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Technical application guide

Dynamic Tunable White LED systems
with constant-current drivers

Light is OSRAM
Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Contents


1 Introduction 03 4 Handling 27
1.1 Content and intention 03 4.1 Wiring 27
4.2 Release connections 27
2 Physical and technical background/basics 04 4.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD) 27
2.1 Color space 04 4.4 Possible combinations (non-isolated) 28
2.2 Color mixing in the color space 04 4.5 NFC programming 28
2.3 Melanopic effect 05 4.6 Exemplary assembly of a five-foot luminaire with 5500 lm 29
2.4 Temperature and current dependency of color
coordinates and efficacy of LEDs 06 5 Thermal considerations 30
2.4.1 Typical properties of LEDs 06 5.1 Introduction and definitions 30
2.4.2 Data models for LED modules 07 5.2 tc point position and measurement 30

3 System components 08 6 Mechanical considerations 33

3.1 TW modules 08 6.1 LED module dimensions 33
3.1.1 TW module data 08 6.2 Mechanical protection 35
3.1.2 LED data 08 6.3 Mounting instructions 35
3.1.3 OSRAM PrevaLED ® TW modules 08
3.2 Drivers 13
3.2.1 Data sheet 13
3.2.2 Technical features 17
3.2.3 Amplitude/hybrid dimming 17
3.2.4 Emergency lighting settings of TW drivers (ex factory) 18
3.3 Configuration tool Tuner4TRONIC ® (T4T) 18
3.3.1 Administration of module data: Loading and
creation of module data 18
3.3.2 Configuration of TW drivers 22
3.4 Light management systems (LMS) 24
3.4.1 DALI MCU Tunable White 24
3.4.2 DALI ACU BT, DALIeco BT Control 24
3.4.3 DALI PRO RTC 26

Please note:
All information in this guide has been prepared with great
care. OSRAM, however, does not accept liability for pos­
sible errors, changes and/or omissions. Please check
www.osram.com or contact your sales partner for an updated
copy of this guide. This technical application guide is for
information purposes only and aims to support you in tack­
ling the challenges and taking full advantage of all opportu­
nities the technology has to offer. Please note that this guide
is based on own measurements, tests, specific parameters
and assumptions. Individual applications may not be covered
and need different handling. Responsibility and testing
obligations remain with the luminaire manufacturer/OEM/­
application planner.

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Content and intention life, work and leisure is consistently placed in the focus
This application guide for dynamic Tunable White LED sys- of attention. The interdisciplinary balance between the
tems­with constant-current drivers informs about technical ­parameters of artificial lighting, natural daylight, archi­
basics of light and necessary system components and tecture and technology creates the right light at the
configurations. right time.

TW systems enable the creation of “white light” within a Leading luminaire manufacturers and OSRAM Lighting
bandwidth of two different color temperatures by using Solutions develop tailor-made Human Centric Lighting
LED modules equipped with LEDs that have two different concepts based on scientific expertise and with consid-
color temperatures. eration of the set of standards for indoor lighting. You
can find more information here: www.osram.com/hcl
TW systems provide basic technical components for
­Human Centric Lighting (HCL) solutions. The usage of
such components and systems enables the generation
of ­biologically effective white light in terms of dynamic
brightness and variable color temperature settings.

Targeted Human Centric Lighting solutions are t­ he result

of tailor-made lighting planning and create a balance be-
tween visual comfort, emotional perception and biological

Human Centric Lighting provides targeted and long-term

support for health maintenance, well-being and efficiency
of human beings through holistic planning and consider-
ation of visual, emotional and especially b­ iological effects
of light. Each human being with his or her needs concerning

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Physical and technical background/basics

2 Physical and technical background/

2.1 Color space 2.2 Color mixing in the color space
0.9 0.440
2500 K
0.420 3000 K Planck
0.8 3500 K
0.400 4000 K
4500 K
0.7 5000 K
0.360 5500 K
6000 K
6500 K
0.6 0.340

0.5 0.300
0.290 0.330 0.370 0.410 0.450 0.490

Color mixing of two white tones

LED modules providing light with adjustable color tem-
perature are equipped with LEDs that have two different
0.2 color temperatures. The adjustable color locations are
addressable by supplying suitable current levels to the
respective LEDs.
Principally, only color locations that lie on the connecting
0.0 line between both LED color locations can be addressed.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
It should be considered that the color coordinates of
Color space with Planck curve
LEDs do not necessarily lie on the Planck curve.

The color space visualizes all visible colors that a human The deviation between the cx/cy coordinates of the ap-
eye can perceive. Color locations that lie on the Planck plied LEDs and the intersection of the Judd line with the
curve are designated as white light. This curve is charac- Planck curve can lead to color coordinates of the mixed
terized by the fact that the color temperature corresponds light that differ significantly from a desired target color
to the light emission of a solid body at the respective tem­ location.
perature. Color locations outside of the Planck curve can
also be referred to as white light; constant color tempe­ The following picture exemplarily shows that the color
ratures are located on the Judd straight lines. Color loca- temperature of the mixed light depends on the actual
tions which are more than approx. 10 threshold units color coordinates of the LEDs, although their nominal
away from the Planck curve are usually not considered color temperature and forward current are the same.
to be white light.
0.44 2700 K

3618 K
0.36 3753 K
6500 K
0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Deviation of the color coordinates from LEDs with
identical nominal color temperature

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Physical and technical background/basics

2.3 Melanopic effect

The melanopic effect determines the circadian effect of a
light source and influences the wellness of human beings.
The melanopic values describe how strong the melanopin-­
containing retinal ganglion cells (ipRGC) are stimulated
by light. In analogy to the definition of the V (λ) curve for
the spectral sensitivity of the photoreceptor cells, Smel (λ),
which expresses the spectral sensitivity for these photo-
receptors, was defined.

According to this, the melanopic luminous flux describes

the radiant flux of a light source, evaluated with the spectral
sensitivity of the melanopic (non-visual) photoreceptors.

The melanopic factor describes the ratio between the

melanopic and the photometrically effective amount of
radiation. This factor is higher when a light spectrum
stimulates the non-visual system more strongly.

Daylight-equivalent values practically represent a bench-

mark with reference to natural daylight.

Thus, the melanopic daylight-equivalent luminous flux

­related to 1000 lm indicates how many lumen of daylight
are needed to achieve an equally large non-visual
­stimulation as with the mentioned artificial light.

Spectral sensitivity

  Melanopic S mel
Relative values   Photopic V (λ)





380 420 460 500 540 580 620 660 700 740 780
Wavelength [nm]

Spectral sensitivity – melanopic/photopic

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Physical and technical background/basics

2.4 Temperature and current dependency of color

coordinates and efficacy of LEDs

2.4.1 Typical properties of LEDs

The luminous flux and the color coordinates of an LED
are not only subject to manufacturing tolerances, but
also depend on its operating conditions.

