Feasibility Study - IEB
Feasibility Study - IEB
Feasibility Study - IEB
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: Business Background 4
1.1 Company Profile 4
1.2 Organizational Structure 4
1.3 Partners’ Profile 5
1.3.1 Legal Managing Partner 5
1.3.2 Operational Managing Partner 5
1.3.3 Business Managing Partner 5
1.4 Services Description 5
1.5 SWOT Analysis (yubi) 6
CHAPTER 2: Regulations and Laws (anya) 6
2.1 Business Entity 6
2.2 Permits and Licensing 6
2.3 Environmental Impact Analysis 7
2.4 Contracts 7
2.4.1 Scope of Services 8
2.4.2 Cancellation Terms 8
2.4.3 Payment Schedule 8
2.4.4 Indemnification clause 9
2.4.5 Termination Clause 9
2.5 Business Taxes 9
CHAPTER 3: Technical and Operational (dea) 10
3.1 People and Operation 10
3.2 Supply Chain Management 10
3.2.1 Internal Inventory 10
3.2.2 External Supplying 11
3.2.3 Process Flow Diagram 11 Ordering Process Flow Diagram 11 Procurement Process Flow Diagram 12 Returnment Process Flow Diagram 12
3.3 Business Facility 13
3.4 Environmental Friendly Operation 13
CHAPTER 4: Market Study (yubi) 13
CHAPTER 5: Finance 14
5.1 Beginning Capital 14
5.2 COGS Analysis 14
5.3 Projected Sales 14
5.4 Income Statement 15
5.5 Cash Flow 15
5.6 Balance Sheet 16
5.7 Indicator Ratio 17
CHAPTER 6: Conclusion (Yubi) 18
CHAPTER 1: Business Background
Break-Event sell ideas for one’s mini-event concept while also suggesting well-fitted
activities and places. Not just that, we also offer the service of decorating the venue of the
event to enhance the experience even more. The business exists due to the increasing desire
of people to seek new kinds of small-scale activities with their loved ones in the market
during the pandemic era.
Our vision is to ease the process of making unforgettable moments with loved ones. We
conceptualize and organize events, and decorate the place, while also creating an effort to be
environmentally friendly by reworking waste as decorations.
1.3 Partners’ Profile
1.3.1 Legal Managing Partner
Ni Made Pradnya Swari, the legal managing partner, is a law undergraduate from The
University of Indonesia specializing in commercial law. She, who already has the
license for commercial business law practitioner, is a fresh graduate who is looking to
apply her skills in a small-medium scale business.
The first service is event planning and conceptualization. We firstly collect the consumers’
requests before offering them several event concepts and ideas from which they can pick one
from. Next, we also suggest optional activities lists on their mini-event. However, this service
will be free of charge as it is part of our attempt to build trust and relation with the potential
The next service that we offer is the decoration of the selected venue for the mini-event. For
this, we have our own asset which will be reused for every event needed, but also procure
some additional decorations requested by the clients. In addition, as we strive to decrease the
level of waste from our business, we will use environmental-friendly materials for our
The clients can order either service or both as we also offer packages to make the mini-event
planning even more hassle-free. However, to maximize the quality of our service, we require
the clients to order at least 9-days prior to the mini-event.
a) We have limited human resources and low competency because of lack experiences in
the industry
b) The management is not yet systematically working properly.
c) Lack of innovation and monotone.
d) The brand image itself is not yet really famous
a) (nama bisnis) could create an online offering for client easy access.
b) Alternative capital income for (nama bisnis) could be reached if we could have access
or ties with famous people or influencers.
a) People's purchasing power is low
b) Difficult and long licensing management
c) Potential entry of new competitors
d) Rapid development of technology
Art.16 Commercial Code: “Firm is the partnership that is established by two persons or
more to conduct the business of the partnership under a common name.
