locations, specific fire requirements do not exist at the time of
publication of this standard

• for overbridges at stations on rail lines not served by freight rolling stock, the superstructure
span above track shall provide a level of fire resistance not less than 60/-/- (that is, 60
minutes structural adequacy with nil for insulation and integrity) when exposed to the
standard (cellulosic) fire curve specified in AS 1530.4 Methods for fire tests on building
materials, components and structures – Part 4: Fire-resistance tests for elements of

• for overbridges at stations on rail lines served by freight rolling stock, the superstructure
span above track shall provide a level of fire resistance of not less than 90/-/- (that is, 90
minutes structural adequacy with nil for insulation and integrity) when exposed to the
standard (cellulosic) fire curve of AS 1530.4

• the designer shall obtain advice from the RIM regarding the lines served by freight rolling

28. Specific requirements for footbridges

Footbridges over the rail corridor shall also comply with the requirements in Section 29.1 to
Section 29.11.

Unless otherwise noted, footbridges include shared path (combined pedestrian and cycleway)

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28.1. Configuration of footbridges

The configuration requirements for footbridges are as follows:

• Footbridges shall comprise a clear span between abutments, except as permitted in this

• Abutments that comply with the requirements of this standard and AS 5100 are permitted
within the rail corridor.

• Footbridges without abutments shall comprise a clear span between outer piers.

• Intermediate piers are permissible when they are located on platforms that have the
characteristics defined in Section 19.2.

• Frangible piers for footbridges shall not be used unless approved by the Lead Civil
Engineer, ASA.

• Span configuration shall include provision for future tracks as nominated by TfNSW.

• The width of footbridges shall be the greatest of the widths specified in AS 5100, the
TfNSW stations and buildings standards specified in Section 10, and project and
stakeholder requirements.

• All footbridge designs shall be submitted for acceptance by the RIM.

28.2. Pedestrian traffic design load for footbridges

Footbridges located away from stations shall be designed for the pedestrian and cyclist path
loads in AS 5100.

Footbridges located at stations shall be designed for the crowd loading in AS 5100.

28.3. Earthquake classification for footbridges

The bridge earthquake design category (BEDC) shall be as follows:

• BEDC-4 for all footbridges over mainlines

• BEDC-4 for footbridge spans that cross over public roads, subject to agreement by the
road authority

• BEDC-3 for all other footbridges

Track classifications are defined in ESC 200.

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28.4. Collision requirements for footbridge piers on

Where footbridge piers are located on platforms that comply with Section 19.3 the pier shall be
subject to the following requirements:

• not less than the minimum collision load in clause 11.4.3 of AS 5100.2:2017 applied

• not required to have deflection walls

• shall be single solid wall construction with minimum thickness of 800 mm

Where the platform conditions in Section 19.3 are not satisfied, the footbridge pier shall be
designed for the full collision load and conditions in clause 11.4 of AS 5100.2:2017.

28.5. Pedestrian and cyclist path barriers

Pedestrian, cyclist path and shared path barriers shall be designed in accordance with the
requirements of AS 5100.

The minimum height of pedestrian barriers and cyclist barriers shall be in accordance with
AS 5100.

The minimum height of pedestrian balustrades shall be in accordance with AS 5100.

Where an overbridge or footbridge provides access to a railway station, the relevant

configuration requirements set out in the TfNSW stations and buildings standards specified in
Section 10 shall be incorporated into the design.

28.6. Lift structures

Lift structures shall not be designed to support footbridge or overbridge structures; they shall be
independent of any adjacent overbridge or footbridge.

Requirements for lift structures are provided in ESB 003.

Structural elements connecting the lift structure to the bridge, such as landings and link slabs,
are not required to be designed for collision loads, and shall be designed so that collision load
on the lift structure is not transferred to the bridge.

28.7. Stepways
Riser and tread dimensions for footbridge stepways shall be 150 mm and 300 mm respectively.

Stepway risers shall be solid to prevent visibility from beneath the structure and to prevent items
falling through. Refer to the TfNSW stations and buildings standards specified in Section 10 for
other stepway requirements.