The following pictures show typical curves for the

dependency of luminous flux and color locations on
forward current or temperature:

Relative luminous flux vs. forward current cx, cy vs. forward current

Relative luminous flux [%]  cx    cy

300 0.010


150 0.000


0 -0.010
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Forward current [mA] Forward current [mA]

Relative luminous flux as a function of forward current Color coordinates as a function of forward current

Relative luminous flux vs. temperature cx, cy vs. temperature

Relative luminous flux [%]  cx    cy

115 0.020

110 0.015

95 -0.005

90 -0.010
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Temperature [°C] Temperature [°C]

Relative luminous flux as a function of temperature Color coordinates as a function of temperature

To achieve the best possible match between the desired

and the achieved color coordinates of mixed light, non-linear
dependencies must be considered when calculating the
LED currents.

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Physical and technical background/basics

2.4.2 Data models for LED modules 2. By performing the iterative calculation process of the
To match the various requirements with regard to simple output currents of the driver, a higher color accuracy
operation and high color quality, three data modes for LED is achieved by considering the positions of the inter-
modules are available for configuring OSRAM TW drivers. sections of the Judd lines with the connecting line.

The focus here is on enabling sufficient color accuracies Premium Mode

with a simple set-up as well as very good color accuracies In the Premium Mode, the output currents of the driver
by using typical LED and module data. are calculated in the same way as in the Advanced
Mode, but ­real dynamic LED characteristics are used
Basic Mode ­instead of simplified LED characteristics.
In the Basic Mode, the values of the color temperatures
of both applied LED types must be entered, e.g. 2700 K As in the Advanced Mode, the opera­ting conditions of
and 6500 K. In addition, forward currents must be the LED module in a projected application must be en-
­entered for both channels that lead to luminous flux tered to enable a high color accuracy.
(100 % v­ alues) equity.
In order to enter the LED characteristics, it is necessary
The Tuner4TRONIC® (T4T) configuration software trans- to determine three operating points of a single LED for
mits these values to the drivers, which then adjust both each criterion using the LED data sheets and to implement
output currents in dependence of the desired color loca- them by using the T4T configuration software.
tion following the ratio between the target color location
and the two LED color temperatures. For each type of LED, the following data must be fixed:
1. Three value pairs each for cx and cy coordinates as
However, this very simple model also shows some dis­ a function of the forward current
advantages: 2. Three value pairs for luminous flux as a function of
1. Since the color coordinates of LEDs are usually not the forward current
exactly on the Planck curve, the input of the nominal 3. Three value pairs each for cx and cy coordinates as
color temperature already implies deviations, see a function of the LED temperature
chapter 2.4.1. 4. Three value pairs of luminous flux as a function of
2. A purely proportional setting of the LED currents the LED temperature
causes a deviation from the target color location be-
cause the connecting line between both LED color All value pairs to be entered can be selected completely
locations is only an approximation to the Planck independently from the operating conditions in a projected
curve. Since the Judd straight lines do not vertically application, since they only have to reflect the character-
­intersect the Planck curve and the connecting line, istics of the LEDs but not the operating points of the
deviations of up to several 100 K are possible. LEDs in an application.
3. The dynamic behavior of the LEDs is not considered,
which means that resulting color coordinates may Generally, when OSRAM TW modules are used, the
shift when the temperature changes, e.g. during ­Premium Mode is always used. All necessary LED and
dimming, see also chapter 2.4.1. module data are already stored in the T4T.

Advanced Mode If other TW modules freely available on the market are

In the Advanced Mode, in addition to the nominal cx and used, the LED data required for the Premium Mode must
cy coordinates of the LEDs, the data which represent be obtained.
the operating conditions of the LEDs in the projected
­application must also be entered. In addition to the Advanced Mode, the Premium Mode
offers the following advantages:
The calculation of the output currents is not carried out 1. When calculating the output currents, the non-linear
only once in relation of the target color coordinates to dependencies of the luminous flux and the color
the nominal color temperature of the applied LEDs, but coordinates of the LEDs on forward current and
­follows an iterative process. In this process, the currents ­temperature are taken into account.
are itera­tively calculated as a function of the specified 2. A high color homogeneity is achieved in a system in
oper­­ating conditions, the color coordinates of the LEDs which the modules are operated under different con-
and simplified LED characteristics. ditions, e.g. at different dimming levels or ambient
Advantages of the Advanced Mode include: 3. The absolute color accuracy essentially depends on-
1. Entering the real color coordinates of the LEDs instead ly on the tolerances of the LEDs used in relation to
of the nominal color temperature values eliminates their nominal data. Usually, LEDs with a color toler-
color deviations that already occur due to the devia- ance up to three MacAdam steps are available.
tion of the LED color coordinates from the Planck

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components

3 System components
3.1 TW modules the background calculations carried out in the T4T and i­n
the driver require the following information:
3.1.1 TW module data —— The dependency of the color coordinates (cx/cy) on
To allow the alignment of an LED driver with a TW the temperature of the LED
­module in Advanced or Premium Mode, data of the —— The dependency of the color coordinates (cx/cy) on
TW module regarding its construction and certain the forward current through the LED
­properties must be obtained. —— The dependency of the luminous flux (lm) on the LED
Such data can normally be derived from data sheets —— The dependency of the luminous flux (lm) on the
of TW modules that usually provide nominal values for ­forward current through the LED
­luminous flux, color coordinates and forward voltage
­depending on their nominal operating current. These data can be found in standard product documen-
tations of the components, e.g. data sheets. They must
To improve the performance of a TW system, TW modules be entered as described in chapter 3.3 “Configuration tool
may be measured to verify how far the nominal data are Tuner4TRONIC® (T4T)”.
met. In case of significant differences between nominal
and measured data, the measured data can be imple- These data are not required in the Advanced Mode,
mented in the T4T. where the usual decrease of the luminous flux with in-
creasing component temperature is taken into account
3.1.2 LED data with a fixed factor.
For an optimal balancing of TW driver and TW module,
it is necessary to check the temperature and current de- 3.1.3 OSRAM PrevaLED ® TW modules
pendency of the color coordinates and the efficacy of the In case an OSRAM TW module is selected for a project,
LEDs used for a TW module and to enter this information all relevant data of the module and of the applied LEDs
in the T4T (chapter 2.4). When using the Premium Mode, are already available in the T4T.

