Statewise Quarantine Guidelines July 16
Statewise Quarantine Guidelines July 16
Statewise Quarantine Guidelines July 16
Andhra Pradesh
Covid test: COVID test for passengers at the discre�on of Health Officials
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal screening for all depar�ng and arriving passengers.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Andhra Pradesh
Home quaran�ne
● For all Interna�onal passengers except passengers coming through flights origina�ng from the
United Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa, Europe and Middle East are advised to self-monitor their
health for 14 days.
● All such passengers shall inform the State or Na�onal Call Centre in case they develop symptoms
at any �me during the quaran�ne or self-monitoring of their health.
● For All interna�onal passengers coming or transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United
Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa has to give their sample in the designated area and exit the airport
only a�er confirma�on of a nega�ve test report.
● Transit passengers from the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa who are found nega�ve on
tes�ng at the airport shall be allowed to take their connec�ng flights and advised quaran�ne at
home for 14 days.
● Non-Transit passengers shall give samples at the designated area and exit the airport.
● All other passengers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport or take
connec�ng flights to their final domes�c des�na�on shall give samples at the designated area
and exit the airport. If the test report is nega�ve, they will be advised to self-monitor their
health for 14 days. If the test report is posi�ve, they will undergo treatment as per standard
health protocol.
Health screening
● Thermal screening for all interna�onal arrivals.
● COVID-19 test (RT-PCR) at Airport.
● In respect of transit passengers from the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil and who have
tested nega�ve in transit Airport in India, they shall give a sample for tes�ng and leave the
Covid test
● For all symptoma�c passengers as advised by health authori�es.
● All interna�onal passengers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa will give their sample in the designated area and exit the airport only a�er
confirma�on of a nega�ve test report.
● All Interna�onal passengers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport or
take connec�ng flights to their final domes�c des�na�on shall give samples at the designated
area and exit the airport.
Passenger obliga�on
● All Interna�onal passengers should submit Self-Declara�on form on the online AirSuvidha portal
● All passengers should upload a nega�ve COVID-19 RT-PCR report. This test should have been
conducted within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey.
● All Interna�onal travelers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa and Middle East should submit Self-Declara�on Form (SDF) on the online Air
Suvidha portal ( before the scheduled travel and to declare their travel
history (of past 14 days).
Airline obliga�on: Ensuring passengers are complying with the state guidelines including RT-PCR
test reports prior boarding.
Airport or State obliga�on: Implementa�on of travel guidelines issued by state authori�es. Test
facility at Airport.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Covid test: All passengers arriving from Kerala & Maharashtra are required to carry a vaccina�on
cer�ficate of at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine or a COVID nega�ve report from an ICMR-ap-
proved lab not earlier than 72 hours of arrival.
Passenger obliga�on: All passengers arriving from Kerala & Maharashtra are required to carry a
vaccina�on cer�ficate of at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine or a COVID nega�ve report from an
ICMR-approved lab not earlier than 72 hours of arrival.
Airline obliga�on: Airlines shall issue boarding pass only to passengers carrying RT-PCR nega�ve
cer�ficate not older than 72 hours for passengers origina�ng from Kerala and Maharashtra.
Airport or state obliga�on: Thermal screening and health profiling shall be done upon arrival
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Home quaran�ne: All passengers are required to submit online declara�on with respect to authen-
�city of the report and to abide by the decision of the government authority to undergo home
quaran�ne or self-health monitoring for 14 days or as warranted.
Health screening
● All passengers origina�ng or transi�ng through the United Kingdom, Europe or Middle East shall
adhere to Undergo molecular test upon arrival at their own cost and proceed towards home
quaran�ne or self-health monitoring or take onward connec�ng flights to the final des�na�on
within India.
● All passengers origina�ng from United Kingdom, South Africa or Brazil shall adhere to below
● In case the journey ends at the first port of entry into India, they need to undergo RT-PCR test.
Passengers shall be permi�ed to exit the airport only if the test result is nega�ve.
● Incase of onward connec�on, passengers shall have to wait for the RT-PCR test results. Onward
journey shall be permi�ed only if the test result is nega�ve.
Covid test
● For all symptoma�c passengers as advised by health authori�es.
● All interna�onal travelers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa will give their sample in the designated area and exit the airport only a�er
confirma�on of a nega�ve test report.
● All Interna�onal travelers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport or take
connec�ng flights to their final domes�c des�na�on shall give samples at the designated area and
exit the airport.
Passenger obliga�on
● All Interna�onal travelers should submit Self-Declara�on form on the online Air Suvidha portal
● All passengers should upload a nega�ve COVID-19 RT-PCR report. This test should have been
conducted within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey.
● All Interna�onal travelers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from United Kingdom, Brazil,
South Africa and Middle East should submit Self-Declara�on Form (SDF) on the online Air Suvidha
portal ( before the scheduled travel and to declare their travel history (of
past 14 days).
Airline obliga�on: Ensuring passengers are complying with the state guidelines including RT-PCR
test reports prior boarding.
Airport or state obliga�on: Implementa�on of travel guidelines issued by state authori�es. Test
facility at Airport.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne
No Quaran�ne
Health screening
● Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
● Travelers from other States to Kerala shall carry a RT-PCR nega�ve cer�ficate issued within 72
hours before the start of journey.
Covid test: Travelers from other States to Kerala shall carry a RT-PCR nega�ve cer�ficate issued
within 72 hours before the start of journey.
Passenger obliga�on
● Should produce RT-PCR nega�ve test results taken within 48hrs prior entering the state or
immediately a�er entering the state. They shall be in isola�on �ll test results are available.
● Passengers have to register on Covid 19 Jagratha portal and show a copy of the same. If not
registered, his details will be registered on arrival at the Airport.
● Normal Passenger: h�ps://�c
● For short term visit: h�ps://
● For Migrant Laborers: h�ps://
Travelers from other States to Kerala shall carry a RT-PCR negative certificate issued within 72
hours before the start of journey.
Airline obliga�on
Ensure every passenger is carrying valid epass for Kerala and for any other State or UT, passenger
intends to visit
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne: All the interna�onal arrival passengers shall undergo 14 days home
quaran�ne or 7 days Quaran�ne followed by RT-PCR test with nega�ve result.
Home quaran�ne: All the interna�onal arrival passengers shall undergo 14 days home quaran�ne
or 7 days Quaran�ne followed by RT-PCR test with nega�ve result.
Health screening
● Thermal screening for all interna�onal arrivals.
● COVID-19 test (RT-PCR/TrueNat) at Airport.
● Passengers Travelling from the UK, Brazil and South Africa are required to give samples at desig-
nated areas and can exit the airport in case their journey ends at the first port of entry into India.
● Passengers Travelling from Europe and the Middle East are required to give samples at designat-
ed areas, can exit the airport or take onward flight.
Covid test
● For all symptoma�c passengers as advised by health authori�es.
● All interna�onal passengers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa will give their sample in the designated area and exit the airport only a�er
confirma�on of a nega�ve test report.
● All Interna�onal passengers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport or
take connec�ng flights to their final domes�c des�na�on shall give samples at the designated area
and exit the airport.
Passenger obliga�on
● Passengers to register in Air Suvidha portal and Covid19 Jagratha Portal before the departure
from Origin.
● Websites: h�ps://�on, h�ps://covid19-
● All Interna�onal passenger coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa and Middle East should submit Self-Declara�on Form (SDF) on the online Air
Suvidha portal ( before the scheduled travel and to declare their travel
history (of past 14 days).
Airline obliga�on: Ensuring passengers are complying with the state guidelines including RT-PCR
test reports prior boarding.
Home quaran�ne: 7 Days mandatory quaran�ne for all passengers coming to Lakshadweep.
Covid test: Mandatory COVID test by the local health department a�er the end of 7 days of
home quaran�ne.
Passenger obliga�on
● Passengers must take prior permission from the concerned DCs/SDOs by giving the
purpose of visit.
● Permission will be given only for travel for essen�al purposes (Medical, Exams, Joining
of duty and other official obliga�ons).
Airline obliga�on: Ensure that the passenger is having a valid permission from DCs/SDOs sta�ng
the purpose of visit.
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Tamil Nadu
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne: Only for symptoma�c passengers at the discre�on of health officials.
Home quaran�ne: All passengers have to undergo self-monitoring of their health for 14 days.
(During the period, if the individual develops fever, cough, breathlessness they shall visit health
Covid test: Not mandatory. Only for symptoma�c passengers at the discre�on of health officials.
Coimbatore only: All passengers from other states/UTs arriving at Coimbatore Airport are required
to carry a COVID nega�ve report from an ICMR approved lab not earlier than 72 hours of arrival.
Passenger obliga�on: e-Registra�on is mandatory for all Domes�c passengers from other
Coimbatore only: Passengers arriving from other states at Coimbatore Airport are required to carry
a COVID nega�ve report from an ICMR-approved lab not earlier than 72 hours of arrival.
Airline obliga�on
● Ensure passengers travelling from other states/UTs or countries have e-Registra�on.
● Ensure passengers from other states arriving at Coimbatore Airport have a nega�ve COVID test
Tamil Nadu
Home quaran�ne
● For all Interna�onal passengers Coming/ transi�ng from the United Kingdom, Brazil and
South Africa who are found nega�ve on tes�ng at the airport shall be allowed to take
their connec�ng flights and advised quaran�ne at home for 7 days. For all Interna�onal
passengers except passengers coming through flights origina�ng from the United
Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa, Europe and Middle East shall self-monitor their health for
14 days.
● For all Interna�onal passengers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on
airport or take connec�ng flights to their final domes�c des�na�on will be advised to self-
monitor their health for 14 days. They shall give samples at the designated area and exit
the airport.
● Those coming as transit passengers from the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa
who are found nega�ve on tes�ng at the airport shall be allowed to take their connec�ng
flights and advised quaran�ne at home for 7 days.
Health screening
● Thermal screening for all interna�onal arrivals.
● Self-paid COVID-19 test (RT-PCR/TrueNat) at Airport
● In respect of transit passengers from the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil whose
final des�na�on is Tamil Nadu and who have tested nega�ve in transit airports in India,
they shall give samples for tes�ng and leave the Airport. Follow up ac�on shall be taken
up by the Director of Public Health and Preven�ve Medicine based on the test report.
Covid test
● For all symptoma�c passengers as advised by health authori�es.
● All interna�onal passengers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United
Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa will give their sample in the designated area and exit the
airport only a�er confirma�on of a nega�ve test report.
● All Interna�onal passengers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport
or take connec�ng flights to their final domes�c des�na�on shall give samples at the
designated area and exit the airport.
Passenger obliga�on
● e-Registra�on is mandatory for all Interna�onal passengers.
● All Interna�onal passengers should submit Self-Declara�on form on the online Air
Suvidha portal (
● All passengers should upload a nega�ve COVID-19 RT-PCR report. This test should
have been conducted within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey.
● All Interna�onal passengers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from United
Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa and Middle East should submit Self-Declara�on Form
(SDF) on the online Air Suvidha portal ( before the scheduled
travel and to declare their travel history (of past 14 days).