Stepways shall not be supported from the footbridge superstructure.

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28.8. Ramps
Ramps shall comply with the requirements specified in the TfNSW stations and buildings
standards specified in Section 10.

Ramps shall not be supported from the footbridge superstructure.

28.9. Collision requirements for stepways and ramps

Stepway and ramp structures are not required to be designed for train derailment collision

Stepway and ramp structures shall be designed and detailed and positioned to prevent transfer
of train derailment collision loads to the superstructure and substructure of the bridge crossing
over the tracks.

Stepway and ramp structures may be supported by bridge piers that are designed for train
derailment collision loads in accordance with AS 5100 and this standard.

28.10. Fire safety requirements for footbridges

The fire safety performance objectives of this standard can be deemed to be satisfied for
footbridges by demonstrating compliance with the requirements in this section.

For footbridges at stations on rail lines not served by freight rolling stock the following shall

• the fire hazard properties for linings, materials and assemblies of station footbridges shall
comply with the Australian Building Codes Board National Construction Code, (NCC),
volume one Specification C1.10

• the floor of the footbridge superstructure span above the track shall provide either of the

o a level of fire resistance not less than 30/30/30 when exposed to the standard
(cellulosic) fire curve of AS 1530.4

o be protected by a fire protective covering that complies with the requirements for fire
protective coverings defined in the NCC Specification C1

For footbridges at stations on rail lines served by freight rolling stock, both of the following shall

• the fire hazard properties for linings, materials and assemblies of station footbridges shall
comply with Specification C1.10 of the NCC

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• the floor of the footbridge superstructure span above the track shall provide a level of fire
resistance not less than 60/30/30 when exposed to the standard (cellulosic) fire curve of
AS 1530.4

For footbridges at enclosed stations, a higher level of fire resistance to that defined in the
preceding lists may be required in order to support the fire safety and evacuation strategy.

The fire resistance requirements in the preceding lists apply to bridges which do not form part of
an egress path. Where a footbridge, footbridge supports, associated stairs, ramps and similar
structures form part of an egress path from a station or elsewhere the requirements of the NCC
apply. Reference shall be made to the TfNSW stations and buildings standards listed in
Section 10 for further requirements.

There are no specific fire requirements for footbridges at non-station locations.

28.11. Temporary footbridges

Temporary footbridges are intended to be in service for no more than 24 months.

Any bridge intended to be in service for more than 24 months is considered a permanent bridge
and shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of this standard for permanent

28.11.1. Collision loads on temporary footbridges

Where temporary footbridges are proposed, a risk assessment shall be undertaken to ascertain
whether any relaxation to the collision load requirements of AS 5100 can be made. In any case,
the collision loading shall not be less than that specified in clause 11.4.3 of AS 5100.2:2017.

The risk assessment shall be in accordance with Section 5.1 of this standard and with
T MU MD 20002 ST and shall also consider any other relevant site-specific criteria.

The collision loading from AS 5100 applied to a support shall be determined from the risk
assessment category, and not less than shown in Table 3.

Table 3 - Collision load for temporary footbridges

T MU MD 20002 ST Minimum AS 5100 collision load

risk matrix category
A Clause 11.4.1, Clause 11.4.2 and Clause 11.4.3 of AS 5100.2:2017
B Clause 11.4.1, Clause 11.4.2 and Clause 11.4.3 of AS 5100.2:2017
C Clause 11.4.1 and Clause 11.4.3 of AS 5100.2:2017
D Clause 11.4.1 and Clause 11.4.3 of AS 5100.2:2017

The use of lower order protection devices such as earth mounds, gabions and guard rails may
be used in the risk assessment to reduce the risk category. Approval shall be obtained from the
Lead Civil Engineer, ASA.

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29. Existing bridges

The design of the refurbishment and upgrade of overbridges and footbridges shall comply with
the requirements provided in Section 30.1 to Section 30.5.

29.1. Bridge refurbishment

For the purpose of this standard, refurbishment means the like-for-like replacement,
rehabilitation or repair of bridge components, to preserve the original load capacity, functionality
and performance as the original component. A risk assessment should be carried out to
determine whether components need to be upgraded rather than refurbished.

