Warlock's Tower

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The document appears to cover supplemental rules for roleplaying games, especially expanding on magic items, monsters, and other aspects of fantasy worlds.

Some of the rules covered include optional character advancement rules, familiars, dispelling undead, magic item construction and use, monsters and encounters, treasure, and more.

Magic items described include weapons, armor, shields, wands, staves, rings, potions, and other miscellaneous items.


C!Uttical Eults-IC.enndlt SL llultl

mttttutslt Eults-flltltt lrnwrv unb Jut &Itta
@tip.er Eults unb m.ext-Nlck htttlp
Jlagttsttng-Jasubtna Jlagttst Clroup anb mtt.e C!ralttcit Clumtrs
&p.ectal tlpunks tn:
JJurrv Bilson unb ~urrv Blltttt. for asking qursttons:
Jut &It.ea, for wrtttng bown tlp.e unsw.ers:
IC.enn.etlp tlR. llultl. for tgptng up tlpt lnttnntbtatt u.erslnns:
Qrurl J ljgbtck. for lttlplng tgp.e tublts:
Ilana ltasmus.s.en. for losing Itts ttmp.er constructtutlu:
anb Aunt 1Btlsnn, wlt11 mub.e mt kttp tlp.e rults plauablt, unb got mt
sturttb In making tlp.e magic anb mnnsttrs r.eal.

Art C!rrtbtts:
t!Rut1ttcal IJ.easts. Alclttmfst anb C!rastlt bu £rte Alltu
arurtnnns bu JamtB Ealplt Alt.em JJJ
aroutr bu mtm Jrtnkas

~istrihutdt htF
lfialhoa &>am£ Qlo., ~ttc.
630 ~L ~illofn
]f.Iong lfi£acq, Qla. 90806

Warlock's Tower Copyright © Balboa Game Company, 1979. All Rights

Reserved. Except for brief passages for purposes of review, the contents of
these rules may not be reproduced or republished by any mechanical means
without the express written permission of Balboa Game Company and the
author of the text.
wablc nf C!rnntcnts



A @>upplcmcnt fnr 1J1 antasu <&amcs.

iEspcciallu '' m4c C!rnmplctc Ill arlnck·.
Wnwcr in the cost of building
strongholds, and in daily living
equal to their Hit Points plus
their levels plus a possible bonus
Welcome to Warlock's Tower. expenses. Lots of money causes for high Intelligence. A magic
The set of rules you hold in your prices to be high. If the world in user of 11th level with 24 hit
hands are designed to be a major which you choose to play has less points, and an Intelligence of 16
supplement to The Complete money, adjust prices accordingly. would have a total of 41 spell
Warlock, published last year. In Speaking of money, we use an points. Use this to compare with
addition, with the information exchange rate of IO silver pieces your own system if you need to
contained in this introduction, equals 1 gold piece. 20 copper figure out how long it takes to
you can apply many of the things pieces equal 1 silver piece. 5 gold construct magic items.
you find herein to other medieval pieces equal 1 piece of platinum. The higher level magical and
fantasy games, especially role- Our coins weigh 1/20 of a clerical spells, and the thievish
playrng ones. pound. abilities, listed in Warlock's
There are several basic rules The basic combat system Tower often refer you to material
contained in The Complete assumes that, as characters get to found in The Complete Warlock.
Warlock that you will want to be higher level, they can defend It just isn't possible for us to
become familiar with, if you do themselves better, as well as repeat all of this information
not already know those rules. It attack better, and thus we have a here, and so again we suggest
is best if you at least read The system of Attack and Defense that you at least read those rules.
Complete Warlock, but if you Levels. Attack Levels allow you The Monster List and
cannot, you can adapt Warlock's to hit and damage things more information contained in these
Tower in the following manner: often in combat, and Defense pages can be used with other
These rules are based on the Levels help prevent you from games without too much
premise that there are characters getting hit and damaged. difficulty. A copy of the Natural
living in a medieval fantasy The basic magic system Weapon Attack Matrix from The
setting, roughly similar to Europe assumes two major things not Complete Warlock will translate
at the start of the 14th Century, contained in some fantasy games: the weapon numbers to
with the exceptions of the that the effort of casting spells descriptions of how the monster
existence of magical and other may be measured, with the fights. Just remember that, in our
forces that the Europe of the maximum amount of magic that rules, the Armor Classes go from
world that most of you are a magic user may cast being I being Unarmored to 8 being
familiar with never found. Thus, determined by his Spell Point Plate and Shield. Leather is
there is magic, there are dragons limits and the costs in Spell Armor Class 2. Shield is 3.
and other monsters, and clerics Points of the spells; and that Leather and Shield is 4a.
perform what would be magic is divided into six major Brigandine is 2b, and Brigandine
considered minor miracles on a classes, each of which represents and Shield is 4b. Chain is 5 (or
daily basis. magical and/or natural elements. 5a), and Chain and Shield is 6
Further, there are These six classes are: Type I, (or 6a). Chain Plate is 5b, Chain
Adventurers, which is what your magic of earth and body; Type Plate and Shield is 6b. Plate is 7,
characters are, and these II, magic of fire and destruction; Plate and Shield is 8.
Adventurers, no matter what their Type III, magic of the personal The magic item construction
natural tendencies and alignments, will; Type IV, magic of outside tables and descriptions can be
are out to achieve things, to slay spirits and forces; Type V, magic utilized with any similar game,
monsters and gain treasures and of water and life, as well as cold; although you might have to alter
things like that. Due to the Type VI, magic of air, light and some of the effects that items
greedy tendencies of these heat. It is easier for a magic user have to match your own system.
characters, they acquire and to cast spells of a class to which We hope that you find
spend a lot of money, causing the he has dedicated himself, and Warlock's Tower a useful
monetary system to be much harder to throw spells of the class addition to your fantasy gaming,
more inflated than it would have of the natural opposite of his whether by the rules of The
been in the Europe of the time of own class. Magic users have a Complete Warlock or by any
your ancestors. This can be seen Spell Point allotment per day other.

Optional Advancement Rules expedition; a character does not HALFLINGS: These characters,
gain levels or hit points under being only about 3 feet tall, are
The following rules should be such conditions, but only after not capable of using certain
considered optional for the returning home or after weapons and implements made
jbeginning referee or for establishing another place of for humans, and can use others
inexperienced groups of players. residence on a permanent basis, if only with some sort of penalty.
They will, however, add realism such return is not planned. Thus, For example, in normal use,
to your game at only a small if a character decides to LIVE in Halflings can only use slings and
inconvenience. a dungeon, or move to a new short bows for archery, although
Any character that gains a city, he may gain the benefits of a somewhat smaller crossbow
spell or ability by increasing his new levels in such places, at the could be designed for a Halfling
level should not gain that spell or discretion of the referee. The (it would cause only 1 die of
ability instantly. Thus, for any ,referee should not allow players damage instead of the normal 1 Yi
character that gains a spell or to simply say "I think I'm going dice). The availability of special,
ability, it takes a number of to live here, so here are my hit scaled-down weapons such as this
game days equal to the level of points." crossbow should be at the
the spell or ability to master the If a character does not, or discretion of the individual
spell or ability enough to use it. cannot, rest or practice the referee. Of the melee weapons, a
Thus, a Thief who has just required amount of time, his Halfling could utilize daggers,
become 8th level must take 5 benefits do not stack up · hatchets and short swords without
days to practice his new 5th level indefinitely. A character that has penalty. If smaller versions are
ability before using it. A Magic not rested or practiced at all since available, maces and warhammers
User or other character class that he has gained enough experience of Halfling size (doing 1 die of
throws magic must do the same points to change his level can damage per blow) could also be
for his spells. This number of continue to gain only as many used. Likewise a 1-die melee
days is for each spell or ability, experience points as would still spear could be produced.
for levels where more than one leave him at his new level. Any Otherwise, Halflings simply do
are gained, and they are added experience points that would be not have the size and leverage to
together to find the total number gained beyond that point are use other human-size weapons
of days of practice needed. In the simply wasted. A character does properly. Thus, if a Halfling
case of a Thievish character, it not need to practice enough to attempts to use a human weapon
takes no time to REMOVE gain ALL of his new abilities in designed to cause 2 or more dice
abilities that are replaced by order to prevent this experience- of damage from a normal blow,
higher ones of the same type, jam, but he MUST take his 1-day the Halfling must subtract 1 blow
since these are not forgotten, but rest and make Hit Point per phase from the BASIC
simply become part of the higher adjustments. number of blows that the weapon
ability. The sole exception to this At any level, a character is strikes per phase, adjusting his
practice time needed is the class not required to make use of all own blows further for his own
of Clerics. A Cleric needs to of the spells or abilities available encumberance level. Thus, a
spend an amount of time equal to him. Thus, if a magic user or Halfling trying to use a
only to his HIGHEST new spell. thief goes up in level, he is not Longsword would be using it as
This time is spent in rest and required to practice new spells or if it were a 2 blow per phase
prayer. Thus a new 8th level abilities immediately, or even to weapon. A Morningstar would
Cleric should spend 5 days decide which ones to learn. A become a 1 blow per phase
fasting, praying, etc. cleric must take time out to pray weapon, and a Flail would
Fighters take an amount of and gain spells as soon as he can. become 0 blows per phase, and
time equal to 1 game-day per He can be excused from this thus unusable.
level in order to gain the benefits requirement temporarily if his
of their Fighter Abilities. This healing or other spells are needed CENTAURS: These beings have
means that, upon reaching 9th by others. Likewise, a fighter is their own built-in advantages and
level, a Fighter could gain a not required to practice for disadvantages. In the first place,
Fighter Ability of some type with gaining his Fighter Abilities if his a Centaur is somewhat taller at
9 days of practice. (See Special stronghold is being attacked at the head than a normal human,
Rules, Fighter, page 11 of The the time, or something like that. and so it finds low ceilings to be
Complete Warlock.)All character a problem. Also, while faster
types automatically gain the
Attack and Defense levels equal * * * running than a normal human: a
Centaur is less maneuverable in
to their Hit Dice without further Non-Human Character Notes tight spaces. Basically, a Centaur
practice, along with adjustments is happiest outdoors, and thus is
for Strength and Agility. There are certain restrictions not the best of character types in
Characters whose Hit Points in what certain non-human worlds that consist of dungeons
change with any change in level characters may do, from their and tunnels under the ground.
gain the benefit of the increased sizes and shapes. Some of these
Hit Points after one day of rest restrictions may seem obvious, WERE-CREA TURES: Characters
at home. This does not include but all of them should be read who are turned into, or
time spent resting while on an and remembered. reincarnated as, various forms of
were-creatures, should be handled Basic Familiar Table system means that the familiar's
carefully. The referee should Hit Points will remain
always remember that the being Lawful comparable to those of the magic
must act within its own 00-49 Bird user companion, and in some
restrictions, such as not trying to 50-90 Cat cases exceed those of the magic
change shape while wearing Wolf user. The penalty that the magic
armor, not trying to throw spells 97-98 Ape user with a familiar must pay is
while in beast form, and so on. Special that he must subtract from his
A novice player should be earned experience an amount
discouraged from playing a were- equal to the Familiar's basic hit
being character, even in worlds Neutral dice, expressd as a percentage.
where such optional character 00-39 Bird That is, if it was a 1 Hit Die
types are common. In general, 40-85 Cat familiar originally, the magic user
there is a sharp division between 86-95 Wolf loses 1OJo of his experience as he
the powers and abilities of the 96-98 Ape goes along, this experience being
being in man-form and beast- 99 Special channeled into the familiar.
A familiar has certain abilities
form. Remember, in most cases,
the beast-form cannot talk, has and restnct10ns. First off, a
no hands, does not walk upright, Chaotic familiar will only engage in
00-09 Rat combat in its own defense, or if
etc. At the same time, the man-
form usually has weaker physical 10-30 Bird it can defend the magic user
skills, may move slower, etc. See 31-80 Cat companion without strong risk to
Optional Character Classes rules 81-87 Bat its own life. A familiar will not
Ape willingly commit suicide just for
for more details. 88-92
93-96 Wolf someone's convenience, nor will it
97-98 Minor Demon fight in lost causes if both itself
* *
Familiars * 99 Special and the magic user companion
can escape. The fighting abilities
of a familiar are determined by
When the Special Size its size and type, at the discretion
Characteristics Table indicates 00 Tiny of the referee. That is, the
that a character has a Familiar, 01-15 Small familiar normally uses natural
or when the referee determines 16-35 Below Average weapons of some kind, teeth,
that a non-player character has 36-65 Average claws, etc., usually Small or
one, the Familiar Table can be 66-85 Above Average Medium sized. This should be
used to determine just what the 86-98 Large determined by the referee when
familiar is. Roll the type of 99 Enormous the Familiar is generated initially,
familiar on the table for the and rea-..ded for later use.
appropriate alignment. A result of Fan ...1ars with at least
Special should be at the discretion Hit Dice Intelligence 15 can speak the
of the referee, generally 00-75 1 language that is normally used by
something somewhat unusual, but 76-90 2 beings of the alignment of their
not altogether impossible. A 91-98 3 companion magic users. Thus, a
Unicorn might be one possibility 99 4 lawful familiar would speak
for a Lawful magic user, and so 999 5 Lawful, if it could speak at all.
on. After the type of Familiar is 9999 6 Familiars can understand simple
determined, the Size and basic 99999 7 words (like: fly, hide, fight, etc.),
Hit Dice should be rolled. Just and so on. and can signal verbally if they
what the size of a familiar means notice dangers approaching. 2nd
must be interpreted along with Level familiars can scout ahead
the type. An average Ape would familiar adds hit points as of a magic user, if they can do
be larger than an average Bird. follows: for each level that a so safely. Such scouts can signal
Just use logic and sense. familiar goes up, it adds a simple replies, such as 'yes', 'no',
Familiars have the same number of hit points equal to 1 'danger', 'few', 'many', and so on,
characteristics as player point per level for each Hit Die within the limits of its own
characters, and these that it initially had, plus 1 point understanding and perceptions. A
characteristics should be rolled. for each Hit Die that its magic familiar might not realize that
They are not, however, adjusted user companion rolls, as he goes something is dangerous, or simply
after rolling. up in level. This means that, if a might not notice. Familiars of 4th
A familiar initially has the Hit Familiar originally had 2 hit dice, level or higher can understand
Dice, and thus the Hit Points, he would add 2 hits per level, somewhat more complex
indicated by the initial plus 1 hit each time the magic commands, such as 'fly up
determination. A familiar goes up user added to his basic number above', or 'look behind that tree',
in level along with its companion of hit dice (going from 2nd to etc. Familiars will successfully
magic user. Instead of rolling hit 3rd level for example, which is complete such a task a percentage
dice as it goes up, however, a from 1 die + 2 to 2 dice). This of the time equal to 6 times the
average of the Wisdom and SPECIAL SAVING THROWS
Intelligence of the familiar.
A Familiar that dies may not
be raised from the dead by a
cleric, but may be reincarnated by ROLL CHARM I CHARM II CHARM Ill GAZE PAIN
magical means. If this is done, NEEDED (Int + Wis) (Int) (Wisdom) (2 x Int + Dex) (Const) .
do not use the Reincarnation
tables, but instead roll again on 1 36+ 21 + 22+ 54+ 20+
the Familiar tables to determine 2 35 20 21 51-53 19
what the familiar comes back as. 3 33-34 19 20 49-50 18
Special Saving Throws 4 31-32 18 19 46-48 17
5 30 17 18 44-45 16
When combined with the 6 28-29 16 17 41-43 15
Special Saving Throw table in 7 26-27 15 16 39-40 14
The Complete Warlock, this table 8 25 14 15 36-38 13
will provide you with almost all 9 23-24 13 14 34-35 12
of the unusual saving throw 10 21-22 12 13 31-33 11
categories you will need for
11 19-20 11 12 29-30 10
special situations.
The use of the table itself 12 18 10 11 26-28 9
should be simple to understand: 13 16-17 9 10 24-25 8
the column on the left, headed 14 14-15 8 9 21-23 7
'Roll Needed,' indicates the 15 12-13 7 8 19-20 6
number, from 1-19, that the 16 10-11 6 7 16-18 5
character must roll with some 17 8-9 5 6 13-15 4
combination of characteristics, to 18 7 4 5 10-12 3
save vs. the specific thing 19 6- 3- 4- 9- 2-
indicated in the columns to the
right. The characteristic(s) listed
in parenthesis under the heading Clerics vs . Undead
for each column of saving throws Level difference-3 -2 -1 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101112
indicates what characteristic(s)
Lesser (animated) N A 8 C D D E E E F F F F G G G
should be checked. The
characteristic, or sum of them as Greater (spirit) N N A 8 c D D D E E E E F F F F
indicated, should give a number Solid (Ghoul, Vampire) N N N A A 8 8 8 c c
c c D DD D
that is within the range below.
You find the number that N Dispel has no effect
matches the one for the character A Turn affects 1-4 Dispelling Undead
being checked, and read to the B Turn affects 1-6 When a cleric uses the Dispel
left to find out what he needs to C Turn affects 2-8 Undead spell (OC), subtract the
roll as his saving throw. D Turn affects 2-12 level of the undead from the level
Charm I is a specific type of E Dispel affects 2-12 (or Turn 3-18) of the cleric. Add or subtract
Charm effect that may be magical F Dispel affects 3-18 (or Turn 4-24) from this number any adjustment
in nature, or a natural ability of G Dispel affects 4-24 (or Turn 5-30) for special characteristics or
a type of being. Generally, special items being used. Go to
Charm I can affect all intelligent The Gaze saving throw is used the appropriate (Lesser, Greater,
beings. It should be used in cases in cases where there is a chance or Solid). The letter given tells
where a Charm ability affects the that a character will look at how many of the undead are
entire mentality of a character, something the sight of which will turned or dispelled, rolled
rather than just the Intelligence cause the character harm (the randomly. Add any bonus for
or Wisdom. Add the Intelligence eyes of a vampire, or a medusa, high Wisdom of the cleric to this
and Wisdom of the character for example). Take the die roll. With results 'E', 'F' or
together to determine the needed Intelligence of the character, 'G', the cleric, before rollirlg for
saving throw. multiply it times two, and add his numbers affected, may choose to
Charm II, which is checked Dexterity. The sum is the number 'turn' or 'Dispel' the uqdead.
vs. the Intelligence of the victim, checked for the Gaze saving 'Turning' one or more undead
is for use in cases where there is throw. forces it or them to move directly
an attempt at direct telepathic or The Pain saving throw, which away from the cleric to a distance
psionic control of the victim. is checked against the victim's of at least 24", or as far away as
Charm III, which is checked constitution, is used in cases it or they can go. 'Dispelling' an
vs. the Wisdom of the victim, is where something causes the undead de-animates animated

displace t1
used in cases of attempts to
soul of the victim (as
in demon1 possession) or in cases
character specific intense pain,
such as torture. This saving throw
is used to determine whether the
undead, and destroys undead in
spirit form. Solid undead may
never be dispelled, only turned or
where a ght or a sound is character remains conscious and phy~ically destroyed.
sapping tt victim's will. aware in such situations.
Levels 21-40


POINTS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

21 10+3 PIPS 1,400,000 11 7 6 5 4 3 2

22 10+4 PIPS 1,600,000 12 7 6 5 4 3 2
23 11+1 PIP 1,800,000 12 8 6 6 4 3 2
24 11+2 PIPS 2,000,000 13 8 7 6 4 3 2 1
25 11+3 PIPS 2,200,000 13 9 7 6 4 4 2 1
26 11+4 PIPS 2,400,000 14 9 7 6 4 4 2 2
27 12+ 1 PIP 2,600,000 14 9 8 7 4 4 2 2
28 12+2 PIPS 2,800,000 15 10 8 7 5 4 3 2
29 12+3 PIPS 3,000,000 15 10 8 7 5 5 3 2
30 12+4 PIPS 3,200,000 16 10 8 7 5 5 3 2
31 13+ 1 PIP 3,400,000 16 11 9 8 5 5 3 2
32 13+2 PIPS 3,600,000 17 11 9 8 5 5 3 2
33 13+3 PIPS 3,800,000 17 11 9 8 6 5 3 2
34 13+4 PIPS 4,000,000 18 12 10 8 6 5 3 2
35 14+ 1 PIP 4,200,000 18 12 10 9 6 5 4 2
36 14+2 PIPS 4,400,000 19 12 10 9 6 5 4 3
37 14+3 PIPS 4,600,000 19 13 10 9 6 5 4 3
38 14+4 PIPS 4,800,000 20 13 11 9 6 6 4 3
39 15+1 PIP 5,000,000 20 13 11 10 7 6 4 3
40 15+2 PIPS 5,200,000 21 14 11 10 7 6 4 3

Levels 21-40


POINTS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

21 12+2 PIPS 2,800,000 9 6 4 4 3 2

22 13 3,200,000 9 6 5 4 3 2
23 13+ 1 PIP 3,600,000 10 6 5 4 3 2
24 13+2 PIPS 4,000,000 10 6 5 4 3 2 1
25 14 4,400,000 10 7 5 5 3 3 1
26. 14+ 1 PIP 4,800,000 11 7 5 5 3 3 1
27 14+2 PIPS 5,200,000 11 7 6 5 4 3 1
28 15 5,600,000 11 6 5 4 3 2 1
29 15+ 1 PIP 6,000,000 12 8 6 5 4 3 2
30 15+2 PIPS 6,400,000 12 8 7 5 4 3 2
31 16 6,800,000 12 8 7 6 4 3 2
32 16+ 1 PIP 7,200,000 13 8 7 6 4 3 2 1
33 16+2 PIPS 7,600,000 13 9 7 6 4 4 2 1
34 17 8,000,000 13 9 7 6 5 4 2 1
35 17+1 PIP 8,400,000 14 9 8 6 5 4 2 1
36 17 +2 PIPS 8,800 ,000 14 9 8 7 5 4 2 2
37 18 9,200 ,000 15 10 8 7 5 4 2 2
38 18+ 1 PIP 9,600 ,000 15 10 8 7 5 4 3 2
39 18+2 PIPS 10,000,000 16 10 8 7 5 4 3 2
40 19 10,400,000 16 10 8 7 5 5 3 2

Abuunctmtnt ~ ·Wublts
Levels 21-40


POINTS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

21 11+1 PIP 1,500,000 10 8 8 6 6 3 2

22 11+2 PIPS 1,700,000 11 8 8 6 6 4 2
23 11+3 PIPS 1,900,000 11 9 8 7 6 4 2 1
24 12+ 1 PIP 2, 100,000 11 9 9 7 7 4 2 1
25 12+ 2 PIPS 2,300,000 12 9 9 7 7 5 3 1
26 12+3 PIPS 2,500,000 12 10 9 8 7 5 3 1
27 13+ 1 PIP 2, 700,000 12 10 10 8 8 5 3 1
28 13+2 PIPS 2,900,000 13 10 10 8 8 6 3 2
29 13+3 PIPS 3, 100,000 13 11 10 9 8 6 4 2
30 14+ 1 PIP 3,300,000 13 11 11 9 9 6 4 2
31 14+2 PIPS 3,500,000 14 11 11 9 9 7 4 2
32 14+3 PIPS 3, 700,000 14 12 11 10 9 7 4 2
33 15+1 PIP 3,900,000 14 12 12 10 10 7 5 3
34 15+2 PIPS 4, 100,000 15 12 12 10 10 . 8 5 3
35 15+3 PIPS 4,300,000 15 13 12 11 10 8 5 3
36 16+ 1 PIP 4,500,000 15 13 13 11 11 8 5 3
37 16+2 PIPS 4, 700,000 16 13 13 11 11. 9 6 3
38 16+3 PIPS 4,900,000 16 14 13 12 11 9 6 4
39 17+1 PIP 5, 100,000 16 14 14 12 12 9 6 4
40 17+2 PIPS 5,300,000 17 14 14 12 12 10 6 4

Levels 21-40


POINTS 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

21 11+1 PIP 1,500,000 24 11 7 6 5 4 3 2

22 11+2 PIPS 1,700,000 25 12 8 6 6 4 3 2
23 11+3 PIPS 1, 900,000 26 12 8 7 6 4 3 2
24 12+ 1 PIP 2, 100,000 27 13 8 7 6 5 3 2 1
25 12+2 PIPS 2,300,000 28 13 9 7 6 5 4 2 1
26 12+3 PIPS 2,500,000 29 14 9 7 7 5 4 2 1
27 13+ 1 PIP 2,700,000 30 14 9 8 7 5 4 2 2
28 13+2 PIPS 2,900,000 31 15 10 8 7 5 4 3 . 2
29 13+3 PIPS 3, 100,000 32 15 10 8 7 6 4 2 2
30 14+1 PIP 3,300,000 33 16 10 9 8 6 4 3 2
31 14 + 2 PIPS 3,500,000 34 16 11 9 8 6 5 3 2
32 14+3 PIPS 3,700 ,000 35 17 11 9 8 6 5 3 2
33 15+ 1 PIP 3,900,000 36 17 11 10 9 6 5 3 2
34 15+2 PIPS 4, 100,000 37 18 12 10 9 7 5 3 2
35 15+3 PIPS 4,300,000 38 18 12 10 9 7 5 3 2
36 16+ 1 PIP 4,500,000 39 19 12 10 9 7 5 4 3
37 16+2 PIPS 4,700,000 40 19 13 11 9 7 5 4 3
38 16+3 PIPS 4,900,000 41 20 13 11 10 7 6 4 3
39 17+1 PIP 5, 100,000 42 20 13 11 10 8 6 4 3
40 17+2 PIPS 5,300,000 43 21 19 11 10 8 6 4 3

CENTAURS points at the same rate as an Elf, character becoming a Neutral or
so use the Elven Advancement Chaotic were-creature by means
These beings are one of the table for their hits and levels of a curse), the character may no
optional character types. In (ignore the spells, since fighters longer be a Cleric of his old
worlds with restricted character don't cast spells). Centaur Magic alignment. The characteristics of
types, and for beginning players Users, Illusionists and Thieves a were-creature are the same as
and referees, this character type have advancement like that of an for a normal human, except for
should not be used except as the Elven Thief in hit points and the fact that some types of were-
result of a Reincarnation spell, if experience needed per level. creatures should be given a
the referee permits non-humanoid Centaur Magic Users and strength bonus when in beast
reincarnations. Some people might Illusionists gain spells at the same form, particularly any were-
like running a Centaur, others rate as an Elf, and should thus creature that is particularly strong
might find it difficult. Each use the Elven Advancement table in comparison to a normal
referee or group of referees to determine how many spells are human. This is up to the
should decide for themselves acquired at each level. Centaur individual referee. Due to the
whether or not to allow them, Thieves gain abilities at the same nature of a were-creature, it has
and with what restrictions. rate as a human thief, per level, difficulty absorbing the
Basically, a Centaur is a being but are restricted from using advantages of experience. Thus, a
with the upper body of a human certain abilities, at the discretion were-creature advances in level as
being and the lower body of a of the referee. Basically, a if it were whatever character class
small-to-medium-sized horse. This Centaur Thief should not be it might be when in human form,
means that a Centaur has a lot allowed to use any Thievish but at a -50% loss of experience.
more mass than a human, in fact Abilities that would be physically Thus, a were-creature that is a
roughly 3 times the body weight. unreasonable for something fighter in human form, with
Thus, when rolling the Size of a shaped like a Centaur: hiding and Strength 11, would only receive
Centaur randomly, determine the moving silently would be more the benefit of 500 experience
weight by finding the weight of a difficult, as would any of the points out of every 1000 earned.
human of that sex and size, and ducking and dodging abilities. Any bonuses or subtractions for
multiply that weight times 3. Still, a Centaur Thief could Prime Requisite are added or
Thus, a male centaur that is size utilize melee and archery abilities, subtracted from this base
10 would weigh roughly 450 detection and burglary skills, and percentage BEFORE the -50% is
pounds. The dividing line of man so on. calculated. Thus, a character that
and horse on a Centaur is would gain a 10% bonus for
roughly at the human waist, WERE-CREATURES experience earned, if a normal
which joins the horse-body at the human, would receive 55%
base of what would be the horse's Any of the various types of benefit from experience. In other
neck. Thus, a Centaur has four were-creatures that change from words, just calculate experience
feet and two arms. The carrying man to beast and back again are for the were-creature as if for a
capacity of a Centaur is similar likely candidates for character human, and divide the final result
to its size: big. The only types. Like Centaurs, these by 2.
restriction to Centaurs carrying creatures are difficult to run as Basically, any animal of
things is that the weight of their characters, and should not be roughly human size and weight
equipment and such should be handled by novice players or could be the basis for a were-
distributed so that roughly 713 is referees. creature, depending on the referee
carried by the horse body, and 'Ii Were-creatures have the special and his world. Until you get the
by the human body. Carrying advantages that they cannot hang of designing new ones, stick
capacity for a Centaur is figured normally be damaged in their with the ones from common
as if for a normal human: beast forms except by silver or fantasy and mythology sources.
multiply the weight of the magic. • They have the
Centaur times the Carrying disadvantage that they lose much
Capacity multiplier found in the of their human intelligence when
Bonuses and Penalties Due to in beast form. This means that
Strength table, page 12, The they cannot think as clearly or
Complete Warlock. communicate with other members
Centaurs may be Fighters, of an expedition as easily as
Magic Users, Illusionists, or when in human form. It takes 1
Thieves, based on their full turn for a were-creature to
characteristics as if human. They change forms. When in human
may not be Clerics, nor may they form, a were-creature can be any
be any combination character that of the character classes that his
at any level gains the powers of a characteristics allow, determined
cleric. In systems that allow as if a normal human character.
Druids, a Centaur with sufficient The only restriction to this is that
Wisdom should be permitted to if a character's alignment has
gain Druidical powers. Centaur been altered by becoming a were-
fighters attain levels and hit creature (such as a Lawful
1Equtpm.ent anb ITEM

Room & meal


1 sp
Lodgings & Meals: (per meal or night)

Melee Weapons:

1Exp.ens.es Room
Stew & bread
Roast meat
1 Ocp
1 Ocp
Battle Axe
Beaked Hammer
Bull ova 12 25
TYPE BASIC FANCY Breakfast Sep 1 Ocp
Dagger 2 3
OR Banquet (per person) Ssp 1 gp
Falchion S 10
Fauchard 15 10
Stabling: (per night)
Drinks: (per pint)
Flail 10 8
Mule 10cp 1 Scp Great Axe 15 1S
Beer Sep 10cp Light Horse 1 Scp 1sp Hal bard 1S 7
Ale 1 Ocp 1sp Medium Horse 1sp 1sp,Scp Hand Axe S 3
Mead 2sp Ssp Heavy Horse 2sp 2sp,10cp Hatchet 3 3
Wine 2sp Ssp Kris 3 NA
Brandy 2gp Sgp Grains: (per pound) Longsword S 10
Cider 2cp 1 .Sep Lucerne Hammer 1S NA
Hard Cider 10cp 1cp Mace S s
Barley 1cp Maul 1S 20
Vegetables and Fruits : (per pound) Y.cp Morningstar 10 6
Beans 3cp Sep Pike 1S s
Peas 3cp Sep Seasonings (per pound): Pole Arms (other) 1S 7
Beets 2cp Quarterstaff 10 2
Salt 10cp
Carrots 1cp Short Sword 4 8
Honey 1sp
Lettuce Sep Spear 10 2
Sugar 1gp
Lentils 3cp Pepper Trident 4 10
Onions 3cp 1 Ocp Two -Handed Sword 1S 1S
Cabbage 2cp Warhammer 5 s
Turnips 1cp Wide-Bladed Falchion S.S 10
Apples Sep 10cp Archery Equipment:
Cherries 10cp Miscellaneous: 4 Arrows Y, 1
Plums/Prunes 2cp 3cp Backpack (cap. 30) 1 s 3 Arrows, silver tips Y, 15
Berries 3cp Belladonna, 1 bunch .1 10 Composite Bow 5 so
Strawberries 10cp Coin (any type) .OS Horse Bow S 50
Grapes / Ra isins 4cp 1sp Cross, Silver 3 2S Long Bow 4 50
Lemons Sep 1 Ocp Cross, Wooden 1 2 Short Bow 3 25
Cord (SO feet) 1 s Light Crossbow 1S 50
Meats : (per pound) Flint & Steel .S s Heavy Crossbow 7S 150
Beef steak 1sp Garlic, 1 bud .1 s 6 Light Quarrels 1 2
Beef roast 10cp Gem stone .05 6 Heavy Quarrels 2 4
Beef Sep 1 Ocp Grappling Hook 1 5 6 Light Quarrels, silver 1.S 30
Pork Sep 8cp Hand Mirror, Silver .3 1S 6 Heavy Quarrels, silver 3.0 30
Ham 1 Ocp Hand Mirror, Steel .4 s Javelin 2 1
Bacon 8cp Holy Water, 1 flask 2 2S Quiver (20 arrow cap.) 1 s
Suckling Pig 1sp Iron Spike .1 Quarrel Holder (18 cap.) s
Mutton 3cp Jewelry, 1 piece 2 Sling .1 2
Lamb 8cp Lantern 2 10 S Sling Stones, lead .S 1
Chicken 2cp Lockpick Kit 1 50 S Sling Stones, silver .S 2 .S
Small birds 3cp Mallet or Hammer .S 1
Duck 4cp Oil, 1 flask 2 2 ITEM WEIGHT COST
Goose Sep Pole, 1 O' 7 1
Swan 1sp Pry bar, Iron 10 s Armor:
Veni son 2sp Sack, Giant (cap. 50) 1 s Leather (with helmet) 1S% 1S
Boar 2sp Sack, Large (cap. 30) .S 2 Brigandine (w/helmet) 3S% 100
Simple fish (whiting) 3cp 10cp Sack, Small (cap. S) .1 1 Chain (w/helmet) 30% so
Good fish (cod) 6cp 1sp 3 Stakes, wooden .3 1 Chain-Plate (w/helm) 42.S% 100
Fancy fish (salmon) 1 Scp 2sp 6 Torches 1 Plate (w/helm) SS% 1 SO
Shellfish 1 Ocp Water flask (cap . 1 qt.) 2 1 Helm (for heavy armor) 8 20
Sausage Sep Wineskin (cap. 1 qt) .2S 1 Helmet s 10
Good sausage 1 Ocp Wolvesbane, 1 bunch .1 10 Shield 1S 10
Fancy sausage 1sp
ITEM BASIC GOOD Horses & Accessories:
Dairy : (per pint, pound or dozen) Clothing:
Mule 700 20
Eggs (per dozen) 6cp Men's : Draft Horse 1000 30
Milk 2cp Tunic Ssp 1 gp Light Horse 600 40
Soft Che ese Sep Chemise 3sp Ssp Medium Horse 800 100
Hard Che ese 1 Ocp Hose 3sp Ssp Heavy Horse 900 100
Butter 8cp Cloak 1gp 2gp Barding 7S 1SO
Sandals 2sp Ssp Cart (1-horse, cap. 600) 200 so
Baked Goods: (per pound loaf or unit) Boots 3gp Sgp Lance 1S 4
Rye Bread 3cp Complete Outfit Sgp 10gp Bridle, bit & blanket s s
Robe 6sp 1gp Saddle 2S 2S
Wheat Bread Sep
White Bread 10cp Saddle bags (cap. 60) 10 10
Sweet rolls (per dozen) 1 sp Women's: Warhorse training 100
Cake 1 sp Cloak 1gp 2gp Wagon (2-horse) soo 100
Sandals 6sp 1gp [capacity 1000]
Fruit pie 1sp
Slippers 1 gp 2gp Wagon (4-horse) 800 1SO
Way bread 2sp
Complete Outfit 3gp 6°11P [capacity 2S00]

The following restrictions feet. Such walls can be
apply to your work force in constructed at a rate of 100
constructing a stronghold: square feet of wall (not area
unskilled laborers can only be surrounded by the wall) per man-
used for clearing land and for day. Wooden buildings may be
digging through either earth or constructed at a rate of 3 sq.
rock. During actual construction ft/man-day per story of height.
of walls or buildings, the bulk of The cost of wooden buildings is
your work force should be semi- based on height, since taller
skilled, with at least 150Jo of the buildings must be stronger. A
total work force being skilled I-story wooden building would
laborers, and 50Jo being cost 4 silver pieces per square
craftsmen. foot to build. A 2-story building
Stronghold Construction In addition to the labor costs would cost 1 gold piece per
of construction, the following are square foot. 3-stories would cost
For reasons of playability of the costs of tools and other 1.6 gold pieces per square foot. 4
the game, rather than ones of expenses that come up during stories would cost 2.2 gold pieces
historical accuracy, there are construction. per square foot. Wooden
restrictions on building castles Clearing land for construction buildings may not be built taller
and other fortifications that are can be done by unskilled laborers than 4 stories.
based on the level of the at a rate of 100 square feet per Stone Construction: Stone
characters involved, rather than man per day (hereafter called sq. walls may be built, for
the perm1ss10n of the local ft.Iman-day), at a cost of 5 fortifications, at a rate of 50
royalty. Within the game, the copper pieces per 100 sq. ft. cubic feet of stone per man-day.
following limits apply: unless Wooded or rough terrain can be At the discretion of the referee,
otherwise stated, no character cleared at rate of 50 sq. ft/man- this may be adjusted due to
may build a permanent day, and cost of 10 copper pieces terrain, especially if blocks of
stronghold unless the character is for that unit. stone are not available nearby. In
at least 9th level. Clerics may Digging dirt, for moats and any case, stone walls cost 3 silver
build strongholds when they reach ditches, as well as for setting pieces per cubic foot of wall.
8th level. Magic users may build foundations, can be done at the Add 5 OJo to this cost if passages
strongholds when they reach 11th rate of 60 cubic feet of dirt per are built running within the wall
level. Combination character man-day. Temporary shoring, for itself. Also add 5 OJo per foot
classes may build a stronghold ditches and such, costs 10 copper thicker than 6 feet thick, and 20Jo
when they reach the level at pieces per cubic foot of ditch. per foot higher than 200Jo, up to
which the lowest of their More permanent shoring, for a maximum of 50 feet.
combined classes could begin moats, costs 15 copper pieces per Stone towers are built at a
construction. cubic foot. Building earthworks rate of 30 cubic feet of stone per
Only characters who possess a takes less support, and thus costs man-day. Round or curved walls
stronghold may hire alchemists or only 5 copper pieces per cubic and towers cost 1 gold piece per
armed bodies of men. Only foot. cubic foot of walls. Add 50Jo to
characters of a level sufficient to Digging through rock can be this per foot thicker than 3 feet
allow them to build a stronghold done by a force that consists of thick, and 20Jo per foot higher
may hire men of any kind on a no more than 750Jo unskilled than 300Jo high, up to a
permanent basis, or for longer laborers. The rest must be at maximum of 100 feet high.
than a specific single task. least semi-skilled, with Square towers are built at a cost
Characters of sufficient level to appropriate numbers of foremen. of 5 silver pieces per cubic foot
build strongholds may share the Digging rock can be done at the of walls. Add 50Jo per foot
building or ownership of a rate of 15 cubic feet per man- thicker than 3 feet thick, and 20Jo
stronghold, or may simply rent day, and at a cost of 1 silver per foot taller than 300Jo, up to a
space in an existing stronghold piece per cubic foot. maximum of 60 feet high.
from one another. From this point on in the Other stone buildings are built
The speed with which your construction, all work must be at a rate of 1 sq. ft/man-day per
stronghold is completed will be done by workers who are at least story. 1 story costs 1.3 gp/sq. ft.
dependent on the size, and the semi-skilled. In all construction 2 stories costs 3 gp/sq. ft. 3
number of men you have working from this point on, no more than stories costs 6 gp/sq. ft. 4 stories
on construction. The Hiring Rules 1 man per 50 square feet may costs 9 gp/sq. ft. Like wooden
will give you most of the work on the construction. buildings, these stories are
information you need about Wooden Contruction: Wooden roughly 10 feet in height.
hiring your work force. If there stockade walls may be built, Add 1OOJo to the cost to
are limits to the local population, either as a temporary provide for furnishings, and such
the referee should determine fortification, or a cheap one. things as stairs, windows, etc.
whether or not sufficient workers These walls may be built at a Add another lOOJo if the buildings
are available to complete your cost of Yi gold piece per foot are intended as fortifications in
work immediately, or if there high per foot of length of wall, case of siege or war, to cover
must be some delay. up to a maximum height of 20 defensive equipment. Add fancy
fixtures to taste. Read a good Hirelings various jobs. For example, wagon
book, such as Castles, by Oman, drivers would be semi-skilled
to get ideas of just what i Only those characters of laborers, while loaders for a hay
possible. sufficient level to build a wagon need not be skilled at all.
A 'stronghold' does not have Stronghold (see Construction of For any job, a minimum of 1
to be a fortified manor or castle. Stronghold rules) can hire Foreman is usually needed per 20
It can just as easily be a workers on a permanent basis, or laborers.
cathedral, a wizard's tower, a can hire fighters to act as a The second column of this
thiers hideaway, or whatever standing army. Below that level, table indicates the number of
your character could call home. characters may only hire workers persons responding to your
You should design yours to fit to work on a specific job of advertising, at the basic cost of
the needs of your characters. short duration, at the discretion 1000 gold pieces per week spent
of the referee. at the nearest population center.
The table for hiring workers This advertising takes the form of
* * * and fighters assumes that the
characters live in or near a large
posted flyers, word-of-mouth, and
agents deliberately looking for
Hiring Fighters and Workers center of population, either a city men for you. In those cases
or an area with a lot of trade. If where a range, say from 2-12, is
Type of Hireling this is not the case in your world, indicated, this means that that
Number Salary
adjust the chances of finding many people responded to your
Per Per
workers and fighters accordingly. ad campaign, and can be hired.
Week Month
Unskilled Laborer 4-24 2gp The column entitled 'Type' If a percentage chance is
Semi-skilled Laborer 3-18 4gp should be obvious, since it indicated, this is the percentage
Skilled Laborer or 2-12 7gp describes the type of worker or chance that someone fitting your
Foreman fighter you are attempting to needs has answered your ads.
Specific Craftsman 15% 25gp hire. Specific Craftsman is for Salary per month is also
Artisan 25% 100gp things like metalsmiths and pretty obvious, except for the
Architect 40% 1% cost woodcarvers. Artisan is for such case of Architect. An Architect is
Engineer 10% 750gp occupations as sculptors, painters paid an amount equal to 111/o of
Animal Trainer 10% 500gp and such. Sea captains and the total cost of whatever you
Armorer 15% 100gp caravan leaders should be paid ask him to design.
Light Foot 2-12 5gp and hired as if Artisans, if you Advertising to find your help
Heavy Foot 1-6 ?gp expect them to be any good. ·can be combined among all of
Basic Archer 2-12 12gp Obviously, the availability of the different types you wish to
Crossbowman 2-12 10gp sailors and rowers is dependent hire. The cost of advertising is
Long bowman 1-6 15gp upon their being a large body of 1000 gold pieces per week, for as
Light Horseman 2-12 20 water nearby. If you are in the many of the different categories
Medium Horseman 2-12 30 middle of a desert world, there as you wish. For those categories
Heavy Horseman 1-6 45 wouldn't be very many sailors. In where there is only a percentage
Light Horse Archer 1-6 30 addition to their uses in building chance of a response, you may
Medium Horse 1-6 45 Strongholds and other things, the double the chance of a response
Archer (crossbow) classifications of laborers will per week by either tripling the
Sailor 1-6 10 help the referee in deciding how cost of advertising spent (i.e.,
Rower 2-12 5 easy it is to hire workers for 3000 per week), or by adding
5011/o to the salary being offered
per month. Thus, if you advertise
~~/-:.; .... -, ......,.,
that you are willing to hire an
Armorer at a salary of 150 gold
pieces per month, you will have a
3011/o chance per week that
someone will take the job. The
chances may not be adjust~d
beyond this amount.
Due to their special pos1t1on
in the society, Clerics may hire
workers and fighters at a much
lower rate of pay, since the
workers and fighters may feel
that the spiritual benefits (and
free healing) are worth the
difference. Therefore, Clerics may
hire help at wages of Yi those
listed, but with only 1/.i the
response per week. Clerics need
pay only 250 gold pieces per
week in advertising costs.
chance of the weapon breaking yield a 1OOOJo chance of an
Q.tnmbat for each point of Strength of the
wielder. That is, in the case of a
average weapon being broken in
contact with a normal
Weapon Breakage Strength 15 fighter possibly Broadsword, which is itself being
Whenever a Fumble or a breaking a weapon, 150Jo must be wielded by a Strength 10 fighter.
Parry result indicates that there is added to its chance of breaking Also note that a + 3 weapon
a chance that a weapon has been at this point in the calculation. would have a OOJo chance of
broken, the following rules should Adjustments must be made for breaking under the same
be used to determine whether or the Armor Class of the target. If circumstances.
not the weapon has indeed been the target that the weapon has
broken. Basically, using the just tried to strike is Leather, add Parrying
following rules will give a 200Jo to the weapon's chance of It is possible to decrease the
percentage chance that a weapon breaking; for Brigandine, add chances of being hit by an
has been broken. If the 300Jo; for Chain, add 400Jo; for opponent by means of parrying
percentage is OOJo or negative, Chain-Plate, add 500Jo; for Plate, his blows . This is done by
there is no chance that the add 600Jo. Add another 1OOJo if (simplified somewhat) striking at
weapon has broken. If the the target's Armor Class includes his weapon rather than at your
percentage yielded by your figures a Shield, or if he is using one opponent directly. This is
is lOOOJo or greater, the weapon and the weapon is striking from reflected in the combat system as
automatically breaks. If the result the target's shield side. follows:
is between 1OJo and 990Jo, the If the target's armor is A character may use his own
weapon has a chance of breaking, magical an additional adjustment weapon to parry any blow
and a percentile die should be must be made. If the target's coming from the direction he is
rolled to determine whether or armor is + 1, 200Jo is added to directly facing, within the limits
not the weapon did indeed break. the weapon's chance of breaking. stated below.
Basically, an average weapon If the target's armor is + 2, 300Jo For each blow the character
has a 300Jo chance of breaking, is added to the chance of attempts to parry, he uses up one
without taking any other things breaking. If the target's armor is offensive blow with that weapon
into account. An extremely fragile + 3, 400Jo is added to the chance for that phase. He may not
weapon, such as an arrow, has a of breaking. The greater defense attempt to parry more blows than
basic 600Jo chance of breaking. A bonus of armor or shield is used he could take offensively.
solid or unusually well-made if the target is being attacked His parrying weaon must be
weapon (normally at the from his shield side. The bonuses of length 1-5, with the special
discretion of the referee, these of armor and shield are not exceptions of the Spear (8) and
include such things as a rock, added together for checking for Quarterstaff (11). In the following
which is solid, to a samurai breakage. descriptions, the spear is assumed
sword or a kris, which are Given the above information, to parry as length 8, and the
unusually well-made by their you can see that an average quarterstaff to parry as length 3,
nature) only has a basic lOOJo weapon, being wielded by a due to its mobility. His opponent
chance of breaking. Please note Strength 10 fighter, striking a may be using any artificial
that the fact that a weapon is target in Chain armor, with both weapon except a Morningstar or
magical does not automatically weapon and armor being non- Flail, which cannot be parried, or
mean that it is especially well- magical, will have an 800Jo chance any natural weapon except Large
made for these purposes. of breaking. Mouth, Tail or Tentacle, or Butt-
From this base percentage If the weapon being checked Ram.
chance of breaking, subtract the for breakage is parrying, rather For purposes of determining
following percentages for the than striking an opponent, the length of weapons, the following
magical enchantment of the following adjustments are used exceptions should be noted: when
weapon being checked, if any. instead: add 1OJo to the weapon's attacking, a Quarterstaff is
This percentage adjustment is chance of breaking for each treated as length 5. Monster
figured for the greatest Strength point of the opponent, attack classes labelled Small
enchantment of the weapon, rather than of the wielder of the should be treated as length 2.
whether attack or damage bonus, weapon being checked for Monster attack classes labelled
not the sum of all its breakage; add lOOJo for each die Medium should be treated as
enchantments. For a weapon that of damage that the opponent's length 5. Monster attack classes
is enchanted to be + 0, subtract weapon, the one being parried, labelled Large should be treated
400Jo from its chance to break. would do, not counting as length 9. At the discretion of
For a weapon that is + 1, adjustments for strength; instead the referee, extremely large
subtract 600Jo. For a + 2 weapon, of an adjustment for armor class monsters may be treated as
subtract 800Jo. For a + 3 weapon, of the target, use 400Jo, as if the greater lengths or as tot~lly
subtract lOOOJo. Note that at this target were Chain; if the unparryable by normal means. It
point, the indicated percentage opponent's weapon is magical, would be hard, for example, to
may be negative; the next step, add the percentages listed for parry the foot of a Brontosaurus,
however, may make it positive magical armor of the same degree just from sheer mass. Monster
again, so keep going. of enchantment, i.e. 200Jo for attack classes 11 -14,
1OJo should be added to the + 1, and so on. These figures Envelopment and Crushing