Airline obliga�on
Ensuring passengers are complying with the center/state guidelines including RT-PCR test
reports prior boarding.
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne: Only for symptoma�c passengers on the discre�on of health officials.
Home quaran�ne: All passengers (other than Maharashtra and Kerala) have to undergo self-moni-
toring of their health for 14 days. (During the period if the individual develops fever, cough,
breathlessness they shall visit health facility)
Health screening
Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Covid test
Only for symptoma�c passengers on the discre�on of health officials.
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Home quaran�ne: All passengers (other than Maharashtra and Kerala) have to undergo self-moni-
toring of their health for 14 days. (During the period if the individual develops fever, cough, breath-
lessness they shall visit health facility)
Health screening
Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Covid test
Only for symptoma�c passengers on the discre�on of health officials.
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers
Home quaran�ne
● For all Interna�onal passengers Coming/ transi�ng from the United Kingdom, Brazil and South
Africa who are found nega�ve on tes�ng at the airport shall be allowed to take their connec�ng
flights and advised quaran�ne at home for 7 days. For all Interna�onal passengers except passen-
gers coming through flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa, Europe and
Middle East shall self-monitor their health for 14 days.
● For all Interna�onal passengers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport or
take connec�ng flights to their final domes�c des�na�on will be advised to self-monitor their
health for 14 days. They shall give samples at the designated area and exit the airport.
● Those Coming as transit passengers from the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa who are
found nega�ve on tes�ng at the airport shall be allowed to take their connec�ng flights and
advised quaran�ne at home for 7 days.
Health screening
● Thermal screening for all interna�onal arrivals.
● Self-paid COVID-19 test (RT-PCR) at Airport.
● In respect of transit passengers from the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil whose final
des�na�on is Telangana and who have tested nega�ve in transit Airport in India, they shall give
samples for tes�ng.
Covid test
● For all symptoma�c passengers as advised by health authori�es.
● All interna�onal passengers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa will give their sample in the designated area and exit the airport only a�er
confirma�on of a nega�ve test report.
● All Interna�onal passengers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport or take
connec�ng flights to their final domes�c des�na�on shall give samples at the designated area and
exit the airport.
Passenger obliga�on
● All Interna�onal passengers should submit Self-Declara�on form on the online Air Suvidha portal
● All passengers should upload a nega�ve COVID-19 RT-PCR report. This test should have been
conducted within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey. All Interna�onal passengers com-
ing/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from United Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa and Middle East
should submit Self-Declara�on Form (SDF) on the online Air Suvidha portal (www.newdelhiair- before the scheduled travel and to declare their travel history (of past 14 days).
Airline obliga�on
● Ensuring passengers are complying with the center/state guidelines including RTPCR test reports
prior boarding.
● Airport or state obliga�on
● Implementa�on of travel guidelines issued by Center/State authori�es. Test facility at Airport.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Covid test: Not mandatory. Only for symptoma�c passengers on the discre�on of health officials
Airline obliga�on
● Customers to be informed about COVID-19 arrival process before boarding Airlines to
ensure that all other arriving passengers names, address and mobile numbers to be
provided to the State
● Sta�on managers to provide arriving passenger list to Nodal officer in advance
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne: In addi�on to carrying of RT-PCR nega�ve report with sample taken 48 hrs
prior to departure, all incoming passengers are tested with RT-PCR at free of cost at ITF ground and
those who are tested posi�ve, will be ins�tu�onally quaran�ned at free of cost or will have the
op�on to stay at iden�fied hotels on payment basis.
Home quaran�ne
● All incoming passengers from mainland to undergo compulsory home quaran�ne for 07 days
irrespec�ve of being tested nega�ve in RT-PCR conducted at ITF ground
● Any person viola�ng the above direc�ons shall be liable to be fined Rs.5000/- each �me
Covid test
● All incoming passengers aged above 1 year shall mandatorily carry RT-PCR nega�ve test report
issued from an ICMR-approved Labs, subject to the condi�on that RT-PCR test should have been
taken within 48 Hrs prior to commencement of journey and produce the Test Result /Report at the
origina�ng sta�on and also at ITF ground at Port Blair Airport for verifica�on with SRF ID No. for
● In addi�on to the above, the RT-PCR Test will be conducted on all incoming passengers free of
cost at ITF ground by transpor�ng the passengers to the ITF ground in buses by the administra�on.
● The report of RT-PCR conducted at ITF ground will be available in 1-3 days via phone number
provided in the Self Declara�on Form.
● All incoming passengers are required to undergo compulsory 7 days home quaran�ne, even
though one is tested nega�ve in the RT-PCR test conducted at ITF ground.
● Posi�ve tested passengers are ins�tu�onal quaran�ned free of cost or will have the op�on to
stay in iden�fied hotels on payment basis.
● Any person viola�ng the above direc�ons shall be liable to be fined Rs.5000/- each �me.
Passenger obliga�on
Arriving Passengers
● All incoming passengers aged above 1 year shall mandatorily carry RT-PCR nega�ve test report
issued from an ICMR-approved Labs, subject to the condi�on that RT-PCR test should have been
taken within 48 Hrs prior to commencement of journey and produce the Test Result or Report at
the origina�ng sta�on and also at ITF ground at Port Blair Airport for verifica�on with SRF ID
Number for valida�on
● Self declara�on forms to be filled by passenger which is handed over while de-boarding.
● In addi�on to above, the RT-PCR test will be conducted free of cost on all incoming passengers
by transpor�ng all passengers to ITF ground through buses by administra�on to get tested for
● Luggage will be handed over to passengers at ITF ground a�er undergoing the RT-PCR test
● Report of RT-PCR will be available in 1-3 days via phone number provided in Self Declara�on
● All incoming passengers from mainland to undergo compulsory home quaran�ne for 07 days
irrespec�ve of being tested nega�ve in RT-PCR.Any person viola�ng the above direc�ons shall be
liable to be fined Rs.5000/- each �me.
● Passengers who test posi�ve in RT-PCR conducted at ITF ground will be ins�tu�onal quaran�ned
free of cost or will have the op�on to stay in iden�fied hotels on payment basis.
● Proper wearing of masks is mandatory
● Passengers who are not carrying proper nega�ve RT-PCR reports shall not be boarded for the
Port Blair flight
● All arriving passengers need to cooperate with airline staff and officials verifying the RT-PCR
report at origin boarding points and performing the RT-PCR test at ITF ground
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Depar�ng Passengers: Passengers having safe status in the Arogya Setu app and only those who
are wearing masks, asymptoma�c, are allowed inside the airport
Airline obliga�on
● To make in-flight announcements about the latest order.
● Display Quaran�ne guidelines of Port Blair airport at boarding points in origin sta�ons.
● Self declara�on forms to be handed over to passengers during deboarding and the same need to
be given to doctors at ITF ground.
● Protec�ve gears to all the passengers.
● Medical gowns to middle seat passengers.
● Passengers data in the given format to be shared with District Authori�es as deputed by DC
South Andaman at the airport.
● Make sure that passenger luggage is handed over safely to passengers at tes�ng centres.
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne
Patna: No ins�tu�onal quaran�ne.
Darbhanga: Passengers undergoing Rapid An�gen Test upon arrival, If found Posi�ve for Covid-19
they will be sent to Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne where they will be tested again through RT-PCR mode
where the final decision for Ins�tu�onal/Home quaran�ne will be taken by State Health Authori�es
depending on the result of the test.
Gaya: No quaran�ne.
Home quaran�ne
Patna: No home quaran�ne
Darbhanga: Depending upon the result of the test, State Health Authori�es will determine the
Home quaran�ne
Gaya: No quaran�ne.
Health screening
Patna/ Darbhanga: Thermal Screening mandatory for all Incoming/Outgoing passengers.
Gaya: Thermal screening shall be done upon arrival.
Covid test
Patna: No RTPCR/RAT test for covid-19 required.
Darbhanga: Passengers coming specifically from Maharashtra, Kerala, and Punjab have to produce
a Nega�ve Covid-19 RT-PCR report within 72 Hours. In case of lacking the Nega�ve Covid-19 report,
they have to undergo Rapid An�gen Test for the same for which the medical team of the health
department has been deputed to the airport by Bihar government.
Gaya: Not required. Random Rapid An�gen test will be free of cost on arrivals of passengers from
all states.
Passenger obliga�on
Patna/Darbhanga: All passengers must download the Aarogya Setu App.
Wearing of Masks is made compulsory for entry into Terminal Building.
Gaya: Passengers shall have to wear a mask properly, maintain social distancing upon arrival and
follow medical team instruc�ons.
Airline obliga�on
Patna: All Airlines Shall make an onboard announcement for proper disposal of PPEs in biohazard
Darbhanga: Shall make an on-board announcement for proper disposal of PPEs in biohazard bins.
● The Airlines should make �me-to-�me announcements through the PA system for maintaining
social distancing and wearing masks properly.
● They shall also keep passengers updated regarding changing COVID-19 guidelines from �me to
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne
Gaya: 7 days
Home quaran�ne
Gaya: 7 days
Health screening
Gaya: Thermal Screening upon arrival.
Covid test
Gaya: As per MOHFW guidelines dated 17-02-2021.
Passenger obliga�on
Gaya: As per MOHFW guidelines dated 17-02-2021.
Airline obliga�on
Gaya: As per MOHFW guidelines dated 17-02-2021.
Home quaran�ne: Passengers will be advised to remain in home isola�on for 7 days.
Health screening
● Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
● All passengers traveling to Chha�sgarh will be asked to show a nega�ve report of RT-PCR done
within 96 hours of arrival at the Airport
Covid test
● All arriving passengers need to show their RT-PCR test done within 96 hours of arrival at the
airport or cer�ficate of both doses of COVID vaccine
● Passengers with RT-PCR test report not within 96 hours of arrival will have to undergo COVID test
on arrival
Passenger obliga�on
● All arriving passengers need to show their RT-PCR test done within 96 hours of arrival at the
airport or cer�ficate of both doses of COVID vaccine
● Passengers with RT-PCR test report not within 96 hours of arrival will have to undergo COVID test
on arrival
● Passengers (whose test is conducted at the airport) will have to be in home isola�on un�l their
RT-PCR report is received
Airline obliga�on
● Airlines to guide all arrival passengers to the health screening area for thermal screening and for
checking if passengers are in possession of a nega�ve RT-PCR report
● Airlines need to inform the passengers about the latest guidelines issued by the state govern-
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne:
● No ins�tu�onal quaran�ne now.
● Passengers if tested posi�ve will be sent for 14 days home Isola�on or to be admi�ed in a
private/government health ins�tu�on based on a report by Incident Commander and Home Isola-
�on Team to be decided at the level of Civil Surgeon Ranchi.
● State government may be coordinated for further details and updated guidelines.