Typical technical data*

Product name Flux (lm) CCT (K) CRI SDCM U f (V) I f (mA) P (W) Efficacy (lm/W)
PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20 241 2700 > 80 3 5.75 275 1.6 154
249 6500 > 80 3 5.75 275 1.6 160
PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20 1075 2700 > 80 3 25.7 275 7.1 152
1140 6500 > 80 3 25.7 275 7.1 162
PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20 2152 2700 > 80 3 51.5 275 14.2 152
2287 6500 > 80 3 51.5 275 14.2 162

Electrical parameters when operated with nominal flux

Product name Flux (lm) CCT (K) CRI SDCM U f (V) I f (mA) P (W) Efficacy (lm/W)
PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20 245 2700 > 80 3 5.8 280 1.6 154.4
245 6500 > 80 3 5.7 271 1.5 160.4
PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20 1100 2700 > 80 3 25.8 281.4 7.3 151.6
1100 6500 > 80 3 25.6 263.9 6.8 162.5
PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20 2200 2700 > 80 3 51.6 281.4 14.5 151.6
2200 6500 > 80 3 51.3 263.9 13.5 162.5

Technical data when operated with maximum current

Product name Flux (lm) CCT (K) CRI SDCM U f (V) I f (mA) P (W) Efficacy (lm/W)
PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20 361 2700 > 80 3 5.92 425 2.52 143
374 6500 > 80 3 5.92 425 2.52 148
PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20 1520 2700 > 80 3 26.7 400 10.7 142
1620 6500 > 80 3 26.7 400 10.7 152
PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20 3050 2700 > 80 3 53.4 400 21.4 142
3240 6500 > 80 3 53.4 400 21.4 152
* Typical values valid for t p = 55 °C

Energy efficiency class according to 2012/874/EC: A++
Due to the complex manufacturing process of light-emitting diodes, the above-specified typical values of the technical LED parameters merely represent purely
statistical variables. They do not necessarily correspond to the actual technical parameters of each individual product, which may deviate from typical values.
Sum of current [mA] in WW channel and sum of current [mA] in CW channel should not exceed max. current of 400 mA.
Tolerance for optical and electrical data: +/-10 % 8
Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components

Luminous flux as a function of forward current Light distribution

The diagram below shows the luminous flux at nominal The light distribution of PrevaLED ® Linear TW modules is
operating conditions (tp = 55 °C) for different forward of Lambertian shape with a beam angle of 120° FWHM
­currents. (full width at half maximum).

Ratio luminous flux to forward current EULUMDAT and IES files can be found on the OSRAM
website at www.osram.com/prevaled-lin-tw.
  6500 K 1100 lm   2700 K 1100 lm
  6500 K 2200 lm   2700 K 2200 lm
Light distribution curve
Luminous flux [lm]

3000 C 0°




25 75 125 175 225 275 325 45°

Forward current [mA]

Luminous flux as a function of forward current

30° 15°
Luminous flux and efficacy as a function of tc point
Light distribution curve (LDC)
The diagram below shows the correlation between the
tc point temperature and the relative luminous efficacy. Color coordinates and spectrum
The following tables show the color coordinates and the
Ratio luminous efficacy to forward current spectrum of the PrevLED ® Linear TW modules.
  6500 K     2700 K
Color temperature and coordinates

Lumens/Watt [lm/W] 2700 K 6500 K

cx 0.4579 0.3092
cy 0.4076 0.3233

Spectral distribution
Relative spectral emission [K]   3000 K     4000 K
160 1.0

150 0.8

140 0.6
25 75 125 175 225 275 325

Forward current [mA] 0.4

Luminous efficacy as a function of forward current 0.2

380 480 580 680 780
Wavelength [nm]

Values measured at tp = 55 °C

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components

Melanopic values

PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20: Melanopic values when operated with nominal current

Cool White Warm White Cool White +

Warm White
CCT [K] 6500 2700 4100
Forward current [mA] 275 275 2 x 137.5
Nominal luminous fl ux [lm] 249 241 266
Melanopic factor a mel [V] (m Vmel [V])1 0.81 0.383 0.605
Melanopic luminous fl ux Φ Vmel [lm] (MEL-LF) 2 810 383 605
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 894 423 668
luminous fl ux [lm] 3
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 220 97 161
luminous fl ux [lm] at driver current 4

PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20: Melanopic values when operated with max. current

Cool White Warm White Cool White +

Warm White
CCT [K] 6500 2700 4100
Forward current [mA] 400 400 2 x 200
Nominal luminous fl ux [lm] 374 361 399
Melanopic factor a mel [V] (m Vmel [V])1 0.813 0.388 0.606
Melanopic luminous fl ux Φ Vmel [lm] (MEL-LF) 2 813 388 606
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 897 428 669
luminous fl ux [lm] 3
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 305 132 221
luminous fl ux [lm] at driver current 4

PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20: Melanopic values when operated with nominal current

Cool White Warm White Cool White +

Warm White
CCT [K] 6500 2700 4100
Forward current [mA] 275 275 2 x 137.5
Nominal luminous fl ux [lm] 1140 1075 1136
Melanopic factor a mel [V] (m Vmel [V])1 0.81 0.383 0.605
Melanopic luminous fl ux Φ Vmel [lm] (MEL-LF) 2 810 383 605
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 894 423 668
luminous fl ux [lm] 3
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 1008 434 758
luminous fl ux [lm] at driver current 4

PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20: Melanopic values when operated with max. current

Cool White Warm White Cool White +

Warm White
CCT [K] 6500 2700 4100
Forward current [mA] 400 400 2 x 200
Nominal luminous fl ux [lm] 1620 1520 1589
Melanopic factor a mel [V] (m Vmel [V])1 0.813 0.388 0.606
Melanopic luminous fl ux Φ Vmel [lm] (MEL-LF) 2 813 388 606
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 897 428 669
luminous fl ux [lm] 3
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 1454 651 1063
luminous fl ux [lm] at driver current 4

1 Ratio of radiant power after evaluation with Vmel and Φ V

2 Absolute luminous fl ux [lm] Vmel-evaluated related to 1000 lm
3 Melanopic daylight-equivalent luminous fl ux [lm] related to 1000 lm
4 Melanopic daylight-equivalent luminous fl ux [lm] at 275 mA
See detailed information at en.licht.de/en

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components

PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20: Melanopic values when operated with nominal current

Cool White Warm White Cool White +

Warm White
CCT [K] 6500 2700 4100
Forward current [mA] 275 275 2 x 137.5
Nominal luminous flux [lm] 2287 2152 2271
Melanopic factor a mel [V] (m Vmel [V])1 0.81 0.383 0.605
Melanopic luminous flux Φ Vmel [lm] (MEL-LF) 2 810 383 605
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 894 423 668
luminous flux [lm] 3
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 2045 910 1517
luminous flux [lm] at driver current 4

PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20: Melanopic values when operated with max. current

Cool White Warm White Cool White +

Warm White
CCT [K] 6500 2700 4100
Forward current [mA] 400 400 2 x 200
Nominal luminous flux [lm] 3240 3050 3178
Melanopic factor a mel [V] (m Vmel [V])1 0.813 0.388 0.606
Melanopic luminous flux Φ Vmel [lm] (MEL-LF) 2 813 388 606
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 897 428 669
luminous flux [lm] 3
Melanopic daylight-equivalent (D65) 2907 1306 2126
luminous flux [lm] at driver current 4

1 Ratio of radiant power after evaluation with Vmel and Φ V

2 Absolute luminous flux [lm] Vmel-evaluated related to 1000 lm
3 Melanopic daylight-equivalent luminous flux [lm] related to 1000 lm
4 Melanopic daylight-equivalent luminous flux [lm] at 275 mA
See detailed information at en.licht.de/en

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components

Lifetime data
PrevaLED ® TW modules have a nominal service life of
50,000 hours (L80B10) at a tc point temperature of 55 °C.
This means that after 50,000 hours, at least 90 % of LED
modules provide at least 80 % of the initial luminous flux.