attacks, may only be parried by within its percentage chance of Miscellaneous Combat Rules
Spear or Quarterstaff, and only if breaking, the weapon breaks, and Any time a character is
the attacking monster has a solid, cannot be further used to parry attacked from behind while in
substantial body. In those cases, or attack. melee already, or otherwise
the attacks may be parried as if If the attacker rolls a number engaged in fighting, he loses l
the monster were using a length 6 from 2 to 5 higher than what he defense level compared to the
weapon. needed to hit through the parry, attacker from the rear.
The effect of a parry is he has disarmed the parrying Any defense levels that come
calculated as follows: if the person, who loses 1-4 blows from magical defenses built into a
attacking weapon has a length 3 drawing out another weapon for shield do not apply against any
or less longer than the parrying fighting or parrying. During the attacker that is attacking from a
weapon, and no more than l time taken up by these lost direction not faced by the shield.
shorter than the parrying weapon, blows, the attacking opponent's Thus, if a character has a shield
the number that the attacker blows are, of course, unparried on his left arm, an attack coming
needs to roll (00-99) to hit is unless our beleaguered defender from his right or behind him is
reduced by Yz. Thus, if a 25 had had another weapon in his other not guarded against by the
been needed to hit, the attacker hand. (See Using Two Weapons.) defense levels of the shield.
now needs a 12 or less (always Any time a character is
remember to count 00 as a Using Two Weapons completely immobile or in no way
number; needing a 25 or less to It is possible for any expecting an attack, he defends at
hit means that you have 26 humanoid or similar being to use level 0, adjusted only by any
chances out of 100). a weapon in each hand, with magical armor or protective
If the attacking weapon is certain limitations and penalties. devices or spells.
either 4 or 5 longer than the While this normally refers only to Any time a character is
parrying weapon, the parry two hands, being with more than engaged in combat, it takes an
reduces the chance to hit by YJ. two hands might be able to use amount of time equal to 1-4
Thus, if the attacker had needed more than two weapons, at the blows (rolled randomly) with the
a 29 or less to hit, he would now discretion of the referee. new weapon to change weapons.
need to roll 19 or less to hit. First, the use of two weapons This includes voluntarily changing
If the attacking weapon is 6 normally means that you are not weapons, or replacing ones lost
or 7 longer than the one being using a shield defensively, and or broken during the melee. If a
used to parry, or 3 shorter than this may reduce the armor class character is not engaged in melee
the parrying weapoon, the parry of the wielder of the two at the time of the weapon
reduces the chance to hit by ~. weapons. exchange, it takes only an
Thus, if the attacker had needed Second, only weapons with amount of time equal to l blow
a 35 or less to hit, he would now lengths l - 5 may be used with the new weapon.
need to roll 26 or less to hit. together, as follows: any two It takes an amount of time
If the difference between the weapons of lengths l - 4 may be equal to 2-12 blows of the
attacking weapon and the used together, or any weapon of recovered weapon to recover a
parrying weapon is greater than is length 5 may be used with any weapon that has been dropped in
stated above, . the attacking length 1-4 weapon. (These the middle of a melee, if that
weapon may not be successfully lengths are as indicated on the weapon is in the immediate
parried. Further, neither a Hand Attack Matrix for Hand-Carried vicinity (l ") of the continuing
Axe or Hatchet may parry a Weapons, The Complete melee.
Maul successfully. Warlock.) Normally, two combatants
Due to the way a weapon is Third, any person using two must be within l" of each other
used to parry, there is a better weapons in this manner loses in order to fight in melee. If a
than normal chance that the FOUR attack levels from his monster or other creature has an
parrying character may break or attacks with either weapon. abnormally long reach or weapon,
drop his weapon. This is handled Fourth, the person using two the melee range is at the
as follows: if the attacker rolls a weapons loses l blow from the discretion of the referee.
number l higher than he needs to number of blows he would When combat is first joined,
hit while being parried (i.e. needs normally take with EACH the character or being who
to roll 19 or less and rolls a 20), weapon each phase. That is, if charges into the melee takes his
the person parrying must check to using a 4 blow weapon and a 3 first blow first, if the weapons
see if his weapon has been blow weapon in conjunction, he are equal.
broken. This is done by would take 3 and 2 blows, On the first phase of a melee,
consulting the same rules used to respectively. if all else is equal, the longer
check for weapons breaking due He may use one weapon to weapon strikes first on the first
to Fumbles. Simply roll a strike and one weapon to parry blow. After that, the shorter,
Breakage Chance number for the blows of an opponent, with more maneuverable weapon
weapon as if it had hit an whatever restrictions the parrying strikes first. Blows are spaced out
opponent in Chain armor, using weapon may have, or both based on the number of blows
your opponents's strength rather weapons to strike, or both per phase with each weapon, all
than your own in the percentage weapons to parry blows coming blows being spread evenly
check. If your weapon's roll falls from the same general direction. throughout the melee phase.
ages or levels); Attack Matrix time. Movement: 6" on land in
Weapons Used (W Hand-Carried alligator form, 12" in human form or
Weapon, M means Natural Body in water. 7HD. Attack: M3. Strength
Weapon, and the attached number 13. AC 6b. Attack 7th, Defense 7th.
corresponds to the numbers on the Saving Throw Class 9. Treasure Class
flnnsters anb Attack Matrices); Strength (calcul.lted
on the human scale, and with damage
Amphisbaer1a: This is a snakelike
being with a head at each end. It is
1.Encnunters bonuses adjusted accordingly); Armor
Class (AC) equivalent, numbered as
on the Attack Matrices; Attack and
from 6-12 feet long, roughly
corresponding to its hit dl.ce. It has
Defense Levels (used to adjust multicolored scales. It normally
number needed to hit, see basic moves either straight in the direction
Combat Rules); Saving Throw Class of one head or the other, or sideways
Monster List (see Non-Human Saving Throw by advancing first one head, then the
This list is intended to be only a Table); Treasure Class (see Treasure other. These are somewhat intelligent,
sample of the various types of Table); Special Notes (actually, this is and dislike human beings and other
monsters that are posr.ible under the often just a catch-all for information similar species. They are Chaotic in
Warlock rules system. At a later date that did not conveniently fit into one alignment. They live mainly in dry,
there may be a more complete book of the other categories). Is all that sandy areas, but will tolerate dry
of monsters. These are intendeg to clear? Good. Now let's start the list. caves or tunnels. Type: Monster
give the beginning referee a place to Reptile. Number: 1-6. 40% in lair.
start, and a basis for designing his Speed 12". 6-12 HD. Each head
own monsters. The list includes attacks as M2, poisonous (poison
Demons, Dragons, Giants, Giant Alicanto: This 7-foot tall factor 1.0). Strength 18. AC S.
Animals, Mythical Beasts, Undead, ostrich-like bird has the unusual Attacks at its HD +1, Defends at HD.
and other types. The actual mixture ability to live by eating metal, usually Saving Throw Class 10. Treasure Class
is up to the individual referee, since of a particular type. Its wing feathers c.
the mixture should be balnced for are typically the color of its favorite Ants, Army: These are somewhat
each world or dungeon accordingly. food-metal. The wings are not usable large (W') reddish ants. They have no
It is recommended that anyone for flying. Alignment: Neutral or alignment, and can be 'found
attempting to utilize a monster listed none. Location: anywhere metals are anywhere on land except in s~amps.
here fully familiarize himself with the common. Type: scavenger or cleanup. Type: Insect. Number: 1000-6000.
description and details before Number Appearing: 1-2. In lair 10% No lair. Move 6". Each ant takes
attacking a party with it. (By the of time (food stash). Moves 12". 1/10 hit point. Each group of 250
way, whenever we say 'monster', we 6HD. Attack: M2, M19 .. Strength 18. ants attacks as M8. Their relative
mean any type of being that is not a Armor Class 2b. Attack 7, Defense 6. strength (they are rather small) is 9.
normal human or near-human being, Saving Throw Class 1. No treasure AC 1. Attack and defend at Level 0.
not that the being is evil or hideous unless with supply of its food Saving Throw Class 6. No treasure.
or anything. A 'monster' is not (1000-4000 pieces.). The type of These ants, when swarming, eat
necessarily something that attacks Alicanto is determined by a roll of everything in their path. For
and kills, but is something to be , two six-sided dice. a roll of 2 or 3 convenience, fight them in groups of
encountered, and sometimes foug.lit.) indicates that this one eats copper. 4, 250. If they climb onto a victim, it is
Basically, for each monster or 5, 6, or 7 indicates a silver-eater. 8, 9 difficult to harm the ants without
being, the list starts off with the or 10 indicate gold-eaters. 11 is a harming the person underneath. If
name (and description), followed by, platinum-eater. 12 indicates a taste they are attacking a being wearing
in order: Alignment; Typical for unusual metals, to be determined armor of Brigandine class or higher,
Location (to be used by the referee by the referee. An Alicanto will not the fust hit scored by any group of
in designing his own monster attack humans or similar characters ants is considered to be taken up in
encounter tables); Type of Being (to unless they try and steal its food or penetrating the armor. Once inside
aid in determining whether Control, attack it. Giving an Alicanto a snack heavy armor, they cannot be plucked
Charm, or other specific spells apply, of its favorite metal will normally off or crushed. On a victim wearing
and wtiether weapon Damage Bonuses befriend it into allowing passage no armor or leather armor, they can
apply, as well as to show just what through its room without harm (25% be plucked off or crushed, 1-20 ants
'ecological' spot the being takes up in chance per pound of metal). It will for each hlow struck with armored or
a dungeon or wilderness); Number not, however, voluntarily leave its unarmored fist by the victim or his
Appearing (this is an average own room or nest to follow or aid a friends. If the blows are with
encounter size, to be modified by the
Encounter Table); Percentage Chance
person or persons so befriending it.
Alligator, Were: This being will
armored fist, the victim takes point
of damage for each blow successfully
of Encounter Taking Place in normally appear as a large all·.gator struck at the ants on him. There is a
Monster's Lair (usually abbreviated '% (75% of the time) or as a human 10% chance that any blow struck
in lair' or something similar); Normal dressed in green (25% of the time). It with unarmored fist will transfe1 1-20
Movement Speed (in scale inches); is Neutral in alignment in human ants to the striker. When the numb~r
Hit Dice Range (usually 'HD', this form, Chaotic in alligator form. of ants in any group is reduced below
gives any suggested upper and lower Location: anywhere swampy or wet. 250, or if a smaller number is on any
limits for the Hit Dice of the monster Type: Lycanthrope. Number victim, attack as if a full group, but
in various situati•Jns or at different appearing: 1-6. In lair 50% of the pro-rate the amount of damage done.

That is, if someone has only 25 ants Its presence heralds some other form Attack and Defense levels equal :o
on him, they attack using the M8 of attack, and its wailing voice acts as Hit Dice. Saving Throw Class 3.
weapon class, but do only I/ 10 of a Fear spell ( 4M) on all_in ~he party Treasure Class B. Victims bitten '.:iy
the rolled damage if they hit. Each who hear it. Any failing their saving diseased bats need clerical Cure
army ant is worth 1 experience point, throw vs. Fear will attempt to flee in Disease done within 1 hour per point
calculated as if the ants were 1st level whatever direction is away from the of ConstitutiiJ"; that the victim has,
monsters. Bodies damaged beyond Banshee. There will be an immediate or else will die from the disease.
death level by army ants must make attack upon the party, either upon Bats, Vampire: These normal-si:rnd
a Body Saving Throw vs. Destruction those who fled (50%), or upon those (1-2 foot wingspan.) bats, dark brown
as if damaged by acid. who did no t (:50%), by monsters to or grey in color, will attack any
Ants, Black, Giant: These basically be determined randomly oy the warm-blooded animal who enters
peaceful giant ants (6' long) will not referee from amongst the more their lair or crosses their path while
attack those encountered unless dangewus ones possible for that the bats are hunting. They are
someone ente:s their nest or attacks location. A Banshee is Neutral in unintelligent and have no alignment.
them. They are not intelligent and alignment. Type: Spirit. No more Location: outdoors at night, or in
have no alignment. Location: than 1 encountered at a time. dark caves or tunnels by day or
underground or in basically dry Movement: 24". 5+ HD (no night. Type: Mammal. Number: 1-20.
outdoors (i.e., no swamps). Type: experience points credit for In lair 50% of the time. Speed 24"
Giant Insect. Number: 1-20 in open, destroying a Banshee). Cannot flying. 1 HD. Attack as Ml. Strength
20-100 in nest. In or near lair 90% of physically attack a party. Can be hit 12. Armor Class 2. Attack level 1,
the time. Speed 15". 3HD. Attack: by magical weapons as if Armor Class Defense level 4. Saving Throw Class
M8. Strength 12. AC 3. Attack and 4. Defense level equal to Hit Dice. 3. No treasure. These bats will
defend at 3rd le·1el normally, at 5th Saving Throw Class 11. No treasure. normally attack anyone not in shiny
when attacked in nest. Saving Throw Basilisk: This monster looks metal armor fi ·st. Their defense level
Class 3. Treasure Class L. somewhat like a four-legged rooster bonus comes from their r..:.Ze and
Ants, Red, Giant: These basically with scaly legs and tail, and a mobility.
hostile giant ants (6' long) will attack crown-like comb. It is about 2-3 feet Bear, Were: This type of
anyone encountered that is not one long, and weighs about 12 pounds. were-creature is normally encountered
of them. They are unintelligent :.i:1d Its feathers and scales are yellowish in the form of a medium-s:zed bear
have no alignment. Type: Giant or greenish. It is Chaotic in (50% of the time) or a man dressed
Insect. Number encountered: 1-20 in alignmen;:. Location: anywhere on in brown or black furs (50%). 50% of
open, 20-100 Ll ~est. In or near lair land. Type: Poisonous Monster these beings are neutral in alignment,
70% of the time. Speed 15". 5HD. Reptile. Number: 1-4. 40% of the the rest normally Lawful. Locatibn:
Attack: M9, doing extra damage <l.ie time in lair. Move 9" either walking forests or caverns. Type:
to acid secretions (victim must roll or flying. 6+ HD. Attack as M6 Lycanthrope. Number: 1-6. In lair
saving throw vs. poison. Save means 1 (poisonous, poison multiplier 2.0). 40% of the time. Speed 9 in bear
HD acid damage, fail to save means 2 Strength= 2 x HD. AC6. Attacks at form, 12" in human form. A
HD acid damage, per time hit.). own Hit Dice level, adjusted if full-grown Werebear takes l O+ Hit
Strength 18. Armor Class 3. Attack Strength high; Defends at Hit Dice Dice in bear form. In bear form they
level 6 (8 in nest); Defense Level 5. level. Saving Throw Class 2. Treasure Attack using M2 and M21 (can use
Saving Throw Class 3. Treasure Class Class F. Anyone meeting the gaz~ of weapons in human form). Strength
L. a Basilisk must roll a saving throw vs. 26 in bear form, 16 in human form.
Ant-Lion, Giant: This is a 10-foot Death, and will die if they fail to Armor Class 4 in bear form, 2 in
long beetle-like insect (see a book on make this saving throw. Basilisks of human form. Attack and defend at
insects for a picture) that digs pits in 12th level or higher (sometimes .;J.!led Hit Dice level adjusted for strength
the sand to trap victims. If the sand True Basilisks) have the ability to and any magic items. Saving Throw
is soft and smooth enough, victims telepathically will 11eir victim to look Class 9 in bear form, or as human
slide down and cannot climb back into the Basilisk's eyes. Victim must fighter of same level in human form.
out of the pit. These monsters may roll a saving throw vs. magic Treasure Class R. These beings are
disguise the pit with b:·anches or successfully or · will automatically intelligent, but occasionally a little
other simple camouflage. They are look into Basilisk's eyes. In other slow-witted in dealing with humans.
not intelligent and have no alignment. cases, whethc :· victim looks into eyes Beavers, Giant: These beavers,
Type: Giant Insect. 1 per pit, and is determined on Gaze Saving Throw reaching a length of 6 feet or more,
seldom close together with another Table. otherwise look just like their
one. Always encountered in lair (pit). Bats, Giant: These are 4-6 foot normal-sized counterparts. They have
Move 6". 12HD. Attack: MlO. wingspan bats, usually (75%) of a a limited intelligence, and behave in a
Strength 25. Armor Class 6b. Attack variety that eacs just about anythin5 Neutral or Lawful fashion on the
level: 13; Defense Level 12. Saving (scavengers), otherwise (25%) of a whole. Type: Giant Animal. Number:
Throw Class 9. Treasure Class D. variety that eat only flesh and blood. 5-20. 85% of the time in or near lair.
They are unintelligent and have no Speed 6" on land, 12" in water. 4
Banshee: This monster is normally HD. Can attack with M2, M21, or
alignment. Type: Giant Animal.
encountered in the invisible, ghostlike
Number: 2-12. 50% of the time in M27. Strength 16. Armor Class 4.
figure of a woman, firnt noticed by a
lair (usually daytim•!) . Speed: 24" Attack at 4th level, Defend at 5th
piercing, wailing voice. This being will
flying. "3+ HD. Attack type M2 (10% level. Saving Throw Class 10.
not normally attack a party directly,
carry diseases fatal to humans and Treasure Class L. These creatures
and is therefore not normally fol1ght.
similar beings). Strength 10. AC 2. build their colonies in WJtery areas,

often building dams, but on a larger turning a party's mule invisible). Number: 5-20. 30% of the time in
scale than their smaller counterparts. Brown Beetle: This giant insect, lair. Speed 9". 3HD. Attack using
Boars, Giant: These are a slightly 6+ feet long (its size roug.'1.ly M6, Ml or weapons (no bows or
larger version of the corresponding to itf; Hit Dice, in feet two-handed weapons, since their
already-dangerous wild boar. Weighing of length), is a medium-bwwnish hands are not well formed for
as much as 300-500 pounds, these beetle with pincers. It does not have gripping, having ·claws). Strength 18.
vicious beasts are fully capable of useable wings, and cannot fly, but it Armor Class 6. Attack level 5,
downing a man on horseback. They can swim. It is unintelligent. and has Defense level 3. Saving Throw Class
are unintelligent and have no no alignment. It can be found 8. Treasure Class K. Bugbears
alignment. They live in forested areas outdoors or underground. Type: normally go out only at night or
or elsewhere with dense vegetation. Giant Insect. Number: 1-8. 20% of inside , dark places. They can see
Type: Giant Animal. Number: 1-8. the time in lair. Speed 12". 6+ HD. normally' in anything that is not total
50% in or near lair. Speed 12". Attacks as M9, doing 2 extra dice of darkness, and do not like bright li31lt.
6-lOHD. Attack as Ml6. Strength 16. damage from acid secretions on They move silently (-1/3 from
Armor Class 2. Attack at Hit Dice pincers. Strength 16. Armor Class 7. normal chance for someone hearing
Level + 1, Defend at Hit Dice Level. Attacks at Level +1, Defends at them). While Chaotic, Bugbears prefer
Saving Throw Class 3. Treasure Class Level. Saving Throw Class 3. No to steal without fighting rather than
B (from previous enco'-!nters with treasure. kill indiscrinlinately. Thus, if given
passersby). Bufo: This monster, also the chance, they will slip away with a
Boar, Were: This monster will sometimes called "The Strong Toad", party's valuables rather than openly
normally (75%) appear as a 200+ is a large (6-8 foot) toad-like being fight. If cornered, of course, a
pound wild boar, or (25%) as a man with a highly peaked shell somewhat Bugbear will fight viciously, since
in leather armor. In either form, it similar to that of a tortoise, but they are afraid of almost everything
is of human intelligence, and is of much tougher. Intelligent and that isn't afraid of them, and fear
either neutral or Chaotic alignment basically neutral in alignment. Type: horrible things will happen to them if
(50-50). This monster type is found Intelligent Non-human. Normally they surrender.
anywhere where a real boar would be only 1 encountered. 80% of the time Bunyip: This animal has a body
found, mainly in forests. Type: in lair. move 9". 12 HD. Does not the size of a bull, with seal-iike
Lycanthrope. Number: 1-10. In or make physical attacks (beneath its flippers, a long neck topped by an
near lair 35% of the time. Speed 12". dignity). Armor Class 8. Defense ostrich-like head, and fur-like feathers
6+ Hit Dice. Attack as Ml6 or with Level 100. Saving Throw Class 15. covering its brown body. It is only
weapons (in man form only). Treasure Class G. This being gathers slightly intelligent (below human
Strength 18. Armor Class 4 (in either servants to wait on it foot and foot level) and if it has an alignment (only
form, assuming man~form has shield). (it doesn't have hands), to bring it exceptional •Jnes will, 10%) it is
Attac~ at Level + 1, Defend at Level. food and to polish its shell. It does Chaotic. Bunyips live only in bodies
Saving Throw Class 9 in boar form, this by means of a Charm spell (it of fresh water, and don't travel very
as fighter of same level in man form. has Charm Person, Charm Monster, far on land. Type: Aquatic. Number:
Treasure Class L. Charm Being, and several Charm 1-8. 20% in lair. Speed 6" on land,
Bogey: This earth-sprite appears in spells you probably never thought 24" in water. 6+ HD. Attack as M2.
the form of a 4-foot tall m:m, dressed of). If physically attacked, it will Strength 20. Armor Class 4. Attack
in green and brown colors. It is withdraw within its shell (thus, its as Level +4, Defense Level same as
swarthy, with dark hair and no beard. defense level) and let its servants Hit Dice. Saving Throw Class 10.
Intelligent and Neutral in alignment. defend it. Neither a Bufo nor its Treasure Class C. These beasts are
Location: anywhere, but prefers servants will normally attack a party carnivorous, and very much enjoy the
being underground. Type: Spirit. 1 unless the party attacks the Bufo or taste of human flesh .
appears at a time. 30% of the time in attempts to steal its carefully hoarded
lair. Speed 18". Ranges from 6-15 treasure. It can cast one of its Charm Capybara, Giant: These creatures
HD. Can use one-handed weapons spells each PHASE on any . one being are large (20o+ pounds), furry,
like a thief. Strength 18. Armor Class within 24" and visible to the Bufo, four-footed rodent-like animals with
2. Attacks and Defends at Level. and its Charm spells all have a 7:." very large front teeth. Normal
Saving Throw Class 15. Treasure Class range limit. Victims get a normal capybara would not attack humans,
S. A Bo~ey will not attempt to saving throw vs. magic if (1ey do not but the stress created by the
attack a party, nor will it usually wish to be Charmed. enlargement of these Giant Capybara
harm it directly, but may try to steal Bugbear: These beings can best be has driven them slightly mad, and
something or to play pranks if it can described as 6-foot tall, very hairy they will attack anything that they
get away with them. A Bogey has the goblin-like creatures with wide flat see as threatening them, which is just
abilities of a 25th level thief, and faces. Their name comes from the about anything large. Unintelligent,
limited magical spells of a magic us;r fact that their appearance, especially these creatures have no alignment.
of a level equal its Hit Dice; a Bogey at night, is vecy bearlike, and their They are found in plains and forests.
can cast NO offensive spell:; (that is, only real claim to frightfulness ;;omes Type: Giant Animal. Number: 1-6.
no control spells, destructive spells, from the fact that their tendency to 40% in lair. Speed 21". 8+ Hit Dice.
or area effect spells that incapacitate move about quietly means that they Attack as M3. Strength 18. Armor
other beings), but can cast spells usually startle anyone who sees them. Class 4. Attack Level = HD +2.
upon itself and upon non-living icems, Bugbears are Chaotic in alignment, Defense Level = HD. Saving Throw
as well as non-harmful but annoying being somewhat intelligent (3-9 on Class 3. Treasure Class K. These
spells on other beings (mch as the human scale). Type: Goblin. beasts are omnivorous, and can be

distracted by food if they are not Non-Human. Number: 2-12. In lair Number: 1-4. SO% in lair. Speed 12"
already engaged in a melee (use 30%. Speeds range from 12" to 18", (18'' when flying). 9+ HD. The lion
Distraction Saving Throw). depending on whet~ fully grown or and serpent heads attack as M2, the
Caterpillar, Giant: This is an armored. An average Centaur has 4 goat's head attacks as MIS. When
18-foot long caterpillar-like creature, HD. They can use weapons, or attack flying, it can use its front claws as
three feet in diameter. The colors with M18. Centaurs especiaJy love M6. Serpent and goat heads are
vary, but are usually green, brown, or archery weapons. Strength strength 18, as are the claws. The
grey, in some combination that determined as if human (3-18). lion head is strength 28. Armor Class
makes it blend in with vegetation and Normally Armor Class 2, but may S. Attack level = HD +l. Defense
dirt. These creatures are unintelligent, also wear a breastplate (becoming AC Level = HD. Saving Throw Class 7.
and have no alignment. Type: Giant 4b, speed lS" maximum) or Treasure Class E. Each head breathes
Insect. Number: 1-6. 30% in lair. breastplate and chain barding fire, in a flame that extends no more
Speed 6". 4+ HD. Attack as M4. (becoming AC 6b, speed 12" than six feet from the head. This fue
Strength 10. Armor Class I. Attack maximum). The last two cases, of does damage equal to the level of the
and Defense Levels = HD. Saving course, assume that the Centaur is Chimera divided by 3 (thus a 9th
Throw Class 6. No treasure. Not using a shield. Without a shield, the level would do 3 dice per breatli, a
particularly hostile, but hungry at all Armor Classes become 2b and Sb 12th level would do 4, and so on),
times, and if you stand in its way, it respectively. The attack and defense not rounded off. The Chimera will
will attempt to eat you. levels of Centaurs are determined as breathe fue each phase from any
Catoblepas: This monster looks if human, by hit dice, adjusted for head that has its own opponent, but
like a large black buffalo with a strength and agility. Saving Throws as prefers not to breathe from two
pig-like head that hangs forward on a if humans of the same type (see heads at the same target at the same
weak, thin neck. It has a black mane below). Treasure Class H for a large time. In additi1Jn, the serpent's head
of hair on its head and 111~ck. Unless group of Centaurs. Notes: Centaurs is poisonous (poison factor O.S) and
it deliberately looks upward, a may be Fighters, Magic Users, or the goat's horns cause a disease (fatal
Catoblepas is always looking at the Thieves. (If Thievish, the referee in 24 hours if not cured) if they hit.
ground a short distance in front of it. should make discretionary judgments Also note that the lion head's
These beasts are of subhuman as to which abilities are possible. due strength gives it 4 dice of damage per
intelligence, mixed Neutral or Chaotic to their bulk and shape.) They have blow, not 2.
in alignment (SO/SO). They live in saving throws as if they were humans Cockatrice: This monster appears
forests; plains, or underground, but with the same specialty and somewhat similar .t o a Basilisk, but it
not in mountains or deserts. Type: characteristics. Normal centaurs do has only two legs and a set of
Standard Mythical. 1 appearing at a not bother with armor except in functional wings, and tends to act
time. 40% of the time in lair. Speed times o{ war or other prolonged and appear more birdlike than the
6". 13 HD. Normally does not attack fighting. Centaurs are one of the reptilian Basilisk. Its cry is similar to
in melee, but can defenc.l itself with types of being acceptable for that of a rooster. A Cockatrice
Ml9. Strength 2S. Armor Class 3. Reincarnation resultii. :.veighs only about 6 pounds. They
Attacks at 0th level, Defends at 13th Cheetah, Were: This creature are of low intelligence, but definitely
level. Saving Throw Class 12. appears to be a large spotted cat with Chaotic by nature. Type: Stone
Treasure Class E. Anyone disturbing a a weight within the human Turner, or Standard Mythical.
Catoblepas at. its grazing of limitations (rolled as if size 3-18). It Number: 1-6. 3S% in lair. Speed 9"
meditating runs the risk that it will is extremely quick for short sprints. (18" flying). S Hit Dice. Attack as
decide to lift its head and look These shape-change!~ are occasionally MS, and anyone hit must make a
around. Anyone meeting the gaze of seen as normal-appearing humans saving throw vs. Stone or be turned
a Catoblepas (Gaze saving throw) with a fur 'cape' that looks like to stone instantly. Strength 12.
must make another saving throw, this cheetah-fur. They are intelligent, and Armor Class 4. Attack and Defense
time vs. Death. A Catoblepas will Lawful or Neutral in alignment Levels: S. Saving Throw Class 2.
automatically look at anyone who (SO/SO). Type: Lycanthrope. Treasure Class E. These are vicious
attacks it, and may affect up to 2 Number: 1-8. 30% in lair. Speed 36" little beasties that enjoy turning
persons per phase with its gaze, if for short distances, otherwise 18". 6 humans and other humanoids to
they are standing close together in its HD normally. Attack with M2 or M6 stone.
line of vision. in cat form, weapons in human form. Crocotta: This is a steel-grey,
Centaur: These beings are familiar Strength 18. Armor Class 4 in cat wolflike animal with a head similar to
in mythology, having the upper body form. Can wear armor in human a mastiff dog. It weighs as much ,as a
of a human and the lower body of a form. Attack level 7, Defense Level normal human being (roughly :iso
horse, joined as if the waist of the 6. Saving Throw Class 9. No treasure pounds). It is somewhat intelligent
human were joined to the lower end normally found. (about like a wolf) and is Chaotic in
of a horse's neck. The horse part is Chimera: This creature has a alignment. Type: Predator, Carl.ine.
the size of a small or medium-sized winged, s,caly · body. the tail of a Number: 1-4. 40% in lair. Speed 18".
pony, and thus the resulting mixture serpent, clawed front feet, hooved 12 HD. Attack as M3, due to skill
is from seven to eight feet tall. rear feet, and three heads, one each and viciousness rather than size of
Centaurs are fully intelligent and of a large serpent (or small dragon, teeth. Strength 26. Armor Class 4.
either Neutral or Lawful in alignment few people are sure which), a lion, Attack at 14th level, Defend at 12th
(SO/SO). They live in forests by and a goat. These beasts are of low level. Saving Throw Class 13.
preference, and do not· like being human intelligence, and are Chaotic. Treasure Class R. These actively evil
underground. Type : Intelligent Type: Standard Mythical or Flyer. monsters will attack a human or

group of humans if they think that characteristics vary with level and DAEMON OF WATER: This
they have a good chance of killing type as described below: Daemon type looks like an 8-foot tall
and either winning the battle or DAEMON OF AIR: This Daemon being with manl'.ke head and legs,
escaping. The blood of a Crocotta is type appears as an invisible manlike and the body and pincers of a giant
a strong acid. Cutting or stabbing being or as a vortex of air. This type crablike being. Speed 12" on land,
weapons that hit a Crocotta are has speed 24". It attacks as if using 18" in water. Attacks with pincers as
ruined for use after 3 phases if W7, +3 damage per die, + MIO (+3 per die damage +
non-magical. If magical, a weapon has adjustments for strength, or as a adjustments for strength). Strength =
only a small chance of being ruined Vortex spell of its own level. Also, Level +12. Attack and Defense levels
by the acid, equal to (5% per 50% of this type are magic using, = HD on land, both +3 in water.
hit/(primary bonus of weapon +1)) able to use Type VI spells only, at a Impervious to Type V magic, 40% of
per blow. Thus, a + 1 weapon would level equal to its '.l it dice. Strength = these Daemons are magic using,
have a (5/(1+1))%, or 5/2 (2.5) % Level +8. Armor Class 6. Attacks at limited to Type V spells. These
chance of being destroyed, for each level, adjusted for strength, Defense Daemons have a chance of being
time it hit the Crocotta. level = HD +3 (acts as +3 armor in all unaffected by any other non-fir•!
respects, including weapon breakage). magic equal to 2L%, where L is the
DAEMONS: This is an entire class Impervious to Type VI magic, and ·Daemon's level.
of beings rather than :i specific being. takes ~ damage from Cold spells. Has
These beings include most of the a basic magic resistance (chance of
Spirit and Elemental beings, along not being affected at all) equal to
with beings whose nature is one and 2L%, where L = Level of Daemon. DEMONS: This class are the true
the same with some natural force. In DAEMON OF EARTH: This demons, minions of Hell and the
many mythologies, these beings were Daemon type appears as an 8-foot infernal regions, lost souls and fallen
called Giants or Demons or a host of tall, manlike being the color of angels. There are many things that
other things, but herein we use the granite. Speed 12". Attacks either as are true for all Demons, and certain
collective name Daemon, for they are if using W4 (1 hand) or WlO (2 special characteristics ·.pecific to
not true Demons as we will see. hands), +3 damage per die + certain ones.
These beings are not evii by their adjustments for strength. Also, 50% All True Demons have tw'o or
nature, but are generally Neutral or of this type are magic using, able to more shapes that they may assume
Chaotic by alignment, and tend to use Type I spells only, at a level when they appear outside of Hell: a
oppose the standard forces of human equal to their hit dice. Strength = 2.5 standard form , and one specific to
civilization, since all of them stem x Level. Armor Class 8. Attack at Hit their type. Their powers are basically
from forc~s that existed long before Dice level adjusted for strength, the same in both forms, although
mankind. Their motto might be taken Defense level= HD +4 (acts as Armor wingless Demons must revert to
from a Robert E. Howard poem, to +4). Fire and Cold magic do only n standard ~ilape in order to fly. Which
wit, "We were the kings ere man had damage to this type. Also, Daemons form is used is mainly a matter of
come, and shall be kings ag:iin." of Earth can hurl lava balls if not in the Demon's personal taste, or in
Their nature is an independent one, melee, out to a range of 12", that some cases a need for subtlety.
although they ~an be controlled by explode · in a 1" diameter, doing The standard form of a Demon is
magical means and forced to serve the classical o;-ie: 6-8 feet tall, a
damage equal to L/2.5 dice of
one or more masters. Djinni, Efrits, bat-winged humanoid figure with
damage. These lava balls may be
Elementals, and other such beings cloven hooves, 2 arms, 2 legs, and a
hurled eve1y 2 phases, and come
belong to that 'class of Daemon that from the substance of the Daemon homed, beastlike head with sharp
often serve, albeit reluctantly. In and from the earth itself. teeth. In either form, all True
addition, there are Daemons whose Demons have the ability to cast a
nature derives from one of the DAEMON OF FIRE: This Daemon Circle of Darkness about themselves
elements, natural or magical. These type appears as an 8-foot tall winged with a 2" radius, through which they
are what we will call Empowered humanoid composed of or covered themselves can see normally. The
Daemons, and these are the proudest with fue. These wings, when not in strength of a Demon ir. equal to 20 +
and most powerful of all. These use, appear almost cloak-like. Speed the Level of the Demon. All Demons
Empowered Daemons are often 15" (24" flying). Attacks with a have a Defense Level = HD + 6, and
mistaken for true Demons, but their weapon made ' lf fue, of a type of its all can be hit only with magical
origin is in Chaos rather than Hell. own choosing, any of those on the weapons. All have a Magic Resistance
Daemons :.vill tend to be in areas Weapon Matrix with lengths 1-10, or equal to 75% against magic cast at
related to their type of Power (one with a Whip of Fire that does damage their own level, adjusted up or down
that is Water-based will not appear in equal to L/2.5 in dice of damage, and 5% per level for different levels.
a desert, for example), but otherwise attacks using the same attack matrix Thus, a 12th level Demon would have
may appear anywhere. Below are line as a Morningstar (W7). Strength a 70% chance of not being affecte•l
some types of Empowered Daemons. = Level +10. Armor Class 6. Attacks by a spell cast by a 13th level magic
They have several characteristics in at Level +3, defense level = HD + 5 user. This resistance does not include
common: Number: 1-4. 40% in lair. (acts as +5 armor}. 75% of these the Summon Demon spell. Further,
All are Saving Throw Class 15. All Daemons of Fire are magic using, Demons are able to cast spells wh'.lin
have Treasure Class S calculated for Type II spells only . They are their own special~y classes, based
each group of Daemons encountered. impervious to fire in any form, and upon which of the Six Legions the
All Empowered Daemons are at least take -1 per die of damage from other Demon belongs to. The Six Legions
10 Hit Dice in level, and some of the forms of energy. form the organizati@al basis of Hell,

and each Demon belongs to one of Demon Spells. Fleurehy's lieutenants damage immediately equal to the
the Six Legions, under one of the six are Bathirn, Pursan, imd Abigar, and Level of the De1,,"n divided by 4, in
Demon Princes and their under their command the Demons of dice of damage. If the victim makes
subordinates. the Fifth Legion have knowledge of his saving throw vs. magic, that is all
The First Legion of Hell is all things that happen or exist by that it does. If he fails to make his
commanded by Lucifuge (sometimes night, or in any shadow. They appear saving throw vs. magic, he takes the
called the Prime Minister of Hell). His as either the standard 1fomon form or same amount of damage NEXT phase
immediate lieutenant5 are Bael, as a manlike rJiape made entirely of also, and again rolls a savL1.g throw
Agares and Marbas. Demons of the darkness. Even when 1.'iey cast fire, it vs. magic. He continues to roll a
First Legion have knowledge of sheds no light, so great is their saving throw each phase until he is
treasures Jild wealth, and are magic darkness. successful or dead. Remember, the
users limited to Type I spells plus The Sixth Legion of Hell is FIRST phase of damage is automatic,
specific Demon Spells (see below). commanded by Sargatanas (Brigadier and the saving throw prevents more
Demons of this type appear either :.is of Hell, but least in nothing but damage on the FOLLOWING phase.
standard Demons or in a form like rank). His lieutimants are Loray, Thus, if a character is not successful
that of a man , rough-hewn out of Valefar, and Forau. Demons of the until the third phase, he has taken
rock, with his facial and other Sixth Legion are able to cast Type VI three phases of damage. A character
features somehow not complete. magic as well as Demon Spells, plus hit by a Pyrotics spell is noticeable
The Second Legion of Hell is all spells of transportation and from the blue flames that flicker over
commanded by Nebiros (Field opening of ways. The Sixth Legion his or her body until the saving
Marshal of Hell). His immediate are the patron demons of thieves, and throw is made. These flames, and
lieutenants are Ayperos, Nuberus, and have knowledge of invisibility, flight, thus the damage, can be di:>pelled by
Glasyabolas. Demons of the Second opening of locks and barriers, and a sufficient Dispel Magic spell, cast
Legion have knowledge of the powers means of espionage. Demons of the by a magic user or cleric at least the
of fire and dest!uction, and are magic Sixth Legion have no other true form same level as the Demon or higher,
users limited to Type II spells plus than the standard form of Demon, not calculated as usual.
Demon Spells. Demons of this type but prefer to remain invisible at all Power Word: the same as the spell
appear in either the standard form or times, and thus often seem to be for Magic Users.
as a figure shaped of fi re winged or merely a whispered voice. Finger of Death: the same as the
wingless by choice. Demons of hll six legions have spell for Clerics.
The Third Legion of Hell is certain common abilities and Wall of Fire: the same as the spell
commanded by Satanachia (Grand restriction:; .1 ot mentioned above. In for Magic Users.
General of Hell). His lieutenants are combat, all Demons have an
Pruslas, Aamon and Barbatos. equivalent Armor Class of qb, no For further information on
Demons of the Third Legion have matter what their shape. All Demons, Demons for your use as a referee,
knowledge of things mental, and are when in ~nelee, have a chance of find a good book on Demonology or
magic users limited to Type III spells draining Life Levels on any hit on a reprint of one of the older
plus Demon Spells. Demons of this any living victim (victim gets saving Grimoires at your local library. And
type appear in either the standard throw vs. magic, and is drained 1 Life always remember: Demons are not
form or as very attractive men or Level if successful, 1-4 Life Levels if nice people! Even if they fulfill a
women, and as such are very not). Further, in addition to the bargain to the letter, after being
smooth-talking and convincing. spells coffilJE•n •.:nly to their own Summoned by a magic user (Summon
Demons of the Third Legion prefer Legion, all Demons have the Demon spell or other means), they
to bargain rather than fight, or will following spells available to them: will try and arrange things for their
use trickery or Charm spells to doom Hellfir·~ . the same as the spell for own advantage or profit, or for the
their victims. Magic Users (7M), doing damage at 'benefit of Their Father Below.
The Fourth Legion of Hell is the level of the Demon. Anyone who turns his back on a
commanded by Agaliarept (another Soulfire: a spell that may be Demon (figuratively or literally)
Grand General of Hell). His thrown once per phase at any one deserves whatever nasty things that
lieutenants are Buer, Gusoyn, and living target. If victim does not you can think up, as long as they are
Botis. Demons of the Fourth Legion successfully make his saving throw vs. within the rules of the game.
have knowledge of the unseen and magic, he loses 1-6 Life Levels. If
the far away, and are magic users victim successfully makes his saving
limited to Type IV spells plus Demon throw vs. magic. he loses only 1 life
Spells. Demons of this type appear level. Clerics of 8th level of higher
either in standard form or as rather and Paladins are more safe from this
misty shapes, sometimes mistaken for effect, and lose 1-4 life levels if they
ghosts or helpful spirits. fail to save, and none if they make
The Fifth Legion of Hell is their saving throw. Range: 12".
commanded by Fleuretty (Lieutenant Fear: the same as the spell for
General of Hell). Demons of the Magic Users, but with a 12" radius
Fifth Legion are the true sons of effect rather than a cone.
Darkness, and can cast Darkness Confusion: the same as the spell
spells up to a limit of l" per level ·1f for Magic Users.
the Demon at any time, as well as Pyrotics: This spell, whic3 can be
being able to cast Type V spells and fired at one target every phase, does
Dragon: This being is not truly a the only reason for the existence of beneath their dignity. They are evil
monster, for most Dragons are fully its breath is as a weapon that can and unscrupulous, and even most of
as intelligent as a human being, if not handle things that brute force might the other Dragon's don't like Purple
more so. However, try and tell that not. Thus, a Dragon's breath, if it is Dragons. 90% of Purple Dragons are
to someone about to be eaten by a consistent with the way Dragons magic users, Type II spells only, at a
Dragon. There are many varieties of work, must be able to be used against level equal to the Dragon's Hit Dice.
Dragon, but we shall deal with only a crowds of beings, since that is the 14+ Hit Dice for this type. Purple
few of these, as guidelines for the only real thing that a Dragon has to Dragons live in mountain or forest
imaginative referee. All of the basic fear. For example, a Dragon that areas. They have a breath weapon
types of True Dragon (as we shall call had a breath that acted like a Heat that is the same as the Bomb spell of
this type) are of the Western Beam spell would be unlikely, magic users (in fact, that's where
European mythological type: 4 legs, whereas one that breathed a magic users first got the idea). A
2 wings, much bigger than man-sized, knockout gas would at least be bubble-like pellet travels out from the
and having a breath that causes some possible. Here are a few examples of mouth of the Dragon to a
form of damage. This breath may be possible types of Dragons. pre-determined distance, where it
flames or gas, or perhaps spitting SILVER DRAGON: This variety explodes. The ranged distance may
poison, or a host of other things, but of Dragon is highly intelligent, and not be more than 24" from the
the key feature is that the breath is a would be regarded as Neutral in Dragon. The bubble . travels in a
weapon. alignment by humans. All Silver straight line at the speed of an arrow.
There are many characteristics that Dragons are able to speak Dragon and GRAY DRAGON : This variety of
all of the True Dragon varieties have some of the human tongues, if they Dragon is only moderately intelligent,
in common: They all live alone or in so choose. 90% of Silver Dragons are and would be regarded as Neutral
small groups, so seldom is more than magic users, Type IV spells only, at a (but annoying) in alignment by
1 encountered at a time. They spend level equal to the Dragon's Hit Dice. humans. Only 60% of Gray Dragons
60% of their time in their lairs, 12+ HD for this type. Silver Dragons speak an intelligible language other
sleeping or counting their treasures. enjoy living on high hilltops and in than their own, and only 20% of
They move at Speed 9" (24" per mountain caves. Silver Dragons have. a those that speak are magic using,
phase flying). They attack using M2 breath weapon that is similar in its limited to Type I spells at the level
or M7. Their strength ranges from effect to the Energy Cone spells of a of the Dragon in their effect. The
28+ (18 + Level). Most are Armor magic user. The breath of a Silver Gray Dragon is sometimes called a
Class 6b, unless noted otherwise. Dragon is in the shape of a normal Stone Dragon, for the simple reason
Because of their strength, they have magical Cone, W' in length per Hit that its breath turns people and other
an attack level bonus, and so attack Die of the Dragon. This breath living things into a substance that is
at least at Level +2, and their emanates directly from the mouth of stonelike in appearance and to the
Defense Level = HD. Saving Throw the dragon, and the cone must go touch. This stonelike substance is
Class 7. Treasure Class Q, adjusted straight in the direction that the edible to Gray Dragons. Victims may
downward at referee discretion for Dragon is facing. be restored to full health by the use
young Dragons without a full hoard. PURPLE DRAGON: This variety of a Stone to Flesh spell. Whether
All Dragons have a natural tendency of Dragon is highly intelligent, and the victim is turned to stone is
to use magic if they are intelligent would be regarded as Chaotic in calcula!l'<l by figuring out the Breath
enough, and if f;o, they will use magic alignment by humans (and by some Damage of the Dragon (see below)
of a Type similar to that of their other Dragons). All Purple Dragons and comparing it to the Hit Points of
breath weapon. Thus, a Dragon that are able to speak Dragon and some of the being hit. If the Breath Damage
breathed fire would be a Type II the tongues of man, but they exceeds the Hit Points of the target,
magic user, a Dragon that breathed consider talking to humans to be then it is turned to 'stone'. This type
cold would be a Type V magic user,
and so on (see Magic Rules). There
are several things about the mentality
of a Dragon that should be kept in
mind: First, Dragons live to be very
old if they don't die a violent death,
and thus acquire a great deal of
wisdom. Second, Dragon's don't
think like people do; they don't
engage in buying and selling, don't
socialize, etc. One of their primary
joys in life is in the acquisition and
enjoyment of a treasure hoard
worthy of the name, and the one
thing that will get a. Dragon very
upset is to tamper with that hoard.
Third, for the referee who wishes to
introduce new varieties of Dragon, it
must be remembered what a Dragon's
breath is: a weapon. A Dragon is
physically very strong and fast , and