Home quaran�ne
● All domes�c travellers shall self-monitor their symptoms for 14 days in case of interstate travel
and shall comply with the guidelines issued by MoHFW. Passengers if tested posi�ve will be sent
for 14 days home Isola�on or to be admi�ed in a private/government health ins�tu�on based on a
report by Incident Commander and Home Isola�on Team to be decided at the level of Civil Surgeon
Lockdown Specific guideline further extended w.e.f. 13.5.2021 upto 06:00 Hrs on 17.06.2021:
● Every person coming/returning to Jharkhand shall stay in home quaran�ne for a period of 07
days observing guidelines issued by department of Health and family welfare and medical educa-
�on. Excep�ons to the above is applied to Airlines personnel, people passing through the state
during interstate movement, GOI officials on official duty, persons who undertake daily state travel
for the purpose of mining/ construc�on/ industrial/ agriculture/healthcare related ac�vity and
persons who travel back from Jharkhand within 72 Hrs of arrival in the state.
● State government may be coordinated for further details and updated guidelines
Health screening: Thermal screening will be done mandatorily for all the arrival and departure
COVID test: All passengers coming to the state of Jharkhand need to mandatorily undergo COVID
Test (Free of Cost) at Tes�ng facility available at the Airport by the state Administra�on. Those
Passengers, carrying nega�ve RT-PCR report(within 72 Hrs of their departure), shall be exempted
from the la�er test
Passenger obliga�on:
● All the passengers coming to Jharkhand from all other states shall carry RT-PCR test nega�ve
report, subject to condi�on that RT-PCR test should have been taken within 72 Hrs. prior to com-
mencement of journey and produce the test results/report at Airport.
● Passengers not carrying RT-PCR test nega�ve report shall have to mandatorily go through COVID
19 Tes�ng (Free of Cost) at Airport a�er submission of Self Declara�on online through
● Passengers having symptoms will be sent to Govt. health facility or home isola�on on the basis
of self-declara�on a�er sample collec�on.
Lockdown Specific guideline further extended w.e.f. 13.5.2021 upto 06:00 Hrs on 17.06.2021:
Every person coming/returning to Jharkhand shall register his/her personal details on the Website
of Govt. of Jharkhand ( preferably before his/her departure for
Jharkhand and in any case not later than the day of arrival in the state of Jharkhand. Excep�ons to
the above is applied to Airlines personnel, people passing through the state during interstate
movement, GOI officials on official duty, persons who undertake daily state travel for the purpose
of mining/construc�on/industrial/agriculture/healthcare related ac�vity and persons who travel
back from Jharkhand within 72 Hrs of arrival in the state.
Airline obliga�on: Airlines shall Disseminate the informa�on for carrying -ve RT-PCR Test Report
and make on-board announcement for
a. Submission of Self Declara�on Form on Arrival and
b. Disposal of PPEs in Bio-hazard bins before leaving the Airport Terminal.
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne
Bhubaneswar Airport
● The passengers deboarding at Bhubaneswar airport shall have to produce RT-PCR(-ve)/Rapid
An�gen Test(-ve) report which need to be obtained 48 hrs prior to landing at Bhubaneswar or Final
Covid Vaccina�on cer�ficate.
● Passengers coming without any of the above reports shall have to undergo mandatory Rapid
An�gen Test at the tes�ng facility created at Bhubaneswar Airport. The posi�ve cases detected at
the Rapid An�gen Test at the Bhubaneswar Airport will be dealt as per treatment protocol.
Health screening: Thermal Screening is being carried out for all the depar�ng passengers.
Passenger obliga�on
● All incoming passengers from all states except West Bengal, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh have
to produce a mandatory RT-PCR nega�ve report which must have done a maximum of 72hrs prior
to landing at Bhubaneswar or Final dose vaccina�on cer�ficate.
● All incoming passengers from West Bengal, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh have to produce a
mandatory RT-PCR nega�ve report which must be done within 48 hrs of entering Odisha or Final
dose vaccina�on cer�ficate.
Airline obliga�on
● Digital self-declara�on form which is to be submi�ed by airlines to the State Health Authority on
a daily basis.
● Airlines shall make the onboard announcement for proper disposal of PPEs in BioHazard bins
before leaving the Airport terminal.
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers and COVID-19
preven�on and precau�onary �ps are displayed in FIDs and flex banners and s�ckers are placed at
different passenger eye contact points.
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne: Interna�onal arriving passengers having RT-PCR nega�ve report would be
exempted from ins�tu�onal quaran�ne. Accordingly, MoCA vide OM dated 07-08-2020 circular has
allowed for onward air journey of Interna�onal arriving passengers, when exemp�on from ins�tu-
�onal quaran�ne is granted by the state authori�es (of the entry airport) on the basis of nega�ve
RT-PCR test report, for which test was conducted within 48 hours prior to undertaking the journey.
Movement of Person on Vande Bharat and air transport bubble flights will con�nue to be regulated
as per SoP issued.
Health screening: Thermal Screening is being carried out for all the depar�ng passengers.
Passenger obliga�on: All incoming passengers have to produce a mandatory RT-PCR nega�ve
report which must be done maximum 48 hrs prior to landing at Bhubaneswar.
Airline obliga�on
● Digital self-declara�on form which is to be submi�ed by airlines to State Health Authority on a
daily basis.
● Airlines shall make onboard announcements for proper disposal of PPEs in Bio Hazard bins
before leaving the Airport terminal.
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers and COVID-19
preven�on and precau�onary �ps are displayed in FIDs and flex banners and s�ckers are pasted/-
placed at different passenger eye contact points.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne: In case of tourists tested posi�ve, available ambulances shall ferry such
tourists to the paid quaran�ne centre at Railway Guest house, Gangtok.
COVID test: RT- PCR Test report with 72 hrs limit period for the tourist travelling to Sikkim. Other-
wise they have to undergo a Rapid An�gen Test at Pakyong Airport.
Passenger obliga�on: Tourists who are not carrying nega�ve RT-PCR Test Report, they have to
undergo a Rapid An�gen Test at Pakyong Airport by Health Dept., Govt. of Sikkim at a cost of Rs.
500 per tourist.
Airline obliga�on: Social distance to be maintained and masks to be worn and updated Aarogya
Setu App status.
Airport or State obliga�on: Social distance to be maintained and masks to be worked and updated
Aarogya Setu App status.
State Obliga�on : The inter district movement of persons, passenger vehicles, private vehicles and
Govt. vehicles shall be prohibited w.e.f 06.05.2021 and �ll 16.05.2021.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
West Bengal
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne
● 14 days of Self monitoring for all asymptoma�c passengers is advised.
● For symptoma�c passengers, the Health Authori�es will decide the Quaran�ne requirement on
a case by case basis.
Home quaran�ne
● 14 days of Self monitoring for all asymptoma�c passengers is advised.
● For symptoma�c passengers, the Health Authori�es will decide the Quaran�ne requirement on
a case by case basis.
Health screening: Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival.
Covid test: It is compulsory for all passengers coming from outside the state of West Bengal to
carry a Covid nega�ve RT-PCR report for such test conducted within 72 hours before flight depar-
ture �me.
Passenger obliga�on: All passengers coming from outside the state of West Bengal shall carry a
Covid nega�ve RT-PCR report for such test conducted within 72 hours before flight departure �me.
Airline obliga�on: Nega�ve RT-PCR report for passengers boarding from outside the state of West
Bengal must be verified at origin by the airline staff.
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal screening and health profiling shall be done upon arrival.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
West Bengal
Home quaran�ne
● For all Interna�onal travelers except travelers coming through flights origina�ng from the United
Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa, Europe and Middle East are advised to self-monitor their health for
14 days. All such passengers shall inform the State or Na�onal Call Centre in case they develop
symptoms at any �me during the quaran�ne or self-monitoring of their health.
● All interna�onal travelers coming or transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa have to give their sample in the designated area and exit the airport only a�er
confirma�on of a nega�ve test report.
● Transit travelers from the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa who are found nega�ve on
tes�ng at the airport shall be allowed to take their connec�ng flights and advised quaran�ne at
home for 14 days.
● Non-Transit travelers shall give samples at the designated area and exit the airport.
● All other travelers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport or take connect-
ing flights to their final domes�c des�na�on shall give samples at the designated area and exit the
● If the test report is nega�ve, they will be advised to self-monitor their health for 14 days.
● If the test report is posi�ve, they will undergo treatment as per standard health protocol.
Health screening: Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival.
Covid test
● For all symptoma�c passengers as advised by health authori�es.
● All interna�onal travelers coming or transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa have to give their sample in the designated area and exit the airport only a�er
confirma�on of a nega�ve test report.
● Transit travelers from the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa who are found nega�ve on
tes�ng at the airport shall be allowed to take their connec�ng flights and advised quaran�ne at
home for 14 days.
● Non-Transit travelers shall give samples at the designated area and exit the airport.
● All travelers from the Middle East who have to exit the des�na�on airport or take connec�ng
flights to their final domes�c des�na�on shall give samples at the designated area and exit the
● As per State Government Direc�ve, sample/swab collec�on facility has been set up by State
authorized labs for interna�onal arriving passengers.
Passenger obliga�on
● All Interna�onal travelers should submit Self Declara�on form on the online Air Suvidha portal
● All passengers should upload a nega�ve COVID-19 RT-PCR report. This test should have been
conducted within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey.
● All Interna�onal travelers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa and the Middle East should submit Self-Declara�on Form (SDF) on the online
Air Suvidha portal ( before the scheduled travel and to declare their travel
history (of past 14 days).
Airline obliga�on: Ensuring passengers are complying with the Centre/State guidelines including
RT-PCR test reports prior boarding.
Covid test
● Passengers are required to undergo Thermal screening and health profiling at the Airport during
arrival and departure.
● All passengers must download and configure the Aarogya Setu App. If Aarogya Setu App is not
available then a Self-Declara�on Form has to be filled up by the passenger.
Passenger obliga�on
All passengers must submit a self-declara�on form or download Aarogya Setu App.
Airline obliga�on
Ensure availability of arriving passenger data to the State Health Officer.
Health screening: Thermal Screening upon arrival carried out by State Govt.
Covid test: All Arriving passengers seeking entry in the State of Goa shall carry Covid nega�ve test
report for a test done a maximum of 72 hours prior to entering in Goa. Covid nega�ve report shall
mean RT-PCR/ TrueNat/CBNAAT, Rapid An�gen Test or any other test as approved by an
ICM- approved lab.
Exemp�on to the following:-
(i) Persons entering in Goa for Medical Emergencies on produc�on of proof thereof.
(ii) The following persons who are fully vaccinated at least 14 days before the date of entry
and have been asymptoma�c
(a )The workforce, i.e., persons who enter the State of Goa for purposes of work in indus
tries, labor-force, construc�on, etc.
(b) Persons who enter the State of Goa for purposes of business and employment.
(c) Residents of Goa, who are now stranded outside Goa for pandemic related or other such
(d) Residents of Goa who, on account of their work requirements/medical reasons, are
required to travel outside the State of Goa and return to the state a�er a few days.
Passenger obliga�on: All passengers must submit a self-declara�on form on the Airlines website.
