Psionics Augmented - Voyager
Psionics Augmented - Voyager
Psionics Augmented - Voyager
◆ Voyag e r ◆
By Michael Shi h
Psionics Augmented
Credits Foreword
Author: Michael Shih So here we are again.
Additional Design: Forrest Heck The voyager has been an exercise in pushing the
Editing: Forrest Heck envelope. I’ve been told that playing a voyager has been
Artwork: J.D. Dianderas, Tithi Luadthong a unique experience, in a good way. As a result, they may
Graphic Design: Forrest Heck be a little tough to play at first. There are a lot of moving
Layout: Forrest Heck parts, but I like to think that they all work together as a
Publisher: Jeremy Smith cohesive whole—like a clock!
Psionics is a fun toybox for me to play with. It naturally
Special thanks to the legions of fans who helped playtest veers towards themes beyond fantasy. You might be able
the material in this book. to tell that science fiction was a major influence on the
class, though it is hardly an exclusive inspiration. With
Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by psionics, while being grounded in themes of space and
Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the third
time, the voyager can also be a tinkerer with the laws of
edition of the game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan
Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. physics in general.
Enjoy the voyager. Remember that the journey is just
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as important as the destination!
as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License
version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: —Michael Shih, author
All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names
(characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations,
characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have Using this Book
previously been designated as Open Game Content or are
in the public domain are not included in this declaration.) The options in this book make use of the rules found
in Ultimate Psionics. As such, this book, along with the
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, is necessary
Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game
product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open to make full use of this product.
Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of
this work other than the material designated as Open Game
Content may be reproduced in any form without written Table of Contents
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
Publishing, LLC. See for TABLE OF CONTENTS 1
more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and CHAPTER I: THE VOYAGER 2
does not endorse this product.
Parallel Actions 8
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC,
and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Favored Class Options 11
Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Voyager Power List 12
Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder
Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See Playing a Voyager 14
com/pathfinderRPG/compatibility for more information on
the compatibility license.
Psionics Augmented: Voyager is published by Dreamscarred Crossfire 15
Press under the Open Game License version 1.0a Copyright
2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Metronome 16
© 2017 Dreamscarred Press
Psionics Augmented
Psionics Augmented
Table 1–1: Voyager
Base Attack Fort Ref Will Power Points Powers Maximum Power
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Per Day Known Level Known
1st +0 +0 +2 +2 Accelerate, momentum, parallel 1 1 1st
action, parallel initiative (–8),
trap foresight
2nd +1 +0 +3 +3 Evasion, manifestation of speed 2 2 1st
3rd +2 +1 +3 +3 Accelerate (+10 ft), afterimage, 4 3 1st
parallel action (–4)
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 Stored power, voyager 6 4 2nd
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 Astral voyager, manifestation of 8 5 2nd
speed, momentous maneuvers
6th +4 +2 +5 +5 Information exchange, uncanny 12 6 2nd
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 Parallel action (+0), time saver 16 7 3rd
8th +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 Accelerate (+20 ft), temporal 20 8 3rd
9th +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 Improved uncanny dodge, 24 9 3rd
10th +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 Astral voyager, borrowed time 28 10 4th
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 Endless, parallel action (+4) 36 11 4th
12th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Improved evasion 44 12 4th
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 Accelerate (+30 ft), speeding 52 13 5th
14th +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 Swapped selves 60 14 5th
15th +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 Astral voyager, parallel action 68 15 5th
16th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Fate in flux 80 16 6th
17th +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 Greater multitask 92 17 6th
18th +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 Accelerate (+40 ft) 104 18 6th
19th +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 Parallel action (+12) 116 19 6th
20th +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 Eternity awaits 128 20 6th
At 3rd level and every five class levels thereafter, the The maximum amount of momentum a voyager can
voyager’s Speed of Thought feat improves, increasing have at once is equal to her class level, no matter how
its insight bonus to speed by 10 feet. When a voyager far she moves. A voyager gains a +1 dodge bonus to
expends her psionic focus to increase the feat’s speed her AC and Reflex saves for each point of momentum
bonus, she doubles the existing bonus, rather than she currently has, up to a maximum bonus equal to her
increasing it to +30 feet. Intelligence modifier (minimum +1).
Momentum (Su): A voyager generates kinetic When the voyager makes an attack against a single
energy that amplifies her dodging ability, but can also target, she can spend points of momentum to deal an
be channeled into an attack. Whenever the voyager additional 1d6 points of damage per point consumed.
moves, she generates 1 point of momentum for every 10 On any attack that the voyager spent at least 1 point of
feet she moved. If the voyager teleports, she can treat momentum on, she gains a +2 bonus on her attack roll
the distance between her origin and arrival points as (even if momentum was spent in other ways, such as
distance moved for the purposes of this effect. Effects powering an augmented attack).
that move or teleport the voyager unwillingly, such as Momentum is not entirely retained from round to
a bull rush or a hostile teleport effect do not cause the round—a voyager loses half of her gathered points of
voyager to generate momentum. momentum at the start of each of her turns.
Psionics Augmented
Trap Foresight (Su): A voyager can use Disable Device Outside of combat, when not tracking initiative orders,
to disarm magic traps like a rogue, and whenever she a voyager’s parallel turn can be considered the same as
uses the Disable Device skill, she can expend her psionic her own (letting her freely use her parallel actions), but
focus to roll twice and take the higher of the two rolls. If the confusion of combat quickly desynchronizes the
the voyager could take 10 on the check, she can choose to voyager and her counterparts when initiative is rolled.
use this ability to take 10 with one die and roll the other Parallel Action (Su): A voyager’s aid from her parallel
die (using the higher result). selves manifests through parallel actions that she knows.
Parallel Initiative (Su): A voyager’s future and Parallel actions come in several categories, each with a
alternate selves can act in some capacity on their present listed level. When a voyager reaches the listed level, she
self’s reality. Their activities are represented through chooses a specified number of parallel actions of the
a unique turn known as a parallel turn. Whenever a category of that level to learn. In addition, all voyagers
voyager rolls initiative, she also rolls initiative for her learn the helping hand parallel action at 1st level for
parallel turn. She makes a second initiative roll at a –8 free.
penalty. This result is noted as the voyager’s parallel The categories of parallel actions are as follows:
turn. If the voyager has another ability that allows her
• Combat Assistance (1st level): The voyager learns
to reroll initiative checks or roll additional dice, she can
two parallel actions that support her in a fight or in
apply them to either roll.
a relatively mundane way.
A voyager’s parallel turn is not a true turn, and as
• Time Manipulation (3rd level): The voyager learns
such, the voyager herself does not act normally during
two parallel actions that bend time to suit her needs.
it. Instead, on the parallel turn’s initiative count each
• Manifesting Support (7th level): The voyager learns
round, the voyager can use a single parallel action she
two parallel actions that assist her when manifesting
knows (see below). If she wishes, the voyager can delay
the initiative count of her parallel turn, just like a normal
• Advanced Assistance (11th level): The voyager learns
turn. At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, the
one parallel action that influences the battlefield in
voyager gains a +4 bonus to her parallel initiative roll,
unusual ways.
up to a +12 bonus at 19th level.
• Backup Plans (15th level): The voyager learns one
parallel action that serves to get her out of tight
• Parallel Intrusion (19th level): The voyager learns a
parallel action that allows her to temporarily stop
time and act as she wishes.
Parallel actions are supernatural abilities that
require the voyager’s mental input to use, meaning if
the voyager is under an effect that would impair her
ability to think or remove her actions entirely (such as
stunning or a dominate person spell), her parallel actions
are likewise affected.
Using a parallel action does not provoke attacks of
opportunity. Likewise, movement and teleportation
made as part of a parallel action does not provoke
attacks of opportunity. Unless otherwise noted, parallel
actions that target something or teleport the voyager
require line of sight, though those that teleport do not
require line of effect. Some of the voyager’s parallel
actions allow a save to resist their effects. The DC of
saves against the voyager’s parallel actions is DC 10 +
1/2 the voyager’s class level + the voyager’s Intelligence
modifier). A voyager can take the Ability Focus (parallel
action) feat, in which case it affects the DC of saving
throws made against any of the parallel actions the
voyager uses.
These rules for parallel actions, as well as the parallel
actions themselves, are listed in their own section on
page X.
Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level, a voyager can avoid even
magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If the
voyager makes a successful Reflex saving throw against
Psionics Augmented
an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful learned through Expanded Knowledge count as voyager
save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used powers for the purposes of this ability.
only if the voyager is wearing light armor or no armor. In addition to enhancing her attack with momentum,
A helpless voyager does not gain the benefit of evasion. the voyager can spend power points on her augmented
Manifestation of Speed (Su): At 2nd level, a voyager attack in the following way:
gains the ability to combine her kinetic and psionic
• Power Channel: The voyager can bend time to
energy into special types of attacks called augmented
attack and manifest a power at once. When making
attacks. Making an augmented attack is a standard action
her augmented attack, she can manifest a voyager
and is made like a normal attack with a weapon, but is
power (spending power points normally) with a
prefaced by the expenditure of points of momentum,
manifesting time of 1 standard action or less. The
power points, or both.
power manifested must be either a personal power
When making an augmented attack, the voyager
or a non-personal power that normally has a single
first chooses how many points of momentum and
target, including touch powers and rays. Powers
power points she spends on augmented attack abilities,
with a variable number of targets (such as energy
listed below. At this point, she also determines how
missile, or an energy ray with Split Psionic Ray)
many points of momentum she uses on the attack. The
cannot be used with power channel. For powers
maximum combined total amount of power points and
targeting the voyager, the power can be manifested
points of momentum spent on this ability (including the
before or after her attack (allowing her to choose
normal use of momentum) is equal to her manifester
whether the power may affect the attack before it
is delivered).
Once this is decided, she then makes an attack with
For non-personal powers, the effect is channeled
a weapon she is wielding, activating each applicable
through her augmented attack. If her weapon attack
effect in the order specified by the ability. In addition to
hits, it applies the power’s normal effect (if the power
whatever effects she is paying for, the voyager can use
normally involves an attack roll and has effects on
the blink and dash abilities based on the power points
a miss, it will likewise apply them on a miss). If the
and points of momentum spent on the augmented attack.
weapon attack made as part of an augmented attack
Momentum is gained from the combined movement
targets multiple creatures, the voyager chooses one
of these abilities after the augmented attack is made,
target to affect with the power out of those that the
meaning it cannot be used to enhance the attack or pay
attack hit.
the augmented attack’s other costs.
Powers that would normally apply to the voyager’s
Once this is decided, she then makes an attack with
next attack (such as sonic blast) can be manifested
a weapon she is wielding, activating each applicable
with power channel, applying their effects to the
effect in the order specified by the ability. In addition to
augmented attack. A critical hit with her weapon
whatever effects she is paying for, the voyager can use
attack does not cause the power to also critical hit.
the blink and dash abilities based on the power points
and points of momentum spent on the augmented attack. At 5th level, the voyager adds the following abilities to
Momentum is gained from the combined movement her list of augmented attack options.
of these abilities after the augmented attack is made, • Maneuver Augmentation: When the voyager makes
meaning it cannot be used to enhance the attack or pay an augmented attack, instead of making a weapon
the augmented attack’s other costs. attack, she can attempt a combat maneuver that takes
• Blink: When the voyager spends power points on an a standard action. If she expends momentum for
augmented attack, she can teleport up to 5 feet per this combat maneuver with Momentous Maneuvers
power point spent, either before or after her attack. (see below), it counts towards her augmented attack
This teleportation must bring her to an unoccupied (contributing to dash and counting towards the
space she can see. limit of her manifester level). If she attempts to
• Dash: When the voyager spends points of deliver a power through power channel with such
momentum on an augmented attack (including an augmented attack, it applies the power’s normal
from the normal use of momentum to enhance effect. If the power normally involves an attack roll,
an attack’s damage), she can move up to 5 feet per it will apply them if she succeeds on the combat
point of momentum spent, either before or after maneuver attempt. If it has effects on a miss, it will
her attack. This movement provokes attacks of apply them if she fails.
opportunity. At 9th level, the voyager adds the following ability to
Each ability listed below can only be applied once per her list of augmented attack options.
augmented attack, though some allow the voyager to • Multitask: The voyager can manifest a voyager
spend additional power points or momentum to enhance power (spending power points normally, though
the ability. Powers manifested as part of an augmented within the limits of manifestation of speed) with a
attack do not provoke attacks of opportunity, and powers manifesting time of 1 standard action or less, before
Psionics Augmented
or after her augmented attack. This may be any after her augmented attack. This may be any power
power she knows as a voyager; it need not target she knows as a voyager; it need not target herself
herself or the creature she is attacking, nor is it or the creature she is attacking, nor is it delivered
delivered through her weapon. through her weapon.
The voyager can potentially manifest multiple
At 13th level, the voyager adds the following ability to
powers as part of her augmented attack (such as by
her list of augmented attack options.
using any combination of power channel, multitask,
• Speeding Strike: The voyager can expend her psionic and greater multitask), but the combined costs are
focus in addition to power points and points of still limited by her manifester level, as noted above.
momentum. If she does so, instead of making a If she uses Overchannel or a similar effect that
normal augmented attack, she can teleport a distance would increase her manifester level for one of the
equal to the distance she could have moved with powers, its benefits apply to all of them, as well as
blink and dash, and make an augmented attack that the ML bonus increases the total maximum spent on
strikes at every creature directly between the start the augmented attack.
and end points of her teleportation. She makes one
The voyager can potentially manifest multiple powers
attack and damage roll, and uses these rolls against
as part of her augmented attack (such as by using any
each target (momentum, if spent, applies damage
combination of power channel, multitask, and greater
to each target). The voyager takes a –2 penalty to
multitask), but the combined costs are still limited
damage on the attack for each target damaged by
by her manifester level, as noted above. If she uses
this attack beyond the first.
Overchannel or a similar effect that would increase her
When manifesting a power with a single target
manifester level for one of the powers, its benefits apply
with power channel, the voyager chooses one
to all of them, as well as the ML bonus increases the total
creature out of the ones struck to affect with the
maximum spent on the augmented attack.
power. However, when using this ability, the voyager
Afterimage (Su): At 3rd level, the voyager gains some
can manifest a power that normally affects an area
reach with her parallel actions beyond her body. Once
or multiple targets with power channel and apply its
per round, as a free action that can be taken at any point
effects to every creature struck by this attack.
during her turn, the voyager can create an afterimage of
Finally, at 17th level, the voyager adds the following herself occupying her space, that remains for as long as
ability to her list of augmented attack options. it is medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per class level) of
• Greater Multitask: The voyager can manifest a herself. An afterimage does nothing by itself but denote
voyager power (spending power points normally, the location its source occupied, and provide a vector for
though within the limits of manifestation of speed) the voyager’s parallel actions. Afterimages do not block
with a manifesting time of 1 round or less, before or creatures from passing through or occupying the space
they occupy. The voyager can dismiss her afterimage as
a free action. A voyager can only have one afterimage
Sample Augmented Attacks
of herself at a time, and creating a new one causes
Within the limits of her manifester level, the voyager
older afterimages to disappear. Leaving the range of an
has a significant amount of flexibility with her use of
afterimage also causes it to disappear.
manifestation of speed. She can mix manifestation, use
Afterimages serve as an additional vector for the
of momentum, and movement to perform hit-and-run
voyager’s parallel actions, besides her own position. She
strikes with a unique flair.
can treat her afterimage’s position as if it were her own
For example, an 8th-level, melee-focused voyager
for the purposes of determining her range with parallel
could spend 5 points of momentum to enhance her
actions. For example, this would allow her to use a
attack, and 3 power points on power channel. This
parallel action that normally affects a creature adjacent
would allow her the following abilities:
to her, to affect a creature adjacent to her afterimage.