Repair methods and procedures in accordance with AS 5100.8: 2017 and TMC 302 Structures
Repair shall be specified by the designer in the design of refurbishment works.

Where repair methods are not adequately detailed in TMC 302, the designer shall develop and
document appropriate repair methods and materials.

29.1.1. Design life

The design life of refurbishment works shall be determined by the designer based on the
consideration of whole-of-life costs and submitted for acceptance by the RIM.

The design life for the refurbishment works shall be the greater of the expected remaining life of
the bridge and 20 years.

29.2. Minor upgrade work

For the purpose of this standard, upgrade shall mean the replacement, modification,
strengthening of existing components to provide increased functionality or performance over
that of the original component. It also includes the addition of minor components to the bridge.
Minor upgrade includes the following activities:

• welding or bolting cover plates to girder bottom flanges

• traffic barrier replacement without major bridge strengthening

• addition of protection and vertical safety screens

The need to increase the capacity of elements that are not directly affected by the proposed
upgrade shall be assessed as part of the project development.

A capacity assessment of the bridge shall be undertaken as part of the upgrade investigation.

Requirements on major upgrades and the criteria for upgrading the entire bridge to the
requirements of this standard are in Section 30.3.

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29.2.1. Design criteria for minor upgrade work

The requirements of Section 30.2.1 apply to the upgrade of components only and not the
upgrade of the entire structure.

The design of new structural elements and the strengthening of existing structural elements
shall comply with AS 5100 and the requirements of this standard.

Where the upgrade of an overbridge or footbridge is proposed, the relevant road authority, RIM
and any other stakeholder shall be consulted in order to ascertain the proposed usage and
loading requirements for the structure. Asset decisions shall be made that take into account the
whole-of-life costs of the asset. For example, it may be more economical to replace a structure
than upgrade it.

For overbridges, the minimum design live load for new and strengthened structural elements
shall be not less than T44 traffic load as specified in Appendix C.

For footbridges, the minimum design live load for new and strengthened structural elements
shall be 5 kPa.

The design of modifications to an existing overbridge or footbridge shall take into account the
effects of the modifications on the existing structure as modifications may affect its stability,
capacity and serviceability.

Disability access legislation and policies can require the retrofitting of easy access provisions to
existing bridges. The new work shall be integrated into the existing structure. The new work
should consider aspects such as aesthetics, materials and thermal movements on the structure

Refurbishment and repair work of non-upgraded components should be undertaken prior to the
commencement of an upgrade, or carried out in conjunction with the upgrade works.

New safety screens may be either vertical or horizontal and shall be insulated from the bridge
structure. Screens and barriers shall comply with the design requirements in this standard.

29.2.2. Design life of minor upgrade work

The design life of upgrade works shall be at least as long as the expected life of the remaining
bridge element or as specified by the RIM, but not less than 20 years.

29.2.3. Traffic barrier replacement

Traffic barrier replacement requirements in this section apply to the replacement of traffic
barriers on existing bridges, where no other major upgrade is undertaken. Minor localised
strengthening of bridge components to accommodate the new traffic barrier is not considered to
be major upgrade.

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The need to upgrade existing traffic barriers on a bridge shall be determined on a risk
assessment priority basis by the RIM. Refer to TMC 321 Overbridge Traffic Barrier
Replacement - Risk Ranking Model for site-specific risk factors and prioritisation methodology.

Where existing traffic barriers on an overbridge are to be upgraded, the traffic barrier
performance level shall be in accordance with AS 5100, except as otherwise permitted within
this standard.

At bridge locations that cannot economically sustain traffic barriers to the performance level
specified in AS 5100, a site-specific traffic barrier minimum performance level shall be
determined by taking into account the following risk assessment methods:

• the procedure contained in AS 5100.1:2017 which sets out the selection of an appropriate
road barrier performance level related to traffic conditions and the road environment

• the procedure provided in RMS BTD 2007/08 Rev 2, RMS18.1106 Design of Replacement
Traffic Barriers on Existing Bridges, which relates to the performance level of replacement
traffic barriers for existing bridges, taking into account site-specific risks

The methods used to determine the minimum site-specific traffic barrier performance level shall
be documented, together with cost estimates and construction methodology.