Airline obliga�on: Airlines shall check for covid nega�ve test report prior to check-in/boarding and
passengers are allowed to board only when they possess covid nega�ve test report. If the passen-
ger is found symptoma�c upon arrival, airlines guide customers along with their bags to the triage
room in coordina�on with State Health Authori�es.
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal Screening upon arrival carried out by State Govt. & Checking
for Covid nega�ve test report/ Full vaccina�on report or any other upon arrival from all the passen-
gers as per State Govt. guidelines.
Covid test
● If the arrival passenger is not carrying a Nega�ve RT-PCR report, then he/she needs to undergo
a mandatory Rapid An�gen Test at the airport. If the test report is nega�ve, then 14 days of Home
Quaran�ne. If the test report is posi�ve, passengers will be sent to COVID Care Centre/ Home
isola�on as per State Govt. guidelines.
● Passengers travelling from the UK shall have to mandatorily undergo RT-PCR upon Arrival. If their
report is nega�ve, then 14 days of Home Quaran�ne is mandatory. If the test report is
posi�ve, then passengers will be sent to COVID Care Centre as per the State Govt. guidelines.
Passenger obliga�on: Passenger shall board the flight with RT-PCR nega�ve cer�ficate conducted
within 72 hrs prior to boarding. Passengers shall submit a Self-Declara�on Form.
Airport or State obliga�on: If the test report comes posi�ve, passengers will be sent to COVID Care
Centre/ Home isola�on by State Govt. as per guidelines.
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne:
Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Kandla, Porbandar, Rajkot, Vadodara, Surat - Not
Home quaran�ne:
Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Kandla, Porbandar, Surat, Vadodara Thermal screening
shall be done for all passengers.
Health screening:
Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Kandla, Porbandar, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara: Thermal
screening shall be done for all passengers.
Covid test:
● Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Porbandar, Rajkot, Kandla, Vadodara - As per
direc�ves issued by Addi�onal Director (Public Health), Govt. of Gujarat No�fica�on dated 8-5-202,
the need for RT-PCR test in healthy individuals undertaking inter state domes�c travel is completely
● Surat - As per Govt. of Gujarat No�fica�on, from 1-4-2021 passengers arriving from any state to
Gujarat are required to carry 72 hours prior RT-PCR Nega�ve test report Passengers who are not
carrying nega�ve RT-PCR test report. are to be tested at the airport free of cost by State Health
staff, these passengers are to wait in the earmarked area in Arrival hall of the respec�ve airport �ll
their test result is given.Fully vaccinated passengers are also required to carry Nega�ve RT-PCR
report as per exis�ng Health Ministry guidelines.
Passenger obliga�on
Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Kandla, Porbandar, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara - All Depart-
ing passengers must have the Aarogya Setu app or fill a Self Declara�on form and must follow
COVID appropriate behaviour.
Airline obliga�on
Ahmedabad, Bhuj, Jamnagar, Kandla, Porbandar, Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara - Ensure availability of
arriving passenger data to State Health Officer. Airlines to ensure that passengers are carrying
RT-PCR Nega�ve test report prior departure as per the respec�ve state health protocols.
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne:
Ahmedabad, Surat - Not Applicable
Home quaran�ne
Ahmedabad, Surat - All travellers arriving from UK, Brazil and South Africa, if tested nega�ve will
remain home quaran�ned for 7 days and will be regularly followed up by the concerned State/Dis-
trict IDSP. These travellers shall again be tested a�er 7 days and if tested nega�ve, will be released
from quaran�ne, and con�nue to monitor their health for further 7 days.
Health screening:
Ahmedabad, Surat - Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers.
Covid test:
Ahmedabad, Surat - RT-PCR test will be done at the airport mandatorily for all interna�onal travel-
lers coming/transi�ng through flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom, Europe and the Middle
East. The cost of the test to be borne by the passengers.
Passenger obliga�on:
Ahmedabad, Surat - (i) Submit a self-declara�on form on the online Air Suvidha portal.
( before the scheduled travel.
(ii) Upload a nega�ve COVID-19 RT-PCR report. This test should have been conducted within 72 hrs
prior to undertaking the journey.
Airline obliga�on:
Ahmedabad, Surat - (1) Airlines to allow boarding only to those passengers who have filled in the
Self Declara�on Form on the Air Suvidha portal and uploaded the nega�ve RT-PCR test report.
(2) All passengers shall be advised to download the Aarogya Setu app on their mobile devices.
(3) During boarding all possible measures to ensure physical distancing are to be ensured.
Health screening: Bhopal, Indore , Jabalpur -Thermal screening and health profiling shall be done
for all passengers.
Passenger obliga�on: Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur- Passenger is required to undergo Thermal screen-
ing and health profiling at the Airport. All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App, if Aarogya
Setu App is not available then self-declara�on form has to be filled up by the passenger.
Airline obliga�on: Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur - If a passenger is found symptoma�c upon arrival, the
airline will guide passengers along with his/her bag/s to the dedicated medical room.
Airport or State obliga�on: Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur- Thermal screening and health profiling of
passengers to be done.
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne
Aurangabad, Jalgaon, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Nanded, Pune, Shirdi - Not applicable
Home quaran�ne
Aurangabad, Jalgaon, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Nanded, Pune, Shirdi - Not applicable
Health screening
Aurangabad, Jalgaon, Kolhapur, Nagpur, Nasik, Shirdi - Thermal screening shall be done for all
Mumbai - Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers (Departure) Nanded, Pune - Thermal
screening is done for all passengers (Arrival/Departure)
Covid test
● Aurangabad, Jalgaon, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Nanded, Pune, Shirdi - As per the
Government of Maharashtra No�fica�on, passengers arriving in Maharashtra who are not fully
vaccinated are required to carry 72 hours prior Nega�ve RT-PCR report or undergo RT-PCR test at
Airport. RT-PCR test is done free of cost at Aurangabad, Jalgaon and Nanded airport. The cost of the
RT- PCR test done at airports at Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Pune and Shirdi has to be borne by
passengers. RT-PCR test facility is not available at Kolhapur airport. All arriving passengers who are
not fully vaccinated are required to carry 72 hours prior to the nega�ve RT-PCR test report from
their origin des�na�on.
● Exemp�on for Covid Test
1. As per the Government of Maharashtra le�er dated 26-11-2021 , Exemp�on from RT- PCR Test is
permi�ed to Armed Forces officials(Army, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard) and their families.
2. As per the Government of Maharashtra le�er dated 15-12-2021, Hon'ble Member of Parliament
are also exempted from RT-PCR test. The above is subject to following all COVID 19 related proto-
cols as laid down by the State Government from �me to �me.
3. As per the Government of Maharashtra le�er dated 15-7-2021, passengers who have been
vaccinated with both the doses of COVID-19 vaccine and 15 days have lapsed since the administra-
�on of second dose of the vaccine and are in possession of the final vaccina�on cer�ficate issued
through COWIN portal, shall be exempted from mandatory requirement of possessing a nega�ve
RT-PCR report on their entry into the State of Maharashtra.
Passenger obliga�on
Aurangabad, Jalgaon, Kolhapur, Mumbai, Nagpur, Nasik, Nanded, Pune, Shirdi - All passengers
must download Aarogya Setu App and furnish Health Declara�on.
Airline obliga�on
Aurangabad, Jalgaon, Kolhapur, Nagpur, Nasik, Pune, Shirdi - Arriving passengers details with
name, mobile number, residen�al address be shared with State Nodal officer. If passenger
found symptoma�c upon arrival, airline will guide passenger along with their bags to the dedicated
medical room
Mumbai - To check passengers arriving from any State to Mumbai who are not fully vaccinated are
carrying 72 hours prior RT-PCR Nega�ve test report with them. Airline to comply with dedicated
deployment of senior officials and other assis�ng staff 24x7 for COVID opera�ons.
Nanded - Detailed list of arriving passengers, residen�al address to be shared with Nodal Officer. If
a passenger is found symptoma�c upon arrival, the Medical team of Municipal Corpora�on will
guide the pax about the further procedure.
Shirdi - Detailed list of arriving passengers with arrival flight, �me, mobile number and residen�al
address to be shared with Nodal officers. If a passenger is found symptoma�c upon arrival, the
airline shall handover the passenger to the Medical team for quaran�ne at passengers cost.
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne
● Mumbai - 07 Days, For all passengers arriving from Middle East, Europe, UK, South Africa and
Brazil, except the below men�oned.
Exemp�on from Ins�tu�onal Quaran�ne for passengers arriving on Interna�onal sector to Mumbai
as per Municipal Corpora�on of Greater Mumbai order Dated 20-3-2021 new norms for exemp�on
from Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne has been considered as follows:
1. Elderly passengers above the age of 65 years.
2. Pregnant woman in advanced stage of pregnancy.
3. Both parents are accompanied below 5 years of age.
4. Passengers having serious illness and require immediate medical a�en�on such as cancer, severe
physical disability, mental illness, cerebral palsy on produc�on of suppor�ng documents and medi-
cal condi�ons that need admission in a medical ins�tu�on immediately.
5. Extreme family distress condi�on i.e. father, mother, son, daughter in cri�cal condi�on (on death
bed), severe accident in family, death of immediate family member (only on produc�on of convinc-
ing support document to the airport staff).
6. Passengers who have completed their both COVID vaccine dosage ( on produc�on of both
vaccina�on cer�ficates and also a self declara�on in prescribed format).
7. Medical professionals that intend to travel for performing life saving surgery/a�ending cri�cal
pa�ents (on produc�on of proof from the hospitals where the surgery/medical service is intended
to be performed).
The above categories passengers may be considered exempt from ins�tu�onal quaran�ne subject
to providing required documents to the sa�sfac�on of the In- Charge officer at the airport.
● Nagpur - 7 days Ins�tu�onal Quaran�ne and 7 days home quaran�ne are mandatory for those
passengers who are travelling from Middle East, European Countries, South Africa and UK.
● Pune - Not Applicable - Only 14 days self monitoring of health for those passengers possessing
valid nega�ve RT-PCR test report.
Home quaran�ne
● Mumbai - 07 Days, For all Interna�onal passengers arriving from Middle East, Europe, UK, South
Africa and Brazil. 14 Days for Interna�onal passengers arriving from countries other than specified
● Nagpur, Pune - For RT-PCR nega�ve test report passengers, No Home Quaran�ne but self
monitoring of health by passengers.
Health screening
Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune - Thermal screening for all passengers.
Covid test
● Mumbai - Passengers transi�ng to Domes�c sectors outside Maharashtra are required to under-
go RT-PCR test before connec�ng to their onward flights.Passengers arriving from UK, Brazil and
South Africa are required to wait for the test results at the airport before connec�ng for their
onward journey.
● Nagpur - Not applicable
● Pune - All passengers arriving from UK, Brazil, South Africa and Middle East are required to
undergo RT-PCR tes�ng on Arrival at Pune Airport. Transit passengers arriving from Brazil/UK/
South Africa and taking connec�ng domes�c flights, need to undergo RT-PCR test and wait for Test
Results (should be nega�ve) before they board a domes�c flight. Any Transit Passenger found
posi�ve will be shi�ed to the nearest COVID Isola�on facility.
