Finned Tube Heat Exchanger

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To determine the efficiency of given longitudinal fin and compare it with the theoretical
value for the given fin


1. Longitudinal finned tube heat exchanger.

2. Bare pipe (pipe without fins).

3. Steam generator to generate steam at constant pressure. The steam generator is also provided
with temperature indicator cum controller and a safety valve.


In a heat exchanger, the two fluids namely; hot and cold, are separated by a metal wall. Under
this condition, the rate of heat transfer will depend on the individual resistance of heat


Ui =Overall heat transfer coefficient based on inner area [kcal/h-m2-oC]

Uo =Overall heat transfer coefficient based on outer area [kcal/h-m2-oC]

hi,ho =Inside and outside film heat transfer coefficient [kcal/h-m2-oC]

Ai,Ao =inside and outside surface area [m2]

When viscous liquids are heated in standard tubular heat exchanger by condensing steam or
hot fluid of low viscosity, the film heat transfer coefficient of the viscous liquid will be much
smaller than that of the hot fluid side. Therefore, it will become controlling resistance for heat
transfer. This condition is also present in case of air or gas heaters where the gas side film
heat transfer coefficient will be very low (typically of the order of 0.01 to 0.002 times
condensing vapor on the other side. Since, the heat transfer coefficients of viscous fluid
cannot be improved much, the only alternative is to increase the area available for heat
transfer. Subsequently reducing its resistance for the heat transfer. To conserve space and to
reduce the cost of equipment in these cases, certain type of heat exchange surfaces has been
developed. In these cases, outside area of tube is increased many fold by fins.

Two types of fins, are in common use; longitudinal fins and transverse fins. Longitudinal fins
are used when the direction of flow of the fluid is parallel to the axis of tube and transverse
fins are used when the direction of the flow of the fluid is across the tube. Spikes, pins, studs
or spines are also used for either direction of flow.

The outside area of a finned tube consists of two parts: the area of fins and the area of bare
tube not covered by the bases of fins. A unit area of fin surface is not as efficient as a unit
area of bare tube surface. It is because of the fact that the added resistance to the heat flow by
conduction through the fin. The expression for fin efficiencies can be derived by solving the
general differential equation of heat conduction with suitable boundary conditions. Generally,
three boundary conditions are used;

1. Fin of infinite length: so that there is no heat dissipation from its tip, or in other words
temperature at the tip of fin is same as that of the surrounding fluid.

2. Insulated tip: This condition even though cannot be realized in practice, but considering that
the tip area is negligible as compared to the total fin area, heat dissipated from tip can be
neglected and hence, [dT/dx] is assumed to be zero at the tip.

3. Finite heat dissipation from the tip: Even though the assumption of insulated tip is invalid,
most of the fins are treated under this category, and longitudinal fin efficiency for this case is
given by the expression:

η = ,


h = film heat transfer coefficients from the fin surface [kcal/h-m2-oC]

C = Circumference of the fin [m]

K = thermal conductivity of fin material [kcal/h-m2-oC]

A = cross sectional area of fin [m2]

From the above equation, it can be seen that the fin efficiency is a function of (mL), and as
the value of (mL) increases, the fin efficiency decreases. A reasonable value of fin efficiency
will be around 50 to 75% for which (mL) should have a value between 1 and 2. If the fin
height L should be sufficient (of the order of 5 to 8 cm), then it can be seen that the value of h
should be around 10 to 20 which can be given by air in natural convection. The value of film
heat transfer coefficients for any other liquid in natural convection, or any gas in forced
convection will be much higher than 20. Thus, the given set-up is used for heat transfer to air
in natural convection region.

Fin Heat Normal Heat
Exchanger Exchanger

Condensate collector Condensate collector

Pressure Relief
gauge valve

Heater & Hot

water Storage

Fin tube heat exchanger


1. Important instructions: Follow instructions 2 and 3 without fail, otherwise electrical heater
will burn out.

2. Open the drain valve provided at the bottom of steam generator and drain out the water from

Steam generator completely.

3. Close the drain valve and charge requisite amount of water through charging valve provided
at the top of the steam generator and close it. Ensure that the dead weight safety valve is free.

4. Start the electrical heater of steam generator. Set the desired temperature on the temperature
controller and start heating water in the steam generator. Steam will start forming within
about 15-20 min of switching on the heater. During this period, keep the condensate collector
valve open. Once the steam generation starts, the finned tube heat exchanger as well as the
bare pipe will start getting heated up and condensate will start coming out of the needle valve
provided at the bottom of condensate collector. When the test section is fully heated up,
steam will start coming out of the needle valve. Now regulate the needle valve in such a way
that only condensate comes out of it. The pressure can be regulated between 0-1 atm. as per
the requirement.

5. Once the test section (finned tube heat exchanger along with bare pipe without fins) is fully
heated, drain out completely the condensate, if any. Close the needle valve on condensate
drain line simultaneously starting the stop-watch. Collect the condensate accumulated at an
interval of 20 min for both heat exchangers. If the quantity of condensate collected is same
for 2 to 3 consecutive readings (with in experimental accuracy), note down the volume of
condensate collected and time interval.


Finned Tube:

1. Height of fin (L) : 0.05 m

2. Width of fin (W) : 0.5 m

3. Thickness of fin (b) : 0.003 m

4. Number of fins (N) : 4

5. O.D. of fin tube (D) : 0.025 m.

6. Thermal conductivity of fin material (K) : 15.0 kcal/h-m- C

Bare Tube:

1. Length of tube (l) : 0.6 m

2. O.D. of tube (d) : 0.025 m

3. Tambient : ◦C


Obs. Finned tube heat exchanger Bare tube heat exchanger Tsteam
Amount of Time Interval, Amount of Interval,
condensate t(min) condensate
collected,m1(ml) collected,m1(ml) t(min)



1. Circumference of fin (C):

C = 2x(W+b)=_________ m

2. Cross-sectional area of fin (A):

A = Wxb=_________ m2

3. Fin area available for heat transfer:

AF = CxLxN=__________ m2

4. Tube area available for heat transfer in finned tube heat exchanger:

Ab = [(π x D) - (N x b)] x W= ___________ m2

5. Total area of finned tube heat exchanger:

At = AF+Ab=___________ m2

Sample Calculation for reading no. ____

6. Heat given out by steam through finned tube heat exchanger (Q1):

Q1 = (m1 /t)λ=____________ kcal/h

7. Heat given out by steam through bare tube (Q2):

Q2 = (m2/t)λ=_________ kcal/h

Where, λ = latent heat of vaporization of water at steam pressure = 540 kcal/kg

8. Area available for heat transfer of bare tube

Abare tube = (πdl) = __________ m2

9. Film heat transfer co-efficient from bare tube (h):

h= =______________ kcal/h-m2-°C

ΔT = Tsteam – Tambient= __________ °C

10. m = = ___________ m-1

11. mL = ____________
( )
12. ηFin(Theoretical) = =___________

13. Amount of heat actually dissipated by the fin:

QFin = Q1 – (AbhΔT)=___________ kcal/h

14. Amount of heat that can be dissipated by deal fin:

Qideal= AFhΔT=___________ kcal/h

15. Observed value of fin efficiency:

ηFin(Observed) = = ______________


Amount of heat lost Amount of heat lost Fin efficiency

Obs. Through fin Through bare Actual Ideal
No. tube,Q1 tube,Q2 fin,Qfin fin,Qideal Actual Theoretical
(kcal/h) (kcal/h) (kcal/h) (kcal/h)


1. Write down the observations.

2. Try to explain the results from theory studied e arlier.


Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer by Frank P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt
Chapter 3.


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