Where the minimum traffic barrier performance level required by the risk assessment cannot be
provided, alternative strategies for the containment of errant vehicles (for example, load
restrictions, speed reductions and advanced warnings signs) shall be considered and
developed in conjunction with the relevant road authority.

Where the proposed traffic barrier is of a lesser performance level than the minimum
performance level determined from the two methods described in the preceding list, the
proposed traffic barrier shall be submitted for approval by the Lead Civil Engineer, ASA.

Where the upgrade of an existing bridge includes new bridge barriers, the new bridge barriers
shall be provided for the full length of the bridge.

29.3. Major upgrade work

This section applies to bridges where significant infrastructure changes are proposed. Major
upgrade activities include the following:

• bridge widening integral with the existing bridge

• extending the bridge length with additional spans

• replacing the superstructure only

• replacing the substructure only, or converting an abutment into a pier

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• strengthening the bridge to support higher traffic loads

• adding new canopies to footbridges

For bridges where the estimated cost of the upgrade work is greater than 35% of the
replacement cost of the existing structure with a new, compliant structure, the entire bridge shall
be upgraded to comply with the requirements of this standard.

For bridges where the estimated cost of upgrade works is less than 35% of the replacement
cost, upgrading of the entire structure is not required.

The complete replacement of the bridge may be a more sustainable option than upgrading the
existing structure.

For footbridges, the structure includes all associated ramps and stairways in addition to the

Major upgrade does not include the removal of components that are not replaced, for example
ramps, stairways and redundant spans.

The installation of new structures adjacent to an existing structure, such as lifts, which does not
rely on that existing structure for support or does not provide support to that existing structure,
does not in itself require an upgrade to that existing structure. However, changes in usage of
the existing structure may require upgrading of the existing structure based on the estimated

Upgrade works adjacent to an existing structure shall take into account the need to develop or
replace the existing structures in the future.

29.3.1. Design life of major upgrade works

Elements of the bridge that are replaced, for example the superstructure, shall have a design
life in accordance with T HR CI 12002 ST.

29.3.2. Traffic barriers for major upgraded bridges

Traffic barriers for major upgraded overbridges shall be in accordance with Section 28.6.

29.3.3. Collision protection of upgraded bridges

Piers and columns for major upgraded bridges shall comply with the loading and collision
protection requirements in Section 19.

29.4. Collision protection of existing bridges

Collision protection requirements described in this section apply to existing bridges that are not
subject to any upgrade works.

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The risk profile at an existing location may change due to infrastructure configuration or rail
operation changes, such as realignment of existing tracks closer to bridge piers, new tracks
constructed, increase in track speeds and train frequency.

For the purpose of this standard, an at-risk support is one that was not designed for collision
loads where an impact from a derailed train could cause removal of the support resulting in the
collapse of the superstructure. At-risk supports include steel trestles, slender columns and
slender rigid frame support legs, and supports with shallow or simple footings.

Where additional rail tracks are required to be installed, an existing overbridge or footbridge can
require modification or extension. For example, an existing abutment may be converted to a pier
with tracks on both sides. The risk of derailment collision from both sides of the pier shall be
taken into account.

If the risk at a particular bridge site increases as a result of proposed infrastructure change, the
level of risk mitigation and bridge protection required shall be determined by risk assessment.
The risk assessment shall be submitted for acceptance by the RIM.

Where it is determined that an existing bridge support is at risk, mitigation actions shall be
implemented so that the risk shall be reduced to so far as is reasonably practical (SFAIRP).

Where a lift shaft is constructed near an existing bridge pier and the location of the lift structure
increases the risk of damage to the pier in the event of a derailed train colliding with the lift
structure, the pier shall be protected in accordance with the mitigation actions determined by
risk assessment.