• 25 feet of movement from dash. At the beginning of her parallel turn, the voyager can
• 15 feet of teleportation from blink. move her afterimage a distance up to 15 feet + 5 feet per 3
• A single weapon attack, taken at the same time as additional class levels past 3rd level. Her afterimage can
the power she manifested with power channel. move in any direction, and is not impaired by difficult
She can use these abilities in any order; for example, terrain. However, it cannot pass through obstacles that
she could move 25 feet towards her target, make her the voyager could not pass through.
attack and use her power, then teleport 15 feet away. Or An afterimage usually resembles a ghostly form
she could do the inverse, teleporting to her target before of the voyager (though due to her nature, they may
moving away. She could even combine the teleportation appear different from herself). In all cases, afterimages
and movement, to attack a target 40 feet away. are translucent and allow viewers to see through them,
In each case, after the entire action and movement takes displaying their unreal nature like a disbelieved phantom
place, the voyager would regain 4 points of momentum. or figment. If the voyager is currently using Stealth, she
can have her afterimages do so as well, so long as they
Psionics Augmented
are in positions where they could hide. If she does, they She also reduces the distance her group appears from
use the same roll and result as the voyager’s Stealth check. her intended destination by a degree of 10 (so if she
Stored Power (Su): At 4th level, a voyager’s mind would have appeared 1,000 miles from her destination,
gathers and stores excess psionic power from her parallel she would instead appear 100 miles from it).
timelines. She gains a second pool of power points that At 15th level, a voyager can locate her destination with
she can draw upon when she would normally spend greater precision. On a successful navigation to a plane,
power points. This second pool can contain a maximum the voyager can reduce the distance her caravan appears
amount of power points in this way equal to 1/3 of her from her intended destination to 1 mile. In addition, she
normal maximum power points from voyager levels halves the time it takes to make a Knowledge (Planes)
(including bonus power points from her Intelligence). check while traveling through this ability. This ability
Power points from the voyager’s stored power pool are stacks with time saver, potentially reducing the time it
treated as part of her normal pool for the purposes of takes to make each Knowledge (Planes) check to 3 hours.
manifesting powers; she may pay power costs partially Momentous Maneuvers (Ex): At 5th level, the voyager
with stored power and partially with normal power can use her momentum for more than just direct damage,
points, if she wishes. channeling it to enhance her tactical maneuvers. When
Whenever the voyager regains power points after a she makes a combat maneuver check, she can expend
night’s rest, this secondary pool of power refills as well. momentum to augment her action and avoid provoking
Voyager Knowledge (Ex): At 4th level and each time attacks of opportunity with the maneuver. She gains a
voyager gains access to a new level of voyager powers +2 bonus on the combat maneuver roll for each point of
afterwards, she also adds a special trick to her psionic momentum spent. The maximum bonus granted by this
repertoire, gaining Expanded Knowledge as a bonus feat. ability is 2 + 1/2 her voyager level.
In addition, when she gains a voyager level, the The voyager can also spend momentum on damaging
voyager can choose to gain one of the feats in place of a applications of combat maneuvers, such as on a sunder
power known. The feats she has access to is determined attempt or the damage option in a grapple. This deals
by the level of the power she could have learned, and damage equal to the damage she could normally deal
she does not need to meet its prerequisites. The voyager with momentum (normally 1d6 per point of momentum
is limited in the number of feats she can gain in place spent in this way).
of powers. At 4th level through 6th level, she can gain The voyager is treated as having Dex 13, Int 13,
a total of 1 feat in this way. At 7th level and every three Combat Expertise, and Improved Unarmed Strike for
voyager levels thereafter, the maximum number of feats the purposes of meeting the prerequisites of improved
she can gain increases by 1. combat maneuver feats or feats that require those
improved combat maneuver feats as prerequisites.
• 1st- and 2nd-level powers: Acrobatic Steps, Blind-
Information Exchange (Su): At 6th level, a voyager
Fight, Mobility, Quick Draw, and Up The Walls.
can begin to make contact with her other selves to
• 3rd- and 4th-level powers: Cloak Dance, Deflect
exchange knowledge, gaining insight into a subject that
Arrows, Mixed Combat, Shot on the Run, Sliding
another version of herself is an expert on. The voyager
Dash, and Spring Attack.
gains a bonus equal to half her class level on checks with
• 5th- and 6th-level powers: Burrowing Power,
a Knowledge skill of her choice, and can make checks
Cartwheel Dodge, Ready Response, and Stunning
with that Knowledge skill untrained. As a full-round
action, the voyager can search her timeline in order to
Astral Voyager (Su): At 5th level, a voyager’s journey locate a version of herself knowledgeable in another
can extend to the Astral Plane and beyond. The voyager aspect, allowing her to switch this bonus to a different
gains astral traveler as a bonus power known, if she does Knowledge skill.
not know it already. In addition, voyager can use astral Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 6th level, a voyager
caravan at will as a psi-like ability. Unlike a normal psi- can react to danger before her senses would normally
like ability, the manifesting time for this effect is 1 hour allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed,
(like a normal astral caravan power). nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker
Unlike with a normal astral caravan, the voyager can is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if
start and lead a caravan even if her companions are immobilized. A voyager with this ability can still lose her
not maintaining hand to hand contact. As long as her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses
companions remain within close range (25 feet + 5 feet the feint action (see Combat) against her.
per 2 class levels), the voyager can maintain the astral If a voyager already has uncanny dodge from a
caravan and move them along with her as if she were different class, she automatically gains improved
maintaining hand to hand contact with them. uncanny dodge (see below) instead.
At 10th level, a voyager grows more accurate in Time Saver (Su): At 7th level, whenever the voyager
navigating the Astral Plane. On a successful navigation to carries out a task, however boring it may be, an
a plane, the voyager is able to choose what direction the alternate self can pitch in to halve the time it takes. For
caravan appears in relation to her intended destination. the voyager, taking 20 on a given check is not considered
Psionics Augmented
to distract her for the purposes of Perception checks. In choose to apply this healing to either set of hit points.
addition, the voyager halves the amount of time needed Fate in Flux (Su): At 16th level, a voyager gains
for taking 20 on skill checks, as well as the time taken unique insight into the nonlinear nature of time, and
on skill checks that that take a number of hours or days can reach back to adjust one of the decisions she made
(excluding the skill checks for crafting magic and psionic in the past. Once per day, by meditating for 10 minutes,
items). the voyager can use psychic reformation as a psi-like
Temporal Duelist (Su): At 8th level, the voyager can ability. She can only target herself with this effect, takes
gain information on the timeline of a creature and use no penalties from it. In addition to the power’s normal
her foreknowledge to evade their attacks. As a swift effect, the voyager can also change her parallel actions
action, the voyager can choose a creature within close known when she uses this ability.
range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 class levels). Against this Eternity Awaits (Su): At 20th level, when a voyager
creature, even if she does not have any momentum, the dies, a future version of herself manifests to carry on her
voyager is treated as if she had her maximum bonus tasks. This does not happen if the voyager dies of old age.
to AC and Reflex from momentum with an additional The future self appears in an unoccupied space within
+2 bonus. In addition, once per round, the voyager can 50 feet of the present voyager’s passing, and possess all
force the affected creature to reroll an attack roll that is of the voyager’s statistics and abilities except for her
made against her. The voyager has these effects against swapped selves and eternity awaits class features. The
that creature until she chooses another creature with voyager’s magical items and equipment are transferred
this ability. The voyager can only maintain these effects to her future self as she appears. The voyager’s future
against one creature at a time; using this ability again self appears with maximum hit points, the same amount
removes the effects she gained against its previous target. of power points as the voyager had when she passed,
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 9th level and and 20 points of momentum that do not disappear at the
higher, a voyager can no longer be flanked. This defense start of her first turn. Should this future self die, their
denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the voyager by body vanishes and they cannot be raised from the dead.
flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more The voyager’s future self carries on with the voyager’s
rogue levels than the target has voyager levels. tasks as she would have. After a night’s rest, the future
If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) self is able to reverse the voyager’s death and restore her
from another class, the levels from the classes that grant body and soul to life. After doing so, she departs to her
uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue own time with a stern warning to her past self.
level required to flank the character.