of Dragon breathes in a normal Cone breathing agai."1. Thus, after 2 phases, characteristics: Speed 9" (24" flying).
shape that is W' long per Hit Die of it has a 1/3 chance of being able to 10 HD. Attacks as W7. Strength 32.
the Dragon. Gray Dragons range from breathe again. After 6 phases, it can AC 6. Attacks at 12th level, Defends
20-24 Hit Dice normally, but a few ALWAYS breathe again, if it has any at 10th level. Saving Throw Class 13.
rare ones have been found of highe~ breaths left for that day. If a A Major Efrit has the following
or lower levels. Dragon's mate or hatchlings are slain characteristics: Speed 12" (30"
The amount of damage that is in its presence, a Dragon can breathe flying). 20 HD. Attacks as 2 blows
done by the breath of a Dragon is for a FOURTH time at the killers, with W9. Strength 40. AC 6b.
directly related to how many Hit but at great cost to itself, since it will Attacks at 23rd level, Defends at
Points the Dragon has, which is in fall unconscious I turn later for 2-12 24th level. Saving Throw Class 15.
turn determined by how old ·it is. turns, and cannot use its breath Anyone less than or equal to ~ the
Normally, one does not encounter weapon on the following day. level ·J f an Efrit must make a saving
very young Dragons without finding Djinn: This being is a spirit by throw vs. Fear when seeing any
older ones taking care of them, so we nature, and of changeable shape. individual Efrit for the first time, or
won't bother with the young ones for They generally appear as a large else flee in panic. Efrits are malicious,
now. A Dragon gains 1 Hit Point cloud of dust or smoke, as a but will faithfully (sort of) serve a
every year as it grows older, on the whirlwi11j, or as an 8-foot tall given master who controls them for
average. In order to determine the humanoid wi·~h dark brown skin (sort up to 1001 days. If the master has
Level of a Dragon, divide its Hit of dark sand·-colored), whichever is been good and kind, they will simply
Points by 4.5 and round off. That is, the most convenient for the Djinn at leave. If the master has been harsh or
a 45 Hit Point Dragon would be 10th the time . Very intelligent in most annoying, the Efrit will revenge itself
level. (Levels don't really matter to a cases, Djinn are Neutral or Lawful in on the former master. An Efrit can
Dragon, but it's nice to be able to alignment. Type: Spirit o:· Daemon. be controlled by possessing a Seal of
figure out how many Ex~rience Only 1 normally appears at a time. Solomon inscribed with the true
Points one is worth if you defeat it.) 50% in lair or contail1~r of some kind name Of that Efrit. Usually, there
Normally, the amount of damage that (see below). A Minor Djinn (90% of exists only one such seal for any one
a Dragon's breath weapon does is all Djinni fall in this class) has the Efrit, as these were made long ago.
figured as follows: each being who is following characteristics: Speed 9" Many of these Seals are used to
within the breath must make a saving (24" flying). 7 HD. Attacks as if with stopper a flask or bottle in which the
throw on the Dragon Breath saving W7. Strength 29. Armor Class 5. Efrit resides (see Magic Item tables)
throw column of the Saving Throw Attacks at 9th level, Defends at 7th when not materialized to serve its
tables. If the being makes this saving level. Saving Throw Class 13. A Major master.
throw successfully, he takes % the Djinn has the following Elemental: This being is a spirit
number of points of damage that the characteristic:;: Speed 12" (30" that temporarily animates a portion
Dragon has in Hit Points. If he fails flying). 15 HD. Attacks as if W9 (2 of one of the four natural ·elements:
to make this saving throw blows). Strength 36. Armor Class 6b. Air, Earth, Fire or Water. As such, an
successfully, he takes the number of Attacks at 17th level, Defends at Elemental has the appearance of a
points of damage that the Dragon has 18th level. Saving Throw Class 15. being made of one of the four,
Hit Points. Thus, if a 54 Hit Point Minor Djinn are mainly encountered appropriate to its individual type.
Dragon breathes on a character, that bound as servants to a magic item They are somewhat intelligent, and
character will take either 54 or 27 that is inscribed with a Seal of Neutral in alignmen:. Type: Spirit or
points of damage of whatever type Solomon and the true name of the Daemon. Only I appearing of any 1
that Dragon is causing, depending on Djinn (see Magic Item tables). Major type in any 1 location, since
whether the character fails or makes Djinn a;e mainly encountered in the Elementals don't overlav. Location
his saving throw. The value of a wild areas of deser1 01 mountains. in this case is defined -as about ~
Dragon's breath in damage is always mile on a side, square. Elementals are
the same as its Hit Points (not its Efrit: This being is often found in never in lair, not having lairs. Speed
number of Hit Points left to containers much too small to hold 24" in their own element, 12"
unconsciousness, if damaged, but its them if they were solid, and this is otherwise. Hit Dice limited by the
full allotment). Normally, a Dragon because they are not solid, being of level of the conjuror, who may
may use this breath at full value 3 the spirit world. When apparently conjure an Elemental no higher t'.lan
times per . day, or at half value 6 solidified, an Efrit will appear as an his own level. Air, Fire and Water
times per day. Thus, if faced with a 8-10 foot tall, winged, hooved, Elementals attack as if using W7;
mob of very low level creatures, a tusked, fiery humanoid with as Earth Elemental attacks as if using
Dragon counj breathe at only frightening an appearance as it can W9b. Strength = 2.5 x Level (+5 to
half-strength, doing only % normal manage. This is deliberate on the total for Earth Elemental). All are
damage. This saves breaths for later. Efrit's partn and it enjoys scaring Armor Class 6b. Attack and Defense
Normally, a Dragon breathes no more people and animals. They are very Levels = HD t-4 to both if Elemental
than once per turn, just as it (if it is intelligent, as well as Chaotic in is touching a large mass of its own
magic using) may cast magic o.nce per alignment. Type: Spirit or Daemon. element. Elementals below 10th level
turn. However, if its own life appears Normally only I appearing. Efrits have a Saving Throw Class of 13,
to be in direct danger, it may have no lairs of their own, but 11-15 th level have a Saving Throw
attempt to breathe again less than sometimes are set to guard one Class of 11, and 16+ Level
one tum after it has breathed. It has belonging to someone else. There are Elementals have a Saving Throw Class
a chance equal to 1/6 per phase since two types of Efrit: Major and Minor. of 15. Will serve a magic user or
it has last breathed of successfully A Minor Efrit has the following other controller only reluctantly. If a
controller forces an Elemental to Mythical. Number: 1-4. 10% in lair. 18". They may be of any level that is
leave its own element to work for Speed 20" flying (they don't like to appropriate to' the type of being that
him, or orders it to fight for him, the walk, but will do so in human form, they were when alive. An Elephant
Elemental will turn on the controller speed 12"). 6+ HD. Attack as M6. Ghostie (a horrifying thought, I
at the least opportunity, and seek Strength 30. Armor Class 6b. Attack assure you) should 'Jc of much higher
revenge by killing the controller. This at Level +2, Defend at Level +4. level than a Mouse Ghostie, and
can happen if the controller is Saving Throw Class 7. Normally keep roughly the same level~ as when they
suddenly attacked, or if somethin'g no treasure of their own in lair. were alive Since different Ghosties
magically interrupts the control, or if Normally, these beings will attack are in different shapes, they attack as
the controller is Charmed or put to anything not in shiny armor first, whatever they would have been using
sleep magically. Elementals have a since they do not like to look in when alive . Thus, our Mouse Ghostie
natural enmity for beings that utilize mirrored or shiny surfaces. They are would use M1. All Ghosties are
an element opposite their own (fire not harmed by mirrors, but will try assumed to be Strength 11 (i.e., no
vs. water, e1rth vs. air). to avoid looking into them if adjustments positive or negative),
possible. Armor Class 4. Attack and Defend at
Firedrake: This is a large, wingless Ghosts: These are the restless their own levels. Saving Throw Class
gray or coppery-colored dragonlike spirits of those who ·feel that they 8. Treasure Class C, from previous
reptile, roughly 20 to 30 feet in died unjustly, and ap;:iear as glowing encounters rather than deliberate
length. They are of low to moderate white apparitions in the shape of a gathering. Ghosties are not dispelled
intelligence on a human scale, and are human being with a formless lower or turned by low-level clerical spells,
Chaotic in alignment. They can be body, givmg the appearance of although they can be destroyed by a
encountered anywhere in the flowing white robes with no legs. clerical Dispel Evil · spell. Victims hit
wilderness, especially in mountains This figure is transluc1!nt in bright in combat by a Ghostie must roll a
and forests, seldom in swamps. Type: light. These undead spirits are saving throw vs. magic or be drained
Dragon. Number: 1-4. 50% .in lair. Chaotic in nature, and are found 1 Life Level. This must be checked
Speed 15". Young firedrakes as small anywhere where men have lived in each time a living creature is hit by a
as 4 HD may be encountered, but the past. Type: Undead. Number: Ghostie. Silver or magical weapons
adults are 8+ HD. Attack with M2, 1-6. 25% in lair. Speed 15" near will hit and damage Ghosties, and
M7, and a breath that is the shape of ground, 30" up in the air. 7+ HD. magical damage-causing spells will
a standard magical Cone, and W' long These Ghosts form whatever type of affect them. ~on-magical weapons
per level of the Firedrake. Thus, a weapon they need, but no more than ihat are not silver will not harm a
12th level Firedrake would breathe 1 weapon per combat phase; if they Ghostie. Ghosties, since they are the
fire in a standard 6" cone. As with a need to change. Unused or dropped animation of a simple life-force rather
Dragon, this flame does damage equal weapons simply merge back iff~O the than a true undead so'Jl, do not exist
to the Hit Points of the Firedrake to Ghost. Strength 25. Armor Class 4b. forever, but only for 1 month per Hit
targets that fail their saving throw vs. Attack at Level +2, Defend at Level Die of the original ..nimal, and then
Dragon Breath, or h that amount to +6. Saving Throw Class 5. Treasure they simply dissolve.
targets that successfully make their Class M. Each group of Ghosts Ghouls: These beings have •he
saving throws. Strength 28. Armor collectively casts the •!quivalent of a appearance of somewhat
Class 6b. Attack at Level +2, Defend Fear Spell that affects all who are decayed-looki:tlg humanoids, with
at Level. Saving Throw Class 7. within 6" of them and who do not mottled dirt and vegetation coloring,
Treasure Class H. These beings are to successfully make their savi.13 throw and pointy teeth and claws. They are
Dragons what the great apes are to vs. Fear. Clerics get a +2 bonus on somewhat intelligent, and are
humans, and a11: probably the original their die roll on this Fear. Can be defmitely Chaotic in alignment. They
:arm of Dragons, or similar thereto. turned or dispelled by Clerics as are found mainly underground or in
Being less intelligent than a true Spirit class Undead. Non-magical dark places, shunning the daylight.
Dragon, these can be occasionally weapons cannot damage or interfere They are considered Undead,
fooled or trapped, but it i~; dangerous with a Ghost. They can be damaged although there is some doubt, since
to do so. They like to eat, fight, and br, magical weapons or spells. Note they can be killed, and are not
collect shiny objects for their homes, that these beings do NOT drain Life animated by magical means. Thus, for
which are usually in small caves. Levels, but merely seek revenge Type, consider them Undead as far as
Furies: These beings are usually against all living things for their own Control ~;pells and weapon damag•! ,
first noticed in a form that has the deaths. but try to remember the differences.
body of a woman, and the wings and Ghosties: These are the Undead Number: 2-12. 20% in lair. Speed 9".
claws of a very large bird, wings results of drairling the Life Levels 2-4 HD. Attack using Ml or MS.
being bronze in color and claws from an animal or monster that is Strength 12. Armor Class 4. Attack
actually BEING bronze. However, a not intelligent. They have the and Defend at · own Level. Saving
Fury may turn invisible or change its appearance :if a glowing, white Throw Class 12: rreasure Class K.
shape tempor:1rily to that of a human animal, partly translucent in a strong Cannot be dispelled by clerks, but
woman, and thus not be ri:cognized light. Most of these are in shapes can be Turned as a Solid Body
until it regaim its true shape and similar to those of common monsters Undead. Due to the nature of a
appearance. These beings are or animals, occasionally in the shape Ghoul, its touch or bite causes
intelligent and Chaotic in alignment. of something unusual. These undead i.mcontrollable fear in most living
They are found in most open areas, are Chaotic, although not intelligent beings, and this fright is such that it
seldom in forests or jungles with or actively evil. Type: Undead. can paralyze most bdngs, if they fail
overhanging trees. Type: Flyer, Number: 2-12. In lair 50%. Speed to achieve their saving throw vs.
poison on each individual touch or Strength of Giant). Strength = 20 + and ice on their bodies and
bite. Elves and Paladins are immune Level. Armor Class 6. Attack at Level belongings, and thus look very
to this Fear effect, and the +3, Defend at Level. Saving Throw unnatural. Moderately intelligent,
fear-paralysis is removed by an Elf of Class 15. Treasure ..C..lass H. Note that these Giants are Chaotic in alignment.
higher level than the Ghoul, or any these Giants have poor depth Number: 1-6. 30% in lair, which is
level of Paladin, physically rnuching perception, and thus normally do not normally a cave cut into a hillside or
the fear-paralyzed person. It is also throw rocks at a man-sized target. a glacier. Speed 12". 10+ HD. Use
neutralized by pourin~ l flask of They will, however, throw things at a large weapons to attack, sometimes
holy water o-1er the victim, if the wagon or ship that gets too close made of ice. Strength ranges from 24
holy water was made by a cleric of (rocks as above). to 39, rolled per Giant. Armor Class
higher level than the Ghoul. FIRE GIANTS: These Giants are 6b. Attack at Level +2, Defend at
GIANTS: These beings actually among the more intelligent of the Level. Saving Thrnw Class 13.
include several sub-types with · very Giant family. They are 12-foot tall, Treasure Class N + 1000-6000 gold
different characteristics. All of the ruddy, red-haired humanoids who pieces per Frost Giant. Frost Giants
types of Giant have a few things in build their own castles and homes. are impervious to cold, but take extra
common: first of all, they are all Chaotic in alignment, these Giants damage from fire. Thus, if hit with a
large, humanoid beings. All are very enjoy most parts of the wilderness, Fire spell, ad + 1 per die of damage
strong, the weakest being as strong as except swamps, and thus can -~e received by a Frost Giant.
the strongest normal-sized humans. found almost anywhere. Number: HILL GIANT : These are often
All are very greedy, whether for food 1-6. Speed 15". 12+ HD. Can use any confused with Ogres and Trolls, due
or for gold. Most are Chaotic in large weapons. Strength ranges from to their general habits, but in fact
alignment. All live alone or in small 25-40, rolled per Fire Giant. Armor they are much more pleasant in
groups. The different types are: Class 6 .. Attack at Level +2, Defend nature. Hill Giants are 8-12 foot tall,
CLOUD GIANTS: These giants at Level. Saving Throw Class 13. stocky humanoids. They are not very
range from 16-25 feet tall, and are Treasure Class N + 1000-6000 gold bright, and are Chaotic in alignment.
among the more intelligent of the pieces per Fire Giant. Fire Giants They are not really very evil,
Giant family. They build their own have a natural resistance (+2 saving however, and except for the bad
buildings and castles, rather than throw, -1 per die of damage) to habit of eating human beings if
living in caves. Their name comes Type II magic. 10% of Fire Giants nothing else is available, they
from the fact that they love to build are Type II magic users themselves, at wouldn't be bad sorts at all. Number:
on high cliffs and mountain peaks, a level equal to their Hit Dice. 1-8. 30% in lair. Speed 12". 8+ HD.
and folk tales have given rise to the FROST GIANT: These Giants are Attack with large weapons, especially
story that some of these castles less human-like than most, being clubs (mace, flail, or maul attack
actually rest on top of the clouds. from 15-20 feet tall and almost pure matrix line, depending on just how
white in color. In a cold climate, due big a club). Strength 22-37, rolled
Number: 1-4. In lair 30%. Speed 18".
to their nature, they may have snow individually per Hill Giant. Armor
13+ HD. Attack using weapons (large
ones) and by throwing rocks (sling
accuracy, 3 dice of damage adjusted
for Strength of Giant). Strength
ranges from 28-43, rolled per Giant.
Armor Class 6. Attack Level = Level
+2, Defense Level = Level. Saving
Throw Class 13. Treasure Class N +
1000-6000 gold pieces per Cloud
Giant. Cloud Giants have very keen
senses and like the taste of human
CYCLOPES: (note: that is not a
misspelling, it is the more correct
plural.) This is the type of Giant
encountered by Odysseus in his
voyages. It is very tall, 25 feet or
more, and has only one eye that in
the center of its face, above its nose.
It is otherwise shaped like a normal
humanoid. These Cyclopes are not
very intelligent, somewhere equivalent
to human intelligence 3. Chaotic in
alignment, these Giants live in rocky
areas, mountains or islands especially.
They eat only meat, especially human
flesh, although they will accept other
meat. Number: 1-2. 40% in lair.
Speed 18". 3o+ HD. Attack using a
huge club (3 blows, but attack and
damage as Maul, W9b, adjusted for

Class 6. Attack at Level +2, Defend alignment. Type: Mythical, Flyer. Hippogriff: This creature has the
at Level. Saving Throw Class 13. Number: 1-8. In lair 20%. Speed 12" basic body of a horse, but with the
Treasure Class N + 1000-6000 gold walking, 30" flying. 7+ HD. Attack forelegs of a lion, and the wings and
pieces per Hill Giant. Hill Giants can using M2, M6. Strength 18. Armor head of an eagle. How this mixture
throw rocks as Cloud Giants (abo ve). Class 5. Attack at Level +1, Defend came to be has long been a matter
STORM GIANTS: These are by at Level (+2 while flying). Saving for debate. In any case, it is
far the mo'st intelligent and civilized Throw Class 7. Treasure Class L. somewhat intelligent, and Neutral in
of the Giant family. They are 8-15 Griffons are not naturally hostile to alignment. Hippogriffs live in high
foot tall humanoids dressed in actual man, but their favorite food is p~aces, especially mountains. Type:
clothing, rather than in the rough horseflesh, and if you happen to be Flyer, Mythical. Number: 1-8. No
furs preferted by most of the other riding one, this could result in an lair. Speed 18" running, 36" flying.
types of Giant. Also, Storm Giants unfortunate misunderstanding. 5+ HD. Attack using M2, M6 or M19
are of mixed alignment, evenly Harpies: These creatures are (rear hooves). Strength 12. Armor
divided among Lawful, Neutral and somewhat similar to Furies, but in Class 5. Attack and Defend at level
Chaotic. Number: 1-4. 30% in lair. general are smaller, and do not have ( +2 flying). Saving Throw Class 6. No
Speed 18". 15+ HD. Attack using the brazen claws and wings, but are treasure. Can be trained for riding,
large weapons, some also use magic. rather more brown or green in color. but are somewhat capricious, and a
20% of Storm Giants are Type VI These creatures are somewhat partially trained Hippogriff is a
magic users at a level equal to their intelligent, and are highly Chaotic in dangerous thing to ride, since it may
Hit Dice. Strength range of 32-47, alignment, and actively evil. Type : maneuver in such a way that its rider
rolled per Storm Giant. Armor Class Flyer, Mythical. Number: 2-8. 20% in will fall.
6. Attack at Level +2, Defend at lair. Speed 6" walking, 15" flying. 3+ Lion, Were: This creature has the
Level. Saving Throw Class 13. HD. Can hold small weapons or basic appearance of a small lion, or
Treasure Class N + 1000-6000 gold attack using MS. Also, the claws are of a man with long, flowing brown
pieces per Storm Giant. Storm Giants poisonous (poison factor 1.0). hair. They are Lawful or Neutral in
also have a natural resistance to Type Further, Harpies screech in a alignment (50/50), and normally are
VI magic (+2 to Storm Giant's saving hypnotic fashion, and all hearing encountered only in plains or hills,
throws, -1 per die from damage by sometimes in forests. Type:
them clearly (within 6") must roll a
Type VI magic). Lycanthrope. Number: 1-6. In Lair
saving throw vs. Charm III (see
Special Note: Fire Giants and 15%. Speed 12". 7+ HD. Attack
Special Saving Throws). Those failing
Storm Giants sometimes use magic using M2 or M2 l in Lion form, or
to make this saving throw
items of their own construction or weapons in man form. Strength 20.
successfully cannot fight or defend
items that were made for their use by Armor Class 4. Attack at Level +I,
themselves from the Harpies. Strength
other Giants who are magic users. 12. Armor Class 3. Attack at Level, Defend at Level. Saving Throw Class
Check for their chances of having Defend at Level +2. Saving Throw 9 in Lion form, or as a Fighter of the
magic items as if they were Fighting Class 7. Treasure Class L. same level in man form. No monetary
Men of the same level as their Hit treasure.
Goblins: These beings are generally
short, 4-5 feet tall, humanoids with
swarthy complexions and features
that are somewhat ugly except to
other Goblins. They wear crude
armor and carry small weapons. They
are of low human-level intelligence,
and are Chaotic in alignment. Type:
Goblin. Number: 10-60 per group.
50% in lair. Speed 6". 1 HD. Attack
using weapons of lengths 1-4 on
Attack matrix, most commonly
Daggers and Hatchets. Strength 10.
Armor Class 4. Attack and Defend at
1st level. Saving Throw Class 1.
Treasure Class B. Goblins hate the
light of day, elves and dwarves, not
necessarily in that order. They can
see very well in the da~k, and move
quickly and, quietly there. Given a
choice, they will not go outdoors
during the daytime, or into the
presence of a bright light: They are
not harmed, however, by light.
__..- ~, -~
' )

Griffon: This beast has the body

of a lion, and the head and wings of
an eagle. It is of high animal
intelligence, but has no real

Medusa: This being is named for 1/6 of those encountered are pounds, and every inch ugly, with
the most famous of its type, Medusa skeletons of non-humanoid beings or mottled brown skin, scruffy fur and
of the Gorgon sisters. It is a being of monsters. Thzy have no pointed teeth and claws. Moderately
that has the appearance of a human intelligence of their own, and the intelligent, Chaotic in alignment, and
female except for the fact that there alignment of their animator, usually actively evil. These True Trolls appear
are a number of small, snake-like Chaotic. Type: Undead. Number: anywhere where there is the hope of
appendages where hair would be on 3-18. Speed 6". l+ HD, up to a food. Type: Troll. Number: 1-8. 40%
the head. These 'snakes' are in maximum of ~ the original level of in lair. Speed 12". 12-20 HD.
themselves blind, and can only see the being whose skeleton is being Attack using M6 or weapons that
what the Medusa sees, but each one used. Attack using MS or weapons. require little manual dexterity.
has a mouth with fangs, and will bite Strength 10. Armor Class 3. Attack Strength 13 + Level. Armor Class 6.
as directed. A Medusa is intelligent, and Defend at Level. Saving Throw •Attack at Level +2, Defend at Level.
and Chaotic in alignment. Type: Class 4. No treasure of their own, no Saving Throw Class 13. Treasure Class
Mythical, Stone Turner. Number: 1-4. lair, but they can be used to guard 0. True Trolls regenerate at a rate of
In lair 75%. Speed 9". 4+ HD. one, with the orders 'Defend this L points per turn, where L is their
Attacks using weapons, or Ml (the room, and destroy all intruders'. level in Hit Dice, beginning the phase
snakes, which get a total of 8 bites Skeletons can be turned or dispelled after they first receive damage. This
per phase) + poison (poison factor by Clerics as Animated Undead. regeneration is pro-rated per phase.
0.5). In addition, anyone gazing into Spectre: This Undead spirit Unicom: This beast appears as a
the face of a Medusa (including appears in the form of a ghostly dark golden-horned, shaggy-legged,
another Medusa) must make a saving figure, faceless and featureless within horse-like animal with a goat-like
throw vs. Stone. (Determine Gaze on its cowled cloak. It strongly radiates beard. It is normally white, with a
Gaze Saving Throw table.) Strength evil, seems intelligent, and is Chaotic white or golden mane, but may be
10. Armor Class 1. Attack and in alignment. Type: Undead. other solid colors with a white mane.
Defend at Level. Sa\ling Throw Class Number: 1-8. 25% in lair. Speed 15" Unicorns are intelligent, and are
2. Treasure Class 0. Live primarily (30" flying with plenty of room). 6+ considered Lawful or Neutral , in
underground or in ·caves. HD. Attack using any variety of alignment. They live in forests. Type:
Minotaur: This being is a 7-foot sword, usually broadsword. Each hit Mythical. Normally only 1 appearing
tall humanoid with a head like that with this sword, in addition to at a time, since they are quite rare.
of a bull. They are reasonably normal damage, drains 2 Life Levels No lair or treasure. Speed 24". 5 HD.
intelligent, but very short-tempered, from the victim. This sword vanishes Attack using M16 or Ml9 if
and can be of any alignment. Type: upon the destruction of the Spectre, threatened, but will usually not
Mythical. Number: 1-8. 20% in lair. and cannot be used by other beings attack. Strength 20. Armor Class 4.
Speed 12". 8+ HD. Minotaurs attack (they can't touch the hilt) if the Attack at 6th Level, Defend at 15th
using weapons or Ml6 or M33. Spectre drops it. Strength 18. Armor Level. Saving Throw Class 15. Will
Strength = 10 + Level. Armor Class Class 6b (comes from intangibility not associate in any way with beings
4. Attack at Level +2, Defend at rather than toughness). Attacks at of a Chaotic alignment or those in
Level. Saving Throw Class 8. Treasure Level + 1, Defends at Level +4, Saving any way pure of heart. Unicorns can
Class L. Normally live in forests or Throw Class 5. Treasure Class N. sense poison within 6'', and the
caves. Spectres can only be damaged by touch of their horn will neutralize
Ogre: This type of being is 6-7 magical weapons or spells, and can be most poisons of Poison Factor 1.0 or
feet tall and basically a dark brown, turned or dispelled by Clerics as a less.
very ugly humanoid with lots of hair Spirit Undead. Vampire: This is a particularly
and bad grooming habits. They are of Troll: This is the basic form of dangerous type of Undead, that may
low intelligence, and are Chaotic in Troll, which appears as a 7-foot tall, appear in the form of a very
alignment. Ogres live just about very ugly humanoid with rubbery pale-skinned human, or as a bat, a
anywhere where there is food. Type: flesh. It looks something like a wolf, or a cloud of mist. In any
Troll (they really are more similar to smooth Ogre. It is of low intelligence, form, they are dangerous. All
Trolls than Giants). Number: 2-12. and is Chaotic in alignment. Trolls vampires are very intelligent in all
30% in lair. Speed 9" (12" if they can live almost anywhere on land. forms , and are Chaotic in alignment.
are frightened). 4-8 HD. Attack Type: Troll. Number: 2-12. In lair They appear anywhere by night, but
using large weapons, especially clubs 50%. Speed 12". 7-10 HD. Attack only in dark places by day. Type:
(as mace), flails and mauls. Strength using M6 or weapons (clubs and Undead. Number: 1-4. In Lair 50%.
25. Armor Class 5. Attack at Level other impact weapons; swords are too Speed 12", 18" flying. 9+ HD.
+ 1, Defend at Level. Saving Throw subtle for a Troll). Strength 25. Attack using Ml (fangs) or swords
Class 8. Treasure Class L + 1000 gold Armor Class 6. Attack at Level + 1, and daggers in human form, MI in
pieces per Ogre. Ogres love gold and Defend at Level. Saving Throw Class bat form, or M2 in wolf form. All
fighting, not necessarily in that order. 8. Treasure Class M. Trolls regenerate forms have Strength 30. Armor Class
They eat meat, and love the taste of any damage that is caused by means I in human form and bat form, AC 2
human flesh. Ogres like to think of other than fire or flame, at a rate of in wolf form. Attack at Level +2,
themselves as powerful and brave, but '2 Hit Point per phase, beginning 2 Defend at Level +5. Saving Throw
are actually somewhat cowardly when phases after first being damaged. Class 5 or as an equivalent level
outnumbered. Trolls very much enjoy the taste of Magic User, whichever is better.
Skeleton: This type of Undead is human flesh. Vampires of 12th level or less have
the magically animated set of bones True Troll: This is the cream of Treasure Class 0, above 12th level
of a being, usually human or similar. the Troll family, 8 feet tall, 400 they have Treasure Class S, but with

no silver. Vampires of all levels may Vampire draining their blood (and Designing Monsters
assume either human or bat form, Life Levels) will rise from the grave Hopefully, the Monster List has
but only 1/3 may assume the form of in three days as Vampires, unless a given you enough ideas of how the
a wolf. Any Vampire who scores a stake is driven through the system works that you can start
melee hit with' teeth, in any form, neo-Vampire's heart first. Charmed thinking about designing your own
drains 2 Life Levels from his victim. beings can also be converted into monsters, or converting existing ones
In human form, a Vampire has the lesser Vampire slaves after 1 day from mythology or fictional sources.
added ability of being able to Charm under the control of the Vampire Unfortunately, due to copyright
any intelligent being that meets its (the process involves the mutual reasons, most fictional monsters
Gaze (Gaze Saving Throw to see drinking of blood and other horrible cannot be published in these pages in
whether Gaze met), .with a saving things), and these Vampire slaves will their converted forms. Therefore, if
throw vs. magic being used to do anything to protect their Vampire you want your favorite. monster out
determine success (-2 to victim's master. of someone's novel, YOU have to do
saving throw roll). Vamp ires in Werewolf: This is the prototypical the conversion into Warlock rules.
human, bat or wolf form can control Lycanthrope, the shapechariger from And here's how:
bats, wolves, rats, and other animals man to wolf and back, but with a When designing your own
that frequent the dark of night, up to small difference: this type of monsters, the . name and physical
1 animal per level of the Vampire. Lycanthrope does not change his descriptions are entirely up to you.
All Vampires must spend at least 8 shape voluntarily. They appear However, when you design monsters
hours per day lying in a container or usually in the form of a large grey or based on a well-known (or
depression filled with cirt of the black wolf, or as a human with no not-very-well-known) fictional source,
Vampire's native land. Vampires separation between eyebrows or hairy you should try to keep the monster
cannot be dispelled, only turned, as palms of hands. A Werewolf is in line with what the original :;ource
Solid Body Undead. A Vampire that intelligent, and Neutral or Chaotic had it being like. Thus, if you want a
is damaged beyond its Hit Points but (30/70). They appear mainly in monster that is six feet tall and has
not properly slain simply turns forested areas. Type: Lycanthrope. long fangs, you probably shouldn't
gaseous for a number of turns equal Number: 1-10. 35% in lair. Speed call it a Tribble (you may laugh, but
to the amount of damage that it took 15" in wolf form. 6+ HD. Attack I've seen worse alterations done; cute
beyond its basic Hit Points. Vampires using M2 in wolf form, or with little furry mischievous things that
regenerate non-permanent damage at weapons in man form. Strength 12. Lord Dunsany ·~ailed Trolls were
the rate of 1 point per turn per level Armor Class 4. Attack and Defend at turned by one referee into evil
of the Vampire. Permanent damage Level. Saving Throw Class 9 in wolf chaotic killern, 'because they're
can only be done to a Vampire by a form, as same level Fighter in man Trolls, aren't they?'). Also, when
weapon specifically enchanted vs. form. Treasure Class L. Anyone naming your monsters, unless the
Undead, by holy water, or by a wounded but not killed by a name of the monster ir. .i part of the
wooden stake driven through the Werewolf will tum into a Werewolf mythos of your created world, the
Vampire's heart (which will slay the after the next full moon unless a name should bear some relationship
Vampire outright). Vampires of 13th cleric does casts a Cure Disease spell to the physical characteristics of the
level or higher include many magic on the victim within 24 hours of the monster, and should be
users, and so any Vampire of that wounding. Werewolves can only be pronounceable. Players don't seem to
level has a 25% chance of being a harmed by magic or silver, and will appreciate a monster called a
magic user. Victims slain by a avoid silver in man or wolf form. 'Veeblefletzer' very much, if it
doesn't mean anything, but they
absolutely cannot STAND something
like a 'Zxqrtpg' being tossed at them.
Also, YOU, as referee, should have a
g,ood i'dea what the monster looks
like, in order to be able to figure out
just what it can and cannot do, as
well as to be able to describe it to
the players. This includes figuring out
about as much information d~ we
included in the Monster List, if not
Once you have figured out what
you monster is called and what it
looks like, you should figure out
what it THINKS like. The intelligence
and alignment of the monster should
be thought out logically. If there is a
written source from which you have
taken the monster, use that as your
guideline. If the monster is original,
remember to make it smart enough
for its own survival. Monsters that
commit suicide with their me1hod of
attack had better have a very high help if there is a written source for and other effects. (Normal butterflies
rate of reproduction, or else they your monster. Just how strong is i.t should not have the same saving
simply won't exist. Monsters that are compared to a strong man? To a throws as a dragon, and so on.)
hunters by nature should be able to normal man? A monster that is not Treasure Class takes a little more
hunt. While you are doing this, you very strong, but could wrestle work, although the examples should
should learn HOW your monster reasonably against a normal man help. Basically, a monster gathers
thinks, if it is intellig1mt; that is, does would be around Strength 9-11. A treasure up to the limit it can hold
it think about things in some unusual monster that took more of a struggle on to, unless it has recently lost
manner, does its nature warp its would be stronger, and so on. Truly treasure The treasure classes are
viewpoint of the world For example, strong monsters (above the human figured out for a normal group of
a being that is blind would not think strength range) should be those with each beings (Number Appearing). A
of things in terms of color. A a physical structure that can support very large or very small grouping of
vampire would not think that a such massive muscles, such as an Ogre that type of monsters should have its
sunny day was nice. A dragon would or a Giant. treasure increased or decreased
NOT like an alicanto, at least not one Armor Class or equivalent is somewhat in quantity, but not
that eats metals that dragons like to another matter of judgment. It is necessarily in its percentage chance of
hoard. And so on. Try to learn to either how hard the outer surface '.Jf having a specific type of treasure. See
think like your monst.~rs. the monster is, or a way of adjusting Treasure Class explanations for more
Location and Type are relatively the chances to hit. Thus, both a hard, details.
easy to figure out. Just don't put a scaly monste! ~md one that is very Make your own Special Notes for
monster where it would not want t•J thin and tenuous (and thus, hard to each monster that is not just a beast
be. damage) might be armor class 6b, just of some kind. If it has special powers
Number Appearing should vary because that one is hard to hit. or abilities, special likes or dislikes,
with the type of monster. Something Attack and Defense Levels shou~d remembering them when the battle is
that is weak or low level would tend be based on the Hit Dice of the over can be embarrassing. Make sure
to run around in larger groups in creature, adjusted for Strength, how that the notes .vould be sufficient to
dangerous areas, in order to survive. vicious or quick the creature is, remind YOU of what the monster
Powerful beings or large predators whether it can dodge weapon~, etc. should be able to do, in case you
would move around in smaller groi.ips Again, in the cas.:: of something that forget.
unless there is some reason for them can be hit easily but not damaged, In other words, the more thought
to gather (such as a large source of adding to Defense Level reduces the and care you put into your :nonsters,
food). number of blows that cause damage the more they will BE monsters,
Percentage of the time in lair is to the creature. ratqer than little men dressed up in
dependent jn the type of monster Saving Throw Class should be monster suits (zipper optional). A
also, primarily on jur.t how much of determined from the various dungeon or wildernes~ where all of
the time it would tend to hang examples, and from the explanation the monste1s act and react just the
around its home, and how much of of the Non-Human Saving Throw same is very boring, as your players
the time it has to spend out finding table. Basically, just give the monstef will be quick to point out. So be
food and other goodies. Something " saving throw class that is kind to your monste!s, and they will
that has no fixed home, but a appropriate to its resistance to magic help you out in your refereein3.
somewhat favorite spot, has a very
low chance of being 'in lair'.
Movement should be figured out MONSTER SAVING THROW MATRIX
based on comparing the speed of the
beast to a man or a horse. How fast
can it run compared to you?
Compared to you, if you were S.T. Type Distraction Poison Wands Stone Dragon Spells Phantasm
carrying around a lot of equipment? Class or Death Breath & Staves Belief
Hit Dice are a matter of judgment,
with a little bit '>f sense required. 1 10 12 13 14 15 16 16
Just how many blows with a sword 2 14 10 12 5 14 12 12
should be needed to knock down this 3 16 12 12 12 14 14 18
monster? 4 NA 14 16 16 16 NA
Attack Matrix weapons should be 9·
5 8 NA 7 7 11 8
fairly simple. If a being has a favorite
type of weapon that it 1;arries, that is 6 16 6 7 8 8 10 3
that. Natural Body weapons should 7 12 6 7 5 3 8 7
be figured out based on the physical 8 10 10 9 10 14 12 12
description that you already have in 9 8 4 10 12 10 12 10
your head or on paper. Compare 10 12 6 7 8 8 10 12
your monster with the ones on the 11 NA 3 5 5 5 3 3
list for size, and you should have no 12 6 NA 12 14 14 12 4
trouble with the wea1>ons (claws are 13 NA 6 8 9 11 8 7
claws, te::th are teeth, etc.). 14 8 4 5 7 8 8/3* NA
Strength is another matter of 5/NA* NA
15 NA 3 NA 2 3
judgment, but here you have some
Monster Saving Throws Class 13 is for non-undead For each class, there will be
Spirits and some Daemons and listings such as: Silver,
While a comparison of the such. 40%(1000-6000). What this means
Monster Saving Throw Matrix Class 14 is for beings with a is that there is a 40% chance that
with the Monster List will give strong natural resistance to magic the treasure contains silver, in
you a basic idea of how to use and illusions. amounts ranging from 1000 to
the Matrix on your own Class 15 is for beings so 6000 pieces. Remember to convert
monsters, a little explanation will resistant and so powerful that the actual values to gold pieces
probably help you. The following lesser magic (wands, staves, etc.) when figuring total treasure later,
notes should give you a good has no effect whatever. but use the piece figure given to
idea of which Saving Throw Class On the Matrix itself, a few determine how much can be
is most appropriate for any things need explanation. The carried away, and how quickly.
monsters of your own design. Distraction column is to be used
Class l is the appropriate whenever the monster encounters Class A: Silver, 90%(100-600);
Saving Throw Class for beings of two or more things of interest. If Gold, 50%(10-60); Gems,
low human intelligence and no a monster that was busy chasing 5%(1-6). This class is used for
real resistance to magic. Roughly a character encounters something small, accidental gatherings of
similar to a 1st level Fighter of else to eat, of equal worth, the treasure in the lair of beings too
low intelligence. referee should roll a Distraction small or too unintelligent to
Class 2 is the appropriate Saving Throw to see whether the gather treasure, but who live near
Saving Throw Class for creatures monster will give up the chase for other monsters. It is also used to
with the power of Stone-Turning, a quick snack. Some discretion measure the 'pocket change' of
such as a Cockatrice. should be used, adjusting for low-level intelligent beings who
Class 3 is for most animals, monsters whose intelligence does are determined to be carrying
including giant animals and not match that of the average small amounts of money.
insects that have no special monster of the same Saving Class B: Silver, 90%(200-1200);
characteristics. Throw Class. Basically, the more Gold, 50%(100-600); Gems,
Class 4 is for Animated intelligent the monster, the less 10%(1-6); Jewelry, 5%(1-6). This
undead, with no will of their likely it is to be distracted by class is used in circumstances
own. some short-range benefit. similar to Class A, but for
Class 5 is for independent The entry 'NA' instead of a somewhat higher level intelligent
undead, solid and with wills of number on the table means that beings, or for the lairs of
their own, such as Vampires and beings using that Saving Throw unintelligent monsters who are
other such powerful undead. line are not affected by items in powerful enough to occasionally
Class 6 is for beings that are that particular column. Thus, a kill someone who was carrying a
tough but unintelligent. This class Vampire is not affected by small treasure. Giant animals
has an excellent Phantasm Belief poison, already being sort of might have this treasure class.
saving throw because it isn't dead. Class C: Silver, 90%(1000-6000);
intelligent enough to easily In Classes 14 and 15, the split Gold, 50%(400-2400); Gems,
perceive a visualized source of saving throw for the Spells and 20%(1-6); Jewelry,10%(1-6);
harm. Staves column indicates that the Magic Items, 10%(1). This is the
Class 7 is for Dragons and two types affect the being appropriate treasure class for
their relatives, especially the more differently, spells above the slash monsters who are not treasure-
powerful reptile beings. and staves below it. Thus, a collectors themselves, but who are
Class 8 is for beings that are being with Saving Throw Class 15 somewhat dangerous to people
tough, somewhat intelligent, but is normally not affected by magic passing through, and thus gather
with no special resistances. cast by means of a staff at all. a little more in passing than the
Class 9 is for lycanthropes previous two classes.
and shape-shifters of various Class D: Silver,
kinds, Were-creatures and such.
Class 10 is for large creatures
that are somewhat difficult to
* *
Treasure Classes
* 75 %(2000-12,000);
50%(500-3000); Gems, 30%1-6);
Jewelry, 20%(1-6); Magic Items,

damage. 15%(1). This treasure class is

Class 11 is for beings with a The following are the various gathered by monsters that value
considerable amount of resistance treasure classes referred to in the treasure, but are not very
to magic, either by being magic- Monster List and elsewhere. Each powerful, or that don't have
using and of high level, or from contains a set of percentages and many opportunities to gather it.
sheer toughness. Usually ranges of value of the treasure, Class E: Silver, 50%(4000-24,000);
intelligent. as well as a short note about Gold, 50%(1000-6000); Gems,
Class 12 is for medium-sized what type of monsters or beings 40%(2-12); Jewelry, 30%(1-6);
Undead, those which may or may should be assigned that treasure Magic Items, 20%(1). This
not be independent, but are class. Referees designing their treasure class is deliberately
neither to be sneezed at nor run own monsters should pay gathered by monsters that value
away from by characters of equal attention to these guidelines when treasure, or is accidentally
level. This includes most of the deciding which treasure class gathered by monsters who are
Spirit-type Undead. should go with which monster. low-level, but deadly to others of
similar level, such as a that gathers only shiny things, the percentages in this and the
Cockatrice. but does not accumulate large following two treasure classes are
Class F: Silver, 50%(5000-30,000); hoards. Also good for monsters multiplied times the level of the
Gold, 50%(2000-12000); Gems, who are small _Qr who cannot monster or being to find the
50%(2-12); Jewelry, 400/o(l-6); carry much. actual percentage chance of each
Magic Items, 250/o(l). A class for Class M: Silver, type of treasure being found.
monsters one step more deadly 200Jo(1000-10,000); Gold, Thus, the lair of a 12th level
than before, or for treasure 60%(1000-6000); Gems, magic user would have a 240/o
caches being guarded by pet 300/o(l-10); Jewelry, 250/o(l-6); chance of having Platinum in it
monsters and other guardians. Magic Items, 200/o(l-3). This (20/o times 12).
Class G: Silver, treasure class is used for Trolls Class T: Silver, 150/o per level
250Jo(10,000-60,000); Gold, and other beings of similar (1000-6000); Gold, 100/o per level
75%(5000-30,000); Gems, tendencies and power, that just (4000-24,000); Platinum, 20/o per
50%(3-18); Jewelry, 40%(2-12); aren't all that interested in level (1000-6000); Gems, 50/o per
Magic Items, 300/o(l). This treasure, but gather it by level (1-6 per 2 levels); Jewelry,
treasure class is for the more defeating those who have it. 50/o per level (1-6 per 2 levels);
deadly guardian, or for something Class N: Silver, Magic Items, 50/o per level (1-4).
that has been gathering treasure 25 %(2000-12,000); Gold, This class is for groups of higher
for a while, with some success. 40 OJo(l 000-6000); Gems, level fighters or other intelligent
This is the last of the general- 10%(2-12); Jewelry, lOOJo(l-6); beings. Note that, like Classes S
purpose treasures, and should be Magic Items, 300/o(l-4). This is and U, the magic items here are
reserved for monsters that are the basic treasure class of Giants, in addition to magic items the
worthy of it. modified occasionally for beings are carrying around with
Class H: Silver, 40%(1000-6000); different types. them. This is also to be
Gold, 35%(2000,12000); Platinum, Class 0: Gold, 40%(2000-12,000); considered true in any treasure
10OJo(1000-6000); Gems, Gems, 20%(4-24); Jewelry, class used for intelligent beings.
50%(6-36); Jewelry, 40%(5-30); 10%(2-12); Magic Items, Class U: Gold, 100/o per level
Magic Items, 400/o(l-4). This 350/o(l-6). This class is used for (1000-4000 per 2 levels); Gems,
treasure class is for low-to- high level Undead creatures (thus, 50/o per level (1-4 per 2 levels);
medium level men or other the lack of silver) or for other Jewelry, 5 OJo per level ( 1-4 per 2
intelligent beings of similar type, monsters dangerous enough to kill levels); Magic Items, 20/o per level
when gathered in groups. Thus, lots of people who were carrying (1-4). This treasure class is to be
this treasure would be appropriate magic items. used for somewhat smaller groups
for a small band of magic users Class P: Gold, 75%(7000-42000); of men, or men who are moving
or a larger group of fighters. Platinum, 25%(1000-6000); Gems, their lair, or groups of intelligent
Class I: Silver, 25%(1000-6000); 25%3-18); Jewelry, 20%(2-12); beings who are on their own for
Gold, 30%(1000-6000); Platinum, Magic Items, 400/o(l-6). This class long periods, without constant
20%(1000 -6000); Gems, is used for large tombs or for the sources of treasure.
50%(6-36); Jewelry, 50%(5-30); treasure hoards of intelligent Note that many of these
Magic Items, 600/o(l-4). This groups of beings, such as a large treasure classes do not contain all
treasure class would be group of Dwarves.Class Q: Silver, of the possible types of treasure.
appropriate for a temple or other 500Jo(10,000-100,000); Gold, This is deliberate, and has to do
place where intelligent beings and 750Jo(l0,000-60,000); Platinum, with the practical limits and
their money gather. 25%(3000-18,000); Gems, reasons of the treasure-gathering
Class J: Silver, 20%(1000-6000); 50%(10-100); Jewelry, 60%(6-36); of different types of beings and
Gold, 50%(6000-36,000); Magic Items, 20%(2-8). This is monsters. Platinum should be
Platinum, 25%(1000-6000); Gems, the treasure class for Dragons considered somewhat rare, and is
60%(10-60); Jewelry, 50%(8-48); and very little else. There is little an optional metal, its inclusion at
Magic Items, 500/o(l-4). This class else powerful and greedy enough the discretion of the individual
is for monsters somewhat less to collect such a treasure hoard. referee. Copper is not listed in
powerful than a Dragon, but Class R: Gems, 50%(3-18); the treasure tables, since it has
greedy nonetheless, or a large and Jewelry, 50%(2-12); Magic Items, been our experience that, except
successful band of men or other 200/o(l). This is a treasure class for pocket change, most
intelligent beings. for monsters or beings who characters do not spend time
Class K: Silver, 35%(1000-6000); collect treasure, but don't care for gathering up copper they find
Gold, 25%(1000-3000); Gems, coins. anyway. If you really want
250/o(l-6); Jewelry, 200/o(l-6); Class S: Silver, 100/o per level of copper, include it in quantities
Magic Items, 100/o(l). This class monster or being, (1000-6000); similar to that of the silver for
is used for low-level intelligent or Gold, 50/o per level (2000-12,000); classes that include coins.
somewhat intelligent beings with Platinum, 20/o per level
about the relative powers and (1000-6000); Gems, 50/o per level
abilities of a 2nd or 3rd level (6-36); Jewelry, 50/o per level
fighter. (6-36); Magic Items, 50/o per level
Class L: Gems, 250/o(l-4); (1-4). This class is commonly
Jewelry, 250/o(l-4). This class is used for higher level magic users
for the 'packrat' type of monster, and magic-using monsters. All of
~Gem and Jewelry Average Value Table table can be used to determine Encounter Surprise Chance
the value of a single piece just as
Carats Per Gem easily, and in the case of a 2 Monster( s) Startled
01-07 1 special item can be quite useful. 3 Monster(s) 1/3 Surprised,
08-16 2 At first, the use of this table may Party Not Surprised
17-27 3 seem complex, but it becomes 4 Both Sides 1/6 Surprised
28-40 4 easy with continued use. For 5 Party 1/6 Surprised
41-55 5 example, suppose you, as referee, 6 Party 1/4 Surprised
56-66 6 have determined that there are 7 7 Party 1/3 Surprised
67-75 7 gems in a treasure. Now, roll on 8 Party 1/a Surprised
76-82 8 the Carats Per Gem table. This 9 Party 1/a Surprised
83-87 9 gives you the average size of the 10 Party 1/2 Surprised
88-90 10 gems in the treasure. Roll on the 11 Party 2/a Surprised
91-00 10 plus reroll (cumulative) Gem Value Per Carat table to 12 Party 5/6 Surprised
find the average value per carat
of weight of the gems. Multiply
Gem Value Per Carat the two together, and the whole Monster's Average Hits Per Die
thing times 7 (for your 7 gems)
01-05 5 gold pieces per carat 01 1
06-15 to find the total value of the
10 02-05 1.5
16-20 batch of gems. In the case of
15 06-10 2
jewelry, the only difference is
21-30 20
that the Jewelry Composition is 11-20 2.5
31-35 25
rolled first, and then the value of 21-30 3
36-40 30
the Metal and Gems (if any), the 31-40 3.5
41-45 40
values of gems and metal being 41-50 4
46-65 50 . . . 51-60 4.5
66-70 added together.
60 61-70 5
71-75 75 Exactly what metals and gems
are represented by these values 71-80 5.5
76-85 100
should be determined by the 81-90 6
86-90 125
individual referee, if he is so 91-96 6.5
91-95 150
inclined, because they change with 97-99 7
96-98 175 00 ~7
99-00 200 the type of world or dungeon.
For example, on a desert world,
pearls might be extremely
Jewelry Composition valuable, due to their rarity, or
worthless, if no one wants them Encounter Modifier Notes
01-20 Metal Only or knows what they are. Also,
21-45 Metal plus 1-6 gems the workmanship of the jewelry is The Encounter Modifier
46-65 Metal plus 2-12 gems part of its value. A piece of Tables allow the referee to
66-80 Metal plus 3-18 gems jewelry that is all metal might be determine randomly just what is
81-90 Metal plus 4-24 gems a rare work of sculpture, and coming around the next corner,
91-97 Metal plus 5-30 gems thus worth a great deal, or a and what to do about it.
98-99 Metal plus 6-36 gems cheap bracelet, and worth little or The Encounter Distance table
00 Metal plus 1-100 gems nothing. If the shape of the tells the referee how far away the
jewelry matters, it should be monsters or beings are when first
determined by the referee as noticed. Note that this distance is
Jewelry Metal appropriate to the world and the given in relative movement rather
01-15 10-60 gold pieces in value treasure. than absolute distance. This is so
16-35 1-100 gold pieces in value that it can handle both indoor
36-55 40-400 gold pieces in value and outdoor situations. The
56-65 100-1000 g.p. in value phrases '1 phase movement to
66-85 100-2000 g.p. in value Encounter Modifiers melee' and such do not indicate
86-90 500-3000 g.p. in value that a melee will automatically
91-99 1000-6000 g.p. in value Encounter Distance occur, it instead indicates how
00 1000-100,000 g.p. in value long it would be until such a
2 Limit of Vision thing could happen. The
Gems and Jewelry 3 Limit of Vision likelihood of battle depends on
4 Long Range the actions of the party and just
When gems and/or jewelry are 5 Long Range what was encountered.
found in treasures, it is necessary 6 1 Phase Move to Melee Encounter Surprise refers to
to determine their value. This is 7 1 Phase Move to Melee the chance that either the
done by use of the Gem and 8 1 Phase Move to Melee members of the party or the
Jewelry Average Value Table. 9 Short Range, 1/2 Move encountered beings or monsters
This table gives the average value 10 Short Range, 1/2 Move will be surprised by the
of the gems and jewels in a large 11 Immediate Melee Range encounter, and suffer the
trove. The Jewelry part of this 12 Immediate Melee Range penalties from the surprise.