Exemp�on- As per the Government of Maharashtra le�er dated 15-7-2021, Person who have been
vaccinated with both doses of COVID 19 vaccine and 15 days have lapsed since the administra�on
of second dose of the vaccine and is in possession of the final vaccina�on cer�ficate issued through
COWIN portal, then such persons be exempted from mandatory requirement of possessing a
nega�ve RT-PCR report on their entry into the State of Maharashtra.
Passenger obliga�on
● Mumbai - Passenger to upload Nega�ve RT-PCR test report within 72 hours prior to undertaking
the journey as well as self declara�on form on Air Suvidha portal. They will abide by the decision of
appropriate government authority to undergo home quaran�ne/self monitoring for 14 days or as
warranted. On arrival Passenger to fill a hard copy of self declara�on form to be submi�ed to
● Nagpur - Passengers are required to self cer�fy their health through online portal or manually by
filling self declara�on form on arrival.
● Pune - Passengers are required to fill up a Self Declara�on Form (SDF) and upload nega�ve
RT-PCR Test Report through an online portal. All passengers arriving from the UK, Brazil, South
Africa and Middle East are required to undergo RT-PCR tes�ng on Arrival at Pune Airport. Transit
passengers arriving from Brazil / UK / South Africa and taking connec�ng domes�c flights need to
undergo RT-PCR test and wait for Test Results (should be nega�ve) before they can board a domes-
�c flight. Any Transit Passenger found posi�ve will be shi�ed to the nearest COVID Isola�on facility.
Airline obliga�on
1. Airlines allow boarding only to those passengers who have filled in the Self Declara�on Form on
the Air Suvidha portal and uploaded the nega�ve RT-PCR test report.
2. At the �me of boarding the flight, only asymptoma�c travellers will be allowed to board a�er
thermal screening. All passengers shall be advised to download the Aarogya Setu app on their
mobile devices.
3. During boarding all possible measures for physical distancing are to be ensured.
4. Suitable announcement about COVID-19 including precau�onary measures to be followed shall
be made at airports and in flights and during transit.
5. While on board the flight, required precau�ons such as wearing masks, environmental hygiene,
respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene etc. are to be observed by airline staff, crew and all passengers.
6. De-boarding should be done to ensure physical distance.
Nagpur - Arrival Passengers data in the prescribed format needs to be forwarded to State Govt.
Pune - Arrival passengers data in the prescribed format needs to be forwarded to State Govt.
Airlines will also ensure that all arriving Interna�onal passengers will upload Self declara�on
form(SDA) and nega�ve RT-PCR test report on the online portal ( before
they are allowed to board the flight at depar�ng airport.
● Mandatory Rapid An�gen Test for all arrivals.
● If Rapid An�gen Test found posi�ve, Home isola�on allowed only a�er Local authority’s
permission/Hospital treatment, �ll nega�ve for COVID 19.
● If Rapid An�gen Test found nega�ve, RT-PCR. Followed by Home Isola�on �ll nega�ve of RT-PCR
report. Seven days of home Isola�on.
● If RT-PCR found nega�ve, No further quaran�ne a�er 07 days.
● If RT-PCR posi�ve, Home isola�on/ treatment in COVID Care Centre or hospital, as per protocol.
● Payment of Rs. 500/- to be collected by State Health Department for RT-PCR Tes�ng.
● Earlier exemp�on to people, who have been fully vaccinated with two doses of COVID vaccine,
from mandatory tes�ng upon arrival, has been withdrawn with immediate effect.
● Rapid An�gen as well as RT-PCR Test.
● If Rapid An�gen Test found posi�ve, Home isola�on allowed only a�er Local authority’s
permission /Hospital treatment, �ll nega�ve for COVID 19.
● If Rapid An�gen Test is found nega�ve, Passengers arriving from outside the State will have to
undergo compulsory home quaran�ne for seven days, even if the result of the COVID test under-
gone on arrival is nega�ve .
● If RT-PCR found nega�ve , 07 days of home quaran�ne from the day of arrival.
● Payment of Rs. 500/- to be collected by State Health Department for RT-PCR Tes�ng.
● If RT-PCR posi�ve, Home isola�on with permission/Hospital treatment, �ll nega�ve for
● Earlier exemp�on to people, who have been fully vaccinated with two doses of COVID vaccine,
from mandatory tes�ng upon arrival, has been withdrawn with immediate effect.
● Mandatory Rapid An�gen Test
● If Rapid An�gen Test found posi�ve, Home isola�on allowed only a�er Local authority’s
permission /Hospital treatment, �ll nega�ve for COVID 19.
● If Rapid An�gen Test is found nega�ve, Passengers arriving from outside the State will have to
undergo compulsory home quaran�ne for seven days, even if the result of the COVID test
undergone on arrival is nega�ve.
● If RT-PCR found nega�ve , 07 days of home quaran�ne from the day of arrival.
● If RT-PCR posi�ve, Home isola�on with permission /Hospital treatment, �ll nega�ve for
● Earlier exemp�on to people, who have been fully vaccinated with two doses of COVID vaccine,
from mandatory tes�ng upon arrival, has been withdrawn with immediate effect.
● Rapid An�gen Test
● If Rapid An�gen Test found posi�ve, Home isola�on allowed only a�er Local authority’s
permission /Hospital treatment, �ll nega�ve for COVID 19.
● If Rapid An�gen Test found nega�ve, Passengers arriving from outside the State will have to
undergo compulsory home quaran�ne for seven days, even if the result of the COVID test
undergone on arrival is nega�ve .
● If RT-PCR found nega�ve, 07 days of home quaran�ne from the day of arrival.
● If RT-PCR posi�ve, Home isola�on/ treatment in COVID Care Centre or hospital, as per protocol.
● Payment of Rs. 500/- to be collected by State Health Department for RT-PCR Tes�ng.
● Earlier exemp�on to people, who have been fully vaccinated with two doses of COVID vaccine,
from mandatory tes�ng upon arrival, has been withdrawn with immediate effect.
● District civil hospital is taking Rapid An�gen test at Airport.
● If Rapid An�gen Test found posi�ve, Home isola�on allowed only a�er Local authority’s
permission /Hospital treatment, �ll nega�ve for COVID 19.
● If Rapid An�gen Test found nega�ve, Passengers arriving from outside the State will have to
undergo compulsory home quaran�ne for seven days, even if the result of the COVID test
undergone on arrival is nega�ve .
● If RT-PCR found nega�ve, 07 days of home quaran�ne from the day of arrival.
● If RT-PCR posi�ve, Home isola�on/ treatment in COVID Care Centre or hospital, as per protocol.
● Payment of Rs. 500/- to be collected by State Health Department for RT-PCR Tes�ng.
● Earlier exemp�on to people, who have been fully vaccinated with two doses of COVID vaccine,
from mandatory tes�ng upon arrival, has been withdrawn with immediate effect.
● District administra�on is tes�ng passengers at Silchar a�er arrival.
● If Rapid An�gen Test found posi�ve, Home isola�on allowed only a�er Local authority’s
permission /Hospital treatment, �ll nega�ve for COVID 19.
● If Rapid An�gen Test found nega�ve, Passengers arriving from outside the State will have to
undergo compulsory home quaran�ne for seven days, even if the result of the COVID test
undergone on arrival is nega�ve .
● If RT-PCR posi�ve, Home isola�on/ treatment in COVID Care Centre or hospital, as per protocol.
● Payment of Rs. 500/- to be collected by State Health Department for RT-PCR Tes�ng.
● Earlier exemp�on to people, who have been fully vaccinated with two doses of COVID vaccine,
from mandatory tes�ng upon arrival, has been withdrawn with immediate effect.
● Only RAT on arrival. Covid Test for passengers arriving from outside North East/Assam.
● People who have been vaccinated with two doses of COVID vaccine, shall be exempted from
mandatory tes�ng on arrival at airports in Assam from outside the state provided they produce a
valid cer�ficate depic�ng the fully vaccinated status of person with two doses of COVID vaccine.
● Health dep� will shortly start RTPCR test also
● Passenger carrying nega�ve RTPCR report of sampling within 72 Hours are exempted from test
● Earlier exemp�on to people, who have been fully vaccinated with two doses of COVID vaccine,
from mandatory tes�ng upon arrival, has been withdrawn with immediate effect.
● There will be NO exemp�on in case of any passenger arriving in Assam and earlier standard
exemp�ons are withdrawn.
● Stamping done on hand for home isola�on a�er Test (Rapid An�gen Test/ RT-PCR).
● Payment of Rs. 500/- to be collected by the State Health Department for RT-PCR Tes�ng.
● Residents of North East other than Assam, Intra-Assam movement, who arrives at any airport in
Assam, transi�ng from Airport are exempted from tes�ng provided they are asymptoma�c, they
will be required to submit address proof of the state.
● Every passenger coming outside North-East needs to undergo tes�ng. They should bring a copy
of ID and address proof for exi�ng/exemp�ons.
● Government officials and those travelling due to medical reasons and family bereavement are
exempted from mandatory seven days home quaran�ne.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
● Thermal screening on arrival. Both Rapid Antigen Test & RT-PCR available. Rapid Antigen Test
done subject to availability of kits for the day, rest will undergo RT-PCR test.
● Compulsory test will be done for all incoming passengers not carrying valid negative test reports
for COVID-19 on arrival (done by RT-PCR/True NAT/CBNAAT of 72 hours).
● Those with valid negative RTPCR test reports (done by RT-PCR/True NAT/CBNAAT of 72 hours)
will be exempted from undergoing COVID tests at the Airport on arrival.
● All Symptomatic passengers shall undergo Quarantine for 14 days. Passengers do not need to
pay for the Covid swab test.
● If, Tested positive, 14 days of mandatory quarantine and treatment as per the State Govt
● Self-isolation/ Quarantine/ Self-health monitoring for 14 days in other cases.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
● Returnee/traveller who produces a nega e report of COVID-19 test done not earlier 72 hrs prior to
arrival in Nagaland through RT-PCR/TrueNat/CBNAAT shall be exempted from quaran
● The returnee /traveller should c d copy of the nega e test report and produce it
whenever asked by the competent authority.
● In case the arrival passenger is a resident of Nagaland but arrived without nega e COVID-19 report or
vaccina omple ate, they will undergo Rapid An en Test at POE on payment basis at
Govt. rate.
● Residents of any NE state who is arriving in Nagaland and is a transit passenger and directly travelling
onwards to any North East state should have Nega e COVID-19 report or vaccina omple
ate and also sa fy the SOP of the final des tate.
● For dignitaries and senior Govt officials entering the state, the Home Dept will provide necessary
facilita e arrangement for their tes er entry
● In case of officers/staff/personnel of military/paramilitary entering the state, the r e unit will
make arrangements at POE for transporta or e units.
● The arriving passengers are also required to submit undertaking/declara t POE as per annexure.
● For detailed guidelines/SOP refer h
Special a en will be given to the passengers coming from any of the 11 states namely:
Maharashtra, Chha arh, Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, ar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Gujarat, Rajasthan & Delhi.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
● Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers.