Borrowed Time (Su): At 10th level, a voyager can Voyagers and Prestige Classes
devote an instance of her own time towards empowering Prestige classes that advance manifesting can advance
and directing her parallel counterparts. As a swift action, voyager momentum. At each level where a class would
the voyager can carry out one of her known parallel progress a voyager's manifester level by one, treat her
actions. She cannot use the same parallel action twice in as if she had gained a class level for the purposes of the
a single round. maximum damage dice and momentum points of her
Endless (Su): At 11th level, a voyager can continue momentum class feature. She does not gain any other
their exploration of time for as long as she desires. A benefits she may have gained from an increased level
voyager ceases to age, though she may begin aging (such as speed increases or parallel actions).
normally if she wishes to. This is a decision that the
voyager can change at any time. The voyager cannot be Parallel Actions
magically aged, unless she allows it. Parallel actions are unique abilities that can only be used
Improved Evasion (Ex): At 12th level, a voyager’s on a voyager’s parallel turn. A voyager’s parallel turn
evasion improves. While the voyager still takes no damage is not a true turn, and a voyager can not take normal
on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, actions during it. A voyager can use one parallel action
she takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless on her parallel initiative. Each parallel action lists a
voyager does not gain the benefit of improved evasion. minimum voyager level required to use it, and the
Swapped Selves (Su): At 14th level, a voyager can voyager must choose which parallel action or actions
exchange her present self with an alternate version of she learns at each given level.
herself. While her appearance may change between these Unless otherwise noted, parallel actions that target
transitions, the voyager’s statistics, abilities, conditions, something or teleport the voyager require line of sight,
and current equipment and weaponry on her person though those that teleport do not require line of effect.
remain the same, as do her motivations and goals. Parallel actions that interact with creatures or objects
However, the voyager gains a separate pool of hit points, within a certain range of the voyager can also be used
with a maximum equal to her original. As a full-round on creatures or objects within that same range of her
action, the voyager can switch her hit points from her afterimage. For example, the helping hand parallel
original set of hit points, to this alternate set of hit points, action allows the voyager to teleport an adjacent object
or vice versa. When the voyager receives healing, she can to her. She can also teleport unattended objects that are
Psionics Augmented
adjacent to her afterimage.
Some of the voyager’s parallel actions allow a save Tracking Parallel Actions
to resist their effects. In all cases, the DC to that save It may be difficult to remember all of your voyager’s
is DC 10 + 1/2 the voyager’s class level + the voyager’s known parallel actions while playing. This is
Intelligence modifier). A voyager can take the Ability understandable; parallel actions are an entirely different
Focus (parallel action) feat, in which case it affects the paradigm from a normal character’s turn.
DC of saving throws made against any of the parallel If you dislike the idea of maintaining two separate
actions the voyager uses. initiatives, you may use the metronome archetype to
simplify gameplay somewhat, by uniting your normal
Helping Hand (1st level) and parallel initiatives.
Unlike other parallel actions which must be selected to If you anticipate difficulty in remembering your
be learned, all voyagers gain the helping hand parallel options on your parallel turns, it’s recommended to
action at 1st level. have brief summaries of each parallel action you know,
Helping Hand: The voyager’s future counterparts somewhere on your character sheet or on flash cards.
reach from across time and space. On the voyager’s
parallel turn, the voyager can designate an unattended
object for her alternate selves to interact with. This spell or a grapple. At 7th and 15th level, the distance the
object must be one she is holding, or one that is adjacent voyager can teleport with this parallel action increases
to her. She can manipulate that object as if she were by 5 feet.
using a standard or move action to do so, but cannot The voyager can expend her psionic focus to use
make an attack or activate magical items. If the object this parallel action as an immediate action after taking
is unattended and is at most 10 lbs, the voyager can damage, being targeted by a combat maneuver, or being
have it teleported to her location, into her possession. affected by an ability.
Alternatively, this parallel action can be used to preserve Dual Threat: The voyager’s parallel selves can present
the voyager’s momentum; if used in this way, at the a danger to enemies, extending her effective reach. When
beginning of the voyager’s next turn, she does not lose the voyager uses this parallel action, she designates a
any gathered points of momentum. square adjacent to her. For 1 round, she can threaten
and flank creatures from this square, as well as from
Combat Support (1st level)
her own location (as normal). If a creature provokes an
At 1st level, the voyager learns two parallel actions from
attack of opportunity while adjacent to this location, the
the following list.
voyager can make an attack of opportunity against that
Accomplished Accomplice: The voyager’s greatest
creature as if she were occupying that square, even if
partners are her other selves, some armed with
she is out of reach normally. While this parallel action is
foreknowledge of the future. When she gains this parallel
active, the voyager’s attacks of opportunity deal bonus
action, the voyager chooses 3 skills that her parallel self
damage equal to the voyager’s class level.
can assist with using this parallel action. The voyager can
Foreshadow: The voyager’s alternate selves can
use this parallel action to make a specialized aid another
prepare the way for their present-day counterpart,
attempt, to assist herself or an ally. This can only be
pointing out paths and targets of least resistance. When
applied to attacks, AC, and checks with her chosen skills.
the voyager uses this parallel action, she creates a path
In the case of assisting in a skill check, she may assist
of connected squares up to 20 feet long within her line
herself or an ally adjacent to her. In the case of attacks
of sight. At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, the
and AC, the voyager may assist herself or an ally against
length of the path can extend an additional 5 feet.
an enemy adjacent to her. On a success, like a normal aid
For 1 round, the voyager can move through these
another check, the voyager applies a +2 bonus to the next
squares at full speed, even if they are occupied or would
application of the chosen action (as long as that action
cost her additional movement normally (though she
comes before the beginning of her next parallel action).
cannot end her movement in the space of a creature of
At 6th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the bonus
her size or larger). She can even run or charge in such
gained from this aid another check increase by 1. Unlike
situations. Her movement within these squares does
other aid another checks, the bonus granted by this
not provoke attacks of opportunity, including while
ability cannot be altered by other effects (including traits
leaving or entering these squares. If the voyager moves
and feats that influence aid another bonuses).
in such a way that normally necessitates that she move
Assisted Escape: The voyager can receive a nudge
in a straight line—such as a charge—she can change the
from her counterparts across time and space, causing
direction of her movement freely as long as she remains
her to disappear momentarily and reappear in a slightly
within this area.
different position. On the voyager’s parallel turn, the
Phantom Feint: The voyager’s temporal allies show a
voyager can teleport 5 feet. Unlike a normal teleportation,
pseudo-real set of the voyager’s actions, letting her fake
this teleportation allows her to stand if she was prone,
out her enemies. The voyager chooses an empty square
and frees the voyager from effects that would physically
adjacent to her to generate a temporary image of herself.
restrain or reduce her movement, such as the entangle
She then determines its action from the following list:
Psionics Augmented
• The image seems to make a misstep. Any creature Manifesting Support (7th level)
that threatens that square must succeed at a Will At 7th level, the voyager learns two parallel actions from
save or make an attack of opportunity against it. the following list.
Afterwards, they cannot make additional attacks of Lightning Focus: The voyager’s focus is her lifeline,
opportunity for 1 round. and her parallel selves can assist in maintaining it. For
• The image seems to strike out at a creature adjacent one round after this parallel action is used, she can
to it, forcing their attention from the voyager to it. regain her psionic focus as part of a move action, moving
The voyager can immediately make a feint against up to her speed and regaining her psionic focus with the
this creature, using her Intelligence modifier instead same action. If she has the Psionic Meditation feat, she
of her Charisma modifier on any applicable Bluff can regain her psionic focus as a swift action.
checks. Unlike a normal feint, a successful feint Power Echo: The voyager’s alternate selves gather
from this parallel action affects all of the voyager’s and hold an echo of the next power she manifests within
melee or ranged attacks against the target until the 1 round. The echo itself, once created, lasts until the end
end of her next turn. of her next turn. If she manifests the same power as an
Time Manipulation (3rd level) echo before it expires, the voyager expends the echo and
At 3rd level, the voyager learns two parallel actions from is refunded half power points she spent on the second
the following list. manifestation (rounded down). This ability cannot be
Fast-Forward: The voyager’s parallel selves can combined with other effects that would refund power
accelerate the timeframe of herself or a creature adjacent points; only the highest refund applies. A power whose
to her. For 1 round, all of the affected creature’s modes of cost is partially-refunded will still charge a new echo, if
movement (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, the voyager used this parallel action again in preparation
and swim) increase by the voyager’s Intelligence modifier for it.
times 5 feet (minimum +10 feet). When the affected Special Delivery: The voyager can prime her
creature gains this bonus, they can immediately move up afterimage with psionic energy that synchronizes with
to their speed (using any movement mode they possess), her own. For one round after this parallel action is used,
as if they had taken a move action. This movement does creatures other than the voyager who are adjacent to her
not provoke attacks of opportunity. If they choose to do afterimage take a –2 penalty on saving throws.
this, they become staggered for 1 round afterwards. In addition, the voyager can use her afterimage
Rewind: The voyager can use her parallel turn to to deliver her powers. While this effect is active, the
pull herself back to an afterimage of herself, teleporting voyager can use her afterimage’s location instead of her
herself from her current location to her afterimage own when determining the line of effect and range of
(even if her afterimage is out of her line of sight). If the her voyager powers.
space is occupied, she appears at the nearest available
Advanced Support (11th level)
space (determined randomly, if needed). This causes her
At 11th level, the voyager learns a parallel action from
afterimage to disappear, though she can create a new
the following list.
one as normal afterwards.