Encounter Numbers Lair Numbers For high-level Clerics, use Class
Fighter Magic Parties Monster Fighter Magic Temple Monster I. Low-level Magic Users should
Types Users Numbers Types Users or Hall Numbers be given Class E treasure in their
01-05 1 1 1-4 1 1 1 1-4 1 lairs. Medium-level Magic Users
06-10 1-4 1 1-6 N/6 1-3 1 1-4 N/6 should have Class H. High-level
11-20 1-6 1 1-8 N/4 1-4 1 1-6 N/4 Magic Users should have Class S.
21-25 1-8 1-3 1-8 N/2 1-6 1-3 1-6 N/4 Thieves should have treasure
26-30 HO 1-4 HO N 1-8 1-4 1-8 N/2 similar to that of Magic Users.
31-45 2-12 1-4 HO N 1-10 1-4 HO N For unusual classes of men, use
46-50 2-16 1-6 2-12 N 2-12 1-6 HO N whatever is the most appropriate.
51-60 4-16 1-6 2-12 N 2-16 1-6 2-12 N For example, Paladins and
61-70 2-20 1-6 3-18 1.5N 4-16 1-6 2-12 N Rangers do not tend to
71-80 2-24 1-8 3-18 2N 2-20 1-8 3-18 1.5N accumulate much treasure, and
81-90 4-24 2-8 4-24 3N 2-24 2-8 3-18 2N thus should not be given an
91-95 4-32 1-10 5-30 4N 4-24 HO 4-24 3N overly rich class.
96-98 6-36 2-12 6-36 SN 4-32 2-12 5-30 4N There are several types of
99 Re x 1-4 Re x 2 Re x 1-4 Re x 2 Re x 1-4 Re x 2 Re x 1-4 Re x 2 normal animals that are used
00 Rex1-10Rex1-4 Rex1-8Rex1-10 Re x 1-1 oRe x 1-4 Re x 1-8 Re x 1-1 O both by encountered men and by
characters, and should thus be
Surprise is normally checked for In those cases where the tables discussed. Draft animals and
each person or monster, rather says 'Re x 1-4' or something hunting animals are quite
for the battle as a whole. This similar, this indicates that you common, and you found some of
table gives the chances of being should reroll, and multiply the them listed in the Equipment
surprised. Remember to modify result times the indicated roll. tables. Basically, normal animals
these for Special Characteristics Thus, if you rolled a '3' on your all have the same Saving Throw
bonuses and handicaps, or for roll from 1-4, and got a result of Class: Class 3. Normally, they are
unusual characters (elves are 1-6 on your reroll, you would roll Armor Class 1 if without
surprised 1/6 of the time less from 3-18 to determine the final harnesses or packs, Armor Class
often than humans, due to their actual numbers encountered. 2 if saddled or harnessed, or
superior senses of sight and Men and Their Animals Armor Class 5 if wearing Chain
hearing). Barding. Unless stated otherwise,
Average Hits Per Die are In addition to the Monster normal animals · have Attack and
rolled on monsters where the List, there must also be sort of a Defense Levels equal to their Hit
referee does not wish to People List, since men will Dice. The following list gives the
determine the hits individually, sometimes be encountered during differences between the various
such as in large groups of small adventures. Basically, treat animals.
monsters. It is recommended that encountered men as if they were Mules: These are the only
hits be determined individually characters: they get the same pack animals that you can
for small groups, especially of bonuses and restrictions based on normally use in caves, tunnels, or
intelligent beings. This table takes their characteristics. If you have a other narrow or steep areas.
into account . the tendency for copy of Instant Bad Guys or Mules have 3 Hit Dice, and can
beings with more hit points to some other listing of encountered carry up to 350 pounds at speed
survive, as well as the likelihood men pre-rolled, you can just use 12". Mules can pull wagons or
of hits averaging out somewhat. that to determine those sleds weighing, with load, up to
The Encounter Numbers Table characteristics. Otherwise, you, as 1000 pounds. A mule, if
gives the referee a set of numbers referee, should roll any attacked, will kick with Small
of beings encountered. For characteristics that might be Hooves.
intelligent beings, use the listed important in the situation. This Light Horses: These are the
number ranges, rolling the will often include Strength, fastest horses normally available,
appropriate dice to determine Intelligence, Dexterity and Agility, but are not very sturdy. A Light
exact numbers. Thus, if you roll as well as hits (in which case you Horse can carry up to 250
that the encounter consists of should also roll Constitution, pounds at speed 24", and cannot
3-18 fighter-types, roll 3 six-sided which could modify the hit be trained to pull wagons. Light
dice to determine just how many points) . The Saving Throws and Horses have 2 Hit Dice, and can,
there really are. In the Monster other circumstances are also the if attacked, kick with Small
columns, N represents the range same as if the encountered men Hooves.
given in the Number Encountered were characters: just use the Medium Horses: These are
section for each monster on the appropriate Saving Throws for more durable, but not as fast. A
Monster List. Thus, if the result the type, level, and characteristics Medium Horse can carry 350
of your roll is N/ 2, and your of each individual man. The only pounds at speed 18", and cannot
Monster List gives a Number thing remaining is Treasure Class . be trained to pull wagons, but
Appearing of 2-12, you should For low-level Fighters, use can be trained to wear barding or
have from 1-6 appearing instead . Treasure Class C. For medium or to participate in cavalry melee.
A result of l .5N would have higher Fighters, use Class T. For Medium Horses have 3 Hit Dice,
from 3-18 such monsters low-level Clerics, use class D. For and, if in melee, can kick with
appearing. medium-level Clerics, use class M. Small Hooves.
Draft Horses: These are Other animals can be worked character or being who is being
sturdy, durable workhorses, who out by individual referees. checked. Thus, a 5th level Fighter
can carry or pull great weights, Basically, just keep them would have a 7.5% chance of
but not very fast. A Draft Horse reasonable relative to those listed, having a magical Shield when
has 4 Hit Dice, and can carry and you ,should not have too encountered, while a 5th level
450 pounds, or pull a wagon or many problems. cleric would only have a 5%
sled weighing 1500 pounds, chance of having a clerical Staff.
moving at speed 12". Draft horses In cases where the table shows a
will attempt to avoid combat, but Carried Magic Items number like 2*1 or 2*0.5, it
if forced, will defend themselves When men or other intelligent means that the being encountered
using Medium Hooves. beings are encountered, they may has two chances of having that
Heavy Horses: These beasts, be carrying magic items of their type of magic item, rolled
also known as Warhorses, are own, usually ones that the person separately, and also that, if both
bred and trained for battle. They or being carrying it can make use rolls are within the indicated
are physically quite similar to of. Thus, when a party percentage, that the being has
Draft Horses, being among the encounters men or other two items in that category.
biggest and toughest of horses. A intelligent beings, the referee When determining the chance
Heavy Horse will carry up to 450 should check and see just what that an intelligent non-human has
pounds at speed 12", and can be they are carrying, and make use magic items, use the most similar
trained to wear barding and to of the items properly if a battle class of humans for basic
participate in battle, but does not or other encounter develops. chances, and adjust for any
pull wagons or sleds. Heavy Remember, the characters in the special circumstances, such as a
Horses have 4 Hit Dice plus 2 hit party aren't the only ones with special preference for certain
points. They thus have Attack the advantages given by magic types of objects, or restrictions
and Defense levels of 5th level. items. from using certain types of
Heavy Horses, if in combat, If you have a copy of Instant objects. A being from a species
attack using Medium Hooves. Bad Guys, you can simply use that can't read probably would
Hounds: These are the the listed items for each person not carry a Scroll, for example.
tracking dogs that are commonly encountered on those listings. If Each column of the 'Carried
used. They move at speed 15", not, you can determine the same Magic Items' table represents one
and can attack using Small Teeth. probabilities of just who is of the types of magic items. If
A Hound has 2 Hit Dice. carrying what magic items by the being checked is determined
Mastiffs: These are the more using the 'Carried Magic Items' to be carrying one or more magic
solid killing-dogs, bred for table. items, simply go to the Magic
strength. A Mastiff moves at Each line of the 'Carried Item Tables for the appropriate
speed 15", and can attack using Magic Items' table is for a type of magic items and roll the
Medium Teeth, attacking at 4th different type of character or specific powers and abilities there.
level. A Mastiff has 3 Hit Dice. being. For types not listed, the
Falcon: These are the hunting referee must use his own
birds commonly used, and discretion. For combinations of
actually includes several varieties. two character classes, such as a
They fly at speed 24", and can Magical Fighter, use the higher
attack using Small Teeth (Beak) chance for each of the two
or Small Claws, but normally classes. The numbers appearing
only attack small animals. on the table are percentage
Falcons have 2 Hit Dice, but chances of having that type of
attack at 3rd level. magic item per level of the

Carried Magic Items

Intelligent Armor Shield Non-Intel. Wand or Ring Potion Misc . Scroll

Weapon Weapon Staff Magic

Magic User 3 2*1 2*1 2*1 2*1 1

Fighter 1.5 1.5 2*1 2*1 2*1 0.5 0.2
Cleric 1 1 1 2*1 2*1 0.5
Thief 1 1.5 1.5 2*1 2*1 2*1 2*0.5 0.5
Paladin 1.5 2 2 2* 1.5 0.2 2*0 .5 2*0.5 0.5 0.2
Ranger 1.5 1.5 1.5 2*1.5 1 2*1 2*1 1 0.5
Elf 1 1.5 1.5 2*1 2*1 2*1 2*1 2*1 1
target may be no more than 3" from of gas or a castle wall is not to be
the thief; the target may not be in considered handleable). Prerequisite:

Ahunncth melee or actively dodging the dagger;

the thief may not be in motion at
the time of the throw. Prerequisite:
Intelligence 11+.
.Eidetic Memory, Visual: This is
what is normally called a

WIJituislJ Throw Dagger +4.

Acrobatics: This ability allows a
thief to engage in fancy tumbling,
photographic memory. It allows a
thief to quickly scan an item and
remember, with 95% accuracy, its
1Rults vaulting, or other equivalent motions
for use both in entertainment and
second-story burglary. This ability
physical appearance. It could also be
used to scan a map or a page of
writing with similar effect. The thief
includes the ability to swing from does not have to understand any
ropes and other items in true writing in order to be able to

SEVENTH LEVEL ABILITIES swashbuckling style. For obvious reproduce its physical appearance.
reasons, most of the limits must be Prerequisite: Intelligence 11+.
1. DOUBLE DAGGER THROW+2 determined according to the Read & Identify Magic: This
2. THROW DAGGER CRITICAL individual circumstances, especially in ability allows a thief to examine
3. ACROBATICS combat, and thus this ability requires scrolls to see whether spells are on
4. CHEAT AT GAME OF SKILL +4 considerable discretion on the part of them, and if so, what they might be,
5. SLEIGHT OF HAND W9%) the referee. Prerequisites: Dexterity with a chance of success equal to 10
6. CON+ 6 and Agility both 15 or higher. X Intelligence of Thief (100% or
7. CUT GEMS Cheat At Game Of Skill +4: This greater means always successful). This
8. EIDETIC MEMORY, HEARING ability allows a thief to cheat at ability does not allow a thief to
9. EIDETIC MEMORY, TOl:ICH gambling games of skill }Vith a 90% activate either scrolls with spells on
10. EIDETIC MEMORY, VISUAL chance of doing so successfully (not them, or special Protection scrolls,
11. READ & IDENTIFY MAGIC getting caught) and adding 4/6 to his but does (involuntarily) activate
12. SPOT THIEVISH ACTIVITY (75%) chances of winning. Note that cursed scrolls.
13. TIE UP WITH ROPES +3 gambling games of skill are those i~1 Spot Thievish Activity (75%): This
which some skill on the part of the ability is the same as Spot Thievish
pl~yer is needed (i.e., poker) Activity, its prerequisite, except that
EIGHTH LEVEL ABILITIES compared to those in which luck is it gives a thief a basic 75% chance of
the determiner (wagering on spotting ongoi::lg thievish activity by
1. ECHO WALK snail-races, etc.). Prerequisite: Cheat a thief of his own level, or the results
2. DOUBLE DAGGER THROW +4 At Game Of Skill +3. of such activity. This percentage is
3. DOUBLE SHORT SWORD +2 Sleight Of Hand (99%): Same as adjusted 5% for each relative level
4. GAME OF SKI LL +5 Sleight Of Hand (95%), its difference between the active thief
5. COUNTERFEIT COINS (90%) prerequisite, but with added chance and the spotting thief. Thus, a 17th
6. COUNTERFEIT MAGIC (90%) of success. level thid would have an 80% chance
7. DETECT SHIFTING WALLS Con +6: Same as Con +3, its of spotting a 16th level thief at work.
AND ROOMS (90%) prerequisite, but with added chance Tie Up With Ropes +3: This
8. EIDETIC MEMORY, TOTAL of success. ability is the same as Tie Up With
9. ESCAPE FROM ROPES +3 Cut Gems: This ability allows a Ropes +2, its prerequisite, except
10. READ MAGIC thief to cut and/or re-set gems and that it also neutralizes the Escape
11. SPOT THIEVISH ACTIVITY (90%) jewelry without reduction in value. From Ropes +2 ability, if possessed
This ability is useful primarily for by the pernon being tied, as well as
* * *
Seventh Level Abilities
converting stolen goods into saleable
items, or in converting uncut gems
into jewelry.
subtracting an additional 10% from
the basic chance to escape as figured
in Tie Up With Ropes.
Double Dagger Throw +2: This Eidetic Memory, Hearing: This Eighth Level Abilities
ability allows a thief to throw two ability allows a thief to memorize
daggers at the same target sounds, voices or conversations (no Echo Walk: This ability allows a
simultaneously, adding +2 to his more than one minute's worth for thief to walk in total darkness or
archery die roll to hit. Prerequisite: each point of Intelligence the thief blindfolded at a speed of 3" per
Double Dagger Throw (6th). has) after one hearing, with 95% phase. Unless specific traps have been
Throw Dagger Critical: This ability c ompleteness. Prerequisite: set, the thief will be able to move
allows a thief to throw a single Intelligence 11 +. with whatever level of silence his
dagger at a stationary target, aiming Eidetic Memory, Touch: This other abilities allow. The thief, using
for a specific area of that target's ability allows a thief to memorize the this ability, is maneuvering by
body. If the thief scores a hit, the weight, texture and other physical hearing, touch, smell, etc. This ability
damage is determined as if a critical properties of an object handled once, may not be used to travel through a
hit on the area named, intensity for the purpose of recognizing it later melee in progress.
determined as in the case of a normal or attempting to make duplicates or Double Dagger Throw +4: This
critical hit (die roll of 1-6, see counterfeits. This ability is 95% ability is the same as Double Dagger
Critical Hit Table in The Complete · accurate as long as the thief has hap Throw +2, its prerequisite, but with
Warlock). Note: this type of dagger at least 1 turn to handle the object, an added chance to hit with each
throw is restricted as follows: the and the object ir. handleable (a cloud thrown dagger.
Double Dagger Melee +2: This thief could thus use any scroll that Trident. Otherwise the same as Short
ability is the same as Double Dagger does not cast a spell (or use Spell Sword Defense +2. Prerequisite :
Melee, but with an additional 2 Points). Dagger +2.
Attack Levels with both daggers used. Spot Thievish Activity (90%): This Throw Short Sword +2: This third
Prerequisites: Double Dagger Melee ability is the same as its prerequisite, level thievish ability, is like its
and Dexterity of 13+. Spot Thievish Activity (75%), except prerequisite, Throw Short Sword, but
Double Short Sword +2: This for the added chance of spotting with +2 added to the Archery roll to
ability is the same as Double Short another thief in action. In other hit. Prerequisites: Throw Short Sword
Sword, but with an additional 2 words, the base percentage is 90% and Throw Dagger +2.
Attack Levels with both short swords instead of 75%, adjusted by the Extra Dagger Blow: This Fourth
or with short sword and dagger. relative levels of the thieves. Level Thievish ability allows a thief
Prerequisites: Double Short Sword with the proper prerequisi i:es to gain
and Dexterity of 13+.
Game of Skill +5: This ability is * * *
The following are additional
l extra blow i;er combat phase, after
all other adjustmentr. for movement
the same as Game of Skill +3, its thievis!1 abilities of the lower ievels, speed or other conditions, whE·~ using
prerequisite, but with addea chance to be added to those already listed in a dagger. Prerequisites: Dagger +4,
of success. The Complete Warlock. Refer there Dexterity of 13+.
Counterfeit Coins (90%): This when necessary. Short Sword Defense +4: This
ability allows a thief to manufacture In the case of any short sword or Fourth Level Thievish ability is the
coins and other familiar items used as dagger abilities, other similar stabbing same as one of its prerequisites, Short
money with a 90% chance of his and cutting weapons may be Je.irned Sword Defense +2, except for the
fakes being accepted as real under similarly at the discretion of the added +2 defense levels. Prerequisites:
normal examination. Prolonged referei\ For example, a Kris could be Short Sword +4, Short Sword
examination by experts or magical allowed as a thievish weapon, or an Defense +2.
spells may determine that the coins unusual type of knife. These weapons Dagger Defense +4: This Fourth
are not real. would have to be learned separat.:ly, Level Thievish ability is the same as
Counterfeit Magic (90%): This and would take up the space of a one of its prerequisites, Dagger
ability allows a thief to manufacture separate ability: Be careful not to let Defense +2, except for the added +2
items that may be mistaken for the thief get too far afield with his defense levels. Prerequisites: Dagger
specific magic items upon first weapons. Thievish abiliCes should be +4, Dagger Defense +2.
examiiution, especially by other limited to small, one-handed stabbing Sling Accuracy: This Fourth Level
thieves. These items will not fool a weapons (not axes, maces and such). Thievish ability all•>WS a thief to use
Detect Magic spell, but will generally The same holds true of archery a sling with a reduced accuracy
fool a purely physical examination. equipment. If your world has an penalty for range. With this ability, a
The items thus made will not act as unusual type of archery equip nent thiefs chances to hi ~ with a sling are
the magic item they appear' to be. available that w.ild be used by figured as follows: instead of tripling
Detect Shifting Walls and Rooms thieves, allow them to gain abili :ies in the basic range before figuring the
(90%): This ability is the same as any that are approµriate (throwing basic chance to hit (compared with a
Detect Shifting Walls and Rooms stars might be appropriate, but a bow), only double the basic range.
(50%), its prerequisite, but with heavy machine gun would not). This means that a thief with this
added chance of success. ability, firing at a target 12" away,
Eidetic Memory, Total: This Short Sword Defense +2: This would have a basic 'to hit' number of
ability allows a thief to memorize a.!l Second Level thievish ability allows a 9 instead of 13 (as if '24" instead of
of the physical characteristics of an thief to add +2 to his defense level 36"). [See Archery Tables, The
object he is able to examine, with the against any attacks coming from his Complete Warlock, p. 17].
same limitations as in Eidetic front or weapon side, made with any Prerequir.ite: Sling +4.
Memory, Hearing, Touch, and Visual, of the following weapons: Dagger, Throw Short Sword +4: This fifth
its prerequisites. This ability Kris, Hatchet. Handaxe, Short Sword, level thievish ability is like its
specifically allows the thief to Trident, Longsword or Falchion. The prerequisite, Throw Short Sword +2,
memorize information conveyed by thief must be using a Short Sword to but with an additional bonus to the
all of his senses, including smell and defend i"..imself against these attacks, Archery roll to hit. Prerequisites:
taste. Additional prerequisite: but does not lose attacking blows Throw Short Sword +2 and Throw
Intelligence 13+. while using this ability. Note: this Dagger +4.
Escape From Ropes +3: This ability cannot be used with both Extra Short Sword Blow: This
ability is the same as Escape From weapons if the thief is fighting with Fifth Level Thievish ability allows a
Ropes +2, its prerequisite, except two weapons, and only helps against thief with the proper prerequisites to
that this ability will also allow escape one opponent, if the thief is being gain 1 extra blow per combat phase,
from Tie Up With Ropes +3, as well attacked by more than one foe. after all other adjustments for
as add 10% to the basic chances for Prerequisi:e: Short Sword +2. movement speed or other t;Onditions,
escape. Dagger Defense +2: This Second while using a short sword.
Read Magic: This ability is the Level Thievish ability allows a thief Prerequisites: Short Sword +4,
same as its prerequisite, Read and to add +2 to his defense level against Dexterity of 15+, speed 15"+.
Identify Magic, with the additional any attacks coming from his front or Bow Or Sling Critical: This Fifth
benefit of allowing the thief to weapon side, made with any of the Level Thievish ability allows a thief,
activate special Protection scrolls in following weapons: Dagger, Kris, using a specific thievish archery
addition to cursed scrolls. Basically, a Hatchet. Handaxe, Short Sword, weapon with which this ability has
been learned, to score Archery truth might be if the creature is This takes a time equi·1alent to the
Critical Hits any time his adju~•ed indeed ~ying, but it does give a number of days it would take him to
Archery Die Roll exceeds the number true-or-false detemlination. Duration: cast 140 spells of the level being
he needed to hit for that shot ':y 18 6 turns. researc1ted. Thus, if a cleric has one
or more. Thus, if he needed a 9 to Hold Monster: This spell is the 6th level spell p1!r day, it would take
hit, any shot that is adjusted by his same as Hold Person (2) except it him 140 days to research a 6th level
personal abilities a.id magic to 27 or expands the range of what may be spell. If, on the other hand, the cleric
higher is a Critical Hit. This ability Held to include monst1.:rs of a non- or had 5 6th level spells per day, it
must be taken separately for each semi-intelligent nature. Duration: 9 would only take him 28 days to
type of bow or sling ;o be used. turns. Range: 18". research a new 6th level spell.
Prerequisite: Thief must have +4 Read Languages: This spell is the Furthermore, if the cleric has high
ability for any type of siing or bow same as Read Languages (IM) for Wisdom, the amount of time needed
to be used wit~ this ability. magic users. to do the research is reduced. A
Suspended Animation (Self): This Wisdom 13-14 cleric would only take
* * * spell allows the cleric to put 'Umself
into a state of suspended animation,
the amount of time necessary to cast
126 spells of the level being
requiring no food, water or air for a researched, and a Wisdom 15+ cleric
period of time determined by the would only take the amount of time
cleric himself upon casting the spell, necessary to cast 112 spells of the
for a time not to exceed one day for level being researched.
each level of the caster. The cleric Just as in the research of magical
may be moved, touched, even killed spells, if the spell being researched is
Abuunctb while in this state. It does not make
the cleric invulnerable. It merely
provides a way out of certain
unusual, or requires an unusual object
or being for study (as in the case of a
special Hold spell :·or a non-human
<!Lltricul situations.
Vari-Heal +: This spell is the same
species), that object or being must be
available during the entire time of

1Rults as Vari-Heal (5), but with 1 added to

the results of the 4-sided die
determining range of healing. Thus,
The second way of obtaining a
spell that is unknown is to buy it
this spell does 2-5 ,dice of healing, from other clerics, at the discretion
with bonuses applied to each die as' of the referee. The going prices for
determined in Cure Light Wounds teaching clerical spells are quite
(1). expensive, being as fi;>llows~
1st Level: 10,000 GP
2nd Level: 20,000 GP
* * *
3rd Level: 40,000 GP
4th Level: 80,000 GP
5th Level: 160,000 GP
Eighth ' Level Spells 6th Level: 320,000 GP
1th Level Spells 7th Level: 640,000 GP
Cure Very Critical Wounds: This 8th Level: 1,280,000 GP
1. DETECT UNTRUE ANSWERS spell i& the same as Cure Critical Of course, the real problem is
AND STATEMENTS Wounds (6) except that this spell finding a cleric ·with any given spell
2. HOLD MONSTER does four dice of healing, with in the first place. It is often easier to
3. READ LANGUAGES bonuses applied to each die as in research the spell than to buy it from
4. SUSPENDED ANIMATION Cure Ligh_t Wounds (I). Thus, the another deric.
(SELF) basic range of healing on this spell is As in the case of magic users, it is
5. VARI -HEAL+ from 8-28 ( 4 dice +4) with bonuses often adviseable for the referee(s) in
for the Wisdom of the cleric being any series of games to limi·~ the initial
8th Level Spells applied in additio.1. clerical r;pells known. Our common
Dispel Magic: This spell h.as the practice is to assume faat all of the
1. CURE VERY CRITICAL same effect as the spell for magic normally listed 0th level spells are
WOUNDS users, Dispel Magic (3), except that known, and from 4-6 spells of each
2. DISPEL MAGIC the level of the cleric is applied higher level up to 5th are available.
3. SPEAK LANGUAGES against the level of the caster of the All others must be researched. For
spell being dispeUed. simplicity you should assume that the
* * * Speak Languages: This spell is the
same as Speak Languages (2M) for
most commonly used spells of
1st-3rd level are the ones known:
Seventh Level Spells magic users. Cure Light Wounds, Hold Person,
Cure Disease and so on up to your
Detect Untrue Answers And Researching Clerical Spells specified limit. The known 4th and
Statements: This spell allows the There are two ways to research 5th level spell~; could be determined
caster to determin•! whether any CleriGal spells. The first, and cheapest randomly, as part of lost lore or
being the cleric is talking to is telling way monetarily, is to have a cleric sit whatever else fits the style of your
the truth. It does not tell what the down and research the spell himself. world.

ones. Further, it takes one game After a set of Spell Books is
day per level of the spell for a lost, its owner must check to see
magic user to acquire a spell, by if he has forgotten any of the
writing it into his spell books and written spells every game week,
memorizing it, if it is acquired in until he has another written copy
Abuancth writing from another magic user's
spell books. There is no such
delay if he himself researched the
of each spell. Thus, a magic user
without spell books rapidly loses
command of his higher level
flagic spell, since his spell research time
is taken to include writing the
spell into his own spell books and
spells, and will eventually forget
them all unless he does something

iRults learning how to throw it. The

physical copying of the spell into
a set of spell books takes one
about the problem .
The cost of replacing a set of
Spell Books is I 0 Gold Pieces per
level of spell for every spell
game hour per level of the spell. written in them , in addition to
The rest of the time is spent in the time spent in making the
familiarization with the new spell. books. The weight of normal
The spell books of any magic Spell Books is equal to roughly
Advanced Magic: Introduction user will normally include only I/ IO of a pound per level of
those spells that he has spells possessed by the magic user
The following rules are memorized, with notes on any for normal books. That is, for a
designed to expand the magic that he is currently researching. 5th level magic user with spells
system explained in The Complete These notes will be sufficient to for all of his possible spell
Warlock, as well as add some allow another magic user to openings, the books would weigh
new ideas to any other fantasy research the same spell up to that I pound (3 / 10 for 3-1 st level
game you might enjoy. same point in the research for Vi spells; 4/ 10 for 2-2nd level spells;
The spell tables on the the normal spell point cost of and 3/ 10 for I-3rd level spell). It
following pages will enable you to researching the same spell the is possible to engrave a set of
use 7th and 8th level spells. The same percentage of the way spell books on metal sheets for a
explanations of those spells, as through. time and gold expenditure of I 0
well as the explanations for the Spell books may be read by times normal, and at IO times the
lower-level spells, are as complete any character who understands normal weight.
as we can include, with our the language in which they are
limited space. Those lower-level
spells mentioned here, by the
way, are in addition to the ones
written, although only a magic
user will normally understand any * * *
The following spells are additions
and changes to those in The
details of spells noted. A Read
described in The Complete Magic is not needed for this Complete Warlock.
Warlock. If you also own those reading, although a Read First Level Spells
rules, you should write the new Languages spell or implement Blaze: This first level magical spell
spells down on your spell tables may be needed to decipher Spell is designed to make existent !:mall
there, so that you won't forget Books written in unfamiliar fires flare up brightly upon
the new spells. languages. command. It will affect one or more
The Reincarnation, Spell If a character loses his Spell fires within a 1" radius circle. The
Book, and Body Destruction rules Books, he must regain them or flaring will not be specifically
are also included in this section, make a new set, with the same blindi11g in effect, but can surprise or
since they all deal primarily with spells as the old ones. If he startle nearby heings. Duration: 1
magic of one form or another. cannot obtain one or more of the turn. Range : no more than 12" from
So now we begin with: spells from another magic user, the caste r. Cost: 3 spell points . 4 for
Spell Books he must leave that spell opening recharge. Class 2
Spell Books are the place vacant until he can replace the Charm (Specific Animal Species):
where a magic user of any level spell. He may not change any of This is the for mat for an unlimited
keeps the written versions of the the spells lost. number of spells, each designed to
spells that he memorizes for If a character loses his Spell affect only one specific normal
normal casting. Any magic user Books, but has not forgotten any animal species. Note that this type of
must be able to refer to his spell individual s pell (checked spell would not work vn magical or
books at least once per game individually), he may write a new enchanted beings, or on intelligent
week, for purposes of refreshing set of books for any unforgotten beings of any kind, but only on
his memory of spells, or have a spells from memory, but it takes normal animals. Thus, while Charm
l / 6 chance per level of the spell 2 game days per level of the spell Horse would work on qorses of any
of forgetting how to correctly if done in this manner. If he has variety, it would not work on either
throw the spell. This chance is forgotten the spell, and no one a camel or a hippogriff. Duration:
reduced by 3/ 6 if the magic user else has it written down, but he until dispelled. Range : 12". Cost: 3
has Photographic Memory (2M) was the original researcher, he spell points, 4 for recharge. Class 5.
as one of his spells, and has used may research the spell again at Y2 Charm (Specific lntelligen•
it to memorize his spells, the normal cost of researching Species): This is the format for an
including any recently acquired that same spell. unlimited number of spells, each

designed to work on a specific Fifth Level Spells (clear sky to light clouds to heavy
intelligent or semi-intelLgent species. Teleport: This spell :iJlows the clouds to rain to storm, for instance).
The effects are basically identical to caster to transport himself instantly Each level (1-6) of change costs 25
Charm Person (IM). The primary from one location to another, with spell points to accomplish, and each
limitation of this type of spell is that the following restrictions: The caster change within a level of weather costs
it could be cast only upon a species must be firmly familiar with the 15 spell points (except from Cold
similar to that of the caster, and intended destination (either the Wave (3) to Heat Wave (3), which
therefore would only be researched as magical spell Photographic Memory change costs 30 spell points
such. Thus, a human being c•mld (2M) or the thievish Eidetic Memory, specifically). The weather changes
research a spell of this type for an Visual ability will assure this, as will thus caused are not reversible by a
intelligent humanoid species, given an a period of one hour spent Dispel Magic spell, but must expend
example to experiment upon, but memorizing the specific location at themselves natmally or be further
might have trouble n~searching such a any time within the recent past). The controlled. The possible weather
Charm spell for an intelligent starfish. caster must be fully conscious and in states and their levels are given
Range: 12". Duration: until dispelled. control of his actions (being knocked below:
Cost: 4 spell points, 5 for recharge. unconscious just as the spell is going LEVEL WEATHER ST ATE
off makes you lose some of your 1 Clear Sq
Second Level Spells
control). The caster may not Teleport 1 Light 'Winds
Mini-Strength; This spell allows
either into •)f out of consecrate·d 2 Light Clouds
the caster to increase his own
physical strength by 2-12 po in ts ground, or into a structure protected 2 Medium Winds
(rolled) for a period of time of 1-10 by the Castle Protection (7M) spell, if 3 Stop Rain
turns (rolled). Cost: 4 spell points, 6 that spell was not of his own casting. 3 Cold Wave
The caster may not Teleport into any 3 Deep Clouds
for recharge. Class 1.
Protection/Insects: This spell area in which magic is currently not 3 Heat Wave
protects the recipient from being functional.. such as an area covered 4 Strong Winds
attacked or stung by normal insects by Magic Damping Field (8M). If the 4 Storm Clouds
for 2-12 turns (rolled). Range: caster accidentally or deliberately 4 Rain
recipient must be no more than 3" violates one or more of these 5 Rainstorm
from caster at time of casting. Cost: restriG1.ions, his Teleport spell 5 Snow
malfunctions as follows: the magic 5 Stop Tornado
4 spell points, 5 for recharge. Class 5.
user must make a saving throw vs. 6 ! Tornado
Speak With Animals: This spell is
magic; if he succeeds in achieving his 6 Blizzard
basically similar to Speak With saving throw, he will simply fail to 6 Thunderstorm
Animals (lC), except for the fact Daemon Control: This spell allows
teleport Jt all, and will remain in his
that this spell will not cause animals initial location. If the caster fails this the caster to take control of any
to cooperate with the speaker unless initial saving throw, and was trying to Daemon (NOT DEMON, see Monster
it is in the direct best incerests of the Teleport to an unmemorized location Descriptions for distinction), either
animal to do so, within the limits of or while losing control, he does free-willed or already controlled, that
its own understanding and Teleport, but must roll another saving is no more than 1.5 times the level of
intelligence. Cost: 3 spell points, 4 throw vs. magic to deterrnin·~ the the caster, or of any combination of
for recharge. Class 5. location, if any. If the caster failed to Daemons whose total levels add up to
Third Level Spells make his first saving throw, but no more than the level of the caster.
Magic Analysis: This spell allows succeeded the second time, he arrives Thus, a 20th level magic user could
the caster to determine the basic at a location from 1-100" (rolled) in control I-30th level Daemon or
purpose or method of operation of each of the three dimensions, from 2-10th level Daemons with this spell.
any normal magic item. It will not his intended location [i.e., 37" If he is taking over control of an
give extremely detailed information North, 12" East, and 84., Up is one already controlled Daemon, the caster
or specialized knowledge. This spell is possible result] . If the caster failed must check his level against that of
also useful in the research and both his first and second saving the current controller. If they are the
construction of magic items (see throw attempts, but succeeded on the same level, he has a 50% chance of
Magic Item Construction). Range: third attempt, he would arrive at a gaining control, adjusted 5% per level
adjacent to item being examined. destination from 1-1000" (rolled) in favor of the higher controller.
Cost: 6 spell points, 8 for recharge. from his destination in each Thus, our 20th level magic user
Class 4. dimension. If he failed to make this would have a 55% chance of taking
Mental Static: This spell prevents third and final saving throw, he over control from a 19th level° magic
the caster's thoughts from being read would simply vanish, having user. While controlled in thiS manner,
by ESP or similar means, but offers Teleported to a point unknown or a Daemon must obey any command
no protection against attempts to nonexistent. of the controller that would not lead
control the caster mentally. Cost: 3 to the direct and permanent
spell points + 1 per tum maintained, Sixth Level Spells extinction of the Daemon. Range:
recharge cost of 6. Class 3. Control Weather: This spell allowr. 24". Duration: until dispelled.
Projected Mini-Strength: This spell the caster to change 1he weather Remember: the affected Daemon(s)
is the same as Mini-Strength (2M), conditions in his immediate area, up get their normal saving throw against
but may be cast on a recipient no
more than 12" from the caster. Cost:
to a maximum radius of 1/ 12 mile being controlled, even if simply
per level of the caster. Changes m ~i st passing from one controller to
5 spell poin t~. 7 for recharge. Class 1. be made in a natural progression another, and if they have been

maltreated, they will turn on their SEVENTH LEVEL MAGICAL SPELLS
controller as soon as 'the control is
broken in any way. Cost: 12 spell
points, 14 for recharge. Class 4.
ACTIVATE MAGIC 3 12 15 60,800
AREA FEEBLEMIND 3 16 19 73,600
~ath: This spell causes all of the
AREA WEAKNESS 1 16 19 73,600
living creatures in a designated area
CASTLE PROTECTION 1 50 60 182,400
6" by 6" (2" high) who are no more
than * the level of the caster to have
to roll a saving throw vs. magic. Any
such creatures who fail to make their
HELLFIRE 2 12+2/phase 18 67,200
saving throws die outright, with their
bodies intact. Creatures who are not
ENERGY BOLT. 12" 4 18 22 80,000
affected, or who are at least * the
level of the caster, are not harmed in
HOMING MICROBALL 2 12 16 60,800
any way. Note: single celled creatures
ILLUSION, 5-SENSE 3 5+2/turn 19 76,800
that live within other living oeings 16 20 73,600
symbiotically are considered beneath 15 18 70,400
the notice of this spell, and are not MEGA-ENERGY CONE 4 28 32 112,000
affected unless their companh1 MICROBOMB 2 9 12 51,200
organism dies. Thus, neither your MICRO-COLD PELLET 5 12 16 60,800
blood cells nor your intestinal MIND BLANK 4 12/being 15 60,800
bacteria need to have their saving PICKET BALL LIGHTNING 6 15+3/turn 22 80,000
throws rolled individually. Range: all 2 15+3/turn 22 80,000
parts of the · affected area must be 16 19 73,600
within 24" of the caster. Duration: 15 18 70,400
the effects are instantaneous, and the 12 15 60,800
deaths caused thereby cannot be 12 15 60,800
dispelled, but instead would have to
REFLECTOR 3 16 19 73,600
be reversed by clerical or magical 86,400
SHIELDING 3 10+5n 18 70,400
Monster Control: This spell is REVERSE GRAVITY 1 12+4/phase 19 73,600
similar to Human Control (SM), but SLEEP, 12" RADIUS 1 20 23 86,400
will work specifically on monsters of SUPER CHARM 3 16 19 73,600
sub-human intelligence. For purposes SUMMON DEMON 4 20 24 86,400
of this and other spells that include TEMPORARY TELEPORTAL 3 25 + 5/turn 33 118,400
the name 'monster', a monster is VARI-BOLT, 12" 6 12 16 60,800
defined as any non-human living VARI-COLD CONE, 12" 5 16 20 73,600
being of an animal (not plant) nature, VARIABLE DEATH CONE 3 16 20 73,600
other than common animals, and is VARI-HEAT CONE, 12" 6 16 20 73,600
of less than human intelligence. Thus, VIEW PAST 4 12 15 60,800
an Ogre would be a monster, but a
Dwarf, a Vampire, or a Wolf would
not. Range: 12". Duration: until

Negation: This sixth level magical

spell enables the caster to negate the
CASTING of a spell in a manner
similar to the way Percentile :nust be cast at the same Dexterity Smiting: This sixth level spell is
Negation ( 4M) negates part or all of a Count or later of the same phase as the basis for the Staff of Striking.
spell upon arrival at the location of the Negation spell, in order to have When bound into a magic item, the
the caster. That is, where Percentile the basic ·~ffect. If the target of the item must touch the target to impart
Negation would only work on a that Negation was NOT attempting to its magical damage, normally 3 dice
is aimed at or to include the Negater, throw a spell that phase, he must of magic. When cast as a spell, the
this sixth level version would enable make a saving throw vs. magic. If he spell acts as an invisible weapon,
the person casting the Negation spell fails this saving thr•YU, the target has urder the control of the caster.
-~o pick a target, and to turn off part the effectiveness of the first spell he Normally, the cost of the spell is 6
or all of his spell as it is being cast. attempts to throw after the Negation spell points, +3 for each blow that
Thus, someone using the Negation reduced by the percentage negated, if the 'weapon' that actually hi.ts, doing
spell could reduce t;1e effects of a he attempts to throw any spell within 3 dice of damage. However, the
spell being cast by an enemy fo,- the 6 phases of the Negation. The target caster may reduce the damage to 2 or
benefit of other enemies, such as a does NOT know this, however, and 1 dice of damage, and the per-blow
Haste or other such spell. Just as in may attempt to throw magic in a cost to 2 or 1 points (a minimum of
Percentile Negation, this spell may normal manner. In this case, he might 1) accordingly. The Smiting spell has
only affect ONE spell, and that spell be in for a surprise. Range: 24". a chance of hitting any target equal

to that of a Heavy Crossbow at the EIGHTH LEVEL MAGICAL SPELLS
same range, and the caster may
attempt to strike any single target up SPELL NAME MAGIC SPELL RECHARGE RESEARCH
to a maximum of 3 times in any 1 CLASS POINTS POINTS COST
phase. Each time he actually HITS, ACTIVATE DETECTORS 4 12 15 128,000
however, spell points are expended. AIR JET 4 16+8/phase 28 204,800
The target of the spell may be DOUBLE PHASING 3 15 18 147,200
·changed each phase, but not within a DOUBLE RANGING 3 15 18 147,200
single phase. Any target being struck HOMING ENERGY MICROBALL 4 14 18 147,200
must be within 24" of the caster at HOMING PICKET BALL OF LIGHTNING 6 20+ 5/turn 28 211,200
the time of the blow. The 'weapon' HOMING PICKET BALL OF FIRE 2 20+ 5/turn 28 211,200
may be dispelled by a Dispel Magic MACROBOMB 2 30 34 243,200
or other form of magic-damping that MACRO COLD CONE 5 120 130 819,200
covers either the caster of the MACRO HEAT CONE 6 120 130 819,200
Smiting spell or the area in which the MAGIC-DAMPING FIELD 3 20+ 2/turn 25 192,000
'weapon' currently is. Anyone with 25 28 211,200
the ability to See Invisible will see 30 33 243,200
the Smiting spell as a small ball of 1 28 31 230,400
light that causes its damage on 3 15 19 147,200
impact. Unlike most spells, there is 3 20+4/turn 28 204,800
no saving throw applicable to ~his 3 12 15 128,000
one, and damage is determined dnly 2 14 18 140,800
by whether the caster hits or misses 6 12 16 128,000
his target. A single casting of this 25 28 211,200
spell will keep the Smiting active for
SYMBOL 4 20+special 25 179,200
3 turns, whether or not blows are
VARI-BALL, 4" 2 18 22 166,400
actually struck. The only
VARI-BOMB 2 15 19 147,200
maintenance cost is the per-blow
WATER JET 5 16 + 8/phase 28 204,800
cost. The amount of damage done by
the spell's blows may be ,altered from
phase to phase, but not within any
single phase. The caster must be able
to perceive the location of his target
clearly. The Smiting effect will Seventh Level Spells area (2" high). The entire volume
damage any creature that can be covered by the spell must be visible
damaged by magical weapons. Activate Magic: This spell allows or otherwise perceivable to the caster,
Wizard Wind: This spell allows the the caster to activate any one magic and all parts of the volume must be
caster to create a breeze in his item that is known and visible to within 24" of the caster.
immediate vicinity (no more than a him, whether or not he is touching it Castle Protection: This spell allows
radius of l" per level, to a maximum at the time. If another magic user is the caster to enchant the walls of a
radius of 24''.) that will blow in any attempting to activate the same magic castle, tower, or other stone or metal
one · specified direction for 1-6 turns item during the same phase, whoever structure. This enchantment protects
per level of the caster (rolled) at a goes off first wins. If both complete the structure from being damaged by
maximum velocity not to exceed 1 their attempted activation at the normal magic, either by direct
mile per hour per level of the caster. same dexterity count, the higher level destructive magic or by such spells as
This wind will follow the caster if he of the two activates the item. If both Move Earth or Control Weather. It
moves during its duration, even if his are of the same level, the caster of also prevents any magic from
motion is caused by the wind itself. the Activate Magic spell wins. If traveling directly through the walls,
It can be used to propel sailing ships, BOTH are utilizing the Activate either in terms of detection spells, or
floating objects, etc. Cost: 12 spell Magic spell, the item is activated, but such spells as Dimension Door or
points, 1S for recharge. Class 6. uncontrolled as to range, direction, or Passwall. Each casting of this spell
any other specific orientation protects up to 3600 square feet of
commands. Range: 12" maximum wall. Range: adjacent to wall or
from caster to item being activated. structure being enchanted.
Area Feeblemind: This spell is the Communication: This spell allows
same as Feeblemind (SM), but affects the caster to communicate
all intelligent or semi-intelligent telepathically with any person known
beings within a 6" by 6" area (2'" to him who is separated from the
high). The entire volume covered by caster only by a finite physical
the spell must be visible or otherwise distance, and who does not
perceivable to the caster, and all parts deliberately resist the telepathic
of the volume must be within 24" of contact. The person being
the caster. communicated with must be of the
Area Weakness: This spell is the same or a similar species as the
same as Weakness (SM), but affects caster, and must be living. Duration:
all living beings within a 6" by 6" 6 turns.
more than 12" from the micro ball (at actual die roll. The entire volume of
Detect Polymorph: This spell
allows the caster to detect the fact which point the microball will simply the cube must be within 12" of the
that someone or something within vanish). Note that if, while tracking, caster, and any creatures to be
range is in a shape other than the microball enters a place in which affected must be perceived by the
his/her/its normal shape, and further, magic does not function, it wili c'ease caster, with no solid objects between
to determine what the true shape of to exist. Range: lock-on of 12". caster and targets that would
the polymorphed being or object is. Duration: as described above. completely block the caster
Range: 1" per level of caster, up to Homing Microball: This spell is the physically from the . targets (i.e., not
24" maximum. Duration: 3 turns. same as Homing Electric Microball through a solid wJll , even if the
Disintegrate Magic Metal: This (7M) except for the fact that the caster can see through the wall).
spell allows the caster to destroy damage done is fire, rather than Du ration: until dispelled.
enchanted metal objects of no more electrical in nature. Mega-Energy Cone: This spell is
than 10 pounds mass per level of the Illusion, 5-Sense: This spell is the the same as Mega- Cold Cone ( 6M)
caster. The target object has a saving same as the Illusionist :;pell of the except that the <;lamage is caused by
throw determined by the quantity of same name, but there is no +4 energy rather than cold.
enchantment ·it possesses. For adjustment to the saving throw of Microbomb: This spell i.:; the same
example, a magical weapon enchanted anyone put to the Belief test. Range: as Micro ball ( 4M) except that ·the
to +O has a s!lving throw of 16; a +1 24". Durati•)n: as long as maintained. damage is caused by a form of
weapon has a saving throw of 14; a Laser: This spell is somewhat explosive impact similar to that in
+2 weapon has a saving throw of 12; different from most damaging spells. the Bomb spell (6M).
a +3 weapon has a saving throw of This spell produces a tight beam of Micro-Cold Pellet: This spell is
10; and so on. Range: 24". energy, 1/72" in diameter, that has similar to Cold Pellet ( 6M) except
the following properties: it travels in that it may be fired once per phase
Hellfire: This spell allows the a straight line, not impeded by air or in a manner similar to that of the
caster to summon a pillar of fire, l" other physi c ~illy intangible substances. Micro ball :>,Jell ( 4M). Range 6".
in radius and 2" tall. This fire does If it strikes a solid or liquid mass, the Mind Blank: This spell causes the
damage at the level of the caster, but, object or being struck must make its recipient's mind to be protected by a
unlike most damage-produ'cing spells, normal magic saving throw. If the shield that, in effect, prevents
this spell may be sustained in place. object or being struck saves, the thoughts from traveli:1g in or out.
If any person or object stays in the
beam does damage equal to h the This means that a person wearing this
area affected by a sustained Hellfire
level of the caster in dice, and spell cannot have his mind read by
spell, it continues to take full damage
continues until it hit:; another mass. ESP or similar spell:;, and cannot be
each phase, as long as the spell is
If the object or being stru.:k fails to affected by Telepathy ( 4M) or similar
maintained. The position of the
Hellfire spell may not be changed
save, the beam does damage equal to purely mental ~pells. It also means
:.he level of the caster in dice, AND a that a person wearing this spell
while it is being maintained. Range:
percentile die (1-100) is rolled, and cannot read the thoughts of others or
24". Duration: as long as maintained.
Energy Bolt, 12": This spell is the that percentage .:if the beam is project thoughts to anyone else by
-same as Energy Bolt (SM), except for absorbed. The next object struck natural or magical means. Further, a
the bolt being 12" long after it only takes damage b;1sed on the person wearing this spell could 110t be
expands from pellet form, with percentage remaining. This detected magica[y by means that
subtraction is cumulative, and the require a spell or item to detect
appropriate effects if it meets a solid
beam stops when 100% has been thoughts or intentions, such as Detect
object. Range: 24".
absorbed. Thus, if the first target Evil or Detect Enemies. Duration: 1
Hold Being: This spell is the same
struck ab:;orbed 20% of a Laser spell day or until dispelled. Range: the
as Hold Person (3M), except for the
cast by a 20th level MU, the next target may be no more than 6" from
fact that this spell will affect any
target would be hit by no more than the caster at the time the spell is
intelligent being that is not immune
80% of 20 dice, or th·~ equivalent of cast.
to mental control. Range: 12".
16 dice. Note: this spell will reflect Picket Ball Lightning: This spell is
Duration: 6 + Level of Caster in the same as Ball Lightning (3M)
off of any magical mirrored surface.
turns. except that the ball can be
Be carefol where you point it.
Homing Electric Microball: This Further note: the Laser spell wil~ 30 'programmed' to follow a specific
spell is the same as Electric Microball through normal doors and thin walls route more than once, as long as the
( 4M) except for the additional ability but a percentile die absorption check spell is maintained or until it hits a
for this spell to "home in" on any is rolled for each layer (one foot 2r solid object aJl·l detonates. Range: at
target that was within 12" of the less) of wood or stone it goes no time may the ball be more than
caster at the time !he spell was cast. through. Range: until absorbed. 24" from the caster, or the control is
This 'homing microball' will strike Duration: 1 Dexterity Count. lost and the ball simply detonates.
the target even if the target is Mass Charm: This spell combines Duration: as long as maintained.
protected by some form of the effects of Charm Person (IM) and Picket Ball of Fire: This spell is
spell-turning. If the target is Charm Monster ( 4M), with the added the same as Picket Ball Lightning,
protected by a reflecfrl·~ spell or effect that it will affect up to 30 hit except that the ball is similar to that
surface of some kind, the homing dice or levels of creature within a 6" in Ball of Fire (3M) , and thus does
microball will continue to home in by 6" by . 6" cube. Each creature damage from fire instead of lightning.
and bounce off until either the affected must make a separate saving Polymorph Object: This spell
reflection or the microball goes away, rhrow against the spell, as against allows the caster to change the
due to dispelling, or the target is magic, but with -2 adjustment to the physical shape and structure of any