The following diagram shows the lumen maintenance

factor depending on the service life for rated and maxi-
mum temperature.

Illustration of the temperature-dependent lumen

maintenance (B10) at current I nom and CRI > 80

Lumen maintenance [L/L0]   tp = 55 °C     tp = 75 °C







0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000
Lifetime [h]

Relative luminous flux decrease over service life

Lifetime of PrevaLED ® TW modules as a function of temperature at nominal current


x 70 80 90
y 10 50 10 50 10 50
I [mA] Lifetime [h]
t p [°C] = 45 275 > 50,000 > 50,000 > 50,000 > 50,000 37,000 48,000
t p [°C] = 55 275 > 50,000 > 50,000 > 50,000 > 50,000 34,000 44,000
t p [°C] = 65 275 > 50,000 > 50,000 > 50,000 > 50,000 31,000 40,000
t p [°C] = 75 275 > 50,000 > 50,000 > 50,000 > 50,000 29,000 37,000

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components

3.2 Drivers
The operation of TW constant-current drivers with TW
modules offers even better color accuracies than CV
systems when using one of the LED data models in
the T4T.


3.2.1 Data sheet

OSRAM currently offers two non-isolated DALI drivers
in a linear shape for power ranges up to 35 W and 75 W.
The following table shows the electrical specifications
of these drivers.

Electrical specifications

Item Value Value Unit Remarks

Input Nominal voltage 220–240 220–240 V
Nominal frequency 0/50/60 0/50/60 Hz
AC voltage range 198–264 198–264 V Alternating or rectified alternating voltage
DC voltage range 198–276 198–276 V Direct voltage; operation at 176–198 V DC for
at least 1 h
Maximum voltage 350 350 VAC 2 h maximum duration, unit might not operate at
voltages outside of the specified range
Nominal current 0.39 0.19 A
Total Harmonic ≤ 10 ≤ 10 % Full load, 220–240 V, 50 Hz/see graphs
Distortion (THD)
Power factor > 0.95 > 0.95 Full load, 220–240 V, 50 Hz/see graphs
Efficiency Up to 91 Up to 90 % Full load, 220–240 V, 50 Hz/see graphs
Starting time ≤ 0.6 ≤ 0.6 s
Power losses < 6 < 3 W Full load
Stand-by power < 0.2 < 0.2 W
Protection class I I PE has to be connected either to PE terminal or housing
Inrush current 23 17 A pk

Max. units per circuit B16: 19 B16: 28

Grid impedance 800 mΩ, th = 290 μs/th = 220 μs
breaker B10: 11 B10: 17
PE current < 0.5 < 0.5 mA Through PE
Output Nominal voltage range 50–240 45–240 V
Maximum voltage < 250 < 250 V With open circuit
Nominal current range 150–700 75–400 mA
Current accuracy ±3 ±3 % DALI-controlled, configured as DT8
Current ripple < 1 < 1 % @ 100 Hz, non-PWM operation
Nominal power range 8.1–75 4–38 W
Maximum power 75 38 W DT8 and DT6 (in 2-channel mode 75 W/38 W
in total)
DC output current (EL) 15 15 % Preset value, adjustable via software, at DC or
RAC (rectified alternating voltage)
Galvanic isolation No No Non-isolated

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components

Item Value Value Unit Remarks

Dimming Dimming control Yes Yes DALI and Touch DIM ®
Dimming range 1…100 1…100 % Analog/hybrid switchable by Tuner4TRONIC®
Factory set: Complete analog dimming
Dimming standard DALI DALI
Environment Ambient temperature -25…+55 -25...+60 °C DT8 mode, 1 x DT6 mode
range -25…+50 -25...+60 2 x DT6 mode
Maximum case 75 75 °C Measured at tc point
Max. case temp. in 110 110 °C
fault condition
Storage temperature -25…+85 -25…+85 °C
Relative humidity 5...85 5...85 % Non-condensing
Surge transient protection 1 | 2 1|2 kV L/N | LN/PE acc. to EN 61547 Clause 5.7
Environmental rating Indoor Indoor
IP rating IP20 IP20
Mains switching cycles > 150,000 > 150,000 On/off = 30 s/30 s, max. 10 % failure
Expected lifetime 100,000 100,000 h tc = 65 °C, 0.2 %/1,000 h failure rate, 24 h ON
50,000 50,000 h tc = 75 °C, 0.2 %/1,000 h failure rate, 24 h ON
Special driver No. of channels Up to 2 Up to 2
tics Programming Yes Yes With NFC and/or DALI via Tuner4TRONIC ®
Fine Tunable White Yes Yes
Max. current per 700 400 mA 35 W version:
channel/independently Maximum total of output currents 800 mA
programmable 75 W version:
Maximum total of output currents 1200 mA
DALI Device Type DT8 & 2 x DT6 DT8 and 2 x DT6 Ex factory DT8, other modes can be set via T4T
or 1 x DT6 or 1 x DT6
DIM to Dark Yes Yes
DIM to Warm Yes Yes
Soft Switch Off Yes Yes
Additional OSRAM Yes Yes Constant Lumen Output (CLO), corridor function,
features Touch DIM ®
Touch DIM ® TW Yes Yes 2-pushbutton Touch DIM ® function for switching,
dimming and color control via pushbuttons

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components


  Nominal range   Nominal range

Output voltage [V]   Dimming range Output voltage [V]   Dimming range
260 260

240 240

220 220

80 60
60 40

40 20
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 100 200 300 400
Output current [mA] Output current [mA]

Operating window OTi DALI 75 W TW Operating window OTi DALI 35 W TW

Power factor Power factor

1.00 1.00
0.98 0.98
0.96 0.96
0.94 0.94
0.92 0.92
0.90 0.90
0.88 0.88
0.86 0.86
0.84 0.84
0.82 0.82
0.80 0.80
0.78 0.78
0.76 0.76
0.74 0.74
0.72 0.72
0.70 0.70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Input power [W] Input power [W]

Power factor as a function of input power OTi DALI 75 W TW Power factor as a function of input power OTi DALI 35 W TW

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components


Efficiency [%]   700 mA     500 mA     300 mA Efficiency [%]   400 mA     300 mA     150 mA
94 93

93 92




86 84

85 83
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40
Output power [W] Output power [W]

Typical efficiency vs. load (230 V/50 Hz) OTi DALI 75 W TW Typical efficiency vs. load (230 V/50 Hz) OTi DALI 35 W TW

THD [%] THD [%]

18 17

16 16

14 15

12 14

10 13

8 12

6 11

4 10

2 9

0 8
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50
Input power [W] Input power [W]

THD as a function of input power OTi DALI 75 W TW THD as a function of input power OTi DALI 35 W TW

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components

3.2.2 Technical features

Product features
— DALI DT8: TW or DALI 2 x DT6: 2 channels
— Analog or hybrid dimming
— Programmable by DALI/NFC
— DALI dimming range 1…100 %
— Very low ripple current ≤ 1 %
— 50,000 h lifetime at tc max = 75 °C
— Very high efficiency of up to 90 %
— Low stand-by power consumption < 0.2 W
— Suitable for emergency lighting

3.2.3 Amplitude/hybrid dimming

The OSRAM OTi DALI TW drivers offer the possibility to
choose the dimming mode between amplitude dimming
(default) and hybrid dimming. The picture below shows
the difference between these two dimming modes.