Keep Watch: The voyager’s senses extend to her
The voyager can also expend her psionic focus as her
afterimage. For one round after this parallel action is
parallel action to mark her current afterimage with her
used, the voyager can use all of her available senses to
current hit point total until the end of her next parallel
perceive her environment as if she were occupying the
turn. If the voyager uses a parallel action to return to an
space of her afterimage as well as herself. In addition,
afterimage marked with a hit point total, she can change
where both the voyager and the afterimage can see, the
her current hit point total to the value marked by the
voyager can see invisible creatures.
afterimage (whether it is higher, lower, or the same
While this parallel action is active, the voyager takes
as her former hit point total). If this total is somehow
a –2 penalty on Perception checks due to the mixture
higher than the her current maximum hit points, her hit
of senses from herself and her afterimage. When
points are instead set to her maximum total.
attempting to locate the source of a sound or sensation
Pause: The voyager’s parallel selves can direct their
perceivable from both her afterimage and her own
focus into attempting to stop the flow of time around a
location, however, she instead gains a +4 bonus due to
creature. A creature adjacent to the voyager vanishes
being able to triangulate the source from both places.
as if they were affected by the time hop power for 1
Paradox Shift: The voyager’s parallel selves reach
round unless they succeed at a Will save. Unlike time
out and disrupt the flow of time, causing the actions and
hop, however, creatures affected by pause leave behind
actions made against a another creature within 5 feet of
a phantom image of themselves during their absence.
her to become inconsistent.
A creature successfully affected by pause cannot be
Until the end of their next turn, the affected creature
affected by it again for one round after it returns.
gains a 50% miss chance against attacks made against
them, and their attacks suffer a 50% miss chance. The
Psionics Augmented
miss chances from this ability do not stack with itself or regains 1/6 of a power point. She cannot regain
with concealment; if both the miss chance from paradox more power points than she spent augmenting the
shift and a miss chance from concealment would be power.
applied to an attack, the higher one is used. • Changeling: Whenever the voyager manifests and
augments a psychoportation voyager power, she
Backup Plans (15th level) regains 1/6 of a power point. She cannot regain
At 15th level, the voyager learns a parallel action from more power points than she spent augmenting the
the following list. power.
Emergency Stasis: The voyager’s partners set up a • Dhampir: The save DCs (if any) of the voyager’s
safety net for the voyager or a creature adjacent to her. parallel actions increases by +1/6.
The voyager can expend her psionic focus to use this • Dromite: The voyager gains a +2 bonus to her speed
parallel action as an immediate action. For one round each time she passes through the space of an ally.
after this parallel action is used, if the target of this This bonus is cumulative up to a maximum of twice
parallel action would die, they do not die and instead her voyager level, and lasts for 1 round. This option
enter a state of temporal stasis for a number of rounds has no effect unless the voyager gains enough speed
up to the voyager’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). to reach increments of 5; this effect at +4 feet is
Any hit point damage taken is retained, but effects that effectively the same as the effect at +0 feet.
would kill them are removed. While in this state, the • Dwarf: The voyager gains a +1/3 bonus on saving
creature cannot be harmed but cannot act. At the end of throws and to CMD against effects that would force
each of the creature’s turns in this state, they regain hit the voyagers to move (including bull rush and
points equal to their character level and heal 1 point of reposition attempts, as well as any effect that would
ability damage (if they have currently taken any). make her leave your space, included by unwanted
The voyager can choose to end this effect on other teleportation).
creatures as a free action. If it is the voyager undergoing • Elan: Add +1/4 power known from any class’s list.
this effect, she maintains faint awareness of her This power must be at least one level below the
surroundings but cannot act or use her parallel actions. highest power the voyager can manifest.
Each turn, she can decide to either maintain the effect • Elf: The voyager gains a +1/3 bonus on saving
and end her turn, or to end the effect and take her actions. throws and to CMD against effects that would
Reversal of Fortune: The voyager’s companions guide restrain, halt, or otherwise inhibit the voyager's
her towards the most favorable outcome. For one round, movement (including trip and grapple attempts, as
she can reroll a single d20 that she rolls, and take the well as any effect that would reduce her movement
higher of the two rolls. The choice to make this reroll is speed or keep her from leaving her space, but not
taken after learning what the results of the roll would be. necessarily including conditions that simply rob her
A voyager can also activate this ability as an immediate of her actions).
action to reroll a single d20 she just rolled. If she does, • Gnome: The voyager gains a +1/2 racial bonus on
she must skip her next parallel action. rolls to disable a trap.
Parallel Intrusion (19th level) • Halfling: The voyager gains a +1/4 bonus on
A voyager learns the following parallel action at 19th level. initiative checks.
Parallel Intrusion: The voyager’s parallel selves can • Half-Elf: The voyager gains a +1/3 bonus for a skill
interfere directly, breaking through into the voyager’s check of her choice.
time stream to act as she would for a brief instant. • Human: Add +1/4 power known from the voyager
When the voyager uses this parallel action, she gains power list. This power must be at least one level
one round’s worth of actions as if she had manifested below the highest power the voyager can manifest.
the temporal acceleration power. She cannot use parallel • Ifrit: The voyager deals +1 additional fire damage
actions on this additional round’s worth of actions. Once when she gains bonus damage from momentum.
this parallel action is used, she cannot use it again for 1 The maximum bonus this ability can grant to a
minute. given attack is equal to the amount of momentum
consumed by that attack.
Racial Favored Class Options • Maenad: The voyager deals +1/2 additional sonic
Voyagers can choose from the following alternate racial damage on attacks when she gains bonus damage
favored class options. from momentum. The maximum bonus this ability
can grant to a given attack is equal to the amount of
• All: Gain 1/6 of a bonus psionic feat. Any race can momentum consumed by that attack.
choose this favored class option. • Ophiduan: The voyager can ignore 2 foot of difficult
• Aasimar: Add +1/2 to the voyager’s saving throws terrain each round, moving across it unhindered
against psychoportation powers or effects. (but still is affected by other effects of that terrain,
• Blue: Whenever the voyager manifests and if any). This option has no effect unless the voyager
augments a clairsentience voyager power, she has selected it 5 times (or another increment of 5);
Psionics Augmented
this effect at +4 feet is effectively the same as the Detect TeleportationA: Know when teleportation powers
effect at +0 feet. are used in close range.
• Ratfolk: The voyager gains either +1/2 additional Dissipating TouchA†: Your touch deals 1d6 damage.
AC against melee or ranged attacks when she gains Empty Mind‡: Gain +2 on Will saves until your next action.
AC from momentum, chosen whenever she takes Hidden PocketA: Transport a small item into an
this bonus. extradimensional space.
• Samsarans: The voyager gains a +1 bonus to JudgeA‡: Gain a +2 bonus to Sense Motive checks.
Knowledge (history) checks. Kinetic LegerdemainA: Make Disable Device checks
• Sylph: The voyager deals +1/2 additional electricity without the need for a toolkit.
damage on attacks when she gains bonus damage Know Direction And Location‡: You discover where you
from momentum. The maximum bonus this ability are and what direction you face.
can grant to a given attack is equal to the amount of Inertial ArmorA: Tangible field of force provides you with
momentum consumed by that attack. +4 armor bonus to AC.
• Tiefling: The voyager deals +1 additional damage on Inevitable StrikeA: Gain an insight bonus on your next
attacks against flat-footed creatures, when she gains attack.
bonus damage from momentum. The maximum Locate Secret Doors: Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.
bonus this ability can grant to a given attack is Metamorphosis, MinorA‡: You can change your physical
equal to the amount of momentum consumed by form to a minor degree.
that attack. Metaphysical WeaponA: Weapon gains +1 bonus.