inanimate object to any other shape being occupying no more than 2 Returning: This spell is used to
that allows the same mass in normal cubic inches, but not on more than counteract the effects of a
matter. Thus, a large rock could be one being or object within such a Summoning spell, either for items or
changed into a similady-sized pillow, volume . Thus, it could be cast on a beings. Thus, under normal
but not to a grain of sand. The mass single person, or a door, but not on circumstances, a Returning spell will
of the object remains constant, and an entire castle, a whale, or a flock cause a summoned item or being to
thus an object could be made larger of birds. return to its original location
(but less dense) by this spell. This Protection/Normal Weapons: This immediately. It will have no effect on
spell requires some degree of referee spell protects the caster from being any item or being not currently
discretion, since the duration depends struck or harmed by non-magical under the effects of a Summoning
upon the degree of change. Basically, weapons made from normal materiabi spell of some form. Further, in cases
if the change requires no drastic or that are a part of the body of a where the level of •:he Summoner and
alteration of shape or size, but non-magical l:ieing. It would not Returner are not the same, the
merely of appearance, the spell lasts protect the caster from weapons that relative levels are compared by ratio
for up to 24 hours (or until are themselves enchanted. It would in a manner similar to that of Dispel
dispelled). If the shape or size is not protect the caster from direct Magic (3M). In particular, this spell
altered (by at least 50% size) the contact with a being whose basic will negate the Summoning
spell will last for no more than 12 nature is magical, or that is animated performed by Summoning (6M),
hours. An actual apparent change of primarily by magical means. It would Summon Demon (7M), Summon
substance (changing wood to the protect the caster from direct Person (8M) or Summon Monster
semblance of stone. etc.) will limit physical contact with a being simply (9M). Range: 12".
the spell to no more tha r1 12 hours. under a spell, such as ;rn appropriate Shielding: This spell is designed to
Any change that strains the physical Charm spell, if that being i~ •)therwise help prevent another spell from being
structure of the object (changing a not magical •)r enchanted. This spell dispelled by a Dispel Magic or similar
rock into a pool of water . for may also be cast up"a another living means. Unlike most spells, this spell
example) will last for no more than l being, with the same effects as if cast can be put on in layers, and each
minute per level of the caster. This upon the caster himself. Range: layer creates added protection agaim~
spell will not affect any living being. Recipient may be no m1xe than 3" dispellation. Thus, if a single
Range: the caster may be no more from the caster when the spell is Shielding spell is cast on top of
than 12" from the object being thrown. Duration: 12 turns. another enchantment, the Shielding
transformed at the moment of the Reflector: This spell creates a spell would have to be dispelled
casting of the spell. Duration: as skin-tight shell around the caster that before the protected enchantment
above or until dispelled. is almost totally reflei:tive to magic. could be dispelled. If two or more
Pressor Cone: This spell creates a Any magic that hits this shell will Shielding spells are protecting the
cone of force 12" long and 6" across bounce off and return in the same enchantment, each would have
at the end away from the caster. h direction from which it came. If the to be separately dispelled before the
has the effect of pushing any item or magic is in the form of a beam, bolt, protected enchantment could be
being that does not make iti; ::aving or cone, this reflection will re-direct dispelled. The cost of each layer t>Z
throw against magic away from the however much of the spell would Shielding is 10 +Sn, where n is the
caster, to the edge of the cone. It have continued past the point of number of the layer of Shieldi:1g
will affo.:t an·y quantity of objects reflection, for the width of the shell. currently being applied. Thus, the
within the cone , but no individual Thus, someone standing behind a first layer costs 15 spell po in ts, the
object may be affected that weighs person with a Reflector spell in use next layer costs 20, and so on.
more than 20 pounds per level of the would be protected from such aimed Range: 24'_' from caster to the
caster. The pressor effect is not and directed magic by a sort of location of the spel: to be protected,
violent enough to hurl projectiles magical 'shadow' effect. Anyone at the time of the casting of the
against targets or to crush victims being struck by a reflected part of Shielding spell. Duration: until that
against walls, but it will push the such a spell takes normal spell individual layer is dispelled.
objects without doing damage. It damage. In the case of a spell that Reverse Gravity: This spell a~lows
could be used to i::ldirectly cause normally would strike only a single the caster to reverse the direction of
damage, by such means as pushing a target (Magic Missile, Microball, etc.), the pull of gravity within a cube 3"
rock off of a diff, for example. the spell ~eflects off and will on each side for as long as
Duration : 1 magic phase. normally hit the original caster of the maintained. Thus, all obje cts within
Projected Anti-Magic Shell: This reflected spell. The Reflector spell is the cube would tend to fall toward
spell is the same as Anti-Magic Shell totally effective against directly cast the top of the cube with a force
(6M) except for the fact that it can spells of a magical nature, the equivalent to a normal fall for the
be cast LYI a recipient other than the so-called 'finger' spells, but wL.l same distance . Range: all portions of
caster himself. The recipient of this reflect spells cast with the use of an the cube must be within 12" of the
spell, if unwilling to have the Shell implement (staff, wand, ring, etc.) caster. Duration: as long as
cast upon him, should roll a saving only 9070 of the time (the other 10% maintained.
throw vs. magic. If the saving throw having full effect on the person inside Sleep, 12" Radius: This spell
is made, the Anti-Magic Shell is the Reflector). In cases where a allows the caster to cause ALL living
ineffective, and vanishes instantly. person using Reflector is inside an beings within 12" of the caster, but
Range : 12" from caster to rncipient. area hit by a larger spell, the spdl not including the caster, to have to
Duration: 12 turns. Note that this simply splashes off '. he outside of the make saving throws vs. magic, or else
spell may be cast on any object or shell. Duration: 3 turn~. fall asleep. ·The sleep lasts unti:

dispelled, or until the caster dies, or kind. Further, if this higher demon that of the caster must individually
is more than 24" from any specific is asked to exert any actual effort, it save vs. magic or immediately die.
sleeping being (checked individually). must be well repaid in value •)f its Range: as described. Duration: 1
The caster may include himself in the own choosing, or it will attack the magic phase.
effects of the spell i~- he so chooses, summoner and seek to d!!stroy him. Vari-Heat Cone, 12": This spell is
and may choose to suppress his Such a bargain can be and is the same as Vari-Heat Cone (SM),
saving throw and fall asleep. This normally made immediately after the except the cone is shaped like the
sleep does not break the spell. This summoning, and before the demon standard Heat Cone, 12" Range (SM).
sleep, being strongly magical in its does anything. If the summoner has View Past: This spell allows the
nature, does not allow the sleeping made and kept previous bargains, caster to observe the events in the
victims to starve or die of thirst or such a higher demon will normally immediate past at his present
suffocation. They could, however . be provide simple informatioa within its location. He may obser\!e backward
harmed 'by natural or magical own field nf knowledge without any in time an amount of time equal to
means while they slept. payment other than the initial his own level expressed in hours .
Super Charm: This spell allows the sacrifke. Range: demon appears Thus, a 24th level MU could observe
caster to throw a spell similar to a within 6" of the caster. Duration: backward in time exactly one day.
Charm Being (SM), but affecting until the demon is Returnd or The spell allows the observation of
from 2-12 intelligent beings, each of released to leave by the terms of any a period of time equal to the level of
whom would be permitted a separate agreement made. Warning: demons' do the caster expressed in turns. Thus,
saving throw vs. magic to see if not consider being a lifetime our 24th level MU c·ould observe a
controlled. Range: 12". Duration: bodyguard to be a single task, and period of time no more than 24
until dispelled. are very nasty if they feel they are minutes long. The caster must specify
being cheated. Referee discretion is· the time to be observed; the spell has
Summon Demon: This spell allows no means of "scanning" for an event
very important on this spell.
the caster to summon one or more Temporary Teleportal: This spell that happened at an undetermined
demons, under the following time. The caster sees events as they
creates a circle, 2" in diameter,
conditions: The caster may summon through which a being or object would have been seen whil·~ standing
one or more demons whose total could move. Normally, this circle is at the location he is in at any point
levels do not exceed his own, without upright, but it could be placed flat during the playback, and he may
direct penalty to himself, with the on a surface if the caster so chose. move around to change his point of
provision thac any bodies or souls Any being or object going through view, but at no time may he leave a
gathered during the course of this circle would arrive at a radius of 24" from the point at
working for the caster are to be used destination specified by the caster, as which the spell was cast, or else the
by or for the purposes <)f the if stepping through a hole in space playback is terminated.
demon(s). (Thus, if a · magic user from one spot to another. lf the
summons a demon and sends it out caster has correctly memorized the
to find him a specific item, the
demon is permitted to consume the
body and/or soul, depending upon
location of the destination, there is
no direct danger in this form or
teleportation, unle.ss one happens to
* * *
the demon's abilities and needs, of Eighth Level Spells
be halfway through the Teleportal
the item's guardian.) Further, a magic
when it is shut down (in which case,
user may use the Summon Demon one becomes two). The Teleportal is Activate Detectors: This spell
spell to summon a demon or allows the caster to temporarily
visible as a faintly glowing blue circle
combination of demons whose enchant any person or item so that,
at both the departure and adval
levels toral no more than TWO times for a period of one day, that person
points. Range: to any spot not
his own level, with the absolute or item will be detectible by any
magically shielded or prote ·ted from
guarantee that the demon(s) will be single detection spell that the caster
teleportatio;1, and that is not
provided wifa a blood sacrifice whc.se chooses. Thus, a magic user could
clerically consecrated ground.
total levels equal the difference enchant a sack of gold to answer to a
Duration: as long as maintained.
between that of the demon(s) and Vari-Bolt, 12": This spell is the Detect Iron (IM) spell, or a Good
the magic user. If this blood sacrifice. same as Vari-Bolt (SM), except the person to be picked up by a Detect
which must be of one or more upper limit of the length of the Evil spell. As with other magic,, if the
intelligent beings, is not made at or lightning bolt is 12". person being enchanted objects, he
before the end of the task assigned to Vari-Cold Cone, 12": This spell is gets a saving throw against being
the demon(s), the magic US-"I himself, the same as Vari-Cold Cone (SM), affected. Range: caster must be
body and soul, is forfeit to the except the cone is shaped like the within 6" of being or object to be
demon(s). A single demon of a level standard 12" cone described in the enchanted. Duration: 24 hours.
higher than twice that of the caster spell Cold Cone, 12" Range (SM). Air Jet: This spell allows the
may be summoned, but not Variable Death Cone: This spell caster to focus a powerful blast of air
commanded to perform any task. creates a cone whose maximum upon a chosen target, '.J4" in diameter.
Such a higher demon may be asked dimensions are 6" long and 3" wide This spell does damage at a rate of 1
questions or favors, but will at the end away from the caster. The die per level of the caster minus the
demand blood sacrifices equal to length and width of the cone may be range to the target in inches. Thus, a
one-half the level of the summoner varied by the caster within these 30th level caster could do a
before answering questions or limits. All creatures within t'.1e cone maximum of 24 (30-6) dice of
considering performing favors of any whose levels are less than or equal to damage to a target 6" away. Further,

only the first row of targets is (i.e., TWO Microball:;). The effect at the last moment. Special Macro
guaranteed to take the full amount of begins im.111!diately, in that another Cone Rule: after the first 100 spell
damage. If the first targets hi·; do not spell may be thrown only three points have been pumped into tQ.is
fall down, eit11er from the damage or phases after the Double Phasing spell spell, it MUST be cast, unless the
from the special knockdown is cast. Duration: 3 turns. physical body of the caster ' js
probability, any targets standing Double Ranging: This spell allows destroyed.
behind the still standing target take the caster to double the stated range Macro Heat Cone: This spell is
only half of the normal damage from which he could throw any following similar to Macro Cold Cone, except
the spell (i.e., one-half the level of spell, for the duration of the Double for the damage being caused by heat
the caster, after subtraction for Ranging spell. This means that he (see Heat Cone (3M)).
range). Notice that this spell can be could throw most spells as far as 48", Magic-Damping Field; This spell
maintained. This means that targets instead of the normal maximum allows the caster to create a field 6"
still in the path of the spell again magic range of 24". Duration: 3 by 6" in area, with a maximum
take damage, but with the difference turns. Note: this spell does not height of 3", in which all normal
that only targets standing take full enlarge spells, such as cones or bolts, magic will cease io function. This
damage, and those fallen take half but merely lengthens the range at effect includes both spells and
damage. The caster may make minor which they could be used, if there is implements. In cases where a spell or
changes in the direction of the Air any range at all. In most cases, this implement has a continuirig effect,
Jet, but no more than 4S degrees to spell would have no effect on Cone the spell or implement will return to
either side of the initial direction, spells, which emanate directly from functioning after the field is removed,
and, for purpose~ · of damage, it the caster, or any other spell that or after the implement or spell leaves
points in a specific direction each begins AT the caster, rather than a the field. In cases where a spell or
phase, not all the angle swept distance away. implement would continue 'until
through during a change of direction. Homing Energy Microball: This dispelled', consider a Dispel Magic , at
Note that, since this spell forms a spell is similar to Homing Electric the level of the caster of the ~agic
powerful stream of air, . that Microball (7M), except that the Damping Field, to have been thrown
something may wander between the damage is caused by pure energy, at the point at which the field takes
caster and his intended target, rather than electricity. effect. If the Dispel would succeed in
especially if the spell is continued for Horning Picket Ball Lightning: dispelling the spell in question, then
more than one phase. Also note that This spell is similar to Picket Ball the spell or implement will not turn
this spell requires a large and Lightning (7M), except for the added back on when it leaves the field. The
continuous supply of air, and cannot ability to 'lock on' to a target in a field will not remove the actual
be used in small rooms or other close manner similar to Homing Ball enchantment from any magic item,
quarters. A target is knocked down Lightning ( 6M) at the discretioa of but simply turn it off so that it
by the air jet as follows: there is a the caster. would have to be reactivated in
chance for a knockdown equal to 10 Homing Picket Ball Of Fire: This whatever way is normal to that type
times the level of the caster, minus spell is similJI to Homing Picket Ball of item. Duration of field: as long as
the weight of the target ih pounds, Lightning, except for the damage maintained. Range: all parts of the
expre.ssed as a percentage. Thus, a caused being due to fire instead of field must be within 24" of the
30th level caster hitting a 2SO pound electricity. caster at all times.
target with an air jet has a SO% Macrobomb: This spell creates a Major Extension: This spell is
chance of knocking down the target. concussion blast similar to that of the similar in description and effects to
In the case of a human target, the Bomb spell (6M), except for the fact Extension (SM), except for the
armor and equipment weight of the that the blast has a 6" radius, and nature of the additional duration of
target must be taken into account; only does damage equal to J4 the the spell. With Major Extension, the
Range: the spell only does damage level of the caster (see Macroball duration of the spell is multiplied by
out to a range of 24". It will (SM). a roll of 1-100. This spell MUST be
continue to produce a wind for a Macro Cold Cone: This spell cast with another spell, and the spell
distance equal to twice the level of creates a cone emanating from the to be extended must neither be
the caster in inches, one which will caster that is 24" long and 24" wide maintained nor consist of destructive
still blow smoke and other light at the end away from the caster, energies of any kind. Thus, a Fire
substances in the direction aimed. doing damage as Cold Cone (3M). Ball (3M) could not be extended, nor
Duration: as long as maintain:~d. Note that the outer surface of the could a Fire Wall (4M). The primary
Double Phasing: This spell allows cone is slightly curved, being exactly use of this spell 1s to prolong the
the caster to bypass the normal 24" from the caster. Also note that, effects of a spell such as Haste ( 4M)
limitations on how often magic may due to the high cost of this spell, it or Strength ( 4M). Range: as that of
be cast, as follows: in normal cases, takes more thn one phase to throw. the companion spell thrown.
in which only one spell may be (There are 100 Dexterity Counts per Permanent Dimension Door: This
thrown every six phases, casting this phase, and this spell takes 120 counts spell is the same as Dimension Door
spell enables the caster to throw to throw.) Whoever is in the cone ( 4M), except for the fact that the 1"
spells every THREE phases instead. when it goes off will take damage, so cube remains "active" as a means of
In cases in which a spell could be try not to let friends wander in. Still transporting from the origin point to
thrown every phase (such as further note that the magic user the destination point until dispelled.
Micro ball (4M)), it would enable the casting this spell must be aiming in This means that beings or objects
caster to throw TWO of the same the planned direction for t'.1e entire could be moved into the 1" cube and
spell at the same target each phase time, and may not change direction be transported to the destination of

the Dimension Door. Of course, this specify that rhe ball NOT expand in any mental spell of the caster's
means that beings or objects which a given direction, forming a choosing (i.e., not including
do not move away from the hemisphere rather than a sphere, or destructive energy magics), to be
destination point might find that it exactly conform to the shape triggered by someone reading the
themselves transport1!d BACK to the of a room, forming a cube. Any inscrip~ion. The caster may specify
point of origin when something else simple shape is possible, at any total that the symbol may only be
attempts to walk through the volume within the limitations of the triggered by someone using Read
Dimension Door. Range: caster may Vari-Ball spell. The only jmitation is Magic, or triggered by any reading
be no more than l" from original that the fire will tend to form a whatsoever. The person reading the
point of origin; destination may be single mass, and thus shapes that symbol (and any others within range
no more than 36" from point of involve mazes and tentacles will tend of the spell being triggered) get their
origin. Duration: until dispelled. not to work, but a simple normal saving throw vs. magic for
Permanent Passwall: This spell is donut-shaped ball of fire would be any effect caused by the spell.
the same as Passwall (SM), but lasts possible. Referee discretion should be Range: symbol being inscribed must
until dispelled. used to make sure that the caster can be immediately adjacent to the
Power Word: This spell produces a make the decisions necessary (size, caster. Duration: until triggered or
standard 6" cone of effect, emanating shape, etc.) in whatever amount of dispelled.
from the caster in the direction he is time that he has. This is not a spell Vari-Ball, 4": This spell is the
facing at the point of casting. The for quick use in combat, at least not same as Vari-Ball (SM), but with the
effects are as follows: any living without a little planning. Range: 24". maximum size of explosion of 4"
being within the cone that is no more Shaped Vari~Bolt: This spell is the radius instead of 2".
than 2 times the level of the caster same as Vari-Bolt (SM), but the Vari-Bomb: This spell is the same
must make a saving throw vs. magic. resultant lightning bolt can be bent in as Vari-Ball (SM), but the damage is
Creatures whose level is higher than any combination of angles totalling caused by impact (concussion) as in
that of the caster but no more than 2 no more than 360 degrees for all the Bomb spell (6M).
times his level will not be affected if bends, deliberately or not. Any parts Water fot: This spell is the same as
they save, and will · be stunned and of the bolt that would be beyond the Air Jet (8M), but the damaging jet
unable ~o take actioh for 2-12 phases point at which 360 degrees' worth of consists of water, and the caster must
if they fail to save.· Creatures whose angles is exceeded simply fail to therefore be in or adjacent to a large
level is no greater than that of the materialize. Thus, the bolt could be supply of water. Range: as Air Jet
caster, and no less than one-half that constructed in a manner that would for damage, but caster must be in
of the caster, will be stunned for zig-zag around an object or person to immedjate contact with water.
2-12 phases even if they save. They be avoided, or to hit oddly-arranged Duration: as long as maintained.
will be blinded for 2-12 turns (by targets. If, however, something
'blinded', this means that the use of interferes with the bolt in such a way Reincarnation Table
whatever primary senses they possess as to deflect th•! bolt itself, the
will be denied them, be that sense deflection is counted toward the 360 Type
sight, hearing, radar, or degree limit. Range: 24".
Summon Person: This spell i:; 01-25 Fighter
what-have-you) if they fail their 26-40 Cleric
saving throw vs. magic. Creatures similar to the Summoning spell (6M),
except for the fact that this spell 41-60 Magic User
whose level is less than one-half that 61-72 Thief
of the caster will be blinded for 2-12 works on living, intelligent beings
who are well-known to the caster. 73-79 Elf
turns even if they save, and will die if 80-84 Dwarf
they fail to make their saving throw Note that well-known does not mean
just someone the caster lfas met, but 85-86 Special Human
vs. magic. 87-90 Halfling
Reflector Wall: This spell produces rather, someone with whom the
caster is specifically familiar. If the 91-93 Centaur
a wall with dimensions si~lar to 94-99 Were Creature
those of Fire Wall (4M), but 'with the person to be Summoned does not
wish to go, he gets a normal saving 00 Special Non-Human
properties of the spell Reflector
(7M). Range: 6". Duration: as long as throw against magic. The person to
maintained. be summoned must not be
substantially larger than the caster Level of Being
Scroll Knock: This spell is
specifically designed to safely open a (within human size limits if the caster 01-35 1
scroll locked with the Scroll Lock is human). The person summoned 36-60 2
spell (SM). When using the Scroll appears no more than l" from the 61-75 3
Knock spell, there is only a 10% caster, at a location specified by the 76-85 4
chance that the locked scroll will be caster. The person to be summoned 86-90 5
damaged or erased by the effort to must not be in a location magically 91-95 6
open it. Range: adjacent to scroll to shielded, nor on ground consecrated 96-98 7
be opened. to a living religion (i.e. holy ground 99 8
Shaped Vari-Ball: This spell is the of a religion believed in in the day 00 9
same as Vari-Ball (SM), but the and age of the charactecs). 000 10
resultant explosion of fire does not Symbol: This spell allows the 0000 11
form a sphere, but rather, whatever caster to inscribe a magical symbol 00000 12
shape the caster specifies in the on any surface upon which he can 000000 13
casting. For example, the caster can write. This symbol is used to store and so on ..

Reincarnation randomly from among all of the (Lightning), Energy, Heat, or
unusual human player-character Acid to equal or exceed the
For those referees who allow types allowed in his games Death Level of the character.
the use of the magical (Paladins, Rangers, Druids, Thus, if a character normally has
Reincarnation spell, or other Assassins, Bards, Monks, a Death Level of 48.2 Hit Points,
means of reincarnation, the Combination Characters, etc.), his body must be checked for
following rules and tables will basing the results as closely as he destruction if it has taken at least
allow reincarnations to be can determine on the relative 48.2 Hit Points of destructive
performed in a simple and percentages of each of those types magic or its equivalent (Dragon
reasonable manner. The table that are around. For example, a Breath, natural fire or acid, etc.).
itself is written to cover only Paladin would be much more All of the various destructive
lawful reincarnations, but the common than a Magical-Fighting- forces are added together to
referee may make the necessary Thief combination character. check this total, but the saving
changes to handle neutral or The characteristics of a throw is rolled as vs. the most
chaotic characters being character who is the result of a recent damage received.
reincarnated. The difference is a Reincarnation are rolled When using the Body
'simple one: in those cases where randomly, with the following Destruction Saving Throw table
a · result is not possible due to adjustment: if the Prime Requisite (Complete Warlock, page 10),
alignment, primarily that of or any other characteristic does simply make a ratio of the
chaotic alignment for beings that not meet the minimum destructive damage received to the
are only lawful or neutral (elves, requirement for that character calculated Death Level of the
dwarves, halflings and centaurs), class, including any adjustments body in question. If the damage
simply substitute something that could be made (see rules for is greater than the exact Death
intelligent that is of the correct Creating Player Characters, The Level, and the ratio falls in
alignment, from among those Complete Warlock), then that between two listed numbers in the
creatures found in the dungeon or characteristic should arbitrarily be Times Death Level column, go to
wilderness of that referee. raised to the minimum required the HIGHER of the two
The table itself is simple to for that class of character. Thus, numbers. Read across to find the
use. Simply roll a number from if a Magic User were rolled as a column for the type of
01 to 00 to determine what type result, and, after adjustment, his destruction. In the case of Heat,
of being the Reincarnation has Intelligence was apparently only not listed on this table, simply
found. Roll again to determine an 8, this would be raised to the use the Fire column and subtract
the level, continuing to roll required 9, since otherwise the 8 from the number that needs to
multiple O's as far as necessary. character could not have been a be rolled.
Once the type and level of Magic User before, anyway. l f a character has been
creature have been determined, Please note that Reincarnation is damaged partly from destructive
roll a saving throw, as vs. Magic, the ONLY time that a magic and partly by other means,
for that creature. If the creature characteristic may be adjusted in use ONLY that part that was
achieves its saving throw, the this manner, and it is only for destructive magic or similar to
Reincarnation is a failure, and the simplicity of the game that it calculate the Death Level ratio,
may not be attempted again. If is done, since otherwise it would and whether or not the body
the creature fails to achieve its take hours of dice-rolling to roll needs to roll a saving throw at
saving throw, the Reincarnation a character that qualified for all. Thus, if a character who
has placed a new soul in the some of the reincarnation results. takes 23.4 Hit Points to Death
indicated body. This new soul is Level has taken 12 points of
the one that you were trying to damage in melee, and then takes
put there with the Reincarnation 18 points of damage from a
spell. Fireball, he is indeed dead, but
Unless the referee determines
that some difficulty exists, the
* * * the body need not be checked for
destruction. Furthermore, any
being with the soul of your old damage that was taken from Dart
character will now attempt to or Micro spells of a type that
return to that old character's Body Destruction would otherwise be destructive is
home, and join with the other not added in, since these spells
adventurers. This trip normally When a character or other do not cause the type of damage
will take from 1-20 days (rolled being is damaged by destructive that could destroy a body.
randomly). After that time, the magic or other destructive forces A body that is determined to
character will arrive and take his beyond the amount of damage have been destroyed, through
place among the other characters. that it takes to reach the Death failure to achieve its Body
The notes on the Level of the character or being, a Destruction Saving Throw, cannot
Reincarnation Type table that saving throw must be rolled to be raised restored to life by a
indicate 'Special Human' or determine whether the dead body Raise Dead spell, nor can a
'Special Non-Human' should be was destroyed. Such a Reincarnate or Animate Dead be
used by the referee as follows: if determination must be made successfully used on it. Only a
the Special Human result is whenever the body takes enough Wish can normally recover a
rolled, the referee should roll damage from Fire, Electricity destroyed body.
Counts to activate, and a Spell Constantly-activated items will turn
:tlugic 1Jttms Storing Ring with Fireball in it would
take 6 Dexterity Counts to activate.
themselves back on under the same
rule as if hit by a Dispel Magic, again
There are two special exceptions to with the exception of magical armor
this rule: Potions (which take from 1 and weapons, whose basic
phase to 1 turn to become active), enchantments become effective
and magical Wands and Staves, which IMMEDIATELY upon leaving a
are specifically activated by a magical damping field or scroll.
spell. For Wands and Staves, the time Potions that have already taken
delay for activation is equal to the effect but that have not yet expired
Spell Point cost of the activation count as an always-active item in the
spell. '.fhus, a normal wand being above rules. Potions that have not yet
activated by a normal magic user taken effect count as an item that
Using Magic Items would take 1 Dexterity Count for must be activated. A potion with a
There are several basic rules about activation, since the Activate Wand gradual effect (i.e., Healing) can be
the general use of magic items that spell costs I spell point. Thus, the terminated any time before its effect
should be mentioned here. These activation of most magic items is is completed, as if it were a magic
rules apply to any magic item unless quicker than the · casting of a similar item that required activation. Any
specifically stated otherwise. spell (which is one of the reasons partial effects that are in themselves
First, there are two basic types of why magic items are constructed). permanent (2 points healed out of 6
magic items. One type is the item If a continuously-active magic item to be done, for example) are not
that is always 'turned on', or active. is somehow de-activated (either by removed.
These include such items as Armor, restrictions of the item or by being The physical destruction of any
Shields, items that include Resistance temporarily dispelled or damped out) magic item immediately terminates
spells, or other things that must be it will normally become active again any ongoing effects caused by the
constantly in effect. The other type 1 turn after the shut-down, if it is item. This means that if a Scroll of
is the item that must be 'activated' not still prevented from functioning. Charm Person was used to Charm a
specifically in order to be used. This If more than I turn passes while the victim, the destruction of the scroll
type includes most Wands and Staves, item is prevented from functioning, it will terminate the Charm. However,
and almost any item that acts for a will become active immediately upon the destruction of a magic item will
limited duration at one time. The being able to tum back on. not remove permanent effects already
Special Powers of an intelligent A Dispel Magic spell of sufficient conferred (magical damage aheady
weapon often fall in this category, as power (determined relative to the caused by a weapon, for example).
do many Rings and other items. level of the magic item, i.e. 6th for Thus, the destruction · of a Lightning
In general, using a magic item that Wands, 8th for Staves, and 10th for Bolt Wand will not remove the
must be activated is the same as most other items) will de-activate a damage caused by an already-cast
casting a spell, in that you may do magic item that must be activated. Lightning Bolt from that Wand.
this no more than once per turn ( 6 Such an item would have to be Researching Magic Items
phases). Thus, you could not activate activated again (if possible) to turn Any magic user of 11th level or
a magic item in Phase 1 of Turn 1 back on. Even if the item was only higher may attempt to research how
and then another item in Phase 2. activated for 1 Dexterity Count or to construct any specific type of
The second item could not be less, it counts as a full activation for magic item, as long as he is of
activated until Phase 1 of Tum 2. purposes of charges used or sufficient level to handle any spell
You could also not cast a spell restrictions in usage per day. Thus, if that is to be use<l in the construction
(magical or clerical) less than 6 an item is activated at the same of the item. During the research, he
phases after activating a magic item. Dexterity Count as it is de-activated, must have access to the spells to be
Any item that uses charges, either a charge is used up to no effect. A used, either memorized or in the
on a daily basis or total storage, must Dispel Magic will turn off most form of scrolls. For instance, if a
be activated in order to be used. 'always-on' enchantments for 1 turn, magic user were attempting to
Normally, any item that must be with the specific exceptions of the research a Ring of Detect Magic, he
activated becomes active instantly, at basic attack, defense and damage could use a scroll of Detect Magic in
the Dexterity Count of activation. bonuses on magical weapons, armor lieu of memorizing the spell himself,
The Dexterity Count for activation of and shields. Thus, a Dispel Magic as long as he possessed a means of
a magic item is figured as follows: would turn off a Special Power in a using Read Magic to read the scroll.
the Dexterity of the activator is weapon, but not the extra Attack In order to research the
added to a roll of 2 six-sided dice Levels or Damage Bonus that the construction of any magic item, costs
(2-12); from this total, a number weapon gives in combat, and would must be expended as follows:
equal to the Level of the spell is have no effect on the basic defense For each XY Spell Points, where .Y*
subtracted. In cases where the item levels added by armor or shield. is equal to the total Spell Point cost
has been constructed specifically as A Magic Damping Field or a of the item to be constructed, there
Spell Storing, no matter which Protection from Magic Scroll will is a ( 1OX + N) percent chance of
method is used to refill the item, the prevent ALL magic items from correctly researching and
subtracted number should be the functioning while within the volume manufacturing an item, N being equal
Spell Point Cost of the spell, rather covered. Items that must be to one-half the experience bonus of
than its level. Thus, a Ring of specifically activated are considered the magic user. Thus, an Intelligence
Invisibility would take 2 Dexterity de-activated by such coverage. 16 magic user, who would have a

10% experience bonus, would have a *For those of you not familiar The cost of manufacturing any
15% ( 10 + 5) chance of correctly with notation of this type, I will magic item is calculated for the
researching an item on the first try, explain that 'XY' means 'X times individual enchanter. This may vary
25% on the second try, and so on. Y'. In this particular case, X in cases where a magic user is
The magic user would have an must be a whole number, and not •enchanting a magic item that is in his
additional 10% chance on each try if a fraction. Thus, after each time specialty area (see Magic U;er rules,
he possesses an example of the item the magic user expends an The Complete Warlock) or in the
to be researched, along with the spell amount of spell points equal to opposite of his specialty area. Thus, a
Magic Analysis (3M), either constructing 1 of the item being magic user who has specialized in
memorized or in scroll form (if he researched, his chance of success Type II magic (Fire and Destruction)
can use the scroll; Read Magic, is checked again. would be able to construct a magic
remember?). item binding a Type II spell into it
Each item incorrectly researched for less than normal, t>ut he would
has a (10-N) percent chance of have to pay more than normal to
acting as a cursed item (that is, the bind a Type V spell into an item.
item functions, but not correctly). In The adjustment i~ calculated the same
most cases, this type of item will way that his spell point cost for
have a reverse effect, or in some throwing a spell is figured: that is, it
other way a harmful one. This should normally costs 1 spell point less for a
be determined randomly by the Type II magic user to throw a Type
referee from any options appropriate II spell than the list says, and 1 spell
to the individual item. A Ring of point more for him to throw a Type
Cold Resistance gone wrong might V spell. Use this adjustment to add
make the user more susceptible to to or subtract from the spell cost
cold than normal, but it would not In order to construct any magic being bound in. Thus, if the
turn him into a frog, for example. item, a magic user must expend Spell calculation for an item says to use
Research failures that do not act as Points and Gold Pieces per the the Spell Point Cost or Recharge Cost
cursed items simply do nothing. Once various cost tables, sufficient to equal in the formula for finding out the
a cursed item is produced, the magic or exceed the listed or calculated cost of the item, adjust this Cost
user may attempt to deliberately costs for the specific item. number for the Type of the magic
reproduce the specific failure, starting Further, in order to construct or user. Thus, if a Type V magic user
off as if it were his second attempt at repair any magic item, the magic user were constructing a Cold Cone wand,
the item, and he may use Magic must have access to, in memorized or normally the wand would C1)St 4500
Analysis on the first cursed item to scroll form (IF he can utilize the spell points to build, but for him it
aid in this work, as on a normal item. Read Magic spell (lM)), any spells would cost 3400 (See Wand
The full Gold Piece cost for the being bound into the item being Construction Rules for a complete
production of an item must be paid constructed. That is, if he is explanation of this particular case).
for each research attempt, successful attempting to construct a Ring of The same wand being built by a Type
or not. These costs cover the notes Invisibility, he must have access to II magic user would cost 5800 Spell
necessary to make more of any item the spell Invisibility (2M). Points, so it pays to build within
(normal or cursed) that is deliberately Only magic users of 11th level or your specialty.
produced. higher may attempt to either research The adjustment caused by the
Once the magic user has the means of construction of a magic Type of the magic user never allows
successfully researched the item, he item or to attempt to construct a the cost of an item to become zero.
may manufacture more of the item known item on their own. Magic If the Spell Point cost for the caster
limited only by his spell points and users of lesser level may only is zero (possible with some Detection
money. He may also (or instead) construct magic items with the aid of and other relatively passive spells)
write a Construction Scroll for the a Construction Scroll for that specific count the cost as 1 Spell Point for
item that would enable another magic item, and may not attempt to bind in purposes of construction.
user to manufacture the same item, magic of a level that they may not No more than one magic user may
as long as the magic user could use safely use (see Scroll rules). Thus, a work on the construction of any one
spells of the level used in 1st level magic user with Read Magic magic item. This includes cases in
constructing the item. In order to could not successfully enchant most which an item is partially completed
write a Construction Scroll for any magic items, even with a by one magic user. Either the original
item, the magic user must expend Construction Scroll, unless the item enchanter finishes the item or it
spell points equal to the total item used only 1st Level spells in its remains forever incomplete.
cost to the ( 1.1) power, and gold construction. There are spells which exist only
pieces equal to ~ gold piece per spell A Construction Scroll may be used for the purpose of enchanting magic
point. (All of these figures are by only one magic user to construct items, and are thus not included in
rounded up to the next higher spell only one magic item at any given the normal list of magical spells.
point or gold piece if fractional .) time. No more items may be started These spells are primarily ones
Thus, a magic user could write a with that scroll until the item in involving the enchantment of
Construction Scroll for enchanting progress is completed, or rendered weapons or armor, and these spells
shields to +1 Defense Level for 931 un-completeable by destruction of occupy a position in the known spells
spell points (500 to the 1.1 power), the item or death of the magic user, of a person wishing to use them , just
and at a cost of 233 gold pieces. or both. like other spells. If these spells are on

a Construction Scroll, they may be for non-intelligent weapons. Constructing Magic Weapons
used by any magic user capable of This list is intended to give the There are several basic principles
using a spell of their level. They may primary examples, not to indicate to be followed in constructing magic
NOT be used pro-rated at the level of that these are the only things weapons of any type, be it sword or
the caster in the manner of some possible. When adding to your own sling ball. The first of these is that
other types of spells (see Scroll list, try to remember to keep new there are three different types of
rules). Several sample Construction enchantment spells at their correct magic weapons: 1) a magic weapon
spells are as follows: levels, compared to the difficulty of with an intelligence of its own
The ability to add or create an the other enchantment spells. (usually a sword, usually a melee
Attack Level bonus to a me.lee Repairing Magic weapon; 2) a magical melee weapon
weapon, up to a limit of +3, is a 2nd If a magical weapon or shield has with no intelligence, but that is
level spell for intelligent weapons, a been broken in cdmbat (but not enchanted to do more damage or hit
3rd level spell for non-intelligent destroyed by fire or other destructive more often; 3) a magical archery
weapons. magic) it is possible to repair the weapon or projectile, usually
The ability to add or create a broken item. First, the repairer must enchanted to hit more often,
Defense Level bonus in armor or be in possession of the spell for sometimes also to do more damage.
shields, up to a limit of +3, is a 2nd Repairing (this spell occupies a 4th These three types must be dealt with
level spell. level spell opening of the magic user, separately in many of the rules for
The ability to enchant a weapon if memorized). When researching this construction. All of them have in
to have a Damage Bonus for a Repairing spell, it is necessary to common a Gold Piece cost of 1 Gold
specific type of enemy (with narrow research the ability to repair damage Piece per Spell Point used in the
limitations, such as Magic Users or up to a specific maximum percentage construction of the item.
Giant Lizards) is a 1st level spell for of damage that can be repaired. Thus, Magical archery weapons are very
intelligent weapons, a 2nd level spell if it is researched up to 35%, any simple to construct in their basic
for non-intelligent weapons. , weapon broken no more than 35% forms. There are two types of
The ability to enchant a weapon (determined at time of breakage, archery weapons: projectors (which
to have a Damage Bonus for a general 1-100%) may be repaired. When include slings and b<Jws), which hurl
type of enemy (such as Men or Giant researching Repairing, it costs 1000 something at a target but never come
Animals) is a 2nd level spell for spell points per 10% maximum repair in contact with the target; and
intelligent weapons, a 3rd level spell that could be effected. projectiles (which include sling stones
for non-intelligent weapons. If a weapon or shield has suffered and arrows), which are designed to
The ability to enchant an archery a breakage of N% severity, it will cost hit and damage a target.
projectile to have a Damage Bonus as 2N% of the TOTAL spell point cost Bows and other archery projectors
well as an Accuracy Bonus is a 2nd of constructing such a weapon or are enchanted as follows: the normal
level spell. The ability to enchant an shield to repair the break. Thus, if a enchantment for a bow or sling adds
archery projectile to have either a weapon that cost a total of 10,000 its bonus to the archery die roll of
Damage Bonus OR an Accuracy spell points to construct suffers a the shooter. Thus, a + 1 bow would
Bonus is only a 1st level spell. 27% break, it costs 5400 (2 x 27% x add +1 to the archery die roll of the
The ability to enchant an archery 10,000) spell points to repair it. shooter. In order to enchant a 'Jow
projector (a bow, sling, etc) to have Further, there is a cost of 16 gold or sling in this manner, it is necessary
an Accuracy Bonus is a 2nd level piece per spell point spent in the to spend 2000 spell points to raise a
spell. repair. Repair materials, like magical normal, non-magical bow or slmg to
The ability to add Intelligence to a construction materials, are presumed + 1 accuracy. It costs 3000 spell
sword is a 5th level spell. The ability to be available but expensive. points to raise a + 1 bow to +2
to add intelligence to other types of Writing Scrolls accuracy, and 4000 spell points to
weapons or other types of magic Any magic user who is at least raise a +2 bow to +3 accuracy. This
items is a 6th level spell. 11th level can write a scroll of any cost is the same for all bows and
The ability to add the knowledge spell which he knows. This scroll may slings that do 1 die of damage
of · a specific language (known to the then be used by another magic user normally. For archery projecto;-r.
enchanter) to an intelligent magic who has Read Magic (IM) either as a designed to do more dice of damage,
item is a 1st level spell. memorized spell or through the use either such jtems as crossbows or
The ability to add a general of an implement. The Spell Point ballistas, or items designed to be used
Damage Bonus (one that affects all cost for writing scrolls is as follows: by extremely strong beings (bows
targets) to a weapon is a 3rd level the Spell Point cost of writing a designed to be used by being strength
spell. scroll is 10 x Spell Point cost of spell 28 or higher), multiply the basic cost
The ability to add the power to x Level of spell. Thus it would cost of the enchantment times the number
Drain Life Levels to a weapon is a 10 x 5 x 3 or 150 Spell Points to of basic dice of damage to be done.
5th level spell. write a scroll with Mini-Ball on it. Thus, a heavy crossbow would cost
The ability to Repair Weapons There is also a Gold Piece cost equal THREE times as much to enchant as
that ate broken is a 4th level spell. to 16 Gold Piece per Spell Point would a short bow (see Archery
The ability to make a thrown expended in writing the scroll. The Tables, The Complete Warlock). A
weapon Return to the wielder is a spell being put on a scroll must be a longbow designed to be used by
6th level spell. CURRENTLY memorized spell of the someone who is strength 30 would
The ability to make a weapon writer, i.e., not a spell that he has cost TWICE as much to enchant as a
'Flaming' is a 2nd level spell for researched but cannot yet utilize due normal longbow. A magical light
intelligent weapons, a 3rd level spell to lack of spell openings. crossbow would cost 116 times what

it would cost to enchant a short bow to be basically magical, but with no into the weapon. In any case, for
to the same level of accuracy, since actual bonuses. This amount is equal reasons of the symbology of magic, it
the crossbow does 1~ dice of to 200N, where N is the Weapon is much easier to bind an intelligence
damage. Length number of the weapon (see into certain types of weapons than
Arrows and other archery Attack Matrix, Hand Carried others. Thus, for any weapon other
projectiles are enchanted as follows: Weapons, The Complete Warlock, for than a sword or dagger, it costs twice
the normal enchantment for an arrow weapon lengths; it is the column as much as the stated costs to bind in
or sling pellet adds its bonus to the numbered OA to 15). Thus, it costs any of the following enchantments
archery die roll of the shooter, and 200 spell points to enchant a dagger (intelligence itself, as well as powers
also adds the same amount of damage to a state that we shall now call '+0', possible only to intelligent weapons).
per die to the rolled damage. Thus, and it would cost 1000 spell points As stated in the section above on
an arrow + 1 would add + 1 to the to enchant a broadsword to +O. At non-intelligent weapons, the
shooter's die roll to hit, and would this point the weapon can be made enchantment of an intelligent weapon
add + 1 per die to the damage caused into either an intelligent or a begins with making it basically +O.
if it hits. It costs only 100 spell non-intelligent weapon, but after (please note that THIS part of the
points to enchant a single arrow or enchantment is begun beyond this enchantment does not cost more for
pellet to + 1. It costs 200 spell points point, it cannot be changed. other weapons than swords and
to· enchant a + 1 arrow or pellet to To enchant a +0 weapon to be a daggers, since +O doesn't actually DO
+2. It costs 300 spell points to non-intelligent melee weapon with a anything, it is primarily a preparatory
enchant a +2 arrow or pellet to +3. damage bonus of +1 per die of state).
For projectiles designed to do more damage it does costs 7 50 spell points In order to enchant a sword or
damage than I die basically, multiply per basic die of damage the weapon dagger to have an intelligence of 1, it
the cost of the enchantment times does. Thus, it costs 750 spell points costs 2000 spell points. In order to
the number of dice of damage that to make a +0 dag-ger into a + 1 increase the intelligence of an
the proctile does. For example, it damage dagger, and it costs 1500 intelligent weapon, it costs 1OON to
would cost 300 spell points to spell points to make a +o· mace into a raise the intelligence from (N-1) to
enchant a heavy crossbow quarrel to +l damage mace. N. Thus, it would cost 200 spell
+ 1, because it would do 3 dice of To enchant a + 1 damage points to raise an Intelligence 1
damage instead of 1. non-intelligent weapon to +2 damage sword to Intelligence 2, and so on. If
There is a special enchantment costs 1250 spell points per die of a weapon has an intelligence of 1 or
that causes weapons thrown or damage that the weapon does. To more, it is considered Intelligent for
projectiles shot to return to the hand enchant a +2 damage non-intelligent purposes of further enchantment.
of the archer. This enchantment can weapon to +3 damage costs 1750 To make an intelligent +O sword
be put on either normal ar~hery spell points per die of damage that or dagger have an attack level bonus
projectiles, such as arrows or sling the weapon does. of + 1 costs 200 spell points per
pellets, or on melee weapons that can It is possible to enchant a pound of weight of the weapon. To
also be thrown, such as daggers or non-intelligent weapon (including +O) make an intelligent + 1 attack level
warhammers. There are two sub-types to have an attack level bonus. It costs sword or dagger have an attack level
of this enchantment. The fust type 500 spell points per pound that such bonus of +2 costs 400 spell points
will cause the weapon to return only a weapon weighs to enchant a +O per pound of weight of the weapon.
to certain types of beings (such as a attack level non-intelligent weapon to To make an intelligent +2 sword or
warhammer that would return only + 1 attack level. It costs 1000 spell dagger have an attack level bonus of
to a dwarf), and this enchantment points per pound to enchant a + 1 +3 costs 600 spell points per pound
costs 1250 spell points for each die attack level weapon to +2 attack of weight of the weapon.
of damage that the weapon does (by levels, and 1500 spell points per Intelligent weapons can be
itself, not counting any temporary or pound to enchant a +2 attack level enchanted to do more damage to
permanent bonuses of the wielder). weapo:1 LO +3 attack levels. specific enemies (such as +2 damage
Thus, a dagger would cost 1250 to Non-intelligent weapons can be bonus vs. Trolls). This bonus is added
enchant in this fashion, and a spear enchanted to have both attack level to each die of damage that the
2500 spell points. The second form bonuses and damage bonuses, at a weapon does. The cost of such
of this enchantment will cause the doubled cost for both. They cannot damage bonuses are as follows: for an
weapon or projectile to return to any be enchanted to have two different intelligent sword or dagger it costs
wielder or shooter who happens to sets of attack level bonuses, or two 500 spell points per die of basic
possess it. This form costs 3750 spell different sets of damage bonuses. damage that the weapon does to
points per die of damage that the Thus, it isn't possibfo rn make a mace enchant a weapon to do + 1 per die
projectile normally does. +5 damage by enchanting it to be +3 to a specific type of enemy. This
* * * damage and then enchanting it to be specific type of damage bonus may
Non-intelligent melee weapons are +2 damage again. be added together on one weapon, up
the next form of magic weapons to * * * to a maximum bonus of +3 per die
be discussed. These are normally In theory it is possible to give any for any specific enemy, up to a
enchanted to do specific amounts of magic weapon an intelligence of its maximum number of separate
extra damage to every target they own. This is accomplished by binding bonuses of 1 per point of Intelligence
strike, or to enhanc·= the accuracy of spells which, according to some on the weapon. Thus, an Intelligence
the wielder in melee. theories, actually cause the weapon 2 dagger could be enchanted to be + 1
It costs an amount of spell points to become aware, and according to damage vs. Men and + 1 damage vs.
to enchant a non-intelligent weapon others bind a free spirit of some kind Ogres, or +2 vs. Men, but no more.
Thus, the intelligence of the weapon intelligence (rounded down) that the Purpose to Defeat (blank)-this
must be high enough to equal the weapon has. Thus, an Intelligence 6 purpose causes any target hit that
total number of damage bonuses, dagger could have 2 Detections built falls within the limitations of the
including those stacked together in. To add a Detection ability to a described opponent type to have to
against a single type of opponent. In sword or dagger costs 1OOON spell roll a saving throw vs. magic. If the
other words, an Intelligence 12 sword points, where N is the cost of that being fails to make its saving throw,
could have 4 different +3 bonuses vs. magical Detection spell to the caster it is paralyzed or otherwise rendered
different types of opponent. (minimum cost of 1). immobile and incapable of further
Intelligent weapons may also be Intelligent weapons with an resistance. N=l.O
enchanted to do extra damage to intelligence of at least 12 may be Purpose to Slay (blank)-this
ANY target they hit in melee. This is enchanted to have a Special Power. purpose causes any target hit that
called enchanting a weapon to have a One such Power may be enchanted falls within the limitations of the
General Damage bonus. It costs 1250 into a weapon for each 6 points of described opponent type to have to
per basic die of damage that a sword Intelligence the weapon possesses. roll a saving throw vs. magic. If the
or dagger does to enchant an Thus, an Intelligence 12 sword could being fails to make its saving throw,
intelligent sword or dagger to do + 1 have 2 special powers. (See Magic it dies or is otherwise rendered
General Damage. It costs 1750 spell Sword descriptions for limitations of inactive (in the case of Undead being
points per die of damage to enchant what these Powers may include.) The or certain other magically animated
a + 1 General Damage sword or dagger cost for enchanting a sword or dagger types). N=2
to be +2 General Damage. It costs to have a Special Power is lOOON, Purpose to Destroy (blank)-this
2250 spell points per die of damage where N is the spell point cost of the purpose causes any target hit that
to enchant a +2 General Damage spell to be bound in (to the falls within the limitations of the
sword or dagger to be +3 General enchanter), with a minimum cost of described opponent type to have to
Damage. General Damage occupies a 1. Thus, it would cost 4000 spell roll a saving throw vs. magic. If the
space equal to 2 damage bonuses for points to enchant a sword to give its being fails to make its saving throw,
purposes of intelligence, so an wielder Infravision. If a weapon it is disintegrated or otherwise
intelligent weapon must have an already has one or more Special destroyed, and cannot be raised from
intelligence equal to at least 2 times Powers built into it, double this cost the dead or reincarnated. N=3
the General Damage bonus of the for any subsequent Powers. Thus, if a Thus the cost of a Purpose ranges
weapon. Also, the General Damage sword already had Infravision built from as little as 4000 spell points for
bonus must occupy intelligence into it, it would cost 6000 spell a Purpose such as making a weapon
points not already used for a specific points to have the Power of Purposed to Defeat Gargoyles, all the
damage bonus vs. a type of enemy. Deodorant for its wielder (3 x 2000). way to 24,000 spell points for
(Now you see why you want to raise making a weapon Purposed to
the Intelligence of your weapon Weapons that have an intelligence Destroy Opponent.
occasionally.) of at least 12 may be enchanted to
Intelligent weapons may also be 'have a Purpose. This is a special An intelligent weapon may acquire
enchanted to have certain special enchantment that causes the sword to an Ego (forceful self-awareness) as it
types of damage bonuses. For have a special effect on a specific or is being increased in Intelligence. To
example, it costs 2000 spell points to general group of targets. A Purpose determine whether this has happened
enchant a sword or dagger to have may be designed to affect a single while you were enchanting the
the "Flaming" ability described in individual, a species of monster or weapon, determine the Ego as
the Magic Swords descriptions. It being, a class of beings follows: whenever the Intelligence of
costs 5000 spell points to add the (water-breathers, for example), beings a weapon is increased 1 point (but
ability to drain 1 life level per blow of a specific alignment (Lawful, NOT when it is first made
that hits to a sword or dagger. It Chaotic, etc.), sub-types of beings Intelligence 1), there is a 1/6 chance
costs another 5000 spell points to (magic users, for example), or simply that an Ego will be created or
make a 'Drain 1 Life Level' sword or to affect anything it hits. increased. Roll a 6-sided die. If the
dagger 'Drain 2 Life Levels'. A Purpose that is designed to result is a 1, roll it again, and the
Intelligent weapons that are at affect only a limited type of being resulting number will be the Ego
least Intelligence 10 can have a has a basic spell point cost of 4000N increase. See Magical Sword rules for
Language ability put into them by spell points, where N is the multiplier a description of the effects of this
the enchanter. (See Magic Sword for the power of the purpose (see Ego.
descriptions). This Language ability below). A Purpose that is designed to
must be of a language known to the
enchanter. No more than 1 language
affect beings of a specific alignment
has a basic spell point cost of 6000N
* * *
Constructing Armor and Shields
may be built in per 5 points of spell points. A purpose that is There is only one basic
Intelligence in the sword or dagger, designed to affect anything that the enchantment type for normal
up to a limit of 5 languages. Each weapon touches has a basic spell armor and shields: an
language ability costs 200 spell points point cost of 8000N spell points. enchantment that adds to the
to build into such a sword or dagger. Remember that all of these costs are Defense Level of the wearer. For
Detection spells may be bound doubled for weapons other than all armor and shield
into an intelligent weapon. One swords and daggers. enchantments, there is a Gold
Detection spell may be bound into The three basic levels of power of Piece cost of I GP per Spell Point
such a weapon per 3 points of a Purpose are as follows: used in the enchantment.

