Review of Sustainable Environmental Resources Management Policies, Plans, Proclamations and Strategies: Amhara National Region State, Ethiopia
Review of Sustainable Environmental Resources Management Policies, Plans, Proclamations and Strategies: Amhara National Region State, Ethiopia
Review of Sustainable Environmental Resources Management Policies, Plans, Proclamations and Strategies: Amhara National Region State, Ethiopia
African agricultural inventions and cultivation techniques tend to be adapted to local ecological conditions and
sensitive to the critical need to preserve fragile natural resources. Poverty reduction and macroeconomic
growth is a legitimate concern for Ethiopia and the health of its citizens, since implementation capacity is
hindered by inadequate funds. Nevertheless, a focus on poverty reduction cannot ignore the implications of
development for the environment. Land degradation in the Ethiopian highlands, areas above 1500m above sea
level, has been a concern for many years. Soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and deforestation are common, but
little has been done to determine their impact on productivity. The Ethiopian experience indicates that
sustainable, conservation-based strategies aimed at increasing food production for domestic consumption and
bringing about the more equitable distribution of resources merit greater attention. Ongoing land degradation
in Ethiopia requires urgent action, and has been addressed at different levels of society, including widespread
soil and water conservation activities, and the introduction of technologies, which integrate local knowledge
and farmer's initiatives. In our experience, and in line with studies reviewed elsewhere, natural resources
conservation in Ethiopia is directed towards an integration of food self-sufficiency of the environment, and
frequently follows a participatory approach. In Amhara National Regional State, policy, proclamation, plan and
directives have been developed, and appeals and arbitration committees have now been formed. An information
and documentation system is being instituted where data would be collected and compiled at Kebele level, while
digital formats have been used at the regional level. “Sustainability” is a multidimensional and dynamic
concept, encompassing considerations of interrelated economic, social and environmental factors. In order to be
sustainable, development must be socially and environmentally sustainable, as well as economically sustainable.
Although economic, social and environmental factors are all incorporated into the conceptual framework of any
project, their relationship to sustainability needs to be clarified.
In Ethiopia, balancing poverty and socioeconomic pursue those objectives; d) implement strategies to
needs with environmental concerns creates very devise policies, motivate employees, and allocate
pressing problems. To meet this challenge and to resources so that the formulated strategies can be
realize the spirit of the World Summit on executed; e) monitor the execution of strategies and
Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro, make adjustments according to feedback; and
Brazil, 1992, a number of countries have f) assess whether the strategies actually fulfill the
policies to: a) include environmental concerns in is one of those countries which has tried to draft
their mission statements; b) develop long-term different policies, plans, strategies etc and put in to
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