Complete The Text With The Words Listed Below
Complete The Text With The Words Listed Below
Complete The Text With The Words Listed Below
engine gearbox steering suspension rear axles fuel tank drive shaft
Car servicing, or i of car maintenance, depends on several factors. These include the year,
make, and ' of the car, its driving conditions and 'behaviour. Car makers
recommend a service schedule based on the following issues:
• number of trips and ' travelled per trip per day
• extreme hot or cold climate conditions
• mountainous, dusty or de-iced roads
• city stop-and-go driving or -distance cruising
• heavy loads.
bonnet front bumper headlight indicator petrol cap roof tyre wheel arch windscreen wing
i e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Match the verbs (J-6) with the definitions(a—f).
1 adjust a make sure something is correct or safe
2 check b fill to the correct level
3 fit c change something slightly because it is in the wrong position
4 inspect d try something to see how well it works
S test e put something in the correct place
6 top up f look at something very closely or in detail
i e z s 4 5 6 7 8 9 10