29.5. Capacity assessment

The capacity assessment of existing overbridges and footbridges shall be carried out in
accordance with AS 5100.7 Bridge design – Part 7: Bridge assessment.

In addition to the requirements in AS 5100.7, an overbridge or footbridge (including stepways

and ramps) shall be assessed and load rated as a result of the following:

• the replacement of traffic barriers

• the addition of protection screens

• the addition of advertising signs

• the addition of canopies

Capacity assessment reports shall be in accordance with Appendix E of T HR CI 12008 ST

Capacity Assessment of Underbridges.

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Appendix A AS 5100 - matters for resolution

Matters that shall be confirmed and accepted by TfNSW before commencing design are
detailed in Table 4 to Table 8.

Table 4 - AS 5100.1:2017 - matters for resolution

No. Matter for resolution (AS 5100.1:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
01 Requirements for assessment of a bridge due to change in use 30.5
(clause 2)
02 Acceptance of the bridge experience of a professional engineer 2.2
(clause 4.6)
03 Specification of a rail track as underground rail (clause 4.10) N/A
04 Approval of the use of alternative design methods and materials 1, 10
(clause 7)
05 Specification of a shorter design life for ancillary elements 12.1
(clause 8.2)
06 Approval of non-linear methods of analysis (clause 8.4) 10
07 Approval to use post-installed fasteners in new construction 30.1
(clause 8.8)
08 Specification of special conditions and requirements for design 10
(clause 8.9)
09 Approval of the process for risk ranking and risk reduction 5
(clause 9)
10 Specification of bridge waterway requirements (clause 11.1) 14
11 Specification of span and vertical clearances for watercraft 13.2
(clause 11.1)
12 Specification of alternative average recurrence intervals (ARIs) 14
for flood immunity and SLSs (clause 11.1 and Table 11.1)
13 Specification of soffit level of the bridge relative to the flood 13.2, 14
immunity level (clause 11.1)
14 Specification of the afflux and corresponding ARI (clause 11.1) 13.2, 14
15 Determination of the environmental requirements (clause 12) 5.3
16 Specification of geometric requirements (clause 13.1 and 13, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1
clause 13.2)
17 Specification of minimum dimensional clearances for bridges 13.2
over navigable waterways (clause 13.3)
18 Specification of road bridge carriageway widths (clause 13.4) 28.2
19 Determination of horizontal clearances to substructure 13
components (clause 13.6 and 13.8)
20 Specification of minimum vertical clearance (clause 13.7, 13
clause 13.8 and Table 13.7)
21 Superelevation and widening of the deck surface of a bridge on 28.2
a horizontal curve (clause 13.9)

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No. Matter for resolution (AS 5100.1:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
22 Specification of the clear walkway width on road bridges 28.2
(clause 13.10)
23 Additional requirements for stairways (clause 13.11 and 29.1
Table 13.11)
24 Specification of ramp gradient for pedestrian only subways 29.8
(clause 13.12)
25 Approval of cyclist path width and ramp gradients (clause 13.13) 29.8
26 Requirement for traffic barrier where the posted speed is 60 kph 28.5, Road
or less with a 300 mm min height non-mountable kerb authority
(clause 14.2)
27 Approval of a bridge traffic barrier based on performance 30.2.3
evaluation of an existing barrier (clause 14.4(d))
28 Criteria for special performance barriers (clause 14.4) Designer
29 Alternative crash testing standards (clause 14.4) Road authority
30 Approval or nomination of traffic barrier performance levels 28.6.1
(clause 14.5.1, Items (b) and (c))
31 Necessity or appropriateness of upgrading of barriers for bridge 30.2.3
rehabilitation (clause 14.5.1)
32 Specification of the provision of special performance barriers 28.5, Road
(clause 14.5.6) authority
33 Approval of alternative barrier profiles (clause 14.6.1) 28.5, 30.2.3, Road
34 Determination of the maximum height of the top of the sloping 28.5, 30.2.3, Road
barrier face (clause 14.6.1) authority
35 Approval of alternative barrier post setback (clause 14.6.2(c)) 28.5, Road
36 Approval of crashworthy traffic barrier or impact attenuation 28.5, Road
device (clause 14.6.4) authority
37 Assessment of risk and determination of the level and form of 5, 19, 30.4, Road
collision protection (clause 15.1) authority
38 Determination of the minimum clearance of a pier or column 19, Road authority
from the roadway beyond which road traffic barrier protection will
not be required (clause 15.2)
39 Approval for other than clear span between abutments for 28.1, 29.1
structures over rail (clause 15.3.2)
40 Approval of a risk assessment and risk assessment 5
methodology (clause 15.3.2)
41 Approval of the failure mode of frangible piers and the maximum 28.1, 29.1
deflection (clause 15.3.3)
42 Approval to not protect piers using deflection walls 19, 28.5, 29.4
(clause 15.3.4)
43 Requirement to design abutments beyond 20 m from the centre- 19
line of the nearest track for derailment collision protection
(clause 15.3.5)

