Handout of BEEE

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Department of Electrical Engineering


Course Handout
Date: 29-09-2020
Course Code : EE 1101 Class: 1st Semester, 2020 batch Civil

Course Title : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Instructor-in-charge : SUSHIL KUMAR GUPTA

Course Description

Current and Voltage Sources, Mesh Current and Node Voltage methods, Star-Delta transformation, Thevenin’s
theorem, Superposition theorem, Nortan’ theorem, Maximum power transfer theorem.
A.C. Fundamentals, Phasor representation, Electrical Circuit Elements R-L-C, their physical origin based on
electromagnetic and electrostatics, R-L, R-C, R-L-C series circuits, Sinusoidal steady state: power factor, active
and reactive power, parallel and series circuits, Delta and Star connections, line and phase quantities, single and
three phase power measurement.
Introduction to static & rotating machines, basics of transformers and DC Machines.


 To provide a good fundamental concepts in Electrical Engineering

 To know the different techniques to solve a circuit problem
 To study A.C. quantities
 To know about the basics of Machines and Transformer


 At the end of this course, the students will be able to understand what is Electrical Engineering?
 At the end of this course, the students will be able to apply the different techniques to solve a circuit

Text books

T1. Chakrabarti Abhijit, Nath Sudip and Chanda Chandan Kumar, “Basic Electrical
Engineering”, TMH, 2009

Reference books

R1. Khothari D.P. and Nagrath I J, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Second Edition, TMH, 2005

R2. Nagsarkar T. K. and Sukhija M.S., “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Second Edition, Oxford
University Press, 2011
Course Plan
Lecture Learning Objectives Topics to be Refer to
No. Covered Chapter, See
1-1 Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws Introduction 4 (T1)
2-4 Series-parallel resistor, Current source-voltage Source 4 (T1)
source, Star-delta conversion Conversion
5-7 Node-voltage method, Loop Current method Mesh current and 4 (T1)
Voltage method
8-10 To find response when more than one source is Thevenin and 4 (T1)
acting in a circuit, To find response in an Superposition
element of a complex network theorem
11-12 RMS value, Peak value, Phase angle, leading, A C fundamentals 5 (T1)
lagging, Phasor representation
13-16 A pure resistive, pure inductive, pure capacitive Active, reactive 5 (T1)
circuit excited by an alternating source, Power and Apparent
in resistance, inductance and capacitance power in single
R-L-C circuit phase circuit
17-19 Line and phase quantities, single and three phase Voltage, Current 6 (R1)
power measurement and power in three
phase Circuit
20-22 Construction, basic principle and emf equation Basic of 8 (R1), 10 (R1)
of Transformer and D C machines Transformers,
D C machines

Evaluation Scheme
EC Evaluation Duration Weightage Date&Time Nature of the
No. Component Component
1 Mid Sem Exam 1 Hour 15% Open Book
2 Class Test 1 Hour 7.5% Open Book
3 Assignment 7.5% Open Book
4. End Sem Exam 1 Hour 20% Open Book

Consultation hour: During on line class

Notices: Assignments will be given during class hour and date of class test will be announced during the class

Instructor In-charge
EE 1101

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