● To check, all the arrival passengers are coming with the Nega�ve RT-PCR/TRUENAT/CB-NAAT
COVID 19 Test Report taken within 72 hrs of arrival. State to allow only those passengers who have
a nega�ve RT-PCR/TRUENAT/ CB-NAT COVID 19 test report taken within 72 hrs from arrival in
● Addi�onally, a person belonging to Manipur undertaking Emergency travel due to unforeseen
medical or other exigencies may be exempted from possessing a COVID-19 Nega�ve cer�ficate at
the �me of entry as a special case. Such person shall be tested at Airport / Point of entry to State.
● Special screening passengers arriving from the states of Maharashtra, Kerala, Chha�sgarh,
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana and Tamil Nadu. Home/self-isola�on �ll the
RT-PCR test results are declared.
● All passengers arriving into Manipur must apply for an epass to the Deputy Commissioner of
their home district.
● COVID Protocols will be followed for passengers tes�ng posi�ve.
● All Passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Test on Arrival
● All persons entering the State shall be tested with RT-PCR on payment basis. Person exi�ng the
state on the same day shall also be tested for RT-PCR and the result will be communicated to them.
On entry, they shall strictly confine to their place of work and exit on the same day (As per order
dtd. 09.06.2021). Persons coming with valid final cer�ficate of vaccina�on (As per order dtd.
09.06.2021) shall be exempted from tes�ng at the entry point.
● Persons showing symptoms on arrival at the entry point shall be mandatorily tested with RT-PCR
even if they have final Vaccina�on Cer�ficate.
● All entrants are mandatorily required to register themselves on htps://
covid/tes�ng.htm. They shall download ArogyaSetu app and Behavioural Change Management app
of Meghalaya. Meghalaya is closed for all Tourists un�l further orders (as per Order of Chief Secre-
tary dtd. 11.06.2021). The Order dtd. 09.06.2021 from Health Dept, Govt of Meghalaya may please
be referred to.
● All entrants are mandatorily required to register themselves on htps://
covid/tes�ng.htm. They shall download ArogyaSetu app and Behavioural Change Management app
of Meghalaya.
● Meghalaya is closed for all Tourists un�l further orders (as per Order of Chief Secretary dtd.
25.06.2021)). The Order dtd. 09.06.2021 from Health Dept, Govt of Meghalaya may please be
referred to.
Home quaran�ne
● If tested posi�ve, Home isola�on/ treatment in COVID Care Centre or hospital, as per protocol.
● Mandatory 07 days Home quaran�ne a�er tes�ng RT-PCR.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Rapid An�gen Test on arrival: Every passenger needs to undergo RAT on arrival
Home quaran�ne
● If tested posi�ve, passengers will be sent to Covid Care Centre for treatment.
● Home/ins�tu�onal isola�on for 10 days followed by RT-PCR/ TrueNat test.
● If tested nega�ve for coivid19, no obliga�on regarding quaran�ne/ isola�on.
Passenger Obliga�on
● Payment for Rapid An�gen Test. RT-PCR test fees to be collected by State Health Dep�.
● mPASS is mandatory
● Passengers arriving with Covid-19 RT-PCR Nega�ve cer�ficate within 72 hrs of flight will be
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Arunachal Pradesh
● Every Passenger needs to undergo RAT test on arrival however, a person possessing a nega�ve
RT-PCR report and Tested within 72 hrs need not to go for RAT test
● If Rapid An�gen Test found posi�ve: treatment at CCC/ home isola�on �ll nega�ve for COVID-19
as per state health Dept. protocol
● If Rapid An�gen Test found nega�ve: Self-monitoring of health for 14 days
● If RT-PCR found nega�ve: Shi�ed to Non Covid health facility for management of symptoms.
● Payment of Rs.200/- for RAT and Rs.500/- for RT-PCR test to be collected by State Health Dep�.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne:
● Passengers who have been administered 1st dose of COVID Vaccine will be allowed to enter the
State of Rajasthan. They are neither required to produce RT-PCR nega�ve test report, nor would be
quaran�ned, be it Home or Ins�tu�onal.
● All such passengers who have not been administered the 1st dose of COVID Vaccine must
produce an RT-PCR nega�ve report of the last 72 hours before entering the State. Else, they would
be quaran�ned as per extant rules.
Home quaran�ne:
● Passengers who have been administered 1st dose of COVID Vaccine will be allowed to enter the
State of Rajasthan. They are neither required to produce RT-PCR nega�ve test report, nor would be
quaran�ned, be it Home or Ins�tu�onal.
● All such passengers who have not been administered the 1st dose of COVID Vaccine must
produce an RT-PCR nega�ve report of the last 72 hours before entering the State. Else, they would
be quaran�ned as per extant rules.
Health Screening:
● Thermal Screening and Oxygen Satura�on Tests mandatory for all passengers.
Passengers who have been administered 1st dose of COVID Vaccine will be allowed to enter the
State of Rajasthan. They are neither required to produce RT-PCR nega�ve test report, nor would be
quaran�ned, be it Home or Ins�tu�onal.
● All such passengers who have not been administered the 1st dose of COVID Vaccine must
produce an RT-PCR nega�ve report of the last 72 hours before entering the State. Else, they would
be quaran�ned as per extant rules.
COVID test:
● Passengers who have been administered 1st dose of COVID Vaccine will be allowed to enter the
State of Rajasthan. They are neither required to produce RT-PCR nega�ve test report, nor would be
quaran�ned, be it Home or Ins�tu�onal.
● All such passengers who have not been administered the 1st dose of COVID Vaccine must
produce an RT-PCR nega�ve report of the last 72 hours before entering the State. Else, they would
be quaran�ned as per extant rules.
Passenger obliga�on
● Passengers are expected to cer�fy the status of their health through the Aarogya Setu mobile
app or a Self-Declara�on Form.
● Passengers are expected to follow “No Mask-No Movement” rule and social distancing norms.
● Passenger's Journey �cket will be considered their movement pass for travel to and from the
● Passengers who have been administered 1st dose of COVID Vaccine will be allowed to enter the
State of Rajasthan. They are neither required to produce RT-PCR nega�ve test report, nor would be
quaran�ned, be it Home or Ins�tu�onal.
● All such passengers who have not been administered the 1st dose of COVID Vaccine must
produce an RT-PCR nega�ve report of the last 72 hours before entering the State. Else, they would
be quaran�ned as per extant rules.
Airlines obliga�on
● All airlines must submit passenger’s details with mobile numbers in advance to below men-
�oned mail id: fl[email protected]
● Passengers who have been administered 1st dose of COVID Vaccine will be allowed to enter the
State of Rajasthan. They are neither required to produce RT-PCR nega�ve test report, nor would be
quaran�ned, be it Home or Ins�tu�onal.
● All such passengers who have not been administered the 1st dose of COVID Vaccine must
produce an RT-PCR nega�ve report of the last 72 hours before entering the State. Else, they would
be quaran�ned as per extant rules.
Airport/State obliga�on
● Thermal screening shall be done for all depar�ng passengers.
● Passengers who have been administered 1st dose of COVID Vaccine will be allowed to enter the
State of Rajasthan. They are neither required to produce RT-PCR nega�ve test report, nor would be
quaran�ned, be it Home or Ins�tu�onal.
● All such passengers who have not been administered the 1st dose of COVID Vaccine must
produce an RT-PCR nega�ve report of the last 72 hours before entering the State. Else, they would
be quaran�ned as per extant rules.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Home Quaran�ne
● 7 days Home Quaran�ne mandatory for all passengers travelling from Brazil, South Africa and
the United Kingdom.
● 7 days Home Quaran�ne for those who came in contact of a posi�ve case traveling from other
COVID test: COVID RT-PCR test shall be done at the airport for all passengers coming from Europe,
Middle East, Brazil, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Passenger obliga�on
● Passenger should submit self-declara�on form on the online portal (
● Passengers must carry COVID-19 RT-PCR nega�ve reports. This test should have been conducted
within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey.
● Exemp�on from carrying RT-PCR Test report-
Those traveling to India in the exigency of death in the family. If they wish to seek such exemp�on,
they shall apply to the online portal ( at least 72 hours before boarding.
The decision taken by the government as communicated on the online portal will be final. OR ,
otherwise, those pax who have completed their two recommended doses of covid vaccine, 28 days
prior to their travel to the State of Rajasthan , would neither require any RT-PCR Nega�ve report,
nor would be quaran�ned, be home or ins�tu�onal.
Airlines obliga�on: Make passengers aware to follow social distancing and safety protocols/guide-
lines provided by the government.
Airport/State obliga�on: Thermal screening shall be done for all passengers. RT-PCR tes�ng facility
should be provided at the airport.
Note: Before travelling to Rajasthan from foreign countries each passenger must go through the detailed
guidelines issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India dated 17th Feb, 2021
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Home quaran�ne
● All Air passengers who have a valid contactable mobile number with the Aarogya Setu applica-
�on downloaded on their phones shall be sent for Home Quaran�ne for 14 days or �ll their test
results are reported nega�ve, a�er their sampling is done as per the protocol in use.
● In case of Air passengers without a valid contactable phone number with the Aarogya Setu app
downloaded on their phones, they will be sent to Administra�ve/Ins�tu�onal Quaran�ne or Paid
Quaran�ne for 14 days or �ll their test results are reported nega�ve, in which case they are
released for Home Quaran�ne.
● In the event of any such Air passengers tes�ng posi�ve, the protocol with regard to COVID-19
posi�ve pa�ents will be followed.
● The personnel of Defense and Central Armed Police Forces returning to duty, including transit
labour hired by BRO to go to Ladakh, are exempted from compulsory 100% COVID-19 an�gen
tes�ng and administra�ve/ ins�tu�onal quaran�ne in any facility authorized by the Government of
Jammu & Kashmir. The said personnel shall be allowed to proceed to the ins�tu�onal quaran�ne of
their respec�ve Units/Forma�ons for necessary quaran�ne as per their internal procedures.
Health screening: 100% COVID Tes�ng is compulsory for all incoming passengers
Covid test: 100% COVID Tes�ng of all incoming passengers using the RT-PCR or Rapid An�gen test
or any other prescribed method free of cost.
Passenger obliga�on
● Passengers shall have a valid contactable mobile number with Aarogya Setu applica�on down-
loaded on their phones.
● Passengers are required to undergo COVID- 19 Test at the Airport free of Cost.
● Passengers carrying valid & verifiable nega�ve RT-PCR report of 48 hours prior from a recognised
tes�ng facility shall be permi�ed to enter without having to undergo a re-test at the entry point.
Airline obliga�on: Inform passengers that there will be mandatory tests on arrival for all Passen-
gers except for Defense Personnel and Central Armed Police Forces.
Passengers carrying valid & verifiable nega�ve RT-PCR report of 48 hours prior from a recognised
tes�ng facility shall be permi�ed to enter without having to undergo a re-test at the entry point.