Hybrid dimming Amplitude dimming

Amplitude dimming curve Amplitude dimming curve
Average current curve
(PWM with ~ 500 Hz)
Output current [%] Output current [%]
100 100

50 50

0 0
100 ~ 30 1 100 1

Dimming level [%] Dimming level [%]

Hybrid dimming and amplitude dimming

At low dimming levels, amplitude dimming shows a signi- LED module. This can be avoided with hybrid dimming, in
ficantly lower light modulation, while at the same time a which the driver changes from amplitude dimming to
higher efficiency is achieved. PWM dimming when the output current falls below 20 mA.

In the low dimming range, amplitude dimming can lead to The picture below shows how the dimming mode can be
(small) color deviations and brightness differences on the set in the T4T software:

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Setting of dimming mode

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components

3.2.4. Emergency lighting settings of TW drivers Under the tab "LED Module Data", PrevaLED ® TW
(ex factory) modules can be selected in various combination
Ex factory, like all OSRAM indoor drivers, the TW drivers options for different designs.
provide an active DC detection and adjust the light level/
luminous flux to 15 % (DALI value 185). The color temper- 1 560
ature is always set to 4000 K, regardless if OSRAM TW 2 560 280
modules or TW modules from other manufacturers are
used. If higher luminous fluxes are required for emergen- 3 560 560
cy lighting, this can be programmed using the T4T con- 4 560 560 280
figuration tool. Generally, the DC detection can be deac-
tivated if required. 5 560 560 560

6 560 560 560 280

3.3 Confi guration tool Tuner4TRONIC ® (T4T)
To achieve a good performance of a TW system with an 7 560 560 560 560
intended color precision, it is necessary to balance driv-
Possible combinations of LED modules (with module lengths in mm)
ers with the operated LED modules. Therefore, the T4T
also supports data management for TW modules. The combinations of PL-LIN-Z1 modules shown above
represent any possible total module length that drivers
This balancing ensures that the calculation of the output with a maximum output voltage of 240 V can operate. For
currents of the driver considers the specific behavior of applications that require other combinations, e.g. 6 mod-
the operated LED module in a projected application. ules with 1100 lm, the selection must be made so that the
total length of the selected module combination corre-
All necessary data, such as LED module data and driver sponds to the total length of the modules in the applica-
settings, can be implemented and stored in the T4T software. tion.

Data of OSRAM PrevaLED® TW modules are automatically 3.3.1 Administration of module data: Loading and
provided by the T4T and can simply be called up. creation of module data
To call up previously stored LED modules that are intended
Since device descriptions of all TW drivers are also stored to be used in a new project, or to generate a new data
in the T4T, all possibilities to configure these drivers are set for an LED module, the "LED Module Data" tab must
provided. be selected.

The configuration of a TW driver is always carried out Loading of stored TW modules
in a project. To start a TW project, one of the stored TW In case the required module is already stored, it can
drivers must be chosen and afterwards the operating simply be selected in this pull-down menu:
mode “Tunable White – DALI DT8” must be selected:

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Selection of the LED module Creation of new TW modules

In case a new data set for an LED module is to be created,
the button “Create a new LED Module” must be clicked
after having chosen the desired data model:

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Generation of a new LED module

As described in chapter 2.4.2, different types of data

models for the description of a TW module can be
Tuner4TRONIC ®: Setting of driver operating mode selected.
Depending on the selected data model, a dedicated
window pops up, where the data of the TW module can
be implemented.
Independent of the selected data model, the newly
created data set can be stored with an individual name
and ID number (see also chapter

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components Input data for data model “Basic Mode” In the Advanced Mode, the data shown above, repre-
senting a specific operating point of the module, must b

a) Module temperature: The values to be implemented

should reflect the temperature that the module reaches
when only one channel is operated at nominal (100 %)
light output. This allows the different efficacies of both
channels to be considered by the current calculation
of the driver. While producing equal light levels, the
module temperature is usually slightly higher when
light is produced by warm white LEDs (compared to
cold white LEDs).
b) The combination of all data shall describe one
unique operating point of the TW module for each
channel. It is advantageous to implement compara-
ble values for the operating current of both channels.
Tuner4TRONIC ®: Creation of a data set for a new LED module ­­ c) The correlated color temperature (CCT) is calculated
in the Basic Mode automatically by the T4T, based on the implemented
color coordinates.
In the Basic Mode, the CCT values of the two LED types
assembled on a TW module must be implemented. How to save newly created TW modules on the PC is
­described in chapter “Creation of new TW
How to save newly created TW modules on the PC is ­modules using the editing mode”.
­described in chapter “Creation of new TW
­modules using the editing mode”. Data entry for the “Advanced Mode”

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Creation of a data set for a new LED module

in the Advanced Mode

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components Input data for data model “Premium Mode”

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Data set creation for a new LED module in the Premium Mode

In the Premium Mode, the data listed above must be im- cx

plemented. The operating point of the module must be 0.337
implemented in the same way as in the Advanced Mode 0.336
(see chapter Additionally, characteristic data l2/cx 2
of the applied LEDs must be derived from the relevant 0.335
LED data sheets and implemented. Therefore, data points
must be collected from the characteristic curves of the
LEDs (see chapter 2.4.1). 0.333
l 3/cx 3
Example: Three value pairs for the color coordinate cx 0.332
are derived from the LED data sheet and implemented in 0.331
the T4T (cx1/l1, cx 2/I2, cx3/I3).
How to save newly created TW modules on the PC is
described in chapter “Creation of new TW
modules using the editing mode”. 0.328
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Forward current – lF [mA]

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Input of cx coordinates as a function of the

forward current

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components Creation of new TW modules using the

editing mode
The data set of a new TW module can also be generated
by editing an already stored module. For this, the button
“Edit LED module” must be clicked after having selected
a stored module:

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Editing a stored LED module

T4T then opens a window in which all parameters of the

selected module are displayed and can be edited. Once
all the changes have been made, the “OK” button must
be clicked. The changed data will now be used for the
configuration of the driver in the current project. The
generated TW module is now part of the list “LED Mod-
ule in Project” and is marked with a *.

To save the newly created TW module on the PC, the

button “Export LED module” must be clicked:

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Saving the data set of an LED module

T4T then opens a window to determine how the newly

created TW module should be stored:

The newly created TW module can be stored using the As default setting for the module ID, T4T always shows
same name and the same ID as the originally chosen TW the lowest number that is not in use in the database of
module. This should be done if the changes were correc- the PC. If already used module names or module IDs are
tions of incorrectly entered data. To do so, the button entered, T4T displays a warning. In this case, alternative
“Overwrite” must be clicked. entries shall be made.