• Wayang: The voyager gains a +1/2 on Stealth checks. MindlinkA: You forge a limited mental bond with another
• Xeph: Increase the voyager’s base speed by 1. This creature.
option has no effect unless the voyager has selected Precognition, DefensiveA‡: Gain +1 insight bonus to AC
it 5 times (or another increment of 5); a bonus to and saving throws.
movement of +4 feet is effectively the same as a Precognition, OffensiveA‡: Gain +1 insight bonus on your
bonus of +0 feet. attack rolls.
Precognition, TacticalA‡: Gain +2 enhancement bonus to
Voyager Powers combat maneuvers.
The following is the voyager power list. Powers marked Prescience, OffensiveA‡: Gain +2 insight bonus on your
with an "A" are augmentable. Powers marked with a damage rolls.
dagger (†) are single-target, and powers marked with a Prevenom WeaponA: Your weapon is mildly venomous.
double-dagger (‡) are personal, and thus legal for use Psychic TrackingA: Track a creature by thought, rather than
with power channel. by physical tracks.
Sense LinkA: You sense what the subject senses (single
0-level Voyager Powers (Talents)
Blinding FlashA†: Dazzle an opponent.
SkateA‡: Subject slides skillfully along the ground.
Conceal Thoughts‡: You conceal your motives.
Detect Psionics: You detect the presence of psionics. 2nd-level Voyager Powers
Far HandA: Move small objects at a limited distance. Body AdjustmentA‡: Heal 1d12 damage.
MissiveA†: Send a one-way telepathic message to subject. Body Equilibrium‡: You can walk on nonsolid surfaces.
Psionic Repair: Mend an object. Breach: Opens locked or psionically sealed door.
Telepathic LashA†: Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses Cloud MindA†: You erase knowledge of your presence from
next action. target’s mind.
Trick Shot: Your ranged attacks defy the laws of physics. Concealing AmorphaA‡: Quasi-real membrane grants you
1st-level Voyager Powers
Deflect: Avoid a single ranged attack.
Astral Traveler: Enable yourself or another to join an astral
Defy Gravity‡: You move up and down, forward and back,
caravan-enabled trip.
via mental support.
BurstA‡: Gain +10ft. to speed this round.
Delayed ResponseA†: Cause the target to act last.
Call To MindA‡: Gain additional Knowledge check with +4
Detect Hostile Intent: You can detect hostile creatures
competence bonus.
within 30 ft. of you.
CatfallA‡: Instantly save yourself from a fall.
Dimension SwapA: You and an ally switch positions.
Circumstance ShieldA‡: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative.
Distracting StrikeA†: Next creature struck suffers penalty
Discharge for a bonus to a single Reflex save.
on attack rolls and cannot make attacks of opportunity.
ChameleonA‡: Gain +10 enhancement bonus on vision
Endorphin SurgeA‡: You incite a rush of endorphins,
based Stealth checks.
augmenting your physical form.
Dazzling SwordplayA†: Dazzle next creature struck.
False FutureA†: Show the target incorrect glimpses into the
DecelerationA†: Target’s speed is halved.
future, moving them 5 feet.
Déjà VuA†: Your target repeats his last action.
Feat LeechA†: Borrow another’s psionic or metapsionic feats.
Destiny Dissonance†: Your dissonant touch sickens a foe.
Psionics Augmented
Gravitational WellA†: Cause the target to draw attacks Energy AdaptationA‡: Your body converts energy to
toward it. harmless light.
Natural LinguistA‡: Communicate even if you do not Detect Remote Viewing‡: You know when others spy on
understand a language. you remotely.
Object ReadingA: Learn details about an object’s previous Expulsion†: Forces a creature to return to its native plane.
owner. Flight‡: You fly at a speed of 60 ft.
Repositioning StrikeA†: Next attack swaps your position Fold SpaceA: Teleports you short distance.
with the struck creature; expend focus to allow an ally to Slip The Bonds‡: You cannot be held or otherwise rendered
treat the struck creature as flanked. immobile.
Proximity StrikeA†: Next attack deals additional damage Remote ViewingA: See, hear, and potentially interact with
and allows you to teleport the struck creature back to you. subjects at a distance.
Psionic Lock: Secure a door, chest, or portal. Shift The TideA†: Target rerolls a d20 roll or may be staggered.
Recall AgonyA†: Foe takes 2d6 damage. Steadfast Perception‡: Gain immunity to illusory effects,
Sonic BlastA†: Next attack deals sonic damage; expend +6 bonus on Perception checks.
focus to trip target Thundering Step: Attack creature and deal additional
Sidestep: Avoid a single melee attack. damage and daze, then teleport away.
Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions: You can find out about Trace PsychoportA: Learn destination of subject’s teleport
an area’s past. or psychoport.
Wall Walker‡: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings. Vanishing Strike†: Make a single melee attack and then
become invisible and teleport away.
3rd-level Voyager Powers
Wrench†: Bars extra-dimensional movement.
Concealing Amorpha, Greater: Quasi-real membrane
grants you total concealment. 5th-level Voyager Powers
Danger SenseA‡: You gain +4 bonus against traps. Barrage: Execute a flurry of swift attacks against nearby
Delayed ResponseA†: Cause the target to act last. targets.
Dimension SlideA: Teleports you very short distance. Baleful TeleportA†: Destructive teleport deals 9d6 damage.
DispatchA: Set up and deliver spectacular finishing strikes. Clairtangent HandA: Emulate far hand at a distance.
Dispel PsionicsA: Cancels psionic powers and effects. Pierce The Veils‡: See all things as they really are.
Ectoplasmic Form‡: You gain benefits of being insubstantial Planar Travel: Travel to other planes.
and can fly slowly. Psychic CrushA: Brutally crush subject’s mental essence,
Escape Detection‡: You become difficult to detect with reducing subject to –1 hit points.
clairsentience powers. PsychoportA‡: Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles/
Evade BurstA: You take no damage from a burst on a level.
successful Reflex save. Psychoport Trigger‡: Predetermined event triggers
Expose WeaknessA†: Cause a creature to become clumsy. psychoport.
Flexible TrajectoryA: Ranged attacks follow imaginary path RetrieveA: Teleport to your hand an item you can see.
to target. Second ChanceA‡: Gain a reroll.
Gravitational Anchor†: Alter gravity to direct toward the Summoning StrikeA†: Teleport a nearby creature to you
creature or object you touch. and attack it.
Hustle‡: Instantly gain a move action.
6th-level Voyager Powers
Metamorphosis‡: Change your physical form.
Barred Mind, PersonalA‡: You are immune to scrying and
Mind TrapA: Drain 1d6 power points from anyone who
remote viewing and gain a bonus to mental effects.
attacks you with a telepathy power.
Cosmic AwarenessA‡: You gain insight bonus on single
Mindhunter: Discover the location of your target while you
attack roll, check, or save.
Defer Fatality: You avoid death through suspended
Physical AccelerationA: You move faster, gain +1 on attack
rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Dispelling Buffer: Subject is buffered from one dispel
Time HopA†: Subject hops forward in time 1 round/level.
psionics effect.
TouchsightA†: Your telekinetic field tells you where
Dream Travel: Travel to other places through dreams.
everything is.
Ethereal Passage: Invisible passage through wood or stone.
Ubiquitous Vision‡: You have all-around vision.
Hypercognition‡: You can deduce almost anything.
Vampiric Blade‡: You heal half your base weapon damage.
Metamorphosis, Major‡: Radically change your physical
4th-level Voyager Powers form.
Augured Answer‡: Provides useful advice for specific RepositionA: Teleport multiple creatures short distances to
proposed action. different locations.
Aura Sight: Reveals creatures, objects, powers, or spells of Temporal AccelerationA‡: Your time frame accelerates for
selected alignment axis. 1 round.
BacklashA: Attack a creature who has attacked you, but Trigger Power‡: Sets trigger condition for another power.
suffer a daze effect.
Psionics Augmented
Playing a Voyager
"I used to put off things... always figured that if I set a
problem aside, Future Me could handle it. That stopped
working when Future Me showed up with a to-do list."
—Narcisse, discussing her abilities
What does the future hold?