Home Quaran�ne
● All Air passengers who have a valid contactable mobile number with the Aarogya Setu applica-
�on downloaded on their phones shall be sent for Home Quaran�ne for 14 days or �ll their test
results are reported nega�ve, a�er their sampling is done as per the protocol in use.
● In case of Air passengers without a valid contactable phone number with the Aarogya Setu app
downloaded on their phones, they will be sent to Administra�ve/Ins�tu�onal Quaran�ne or Paid
Quaran�ne for 14 days or �ll their test results are reported nega�ve, in which case they are
released for Home Quaran�ne.
● In the event of any such Air passengers tes�ng posi�ve, the protocol with regard to COVID-19
posi�ve pa�ents will be followed.
● The personnel of Defense and Central Armed Police Forces returning to duty, including transit
labour hired by BRO to go to Ladakh, are exempted from compulsory 100% COVID-19 an�gen
tes�ng and administra�ve/ ins�tu�onal quaran�ne in any facility authorized by the Government of
Jammu & Kashmir. The said personnel shall be allowed to proceed to the ins�tu�onal quaran�ne of
their respec�ve Units/Forma�ons for necessary quaran�ne as per their internal procedures.
Health Screening: 100% COVID Tes�ng is compulsory for all incoming passengers
COVID test: 100% COVID Tes�ng of all incoming passengers using the RT-PCR or Rapid An�gen test
or any other prescribed method free of cost.
Passenger Obliga�on
● Passengers shall have a valid contactable mobile number with Aarogya Setu applica�on down-
loaded on their phones.
● Passengers are required to undergo COVID- 19 Test at the Airport free of Cost.
Airlines Obliga�on: Inform passengers that there will be mandatory tests on arrival for all Passen-
gers except for Defense Personnel and Central Armed Police Forces.
Airport/State obliga�on
● All Passengers arriving shall be 100% tested for COVID 19 an�gen using the RT-PCR or Rapid
An�gen test or any other prescribed method free of Cost.
● Fulfill quaran�ne requirements.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Ins�tu�onal quaran�ne
● Any person(s) reported with severe COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated by the District Adminis-
tra�on along with their contacts irrespec�ve of the mode of travel.
● Every person /tourists on arrival irrespec�ve of having RT-PCR nega�ve Test Report will manda-
torily be subjected to RAT Test at the point of arrival. Such person, if found posi�ve shall be isolated
at the place of stay or COVID Care Centre.
● The Travelers arriving in Ladakh both by air and road must have a nega�ve RT-PCR report not
older than 96 hours. Such persons(s)/Tourists who is/are without a valid COVID-19 test report of
not later than 96 hours before their arrival will undergo mandatory quaran�ne at their place of stay
for seven days. Such person(s) may have to undergo a COVID-19 test and will only be released from
quaran�ne, if his/her test report is found nega�ve.
● Labourers are advised to come through contractor(s) or labour agencies with COVID-19 test
reports 96 hours before their arrival in Ladakh from ICMR-approved test laboratories. Such labour-
ers who arrive in Ladakh, without any COVID-19 test report shall have to undergo seven days
mandatory ins�tu�onal quaran�ne a�er which they will be tested for COVID-19. They will be
released from ins�tu�onal quaran�ne only a�er his/her test report is found nega�ve. The detailed
SOP regarding labourers issued by the Labour & Employment Department will remain in force.
Home Quaran�ne
● Incoming passenger(s) who are declared suspects in the Aarogya Setu app will mandatorily be
home quaran�ned for 14 days.
● In case, they develop any symptoms, they shall inform the District Surveillance Officer of the
respec�ve district immediately.
● Every person /tourists on arrival irrespec�ve of having RT-PCR nega�ve Test Report will manda-
torily be subjected to RAT Test at the point of arrival. Such person, if found posi�ve shall be isolated
at the place of stay or COVID Care Centre.
● Such persons will be administered a COVID-19 test by the District Surveillance Officer and �ll
such �me their test report is declared nega�ve, they will have to stay under home quaran�ne
along-with other family members.
Health screening
● Thermal screening will be conducted for all passengers
● Any person(s) reported with severe COVID-19 symptoms will be isolated by the District Adminis-
tra�on along with their contacts irrespec�ve of the mode of Travel.
Covid test: Covid-19 test shall be performed for every passenger who does not produce RT-PCR
Nega�ve Test done within 96 hrs.
Every person /tourists on arrival irrespec�ve of having RT-PCR nega�ve Test Report will mandatorily
be subjected to RAT Test at the point of arrival. Such person, if found posi�ve shall be isolated at
the place of stay or COVID Care Centre.
Passenger obliga�on: Passengers arriving in Ladakh both by air and road must have a nega�ve
RT-PCR report not older than 96 hours.
Every person /tourists on arrival irrespec�ve of having RT-PCR nega�ve Test Report will mandatorily
be subjected to RAT Test at the point of arrival. Such person, if found posi�ve shall be isolated at
the place of stay or COVID Care Centre.
Airline obliga�on: Inform passengers to get RT PCR Test conducted within 96 hours prior to the
flight �mings and carry a nega�ve test report.
Covid test: Passengers travelling to the State of Punjab no longer require either Vaccina�on Cer�fi-
cate or Nega�ve RT-PCR report of last 72 hours.
Passenger obliga�on:
● Passengers travelling to the State of Punjab no longer require either Vaccina�on Cer�ficate or
Nega�ve RT-PCR report of last 72 hours.
● All passenger must register on COVA Punjab App before commencing their Journey
● Passengers are expected to cer�fy the status of their health through the Aarogya Setu mobile
app or a Self Declara�on Form.
● Boarding pass shall be considered as e-pass for movement to & from airport during curfew
period (Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays)
Airline obliga�on:
● Passengers travelling to the State of Punjab no longer require either Vaccina�on Cer�ficate or
Nega�ve RT-PCR report of last 72 hours.
● Provide details of passengers with state administra�on
● Deplane passengers from the aircra� by maintaining social distancing
Ins�tu�onal Quaran�ne
● Travelers from Brazil, South Africa and the United Kingdom if tested posi�ve shall be isolated in
an ins�tu�onal isola�on facility.
● All other travelers from Europe and the Middle East will undergo treatment as per standard
health protocol.
Home quaran�ne
● For all interna�onal travelers except travelers coming through flights origina�ng from the United
Kingdom, Brazil, South Africa, Europe and the Middle East, who are advised to self-monitor their
health for 14 days.
● All such passengers shall inform the State or Na�onal Call Centre in case they develop symptoms
at any �me during the quaran�ne or self-monitoring of their health.
● For all interna�onal travelers coming or transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United
Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East, Brazil, South Africa have to give their sample in the designated
area and exit the airport.
● Transit travelers from the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East, Brazil and South Africa who
are found nega�ve on tes�ng at the airport shall be allowed to take their connec�ng flights and
advised quaran�ne at home for 14 days.
● Non Transit travelers shall give samples at the designated area and exit the airport.
Covid test: Self paid molecular test for all passengers coming from the United Kingdom, Europe,
Middle East, Brazil, South Africa.
Passenger obliga�on:
● All Interna�onal travelers should submit a Self-Declara�on Form on the online Air Suvidha portal
● All passengers should upload a nega�ve Covid-19 RT-PCR report. This test should have been
conducted within 72 hours prior to undertaking the journey
● All Interna�onal travelers coming/transi�ng from flights origina�ng from the United Kingdom,
Brazil, South Africa and the Middle East should submit Self-Declara�on Form (SDF) on the online
Air Suvidha portal ( before the scheduled travel and to declare their travel
history (of past 14 days)
Airline obliga�on: Ensure that the passengers are complying with the Centre/State guidelines
including RT-PCR test reports and filling of self repor�ng forms, prior to boarding
Home Quaran�ne: All asymptoma�c inbound persons shall be exempted from home quaran�ne if
they have undergone RT-PCR/TrueNAT/CBNAAT/An�gen test with nega�ve report on return not
earlier than 72 hours before the arrival to U�rakhand.
Health Screening: Thermal Screening shall be done for all Passengers origina�ng from the State of
Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Karnataka, Cha�sgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Hary-
ana, U�ar Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan
COVID test
● There are Covid-19 tes�ng counters manned by the Medical Team of doctors from State Govt
Health Dept.
● As per the guidelines issued by state govt, if the passenger origina�ng from the State of Maha-
rashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Karnataka, Cha�sgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Haryana,
U�ar Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan is carrying Covid-19 nega�ve report of last 72 hours, then he/she is
exempted from the test at the airport otherwise, Covid-19 test is to be conducted for the incoming
● The above test is done on a free basis at the Dehradun airport.
Passenger Obliga�on
● As mandated by the U�arakhand state govt., each passenger must register on the web-portal of
h�p:// prior to their travel and relevant documents as sought shall be
uploaded while registra�on.
● Passengers travelling to the state of U�arakhand by air shall need to provide an RT-PCR/Tru-
eNAT/CBNAAT/An�gen test nega�ve test report done 72 hours prior to scheduled departure for the
● All persons must download the Aarogya Setu App on their phone.
Airlines Obliga�on
● As mandated by the U�arakhand state govt., each passenger must register on the web-portal of
h�p:// prior to their travel and relevant documents as sought shall be
uploaded while registra�on.
● Passengers travelling to the state of U�arakhand by air shall need to provide RT-PCR/Tru-
eNAT/CBNAAT/An�gen test nega�ve test report done 72 hours prior to scheduled departure for the
Airport/State obliga�on
● Thermal screening of all persons is mandatory at the airport.
● If the person is found symptoma�c, then An�gen test shall be conducted by the district adminis-
● As mandated by the U�arakhand state govt., each passenger must register on the web-portal of
h�p:// prior to their travel and relevant documents as sought shall be
uploaded while registra�on.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Uttar Pradesh
Health Screening
● Thermal screening will be done for all depar�ng passengers
● Passengers arriving from Kerala and Maharashtra will require RT-PCR nega�ve report from
ICMR-accredited labs done within the last 72hrs
● For passengers arriving in Varanasi from Maharashtra and Kerala below shall apply:
● If the passengers are not carrying the RT-PCR nega�ve report, then they will undergo the Rapid
An�gen Test at Airport
● Any passengers found with symptoms and not carrying the RT-PCR nega�ve report will only
undergo RT-PCR test at Airport
● Both, the Rapid An�gen and RT-PCR test, will be free of cost by the State authori�es
COVID test
● If the passengers are not carrying the RT-PCR nega�ve report, then they will undergo the Rapid
An�gen Test at Airport
● Any passengers found with symptoms and not carrying the RT-PCR nega�ve report will only
undergo RT-PCR test at Airport
● Both, the Rapid An�gen and RT-PCR test will be free of cost by the State Authori�es
● Passengers without RT-PCR report upon arrival from Maharashtra & Kerala need to be tested at
the airport
Passenger Obliga�on
● Passengers arriving from Kerala and Maharashtra will require RT-PCR nega�ve report from
ICMR-accredited labs done within the last 72hrs
● Passengers need to submit self declara�on form duly filled upon arrival at Varanasi Airport
Airport/State obliga�on
● Thermal screening will be conducted for all depar�ng passengers
● Passengers without RT-PCR report upon arrival from Maharashtra & Kerala need to be tested at
the airport
Home Quaran�ne: Symptoma�c passengers advised for 14 days Home Quaran�ne on arrival a�er
tes�ng upon arrival.