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No. Matter for resolution (AS 5100.1:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
44 Approval of risk assessment for abutments located beyond 10 m 5, 28.1, 29.1
and within 20 m from the centre-line of the nearest track
(clause 15.3.5)
45 Approval of alternative thickness for abutments located within 19
10 m from the centre-line of the nearest track (clause 15.3.5)
46 Approval not to use deflection walls in the specified locations 19.3, 28.5, 29.4
(clause 15.3.6)
47 Specification of the length of a deflection wall (clause 15.3.6) 19
48 Determination of the requirements for concrete wall support in N/A
rail tunnels (clause 15.3.7)
49 Required level of protection for structures on platforms 19.3, 28.5, 29.4
(clause 15.3.7)
50 Determination of the watercraft to be used for the pier collision 14, Waterway
forces, pier protection, or pier-redundant superstructures authority
(clause 15.4)
51 Alternative barrier arrangements for the outside edge of a 29.5
pedestrian or cyclist path (clause 16.2.2)
52 Requirements for pedestrian protection barriers over electrified 18.1
rail (clause 16.3).
53 Requirement for protection screens (clause 16.4) 18.2
54 Minimum height of a protection screen (clause 16.4(c)(i)) 18.2
55 Alternative vertical clearances for a protection screen 18.2
(clause 16.4(c)(iv))
56 Requirement for noise barriers (clause 17) 7.3
57 Requirements for drainage of road and rail bridges (clause 18.1) 15
58 Permission for water to run onto the bridge (clause 18.1) 15
59 Waterproofing of rail bridges (clause 18.3) N/A
60 Permission to attach utility services (clause 20) 20
61 Approval and provisions for method of attachment of utility 20
services (clause 20(a))
62 Determination that a bridge shall be designed for the effects of 22, 28.7, 29.10
fire (clause 22)
63 Determination of the fire time-temperature curve (clause 22(a)) 28.7, 29.10
64 Approval of the design life for a sign or light structure 21
(clause 23.2)

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Table 5 - AS 5100.2:2017 - matters for resolution