- ~

The table below gives the costs 12,000 spell points. Adding Constructing Wands
costs to enchant various types of Soul Trapping to a shield uses up There are several different types of
armor and shields to give various a 7th level spell opening, and Wands, and thus there are several
Defense Level bonuses. Unlike costs 28,000 spell points (double different formulas that must be used
magical weapons, there is no + 0 the 14,000 spell points it would for finding out their cost. All of
state of enchantment for armor cost in a magical mirror or other them $hare a basic rate at which the
and shields, with the exception item, since this is not just a spell Gold Piece cost of the materials for
that armor or shields that have for shields). the item may be calculated: the Gold
an enchantment other than a In the case of other Special Piece cost of constructing any Wand
Defense Level bonus need not Armor and Shields, just compare is 100 times the square root of the
add to the Defense Level if no the item to the similar spell or Spell Point cost of the Wand. Thus, a
one bothered to spend the spell other magic item, and use the Magic Detection Wand would cost
points needed to give such a cost multipliers listed above. 3742 Gold Pieces, and a Cold Cone
bonus. Thus, if one of the As is the case with magical Wand would cost 6708 Gold Pieces,
Special Armor characteristics is weapons, it is possible to utilize a in addition to their Spell
Point costs.
rolled on the Magic Tables, the set of armor or a shield that you Remember to use the correct Spell
armor may have no Defense plan to enchant to a more Point cost for the Wand for the
Level bonus, depending on the powerful level of defense or specific Type of magic user
mood of whoever enchanted it in ability. Such partially-complete constructing it, since this also affects
the first place. armor or shields give only the your Gold Piece cost.
When enchanting any armor defense level bonuses thus-far The first, and most common type
or shield, if the enchanter wishes completed, figured out by pro- of Wand, is the Charged Wand. This
to include any enchantment other rating the spell point expenditure standard type is the normal kind
than the simple Defense Level up to that point against the total which actually throws a spell of some
bonuses, the cost for the cost of the final enchantment. kind, and is limited in its number of ·
additional enchantment, as well as Thus, if a set of armor or a charges, normally to 100. This type
for the Defense Level bonuses, is shield is planned as being + 3 of Wand costs lOO((Spell Point cost
doubled for each additional plus some other special bonus, it of the spell to the enchanter,
power or ability built into the would be +I when 1/6 of the squared) + (Level of the spell,
armor or shield. Thus, building a way completed, and + 2 when Yi squared)). Thus, a spell that costs 6
set of armor that is + I Defense of the way completed. Spell Points, and is 3rd Level, would
Level and also confers Fire cost (100 x (9+36)) dr 4500 Spyll
Resistance upon its wearer would ARMOR COSTS (in Spell Points) Points. This formula is used for ill
cost twice as much as the sum of (also costs 1GP per Spell Point) Wands that cast a spell that is
the costs of + I Armor plus a designed to have a full effect on its
Ring of Fire Resistance. Building SHIELDS: target in some form.
it with two powers in addition to The second type of Wand, and
the Defense Level bonuses would 500 To raise to +1 much less common, is the Charged
multiply all of the costs by four. 1000 To raise from +1 to +2
Wand with partial effect. This is best
In all cases where something 1500 To raise from +2 to +3 represented by the Wand of Negation,
other than the basic Defense where the spell being cast is simply
Level enchantment is to be built LEATHER:
designed to interfere with other
into a set of armor or a shield, 1200 To raise to +1 magic. Wands of this type are
the other enchantment becomes 1500 To · raise from +1 to +2 constructed using a formula: (100 x
the primary one, and must be 1800 To raise from +2 to +3 ((% of the Spell Point cost of the
planned and built into the armor spell, squared) + (% of the Level of
or shield from the beginning of BRIGANDINE: the spell, squared)). This formula is
the enchantment. That is, you 1600 To raise to +1 complicated, but it doesn't come up
cannot build another power into 2000 To raise from +1 to +2 often. To check and see if you are
a +I shield or set of armor, but 2400 To raise from +2 to +3 doing the calculation right, note that
you could add defense level a standard Wand of Negation, with
bonuses to a shield or set of CHAIN: 100 charges, costs 10,100 Spell Points
armor that already had another to construct (based on the 6th Level
1600 To raise to +1
enchantment built in. Of course, Magical spell of the same name,
2000 To raise from +1 to +2
this defense level bonus would be costing 11 Spell Points).
2400 To raise from +2 to +3
at the extra cost, as explained The third type of Wand, a more
above. common one, is the simple Detection
For purposes of research and Wand. These do not utilize charges
construction, there are a few 1800 To raise to +1
when in use, and are designed to
Special Shield powers that do not 2250 To raise from +1 to +2
handle simple, low-level Detection
correspond to normal spells listed 2700 To raise from +2 to +3
spells (such as Detect Magic, Detect
in these rules. Jewelling a shield Gold, etc.) that involve simple yes/no
uses up a 5th level spell opening, PLATE:
type of responses and no difficulty in
and costs 10,000 spell points. 2000 To raise to +J differentiating the item being sought
Mirroring a shield magically uses 2500 To raise from +1 to +2 from its surroundings. These wands
up a 6th level spell opening, and 3000 To raise from +2 to +3 cost lOOC + (200 x {sum of Spell
Points + Level. of spell)) Spell Points only, those usable by clerics only, each charge able to be used for any
to construct. Thus, a Detect Magic and those usable by both magic users of the spells; this spell is 1 level
Wand would normally cost 1400 and clerics. In general, staves usable higher than the level of the highest
Spell Points ( 1 Spell Point, 1st Level only by clerics cannot be constructed spell in the Staff, and costs (Recharge
spell), and a Detect Evil Wand would by magical means Cost of highest level spell in Staff+ I
cost 1600 Spell Points (1 Spell Point, Staves usable by both magic users spell point for each additional spell).
2nd Level spell). and clerics generally do not use Thus, the Recharge for a Staff of
The fourth and final type of charges, since clerics cannot use the Vari-Ball and Microball would be 6th
normal Wand is the Analytical normal Staff Activation spells of a Level, 11 Spell Points. (Vari-Ball is
Detection Wand. This type of wand is magical nature anyway. Thus, for a 5th Level and has a Recharge of 10,
the sort that has a Detection spell in staff to be usable by both magic thus the addition of Microball adds
it that has to make value judgements users and clerics, it must be built as a the extra level and cost of the
rather than simply give yes/no Permanent Staff. The cost of such a Recharge spell.)
answers. This normally includes all of staff is calculated by first figuring out
what the Recharge Cost of the staff BASIC POTION TABLE
the Detection Spells that cost more Potion Cost Per
than 1 Spell Point as their basic cost. is (see below) per charge. The cost of
enchanting a Permanent Staff is 200 Month
Thus, a Wand designed to Detect
Traps must be searching out the x (Recharge Cost per charge, squared) Growth 750 4
possibiliries of a trap in any object Spell Points. Thus, a permanl!ntly Giant Strength 1000 1
toward which it is oirected, or a bound Staff of Smiting (6M) costs 3
Gaseous Form 750
Wand of Detect Altitude must give a 28,800 Spell Points to construct
Speed 750 4
numerical answer. These wands cost (Recharge Cost is 12, thus ( 12 x 12 x
200)). Flying 750 3
1000 + ( 400 x (sum of Spell Points + Delusion 250 6
Level of Spell)) Spell Points to Staves usable only by magic users
usually require Activate Staff spells Longevity 500
construct. This means that a Detect
and use up charges each time they Clairaudience 750 4
Altitude Wand costs 2200 Spell
Points to construct (2 Spell Points, are used. Such staves cost as follows: Clairvoyance 750 4
I st Level spell), and a Detect (Recharge cost per charge) x (highest Fire ResistanGe 500 4
Experience Group Wand would cost spell level + number of different Cold Resistance 500 4
3000 Spell Points to construct (3 spells) x 200. Thus, a Staff of Energy Resistance 1000 2
Spell Points, 2nd Level spell). These Vari-Ball, which would have a Invisibility 1000 3
Analytical Detection Wands may or Recharge Cost of I 0 per charge, Diminution 750 4
may not use charges. The simple way would cost (10 x (5 + I) x 200) or Poison (specific) 100/HD 4
to tell is this: if the Wand has to give 12,000 Spell Points to construct. A
Polymorph Self 750 3
a numerical answer or has a Spell Staff of Vari-Ball and Microball
Healing (1 HD+1) 250 6
Point cost higher than its Level, it would cost (11 x (5 + 2) x 200) or
15,400 Spell Points to construct. (See ESP 750 4
should use charges. Levitation 500 4
Wands which utilize charges and below for why Recharge is 11.)
For both types of magically Heroism 750 3
which have at least 1 charge left may
be recharged. This recharge is constructable Staves, there is a cost Double Protection 500 4
accomplished by the use of the of (I 50 x (square root of the Spell Protection 250 6
Recharge spell that accompanies Point cost uf the staff) Gold Pieces. Mini-Strength 500 3
whatever spell is in the Wand. Thus, a Thus, our Staff of Vari-Ball and Poison Antidote 200/HD 3
Cold Cone Wand could be recharged Microball would cost 18,614 Gold (specific)
by the use of a Recharge Cold Cone Pieces for materials. Water Breathing 500 4
spell. These Recharge spells are the Staves that have at least 1 charge Slow 750 4
same level as the utilized spell itself, left in them may be recharged, up to
a maximum number of charges for Deodorant 250 4
and its Spell Point cost is listed in Infravision 250 4
the Magical Spell tables under which the staff was constructed to
hold, normally considered to be 200. Weakness 500 4
Recharge Points. Since a Wand is
The way in which a Staff is recharged Sleep Drug (basic) 750 3
designed to hold only a single spell
depends upon which of two types of Feeblemind 750 3
(just lots of charges), only the
Recharge for this single spell is Staff it is: a Single Spell Staff or a See Invisible 500 4
necessary for refilling the wand. If Multiple Spell Staff. a Single Spell Clumsiness 750 3
the Recharge spell to be used is Staff may be recharged by anyone Electrical Resistance 500 4
written on a scroll rather than with the Recharge Spell counterpart
to the spell that the Staff casts. This Alchemists
direct!; from a magic user's memory,
please note that whoever is reading Recharge Spell, as in recharging
the scroll must be of a sufficient level wands, costs the number of Spell Alchemists may only be hired by
to utilize the level of the spell (see Points listed under Recharge Points characters who have reached a level
Scroll Rules) that is doing the on the Magical Spell Tables. Thus, at which they are permitted to build
recharging. each charge put on a partially strongholds and/or hire troops. A
depleted Staff of Vari-Ball would cost character may attempt to hire an
Constructing Staves 10 Spell Points. A Multiple Spell alchemist as soon as he has begun
There are three different types of Staff has a special type of recharge: construction on a stronghold or has
Staff: Those usable by magic users there is a spell that will re charge it, built or purchased another suitable

location in which to install the and converted it into a form that or one master, a journeyman and two
alchemist's laboratories. The character either other masters or journeymen apprentices. Alchemists hired by
must pay the salary of the alchemist, may utilize. When working with his different characters may work
once hired, whether the alchemist is two assistants, a master alchemist together for purposes of research or
given any work to perform or not, may attempt to research a potion of production, but their laboratory
and whether the laboratory is unknown formula WITHOUT a facilities must be combined, at least
complete or not. sample of the potion. For eac~ week during this work.
A normal journeyman alchemist is of research, there is a chance equal to The cost of equipping an
paid 1000 gold pieces per month. (1000/cost of projected potion %), alchemist's laboratory is ten times the
Such a journeyman alchemist would cumulative. This will only work for maximum 'handle' of potions per
be capable of duplicating simple potions that are on the basic potion month that can be produced there
poisons and antidotes, as well as table, or for simple variants thereof (i.e., total cost of potions
working from established formulas to (for example, a potion that reversed produceable there in one month), or
produce formulas with a magical the effects of a common potion, or five times the combined salaries of
effect. A journeyman alchemist is of a similar type that is not common the alchemists to be established there,
also able to do a destructive analysis enough for a sample to have been whichever total is the greater. This
of a potion of unknown formula, found (such as, a specific potion of laboratory must be sufficient in size
with a I 0% chance per week Paralysis Resistance, or some such). for whatever work is to be done
(cumulative) of successfully of An alchemist can only work on there, or for whatever combination of
determining the correct formula of one type of potion at a time, either alchemists are to be working there,
the potion. This destructive analysis research or production. Because of even on a temporary basis.
uses up a dose of the potion being the slow and careful nature of The physical size of the working
analyzed, at a cost equal to ten times successful alchemy, most potions are space of an alchemist, for purposes of
the production cost of such a potion, only produced in small numbers per figuring construction costs for the
plus the salary of the alchemist month, as listed in the Basic Potion laboratory, are as follows: 100 square
during the analysis. This destructive Table. feet per apprentice, 500 square feet
analysis is only capable of being used When a character wishes to hire an per journeyman, and 1000 square
on basically standard potions (see alchemist, he must advertise the feet per master. These areas need not
Basic Potions Table), not rare or position(s) open. The cost to be in one room, but should be in
unusual ones. A journeyman advertise for an alchemist is as adjacent parts of the same building, if
alchemist is capable of supervising follows : for each type of alchemist they are to be considered one
two apprentices (instead of working desired, the advertising cost is equal laboratory for combined researching
on potions). to one month's salary for that type purposes.
An apprentice alchemist is capable per week of advertising. This gives a Magic users of at least 11th level
only of working on simple poisons basic chance of getting responses of may also produce potions by magical
and compounds. For example, an 12% for apprentices, 8% for means, with the same abilities and
apprentice alchemist could journeymen, and 4% for masters. limitations of a master alchemist.
successfully produce a powder which These chances can be doubled by They may research the manufacture
would make a flame burn blue, or multiplying the advertising costs by of a potion of which a sample exists
turn water red. Apprentice alchemists 4, and tripled by multiplying the at a cost of 5 spell points and 10
are not capable of producing useful advertising costs by 9. The chances gold pieces each times the normal
potions, but can duplicate simple can be no more than tripled. cost in gold pieces of a single dose of
poisons, working under the When the hiring character is killed the particular potion. They may
superv1S1on of a journeyman or irrevocably, or otherwise rendered research the formulas of potions with
master alchemist. An apprentice unable to continue the hiring of which they are familiar but lack a
alchemist is paid 250 gold pieces per alchemists, the alchemists leave to sample in the same manner as a
month. seek other employment. If another master alchemist researching an
A master alchemist is paid 5000 character in the same city is at that unknown potion, substituting units of
gold pieces per month. When assisted time advertising for the hire of that 250 spell points in the formula
by either two journeyman or one type of alchemist, double that instead of weeks. Such magic users
journeyman and one apprentice character's chance of successfully may produce potions of a known
alchemists, he is capable of finding an alchemist (even if the type at the same rate as a
manufacturing, analyzing or designing character is paying extra already at journeyman alchemist, for the same
potions of a more complex nature the maximum limit). This means that cost in gold pieces plus the
than can be managed by a simple a character could have a chance as expenditure of 2 spell points per gold
journeyman. For example, only a high as 72% of hiring an apprentice piece. Thus, a simple Healing Potion
master alchemist can produce whose employer has just died. The would require 250 gold pieces and
non-lethal poisons and sleep drugs for advertising must be already in 500 spell points, and no more than 6
use by a thief. Only a master progress at the time of the alchemist of these could be manufactured by a
alchemist can develop the antidote to leaving another character's employ magic user in a period of one month.
a poison from a sample of the poison for the bonus percentage to be Thieves who have the Alchemy
(taking 1 week per 2 HD of damage applied. (Duplicative) ability (6T) may work
the poison does). A master alchemist Any character of sufficient level as journeyman alchemists, but
can do a destructive analysis of a may hire alchemists up to the without the capability of supervising
potion in only 2 weeks, at the end of following limits: two journeymen or apprentices or researching unfamiliar
that time having deduced its formula one journeyman and two apprentices, formulas.
Constructing Rings Resistance or Invisibility item, the Items that contain multiple, but
And Miscellaneous Magic cost is figured as above. Thus, a Ring unrelated magical powers cost a much
There are certain basic rules that of Fire Resistance would cost 8000 greater amount to build than items
are common to many different shapes spell points (2000 x 4th level); a that have a single power. Such
of magic items, whether in the form Cloak of Invisibility would cost 4000 multiple items cost: (the sum of the
of a ring, a medallion, or a saddle spell points (1000 x 4 spell points). costs of the basic powers, figured for
bag. When designing or attempting to Note that the Ring of Fire Resistance active or constant items) x (the total
construct an item according to these would only have cost 6000 spell number of ·powers in the item,
rules, always remember to check the points if the lesser value were used squared). Thus, an example of a ring
Magic Items Descriptions rules section ((5+1) x 1000). (Also, see below for with multiple powers of this type
to see if what you want to construct why the cost is (5+1) rather than (5). would be a Ring of Fire Resistance
is possible, or in the right basic Enchanting an item to store a spell and Invisibility. This would cost
shape, since not all items or forms of or enhance the effect of a spell cast (8000 + 4000) x 4, or 48,000 spell
items are practical or possible. by the wearer costs: (number of points to construct.
Unless otherwise stated, the basic spells) x ( 1000 x Recharge cost, Items that contain multiple,
form of simple magic items of these figured as if Staff). Thus, a Spell similar but not directly related
types have an effect as if the spell or storing ring that would hold 1 Fire powers cost (the sum of the costs of
effect that they cause were cast by a Ball spell would cost 8000 spell the basic powers) x (the total number
10th level magic user. Magic items points (1) x (1000 x 8). A spell of powers). Example: a Ririg of Fire
may be enchanted to act at levels storing ring that would hold 1 Charm Resistance and Electrical Resistance
other than 10th, but the spell point Person spell and 1 Fire Ball spell would cost (8000 + 8000) x 2, or
cost must be adjusted accordingly would cost 18,000 spell points (2) x 32,000 spell points to construct.
(see below). (1000 x 9). Enhancement items Items that contain multiple, fully
Rings and other odds and ends of would include any items that improve related powers cost: (the sum of the
magic items cost a minimum of 2 the efficiency or performance of a costs) x (the number of different
gold pieces per spell point that the spell, such as a Helm of Teleportation powers)/2. Thus, a Crystal Ball (based
item cost to enchant. (This cost (see Magic Item descriptions). on Clairvoyance) with Clairaudience
covers materials, which may include Items that act as if Spell Storing, would cost ( 6000 + 6000) x 2/2, or
rare metals or jewels.) but that recharge themselves instead 12,000 spell points. (Note that, in
At any point, before or after other of having to be refilled by a magic this case, the lower cost of 6000 spell
enchantment, magic items may be user, work as follows; If the item points was used, since this item can
enchanted to give them a basic saving refills itself on a daily basis, the cost only be used by a magic user.)
throw against various forms of of the item is as if Spell Storing + If a spell to be bound into a magic
destruction. This basic saving throw is (500 x Level of Spell x number of item has a maintenance cost, the spell
equivalent to that given a +0 magical charges per day). Thus, a Ring of point cost of the spell for calculation
weapon, and is thus called Knock (3 times per day) would cost purposes must include 1 unit of time
'enchanting an item to +O. 5000 spell points for the basic spell, (turn or phase, per the spell) of
Enchanting metal magic items to +0 + (500 x 2 x 3), for a total cost of maintenance cost. Thus, a spell that
costs 1000 spell points per pound of 8000 spell points. Note that the cost is listed as costing 4+ I/turn would
weight of the item, with a minimum is NOT figu-red as if the ring were cost 5 spell points for purposes of
cost of 1000 spell points. Enchanting storing 3 Knock spells, but rather calcualation in making magic items.
non-metallic magic items to +0 costs that it is storing 1 Knock spell, and If a spell to be bound into a magic
2000 spell points, or 1000 spell recharging it 3 times per day. item has a standard range, pro-rate
points per pound, whichever is the Designing an item so that it needs any changes in range vs. ~ of the
greater of the two. Metallic magic a magic user to activate the item, total cost of the basic item for varied
items that are to be substituted for a rather than just anyone, means that ranges. That is, if the basic cost of an
piece of armor (helms, gauntlets, etc.) the cost of the item is the LESSER item is 4000 spell points, 1000 spell
can be enchanted as if armor, up to a of the two costs for basic points are considered related to the
maximum of +3 (which applies to enchantment, of (1000 x spell points) ranging effects. Example: an ESP
both defense levels and saving throws or (2000 x level). Thus a helm that Medallion would have a basic range
vs. destruction) for a cost equal to ~ gives the wearer the ability to Speak of 6" at a cost of 4000 spell points.
the cost of enchanting a suit of Plate Languages would cost 4000 spell An ESP Medallion designed to have
armor to a similar level of defense points normally, but only 3000 spell only a 3" range (that is, ~ range)
(this cost is in addition to whatever points if it could only be used by a would cost only 3500 spell points
the basic enchantment cost of the magic user. (4000 - ( 1000 x ~). A decrease
item itself is). Items that must be activated (that works by this fractional method. An
* item
* * to act as if it is, they are not always in active the increase beyond the standard range
Enchanting an way a Ring of Cold Resistance would for an item costs DOUBLE the
were casting a basic spell at all times, be) but that can be activated by multiplier of the increase. Thus, that
permanently charged or active, costs anyone that is not a magic user, and same ESP Medallion, but with a 9"
1000 x (spell point cost of the spell) that do not use any permanent range, would cost 4000 + (1000 x ~
or 2000 x (level of the spell), charges, cost - 1OOO(Recharge cost of x 2) or 5000 total spell points.
whichever is the greater of the two. spell). Example: a ring that gives the If the spell being constructed into
That is, if an item is always active (or wearer X-Ray Vision whenever a magic item has no standard range,
almost active), and has a constant activated would cost 7000 spell but a maximum range, you may
effect on the wearer, such as a Fire points to construct. construct the item to have a smaller
maximum range, and reduce the cost construct, using up a 4th level spell Magic Item Destruction
for ~ of the item accordingly. Thus, opening. Other Holding items with
an item that cast a spell with a 24" greater or lesser maximum capacity When a character who is
limit could be built to have a 12" would cost 4000 spell points for the carrying one or more magic items
limit for only 7/8 of the normal cost basic Holding spell, and the capacity receives enough damage from
(that is, 3/4 of the item is built cost would be the ratio of the destructive magic to take him
normally, and the remaining 1/4 only capacities x 4000. Thus, a Holding past his calculated Death Level,
costs 1/4 x 1/2, or 1/8. 3/4 + 1/8 = container with ~ the capacity of a those magic items he is carrying
7/8). basic Large Sack of Holding would must be checked to see if they
If the item is being constructed to cost 4000 + (4000 x ~) or 6000 spell are destroyed, just as the
have a spell bound into it at another points to construct. character's body must be checked.
level than 10th, pro-rate the Containers with the power of This is done by finding the most
difference against ~ of the total cost Lightness cost 1000 spell points per similar type of magic item listed
of the item. That is, if you were 30 pounds reduction in weight, and on the Magic Item Destruction
building a Ring of Detect Enemies, use up a 3rd level spell opening of Saving Throw Table, and
and wanted it to have a 12" range the enchanter. checking what Saving Throw that
instead of 1O", (thus being the 'Zap' Healing items cost 4000 spell type of item needs against
equivalent of a 12th level magic user points + 2000 spell points per point whatever the LAST type of
instead of a 10th), you would of ring capacity per day. This type of destructive magic or damage that
multiply ~ of the cost of the item by item uses up a 4th level spell hit the item was. Thus, if
12/ 10. In this particular case it would opening. someone carrying a Fireball Wand
raise the cost from 4000 spell points Items that give the wearer Giant got hit by a Fireball and then by
to 4400 spell points. Remember, you Strength cost 8000 spell points to a Lightning Bolt, dying from the
can't enchant an item to act as if it construct, and use up a 4th level spell
second, his own Fireball Wand
were a higher level than the must make a saving throw vs.
enchanter is at the time he starts being destroyed by Lightning, or
constructing the item. If, for some be destroyed.
reason, you wanted to make the Ring If a magic item is hit by
of Detect Enemies only have a 6" destructive magic or other similar
range, you would multiply 6/ 10 x forces, but is not, being carried at
2000 (which is ~ the basic cost) for the time, its. saving throw vs.
a total of 1200. Adding this to the destruction must be rolled if the
other half of the basic cost (2000), amount of damage that it would
you get a total of 3200 for tne have received, calculated as if the
short-range version of the ring.
* * *
There are several cases of basic
magic items that are not covered in a MAGIC ITEM DESTRUCTION SAVING THROWS
simple form by the above rules.
These are mainly magic items for
which no corresponding spell exists, Item Type Vs. Fire Vs. Electric Vs. Energy Vs. Acid Vs. Heat
at least on the standard spell tables.
Several examples of these are given Weapon, Armor, Etc. +O 16 16 16 16 10
below: +1 14 14 14 14 8
The cost for an item that gives the +2 12 12 12 12 6
power of Flying to the wearer is +3 10 10 10 10 4
2000 spell points + 1000 spell points +4 8 8 8 8 2
for each 3" of speed per turn that Fire Resistance Item 10 12 11 14 2
the user ·rues. Thus, a Cloak of Flying Lightning Resistance Item 12 10 11 14 4
(12" /turn) would cost 6000 spell
Energy Resistance Item 10 10 10 14 2
points. A Cloak of Flying (24"/turn)
would cost 10,000 spell points, and Acid Resistance Item 14 14 14 10 4
so on. Protection Item 12 12 12 12 4
The cost for a Displacer item Double Protection Item 10 10 10 10 2
(which is based on the Illusionist Cold, Other Resistance 16 16 16 14 8
spell) would cost 8000 spell points, Fire Spell Wand 14 16 15 16 6
(since an equivalent spell for a magic Electric Spell Wand 16 14 15 16 10
user does not exist, you'll simply Energy Spell Wand 15 15 14 16 8
have to take our word for this one). Heat Spell Wand 14 16 15 16 6
The construction of such an item by Fire Staff 10 12 11 12 4
a magic user would usurp a 3rd level
spell opening for the construction.
Electric Staff 12 10 11 12 6
Containers with the power of Energy Staff 10 10 10 12 4
Holding are another special case. a Clerical Staff 16 16 16 16 8
standard Large Sack of Holding Other Metal Items 18 18 18 18 10
would cost 8000 spell points to Other Non-Metal Items 19 19 19 19 14
item were a character or being Magic Item Tables MIXED MAGIC ITEMS PROBABILITIES
who failed to make its saving 01-10 Books & Scrolls
throw(s), exceeds the Construction The Magic Item Tables on the
11-15 Intelligent Weapon
cost of the item divided by 50. following pages will enable you,
16-30 Non-Intelligent Weapon
That is, if a magic item cost 1000 as referee, to determine randomly
the powers and abilities of magic 31-45 Armor
spell points to construct, it would
be immune to destruction from items found by adventurers, either 46-55 Shield
any spell doing less than 20 Hit in the hands of other intelligent 56-70 Potion
Points of damage. In cases where beings or monsters, or just lying 71-73 Staff (50% clerical)
an item is hit by more than one around. In addition, these tables 74-80 Wand
source of destruction within a should give you a good idea of 81-90 Ring
single turn, all damage is added how to set up your own, more 91-00 Miscellaneous Magic Item
together, and the saving throw is advanced tables if you so desire,
rolled as vs. the LAST damage and give you ideas of just what Treasure Magic
received. It is not necessary for magic items are possible and There are many times when a
an item to have its saving throw which ones are not. Just find the party will find a magic item that
rolled for each spell passing table for the particular type of is not being carried by anyone or
through during any given phase magic item you need, and roll on anything, but simply part of some
or turn, but instead the damage all of the appropriate sub-tables. monster's treasure hoard. In these
is merely totalled and the saving In the case of a simple Ring or cases, and any other time when
throw rolled once, if the total Shield, this is very quick. In the you, as referee, need to randomly
damage is sufficient to endanger case of a very powerful magical determine just what the heck a
the item. weapon, it can take a minute or magic item might be, just use the
two, especially if you are not 'Mixed Magic Items Probabilities'
familiar with the powers involved. table. A percentile die roll will
In any case, once you become determine which Magic Item table
* * * familiar with the tables, they are
very easy to use. Refer to the
you will be rolling on to
determine the powers and abilities
description sections for each type of the magic item. Thus, a roll
of magic item for more of 33 would mean that you
information. should go to the Armor Table
and roll the specifics of the magic
* * * item there. An 89 would indicate
a Ring, and so on. Remember,
(1% are Scroll-Locked when found.) !lagtc 1Jttm use this table for random items,
not being carried or used by
anyone or anything, and the
11.ltst 'Carried Magic Items' table for
those being carried and/ or used.
03 Protection/Undead
(3% are Scroll-Locked when found)
* * *
Intelligent Weapons
06 Protection/Demons 01-10 Cursed Reroll
07 Protection/Mental Spel Is 11-39 Reroll as "Carried" Scroll 01-10 Make Weapon Intelligence 1
08 Recharge 1 Type Wand 11 -30 Make Weapon +O
40-43 Recharge 1 Type Wand
09 Recharge 1 Type Staff 31-50 Add Attack Levels (roll)
44-46 Recharge 1 Type Staff
10-30 1 Magical Spell 51-65 Add Specific Damage (roll)
47 Construction 1 Type Ring
31-40 2 Spells 66-75 Add Detection (roll)
48-48.49 Construction 1 Type Wand
41-49 3 Spells 76-85 Add Special Power (roll)
48.5-48.99 Construction 1 Type Staff
50-57 4 Spells 86-90 Add Language (specific)
49-49.49 Construction 1 Type of
58-63 5 Spells 91-94 Add Intelligence (limit 12)
Miscellaneous Magic Item
64-67 6 Spells 95 Add Intelligence above 12
49.5-49.99 Construction of Magic
69-70 7 Spells 96-97 Life-Level Draining
Armor (see table below)
71 8 Spells 98-99 Flaming Ability
50-50.49 Construction of Weapon
72 9 Spells 00 Roll Twice
(non-intelligent) (see table)
73-74 7th Level Spell 50.5-50.99 Construction of Weapon
75 8th Level Spell (intelligent) (see table) Non-Intelligent Weapons
76-85 Cursed Scroll 51-55 Local Map 01-20 Enchant Weapon to +O
86-90 Reroll as "Lair" Scroll 56-65 Treasure Map 21-60 Add Damage Bonus (roll)
91-95 Local Map 66-85 Spell Books (see table) 61-80 Add Attack Level (roll)
96-98 Treasure Map 88-90 Bestiary 81-90 Archery Projectile Bonus (roll)
99-00 Charm Spell (specific being !.1-95 Potion Formula 91-99 Archery Projector Bonus (roll)
or monster type) 96-00 Clerical Research Scroll 00 Roll Twice

01-20 Maximum for IQ 01-50 1
TYPE OF WEAPON 21-40 Maximuqi for IQ -1 51-75 2
01-40 Broadsword 41-60 Maximum for IQ -2 76-90 3
41-55 Short Sword 61-80 Maximum for IQ -3 91-98 4
56-70 Longsword 81-95 Maximum for IQ -4 Roll Twice
71-75 96-00 None
2-Handed Broadsword
76-82 Narrow-Bladed Falchion DAMAGE BONUSES
Wide-Bladed Falchion (Roll separately for each bonus)
89 Samurai Sword 01-08 Detect Alignment
01-05 Negative bonus (reroll)
90-99 Dagger 09-12 Dett!ct Shifting Walls
DO 13-16 Detect Sloping Passages 06-50 +1
Reroll on 'Non-Intelligent'
17-24 Detect Secret Doors 51-75 +2
table to determine 'type
25-28 Detect Traps 76-91 +3
92-96 Flaming
29-30 Detect Food
ATTACK LEVEL BONUS 31-32 Detect Water 97-98 -1 Life Level
33-40 Detect Invisible 99 -2 Life Levels
01 -3
41-44 Detect Evil 00 Purpose
02-03 -2
04-06 - 1 46-48 Detect Good
07-20 0 49-50 Detect Platinum
51-54 Detect Gold PURPOSE TYPE
21 -70 +1
71-90 +2 55-58 Detect & Identify Metals 01-60 Defeat Target
91-00 +3 59-65 Detect Magic 61-90 Slay Target
66-70 Detect Gems 91-00 Destroy Target
WEAPON BONUSES 71-78 Detect Enemies
79-82 Detect Poison TARGET TYPE (Purpose)
01-25 Attack Bonus Only
83-86 Detect Orientation 01 Any Opponent
26-50 Damage Bonus Only
87-88 Detect Life 02-10 Fighters
51 -00 Attack and Damage Bonuses
89-90 Detect Altitude 11-15 Clerics
91-93 Detect Clairvoyance & 16-20 Magic Users
INTELLIGENCE OF WEAPON Clairaudience 21-25 Thieves
94-95 Detect Wall 26-35 Men
01-03 1
96-98 Detect Silver 36-40 Lawful Opponents
04-08 2
99-00 Unusual Detection 41-45 Chaotic Opponents
09-15 3
(referee discretion) 46-55 Giants
16-24 4
25-35 5 56-65 ·Dragons
36-48 6 66-70 Demons
49-61 7 71-90 Specific Monster Type
* * * 91-00 Specific Being Type


89-94 11 01-05 Clairaudience 01-25 Maximum for IQ of weapon
95-98 12 06-10 Clairvoyance 26-50 1 Less Than Maximum for IQ
99-00 Roll Twice, add results 11 -15 ESP 51-75 2 Less Than Maximum for IQ
16-20 Telekinesis 76-90 3 Less Than Maximum for IQ
21-25 Teleportation * 91-00 No Languages in Weapon
26-30 Flying (1 "/turn/IQ point)
31-35 I nfravision
EGO OF WEAPON 36-40 Healing *
01-10 Intelligence- (2-12, rolled) 41-45 Strength (xl-4)*
11-25 Intelligence - (1-6) 46-55 Protection
26-50 Intelligence - (1-4) 56-60 Read Languages
51 -60 Same as lnteiligence 61-65 Individual Silence
61-75 Intelligence+ (1-4) 66-70 Protection/Missiles
76-90 Intelligence + (1 -6) 71-75 Quickness (+1 blow/phase)
91 -99 Intelligence+ (2-12) 76-85 Resistance (roll as Ring)
00 Intelligence+ (3-18) 86-90 Personal Force Field *
91-95 Reroll as Amulet Power
96-98 Reroll as Scarab Power
99-00 Cursed (reverse reroll)

01-15 Spear (6+ feet long) 01-30 Attack Level Bonus only
NON-INTELLIGENT WEAPON TYPE 16-40 Halberd 31-90 Damage Bonus only
41-55 Fauchard 91-00 Attack and Damage Bonuses
01-45 Melee Weapon
Second-Rank Weapon 55-70 Polearm (general) DAMAGE BONUS
61-75 Archery Weapon 71-80 Pike 01 Negative bonus (reroll)
76-85 Outdoor Weapon 81-94 Bull ova 02-15 +0
86-90 Magic-User Weapon 95-00 Lucerne Hammer 16-60 +1
91-95 Clerical Weapon ARCHERY WEAPONS 61-90 +2
96-00 Thievish Weapon 91-98 +3
01-08 Sling
99 Returning (reroll for bonus)
09-14 Sling Balls ( 1-20)
MELEE WEAPONS 00 Special Damage Bonus
15 Sling+ Sling Balls (1-20)
16-29 Arrows (1-20)
06-10 Short Sword BONUS EXAMPLES
30-38 Longbow
11-15 Broadsword 1. Weapon does extra die of damage.
39 Longbow+ Arrows (1-20)
16-20 Longsword 2. Hit by weapon acts as Dispel Magic.
40-53 Composite Bow
21-25 Narrow-Bladed Falchion 3. Weapon is invisible, opponent's parries
54 Comp. Bow+ Arrows (1-20)
26-30 Wide-Bladed Falchion cut by 25%.
55-59 Short Bow
31 Samurai Sword 60 Short Bow+ Arrows (1-20)
61-66 Horse Bow
36-40 Handaxe 67 Horse Bow+ Arrows (1-20) 01 -3
41-50 Warhammer 68-74 Light Crossbow Quarrels (1-20) 02-03 -2
51-65 Mace 75-83 Light Crossbow 04-06 -1
64-66 Beaked Hammer 84 Light Crossbow + Quarrels 07-20 0
67-72 Battle Axe 85-86 Heavy Crossbow Quarrels 21-70 +1
73-77 Great Axe 87-89 Heavy Crossbow 71-90 +2
78-81 Morningstar 90 Heavy Crossbow + Quarrels 91-00 +3
82-84 Flail 91-95 Javelins ( 1-4)
85-88 Maul 96-97 1 Ballista
2-Handed Broadsword
Ballista Bolts ( 1-6)
Ballista + Bolts
* * *
96-98 Spear (4-5 foot) '
99-00 Trident ARMOR TYPE
01-75 Dagger
26-65 Chain
01-35 Mace 76-98 Quarterstaff
66-85 Plate
36-60 Warhammer 99-00 Kris (no attack or damage
86-90 Brigandine
61-75 Morningstar (no spikes) bonuses for Kris)
91-00 Chain-Plate
76-90 Quarterstaff
* *
+1 Defense Level
01-60 + 1 Defense Level 66-90 +2 Defense Levels
THIEVISH WEAPONS 61 -90 +2 Defense Levels 91-98 +3 Defense Levels
01-40 Dagger 91-98 +3 Defense Levels 99-00 Special (see below)
41-80 Short Sword 99-00 Special
81-85 Sap (attack bonus only) SPECIAL ARMOR
86-90 Sling SPECIAL SHIELD (50% are also rerolled for defense bonus)
91-95 Tangling Net (50% are also rerolled for defense bonus) 01-10 Impact Resistance
96-00 Kris (no bonuses) 01-10 Mirrored 11-15 Special Power (as Sword)
11-15 Jewelled 16-20 Displacer
16-35 +4 Defense Levels 21-30 +2-12 Strength
36-40 Brightness 31-40 +2-12 Agility
41-45 Soul Trapping 41-50 Resistance (as Ring)
OUTDOOR WEAPONS 46-55 Protection From Missiles 51-60 Gauntlet Power
01-30 Reroll as Archery Weapon 56-65 Protection From Undead 61-70 Helm Power
31-60 Reroll as Melee Weapon 66-75 Protection/Lycanthropes 71-80 +4 Defense Levels
61-90 Reroll as Second Rank Weapon 76-85 Cursed (reverse reroll) 81-90 Cursed (reverse reroll)
91-94 Reroll as Thievish Weapon 86-87 Has IQ & Ego (as Sword) 91-95 Roll two times, use both
95-99 Lance 88-95 +4 vs Specific Opponent 96-98 Girdle Power
00 Siege Weapon 96-00 Roll Twice 99-00 Boot Power


01-02 Growth 01-05 Commanding 01 -18 Detection

03-05 Giant Strength 06-12 Striking 19-30 Control
06-07 Gaseous Form 13-14 Sorcery 31-54 Resistance
08-10 Speed 15-16 Protection 55-74 Defensive
Flying 17-18 Water 75-89 Active
Delusion 19-20 Fire 90-98 Cursed
Longevity 21-22 Air 99-00 Special
18 Clairaudience 23-24 Earth
19-21 Clairvoyance 25-26 Elemental
22-25 Fire Resistance 27-28 Death
26-28 Cold Resistance 29-30 Ice
29 Energy Resistance 31-32 Flame DETECTION RINGS
30-35 Invisibility 33-34 Detection
01-05 Invisibility
36-37 Diminution 35-36 Change
06-10 Evil
38-40 Poison (2-20 HD) 37-38 Defense
11-15 Magic
41-43 Polymorph Self 39-40 Discretion
16-20 Gold
44-50 Healing 41-42 Walls
21-25 Enemies
51-53 ESP 43-44 Light
26-30 Good
54-55 Levitation 45-46 Transport
31-35 Life
56-60 Heroism 47-48 Winds
36-40 Poison
61-63 Double Protection 49-50 Slumber
41-45 Traps
64-68 Protection 51-52 Combat
46-50 Sloping Passages
69-73 Mini-Strength 53-54 Lightning
51-55 Alignment
74-75 Specific Poison Antidote 55-56 Repair
56-60 Clairvoyance/audience
76-78 Water Breathing 57-58 Traveling
61-65 Orientation
79-80 Slow 59-75 1-4 Powers, 1 Type
66-70 Water
81-83 Deodorant 76-90 1-6 Powers, 1 Type
71-75 Food
84-87 I nfravision 91-99 1-6 Powers, Mixed Types
76-80 Movement
88 Weakness 00 Has IQ, Ego as Sword,
81-85 Gems
89-90 Sleep Drug Reroll Powers
86-90 Silver
91 Feeblemind 91-95 Secret Doors
92-94 See Invisible 96-00 Teleport (after)
95 Clumsiness
96-98 Electrical Resistance CLERICAL STAFF CONTROL RINGS
99-00 Poison Resistance 0.1-10 Mammal
01-45 Healing (2-7)
46-47 Extra Healing (4-14) 11-20 Reptile