Break-Event has fulfilled the obligation to register the general partnership business for
legal matters to the legal domicile of the company (Art. 23 Commercial Code). Thus,
Break-Event has gained legal recognition and protection from the court in the case of
Moreover, the business of Event Planner and Decorator is regulated by the Ministry of
Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. Break-Event is categorized
as Impresario Service Business and is following the related regulations, as follows :
a. Law No. 9 of 1990 concerning Tourism;
b. Decree of the Minister of Culture and Tourism Number: KEP - 012/MKP/IV/2001
dated April 2, 2001 concerning General Guidelines for Tourism Services.
c. Government Regulation No. 67 of 1996 concerning the Implementation of Tourism;
d. Decree of the Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunication No.
KM.103/UM.201/MPPT-91 concerning Impresario Service Business.
Any intentional actions contrary to Art.21.1 Industrial Law, could be punished for 10
years and or fined Rp100 million (Art.27.1). On the other hand, if the actions are
unintentional, the longest penalty is 1 year, and or fined Rp1 million (Art.27.2)
Break-Event is an event planner and decorator who reworks waste in the process of
decorating. The value we hold, sustainability, leads the business in making zero waste
and or substantial negative impacts to the environment. Thus, there will be no
environmental impact analysis regarding the business.
2.4 Contracts
In general, anyone can make a contract with any party as long as the said person is
allowed by law from contracting. The party can be individuals or business entities that
are not legal entities.
Contracts and agreements are regulated by Art. 1233 Civil Code, “All obligations arise
either from agreements or law.” Contracts and agreements are made by the event
organizer and the clients. The said contracts will include all four elements of contract;
consent of the parties, capacity to contract, certain/specific object, lawful purpose (Art.
1320 Civil Code). Each element has to fulfill its requirements first before the contract is
made (Art. 1322-1329, Art 1332-1334, Art. 1337 Civil Code).
3. First party will return 20% of the payment to the second party when the
cancellation is informed a week before the event.
4. First party will return 100% of payment if the venue is damaged by the first
party which resulted in cancellation of the event.
5. Any other condition of cancellation can be negotiated and agreed should be
discussed by both parties in the beginning of the contract.
The payment schedule includes fees for the client, deposits, and total amount due
from Break-Event (first party) will be stated in the contract to be known and agreed
by the second party.
Income taxes’ event organizer services are referred to the Regulation of the Minister of
Finance Number 141/PMK.03/2015.
1. Value-Added Tax
Each client or customer will be charged 10% for using the service of the event
organizer. This tax is applicable when the business revenue is more than Rp4,8
billion per year.
2. Income Tax
Break-Event is formed in a business entity which makes it taxed by Income Tax (Art.
23). The tax cut rate is 15% or 2%, depending on the type of tax object.
Break-Event must pay and report an income tax (Art. 4.2) in the case of renting a
place and or land to run the event.
In the case of gaining revenue less than Rp4,8 billion per year, Break-Event has to
settle and report 0,5% Income Tax from Gross Profit.
3.2.1 Internal Inventory
The first type of inventory that the company needs is supplies that are commonly used
in mini-events that are being held which leads to the decision that it will be less costly
if they are purchased one time from outside suppliers, making it our assets and
inventories, then being used continually. At the beginning of the business, the internal
inventories include two picnic tables that are attached to the chairs, two picnic mats,
two boxes for food and drinks, and two polaroid cameras, which we will lend out on
every event that are suitable for them. However, to protect these assets from potential
damage during the event, we will require an agreement to be signed by the clients and
the business’ representative which states that any damage to the asset will be the
client's responsibility.
However, there is a possibility that if there are certain items that are constantly in high
demand and only can be used one time, for instance, painting-by number kit, Break-
Event will look for partnership with other brands, which will benefit both ways, as it
will increase the exposure of the brand partner, while Break-Event can obtain lower
cost for the purchase of the items.