No. Matter for resolution (AS 5100.2:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
01 Approval to vary any of the loads set out in this standard, Lead Civil
provided the provisions of AS 5100.1:2017 are complied with Engineer, ASA
(clause 1.2)
02 Design loads and factors for road bridges carrying rail traffic 28.3
(clause 7.4)
03 Load factors for centrifugal and braking loads from heavy load Road authority
platforms, when applicable (clause 7.10)
04 Approval of an analytical procedure for the distribution of road Designer
traffic loads through fill (clause 7.12)
05 Design load for a pedestrian or cyclist path bridge that is also RIM
used for maintenance, inspection or emergency vehicle access
(clause 8.1)
06 Design loads for rail bridges carrying cane rail traffic or other N/A
special applications (clause 9.1)
07 Approval to use the rational method for braking and traction N/A
forces (clause 9.7.2 and clause
08 Bridge-specific design parameters to be used in applying the N/A
rational method for braking and traction forces (clause
09 Approval of a risk analysis for road bridges designed with an 5, Lead Civil
alternative load path under collision load (clause 11.1) Engineer, ASA
10 Approval of a risk analysis for bridge supports located between 5
10 m and 20 m from the centre-line of a rail track
11 Approval of a dynamic collision analysis (clause Lead Civil
Engineer, ASA
12 Recommendation of the type of vessel, weight of vessel and 14, Lead Civil
speed of impact on bridge for collision from waterway traffic, and Engineer ASA,
approval of the proposed design vessel and speed (clause 11.6) Waterway authority
13 Approval of the minimum equivalent static ship impact force 14, Lead Civil
applicable to piers in navigable waterways (clause 11.6) Engineer ASA,
Waterway authority
14 Specification of the ultimate design load, load distribution length Road authority
and minimum effective height for special barrier performance
levels (clause 12.2.2 and 12.2.3)
15 Approval of a load transfer mechanism across a movement joint Road authority
in a rigid barrier (clause 12.4.2)
16 Approval of a detailed dynamic analysis (clause 13.2.3) Lead Civil
Engineer, ASA
17 Approval of a vibration assessment of a rail bridge, when N/A
required (clause 13.3)
18 Bridge earthquake design category classification (clause 15.4.1) 28.4, 29.3
19 Approval of large items for flood impact (clause 16.7.3) Designer

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No. Matter for resolution (AS 5100.2:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
20 Construction design load criteria for other types of bridge 25, Designer
construction (Table 22.2.2)
21 Approval of the average recurrence interval for wind load on Designer
noise barriers and protection screens (clause 25.3.2)

Table 6 - AS 5100.3:2017 - matters for resolution

No. Matter for resolution (AS 5100.3:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
01 Design requirements for foundations for overhead wiring N/A
structures (OHWS) (clause 1.2)
02 Detailed method and formulae to be used for the design of Designer
geotechnical or structural elements (clause 1.2)
03 Supervision of site investigation (clause 1.6) Designer
04 Extent and coverage of preliminary and design investigation Designer
(clause 1.6)
05 Minimum number of boreholes (clause 1.6.2) Designer
06 Selection of the geotechnical strength reduction factors Designer
(clause 2.3.5)
07 Testing requirements if design by prototype testing (clause 2.6) Designer
08 Requirement for consideration of future development 5, 13, 20, 28.1,
(clause 2.8) 29.1
09 Other durability criteria (clause 4.1) 12
10 Use of treated and untreated timber (clause 4.2) 11
11 Requirements for prevention of corrosion of reinforcement 12
(clause 4.3)
12 Acceptance of rates of corrosion for steel surface (clause 4.4). 12
13 Requirements to minimize corrosion effects on stray currents 12.2
(clause 4.4)
14 Durability requirements of other materials (clause 4.5) 11, 12
15 Design requirements for durability of materials used in shallow 12
foundations (clause 5.3.6)
16 Requirements for structural design and detailing for shallow 10
footings (clause 5.4)
17 Requirements for materials and construction for shallow 11, 12
foundations (clause 5.5)
18 Bridges essential for post-disaster recovery (clause 6.3.2) 28.4, 29.3
19 Use of timber piles (clause 6.3.2) 11
20 Requirements for durability of materials used (clause 6.3.4) 12
21 Requirements for structural design and detailing for construction Designer
of piles (clause 6.4)

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No. Matter for resolution (AS 5100.3:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
22 Requirements for materials and construction for piles 11, 12
(clause 6.5.1)
23 Requirements for testing of piles (clause 6.6) Designer
24 Design requirements for durability of anchorages and anchorage 12
components (clause 7.3.6)
25 Requirements for materials and construction for anchorages 11, 25
(clause 7.4)
26 Requirements for method of installation and on-site assessment Designer, 25
tests for anchorages (clause 7.6.1)
27 Proof load test for anchors (clause 7.6.2) Designer, 25
28 Requirements for anchorage suitability tests (clause 7.6.3) Designer, 25
29 Requirements for anchorage acceptance tests (clause 7.6.4) Designer, 25
30 Requirements for the design of retaining walls and abutments 10
(clause 8.1)
31 Acceptance of geotechnical strength reduction factor for Designer, 10
retaining walls and abutments (clause 8.3.1)
32 Design requirements for durability of retaining walls and 12
abutments (clause 8.3.5)
33 Requirements for structural design and detailing for retaining Designer, 10, 25
walls and abutments (clause 8.4)
34 Requirements for materials and construction for retaining walls 11
and abutments (clause 8.5)
35 Approval of drainage system for retaining walls and abutments Designer, 15
(clause 8.6)
36 Requirements for the design of buried structures (clause 9.1) Designer, 1, 10, 25
37 Design requirements for the durability of materials (clause 9.3.3) 11
38 Requirements for structural design and detailing for buried Designer, 10, 25
structures (clause 9.4)
39 Requirements for materials and construction for buried 10, 11
structures (clause 9.5)