Health Screening
● Thermal screening will be done for all depar�ng passengers
● If the passengers are not carrying the RT-PCR nega�ve report, then they will undergo the Rapid
An�gen Test at Airport
● Any passengers found with symptoms and not carrying the RT-PCR nega�ve report will only
undergo RT-PCR test at Airport
● Both, the Rapid An�gen and RT-PCR test, will be free of cost by the State authori�es
COVID test
● If the passengers are not carrying the RT-PCR nega�ve report, then they will undergo the Rapid
An�gen Test at Airport
● Any passengers found with symptoms and not carrying the RT-PCR nega�ve report will only
undergo RT-PCR test at Airport
● Both, the Rapid An�gen and RT-PCR test will be free of cost by the State Authori�es
Passenger Obliga�on
● Passengers arriving from Interna�onal Airports are required to produce RT-PCR nega�ve reports
from ICMR-accredited labs done within the last 72hrs of scheduled departure.
● Passengers need to submit a self declara�on form duly filled upon arrival at Varanasi Airport.
Airport/State Obliga�on: Thermal screening will be conducted for all arrival passengers.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Himachal Pradesh
Health screening:
● Covid Test is not required
● Thermal Screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Passenger obliga�on:
● Passengers travelling by air to the State of Himachal Pradesh shall not require to register on
e-pass portal of HP Govt. prior to commencement of the journey henceforth.
● All passengers shall download Aarogya Setu App.
● All inter-state movement to the state will be monitored through Registra�on in Covid e-pass
so�ware (h�p:// To monitor compliance with Quaran�ne requirements
and facilitate contact tracing of person in the event of detec�on of covid-19 posi�ve cases. All
person desirous of entering the state shall enter their par�culars in this online so�ware and details
of their arrival will be shared with all concerned stakeholder. However, there shall be no require-
ment of prior nega�ve report of the RT-PCR test.
Airport or State obliga�on: Thermal Screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival.
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Health screening: Thermal screening will be done for all passengers on arrival
Passenger obliga�on:
● RT-PCR nega�ve report not more than 72 hours old, Or, Vaccina�on Cer�ficate (at least one
dose) over two weeks old is mandatory for all passengers.
● All incoming passengers belonging to Punjab/whose des�na�on is Punjab shall install COVA-ap-
plica�on on their smartphone before exi�ng the airport. Passengers shall necessarily turn on
blue-tooth and GPS.
Airline obliga�on:
● RT-PCR nega�ve report not more than 72 hours old, Or, Vaccina�on Cer�ficate (at least one
dose) over two weeks old is mandatory for all passengers.
● The airlines shall publicize above extensively to ensure that this informa�on is available to all pax
boarding the flights well before their departure.
Airport or State obliga�on: The passengers found to be symptoma�c during screening shall be
isolated and immediately ac�on shall be taken as per health protocol.
Home quaran�ne:
All passengers shall give samples for Covid-19 tes�ng at the designated area and exit the airport. If
the test report is nega�ve, they are advised to self monitor their health for 14 days. If test results
are posi�ve, they will undergo treatment as per standard health protocol.
Covid test:
● Transi�ng Travellers(T on SDF) travelling from Brazil, South Africa, and the United Kingdom shall
give samples at designated areas and take connec�ng flights only a�er an approved nega�ve test
● All other passengers shall give samples for Covid-19 tes�ng at the designated area and exit the
airport. If the test report is nega�ve, they are advised to self monitor their health for 14 days. If
test results are posi�ve, they will undergo treatment as per standard health protocol.
Passenger obliga�on:
All travellers planning a journey shall submit a self declara�on form on Air Suvidha portal and
upload a nega�ve RT-PCR test report with a test conducted within 72 hours prior to undertaking
the journey.
Health Screening
• In view of the surge in number of COVID-19 cases, random sample collec�on will be done for
passengers arriving from states where there has been a spurt in number for COVID-19 cases
• Passengers will be allowed to exit a�er sample collec�on
• Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
• Passengers origina�ng their journey from any city/airport in Maharashtra to travel to Delhi will
require RT-PCR nega�ve report from ICMR-accredited labs done within the last 72hrs. RT-PCR
�meline starts from the swab collec�on �me. Failure to be in possession of RT-PCR-Nega�ve report
shall lead to denied boarding at origin sta�on
• Passengers connec�ng/transi�ng through any city/airport in Maharashtra are advised to be in
possession of an RT-PCR nega�ve report from ICMR-accredited labs done within the last 72hrs.
RT-PCR �meline starts from the swab collec�on �me. If not in possession of such passengers shall
be required to undergo mandatory RT-PCR test upon arrival into Delhi at no cost followed by
mandatory 14 days of home quaran�ne
• Passengers with onward connec�ng flights from Delhi are exempted from the above men�oned
• All Cons�tu�onal and Government Func�onaries and their staff members accompanying them
who are travelling to NCT of Delhi from the state of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on official work
are exempted from the aforesaid instruc�ons, if they are asymptoma�c. However, they are advised
to self-monitor their health for next 14 days and shall strictly follow the COVID-19 related guide-
lines/instruc�ons/SOPs issued by Government of India as well as Government on NCT of Delhi from
�me to �me and perform minimum necessary travel as would be required to perform the work for
which he-she has arrived in Delhi. In case they are symptoma�c, the men�oned below instruc�ons
shall be applicable to them.
(Shall have to undergo mandatory Government ins�tu�onal quaran�ne/ paid quaran�ne for 14
days at facili�es established/ iden�fied by the concerned District Magistrate)
• Passengers who are found posi�ve will be quaran�ned at home or CCC/CHC/Hospital for 14 days
• Mandatory 14 days home quaran�ne for passengers connec�ng/transi�ng through any city/
airport in Maharashtra and not being in possession RT-PCR nega�ve report upon arrival into Delhi
• All cons�tu�onal and government func�onaries and their staff members are exempted if they are
Passenger obliga�on
Domes�c Passengers
• All passengers must download Aarogya Setu App
• Carry RT-PCR nega�ve report as men�oned in the health screening if origina�ng/
connec�ng/transi�ng through any airport/city in Maharashtra
Airlines obliga�on
• Ensure passengers origina�ng from any airport/city in Maharashtra are not boarded if not in
possession of RT-PCR nega�ve report
Airport/State obliga�on
• Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
• Carry out tests on arrival for passengers connec�ng/transi�ng through any city/airport in Maha-
rashtra if not in possession of RT-PCR nega�ve report upon arrival into Delhi
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
● All passengers including children and infants shall be mandatorily required to submit self-health
declara�on form on Air Suvidha Portal
● All passengers including children and infants shall be mandatorily required to upload COVID-19
nega�ve RT-PCR on Air Suvidha Portal. Test should have been taken within 72 hours of the depar-
● All passengers including children and infants are required to submit online declara�on with
respect to authen�city of the report and to abide by the decision of the government authority to
undergo home quaran�ne/self-health monitoring for 14 days or as warranted
● Exemp�on from RT-PCR requirement shall be permi�ed only in case of death in the family and
must be applied online at least 72 hours before departure on the Air Suvidha Portal
● All passengers shall be required present online SDF/RT-PCR exemp�on approval to the health
authori�es upon arrival
● All passengers including children and infants shall be required to be in possession of physical or
digital copy of the acknowledgement of their self-health declara�on form submi�ed on the Air
Suvidha Portal along with their RT-PCR report failing which they can be denied boarded at the
origin sta�on
● All passengers including children and infants origina�ng or transi�ng through the United King-
dom, Europe or Middle East shall adhere to below in addi�on to the above
● All passengers shall undergo molecular test upon arrival at their own cost and proceed towards
home quaran�ne/self-health monitoring or take onward connec�ng flights to final des�na�on
within India
● In addi�on to the above, all passengers including children and infants origina�ng from the
United Kingdom, South Africa or Brazil shall adhere to below as well
● In case the customer's journey ends at the first port of entry into India, they need to undergo a
molecular test upon arrival at their own cost and proceed towards home quaran�ne/self-health
monitoring. They are not required to wait for test results.
● In case of onward connec�on, Transit passengers (including children & infants) shall have to wait
for the RT-PCR test results. Onward journey shall be permi�ed only if the test result is nega�ve.
(Only for passengers arriving from United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil)
For detailed guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, visit:
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
Health Screening
• COVID Test is not required
• Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
Quaran�ne: No Quaran�ne
Airlines obliga�on
• To provide a passenger manifest to State Health Authority on following email
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Punjab : [email protected]
Chandigarh : [email protected]
Airport/State obliga�on
• Suitable COVID 19 precau�onary measures announcements to be made at the airport
• Thermal screening will be done for all passengers upon arrival
State-wise Quarantine Guidelines
● All passengers including children and infants shall be mandatorily required to submit self health
declara�on form on Air Suvidha Portal (h�ps://
● All passengers including children and infants shall be mandatorily required to upload COVID-19
nega�ve RT-PCR on Air Suvidha Portal. Test should have been taken within 72 hours of the depar-
● All passengers including children and infants are required to submit online declara�on with
respect to authen�city of the report and to abide by the decision of the government authority to
undergo home quaran�ne/self-health monitoring for 14 days or as warranted
● Exemp�on from RT-PCR requirement shall be permi�ed only in case of death in the family and
must be applied online at least 72 hours before departure on the Air Suvidha Portal
● All passengers shall be required present online SDF/RT-PCR exemp�on approval to the health
authori�es upon arrival
● All passengers including children and infants shall be required to be in possession of physical or
digital copy of the acknowledgement of their self-health declara�on form submi�ed on the Air
Suvidha Portal along with their RT-PCR report failing which they can be denied boarded at the
origin sta�on
● All passengers including children and infants origina�ng or transi�ng through the United King-
dom, Europe or Middle East shall adhere to below in addi�on to the above
● Undergo molecular test upon arrival at their own cost and proceed towards home quaran�ne/-
self-health monitoring or take onward connec�ng flights to final des�na�on within India
● In addi�on to the above, all passengers including children and infants origina�ng from the
United Kingdom, South Africa or Brazil shall adhere to below as well
● In case the customer's journey ends at the first port of entry into India, they need to undergo a
molecular test upon arrival at their own cost and proceed towards home quaran�ne/self-health
monitoring. They are not required to wait for test results.
● In case of onward connec�on, passengers shall have to wait for the RT-PCR test results. Onward
journey shall be permi�ed only if the test result is nega�ve
For detailed guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, visit:
Disclaimer –It is the sole responsibility of the passenger to ensure his or her eligibility to comply with the entry regulations of the
respective State Government. Airports Authority of India will accept no liability whatsoever in this regard.
It is the sole responsibility of the passenger to
ensure his or her eligibility to comply with the entry regula�ons
of the respec�ve State Government. Airports Authority of India
will accept no liability whatsoever in this regard.