Jesse Attachment Report
Jesse Attachment Report
Jesse Attachment Report
Date of submission-25/10/2019
First of all, I would like to thank the Almighty who is has been the most beneficial and merciful,
has given me confidence ,guidance and strength through my attachment period. This is a
knowledgeable and interesting experience to me. Completion of this attachment was not an easy
task but by the support and help of all my colleagues and employees of the hospital becomes
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................3
1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................5
1.1 Brief history of the Institution........................................................................................................5
1.2 Main functions of the Hospital......................................................................................................6
1.3 Vision, mission, statement and core values of the institution.........................................................7
1.4 Organizational structure of the host institution..............................................................................7
1.5 Duties and responsibilities of the key personnel in the organization..............................................8
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................11
2.0 HOST ATTACHMENT DEPARTMENT.......................................................................................11
2.1 Key functions/ activities of the Department.................................................................................11
2.2 Staff establishment of the Department.........................................................................................12
2.3 Student’s main objectives for the attachment exercise.................................................................12
2.4 Attachees’ assigned routine duties...............................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................14
3.0 EVALUATION OF THE ATTACHMENT PERIOD.....................................................................14
3.1 Success/ failure of the attachment exercise..................................................................................14
3.2 Challenges encountered by the student during the attachment period..........................................15
3.3 How the challenges were solved..................................................................................................15
3.4 Recommendations as how the attachment exercise can be improved by the university...............16
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................16
OTHER ISSUES LEARNED................................................................................................................16
4.1 Employees Code of Conduct.......................................................................................................16
OPD-Outpatient department
CHIS-Check health information system
EMR-Electronic medical records
LIBS-Library information based system
CC-Child care
ENT-eye nose and teeth department
Ministry of Health, Disease Surveillance and Research Unit (DSRU)
1.1 Brief history of the Institution
Thika level 5 Hospital began its operation in 1941 and is strategically located at Thika town
Kiambu county.It covers a land of 7.97 Hectares.The hospital is run by by a cohesive,highly
trained,dedicated and specialized human resource team of 550 members firmly anchored on the
pillars of teamwork and self-sacrifice.Thika level 5 Hospital provides health services to an
average of 20,000 inpatients and 350,000 oupatients annually.The hospital’s provision of quality
health services has blurred inter-county boundaries which have seen patience trickle in from
more counties including Nairobi,Murang’a ,Kirinyaga, and Machakos.Ever since the healthcare
devolution journey began in year 2010 until date ,the hospital has always pledged to relentlessly
pursue its objective of providing high quality and cost effective heathcare to its patients.Thika
level 5 believe in offering comprehensive care under a single roof.
Objectives of Thika level 5 hospital
I. To set the best practice standards in health care services
II. To continually improving the performance and exceeding expectations of patients
III. To cater for both inpatients and outpatients
Medical superintendent
supplies accounts
Heads of clinical departments
Support staff records (Medicine, surgery)
Department Ward nurse
Medical officers
Pharmacy staff
1.5 Duties and responsibilities of the key personnel in the organization
The key personnel at Thika Level 5 Hospital are the Medical Superintendent, Health
Administrative Officer, Nursing Officer in-charge (NO i/c), Heads of Clinical departments (ie
Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, Obs/Gyn) and Ward Nurse i/c
The duties and responsibilities of the Medical Superintendent are:
1. Overall supervision of the working of the hospital.
2. Planning, development and budget monitoring of the hospital.
3. Interaction and assigning duties to immediate subordinate officers and Head of Clinical
Departments so as to ensure smooth functioning of the hospital Official spokespersons of
the hospital.
4. To discharge legal responsibilities pertaining to the hospital
5. Coordination and interaction with the Ministries, Police Directorate and other
Government departments.
6. Exercise of financial and administrative power delegated to him as ‘Head of Department’
manpower planning Appointing and Disciplinary Authority of Group C &D employees.
The duties and responsibilities of The Health Administrative Officer:
1. Staff hiring that is employing qualified people.
2. Coordination of business functions in the hospital.
3. Develop policies and procedures and ensure that they are followed or may implement
policies created by a governing board or body.
4. Managing patient records that is ensure medical histories, current health information, and
billing, insurance and legal documents are all being handled appropriately.
5. Maintain open lines of communication that enable the system to function swiftly and
The duties and responsibilities of Nursing Officer :
1. Managing, supervising and assisting the nursing staff.
2. Providing administrative support and patient care.
3. Provide guidance on administering care to new patients or those with special needs and
answer questions regarding to protocol.
4. Develop and implement training courses and organize seminars to help educate and train
new nurses and staff.
5. Frequently work with other nurses and patients to create a plan of care that is
individualized to a patient’s needs.
6. Document the performance of nurses, perform evaluations and counsel nurses on
unsatisfactory performance.
7. They meet with upper management to discuss personnel and administrative issues and
address and solve problems among staff.