At first glance, the voyager may seem like a walking
paradox. When her abilities fall under greater scrutiny,
this impression only grows. Some claim to have
witnessed blatant contradictions: receiving faulty
information from a voyager’s future counterpart, or
watching a voyager fall in battle alongside an image
of her future self. Even innocent interactions between
a voyager and her counterparts betray a sense of
discordance; a parallel self may act in a manner
absolutely contrary to the voyager herself, displaying
emotions or acting in ways that the voyager may never
imagine herself doing. Those observing a voyager might
glimpse such imagery, but most voyagers can suppress
at least most of these signs. everything they had in one dramatic strike. For ranged
There are a number of possibilities, each with their own attacks, the enhanced attack may simply be infused with
implications. The voyager might be accessing possible a massive amount of kinetic force, or generate ‘phantom
futures, each ever so slightly different from her own bolts’ of pure kinetic energy that echo after the initial
reality. Dying means she stumbled across an unfortunate attack.
event unique to herself. Other versions of her might Your voyager is free to favor any of these options, use
continue their travels in their own timelines, regardless them interchangeably, or find their own methods of
of her demise. expressing the power of speed. However, the mechanics
Alternatively, the voyager may create sub-realities, remain the same, regardless of what the voyager's
contained within her very intellect. She may calculate momentum attacks look like.
the future, creating alternate versions of herself that
experience her predictions. Her future counterparts are Ambush!
mental constructs, formed in an unconscious effort to What happens when a voyager unexpectedly comes
predict the future. under attack? Without proper preparation it may be
Perhaps the simplest explanation is that her psionic difficult to determine how much momentum the voyager
power may be altering the timestream directly, and starts the battle with, and where her afterimage may be
allowing any paradoxes to happen in spite of logic. in such cases.
It is a paradox that a voyager and those who know her To address this, it is suggested to establish ‘preset’
may puzzle over. Should the voyager change, the future behaviors for both your voyager and her afterimage.
selves and the predictions she receives from them may What is your voyager inclined to do while out of combat?
change accordingly. A voyager’s destiny is not immutable. It is easy enough to imagine a voyager regularly pacing
about even when not doing anything important, simply
Individual Voyagers to keep up her defenses. If there is nothing preventing
The appearance and behavior of an individual voyager's your voyager from moving for several turns in a row
abilities can vary widely. Each voyager is enveloped before combat begins, it may be safe to assume that
within the concept of time, though their mindsets she begins combat with as much momentum as she can
regarding it can be quite different. Some voyagers run muster (and unless her parallel actions were otherwise
from their past, others step boldly towards the future, occupied, the helping hand parallel action would prevent
and some simply live in the moment. it from falling off each round).
The second question that is to be addressed, is where is
Speeding with Style your voyager is inclined to keep her afterimage? Some may
Momentum is the result of the voyager using speed to favor keeping it near potential enemies or allies, opening
its potential. The bonus damage from momentum may up offensive or supportive options right away if a fight
be expressed visually in different ways, according to an breaks out. Others may want to keep it away, in places of
individual’s preferences and the context of a situation. safety to ensure that the voyager has an escape route.
While in direct combat, the bonus damage may be the Discuss both of these with your GM so that they
result of a set of hyper-fast follow-up attacks, or the know what the status of your voyager will be, to avoid
voyager may have wound up and hit their opponent with unpleasant surprises for either of you out of character.
Psionics Augmented
Chapter 2: Archetypes
The following are archetypes for the voyager class. alters parallel action, but does not make the crossfire
incompatible with archetypes that only alter or replace
Crossfire parallel actions at following levels.
“Keep the rhythm. Ready! Aim! Fire!” Firearm Assistance (1st level): The crossfire’s parallel
selves can interact with a firearm she is holding, rewinding
There is an unusual synchronicity between the firearm
mundane ammunition fired from it (allowing it to be
and a voyager’s abilities. Firearms are often anachronistic
used again), or reloading with magical ammunition on
instruments, used only by the brave or foolhardy;
the crossfire’s person. In addition, as part of this parallel
An adventurous weapon with as many drawbacks as
action, the crossfire can expend her psionic focus in order
advantages in comparison to normal weaponry. And like
to rewind the structure of the firearm. This removes the
a voyager, a bullet’s offensive power is tied to its speed.
broken condition from a firearm she is holding. This
The union of such an individual and such a weapon is
parallel action replaces helping hand.
known as a crossfire: a temporal gunner who mixes her
Covering Fire (1st level): A crossfire’s alternate selves
psionic power with black powder and bullets.
can cover her retreat or support her attack, with a semi-
A crossfire may have chosen the art of the gun because
real hail of suppressing fire. On her parallel action, the
of a natural inclination, or because of its anachronistic
crossfire makes a combat maneuver check against a
nature. Either way, a crossfire devotes part of her time
creature within the first range increment of a firearm
to her weapon in a very literal way. Her parallel selves
she holds, using her Dexterity instead of her Strength
can assist her in the intricate process of reloading or
to determine her CMB. If she succeeds, the target is
repairing her firearm after a mishap. If she seeks to
hampered by the rain of bullets, becoming unable to
further pursue the way of a gunner, the crossfire can up
make attacks of opportunity for 1 round. In addition,
the ante and gain additional abilities that improve her
for this duration, ranged attacks against the target gain
performance with a firearm.
a +1 competence bonus on their attack roll (increasing
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A crossfire is
by a further +1 at 4th level and every four class levels
proficient with all simple weapons and firearms. She
is proficient with light armor. This alters the normal
The crossfire can expend her psionic focus in order to
voyager's weapon and armor proficiencies.
affect all creatures within a 10-foot-radius spread within
Gunsmith (Ex): At 1st level, a crossfire gains one of the
range, rolling one combat maneuver check and using
following firearms of her choice: blunderbuss, musket,
it against each creature. A crossfire learns this parallel
or pistol. Her starting weapon is battered, and only she
action in place of a 1st level parallel action.
knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat
her gun as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon Focused Crossfire
already has the broken condition, it does not work at all In addition to the above adjustments, a voyager with the
for anyone else trying to use it. This starting weapon can crossfire archetype may select from any of the following
only be sold for scrap (it’s worth 4d10 gp when sold). The alternate class features by altering or exchanging them
crossfire also gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat. with the listed voyager base class feature. For example,
Slowed Step, Steady Aim (Su): A crossfire gains a voyager with the crossfire archetype may take kinetic
Amateur Gunslinger as a bonus feat at 1st level. The snipe, losing kinetic wave.
crossfire’s grit pool is based on her Intelligence. A crossfire can take more than one archetype and
As a psionic character, the crossfire's Amateur garner additional alternate class features, but none of
Gunslinger feat can grant them psionic deeds. These the alternate class features can replace or alter the same
deeds can be found in Chapter VI of Ultimate Psionics. class feature from the base voyager class as those altered
A crossfire gains the accelerate class feature at 3rd or exchanged by the crossfire archetype.
level instead of 1st level. Their accelerate class feature Round Redirection (3rd level): The crossfire can create
improves every 5th level afterwards, as normal. This a vector for her attacks—forming a portal for her bullets,
ability alters accelerate. or creating a semi-real apparition with a phantom
Parallel Action (Su): The crossfire’s parallel actions firearm of its own. On her parallel action, the crossfire
function the same as the voyager’s, with the following can create a beacon within her line of sight that lasts for
exceptions. At 1st level, the crossfire learns the following one round. For one round after using this parallel action,
parallel actions instead of the voyager’s normal parallel the crossfire can determine line of sight and effect with
actions. As a result, the crossfire does not learn any her firearm attacks using the beacon’s location as well
additional parallel actions at 1st level (though she as her own. A crossfire may gain this parallel action in
may learn them with the Backtrack feat). This ability place of a 3rd level parallel action.