* * *
Magic Item Weights (in pounds):
Amulet .3
76-85 Withering 41-50 Insect
Bel' 2
Boots, Pair 3 86-90 Commanding 51-65 Human
Bottle 1 91 Life 66-70 Dragon (1 specific type)
Bowl 5 71-80 Being (1 specific type)
Brazier 5 92 Death
Broom 3 93 Control 81-85 Undead ( 1 specific type)
Carpet 10 94 Piety 86-90 Flying Monster (1 type)
Censer 5 91-95 Aquatic Monster ( 1 type)
Cloak 1 95 Restoration
Crystal Ball 5 96 Discovery 96-00 Land Monster (1 type)
Drums 30 97 Speaking
Gauntlets (separate) 2 .5 RESISTANCE RINGS
Girdle 2 98 Holding
Horn 5 99-00 Roll Twice 01-10 Fire Resistance
Flask 1 11-20 Cold
Flask of liquid 2
21-30 Electrical
.5 * * * 31-35 Energy
Mirror, large 30 WANDS 36-40 Poison
Potion & container 2
.1 01-28 1st Level Magical Spell 41-50 Type I Magic
Scarab .2 29-52 2nd Level Spell 51-60 Type 11 Magic
Scroll 2 53-72 3rd Level Spell 61-70 Type 111 Magic
Scroll (encased) 5
73-88 4th Level Spell 71-80 Type IV Magic
Staff 10
Stone 5 89-95 5th Level Spell 81-90 Type V Magic
Wand 6 96-00 6th Level Spell 91-00 Type VI Magic

01-20 Invisibility 01-10 Helms 01-30 ESP (3-12" range)
21-40 Protection 11-20 Cloaks 31-40 Elemental Summoning
41-50 Protection, 6-foot radius 21-30 Boots 41-65 Active Spell ( 1-3/day)
51-55 Protection/Missiles 31-40 Medallions 66-70 Spell Storing
56-60 Fog ( 1" radius) 41-45 Amulets 71-75 Lycanthropy
61-65 Light Adjuster ( 1" radius) 46-50 Scarabs 76-80 Pyrotechnics ( 1-3/day)
66-70 Continual Light 51-60 Gauntlets & Gloves 81-85 Speak Languages
71-75 Continual Darkness 61-70 Belts & Girdles 86-90 I nfravision
76-80 Protection/Life Level Drain 71-80 Containers 91-99 Cursed
81-85 Stone-Turning Resistance 81-00 Miscellaneous Shapes 00 Two Powers
86-90 Individual Silence AMULETS
91-95 Slow Bleeding (-1 pt./turn) HELMS
(30% are armored, 70% unarmored) 01-12 Vs. Clairvoyance & ESP
96-00 Spell-Turning
01-10 See Invisible 13-15 Spell-Turning
11-20 lnfravision 16-25 Protection
21-30 Telepathy 26-35 Fire Resistance
01-05 Mini-Strength (1-3 per day) 36-45 Cold Resistance
31-40 Read Magic
06-10 Water Breathing 46-55 Electrical Resistance
41-45 Read Languages
11-20 Telekinesis (3X per day) 56-60 Energy Resistance
46-50 Reverse Alignment
21-30 X-Ray Vision 61-65 Poison Resistance
51-55 T eleportation
31-40 Djinn Summoning 66-70 Acid Resistance
56-65 Protection/Mental Spells
41-45 Elemental Summoning 71-72 Paralysis Resistance
66-75 Clairvoyance+lnfravision
46-50 Polymorph Self (1-3 per day) 73-76 Mental Spell Resistance
76-80 All-Around Vision
51-60 I nfravision 77-80 Protection/Missiles
61-70 81-85 Blinding Brightness
'ZAP' Healing (3-30 pts/day) 81-83 Double Protection
71-75 86-90 Feeblemind
See Invisible 84-88 Stone-Turning Resistance
91-95 Cursed (reverse reroll)
76-80 Light ( 1-3 per day) 89-90 Susceptibility
96-97 Roll Twice
81-85 Dark ( 1-3 per may) 91-92 Two Powers
98-00 True Sight
86-90 Passwall (1-3 per day) 93-98 Cursed (reverse reroll)
91-95 Knock (1-3 per day) 99-00 Protection/Self
96-00 Healing ( 1 pt/turn, 2-40/day)
(5% are Blankets, for use by animals)·
01-05 Mist (Gaseous Form)
01-10 Weakness 06-08 Darkness (individual) 01-20 Vs. Clerical Death Spell
11-20 Feeblemind 09-10 Spectre Cloak 21-25 Vs. Demonic Possession
21-30 Delusion 11-30 Camouflage 26-30 Vs. Exorcism
31-40 Reverse Resistance 31-45 Invisibility 31-35 Life Level Protection
41-50 Reverse Defensive 46-55 Flying (6-24" /turn) 36-40 Non-Degeneration
51-60 Treachery 56-60 Vampirism 41-45 Enemy Detection
61-70 Reverse Active Ring 61-65 Energy Resistance 46-50 Enemy Enragement
71-80 Spell Point Eater 66-70 Cold Resistance 51-60 Courage
81-83 Drain 1 Live Level/Turn 71-73 Giant Strength + 61-65 Charisma (+3)
84-87 Reverse Control Invisibility 66-75 Vs. Lycanthropy
88-90 Reverse Detection 74-80 Displacer 76-85 Detection (Roll as Ring)
91-95 Poisoned Pin (2-20 HD) 81-85 Disguise Self 86-90 Insanity
96-97 Geas 86-95 Reversed Reroll 91-99 Cursed (reverse reroll)
98 Intelligent Ring 96-00 Tireless Swimming 00 Two Powers
99-00 Solidification
SPECIAL RINGS (5% are Horseshoes or similar) (75% armored gauntlets, 25% gloves)
01-20 Spell Storing (5/6 1 spell) 01-25 Silence 01-30 Striking (+1-+3)
21-35 Double Ring (same group) 26-38 Speed 31-40 Quickness
36-40 Double Ring (any 2 powers) 39-49 Water Walking 41-50 Accuracy (+1-+3)
41-65 Regeneration 50-60 Flying 51-60 Archery (+1-+3)
66-75 Strength + 2-12 (all day) 61-70 Tireless Walking 61-65 Throwing (+1-+3)
76-79 Anti-Magic Shell (1 per day) 71-80 Levitation 66-75 Gripping
80 Wishing (1-3 Wishes) 81-85 Balancing 76-80 Climbing
81-90 Special Curse 86-90 Agility +2-12 81-90 Combat
91-95 Special Spell Storing 91-99 Cursed 91-98 Cursed (reverse reroll)
96-00 Triple Ring (same group) 00 Two Powers 99-00 Two Powers

BELTS & GIRDLES Detecting and Analyzing small box might give an
(25% belts, 75% armored girdles) Magic Items indication of 'Yes, there's
something magical about that
01-20 Invisibility box.' The spell would not,
With the various thievish and
21-30 Displacer magical means of detecting and however, distinguish between a
31-37 Lightness (-10-60 pounds) identifying magic items, there Box of Holding and a box with a
38-41 Polymorph Self ( 1-3 x/day) may be some confusion about Magic Mouth spell that laughs at
42-45 Levitation just what is and is not possible in the opener.
46-50 Growth or Diminution identifying a magic item. All of this leads up to the
51-55 Giant Strength First of all, the Thievish Magic Analysis spell. Magic
56-59 Strength Multiply (1/day) ability of Detect Magic is based Analysis is a spell designed to tell
60-68 Impact Resistance on the fact that most magic items you at least a little bit about the
69-70 Anti-Magic Shell (1-3/day) are made from rare or fine enchantment (if any) of an item.
quality materials, and some are Basically, on a normal magic
71-75 Double Protection
recognizable as such by a trained item, the use of a Magic Analysis
76-80 Flying (6-24"/turn) spell will give the caster a good
observer. Further, in cases where
81-90 Flotation (in water) magic items are enchanted in such idea of what the major
91-95 Cursed (reverse reroll) a way as to enhance their enchantment or enchantments of
96 Two Powers resistance to destruction, certain the item might be. Thus, if the
97-00 Mini-Strength (all day) physical alterations become spell is cast on a Ring of Fire
obvious. Thus, a piece of cloth Resistance, Magic Analysis would
CONTAINERS that has been enchanted to be find this out. However, there is a
+ 0 will tend to resist unravelling, limit to what Magic Analysis can
01-20 Large Sack of Holding determine. In practice, Magic
tearing or cutting. A magical
21-25 Small Sack of Holding shield will tend not to dent or Analysis will not indicate to the
26-30 Small Sack of Magic Beans chip under impacts that would caster the effects of any
31-35 Backpack of Holding harm a normal shield. Thus, a enchantment that makes up less
36-40 Backpack of Lightness trained thief can notice many of than 1/6 of the total enchantment
41-45 Backpack of Readiness these little things, and can figure of the item, figured out in Spell
46-50 Saddlebags of Lightness them out. It is, however, possible Point cost. Thus, in the case of a
51-55 Saddlebags of Holding to construct an item that looks magical sword of great power,
56-60 like a magic item, from its with many enchantments, Magic
Flask of Holding
materials and decorations. Analysis would only tell about
61-65 Flask of Djinn/Efrit
Further, in worlds where such any of the enchantments that
66-70 Flask of Alchemy individually cost at least 1/6 of
things are possible, certain
71-75 Flask of Gushing Water modern materials (such as nylon) the total cost of the sword's
76-80 Flask of Potion Multiplying would appear magical to even a enchantments. The spell simply
81-85 Cursed (reroll) trained thief, due to their physical would not notice most of the
86-90 Small Sack of Trackless Dust characteristics, such as toughness lesser enchantments.
91-95 Cauldron of Potion-Brewing and lack of fiber wear and tear. A further restriction of the
96-00 Cauldron of the Undead Therefore, when a thievish spell is that, since the spell itself
character uses his 'Detect Magic' is not intelligent, it cannot tell
MISCELLANEOUS SHAPES ability, the referee should be the difference between similar
01-05 Hand of Glory aware of the limitations of this things not well known to the
ability in cases where an item will caster. Thus, if a magic item
Flying Broom
have certain characteristics of a were found that controlled an
11-15 Flying Carpet
magic item. A thief might decide Efrit, but the caster of the spell
16 Teleporting Carpet (1/day) that an item is 'magical' and was only familiar with Djinni
17-20 Mirror of Soul Trapping never be able to figure out what (similar, but much more friendly
21-23 Mirror of Magic Reflection it does, for the simple reason that beings), the Magic Analysis spell
24-30 Mirror of Clairvoyance there was no actual magic there. might cause him to believe that
31-35 Rope of Climbing The magical and clerical the item controlled a Djinni. A
36-40 Rope of Stiffening Detect Magic spells, on the other more dangerous example is in the
41-45 Rope of Entanglement hand, have a very different case of a Cursed magic item. If
46-50 Saddle of Lightness limitation. They will identify the Curse or malfunction is a
51-55 Bridle of Invisibility items that the thief will miss, and simple and obvious one, the
56-65 Crystal Ball (20% with
correctly realize that a nylon Magic Analysis spell would notice
parachute left in the dungeon by it right away, such as in the case
extra powers)
a passing time traveler is not of a ring that turns its wearer to
66-70 Torch of Brightness magical after all. However, the stone. If, however, the Curse is
71-75 Eternal Torch magical and clerical Detect Magic that the item works correctly
76-80 Camp Wards spells are unable to distinguish sometimes, or that it works, but
81-85 Lantern of Truth Detection between an item of magical has some other drawback, the
86-90 Lantern of 'Light of Truth' construction and an item that has Magic Analysis spell would not
91-95 Cursed Reroll had a spell cast on it. Thus, a point this out. One case of this
96-00 Bridle of Animal Control Detect Magic spell aimed at a was when a character found a set

of Boots of Water Walking that than 9 dice of damage, sine<: Vari-Ball spell. This type of scroll is used
worked quite well, until he is a 5th level spell, and magic users primarily in the exchange of the
walked over the deepest point of first have the ability to cast a 5th more unusual clerical spells. Clerical
any body of water. At that point, level spell when they become 9th Scrolls can be written by any clerk
the Curse took over, and dragged level. If the caster of a spell from a who is 8th level or higher, and can be
him to the bottom. Fortunately, scroll is the same level .lS, or higher written fo r any spell known to that
the first time he discovered this, than, the minimum level necessary i•) cleric.
the water wasn't very deep, and cast that type of spell, this maximum 6) Anything described as a 'Scroll'
he survived. level of effect applies. If the caster of can also be in the form of a book, at
In any case, the point is that a spell is of lower level than that the discretion of the referee. Spell
you, as referee, should not give necessary to cast a spell like that on books, likewise, could be found in
away information about magic the scroll, there is a different rule. A the form of a scroll.
items to the players unless they lower level magic user may cast a 7) A single scroll can co.'1tain
can gain that information fairly, spell off of a !;croll that he could ll l't spells and combinations of spells up
by use of the spells and abilities memorize by either (a) reducing the to a maximum limit of 36 levels of
of their characters. Let them set effect of the spell to his own level (a spells. Thus, a single scroll could
up ways to test and identify the 3rd level magic user casting a 3-die contain up to 9 spells of up to 4th
magic items they find. It can be Fireball, for example); or (b) by level, but not 9 spells of 5th levei.
a lot of fun, especially with taking the risk of possibly not being There is no limit to what can be
unusual magic items. able to handle the spell properly, and contained in a book, but no more
attempting to th,row the spell at the than one spell can be written on any
level of the scroll's own limit, i!l one page of a noJmal book.

* * * which case the magic user must roll a

Saving Throw vs. Magic. If he
succeeds in making this saving throw, Scroll Descriptions
the spell is cast at the scroll's level The following will give you a set
Scrolls and Books without problem. If he fails to make of rules by which to design your own
There are several basic rules that this saving throw, the spell backfires scroll:; for use in the game, to be
apply to scr• ills in general. These are at him directly. A backfire of this found in treasures, as well as describe
as follows: type causes damage at the level of the scrolls given in our sample Scroll
1) Any magic user who is at least the scroll, if it was a damage-caus!rrc; tables.
11th level can write a scroll that spell. In other cases, the spell simply
contains any spell that he currently aims itself at him. If the spell was a PROTECTION SCROLLS: These
has memorized. He cannot simply beneficial one being cast upon scrolls all work in a simple basic
duplicate another scroll if he does himself or others, the effects are pattern. Any Protection Scroll that
not know the spell himself. reversed and personaliz•!d. Thus, a gives protection against a specific
2) Most magical scrolls can only low-level magic user attempting to being or type of being works in a
be used by a magic user. The cast a Haste spell off of a scroll (a manner similar to the clerical
exceptiom to this are Protection 7th level magic user would be Protection From Undead spell (SC).
Scrolls (as Protection/Undead, etc.) required to cast this spell safely), and That is, any being that falls under the
and Cu,rsed Scrolls: Anyone who has not successfully making his own description of that type (i.e., Undead,
the ability to Read Magic can activate saving throw vs. magic, would have Lycanthropes, etc) may not enter a
either of these fatter types of scroll. the effect of a REVERSE Haste spell 1" radius circle around the person
A magic user who has the spell Read cast on himself, and would thus be holding an activated (just read)
Magic, or an implement that gives moving at slow speed for a while. Protection Scroll of that type uriress
him that ability, can ..:ast a spell from 4) Recharge and Construct:on it makes a percentik roll successfully,
a Spell Scroll. Scrolls CANNOT be used by a magic as follows: the being that is trying to
3) Spell Scrolls enable a magic user of too low a level to use a spell enter the circle has a 50% chance of
user to cast a spell, but with certain of that level and type. Thus, while a being able to do so, adjusted up 5%
restrietions. Any spell that is on a 4th level magic user might be able to per level that the being is above 12th
Spell Scroll can be cast by any magic use a scroll telling how to constnct level, and adjusted down 5% per level
user that can Read Magic, but there Rings of Detect Magic, he would only that the being is below 12th level.
are two possih:e ways. A spell that is be able to build a ring that had the Thus, a 13th level Elemental would
written on a scroll h:rn .1 fixed upper effect of his own level (4th). He have a 55% chance of entering a
limit to its possible effect, if there would not be able to use a scroll of circle created by a
are effects that are based on the level Recharge Fireball Wand to refill a Protection/Elementals Scroll. The
of the caster. This limit is the lowest wand of that type, since he could not only exceptions to •his type of scroll
level at which a magic m·~r could cast handle such a memorized spell. are Protection/Magic,
that spell as a memorized spell, or :5) Clerical Scrolls do not give the Protection/Clerics, and
6th level, whichever is the higher. immediak ability to anyone, cleric or Protection/Mental Spells. These three
Thus, a Wizard Lock spell, if cast not, to cast the spdl written on protect all those within the l" radius
from a scroll, would normally be cast them. Instead, Clerical Scrolls give circle from ALL spells of the type
as if cast by a 6th level magic user, the knowledGe to any cleric of mentioned, with the following limit:
even if the person reading the scroll sufficient level to research that for each level above 12th that the
were of higher level. A Vari-Ball spell clerical spel: without cost, and with caster of a spell is, he has a 5%
cast from a scroll would do no more only 1 day of delay per level of the chance of affecting beings within the

radius of the Protection Scroll. Thus, Construction Scroll for Rings of have been previously stolen, and the
a 14th level magic user would have a Invisibility that don't work, for level of the magic user should be
10% chance of successfully casting a example). In the case of scrolls of a roll1~d randomly (normally 1-12), and
spell in to or through a trap nature, anyone attempting to the spells determined accordingly.
Protection/Magic Scroll's area. Read such a scroll, using a Read BESTIARY: This type of scroll or
Protection/Magic guards agai!1st Magic, activates the trap, whether a book is normilly useful only in areas
magical (or illusionist) spells. magic user or not. Such a scroll could where unusual beasts, beings, or
Protection/Clerics guards against turn the reader into an invisible gnat, monsters can be encountered. It
clerical or druidical spells. or make all of his hair fall out. should include basic informiltion
Protection/Mental Spells guards Usually, a person activating such a about from 2-12 types of being,
against charms, controls, illusions, trap should be allowed to roll a written in whatever language was
and such cast b; ANY class. Saving Throw vs. Magic to determine typical for the beings who owned the
Remember, any character that can whether the trap takes full effect, as Bestiary. It is a good way to find out
Read Magic by spell or implement if it were a normal magical spell. about monsters that are not common
can activat<> such a scroll, as well as MAPS: These can lead to great or to the mythology of your dungeon or
those who gain Read Magic as an small treasures, or just tell you the world. Characters can find such
ability (Thieves and such). way into or out of somewhere. After books of great value.
RECHARGE SCROLLS: 1='hese all, those intelligent beings in a POTION FORMULA: These books
scrolls are design·~ d to enable a magic wilderness or dungeol! don't want to or scrolls contain enough informati•Jn
user to recharge a wand or staff that get lost. to enable an alchemist of at least
consumes charges. To determine CHARM SPELL: This is actually journeyman quality to produce
which item that a scroll is written to just another specific type of Spell potions of that type at normal rate
recharge, roll randomly on your Scroll, but designed to handle the after no more than 1 week of delay,
Wand or Staff table. The cost per specific case of an · unusual Charm as long as no unusual materials are
charge to recharge a Wand is the Spell, such as Charm Hippogriff. The required for the potion (referee
Recharge cost of that spell on the Charm Spell for any specific discretion). The type of potion
Magic Spell Tables. The cost of intelligent being or any specific type should be rolled randomly on the
recharging a Staff is based on the of monster can be included here. Potion table.
Recharge Cost of the highest level CONSTRUCTION SCROLLS: CLERICAL RESEARCH
spell or spell point G• >~t spell in the These enable a magic user of SCROLL: These are the only type of
Staff, plus 1 spell point for each sufficient level (able to cast a spell of Clerical scrolls, and are described in
additional spell. This recharge spell the level° used in this enchantment) to the Scrolls and Books rules above.
for a Staff is one le~el higher, as a
spell, than the highest level spell in
the Staff. Thus, a Staff that has
construct a specific type of magic
item, or to put a specific type of
enchantment into an item. In the
* * *
Intelligent Weapons
Intelligent weapons are those
Vari-Ball and Microball as its spells case of Rings, Wands, Staves, or which have an Intelligence (IQ)
could be recharged with a 6th level Miscellaneous Magic Items, no more enchanted into them. They may also
spell, at a cost of 11 spell points per than one magic user may put spell have an Ego, which is the
charge. points into the construction of any self-awareness and ac1ive will of "the
SPELL SCROLLS: These are the one item. The construction n·~ed not weapon. Any intelligent weapon has
most common . type of scrolls. For be continuous. Any single an alignment (Law, Neutrality,
the listings that simply give a number Construction Scroll can be used to Chaos) that is the same as the
of spells on the scroll, the referee construct only 1 item at a time. An original enchanter who first gave the
should determine randomly which item may be abandoned while L1 weapon an Intelligence. This
spells of 1st through 6th level are on ;rogress, due to destruction of the alignment may not be changed by
the scroll. Thus, a 3-spell scroll could partially-c,1mpleted item or the magic any normal means.
have two 1st level spells and a 5th user enchanting it ; in this case the Any person attempting to use an
level spell on it, or any other such scroll may be used to begin intelligent weapon may have
combination. Since most scrolls are constructing another item. To difficulty in convincing the weapon
intended for quick use, most scrolls determine what is on a Construction to cooperate. Any intelligent weapon,
have fewer spells on them. It takes Scroll, simply roll on the appropriate especially one that is enchanted to
time to search through an 8--spell table for that type of item. In the have a damage bonus or purpose vs.
scroll for the one you need. Also, cases of constructing magic armor or any specific type of enemy, will have
since 7th and 8th level spells are not weapons, simply roll on the special the tendency to want to fight that
usually intended for ~he same tables for those types of type of being, regardless of
purposes as lower· level spells, they construction. consequences to its wielder (it gets a
are separate on the tables, and not SPELL BOOKS: These are the little carried away). Further, in other
included in the multiple spell scrolls books of knowledge of spells of a situations, a weapon may tend to
normally. magic user . The spell books for any influence the overall behavior of the
CURSED SCROLLS: These are given spell have enough information character. To determine whether the
something that must be left up to the so that any magic user able to cast a character or the weapon is in control,
individual referee. There are many spell of that level co;i:d learn the the following is used: Add the IQ
possibilities in such scrolls. Some are spell without further cost, and at ;1 and Ego of the Intelligent weapon.
designed as traps, causing harm or delay of only 1 day per level of the This gives a point total . Add to this
embarrassment to the reader. Others spell. When these are found in a lair total 1 point for each Special Power
are the result of bungled research (a that is not that of a magic user, they that the weapon possesses, 1 point

for each Damage Bonus that applies he will take 2-12 points of damage. If especially susceptible to magical fire,
to the situation, and 3 points for any a Neutral character attempts to and certain other beings. A weapon
Purpose that applies to the situation. handle a Lawful or Chaotic weapon that is 'Flaming' does + 1 per die of
Thus, an IQ 10, Ego 8 weapon with a he will take 2-12 points of damage. If damage to plant~ md plantlike
Damage Bonus of +3 vs. Trolls would a Lawful character attempts to beings, +2 per die to Trolls (or other
add up to a 21 in cases that involve handle a Chaotic weapon, or a beings specia;ly damaged by fire), and
Trolls, and whether or not to figh: Chaotic character a Lawful weapon, +3 per die to Undead monsters (but
them. A character wielding the he will take 4-24 points of damage. If not Demons). A Flaming weapon
weapon would have a point total the weapon, in addition to being of a weapon casts a lighc around the
equ3.l. t•) ?. times his prime requi;,ite different alignment, '.1as a Purpose vs. wielder equal to that of a torch, and
(for any character types except whatever the character is, the damage is active whenever drawn.
Thieves and Halflings, who use is DOUBLED. If the character is The Damage Bonuses labelled '-1
Strength for this calculation). Thus, a being controlled magically or Life Level' and '-2 Life Levels'
Fighter with Strength 13 would .~ jd clerically by <l character or being of describe the number of Life Levels
up to a point total of 26 under most the same alignment as the weapon, that the weapon will drain from a
conditions. The point total of the the damage i;, HALVED. living target on .my one hit. Draining
character is compared with the point A character may not use an one or more Life Levels from a
total of the weapon. If they are intelligent weapon's Detection or creature reduc e~ its Hit Dice, Attack
equal, each has a 50% chance of Special Powers if he cannot wield and Defense Levels accordingly. Any
being in control of the situation. For that type of weapon under the rules. damage that the drained creature has
each point of difforence, the higher Thus, a cleric would not be able to taken is applied toward its
one has an additional 5% chance of use the powers of a magical sword. REMAINING Hit Dice. Any cre ature
being in control. Thus, in the case of lhat is dropped from it;. normal level
the Strength 13 Fighter and the Intelligent Weapons Tables to 0 or fewer Life Levels (normally
described weapon, the Fighter would The basic information requ:red to equal to Hit Dice or Character Level)
have a 75% chance of 1;ontrolling the randomly roll an intelligent weapon is is dead. Any character that is slain
weapon, and the weapon would m the tables themselv0;.. while missing Life Levels below
control the Fighter tile other 25% of First, the referee should determine normal cannot have them restored by
the time. Subtract 1% from the the physical type of weapon. whether the 4th level Clerical ~pell.
character's chanc~ for every point of sword, dagger, or whatever. Any weapon that has a Damage
damage that the character has taken Second, the referee should Bonus labell~d 'Purpose' then has the
(pain saps the will). Add 1% to the determine the Intelligence (and Ego, Purpose determined on the
character's chance of controlling the if any) of the weapon, since this appropriate tables. See Magic
weapon for each phase of physical limits just what dse can be built into Weapons Construction Rules for the
danger that he is in due to the the weapon (See Magic Item effects of these Purposes.
weapon's control. This control can be Construction Rules). If the numbe.- of bonuses and
checked every turn (6 phases) in Third, the referell should abilities rolled exceeds the number
situations of crisis or danger. The determine wha l bonuses the weapon that are possjble for a weapon of the
continuing influence of a weapon has, whether Attack, Damage or rolled intelligence, count up the
over a character is calculated in the both. It should be remembered that available openings, and take the ones
same way, but by adding the IQ, Damage Bonuses are PER DIE that rolled, in order, up to the limit of
Ego, Special Power and Purpose the weapon does in damage, and that the weapon . The only exception to
Bonuses only vs. the Prime Requisite Attack bonuses apply tl) the Attack this is: any weapon of Intelligence
(or Strength) of ,the character plus his Level of the wielder, and do not 12+ that has a Purpose rolled as one
level. A character that is generally simply add their bonu;. to the die of its Damage Bonuses automatically
controlled by a weapon enchanted vs. roll. has that Purpose, and somethinJ r.lse
Dragons will . generally dislike If a weapon has one or more is dropped from the rolled bonuses
Dragons, etc. A weapon with a high Damage Bonuses, these should be instead.
Ego (at least equal to the level of the determined. Each referee should set The Special Powers table gives a
character) will demand fancy up his own table of possible Damage list of Special Powers possible in a
scabbards, gems for its hilt, a catchy Bonuses, especially if he has original weapon of IQ 12 or higher. In most
name to be called by ('Trollsbane', or unusual monsters, because ther·~ cases, these Special Powers are always
'Dragonfang', etc), and any other should be an appropriat:e> ·~hance that turned on whenever the weapon is in
benefits that are appropriate to the weapons encountered will be the hand of a wielder. The exception5
weapon. enchanted vs. such monsters. Thus, if are those Powers marked with an
At any time, enchantments may there are Giant Gophers in · your asterisk ("'). In these cases, the Power
be added to an intelligent weapon, at ·.vilderness, there should be a chance must be specifically activated AND
costs described in the Magic Item that someone got annoyed enoug':! to have a limited number of uses per
Construction rules, up to the limits enchant a weapon to be + 1 vs. Giant day. (Telekinesis must also be
described therein. Gophers. Specific damages of this activated, but may be used without
If a characte! attempts to handle type should be more common than limit.) Starred Powers may be used a
an intelligent weapon that is of an more general bonuses, due to the number of times per day equ.h to the
alignment not his own, he will take relative costs. IQ of the weapon Jivided by the
damage from the weapon a:; follows: The Damage Bonus labelled Spell Point cost of the spel: Jeing
if a Lawful or Chaotic character 'Flaming' is a special enchantment activated. In the case of Personal
attempts to handle a Neutral weapon that causes extra damage to beings Force F ield , this includes

maintenance cost of the spell, so that projectiles, such as arrows, sling balls, Others could include: +4 Damage per
it would be possible to keep the etc. This is true even though an die done with that weapon; Weapon
Force Field on for one continuous arrow has both "lHl accuracy and a causes wounds that bleed an extra
stretch of time, or possibly more damage bonus, since they are 1-4 points per turn; Weapon will
than once for short bursts. Strength ALWAYS 'the same amount of bonus. de-animate undead by touch; or a
(xl-4) is the same as the 4th level Thus, a +3 longbow adds +3 to its host of others. '
magical spell, and thus cannot be archery die rolls. A +3 arrow would Remember, Attack Level Bonuses
used more than once per day if it add +3 to the archery die roll to hit are added to the Attack Level of the
works, no matter what the IQ of the with that arrow, and +3 per die of wielder, not to his Die Roll.
weapon. damage done (adjusted for the Damage Bonuses are added per die
When designing your own Magic strength of the shooter). An archery of damage done by the weapon.
Tables, remember that Special Powers weapon that is directly thrown, such Accuracy Bonuses of bows and
on intelligent weapons should be as a javelin, is rolled as if it were an slings are added to the Archery Die
restricted to spells that primarily arrow. Roll to hit. ' .
affect the wielder, and under no When the referee is determining Bonuses for arrows and sling·
circumstances should include what type of weapon has been found, pellets are added to both the Archery
destructive magical spells. Thus, it if there is a restriction on the type of Die Roll to hit and to the damage
would be possible to have an weapon (such as a weapon being done per die of that projectile's
intelligent weapon that allowed its carried and used by la cleric), simply damage.
wielder to Polymorph Self, but not use the appropriate sub-table. Thus, a Armor and Shields
one that allowed its wielder to hurl weapon being carried by a magic user The basic tables for determining
Fire ball spells. would be rolled on ' the Magic User the basic powers of randomly rolled
The Detection Spells that are built Weapons table. magical armor and shields are easy to
into an intelligent weapon are There are three special notes on understand. If the armor is of a
basically the same spells that are the Damage Bonus table. The fust random type, roll on the Armor Type
available to magic users. The only one of these is 'Negative bonus table to determine • which type of
difference is that the range of the (reroll). This indicates that the armor it is. If there is a specific
Detection spells is based on the weapon was, accidentally or reason for a set of armor to be of a
Intelligence of the weapon instead of deliberately enchanted to do LESS specific type (a thiefs armor is.
the level of the caster. Thus, an damage than usual for that weapon. normally leather, for example), then'
Intelligence 10 weapon would have Roll again, and any + result is simply roll the Defense Bonus of the
Detection abilities with the same considered a - result for the damage armor.
range as the spells if cast by a 10th adjustment per die (ignore rolls of The Defense Bonus of either
level magic user . . 01, 99 and 00 on this particular armor or shields is added to the
reroll). A Negative Damage Bonus Defense Level of the character
* * *
Non-Intelligent Weapons weapon therefore may do from 1 to
3 points of damage per die LESS
wearing or using the item. Armor
Most of the material in the adds its defense level to the wearer
Non-Intelligent Weapons magic table than what is rolled. A result of -0 when attacked from any ·direction,
is easy to understand. The type of means that the weapon is the same as but a shield only adds its defense
+0. I
level bonus to the user when he is
the weapon, if it is to be determined
randomly, is rolled on the The second note is Returning. attacked from a direction the shield
Non-Intelligent Weapon Type table, When this is rolled, reroll to faces. Thus, a person being attacked
followed by rolling on the indicated determine what the actual Damage from behind, while using a shield in a
Weapon Type table. Thus, if you roll Bonus of the weapon is (ignoring normal manner, does not get the
a 44 on the initial roll, you reroll on further rolls of 99). If the weapon is benefit of the defense level bonus of
the Melee Weapons table. a 39 on one that can be thrown or shot in the shield.
this table would indicate that the archery, it will return to one or more If the die roll for the Defense
weapon is a Handaxe. The abilities of types of wielder. 50% of such items Bonus of a set of armor or for a
the weapon are determined by rolling will return to anyone who throws shield indicates Special, the item is
on the Type of Bonuses table, and them, and the other 50% are rerolled on the Special Armor or
rerolling on the indicated table(s). enchanted to return only to specific Special Shield table, whichever is
Thus, a weapon with only an Attack types of beings (Dwarves, but not appropriate .t o the item. In the case
Level Bonus would be rerolled on the Elves or Humans, for example). See of Special Armor, the powers are
Attack Level Bonus table for the Magic Item Enchantment rules for mostly very simple. If a power
amount of the bonus. further details. indicates 'as sword' or ',as ring', roll
The exception to this process is The third note is Special Damage that power or ability on the section
the class of Archery Weapons. Bonus. This one is very much up to for the specified type of magic item.
Archery Weapons, due to the the discretion of the individual Thus, 'Resistance (as Ring)' means
different nature of their enchantment referee. If you are 'just beginning to that you should go to the Resistance
(see Magic Item Construction rules) referee, or do not feel capable of Ring table, and roll randomly there
are automatically rolled on the working out detailed Special Damage to obtain a result, and apply this to
Attack Level Bonus table for bows, Bonuses, simply ignore this result and the armor. 'Boot Power' means that
slings and other projectors, this reroll it as a normal bonus of some you should go to the Boot section of
Bonus applying to the Archery die kind. The examples listed in the the Miscellaneous Magic tables, and
roll used when shooting, or on the Special Damage Bonus Examples are. roll to determine which type of boots
Damage Bonus table for Archery just a few of the many possible. are built into the armor.

A Special Shield can have a few successfully has his soul ripped out after the user begins drinking or
non-standard results that must be and stuffed into the shield, leaving an otherwise absorbing the potion. This
described below. uninhabited body that may pe effect lasts for a period of time
'Mirrored' means that the shield animated magically or possessed by' a ranging from 7-12 turns (rolled
has a highly-polished magical surface spirit or demon. The user of the randomly by the referee). The effects
that reflects all forms of light, natural shield may return a trapped soul to a of any potion do not add on to the
or magical. This type of shield can body under the condition that the effects of a similar spell or magic
also reflect energy magic that is no soul must perform a single service for item. Thus, one would not get twice
wider than the shield, or that part of the shield-holder, or simply release the effect if one wore a Fire
it that is as wide as the shield, with a the soul freely. If the soul is released Resistance Ring and also drank a Fire
1/3 chance of doing so any time such with a service condition, the freed Resistance Potion. The exceptions to
energy magic hits the wielder of the soul MUST perform this service upon these rules are as follows:
shield from the direction in whi.c h he command, or it will return to the Giant Strength, for which there is
shield, as long as the shield still no equivalent spell, adds 19 to the
is holding the shield. Thus, if a
Microball is aimed at so~eone exists. No more than one single strength of the user for its duration.
holding a Mirrored Shield, it has a service may be required in this Longevity, for which there is no
1/3 chance of being reflected in the manner, and it must be simple in its equivalent spell, negates the effect of
nature. "Serve me forever'" is not a a single blow by a Withering
direction of the original caster. If a
Lightning Bolt is aimed at someone single service. "Bring me all of your implement or spell. This negation
holding a Mirrored Shield, there is a personal treasure" would be a single does not wear off.
1/3 chance that a section of the bolt service. The freed soul cannot attack Poison, the effects of which begin
as wide as the shield will be reflected. the holder of the shield until this immediately upon consuming the
'Jewelled' means that the shield is service is completed. . poison, and whose effects do not
covered with faceted magical gems 'Protection From (blank)' indicates wear off at the end of 7-12 turns. A
(total value if separated, from 10,000 that the shield has the described randomly obtained poison does from
to 60,000 gold pieces) that have a power (see Spell Descriptions or 2-20 HD of damage, determined
1/3 chance of scattering light or Scroll Descriptions for details) in the randomly.
energy magic that hits the shield. If direction that the shield faces. The Healing, which cures from 2-7
such light or magic · is scattered, it shield would not provide the points of damage, 1/6 of the
will splash outward for a distance of described protection to the back of randomly rolled amount per phase
6 feet from the shield. If a Microball the holder. for six phases, beginning immediately
or other individual weapon hits such 'Has IQ & Ego (as Sword)' after being consumed. Thus, if a
a shield, it has a chance of hitting indicates that someone has spent a damaged character drinks a Healing
another target in this area. If it is a lot of spell points to make the shield Potion, 1/6 of the total effect of the
Bolt or Cone that hits the shield, aware of its surroundings. In addition potion occurs on the Magic Phase
ALL beings in the affected area are to the normal benefits of such a following the drinking. An
hit. shield, it may have been enchanted to undamaged character may drink a
Neither a Mirrored nor a Jewelled Detect its surroundings as if it were Healing Potion, but any part of the
shield will guard against the effects of an intelligent sword. See Intelligent Healing that would occur before the
energy magic hitting from a direction Weapons tables and roll the number character actually is damaged is
other than the special surface of the and type of Detections, as well as its wasted, and has no effect. Any
shield, nor will they protect against IQ and Ego. healing actually completed by the use
Cold, Poison, or other non-reflective '+4 vs. Specific Opponent' means of this type of potion is permanent,
effects. that the shield normally may have a and the healing effects do not fade
'Brightness' means that up to 3 lower Defense Level Bonus, but when away after 7-12 turns. If a Dispel
times per day, th~ wielder of the in combat vs. some specific type of Magic or other form of
shield may call upon the shield to being or monster, it adds +4 to the magic-damping occurs while the
produce a blinding flash of light that Defense Level of the holder~ Healing Potion is taking effect, only
lasts for 1 magic phase. This flash of 'Roll Twice' means just that, that the parts that were completed
light occurs at a point in the magic the shield may have more than one BEFORE the Dispel have an effect.
phase equal to Wielder's Dexterity + special ability. If the same ability or Heroism, which adds +3 to the
2-12 - 2 (or as if the wielder were power is rolled twice, the second one Attack Level of the consumer for
casting a 2nd level spell from his is simply ignored, not added on. 7-12 turns.
item). Anyone directly facing the Double Protection, which adds +2
shield from less than 3 scale inches to the Defense Level and Saving
away who does not make his saving
throw vs. magic will be blinded for 1 * * * Throws of the consumer for 7-12
Specific Poison Antidote, which
turn. Potions
neutralizes the effects (but not any
'Soul Trapping' indicates that the Most of the potions listed have the
damage already caused) of the poison
shield has a dark, shiny surface whose same name as one of the basic
for which it is intended. Thus, a
appearance catches the eye, Anyone magical spells. In cases where this is
Wyvern Poison Antidote would have
looking directly into such a shield true, as well as most other potions,
the effect of a Neutralize Poison on a
from no more than 1" away will have the following rules are true: The
character who has been poisoned by
to make a saving throw vs. magic. potion has the same basic effect as
a Wyvern.
Anyone not making this saving throw the named spell, beginning 1 full turn

Sleep Drug, which causes the Clerical Staves uses the Quarterstaff line on the
consumer to have to roll a saving There are many types of Staff Attack Matrix.
throw vs. poison. If the consumer usable by clerics. All of these have SNAKE STAFF: This is a special
fails this saving throw, he falls asleep several things in common. Unless type of staff that can either by used
fot a number of hours equal to (24 - stated otherwise, they may not be as a + 1 Quarterstaff, or can be
Constitution of consumer). This is a used (except as a simple. quarterstaff) ordered to strike to Entangle (use
basic form of sleep drug usable by by any type of character except a Fast Envelopment line on Attack
thieves, and modifiable at the cleric. Unless stated otherwise, if used Matrix instead of Quarterstaff). Once
discretion of the referee. in combat, they act as a +0 it has Entangled a foe, the Staff
Otherwise, potions follow the Quarterstaff, acting as magical but flexes and holds him, with an
basic descriptions of the having no attack level or damage equivalent strengt'1 of 25, and thus
similarly-named spells. Potions whose bonuses. Any staff on the table rolled will hold beings of less stre!lgth than
effects would be variable basf;d on from 1-85 requires no spell that.
level (that is, that are based on a expenditure on the p·art of the cleric WITHERING: This staff causes the
spell whose effects vary with the level to activate it, but counts as an destructive aging of any' living being
of the caster) have the same effect as activation or spell use in terms of struck by the staff, at a rate of 10
if they were a spell cast by an 8th how often he may cast spells. Those years per blow. The victim gets a
level caster. This means that a Dispel determined by rolling from 86-00 on saving throw (as if vs. Death). Blows
Magic would have to successfully the table consume a 0th level spell from this staff will not mature a
Dispel up to 8th level in order to each time they are activated, out of young being, but simply reduce its
stop a potion from functioning. This that cleric's spell allotment for that lifespan. The effects of this staff can
is especially to be noted in cases day. All clerical staves have a saving be counteracted by the use of a
where a potion's effects may be throw vs. destruction equal to that Longevity potion for each blow
temporarily interrupted by a Dispel for a +O weapon, unless stated struck, if the potion is drunk within
Magic (see Using Magic Items). otherwise. Clerical staves are not 1 game day of the time of the· aging.
The referee who wishes to design constructed (with the exception of COMMANDING: This staff allows
his own Potions should remember the Staff of Striking or the Staff of the wielder to cast spells equivalent
certain . basic principles about the Commanding), but are obtained to the magical Animal Control, Plant
magic of Potions. Basically, a potion directly by clerics while in Control, and Human Control spells,
may only directly affect the communion with whatever deity their no · more than 1 per turn. All
consumer of the potion. Thus, a church follows. controlled beings at any given time
Potion of Fireball could not exist, Staves of Commanding and must be of one of the three types.
unless it happened to turn the Striking are two special cases. A Staff This staff, and all following clerical
consumer into a Fireball (rather of Striking may be used by either a staves, use up a 0th level clerical spell
painful, at best). A potion should not magic user or a cleric. A Staff of for each use.
cast a spell over any distance, and, Commanding MAY be constructed to LIFE: This type of staff allows
with the exception of enhancing the allow clerics to use them (25% are the user to cast a Cure Serious
powers of the consumer, should not constructed t!lat way) at a higher Wounds, Neutralize Poison, or Cure
affect o.t her beings or objects at all. cost than if the staff were usable Disease spell.
Thus, an ESP potion temporarily only by magic ·1s·m. DEATH: This type of staff acts as
gives the consumer the ability similar The following arc descriptions of both a Staff of Striking and, when
to the magical spell, extending his the various staves used in the Clerical activated by the use of a 0th level
perceptions enough to enable him to Staff Table. clerical spell, also as a Staff of
read minds. A potion of Charm HEALING: This staff is able to Withering.
Person, however, would be heal any number of different living CONTROL: This type of staff acts
impossible, since it would actually beings, at a rate of 1 being per turn, as a combination Snake Staff and
cast a spell on someone else. A 2-7 points per healing. No individual Commanding Staff.
potion of Susceptibility to Charm Staff of Healing may be used on any PIETY: This type of staff allows
Person, which would make the single living being more than once in the user to cast a Cure Light Wounds,
consumer more easy to Charm, would any one day. The staff (as with other Detect Evil, Protecti•n /Evil, Dispell
be possible. Obviously, if the Staves with healing abilities) must be Evil, Hold Person or Locate Object
enhancement ' of the in contact with both the cleric using spell.
potion-consumer's abilities causes the it and the being healed for a full turn RESTORATION: This staff allows
consumer to be stronger or weaker, for any given healing. This turn may the user to cast a Cure Serious
this would change the effects of not be interrupted, or the healing is Wounds, Neutralize Poison, Purify
combat, and thus would indirectly terminated at the point where Food & Water, Cure Disease, Restore
affect other beings, but you could contact is broken. (1-4) Life Levels, or Remove Curse
NOT drink a potion that would make EXTRA HEALING: Same as spell.
someone ELSE weaker (no potions of above, but does 4-14 points of DISCOVERY: This staff allows
Projected Weakness, for example). It healing. the user to cast a Detect Magic,
just doesn't work that way. STRIKING: This is a combat Detect Evil, Detect Traps, Detect
Just remember the basic principle weapon that does 4 dice of damage Clerical Spell, Detect Injury, Detect
that a potion only directly affects the per blow struck, 3 dice of which are Alignment, Detect Water, or Detect
person consuming it, and you should magical in nature. Thus, strength Possession spell.
have no trouble. bonuses are only added to 1 die of SPEAKING: This staff allows the
the damage. As with other staves, it user to Speak Languages, Speak With

Plants, or Speak With Animals, 1 at a any spells that are not Fire, Magical Staff Descriptions
time. Lightning, Energy, Heat, or Bomb. The following list of magical staves
HOLDING: This staff allows the Thus, a staff with only 1 destructive is a description of the ones listed in
user to cast a Hold Person, Hold spell would not cause as much our sample Magical Staff Table. As
Being, or Hold Monster spell. damage as one with 6 destructive you can see, you can design many
ROLL TWICE: Reroll two sp~llr. of that same type and level. staves of your own, but this should
separate staves, and the results are Special note: any staff that containr. give you a good basic list.
combined in one staff. spells that are of a destructive energy, COMMANDING: This staff is the
but do not do damage at the level of same as that usable by clerics, but its

* *
Magical Staves *
Staves that can only be used by
the caster (Fire Wall, Ball of Fire,
etc.) have a special bonus. Such a
st a ff cannot count such a
use is restricted to magic users. No
more than one of the three spells
may be in use at a time.
magic users, or by both magic users partially-destructive spell as its STRIKING: Same as Clerical staff.
and clerics, normally obey the HIGHEST spell for purposes of SORCERY: This staff has the
following rules: Unless otherwise figuring out Destructive Recharge. spells Vari-Ball, Vari-Bolt, Stone Wall,
stated, a magical Staff may be used Thus, the Staff of Flame would use Wizard Lock, and Fear Cone.
in combat as if it were a Quartimtaff Flame as its base spell for figuring PROTECTION: This staff has the
+0. The powers within a staff may Destructive Recharge, since Wall of spells Negation, Fear Cone,
only be used by someone with the Fire is excluded, and since Fire Levitation, and provides its wielder
proper Activation spell (different for Resistance does not add to the with continual Fire Resistance, Cold
each type of staff, but all 2nd level explosion. Further, any Resistance Resistance, and Double Protection.
magical spells, Type IV, 2 spell spell that is listed on a Staff, that WATER: This staff allows the
points). No magical staff that uses normally applies to the wielder, also wielder to Walk on Water, Breathe
charges may contain more than 200 applies to any saving throw made by Water, Part Water, Lower Water,
charges at any time. Any staff that the staff against that same danger. Summon a Water Elt:mental, or to
uses spells whose effoct vary with the The explosion radius and pro-rated Speak Mer. Each of these uses
level of the caster casts itr. spells as damage on a Staff Explosion are charges except for Speak Mer.
an 8th level magic user, or 1/2 the figured out as follows: the explosion FIRE: This staff has the spells
level of the user, whichever is the is a sphere, with a radius equal to Vari-Ball, Microball, and Summon
higher. Thus, a 20th level magic user 1/32" for each charge on the staff. Fire Elemental
can coax 10th level magic out of a The damage done at any range from AIR: This staff has th1~ ·;pells Air
staff. Unless stated 1)therwise, all the center of the explosion is figured Jet, Air Wall.. Summon Air Elemental.
staves use 1 charge each time they as: Damage at range O" minus the and allows its wielder tu ~reak Wisp.
cast a spell. If a staff contains more distance in (1/64"s). Thus, if no walls EARTH: This st;iff has the spells
than 1 spell, the user may cast any 1 are around to compress the Rock-to-Mud, Stone-to-Flesh, Stone
of these spells at a time with the use explosion, and someone is 1/4" from Wall, Surnmc n Earth Elemental, and
of his Activate Staff spell. Staves that the staff that explodes, he will take acts as a Staff of Striking that adds
use charges may be recharged 16 points less damage than someone + 1 to each die of damage.
according to the rules in the Magic touching the staff would take (16/64 ELEMENTAL: This staff aEows
Construction rules for Staves. = 1/4). Remember, however, that this the user to cast a Summon Elemental
Staves that contain Fire, explosion, like Bomb and Fireball of any type, no more than 1 at a
Lightning, Energy, or Heat spells have spells, will be compressed a11d shaped time, and uses 1 charge per elemental
a specific disadvantage: they can by solid walls, and the referee should summoned. Further, this staff
blow up! This explosion can be take this into account when figuring enhances the control that the wielder
triggered deliberatdy by the wielder out the equivalent distance from the has over ~he Elemental so that it wJl
of the staff, as a measure designed to center of the explosion. This means obey any command of the
kill his enemies while taking his own that, if a character is s ~anding 1/64 staff-holder unles:; the staff-holder is
life. It can also be triggered of the total explosion's total distance physically attacked by someone other
accidentally, by destructive magic out from the center, that this should than the ele_'ll•!ntal. ·
hitting and destroying the staff. A be compared to the explosion radius DEATH: This staff has the spells
Staff Explosion is calculated as for figuring damage, rather than Death, Individual Death, Cloudkill,
follows . the Hit Points of damage simply measuring direct distance from Animate Dead, an:.i Control Undead.
done by a Staff Explosion at .the character to staff, since the character ICE: This staff has the speli:; Cold
point of the explosion are equal to may be getting hit with compressed Cone, Ice Wall, Cold Beam and
the number of charges on the Staff at. explosion. Now you can see the Freeze Water, and provides its holder
that point, times the recharge cost of reason why most staves do not have with continual Cold Resistance.
the destructive magic on the staff several destructive spells in them: no FLAME This staff has the spells
(that will be explained below), all sane magic user would carry around Flame, Fire Wall, Ball of Fire, Match,
divided by 10. Thus, a staff with 50 such a potential bomb! However, as and provides its holder with ,;. mtinual
charges, and a Destructive Recharge you can see, staves that have no more Fire Resistance.
of 10, would do a basic damage of than one or two destruct:ve spells DETECTION : This is ;ictually
50 Hit Points at range · O". The aren't too much of a danger, and can several types of staff, any of which
Destructive Recharge of a staff is certainly be useful enough to be can contain from 1-6 types of
figured out just like the total worth the risk. Detection spell, rolle i randomly by
recharge cost of the staff (see Magic the referc ~ . These only use charges
Construction Rules), but excluding for the Analytical Detection spells