Alternatively, a new name and ID can be entered to be

assigned to the newly created module. This should be
done when the originally selected TW module and also
the newly created TW module must be available in the
database. To do so, the button “Save As” must be

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components

Activation of the T4T Premium license Once you have the license available, please enter it into
To edit and create LED modules using the Premium Mode the “License Key” field and click the “Add Key” button to
data model, a Tuner4TRONIC ® Premium software license activate the license. The corresponding features will be
must be purchased from a local OSRAM sales represen- available now for use in Tuner4TRONIC®.
tative. The Tuner4TRONIC® Premium license bundles the
following new premium functionalities: All entered licenses are shown comprehensively in the
— Luminaire Info window shown above, including their expiration dates.
— Monitoring Data Premium
— Tunable White Premium Mode 3.3.2 Confi guration of TW drivers
— Service Key Adjustment of 100 % operating current and
To get access to the Tuner4TRONIC® Premium license, balancing with TW module
open Tuner4TRONIC ® Development and choose the To configure the driver according to the application (project)
menu Help Ú About Ú License Key(s): and to enable the balancing of driver and TW module, an
LED module must be selected for each project. Balancing
is then provided automatically by the T4T. Based on the
selected TW module, the T4T displays the characteristic
data that can be expected in this project, depending on
the implemented operating currents (100 % values) and
temperatures. Each time an editable value is changed,
T4T recalculates all depending data.

To fulfill the requirements of the DALI standard, current

values shall be chosen that lead to a flux equity of both
channels. Otherwise, a change of the CCT would lead to
T4T displays the unique machine ID of your computer in a different total light output of the TW module. If compli-
this window: ance with the DALI standard is not intended, different cur-
rent values can also be implemented. This can be done
when, for example, an application requires a higher lumi-
nous flux with cold white light than with warm white light.

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Retrieving the machine ID/entering the license key

When ordering a license, this machine ID needs to be

sent to the local OSRAM sales representative.
Tuner4TRONIC ®: Input of the operating parameters of the LED
It is recommended to use the “Copy to ClipBoard” button
module used in the project
to copy the machine ID and insert it into your e-mail to avoid
any typing errors. Based on this machine ID, OSRAM
generates a unique license key specifically designed for The current values to be entered represent the respective
this computer. This means that the license key can only non-dimmed operation of the two channels.
be used on this computer.

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components Additional DALI settings for LED drivers

supporting Tunable White
LED drivers that support Tunable White provide the ability
to maintain or set the color temperature and the dimming
level when the driver is turned on and after a system fail-
ure has occurred.

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Input of initial operating conditions Driver operation in single-color operation

The driver can also be set for the 2-channel or 1-channel
mode for standard applications that only provide light in
one color. The appropriate selection must be done in the
“Operating Modes” tab of the T4T.

Tuner4TRONIC ®: Setting of the driver operating mode

Different types of DALI drivers are defined in the DALI Typical applications for 2 x DT6 are: direct/indirect lumi-
standard as Device Types DTx. Relevant types for LED naires (2 channels, independently controllable). In this
applications are: operating mode, the LED driver behaves like two individual
— DALI DT6: For “standard” LED drivers (one DALI address LED drivers. Both output channels can be operated almost
is used for each DALI driver/each channel, DALI only independently. In function tabs (e.g. operating current),
provides dimming and switching commands). the settings for each channel can be defined individually.
— DALI DT8: For color control (2-channel control gear,
one DALI address per driver, DALI provides commands
for dimming, switching and color temperature).

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components

3.4 Light management systems (LMS) Product benefi ts

Lighting concepts from OSRAM can be easily installed and — Intuitive manual dimming, switching of light and
conveniently configured. To cover the entire spectrum of changing of its color temperature
applications, OSRAM has various light management systems — Individual setting of minimum brightness level
for every project size and requirement. This opens the door — Individual setting of color temperature range
to a cost-effective entry into Tunable White/HCL applica-
tions and offers the possibility of selecting more complex Areas of application
and comprehensive solutions adapted to the application — Conference rooms
and functionalities. — Restaurants
— Shop lighting
Especially with DALI TW drivers operating in DT8 mode — Residential
(one DALI address for 2 channels), DALI addresses (com-
pared to 2 DT6 per light point), programming time and Equipment/accessories
costs can be saved in larger lighting installations. — Suitable for up to 25 electronic control gears per
active DALI MCU TW, up to 100 ECGs in total with
3.4.1 DALI MCU Tunable White four active DALI MCU TW
The DALI MCU TW is a simple manual control device for — Cover and rotary knob included (device is also com-
DALI DT8 drivers in the shape of a classic rotary dimmer. patible with covers from Jung, Berker, Gira, Siemens
It can control the brightness and also the color tempera- and SCHNEIDER Electric)
ture of light.

~ 230 V

Active control unit

(line voltage supplied)

Passive control unit

(supplied via DALI)

Product features
Wiring example DALI MCU TW
— Up to 4 DALI MCUs can be connected in parallel to
set up multiple control points
— Automatic synchronization between the control points For more information, please refer to the data sheet and
— Cover and rotary switch in neutral white instruction sheet at www.osram.com/mcu-tw.
— Length of the DALI control cable: up to 300 m

Functionality/operation 3.4.2 DALI ACU BT, DALIeco BT Control and DALIeco

The brightness is adjusted by turning the knob. The BT RTC Control
color temperature is set by turning and simultaneously The DALI ACU BT and the DALIeco BT Control are DALI
pressing the rotary knob. control devices for DALI DT8 drivers, which allow users
to control brightness and CCT and to store and recall
light scenes with a smartphone via Bluetooth. The
DALIeco BT control can work together with sensors for
motion, presence and light detection. DALIeco BT RTC
enables HCL applications for time-controlled brightness
and color temperature adjustment thanks to the integrated
clock. Time-controlled switching (on/off) and dimming of
the lighting is also possible without HCL application.

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | System components

Product features DALI ACU BT DALIeco BT DALIeco BT RTC

Compact lighting control device with DALI interface
Bluetooth interface for confi guration and control via app
Integrated clock for time-controlled brightness and
color temperature (HCL)
Adjustable HCL characteristic with up to 24 points
One DALI output channel (broadcast or groupcast)
Up to 32 DALI luminaires can be connected
Can be combined with OSRAM DALI sensors and DALI pushbutton couplers
Supports up to four OSRAM DALI sensors and DALI pushbutton couplers
Daylight-dependent adjustment and presence-dependent lighting control
Separate pushbutton input for operation via standard pushbutton
Pushbutton interface for separate operation of brightness
and color temperature
Supports DALI DT8 Tunable White drivers
Outputs with electronically reversible overtemperature,
short-circuit and overload protection
Cable length of the DALI control line: up to 300 m
Cable length to the pushbutton: up to 50 m
Suitable for switch box integration
Suitable for luminaire integration