Table 7 - AS/NZS 5100.6:2017 - matters for resolution

No. Matter for resolution (AS/NZS 5100.6:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
01 Requirements for bridges, members and materials specified in 10,11, 12
items (a) to (d) of clause 1.2, and for new and unusual bridges
02 Design requirements for structural elements using non-ferrous 10, 11, 12
metals (clause 1.3)
03 Requirements for steels for machined parts and for uses in other 10, 11, 12
than structural member or elements (clause 2.2.4)

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No. Matter for resolution (AS/NZS 5100.6:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
04 Requirements for structures, members and materials 10, 11, 12
(clause 1.2)
05 Requirements for the fatigue design assessment method Designer
(clause 13.6)

Table 8 - AS 5100.8:2017 - matters for resolution

No. Matter for resolution (AS 5100.8:2017 clause reference) T HR CI 12030 ST

section /
responsible body
01 Life expectancy of the particular rehabilitation or strengthening 30.1, 30.2
method and materials (clause 2.1)
02 Design live loading including the use of BSALL (clause 2.3.1, 30.2.1
clause 2.3.2 and paragraph E1, appendix E)
03 Procedure to measure distribution of carbonation depths using Designer
aqueous phenolphthalein solution (clause 3.2.5)
04 Suitability of a structure for cathodic protection (CP) system 12
installation (clause 3.3)
05 Depth and extent of concrete removal for repair Designer
06 Use of encapsulation paints (clause 4.5.1) 24
07 Use of non-metallic materials for bolted anchorages of deck 11
joints (clause 8.4.1(i))
08 The need to upgrade or replace traffic barriers (clause 9.5) 30.2.3
09 Design standard and return intervals for the modification of an N/A
existing culvert (clause 10.2.3)
10 Pull off test results where mean bond strengths are less than Designer
1.5 MPa (paragraph A4.3.4)
11 Assessment of material performance data and design values for Designer
fibre fabric, laminates and adhesive resins (paragraph A4.3.5.1
in appendix A)
12 Alternative design methods for assessment of the capacity of a Designer
fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) strengthened beam
13 Power source for the operation and maintenance of cathodic RIM
protection (CP) systems (paragraph B11 in appendix B)

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Appendix B RMS Bridge Technical Directions

The following RMS Bridge Technical Directions are relevant to overbridges in the metropolitan
rail area and footbridges in the metropolitan rail area and the country rail area:

• BPC 2002/05 Bridge Concept

• BPC 2003/02 Waterproofing Membranes for Concrete Bridge Decks

• BPC 2005/09 Provision of Disabled Access for Pedestrian Bridges

• BTD 2007/08 Design of Replacement Traffic Barriers on Existing Bridges

• BTD 2008/06 Joints in Precast Concrete Barrier Elements on a Grade

• BTD 2008/08 Provision of Conduits in Bridge Traffic Barriers

• BTD 2008/09 Link Slabs for Precast Pretensioned Concrete Girder Bridges

• BTD 2008/15 Concrete Parapets on Pedestrian Overbridges

• BTD 2010/03 Pretensioned bridge members – concrete transfer strength requirements

• BTD 2012/01 Provision of safety screens on bridges

• BTD 2017/01 Standard Bridge Drawings

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Appendix C T44 vehicle

See Figure 2 for details of the T44 vehicle.

Figure 2 - Road traffic design loads

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