(See Magic Construction Rules, such. It may also control the holder. Remember the following rules:
Wands section). Any single See Intelligent Weapon rules for 1) A wand may only be activated
non-analytil:al detection spell froi n results. by a magic user, who can only do so
this type of st::ff may '.'.)e kept by use of the Activate Wand Spell
activated at any time without (IM).
utilizin~ i::harges. Activating more 2) A wand may be recharged up
than one basic detection spell at a
time uses up 1 charge for each t:-.tra
* * * to its maximum capacity by use of
the Recharge spell for the spell that
detection spell. Wands the wand holds. Thus, a Fireball
CHANGE: This staff has the spells Wands are a magic-user's best Wand may be recharged by use of the
Growth Plant, Growth Animal, weapon, in many cases, or simply Recharge Fireball spell, at the spell
Polymorph Others, Part Water, and another useful tool of the trade. point cost listed as Recharge Cost on
Charm Monster. Wands are a means of storing up the Spell Tables. Each casting of the
DEFENSE: This staff . has the spells for later use, especially those Recharge spell charges the wand by 1
spells An ti Magic Shell, spells you would always want to charge.
Protection/Magic Missiles, Water have, but not necessarily want to 3) A spell cast with the use of a
Breathing, and Dispel Magic. memorize. Wand is cast with a speed determined
DISCRETION: This staff has the A wand may include any magical only by the spell point cost of the
spells Mirrorwall, Projected Image, spell of levels 1-6. No wand can Activate Wand spell, not the cost of
and Invisibility. contain more than one spell, or more the spell contained within the wand.
WALLS: This is several types of than 100 charges of one spell. Due to Thus, a magic user would fire his
staff, as a class. Any Staff of Walls the nature of the use of wands, and wand at a Dexterity Count equal to
should have from 1-6 Wall spells of the relative construction costs, most his Dexterity, +(2-12), -(Activate
various types, Fire, Ice, Stone, ·etc. wands are of lower level :;pells, and Wand Spell Point Cost).
LIGHT: This staff has the spells of less expensive spells (in spell point 4) Unless it is labeled, an
Continual Light, Continual Darkness, cost). unidentifi.~d wand can only be
Invisibility, and allows its holder to Each referee will have to do a identified by using it, or by the use
See Invisible. little bit of worR before using the of a Magic Analysis spell (3M).
TRANSPORT: This staff has the Wand Table in these rules, since each 5) A normal wand casts a spell
spells Teleport, Dimension Door, referee's Wand Table will vary that has the same effect as if the
Knock, Passwall, and Flying. slightly. This is because the spells spell were cast by a 6th level magic
WINDS: This staff has the spells that are found in Wands on your user, no matter what level magic user
Wind, Whirlwind, Air Jet, Vortex, world or in your dungeon should be would be necessary to cast the spell.
and Wizard Wind. tailored to the conditions. A world See the Magic Construction Rules
SLUMBER: This staff has the with vast deserts would have more for more information about Wands.
spells Maxisleep, Ultrasleep, and wands of Detect Water than of
Awaken. Freeze Water. That same world might
COMBAT: This staff, like the
Staff of Striking, does not use
never have heard of a Wand of Cold
Cone. Therefore, as referee, you will * * *
. charges for its abilities as a Staff of have to sit down with your list of Rings
Striking. In addition, however, it has magical spells and assign a probability Other than swords, rings are
the spells of Strength (xl-4) and to each spell. We recommend a possibly the most common type of
Smiting, which do use charges. number from 1-4% for any spell, magic item out of myth and legend.
LIGHTNING: This staff has the since that gives strong likelihoods, Magical rings can help you or harm
spells Vari-Bolt and Electric but still allows all sorts of unusual you, cast spells on the wearer or on
Microball, and provides its holder items. Thus, on our desert world, we others (with limitations). The Ring
with Electrical Resistance. might give 4% to Detect Water on the Table in the magic item tables gives
REPAIR: This staff has the spells spell table, and no more than 1% to many of the basic types that are
Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, and Charm Fish. You will find that these possible, divided into several sections
Healing ( 4M). same probabilities can be used to for convenience. The limitations in
TRAYEUNG: Th,is staff has no determine what spells are found on what kind or rings are possible are
direct spells, and consumes no Scrolls found in treasures, or being simple. A ring may only cast a spell
charges, but it adds 3" to the carried by encountered beings. on anyone other than the wearer if it
movement speed of the holder, will To use the Wand Determination is designed as a Spell Storing type of
stand upright, balanced, if Table, simply roll a percentile ring, either to be recharged by a
commanded to do so, and adds +2 to number (01-00). This number will magic user, or that recharges itself a
the holder's saving throw against give you the Level of the spell that is limited number of times per day.
falling into pits and other such traps. contained in the Wand. Go to your Rings that only add to the inherent
Those staves where the notation now-prepared spell table, and roll a powers and abilities of the wearer
simply tells how many spells and percentile number, counting down usually. have no limitations in terms
what types are to allow the referee to from the top of the list according to of charges, unless stated otherwise.
roll randomly for more unusual the percentages you assigned. The Rings that actually cause some
staves, perhaps designed for a specific resulting spell is the one in the Wand. alteration in the wearer (Polymorph
magic user's needs. Now roll from 1-100 for the number Self, Healing, etc.) have some form of
A Staff with an IQ and an Ego of charges it contains when limitation in most cases, since they
also has an alignment, and acts as encountered. are most economical to construct in

that form (see Magic Item throw rolls of the wearer, and that hits the Spell Turning would
Construction Rules). Any character subtracts 1 per die from any damage cause damage, a percentage equal to
can wear one or two rings (no more taken of that type. Thus, a Ring of the percentage of Turning is reflected
than 1 on each hand). Any character Poison Resistance would add +2 to a back at the caster, who must attempt
may activate any normal ring. It is saving throw vs. poison, and subtract to make his own saving throw vs.
possible (see Magic Item Construction 1 per die from the damage taken by magic. Spell Turning will not affect
Rules again) to construct ~ ring that the wearer. A Ring of Type VI Magic the natural abilities of beings or
may only be activated by a magic Resistance would help the wearer monsters (such as Dragon Breath or
user. There is a 10% chande that any against Lightning Bolts and Air Jets, Stone Turning), and will not affect
ring found that must be aetivated in or any other Type VI magical spell. Clerical Spells.
use is of this type. Rings, unless These rules apply to any other ACTIVE RINGS: These include all
designed otherwise, are assumed to Resistance magic items that are' worn, of the rings that are of miscellaneous
act as if the spells contained in them no matter what shape. ' types, that either must be activ ated
had been cast by a 10th level magic DEFENSIVE RINGS: These are or that affect someone or something
user. rings that are continually func'tioning, other than the caster. In cases where
DETECTION RINGS: These rings usually based on the magical spell of the vision of the wearer is enhanced
are designed to allow the wearer to the same name as the Ring. The (Infravision or See Invisible), the item
detect the named type of thing, as if special cases are Ring of Fog, which stays activated, once activated, until
casting the appropriate Detection is based on the Illusionist spell, but removed or de-activated. Where a
spell as a 10th level magic user. Thus, with a redµced radius; Light Adjuster, spell is named, and a number of
most of these detections have a 1O" which allows the caster to increase or times of use per day is indicated,
range when in the form of a ring. decrease the light around him from simply use the description of the
The only unusual ring in this section weak daylight to total darkness; spell in the Spell Descriptions. The
of the Ring Tables is the Movement Protection/Life Level Drain, which Healing Ring is based on the 4th level
Detection Ring, which allows the gives the wearer a saving throw vs. magical spell, and heals the wearer 1
wearer to detect whether he himself Life Level Draining attacks, or +2 point per tum, with a maximum limit
is , in motion or whether any other against such attacks that alryady give of from 2-40 per day, determined for
single object within 1O" is in motion. a saving throw; Slow Bleeding, which each individual ring. 'ZAP' Healing is
The wearer may use this ring to reduces by 1 point per tum any a special type of ring that can be
'sweep' an area in front of him when bleeding or deterioration of the activated to heal whatever damage is
he is unable to see, and he would wearer, conscious oi not, as long ::is on the wearer, up to its maximum
thus note anything moving in the the wearer is alive; and Spell Turning, limit per day. This healing is done
area being checked. a special case all its own. instantly, during the magic phase in
CONTROL RINGS: These rings A Ring of Spell-Turning is which the ring is activated. Note that
are designed to allow the caster to designed to deflect magical spells that the Healing Ring need n6t be
cast the Contrd spell named, are aimed directly at the wearer. A activated, but will work
normally 1-3 times per day (roll percentage (from 1-100) of any spell automatically, while the 'ZAP'
randomly when ring is found, or as that is aimed directly at the wearer Healing Ring must be activated.
constructed by a character). While it of an item of Spell Turning is CURSED RINGS: These rings are
is possible to construct a Control reflected back at the caster of the some of the possible cursed rings,
Ring that will work more often, it is spell. Spell Turning will not affect some of them deliberate traps, and
usually considered more expensive spells that are cast from 'an others the result of bungled research.
than practical to do so. In cases implement of any type, but only Those items labeled 'Reverse' are of
where there is no specific spell direct magical or illusionist spells. the latter type, and the referee
description for the spell named, use Spell Turning will not affect spells should roll randomly on the indicated
the information for Human Control, that are aimed at an area that table and reverse the powers of the
but applied to the type named. In happens to include the wearer (such ring. Cursed Rings, and other Cursed
those cases where it says 'Being (1 as cones, Fireball spells, or spells that items that are worn, can only be·
specific type)', this refers to affect all or most persons in a fixed removed by a Remove Curse (Clerical
non-human intelligent beings of types area). Spell Turning will affect Micro or Magical) or by being placed in a
found in the dungeon or wilderness spells, Beam spells, Individual spells, magic-damping area of some sort. A
where the ring is found, or whatever and that part of a Bolt spell that Dispel Magic will not suffice. Other·
the referee deems appropriate. In the includes the wearer. Thus, if someone Cursed Rings normally cause the
other cases listed, Dragon, Undead,. wearing Spell Turning were hit by a wearer to have to roll a saving throw
Flying Monster, Aquatic Monster, Lightning Bolt, he would reflect a vs. magic, and failure to achieve this
Land Monster, the referee should roll percentage of that part of the Bolt saving throw will allow the ring to
randomly on his Monster Encounter that hit him back at the caster. take effect. A Ring of Treachery will
tables for appropriate types of beasts Others hit by the same Bolt would cause the wearer to subtly betray. his
to be controlled by the Ring. The not be protected in any way. In the fellows, and destroy them: A Speij
spell, when cast from a ring, lasts case of Charm and similar spells, if Point Eater will consume from 1-100
until dispelled. the wearer of Spell Turning rolls Spell Points, if the wearer is a magic
RESISTANCE RINGS: These rings 1-50%, he is still affected by the spell user or illusionist. A Ring of Drain 1
are designed to give the following and must make his saving throw. If Life Level/Tum will do so each tum
advantages to the wearer: Against he rolls 51-100%, the CASTER must the wearer does not achieve his saving
whatever type of magic or damage make his saving throw against his throw vs. magic. A Ring with
named, the ring adds +2 to the saving own spell. In cases where the spell Poisoned Pin may be of any type,

but will do from 2-20 hit dice of this death level, the Ring will attempt Miscellaneous Magic Items
poison damage to the wearer (1-10 to heal him at the normal rate, but There are many magic items that
dice if saving throw achieved). A with an N% chance of failure, where fall under this category, but there are
Ring of Geas will cause the wearer to N is the number-of hits beyond his a few rules and limitations common
be controlled to the extent of being death level that the character was. If to all of them. First, there is a limit
ordered by the ring to perform some the Regeneration Ring i'> removed or to how many a character or being
dangerous task (referee discretion) or destroyed while the wearer is still in may wear at one time, of those that
die. An Intelligent Ring will attempt excess · of his death level, the are to be worn. This limit is, 1 Helm,
to control the wearer (see Intelligent character dies. A Regeneration Ring 1 Cloak, 1 set of Boots, 1 Medallion,
Weapons rules). A Ring of will heal a character who was NOT 1 Amulet, 1 Scarab, 1 set of
Solidification will solidify the air or wearing it at the time the damage Gauntlets or Gloves, and 1 Belt or
water around the wearer, suffocating was absorbed only if the damage does Girdle. Common sense should be used
him. This solidification may be not exceed the death level of the when applying this limit, and with
dispelled by a Dispel Magic, but there character. A Regeneration Ring will reference to unusual magic items. A
is no saving throw for the wearer of not heal a character whose body fails magical set of Goggles would not be
the ring if such a Dispel is not to achieve a saving throw vs. Body adding another item to what may be
available. Destruction, if it is required. worn, since they would replace a
SPECIAL RINGS: These are some Strength +2-12, (all day) will add Helm, and both could not be worn
of the more rare and expensive rings, the rolled number to the strength of together. The second limit to
not commonly found simply because the wearer, as long as he is in areas Miscellaneous Magic Items is a simple
they are not commonly produced. A where magic functions. The amount one: the shape of the item should be
Ring of Spell Storing contains 1 or is rolled per ring, not variable on any related to its powers and purposes.
more spells of any type, can be worn one ring. That is, Gauntlets should be related
by any character type, but must be Anti-Magic Shell (1 per day) to things done with the hands, Boots
refilled by a magic user. Any single means that the wearer may, once to things done with the feet, etc. If
ring has spells of a fixed nature, such each day, activate the ring and it will the name of the item is the same as
as a Ring of Spell Storing, 1 Fireball. cast an Anti-Magic Shell around him, that of a magical or illusionist spell,
The level of the Fireball contained with the same limitations as the assume that it performs as the spell
would be that of the magic user who magical spell. does unless the description of the
last filled the ring by i casting a Wishing (1-3 wishes) means that item states otherwise.
Fireball spell into it (not simply AT the ring allows the wearer to make The most important limitation of
the ring, but deliberately into it). 1/6 the indicated number of wishes, and all is that, unless the item is of a
of the Spell Storiilg Rings is then forever used up. The success Spell Storing type, a magic item that
encountered are rings with at least 2 of a wish is largely up to the referee, is worn should not cast spells on
different spells (or charges of the but should generally do exactly what other than the wearer. 'Spell Storing',
same spell). There is a 1/6 chance of the wearer asks, as long as the wish as in the Construction rules, indicates
each additional spell (1/6 of the neither (1) alters the flow of time or both those items that need to be
multiple rings are · 3 spells or more, past events too drastically or (2) filled by a magic user, and those that
and 1/6 of those are 4 spells or more, requires the wish to transport or refill themselves. Miscellaneous Magic
etc). If the spell to be stored is create magic items of any kind. Thus, Items that cast energy or destructive
variable in any way other than range a wish could be used to snatch a magic are especially to be avoided, if
or position, the limits must be body out of the jaws of destruction, they are to act constantly or refill
determined by the magic user who if it would have been destroyed, but themselves. This last restriction is
fills the ring. Thus, a Spell Storing not bring along magic items. A wish both for game balance and for the
Ring with Vari-Ball in it have to have could not be used to cause a majot sake of the magic system, since it
a specific size stored in it. event not to have happened in the" isn't nice to create energy out of
Double or Triple Rings require the past, but can alter it slightly (such as nowhere. Unless stated otherwise, any
referee to reroll two or three powers a captive's body being removed from item in the Miscellaneous Magic
as described, either from the same a Troll's lair before being eaten, but category can by used by any
group of rings or any rings. after being killed). A smart player character that can wear the stated
Regeneration Rings are a much will save Wishes for emergencies, and type of item. Magic users (not
more powerful form of the Healing not waste them on minor things. A combination characters or elves)
Ring (Active Ring section). A smart referee will be careful in what cannot wear items listed as being
Regeneration Ring will heal the he allows his players to do with their Armored. Humaioids cannot wear
wearer 1 point per turn, with no Wishes. bridles and saddles. Again, use
upper limit per day (except for the Special Curse or Special Spell common sense where needed.
number of turns in a day), using Storing rings are at the discretion of
standard 1 minute turns. A the referee, and exist to cover cases
Regeneration Ring will even attempt that are out of the ordinary. Use
to heal a character who is your imagination to its fullest.
unconscious, or who has absorbed
damage greater to his death level
while wearing the ring. If a character
has more damage on him than his
death level, and was wearing a
Regeneration Ring when he exceeded
Helms someone along with him. All of the Boots
Most of the powers of the Helms uses of such a Helm on a single Boots are a very simple type of
listed are self explanatory. Unless Teleport spell must be within a single magic item to design: they should
stated otherwise, a Helm is designed day. involve the feet, protecting them or
to constantly cast the listed spell on Cloaks enhancing them in some fashion.
the wearer, as long as the item Cloaks are the basic form of magic Boots of Speed, Flying, and
remains active. When designing Helms that must encompass the whole body. Levitation are exactly what the
for additional items, remember that The ones listed are only a few of magical spells say, with the speed of
Helms should contain magic related many possible, but give a good basis. the flying limited as in the case of
to the head and senses, or that Other resistance cloaks against the Cloak.
involve mental spells. physical forces, or cloaks that affect Boots of Silence allow the wearer
A Helm of Telepathy gives the the appearance of the wearer are to move without making noise, but
wearer the power of the 4th level good examples. Normally, Cloaks are do NOT cast a silence around him, or
magical spell. items that are always functioning, prevent him from hearing sounds.
A Helm of Reverse Alignment rather than items that must be Boots of Water Walking allow the
alters the alignment of the wearer, if activated. The exceptions to this are wearer to walk at normal speeds on
he fails to achieve his saving throw noted below. Unless stated otherwise, water as if on land.
vs. magic. the Cloaks on the list act as the Boots of Tireless Walking allow
A Helm of Protection/Mental magical or illusionist spell of similar the wearer to walk across all solid
Spells prevents the wearer from being name. surfaces for as many hours as he can
affected by, or from casting, any A Cloak of Mist allows the wearer, stay awake, without physical
mental spells of a magical, illusionist, upon activating the cloak, to tum exhaustion beyond that of carrying
or clerical nature that involve himself and the cloak into Gaseous whatever load he has.
illu~ions, controls, charms, holds, etc. form, as the spell. Boots of Balancing allow the
It would not prevent physical effects A Cloak of Darkness makes the wearer to balance on narrow planks,
that were mental in origin, such as cloak and wearer black as a shadow, tightropes, etc., with 99% success.
Type III magic that has physical and effectively invisible in shadows Boots of Agility add 2-12
effects (Teleportation, Magic Missile, and at night. (determined for each pair of boots)
etc.). A Spectre Cloak makes the wearer to the Agility of the Wearer, with all
A Helm of All-Around Vision is a invisible, but leaves the CLOAK appropriate benefits to saving throws
featureless helm with no eye-slots, visible. and combat.
that gives the wearer the ability to A Cloak of Flying must be Cursed boots are just that, either a
look in any direction, even behind activated, and is designed to travel at reversal or perversion of another
him. He cannot see in all directiom a fixed speed, determined by the type, or something the referee dreams
at once, but has a normal field of referee when it is found. up.
vision in any direction. It takes 1 A Cloak of Vampirism is Two Powers indicates that two of
week of concentrated effort to learn considered by some to be a cursed the listed powers (rolled) are
to move around comfortably while item, since it gives the wearer the combined in one set of boots.
wearing and using this item, since it powers and abilities of a Vampire, Remember to keep your Boot
blocks normal viewing. but has a 10% chance per day of designs logical. No 'Boots of See
A Helm of Blinding Brightness is a converting the wearer TO a vampire Invisible' allowed!
shiny, gold-colored helm that in the process.
contains a jewel set at the tip. This A Displacer Cloak uses the
jewel, upon command, will emit a
bright light, equivalent to a Flash
illusionist spell, Displacement.
A Cloak of Disguise Self uses the
* *
spell in brightne$S, from 1-3 times per illusionist spell of the same name. Medallions are a form of magic
day. The Helm itself, in daylight or A Cloak of Tireless Swimming is item that include most types of
equivalent, will cause any being using made of enchanted sealskin, and activated magic. Most medallions are
normal vision to avert his eyes from enables the wearer to float or swim in a circular form, sometimes with
the wearer if po$Sible. for 16 hours per day without sinking, precious metals and gems, that are
A Helm of Teleportation does not of which 1 hour per day may be worn about the neck on a chain.
itself contain that spell, but enhances active swimming for each point of Medalliom may, in theory, contain
the use of it by a magic user. There Constitution the wearer has. any type of active magic. Thus, there
are two possible uses of a Helm of A Cloak of Camouflage allows the is a section of the table that allows
Teleportation: either a magic user wearer to blend into any non-moving the referee to roll randomly on his
may use it to attempt to multiply the background with a 90% chance of own list of acceptable spells. All
number of times he may Teleport not being spotted by any single being medalliom must be activated in order
with a single expenditure of spell who looks in his direction. to function, and most have a limited
points (times 1-4, rolled randomly As with other magic items, a number of charges held, either per
Reversed Reroll indicates a deliberate day or with recharging by a magic
each use), or he may use the Helm to
trap or a research failure , and acts as user necessary. The exceptions to this
convert a Teleport spell to a
a cursed magic item. Thus, a are items that provide a minor
Passenger Teleport spell, but not
Reversed Cloak of Mist might allow enhancement to the wearer (Speak
both. Thus, a magic user might
Telepurt for 1-4 times for the cost of the wearer to turn Gaseous, bu t not Languages or Infravision) or that
a single Teleport spell, or take allow him to turn back solid, and so merely contain a Detection or
on. receptive Mental spell (such as ESP).

Medallion of ESP (3-12" range) Pyrotechnics spell from it. Cursed Amulet: referee discretion,
means that the Medallion has the ESP Cursed medallions can be the including reversed powers.
spell listed as a magical spell, with reverse of known medallions, or Amulet of Protection/Self: this
the range limit of the medallion something else that the referee Amulet is the paranoid's dream. ·It
rolled randomly. dreams up. gives the caster a bonus of +2 on
Medallion of Elemental Two Powers, as in other forms of saving throw, and -1 per die on
Summoning calls up one of the four magic, means that the referee should damage, against any spell that he
types of elemental, of no more than reroll twice to determine what the himself throws, in cases where he
10th level (determined randomly qy medallion's powers are. accidentally includes ·himself in a
the referee per Medallion). Thus, a spell, or has it turned or reflected
single Medallion calls up a single back by his target.
Elemental, of Air, Earth, Fire or Amulets, due to their protective
Water. The person using this
medallion need not be a magic user, * * * nature, are always activated, and
must be constructed as such (see
but the same restrictions on what he Amulets Magic Construction Rules) to be
may do and still control the Amulets are the shape of generally useful. In theory, any spell
Elemental apply as if he were casting protective magic. An amulet can be that is protective could be put into
the Conjure Elemental spell directly. in any number of forms, but for the an Amulet. In practice, spells that are
Medallion of (Active Spell) sake of clarity, we define amulets to basically protective vs: magical effects
(1-3/day) is the referee option. be those small magical symbols or and physical effects are put into
Simply roll on the Spell Tables for a gems that are attached to clothing, Amulets, while clerical protections,
selected level, using the percentages that are in symbolic, stylized, or curse protections, and certain other
you already had to write down for geometrical shapes. An amulet that is related things are put into Scarabs. In
Wands and Scrolls, and roll percentile in the shape of a living creature of theory, an Amulet is normally
dice to frnd the spell. Any any kind is called a Scarab in these magical in origin, w¥e many Scarabs
non-damaging spell should be rules, and is counted separately in the are Clerical in origin, so this division
permitted here (that is, no Cold, Fire, limits of what magic may be worn. is easy to explain.
Lightning or Energy · spells in Most Amulets contain a normal
particular). Medallions of this type
should generally contain spells of no
magical spell of a defensive or
protective nature, or the same spell as
* *
Scarabs *
greater than 6th level. a previously described magical item. These magic items are generally in
Medallion of Spell Storing is The others are: the shape of a plant or animal, small,
similar to a Ring of Spell Storing. 5/6 Amulet vs. Clairvoyance & ESP: sometimes made of a gemstone,
have only 1 spell stored in them, this Amulet prevents the wearer from inscribed with either holy symbols or
determined as above, for Active Spell being observed by spells of magical runes. They are worn pinned
Medallions, but in this case, since a Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, or ESP, to the clothing or the wearer,
magic user is needed to refill the or by implements utilizing these somewhere over the heart or nearby.
implement, destructive spells can be spells. Some of these Scarabs may be
included. Thus, a Medallion of Spell Amulet of Mental constructed by magic users, but those
Storing (1 Lightning Bolt) would be Spell Resistance: this Amulet adds referring to clerical powers (healing,
possible. Only magical spells can be +2 to the saving throw roll of the vs. demons or undead, etc) are
stored in this or other Spell-Storing wearer if a mental spell, magical or clerical in nature, and are obtained
implements, not clerical ones. clerical, is cast at him. by appropriate clerics in favor with
Medallion of Lycanthropy: this Amulet of Double Protection: this their relative deities who commune
type of Medallion allows the wearer Amulet adds +2 to the defense level and ask such an item ftom above (or
to change from human form to and saving throw rolls of the wearer. below, in the case of certain chaotic
animal form and back, as in the case Amulet of Stone-Turning clerics). Scarabs are always active in
of a Werewolf or other Were creature. Resistance: this amulet adds +2 to their protective abilities, but may. not
Each Medallion is designed to change the saving throw of the wearer vs. do anything active except under
its wearer to a specific shape. If that being turned to stone, and subtracts limited circumstances. The various
shape, in Were form, is of an -1 per die from any stone-turning Detection Scarabs are magical in
alignment other than that of the effects that are hit-die based (that is, nature, as are most of the cursed
wearer normally, his alignment when the number of points of Scarabs. The others are normally
changes to that of the Medallion's stone-turning are rolled randomly, on Clerical in nature
form. Thus, a Lawful human dice, like Fire or Cold damage). Scarab vs. Clerical Death Spell:
activating a Medallion of Amulet of Susceptibility: this this Scarab is able to absorb into
Lycanthropy (Chaotic Werewolf) cursed Amulet subtract -8 from the itself, without harm to the wearer,
would change to a Chaotic Wolf rolled saving throws of the wearer, from 1-6 clerical Death spells, no
form, still wearing the medallion. In and subtracts - 4 from his defense more than 1 in any given tum.
Were form, the person has all of the level, while letting the wearer think Scarab vs. Demonic Possession:
powers and weaknesses of his new that he is wearing a beneficial amulet this Scarab helps to protect the
form, including the vulnerability t~ of some. kind wearer against Demonic possession by
silver and limited intelligence. Amulet of (Two Powers): this the following procedure: any Demon
Medallion of Pyrotechnics means that the referee should reroll attempting to possess the wearer of
(1-3/day) allows the wearer, upon twice to determine which two powers this type of Scarab must make its
activating the medallion, to fire a the Amulet contains. own saving throw vs. magic, or find

itself contained within the Scarab, to tingle or light up in the presence of Gauntlets of Striking: this type of
be Dispelle~ at a time no more than enemies to add to this belief). Gauntlet gives the wearer a damage
24 hours later. The Demon may not Scarab of Courage: this Scarab bonus of from +l to +3 per die with
leave the Scarab during this 24 hours gives the wearer a bonus of +4 to his any melee weapon used while wearing
under its own volition, but may be saving throw vs. Fear spells of any them. This damage bonus will
released by the wearer of the Scarab kind. override (and thus replace) a lesser
upon making whatever promises the Scarab of Charisma: this Scarab damage bonus on a weapon being
wearer deems necessary to protect gives the wearer an apparent wielded. If Gauntlets of Striking + 1
himself from later revenge. The Charisma 3 points higher than his are being used with a +2 damage
Demon may not break any promises natural one, for all purposes other bonus weapon, the weapon's bonus
made under the control of this than qualifying for special types of will win out, and +2 per die will be
Scarab, but need not make any character (such as Paladin). done. The bonuses are not added
promises at all if it chooses to simply Scarab vs. Lycanthropy: this together, but the greater of the two
remain in the Scarab for 24 hours. Scarab will prevent the wearer from is used. The amount of the Damage
After that time, the Demon is free to falling under the control of a Were Bonus of such a set of Gauntlets is
do as it chooses, or to follow the form, or changing shape if he already determined by rolling on the
original orders it had before attacking fa a Were creature of any kind. Thus, Unintelligent Weapons Damage Bonus
the wearer of the Scarab, if any. A someone wearing such a Scarab could table, ignoring results 99 and 00.
cleric of sufficient level may cast a not be changed into a Werewolf by a Gauntlets of Quickness allow the
Dispel Demon at the Demon while in bite from one, and a Scarab of this wearer to take 1 extra blow in melee,
the Scarab. This will release the type would prevent a Werewolf in above and beyond all other
Demon from the Scarab whether or man-form from changing into a wolf. adjustments. This extra blow is added
not the Dispelling is successful. If the Scarab of Detection (roll as ring): in AFTER other adjustments are
Demon is neither released voluntarily roll on the Detection Ring table. calculated for encumberance and
nor Dispelled within 24 hours, the Scarab of Insanity: this Scarab, fighter abilities. This extra blow is
wearer probably does not want to while masquerading as some more added for any weapon of length 10
still be wearing the Scarab, since the beneficial type, will slowly cause the or less.
release of the Demon will leave a wearer to become insane (type of Gauntlets of Accuracy add attack
somewhat annoyed Demon standing insanity at discretion of referee) , levels to the wearer, norm'.1}1y from 1
next to him. curable only by a clerical Cure to 3. Tiiese added attack levels do
Scarab vs. Exorcism: this Scarab is Insanity spell (4th level). not add on to attack levels. gained
generally Chaotic in origin, an is a Cursed Scarabs, like other cursed from an enchanted weapon, although
favorite amongst the Demonic set. items, may be reverses of other they do add to levels gained from
Any being possessing the wearer of Scarabs, or something special at the fighter abilities and from strength
such a Scarab may not be Exorcised discretion of the referee. adjustments, as well as Thievish
by a clerical Exorcism spell. A Scarab of (two powers) is just abilities. Thus, a fighter with
Demon may trick a being into that, rolled as in the case of other Gauntlets of Accuracy +2 and a
double items. : Broadsword + 1 Attack Level would
wearing such an item before or after
only add +2 to his attack level, not
successfully possessing him.
+3. The amount of Attack Level
Scarab of Life Level Protection:
bonus is rolled on the Non-Intelligent
this Scarab gives the wearer a saving
Weapon Attack Level Bonus Table,
throw (as if vs. death) against being
ignoring 0 and negative results except
drained Life Levels when hit by a
in the case of cursed gauntlets.
being or spell that would do so, or
Gauntlets of Archery add their
+2 on his saving throw vs. magic or
death in cases.where a saving throw is * * * bonus to the Archery die roll to hit,
as if they were magical bows. Their
already applied. Gauntlets and Gloves
Scarab of Non-Degeneration: this bonus is determined by rolling on the
This shape of magic item should Non-Intelligent Weapon Attack Level
Scarab acts like the clerical spell of have powers that directly reflect the
the same name, taking effect Bonus Table, ignoring 0 and negative
abilities of the hands and arms. reimlts except in the case of cursed
whenever the wearer is damaged to Normally, these are always active,
the point of unconsciousness but not gauntlets. These Gauntlets add their
rather than having to be activated, bonus to archery projectiles, but not
death. and provide the wearer with some
Scarab of Enemy Enragement: to already magical bows and slings:
particular bonus that never changes As in the previous two types of
This Scarab, one of the cursed ones, within any given set of gauntlets or
causes any enemy attacking beings Gauntlets, the more ma~cal (higher
gloves. Both gauntlets or gloves of a
including the wearer to have to make +) of the bow and the gauntlets takes
pair must be worn to provide this
a saving throw vs. magic. Those effect, rather than adding their
bonus, as in the case of boots. Magic
failing to achieve this saving throw bonuses together.
users of types not permitted to wear
will attack the wearer of the Scarab Gauntlets of Gripping: th~se
armor (i.e., not elves or combination
in preference to other targets of gauntlets can be commanded to hold
characters) may not wear armored
equal importance. The wearer will any specific object, and results of
gauntlets. In all descriptions, the term 'D rop weapon , on the surpriseI
normally believe this Scarab to be of 'Gauntlets' also applies to '. the
some beneficial type, perhaps Enemy fumble table will have n:o effect.
unarmored gloves that could occur.
However, the grip may only be
Detection (the referee should have it It's just shorter this w~y.
de-activated during magic ppase, and

therefore it takes more tirre to Belt of Giant Strength: this Belt from a Holding item while it is in a
change weapons than usual. When adds 19 to the strength of the magic-damping area of any kind, or
using these gauntlets, it takes from wearer. This strength bonus is not anywhere where magic will not work
3-6 blows relative time with the additive with any other magical temporarily. The destruction of the
weapon being dropped, to change to strength enhancements, but takes Holding item will result in the
another weapon. Thus it can take over from any lesser ones, and gives permanent loss of all ·items stored
from 1-2 phases to get rid of a mace, in to any stronger ones. This Belt 'inside' it. Living beings may be put
and draw something else. may be worn no more often than I inside such items (if they fit through
Gauntlets of Climbing are specially day out of every 2 (that is, there the opening), but will find it very
designed gauntlets that allow the must be a full day of rest in between uncomfortable. Living, conscious
wearer to grip tiny cracks in vertical full days of wearing the Belt). beings should remain inside a Holding
walls, or to hold onto ropes, allowing Belt of Strength Multiply (1/day): item no more than 12 turns at a time
him to climb at twice the speed of a this Belt contains the magical for any reason.
normal man with the same Strength spell ( 4M). It allows the Lightness items all have in
encumberance (normally 1/12 of the wearer to activate this spell once per common that they reduce the
horizontal speed of the same day, multiplying his strength by 1-4 apparent weight and encumberance of
character). times, as described in the spell, with things put inside them, although no
Gauntlets of Combat are specially all bonuses derived from the more may be put into such an item
designed for combat using Armored increased strength. than into a normal container of that
Fist. They do 1 die of damage Belt of Flotation: this Belt allows type. A Lightness item carries its
instead of the normal 3/4 die, and the wearer to sink into water no normal capacity with only the weight
have a damage bonus of from + 1 to further than the level at which the and encumberance of the container
+3 per die of damage, rolled on the Belt is worn. itself, not of what it contains.
Non-Intelligent Weapons Damage Belt of Mini-Strength (all day): A Small Sack of Magic Beans may
Bonus Table (in this case, do NOT this Belt adds from 2-12 (determined do something or nothing, depending,
ignore special damage bonuses, per Belt) to the strength of the of course, on whether or not the
although Returning can be ignored. wearer, and may be worn all day, beans are really magical. At tthe
Cursed Gauntlets can be the every day, without ill effects. discretion of the referee, these beans
reverse of one of the above types, or Other Belts simply act as the may grow into magical plants or do
something special. similar spell, or as other magic items other wondrous things, but don't get
Gauntlets of (two powers) have with the same name, described too carried away. After all, they're
the specific limitation that, ' if the previously in these rules. only beans.
same power is rolled twice, no bonus A Backpack of Readiness will hold
may add up to more than +4 total,
no matter what is rolled. * *
Containers *
Magical containers may have just
from 1-4 items in position to be
summoned by the wearer. The wearer
simply has to reach his hand into the

* *
Belts and Girdles * about any power suitable to their
shape and size. Usually, from their
Backpack and call •·cross" or
whatever the item is, and it will leap
The basic symbologies of magic name, they are capable of containing into his hand, no matter how much
cause Belts and Girdles to have the something, or already do. Then~ are junk is in the Backpack. Such a
same basic set of powers that are several powers that are common to Backpack will hold no more than a
often found in Cloaks. Basically, more than one size or shape of item, normal one in weight or
Belts and Girdles should contain and these are described by their encumberance, it just helps find
powers that directly protect or power, rather than their shape. things quickly.
enhance the entire body. Magic users Holding items (Large Sack, Small A Flask of Djinn/Efrit contains
may not wear armored girdles, Sack, Backpack and Saddlebags) all one of the two types, to be
although elves and combination have in common that they are bigger summoned out by whoever uncaps
characters may do so. Most Belts and on the inside than they are on the the Flask. Remember, however, that
Girdles (called 'Belt' in the outside. The inside of a Holding item someone may have put that Efrit
descriptions) contain normal magical is in another dimension, and most of inside the flask for a very good
spells or illusionist spells, but never what you put inside simply sits in reason ... See Monster List for
clerical spells. Of those listed, only one place there, not moving around descriptions of what you've found.
Polymorph Self, Levitation, Growth Fla~ of Alchemy: this Flask is
with you when you move the item.
or Diminution, Strength Multiply, Thus, a Holding container carries any built to convert any one specific
Anti-Magic Shell and Flying Belts amount of matter up to a limit of 33 substarice into another specific
must be activated. 1/3 times the normal carrying substance. It may convert water to
Belt of Lightness: this belt reduces capacity of that container (33 in the wine, or wine to water, or a tertain
the amount of encumberance of the case of a Flask), with a reduction in poison into an antidote for that
wearer by from I 0 to 60 pounds, weight of 33 1/3 times. Thus, 100 poison, or vice-versa. It normally will
rolled randomly by the referee when pounds of gold would weigh only 3 not create potions. Specifics should
it is found. pounds to the carrier of such an be determined by the referee.
Belt of Growth or Diminution: item. No item may be put into a Flask of Gushing Water: this type
this Belt allows the wearer to become Holding item that cannot fit through of flask, when uncorked, will shoot
any size, from 6 inches tall to 12 feet the mouth or opening of the item. out an apparently endless stream of
tall, changing his size no more than 3 No item may be put into or removed water, with enough force that it is
times total per day.
difficult for a normal-strength man to A Flying Broom is just that, able horse or other animal wearing it. This
put the cork back in. Either a person to carry up to 200 pounds of weight allows a Light Horse to carry a rider
with at least strength 25 (to recork at 36" per turn, and 400 pounds of in armor, and other such adjustments.
it) or a Dispel Magic (to stop it) will weight at 24" per turn. It is activated A Bridle of Invisibility turns the
turn this one off. only by its own Word of Command, wearing animal invisible, as if it were
Flask of Potion Multiplying: this different for each Broom. 20% have a Ring or other item for a human.
type of flask multiplies the duration this word written on the handle (the A Crystal Ball is an item strictly
of effect of a potion for from 1-4 previous owner might have had a bad for magic users. 80% of these have
times, if it is first poured into th.is memory). Otherwise, the Word must the power of Clairvoyance. The other
flask. In the case of a Healing or be determined by magical or clerical 20% may also have such things as
Extra-Healing potion, the healing means. Magic Analysis is not ESP, Clairaudience, or other similar
continues at the same rate for a sufficient to determine this Word. spells. Offensive spells are not
longer time. In the case of a Poison, A Flying Carpet will carry up to permitted in this form, and therefore
it does extra damage. Otherwise, only 600 pounds at 24" per tum when the Crystal Ball cannot cast a spell on
the duration is altered. A 4-sided die flying. It has a Word of Command, as someone being viewed.
is rolled each time this flask is used, a Broom does. A Torch of Brightness will, upon
and a result of 1 means that the flask A Teleporting Carpet will Teleport command, brighten as if a Flash spell
is exhausted for the day. (as the spell) once per day, carrying were cast at the point of the torch. It
Trackless Dust eliminates the with it no more than 600 pounds. It may do this no more than 3 times
tracks of 1 or more men, and a small has a Word of Command, and the per day. The torch is not consumed
bag contains enough to cover tracks person speaking the Word is the one by normal flame, but merely bums
for 1/4 mile. Tracks that have been who must have the destination with a magical fire when lit.
covered with this dust cannot be memorized. See Teleport Spell for An Eternal Torch is merely a
traced by any non-magical means. details. torch that, once lit, is not consumed,
A Cauldron of Potion-Brewing A Mirror of Soul Trapping has the and cannot be extinguished except by
allows potions to be produced by a same power as the Special Shield the use of an Extinguish Fire spell.
magic user in 72 the normal time and Power of the same name. Camp Wards come in sets of 12.
at a cost of 7l the normal spell points A Mirror of Magic Reflection has a These little black pyramids, 3" tall,
needed for producing a similar 1/3 chance of reflecting back any are activated when they are set on
potion. This cannot be used by an directed spell that is aimed at the ground, no more than 24' from
alchemist, but only by a magic user. someone deliberately holding the one to the next, in any shape around
A Cauldron of the Undead is used mirror toward the spell. an area. They act as a Protection
to animate Zombies or Skeletons, by A Mirror of Clairvoyance allows spell to those within, and will flash a
putting bodies or bones into the the holder to use the mirror as a blue light when any Enemy
cauldron. These animated undead are means of focusing the spell of that approaches nearer than 12" to any
under the control of whoever is using name. Anyone may use such a Ward. All 12 must be used together
the Cauldron. No more than 1 body mirror, and magic users may cast in order to function.
every 10 turns may be processed in additional, related spells and have A Lantern of Truth Detection
this manner, but there is no limit to them work along with the casts a warm, yellow light that can be
the number of Undead controlled in Clairvoyance, such as Clairaudience or aimed at any person or being. If that
this manner. ESP. Limits as the spell of the same person or being tells a lie of any
name. type, the light will turn blue for one
A Rope of Climbing will obey phase. ·
commands to a limited extent, raising A Lantern of 'Light of Truth' acts
one end over a wall, gripping bars or as the Illusionist spell of the same
name, for no more than 12 turns at a
* * *
other support points, Within the
limits of its length, with the strength time. It may be used no more than 3
of a normal rope. This, like other times per day.
Miscellaneous Shapes ropes, comes in lengths of 10-60 feet. A Bridle of Animal Control
This section contains all of those A Rope of Stiffening will stiffen continually casts that spell on the
oddball things that don't fit to rocklike hardness in any position wearer of the Bridle, giving control to
anywhere else. Any power is possible, it is placed, upon command of the whoever holds the reins. This Bridle
as long as it is appropriate to the holder. It can be used to form a will not work on Monsters, but only
shape or form of the item. Magical ladder, barricade a door, or used in on normal animals.
ropes should do things logical for a countless other ways.
rope, and so on. A Rope of Entanglement, upon
A Hand of Glory appears to be a command, will attempt to actively
severed human hand, somewhat trip and entangle anyone that it
mummified, holding a black candle. touches, whether stepped on or
When this candle is lit (it is not thrOl'll. Use Fast Envelopment
consumed by burning) the Hand gives Attack Matrix line for tangling, and
the holder to Detect Gems, Detect the Entanglement Saving Throw of
Gold, and Detect Platinum. It also the victim for tripping.
acts as a Protection spell vs. Good A Saddle of Lightness subtracts 50
opponents, and radiates an Evil aura pounds from the apparent weight and
when lit. encumberance being carried by the
times wisdom totalled to at least the result that failing to achieve
Poison 150. this second saving throw will
Furthermore, the antidotes to result in death. If he fails the
There are many different types any poison with a poison factor first saving throw, but
of poisons that may be greater than 1.0 must be successfully makes the second
encountered in a medieval fantasy manufactured by a Master one, he falls unconscious until the
setting, and it is impossible to Alchemist. Poisons themselves poison is Neutralized by a cleric.
write a set of rules that will may be manufactured by If that is not done within 24
handle all of them without alchemists, but with the following hours, he must again roll a
difficulty. The following, restrictions: apprentice alchemists saving throw on the Poison
however, will enable you to may manufacture only poisons column, and again each 24 hours
handle almost any problems that with a poison factor of less than the poison remains unneutralized.
you might encounter as referee. 1.0; journeyman alchemists may Failure to achieve any of these
The normal forms of poison manufacture poisons with a saving throws, day by day, will
are those that do all of their poison factor of 1.0 to 1.99; only result in the death of the
damage roughly at one time, with master alchemists may character.
the damage measured in Hit Dice manufacture poisons with a Other types of poison, of a
of Damage. Most of the natural poison factor of 2.0 or greater. non-fatal nature, are possible,
poisons from plant and animal In addition to poisons of a such as: poisons that paralyze the
sources will be of this type. natural type, there are poisons victim; poisons that blind and
When a creature or character is that do not come from plants deafen the victim; poisons that do
wounded by the stinger or and animals, even monstrous nothing until combined with
poisoned weapon of such a plant ones. These poisons can only be something else (such as a poison
or animal, the wounded being handled by alchemists, and do that causes the victim to turn
must roll a saving throw vs. not often occur in the game. blue the next time he drinks
Poison. lf the being succeeds in Arsenic is one such poison. Since wine); all these things are
achieving its saving throw, it these poisons are slow-acting and possible. They are at the
takes damage equal to one-half cumulative, their damage is not discretion of the referee, and
the number of hit dice of damage normally figured in Hit Dice of should be used with care.
of the poison. Thus, if it is an Damage, but simply in terms of Whether or not any of this type
8-die poison, a character who whether or not the dosage is a of poison take full effect is based
saves against poison would only fatal one. Inorganic poisons of upon the Poison saving throw
take 4 dice of damage from the this type have results that are column on the saving throw
poison. Whether or not the based on not one, but two saving tables. If a poison of this type
character achieves his saving throws. The first of these is to would, in the opinion of the
throw, the damage from this type determine whether or not the referee, have a partial effect on
of poison is immediate. poison was administered in a those who achieve their saving
On the Monster List, those fatal amount for that character. throws vs. poison, then this must
monsters who use poison as part This first saving throw is as be taken into account.
of their natural defenses have follows: to successfully save We do not recommend the use
what is called a Poison Factor. against such poisons, the of poisoned weapons for general
This indicates just how strong character must roll, on a 0-19 purposes. In our own play, we do
their poison is in relation to the die, a number equal to 21 minus not allow the use of any poisoned
Hit Dice of the monster. Thus, his Constitution. Thus, for a weapon against any intelligent
an 8-die monster with a poison Constitution 10 character, the creature. The only exceptions to
factor of 1.0 would do 8 dice of needed roll is an 11. If this this are in cases where monsters
damage with its poison. A poison saving throw is achieved, then a have natural poisons. Even evil,
factor of 0.5 would mean that second saving throw is rolled, this chaotic beings have sense enough
the monster would do 0.5 times time on the normal Poison saving to know that, if they start
its Hit Dice in damage with its throw column, to determine the violating this compact against
poison, and so on. The Poison non-fatal effects. If the second poison, then everyone else might
Factor of any monster's poison saving throw is achieved, the do so, and no one wants to keep
also indicates just how easy the person suffers only minor effects, dodging poisoned arrows.
poison is to neutralize or make such as nausea and dizziness. lf
an antidote for. A Cleric, with the second saving throw is failed,
the Neutralize Poison spell, can the character falls unconscious
neutralize any poison where the until a Neutralize Poison is cast
Poison Factor times the Hit Dice on him, or 1-4 days have passed,
of the poisonous creature does whichever comes first. If the
not exceed (Level of Cleric times original, Constitution-based saving
Wisdom of Cleric, all divided by throw is not achieved, then the
10). Thus, if a 10-Hit-Die results become more serious. If
monster with a poison factor of the character fails to achieve his
1.5 were to poison a character, Constitution vs Poison roll, he
that poison would have to be must then roll on the regular
neutralized by a cleric whose level Poison saving throw column, with


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