Psionics Augmented
Bullet Time (Su): At 2nd level, a crossfire can choose gain a total of 1 feat in this way. At 7th level and every
to gain an alternate abilities for her augmented attacks. three voyager levels thereafter, the maximum number
If there are no replacements listed at a given level, the of feats she can gain increases by 1.
crossfire gains the abilities normally learned at that • 1st- and 2nd-level powers: Acrobatic Steps,
level. Intimidating Shot, Mobility, Quick Draw, and Up The
• Focused Shot: When the voyager spends power
• 3rd- and 4th-level powers: Cloak Dance, Deflect
points on her augmented attack, the range increment
Arrows, Mixed Combat, Shot on the Run, Relentless
of her firearm increases by 5 feet and she can gain
Shot, and Trick Shooter.
momentum from the distance her bullets travel. For
• 5th- and 6th-level powers: Circuitous Shot, Cartwheel
each additional power point spent, she increases
Dodge, Knockdown Shot, Snap Shot, and Return
the range increment of her firearm by an additional
5 feet. The crossfire gains 1 point of momentum
for every 10 feet between her and the target of her This crossfire may gain this ability, replacing voyager
augmented attack. Momentum gained from this knowledge.
cannot be used to pay the augmented attack’s other
costs. This ability replaces blink. Metronome
At 13th level, a crossfire gains the following ability “I am one with my past and future.”
instead of speeding strike. —Talan, a metronome
• Firing Squad: By expending her psionic focus, A metronome strives to stay in sync with her temporal
the crossfire can replicate an augmented attack assistants, even if it means they may fall behind
she makes with a firearm, allowing her to attack compared to other voyagers.
all creatures in an area within the first range Parallel Initiative (Su): A metronome keeps pace with
increment of her firearm. This area is composed of her parallel selves, even if it may mean she falls behind
a series of connected 5-foot squares, one for each in speed. When she rolls initiative, instead of rolling a
point of momentum and power point spent on separate parallel initiative, the metronome rolls her own
the augmented attack. The crossfire rolls once and initiative at a –4 penalty. At 4th level and 7th level, the
applies all modifiers to the attack to all creatures penalty to the metronome’s initiative is reduced by 2.
within this area, including bonus damage from A metronome's parallel action occurs at the same
momentum and augmented attack abilities. When initiative as the metronome herself. The metronome
manifesting a power with a single target with power must choose to have the parallel actions occur entirely
channel, the crossfire chooses one creature out of before, or entirely after, her own actions, but otherwise
the ones struck to affect with the power. However, the two occur at the same initiative count for all purposes,
when using this ability, the crossfire can manifest including the duration of effects that happen during
a power that normally affects an area or multiple either set of actions.
targets with power channel and apply its effects to This ability alters parallel initiative, but does not cause
every creature struck by this attack. the metronome archetype to be incompatible with other
archetypes that alter the parallel initiative class feature.
A crossfire may gain this ability,
altering manifestation of speed.
Gunfire Training (Ex): At 4th level
and every 3 levels thereafter, the
crossfire gains a bonus feat from the
following list. The feats she has access
to is determined by the level of voyager
powers she can learn, and she does
not need to meet their prerequisites.
In addition, whenever she gains a
crossfire level, the voyager can choose
to gain an additional bonus feat in
place of a power known.
The feats she has access to is
determined by the level of the power
she could have learned, and she does
not need to meet its prerequisites. The
crossfire is limited in the number of
feats she can gain in place of powers.
At 4th level through 6th level, she can
Psionics Augmented
Chapter 3: Feats
Though the following new feats are intended to certain range of it, based on your character level (see
synergize well with voyagers, any character who meets below). This afterimage lasts until you rewind to it, or
the prerequisites can take them. until you set another afterimage using this feat. This
ability cannot cross planar boundaries; it only functions
Amplified Momentum (Psionic)
if you are still on the same plane as the bookmark.
You can amplify your augmented strikes with momentum,
or recycle it into your evasiveness. Character Level Bookmark Distance
Prerequisites: Momentum class feature.
Benefit: When you spend momentum to amplify an 3rd 100 feet
attack, you choose to gain one of the following: 5th 500 feet
• Your momentum deals an additional 1 point 8th 1 mile
of damage per die added to the attack. Like
momentum, the additional damage from this feat 11th 10 miles
is not multiplied by critical hits and similar effects. 14th 100 miles
• You gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and on Reflex saves
17th 1,000 miles
for 1 round, that increases by 1 for every point
of momentum you spent (to a maximum of your 20th Unlimited
Intelligence modifier). These bonuses stack with the
dodge bonuses you gain from momentum normally, Divert Perception (Psionic)
but their total cannot exceed a maximum of your Your movement itself obscures your presence, allowing
Intelligence modifier + 2. you to hide more easily.
Prerequisites: Stealth 5 ranks.
Backtrack (Psionic) Benefit: You can move up to your speed and use
Your parallel selves learn an old trick, even after Stealth at no penalty. You can use Stealth while running
opportunity had passed them by. or charging with a –5 penalty.
Prerequisites: Voyager level 3rd. In addition, whenever you take a move action to move
Benefit: You gain a voyager parallel action in a while psionically focused, you can expend your psionic
category of your class level or lower that you did not focus in order to make a Stealth check to hide at the end
already possess. of the movement, even if you do not have concealment
Special: You can take this feat multiple times; each or are observed. You remain hidden until the end of your
time you do, you choose a different parallel action to next turn or until you break Stealth, whichever comes
learn. first.
Blink Ambush (Psionic) Normal: You can move up to half your normal speed
You can surprise foes with your teleportation abilities. and use Stealth at no penalty. When moving at a speed
Prerequisites: Improved Feint, Slipstream Feint. greater than half but less than your normal speed, you
Benefits: Once per round, when you teleport to or take a –5 penalty. It’s impossible to use Stealth while
from a location within 10 feet of a creature, you can attacking, running, or charging.
make a feint attempt against that creature as a free Fade from Memory (Psionic)
action (even if it isn’t your turn). If your feint succeeds, You can vanish from the immediate memory of those
you can expend your psionic focus to cause the target to around you.
become flat-footed for 1 round. Prerequisites: Divert Perception feat, Stealth 8 ranks.
Bookmark (Psionic) Benefit: When you use Stealth to hide, you can expend
You can leave an imprint behind for as long as you wish, your psionic focus to cause creatures within close range
for you to retreat to later. (25 feet + 5 feet per two character levels) to forget about
Prerequisites: Afterimage class feature, rewind you until you reappear. Only creatures who failed
parallel action. to see through your initial Stealth check are affected,
Benefit: As a full-round action, you can set a semi- and an affected creature can make a Will save (DC 10
permanent afterimage on your current location. You + 1/2 your character level + your highest mental ability
can use rewind to return to this location instead of one score modifier) to resist this effect. When you expend
of your normal afterimages as long as you are within a your psionic focus in order to hide at the end of your
Psionics Augmented
movement using the Divert Perception feat, you can also ability that grants you an extra psionic focus. If you
use this one as part of the same action, without having to have more than one of these, you may only have a single
expend psionic focus a second time. additional psionic focus at any given time.
Faster and Faster (Psionic) Independent Action (Psionic)
You are truly dedicated to the concept of speed. Your afterimage and parallel actions can function
Prerequisites: Accelerate class feature. somewhat independently from your own thoughts,
Benefit: Each time you gain a 10 feet insight bonus pursuing your goals even when your attention is
to speed from the accelerate class feature (including elsewhere or your will is subverted.
the initial 10 feet from the Speed of Thought feat), you Prerequisites: Parallel action class feature, afterimage
instead gain 15 feet of additional speed. class feature
Benefit: If your ability to think is impaired or your
Focused Swiftness (Psionic)
actions are removed entirely (such as by being stunned
You imbue your body with the essence of speed,
or affected by a dominate person spell), you can still move
psionically enhancing your movements.
your afterimage and take parallel actions according to
Benefit: You can psionically focus your body in the
your best interests, even if an effect would normally
same manner in which you gain psionic focus normally.
prevent you from doing so or control your choices. This
At any time when you need to expend your psionic focus
does not give your afterimages abilities they otherwise
on an ability that is normally taken during movement or
didn’t have, though—they still use your senses (they do
would change your location (including both movement
not have their own), do not have minds of their own,
and teleportation), you can expend this psionic focus
and so on. This feat merely allows you to continue to use
instead. At any time when you need to maintain psionic
parallel actions when you otherwise couldn’t.
focus with such an ability, you can use this psionic focus
In addition, when you are affected by an ongoing
instead. Psionically focusing with this feat works just
mind-affecting effect that allows a saving throw such
like focusing your own mind.
as charm person or crushing despair), you can use your
Special: You cannot benefit from this feat at the same
parallel action to make another save against it.
time as Psicrystal Containment, Deep Focus, or another
Psionics Augmented
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