The duties and responsibilities of Heads of Clinical departments (Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery,
1. Monitor compliance to legal guidelines, internal policies and quality standards.
2. Evaluate performance and discipline employees when necessary
3. Assign cases and create schedules for all employees.
4. Plan and oversee all patients care or administrative operations and programs.
5. Coordinate and supervise staff providing constructive feedback.
6. Provide personnel with clinical training and opportunities for continuous development.
7. Devise strategies and plans for the clinical department according to standards for
excellent service and growth.
The duties and responsibilities of the Ward Nurse i/c:
1. Provide care and treatment for patients admitted in the hospital wards.
2. Providing day-to-day care and treatment for patients.
3. Provide information for patients and also their families to help them understand their
treatment and make informed decisions about their own healthcare.
Some of the partners that Thika Level 5 hospital works closely with
● PEPFAR - An initiative by the government of the United States of
America that is behind the funding by USAID. Through the
President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief which was started by
George W. Bush, USAID is provided with funds, which it uses to
support Health under the IT field in achieving their goals and
● USAID - An independent agency of the United States of America
Federal Government that is the main source of funds for Health.
● Ministry of Health, Health Information Systems Division - A
unit at the Ministry of Health responsible for the maintenance and
support of various Health Information Systems that have been
employed by the Ministry.
● Afya Jijini - A 3 year, USAID funded project that started in 2015
and is expected to run up to 2018, whose goal is to improve
Nairobi City County institutional and management capacity to
deliver health services. Afya Jijini are responsible for support of
EMR systems i.e. IQ Care, and other Health Information Systems.
● Ministry of Health, Disease Surveillance and Research Unit
(DSRU) - A unit at the Ministry of Health responsible for disease
surveillance and medical research in Kenya.
The team at DSRU are responsible for using the IDSR system in
their daily activities.
● IntelliSOFT Consulting Limited - A Kenyan software
development and consultancy firm that specializes in the
healthcare industry, and whose primary focus is in the areas of
Health Management Information Systems and Health Research
Support Systems.
4. OpenMRS Community - A community of developers in charge of developing the free
and open source EMR system - OpenMRS (Open Medical Record System).
2.1 Key functions/ activities of the Department
Information Technology Department functions include:
o Maintenance of computer hardware components in the hospital
o Networking facilitation(Cabling or otherwise)
o Maintenance of the software used in healthcare provided to the hospital
o Maintenance of the servers supporting the software
o Identifying rising issues/challenges in current systems in use and improvements
that can be implemented
o Managing users and the privileges they can access in the CHIS system
Health Records and Information department activities were:
1. Data Management by collection of Daily Bed Returns (DBR) in each
wards and keying in the data in the computer system
2. Coding and Indexing of all the inpatient files
3. Central records keeping in the library of all the inpatient files after being
coded and indexed
4. Booking of consultant clinics that is the OOPC, GOPC, MOPC, HRC,
SOPC, POPC, Dermatology clinic, Ear Nose and Throat Clinic(ENT)
5. Maternity records
6. X-ray reception unit
7. CT Scan records keeping of all inpatients and outpatients
2.2 Staff establishment of the Department
The number of employees in the Information Technology Department are three (3).They are
employed by the county government. The department also offers internship (2) and attachés (4).
2.3 Student’s main objectives for the attachment exercise
1. To enhance knowledge and skills on what we learnt in class.
2. To be exposed to the actual working environment that is getting hands-on life experience
on what responsibilities should be done in an institution or an organization.
3. To understand work ethics, employment demands, responsibilities and opportunities.
4. To provide an opportunity to apply the principles and techniques theoretically learnt in
class into real-life problem solving situations.
2.4 Attachees’ assigned routine duties
i) Setting up of the projectors for meetings
ii) Replacing malfunctioning computer components
This involved peripherals that were working improperly and those that seized to
work permanently
iii) Solving for networking issues
I got to terminate networking cables that had been damaged or replaced them with
new ones. I had to connect some of the computers to access internet connection
provided by the county government.
iv) Occasional record keeping of the computers in use and their corresponding
peripherals and other equipment e.g. printers. This was to keep record of all
working machines and to account for their numbers
v) Updating drivers, antivirus software on the computers. After tackling an issue, I
would take the chance and check whether these things were updated and working
properly to prevent unwanted viruses in the computers. This was recommended
by the supervisors.
vi) We were tasked to visit various departments that used the CHIS and other systems
to observe and assist where necessary in order to learn more on how they are
vii) After becoming familiar with the CHIS system, an account was created by our
supervisor for the attaches to use. We were shown how to create accounts and
how to assign various privileges depending on the type of staff
viii) Once each week I was tasked with going to the reception to help register new
patients into the system in order to understand how it is done.
ix) Replacing older versions of operating systems with newer and stable ones.
x) Installing CHIS into computers that did not have one or those that failed to work
xi) Restarting the servers for the CHIS or LIMS systems from the server rom in cases
where complaints were made of slowed operation.
xii) Altering/editing biodata of patients from the outpatient departments whose
information had been entered incorrectly.
xiii) Backtracking patients information where asked for retrieval of important
xiv) Creating templates of staff and interns/students identification cards using tools
like Microsoft Publisher.
Head of ICT Department, Ambrose Waita
Head of Health Records and Information Department, Mr. Peter Muigai