3.2.3 Process Flow Diagram Clients consult
withDiagram Ordering Process Flow the
Search for Count the total
there any
alternative through cost for the
suppliers or y n internal assets
sellers for the e o used + service
Present s cost
alternatives to
the client
select and
Count the total
cost for the
internal assets
used + service
cost + added
item(s) cost
12 Procurement Process Flow Diagram
Contact the
Is there any
external store or
y additional item(s) n
supplier for the
e required? o
added item(s) cost
Payment to
external store(s) or
supplier(s) Does the venue
need to be
y contacted before n
e hand? o
Contact and deal
with the venue
Payment to the
Is the internal
inventories still in
y perfect? n
Do some needede o
touch ups ands
Proceed the event
End of transaction
3.3 Business Facility
In order to store all of the supplies in safe conditions, prepare for the decorations needed for
the event, store the business records, the Break-Event owns a small home office. Other than
the first three reasons, the small home office will also be where the daily operation and office
activities take place. The decision of the facility needed is based on the consideration of the
scale of the business, which is small to medium, and the low numbers of partners which cause
a big size office to not be needed
4.1 Supplier
The market is very developed due to the socialite spirit of some people in big cities such as
Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi or Jabodetabek. With the development of
social media, the celebrations and decorations that are displayed on their pages are able to
attract others to do the same. Thus, this market is able to provide large profits if the target
customers achieved are truly appropriate and significant.
farewell parties or corporate parties for closest colleges and achieving mutual relations to get
to know each other and others.
Sample of our client persona:
● Hometown around main big city such as JABODETABEK
● Has good relations with friends, family or work colleagues.
● Have a good socials interactions with peoples
● Interested in celebrating things
● Active on social media
● Willing to reach out via Whatsapp or Instagram
● Expect a fair amount of customer services
● Desire to celebrate little moments or achievements in life
● Interested in simple decorating
● Would like to have a good experience of event planning
● Age ranged from 19-35
● Single or Married
● Any working backgrounds
4.3 Competitor
We have 3 competitors, which are A, C and D. We are B, where our positions are based for
low prices with good quality. We offer what A couldn’t do which is high quality, then D that
is too pricey for a low quality, and compete with C who had high prices for high quality.
4.3.4 Promotions
We are doing promotions using Instagram ads, some discounts for special days, for
big holidays and also we are doing it by endorsing influencers by using our services
and having them reviewed on their social media pages.
CHAPTER 5: Finance
Quantity Price Quantity Price ntity Price
Planning and Decorating 200 Rp1,000,000 300 Rp1,400,000 400 Rp1,500,000
2021 2022
Sales Growth
Growth Percentage Growth Percentage
Planning and Decorating not applicable 50.00%
5.5 Cash Flow
Rp234,680,00 Rp438,58 Rp737,98
Cash 0 0,000 0,000
Accounts receivable Rp0 Rp0 Rp0
Plant, property, and Rp130,000,00 Rp100,00 Rp100,00
equipment 0 0,000 0,000
Accumulated depreciation: Rp8,000, Rp9,000,0
PPE Rp0 000.00 00.00
Rp364,680,00 Rp546,58 Rp846,98
Total assets 0 0,000 0,000
6.1 Summary
This Feasibility Study proposes the creation of the business together to create a better
business operation. As what we have describe our business background, regulation and laws,
technical operational, market study and finance, our feasibility study proved that as a
business we could operate our work properly.
Our aim for creating this feasibility study that is we could understand what the advantages
and disadvantages, focusing our main goals, helping to know our business model and how
our business would operate from present to the future.
6.2 Conclusion
Significant benefits to economy can be derived from the feasibility study, including both
direct and indirect. All anticipated benefits have been evaluated on the basis of either
quantifiable or non-quantifiable parameters. However, since these benefits are not fully
quantifiable, non-quantifiable considerations have become important in the overall economic
justification of the the feasibility study.
Evaluation would be needed since this feasibility study could only help us to get know what
and how our business would work. Because evaluation would help to correct and adding
some missing part of this study and helping our study improve and used as a reference for
another study that similar in the future.
6.3 Recommendation
The study concluded that the implementation of the business is feasible. Because the business
itself also would cause a heavy financial burden on the capital, every effort should be
exercised to the maximum extent to squeeze out self-financing sources.
Some important institutional arrangements will need to be established so that the new
business can assume full control and responsibility for the planning, designing and making of
the events. The support and technical advice of other same businesses that already created
and people who are expert in the field will be essential for the success of the business, and to
ensure that costumers of this business are provided with a reliable, efficient and effective