2021 CCA Research Notes Template Revised-2
2021 CCA Research Notes Template Revised-2
2021 CCA Research Notes Template Revised-2
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- Residential schools were created by catholics churches and canadian government , to try to
educate and convert indigenous youth to a different culture.
- the last residential school in Canada was not close down until 1997
- there was estimated of 150 000 indigenous people who went to residential schools
- A estimated of 6000 children died in residential schools
- a main objective in creating this schools were to decrease indegeinous dependence on public
- overall many indigneous children was stuck with long term issues coming out of residential
- they were not allow to keep any of their culture
- forbidden to speak their first language , wear traditional clothing , no contact with family
- Their name was changed to a more “civilized name” that was able to pronounce on civilized
tongues. Changing to a english name make you civilize
- They didn’t really taught them educational stuff , instead they taught them how to do work.
- when there is no classes they were a religious practices not their religion but the catholic
- government failed to set clear goals and standard for education at residential schools
- did not look at teacher qualifications many were underqualified
- many after they left they feel like don’t belong on either side , indigenous community or the
settles society
- Many suffer abuse , when they do something wrong or incorrect they would receive
punishment do teachers s impatience
- Some even suffer sexual abuse , but no one did anything abouut except sometime they are fire
but some just kep teaching.
- according to the TRC at least 3200 of indigenous children died from disease such as influenza
and tuberculosis , smallpox
- Other from that many were malnourished
- during the 1940-50s children were used as nutritional experiment without their consent and
parent consent
- schools could have helped but decide to not give them medical attention and help
- by 1986 most school were closed down
- Parents have been on protest and trying to have the school close down or atleast switch to
their controls
- in 2005 the government compensate 1.9 millions for survivor of residential schools abuse.
- in 2008 steven harper gave a apology to all former students of residential schools.
Websites: Information to Record:
Author of Article (First and Last Name):Dr. Raymond R. Corrado, Ph.D. Dr. Irwin M. Cohen, Ph.D.
Title of Article:Mental Health Profiles for a Sample of British Columbia’s Aboriginal Survivors of the Canadian
Residential School System
Date Last modified or if not listed, the date you accessed the website: January 13th 2020
Organization or Publication Company: Aboriginal healing foundation
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- people who went to residential schools have a higher risk of sucide and addiction
- around 90% of cases file for abuse was sexual abuse
- 31 percent involve officers and 20 percents involve strangers
- most common disorder is PTSD with 64.2%
- Substance abuse disorder 26.3%
- major depression 21.1%
- people who are diagnosed with PTSD are usually sufferening with along with addiction 34.8% ,
major depression 30.4 percent , dysthymic disorder 26.1 percent
- 1o percent who suffer residential school syndrome , this is a kind of PTSD that is built of fear
and anger.
Websites: Information to Record:
Author of Article (First and Last Name):Howard Palmer , Leo Driedger
Title of Article:Prejudice and Discrimination in Canada
Date Last modified or if not listed, the date you accessed the website:March 4th 2015
Organization or Publication Company: The Canadian Encyclopedia
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- European views indigenous people as “noble savages”
- Indigenous people were treated as slave
- Black and Asian americans were treated horribly
- Asians would be considered lower rank in society or not as important
- Black Canadians suffer from slavery and segregation from the rest of the society
- Many people would see black immigrants as ignorant , a criminal or a harm to society
- Black people were treated as a source of cheap labour
- between the 1850s and 1950s anti-asian sentiment was endemic
- People would see asian as aliens or different from them
- groups would claim that asians are trying to steal jobs from whites and is lowering living
standard for everyone
- Asian were excluded in most unions
- They were pay less then others
- In BC Asians could not vote , practise law or go to the pharmacy
- how people felt about asian were expressed during anti-chinese riots and anti-asian riots
- The most serious riots were in Vancouver in 1887 and 1907. Various attempts were
also made by anti-Asian groups to exclude Asians from public schools, to restrict the
sale of land to Asians and to severely limit the number of licences issued to
Japanese fishermen.
- In 1892 and 1907 smaller scale anti-Chinese riots also occurred in Alberta, Québec,
Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan
- when legislation were passed it prohibited white women to work in any businesses
run by chinese or japanese canadians
- Black people faced something similar to Asians
- Black people were discriminated from public places and many other services
- Black people were segregated in public schools.
- Nova Scotia and Ontario people mostly discriminated against Black people
- During war they would not want accept any of the groups except for whites
- Chinese Canadians faced the Head tax but was stopped in 1923 by the Chinese
Immigration Act
- In Quebec jews faces strong anti semitism
- According to a survey done asking minority groups if they have ever faced
discrimination 93% of people stated no but people who did were mostly
immigrants and not 2nd or 3rd generation Canadians
Websites: Information to Record:
Author of Article (First and Last Name):Mathew Mcrae
Title of Article:Japanese Canadian internment and the struggle of redress
Date Last modified or if not listed, the date you accessed the website: Jan 14 2020
Organization or Publication Company: Canadians Museum for Human Rights
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- How the whole thing started was because of japan bombing pearl harbour
- People think that Japanese are a threat and are undercover
- Japanese fishing boats for seize by the government
- Fishermans were the first evacuated once the new that japanese can be spies
- When Japanese were registering they were register as “Aliens” and humans
- around 23 000 people were forced out of their homes
- Around 12 000 People were forced to live in Internment camps
- They were forced to work in internment camps no matter how bad the weather was
- In 1942 The War Measure Act allow the government to force all Japanese Canadian out
of their homes and take away all their property and put them in Internment camps
- they had no electricity or running water for them to use until 1943
- They didn’t had food that people from Japan had to send them food through the red
- They were banned from returning to BC after the war
- Haywaka and many Japanese Canadian tries fighting for their right and a voice as they
feel like this matter is not right
- They should not have had their right violated
- People felt hurt and horribly treated
- In 1988 the government gave a apology an offered $21 000 to those who were affected
by internment camps
Websites: Information to Record:
Author of Article (First and Last Name):
Title of Article:
Date Last modified or if not listed, the date you accessed the website:
Organization or Publication Company:
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