Product benefits
Daytime-dependent adjustment of brightness and color temperature (HCL)
Suitable for Human Centric Lighting (HCL) applications
Lighting control via smartphone
Adjustment of all setting options via smartphone
Up to four timers with adjustable on/off time and weekday
Plug and play: Basic functions available without app
Simplified commissioning thanks to pre-defined function modes
Intuitive manual dimming, switching and setting of color temperature
Separate control of up to four groups
Adjustable offset for different groups
Easy scene generation in the app
Scene recall possible via OSRAM DALI PRO PB pushbutton coupler
Wireless fi rmware update possible via Bluetooth
Integrated DALI supply
Control of Standard White or Tunable White light according
to DALI Device Type 8 (DT8)
Selected DALI parameters adjustable via app

Areas of application
Floor-standing lamps
Offi ces
Conference rooms
Training rooms
Shop lighting

Free app for iOS and Android available in the App Store
Ceiling integration or independent installation possible via ECO CI KIT

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  System components


The DALI PRO RTC is a fully programmable DALI control Areas of application
system for medium to large DALI installations. It can also —— Room control, floor control, daylight-dependent control
control DT8 devices and is controllable with a smart­phone —— Connection of light and presence sensors in DALI
via WiFi. The DALI PRO RTC can also perform daylight systems
simulation. —— Conference rooms
—— Offices: Individual and group workplaces
—— Production and assembly facilities
—— Suitable for indoor applications
—— Large luminaire groups
—— Industry
—— Corridors
—— Strip lighting
—— Logistics centers
—— Classrooms
—— Sports halls
—— Training rooms
Product features
—— Interconnection of up to four DALI PROFESSIONAL Equipment/accessories
­control units —— Free smartphone app for iOS and Android
—— Configuration via LAN/WLAN/USB —— Suitable for up to 256 electronic control gears with
—— RGB color sequences DALI interfaces
—— Time-of-day-dependent color temperature adjustment —— Graphic configuration software with Windows user
(Human Centric Lighting) interface
—— Controller for four DALI lines
—— Up to 50 pushbutton/sensor couplers can be integrated For more information, please refer to the data sheet and
—— Integrated DALI supply instruction sheet at www.osram.com/dalipro.
—— Four freely programmable switchover relays; load
­contact: 4 x 5 A DALI Pro Control app
—— Daylight-dependent and/or presence-dependent or With the DALI Pro Control app, the functions of the DALI
manual control PROFESSSIONAL system can be conveniently adapted.
—— Up to 4 x 16 groups can be controlled Several users can access the control system in parallel.
—— Integrated clock for event control
—— Weekly scheduler The app features at a glance
—— Connection via push-in terminals —— Convenient switching and dimming of lighting with
—— Control of lighting scenes and sequences (recall/store) status display
—— Housing for series installation —— Clear structure through grouping in rooms
—— Length of the DALI control cable: up to 300 m —— Access restriction with individual release of each
control element for each user
Product benefits —— Activating/overriding daylight controls
—— Easy and intuitive control via app —— Calling up static lighting scenes and dynamic
—— Control of up to 1024 DALI ECGs via LAN inter­ sequences
connectivity —— Control element for colored light (RGB)
—— Plug and Play preconfigured for instant use without —— Control element for changing the color temperature (TW)
any startup procedure
—— Mains voltage interruption buffer battery
—— All the luminaires in the system can be dimmed or
—— Simple creation of scenes and sequences
—— Switching and dimming of up to 256 DALI ECGs per
—— A setpoint for daylight-dependent control can be
stored by double clicking
—— Sensor integration in DALI
—— Remote access/remote maintenance
—— Due to the KNX interface, DALI PROFESSIONAL can
also be integrated into building management systems

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | Handling

4 Handling
4.1 Wiring 4.2 Release connections
The connectors provide a simple insertion and release
mechanism. Solid wires can be easily inserted into the
connector. When using stranded wires, it is recommend-
ed to push the release mechanism on the top side of the
connector to simplify the insertion. The release mecha-
The terminals of the PrevaLED® Linear Tunable White LED nism can also be used to easily release the wire.
module (see picture above) are suitable for rigid and flexible
conductors with a cross-section of 0.2 mm² to 0.75 mm² The following pictures show the removal of a wire.
(AWG 24-18). The usage of rigid wires is recommended.

Stripping length

Wire stripping length

The conductors must be stripped to a length of 8 to 9 mm

and inserted axially into the terminal with an orientation
of 0°.

The PrevaLED ® Linear TW modules have bushings (see

picture). These allow wiring from the rear to avoid un-
wanted shadows.

Cable entry from the rear Disconnecting the connection cable

4.3 Electrostatic discharge (ESD)

The PrevaLED ® modules meet the requirements of IEC/
EN 61547. It must be considered that an electrostatic dis-
charge exceeding 2 kV HBM (Human Body Model) can
lead to a damage or even a complete failure of the module.

OSRAM therefore recommends that the storage and

handling of PrevaLED ® Linear TW modules are carried
out in accordance with the acknowledged methods for
protection against ESD damage.

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Handling

4.4 Possible combinations (non-isolated)

OTi DALI TW driver – non-isolated

PrevaLED® Linear TW modules are designed for operation­
with OTi DALI drivers. To avoid deviating color temperatures
or brightness levels of the TW modules, a driver shall only
operate them in series connection. The current setting of
OTi DALI is done with the Tuner4TRONIC® configuration

Possible number of PrevaLED ® Linear TW modules operated by one driver

OTi DALI 35/220-240/400 D NFC TW L OTi DALI 75/220-240/700 D NFC TW L

Current 75–400 mA 125–700 mA

PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20 275 2–4 4–8
400 2 4–6
PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20 275 1–2 2–4
400 1 2–3
All TW modules in series connection

4.5 NFC programming

Positioning of the NFC device on the LED driver

The NFC programmer must be positioned as shown.

NFC programming is only possible while mains voltage
is not connected at the LED driver.

Further information can be found in the T4T manual:


Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Handling

4.6 Exemplary assembly of a five-foot TW luminaire with 5500 lm

Exemplary wiring diagram for a five-foot TW luminaire

Modules 1 and 2 (560 mm) Series connection of the three modules

Electrical parameters of PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20: Forward current: If = 275 mA
Forward current If = 275 mA, forward voltage Vf = 51.2 V Forward voltage: Vf = 2 x 51.2 V + 25.7 V = 130.1 V

Module 3 (280 mm) From the OSRAM LED driver portfolio, the OTi DALI 75/
Electrical parameters of a PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20: 220-240/700 D NFC TW L with its operating range per-
Forward current If = 275 mA, forward voltage Vf = 25.7 V fectly fits this module selection.

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Thermal considerations

5 Thermal considerations
No additional heat sink is necessary to avoid that tc ­max = 5.2 tc point position and measurement
75 °C is exceeded when a PrevaLED ® Linear TW G4 is Proper thermal design of an LED luminaire is essential for
operated at nominal operating conditions and mounted achieving best performance and ensuring a long lifetime
onto or into a luminaire housing with heat exchange to of all components. To achieve a lifetime of 50,000 hours
the ambience. (L80B10), the sufficient thermal dissipation of the light
engine has to be verified by measuring the temperature
To avoid overheating, it is nevertheless strongly recom- at the tc point.
mended to check the LED module temperature in any
newly designed luminaires. The maximum temperature reached at the tc point must
not exceed 75 °C. This reference point for the tempera-
It should also be mentioned that lower tc point tempera- ture measurement of PrevaLED ® Linear G4 is shown in
tures of the LED module increase the module’s efficiency. the following picture for the 1100-lm/­280-mm LED mod-
Therefore, efficient cooling for the PrevaLED ® Linear G4 ule type (for other similar LED module types, the position
LED modules increases the system efficiency of the lumi- is similar).

