Battery Model - Matlab - Ok
Battery Model - Matlab - Ok
Battery Model - Matlab - Ok
Library: Simscape / Electrical / Specialized Power Systems / Electric Drives / Extra Sources
The Battery block implements a generic dynamic model that represents most popular types of rechargeable
This figure shows the equivalent circuit that the block models.
The first section represents the exponential voltage drop when the battery is charged. The width of the drop
depends on the battery type. The second section represents the charge that can be extracted from the battery
until the voltage drops below the battery nominal voltage. Finally, the third section represents the total
discharge of the battery, when the voltage drops rapidly.
When the battery current is negative, the battery recharges, following a charge characteristic.
The model parameters are derived from the discharge characteristics. The discharging and charging
characteristics are assumed to be the same.
The Exp(s) transfer function represents the hysteresis phenomenon for the lead-acid, nickel-cadmium (NiCD),
and nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries during the charge and discharge cycles. The exponential voltage
increases when a battery is charging, regardless of the battery's state of charge. When the battery is
discharging, the exponential voltage decreases immediately.
The state of charge (SOC) for a battery is a measure of battery's charge, expressed as a percent of the full
charge. The depth of discharge (DOD) is the numerical compliment of the SOC, such that DOD = 100% - SOC.
You can obtain the rated capacity and the internal resistance from the specification tables. The other detailed
parameters are derived from the Typical Discharge Characteristics plot.
Parameter Value
Internal Resistance 2 mΩ
The discharge curves you obtain from these parameters, which are marked by dotted lines in the following
figures, are similar to the data sheet curves.
To represent the temperature effects of the lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery type, an additional discharge curve at
ambient temperature, which is different from the nominal temperature, and the thermal response parameters
are required. Additional discharge curves are not usually provided on the data sheet and may require simple
experiments to be obtained. The following examples show parameters extracted from the A123 Li-iron-
phosphate ANR26650M1 and the Panasonic Li-cobalt-oxide CGR 18,650 AF battery data sheets.
The A123 ANR26650M1 data sheet specifications include the required discharge curve points and other
required parameters.
These parameters are derived from the data sheet for the A123 Li-ion temperature-dependent battery model.
Parameter Value
Internal resistance 10 mΩ
The same approach for parameter extraction is applied to the Panasonic Lithium-Ion CGR18650AF with these
These parameters are extracted for the battery model.
Parameter Value
Parameter Value
For the lead-acid battery type, the model uses these equations.
n = kTh (k = 1, 2, 3, ...∞)
• Th is the half-cycle duration, in s. A complete cycle is obtained when the battery is discharged and charged
or conversely.
• QBOL is the battery's maximum capacity, in Ah, at the beginning of life (BOL) and at nominal ambient
• QEOL is the battery's maximum capacity, in Ah, at the end of life (EOL) and at nominal ambient temperature.
• RBOL is the battery's internal resistance, in ohms, at the BOL and at nominal ambient temperature.
• REOL is the battery's internal resistance, in ohms, at the EOL and at nominal ambient temperature.
• ε is the battery aging factor. The aging factor is equal to zero and unity at the BOL and EOL.
• The minimum no-load battery voltage is 0 V and the maximum battery voltage is equal to 2 × E0.
• The minimum capacity of the battery is 0 Ah and the maximum capacity is Qmax.
• The internal resistance is assumed to be constant during the charge and discharge cycles and does not
vary with the amplitude of the current.
• The parameters of the model are derived from the discharge characteristics. The discharging and charging
characteristics are assumed to be the same.
• The capacity of the battery does not change with the amplitude of the current (there is no Peukert effect).
• The self-discharge of the battery is not represented. It can be represented by adding a large resistance in
parallel with the battery terminals.
• The battery has no memory effect.
Ta — Ambient temperature
Simulink® signal | scalar
+ — Positive terminal
specialized electrical
- — Negative terminal
specialized electrical
Parameters expand all
Exponential zone [Voltage (V), Capacity (Ah)] — Exponential zone voltage and
[7.7788 0.2653] (default) | nonnegative vector
Display Characteristics
Discharge current [i1, i2, i3,...] (A) — Discharge characteristic plot currents
[6.5 13 32.5] (default)
The Temperature settings are visible only if, in the Parameter settings, the Type parameter is set to Lithium-
Ion and the Simulate temperature effects check box is selected. For more information, see Parameters,
Type, and Simulate temperature effects.
The battery provides preset parameter values for common types of lithium-ion batteries. To use the preset
parameter values, in the Parameters settings, set the Use a preset battery to parameter to one of the
lithium-ion batteries. For more information, see Use a preset battery.
If you use a preset option, the only enabled parameter in the Temperature settings is Initial cell temperature
(deg. C). The other parameters in the Temperature settings are disabled because the block provides the
Alternatively, if you have a license for Simulink Design Optimization and empirical battery data, you can
estimate the temperature parameters for a lithium-ion based. To enable the parameters, In the Parameters
settings, set the Use a preset battery to parameter to no.
Discharge parameters at T2
Exponential zone [Voltage (V), Capacity (Ah)] — Exponential zone voltage and
[6.58 1] (default) | positive vector
Heat loss difference [charge vs. discharge] (W) — Heat loss difference
0 (default) | scalar
The Aging settings visible if, in the Parameters settings, you set the Type parameter to Lithium-
Ion and select Simulate aging effects. For more information, see Type and Simulate aging effects.
Charge current (nominal, maximum) [Ic (A), Icmax (A)] — Nominal and maximum
charge currents
[2.3478, 3] (default) | positive vector
Discharge current (nominal, maximum) [Id (A), Idmax (A)] — Nominal and maximum
discharge currents
[2.3478, 10] (default) | positive vector
Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic and Id (Cycles) — Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic, Id, and Ta1
1500 (default) | positive scalar
Cycle life at 25% DOD, Ic and Id (Cycles) — Cycle life at 25% DOD, Ic, Id, and Ta1
10500 (default) | positive scalar
Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic and Idmax (Cycles) — Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic, Id_max,
and Ta1
1000 (default) | positive scalar
Cycle life at 100 % DOD, Icmax and Id (Cycles) — Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic_max, Id,
and Ta1
1400 (default) | positive scalar
Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic and Id (Cycles) — Cycle life at 100% DOD, Ic, Id, and Ta2
950 (default) | positive scalar
Model Examples
[1] Omar N., M. A. Monem, Y. Firouz, J. Salminen, J. Smekens, O. Hegazy, H. Gaulous, G. Mulder, P. Van den
Bossche, T. Coosemans, and J. Van Mierlo. “Lithium iron phosphate based battery — Assessment of the aging
parameters and development of cycle life model.” Applied Energy, Vol. 113, January 2014, pp. 1575–1585.
[2] Saw, L.H., K. Somasundaram, Y. Ye, and A.A.O. Tay, “Electro-thermal analysis of Lithium Iron Phosphate
battery for electric vehicles.” Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 249, pp. 231–238.
[3] Tremblay, O., L.A. Dessaint, "Experimental Validation of a Battery Dynamic Model for EV Applications."
World Electric Vehicle Journal. Vol. 3, May 13–16, 2009.
[4] Zhu, C., X. Li, L. Song, and L. Xiang, “Development of a theoretically based thermal model for lithium ion
battery pack.” Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 223, pp. 155–164.
Extended Capabilities
See Also
AC Voltage Source | CCCV Battery Charger | DC Voltage Source
Introduced in R2008a