5.1 Introduction and definitions

For any LED module, including the PrevaLED® Linear G4
family, different temperatures (tp, tc, tc max etc.) are men-
tioned in the data sheet. They are sometimes mixed up,
therefore a short overview is given:
—— tp is the performance temperature of the module.
This means that all the tables, diagrams and numbers
in the data sheet (and in this technical application
guide) refer to the performance temperature tp (if not
mentioned otherwise).
—— tc max is the absolute maximum temperature up to
which the operation of the LED module is allowed.

All temperature values mentioned above are measured

at the same position on the LED module, which is called
the “tc point” of the LED module. Its position on the
PrevaLED ® Linear G4 LED modules is shown on the next

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Thermal considerations

Position of the tc measurement point on PrevaLED ® Linear TW modules

tc measurement point

The easiest way to measure the temperature at the tc point

is to use a thermocouple. It is recommended to use a
thermocouple that can be glued onto the LED module.
Make sure that the thermocouple is fixed with direct
contact to the tc point and that it does not touch any
conductive parts of the module.

Examples of suitable thermocouples

Thermo wire NiCr–Ni Miniature connector “K”

K-type thermocouple with miniature connector

Different thermocouples

Illustration Description Temperature range [°C]

PVC-insulated -10 … +105

PFA-insulated -75 … +260


Sprung -75 … +260


Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | Thermal considerations

PrevaLED ® Linear TW module with glued-on thermocouple

Thermal considerations for LED drivers

Position of the tc measurement point on an OTi DALI TW

tc measurement point

OTi DALI TW with mounted thermocouple

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | Mechanical considerations

6 Mechanical considerations
6.1 LED module dimensions
The PrevaLED ® Linear TW family has three types of
— 62 mm x 20 mm x 5 mm
— 280 mm x 203mm x 5 mm
2 4 5 6 7 8
— 560 mm x 20 mm x 5 mm

PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20 A





22.5 22.5

4.70 3.4


6.55 x 45°

11.76 3.90 11.75 3.90

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20

notes: E
A missing dimensions according 3D files A
CO.SIMON 2019/Jan/07 not applicable
CO.SIMON 2019/Jan/08 not applicable PROJECTION 1



3.32g 2363.94mm³ not applicable

PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20 A3


SWD 3744456

EN 00





B 125 SWM 3744358 000 00 125
DMAT D30052025 1/1 B
If this text is readable then this document is not valid! The document is only valid in pdf format with the vertical stamp on the right margin.

2 3 4117.60 5 6 117.60 7 8
105.60 105.60

102.5 102.5

55 55

4.70 3.90 11.75 3.4





62.50 62.50

125.40 125.40

missing dimensions according 3d files
CO.SIMON 2018/Apr/27 not applicable
not applicable
CO.SIMON 2018/Mai/03 not applicable PROJECTION 1
9.12g 9119.27mm³ first edition
F PL-LIN-Z1-TW-XXX 280 Product Drawing A3
Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers  |  Mechanical considerations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20




265 265

257.40 257.40

B 245.40 245.40 B
242.47 242.47
195 195

140 140

85 85

3.30 4.70 15 15 3.4



14.60 14.60 ~3.90




77.50 77.50 ~15.7

140 140

202.50 202.50
265.40 265.40

missing dimensions according 3d-files
P.SACHSENWEG 2018/Jan/31 not applicable
P.SACHSENWEG 2018/Jan/31 not applicable PROJECTION 1
27.22g 18103.37mm³ Update copper thickness
F PL-LIN-Z1-2200-TW-XXX 560 Product Dra. A3

SWD 3564185 EN 01 1Q1 3584438 01 IW 1:1

SWM 3564184 000 01 DMAT D30034565 2/2
If this text is readable then this document is not valid! The document is only valid in pdf format with the vertical stamp on the right margin.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Tunable White LED systems with constant-current drivers | Mechanical considerations

TW module dimensions overview

L [mm] W [mm] H1 (PCB thickness) [mm] H2 (LED module height) [mm]

PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20 62 20 1.60 5.1
PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20 279.50 20 1.60 5.1
PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20 559.50 20 1.60 5.1

Number of LEDs and LED pitch for the different modules in the PrevaLED ® Linear TW family

Number of LEDs Pitch [mm]

PL-LIN-Z1 245-TW 62X20 8 (4 x 2700 K + 4 x 6500 K) 15.6
PL-LIN-Z1 1100-TW 280X20 36 (18 x 2700 K + 18 x 6500 K) 15.6
PL-LIN-Z1 2200-TW 560X20 72 (36 x 2700 K + 36 x 6500 K) 15.6

6.2 Mechanical protection Cylinder head, torx drive M4 screw (ISO 4762)
For operation in damp, wet or dusty environments,
adequate ingress protection (IP) must be ensured with Diameter 4.0 mm
a suitable luminaire.
Head diameter 7.0 mm
6.3 Mounting instructions
Please apply force only to the dedicated mounting posi- Head height 4.0 mm
tions. Strong mechanical stress can lead to an irreversible
damage of the LED module. To fix the module into the
luminaire housing, M4 screws according to DIN 7984 Torx, hexagon socket, button head M4 screw (ISO 7380)
should be used.
Diameter 4.0 mm
When no isolating washer is used between the screw and
the mounting hole, the maximum permissible screw head Head diameter 7.5 mm
diameter is 7.5 mm. With larger screw heads, the minimum
distance between the screw and other conductive parts Head height 2.1 mm
on the PrevaLED ® Linear TW LED module can fall below
the required creepage distances.
It is also possible to use clips instead of screws, e.g. the
The maximum torque that should be applied to the push-to-fix (P2F) connectors from BJB: www.bjb.com.
screws depends on factors such as the screw type and
the luminaire material. It is also influenced by the usage To achieve optimal fixation of the LED module and opti-
of washers. In most cases, a torque between 0.5 Nm and mal thermal management, it is recommended to use all
1 Nm is enough to fix the LED module in the luminaire mounting holes in the PrevaLED ® Linear G4 LED mod-
housing and will not damage the module. ules. Nevertheless, it is possible to reduce the number
of screws. In this case, however, thermal behavior and
mechanical strength should be verified.

In any case, it is strongly recommended to perform

mechanical and thermal testing of the LED modules in
the luminaire.

All information contained in this document has been col-
lected, analyzed and verified with great care by OSRAM.
However, OSRAM is not responsible for the correctness
and completeness of the information contained in this
document and OSRAM cannot be made liable for any
damage that occurs in connection with the use of and/or
reliance on the content of this document. The information
contained in this document reflects the current state of
knowledge on the date of issue.



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