Psionics Augmented - Compilation 2
Psionics Augmented - Compilation 2
Psionics Augmented - Compilation 2
◆ Co m pi l at i o n I I ◆
Psionics Augmented
Compilation II
Contributing Authors: Andreas Rönnqvist, Jeremy Smith, Chris Bennett, Forrest Heck, Jade Ripley, Jeremy Smith,
Michael Shih, Paul S. Gazo, Sasha Hall, Scott Benoit
Interior Design: Forrest Heck
Interior Layout: Forrest Heck, Jeremy Smith
Artwork: Gary Dupuis, J.D. Dianderas, Jesus Garcia Lopez, Joe Shawcross, Matt Morrow, Tithi Luadthong, Troy
Special thanks to the legions of fans who helped playtest the material in this book.
Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the
third edition of the game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game
License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names
(characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements
that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this game
product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion
of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without
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Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo
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Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the
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information on the compatibility license.
Psionics Augmented: Compilation II is published by Dreamscarred Press under the Open Game License version
1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Psionics augmented
Foreword & Introduction
Every now and again I get the question: “When is Chapter 5: Feats—This chapter includes many new
Dreamscarred Press doing another psionics supplement?” psionic feats, including specialized soulknife feats,
Psionics was our first entry into the world of being a support for various psychic warrior paths, and options
third-party developer and it remains our strongest and for collective-using classes.
most-loved line, so I understand entirely why folks are Chapter 6: Prestige Classes—This chapter includes
so eager to see more. seven psionic prestige classes. It also includes compiled
I have good news: the psionics was coming from inside rules for adapting existing prestige classes for use by
the house the whole time! soulknives, describing alterations to prerequisites and
Aside from our Psionics Augmented: Occult line (which class features.
deserved, and got, its own compilation), we’ve been Chapter 7: Psionic Powers—This chapter collects a
tinkering away with additional psionic content in several variety of psionic powers for manifesters of all types.
supplements over the last year or so. Some of these,
like Psionics Augmented: Wilder were dedicated books What’s in this book?
looking to expand a single class, while other material Psionics Augmented: Compilation II compiles the
was released as part of supplements like Lords of the following releases from Dreamscarred Press:
Night, and while we’ve been super excited to offer up all
• Psionics Augmented: Focused Disciplines
these new powers, feats, archetypes, and prestige classes,
• Psionics Augmented: Powers
it’s definitely true that with them being as broken-up as
• Psionics Augmented: Powers II
they are, the new material’s been hard to access. Not any
• Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior
more; welcome to your one-stop shop for the psionic
• Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior II
material found in Lords of the Night, Psionics Augmented:
• Psionics Augmented: Soulknives
Focused Disciplines, Psionics Augmented: Psychic Warrior,
• Psionics Augmented: Soulknives II
Psionics Augmented: Soulknives, Psionics Augmented:
• Psionics Augmented: Soulknives III
Wilder, as well as some of the new feats and concepts
• Psionics Augmented: Wilders
introduced with our releases for the highlord class.
We look forward to expanding on the powers of the In addition, it includes psionic powers from Lords of
mind even more in the months and years to come. In the Night and feats from Psionics Augmented: Highlord.
the meantime, take a dive into the fruits of our labors Some of the material in this book has been slightly
without having to have eighty tabs open to do it. reworded and reorganized, but most of it functions the
same as it did in its original printing. The exceptions to
—Jade Ripley, game designer, Dreamscarred Press
this are several wilder options and the psychic armory
soulknife archetype found in Chapter 3: Soulknives. The
Using This Book psychic armory, after continued feedback and testing
Psionics Augmented: Compilation II is divided into eight after its release, proved to gain much more than it gave
chapters. Each chapter is dedicated to a different type of up, and has been adjusted to not only be more balanced,
character options, as follows: but also to better deliver on its mixed melee-and-ranged
Chapter 1: Psions—This chapter includes 24 new concept. For the wilder options, the Mental Equilibrium
choices for psionic discipline focuses, themed around feat, as originally printed in Psionics Augmented: Wilders,
different focuses within disciplines. had no mechanical function. The feat has been removed,
Chapter 2: Psychic Warriors—This chapter includes and class options that relied on it previously have been
new warrior path options for psychic warriors, as well as adjusted to no longer require it.
three archetypes, the reaver, silhouette, and halo knight.
Chapter 3: Soulknives—This chapter introduces Books Needed
a plethora of new blade skill options, as well as three The material in this book expands on the base classes
archetypes, the augmented blade, brutality blade, and and rules found in Ultimate Psionics. As such, that
the revised psychic armory. book, along with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core
Chapter 4: Wilders—This chapter includes two wilder Rulebook, is needed to make the most of this release of
archetypes, the voidheart and surging muse. Psionics Augmented.
Psionics augmented
Table of Contents
Wilder Archetypes 32
Surving Muse 32
Advanced Disciplines 4
Voidheart 32
Clairsentience 4
Metacreativity 5 CHAPTER 5: FEATS AND TRAITS 34
Psychokinesis 6 New Traits 34
Psychometabolism 6 New Feats 34
Psychoportation 7
Ashen Blade 42
CHAPTER 2: PSYCHIC WARRIORS 9 Cross-Discipline Master 45
Warrior Paths 9 Marvel 46
Anomalous Path 9 Primarch 47
Hungering Path 9 Strategos 50
Outrider Path 9 Surge Adept 53
Psychic Warrior Archetypes 10 Volcanic Mind 54
Halo Knight 10 Soulknife Special Rules 55
Reaver 12
Silhouette 14 CHAPTER 7: PSIONIC POWERS 57
Power Lists 57
CHAPTER 3: SOULKNIVES 17 Cryptic Powers 57
Blade Skills 17 Dread Powers 57
Soulknife Archetypes 22 Gifted Blade Powers 58
Augmented Blade 22 Psion/Wilder Powers 58
Brutality Blade 23 Psychic Warrior Powers 59
Psychic Armory 25 Tactician Powers 60
High-Psionics Soulknives 28 Vitalist Powers 60
Soulknife Magic Items 29 Power Descriptions 60
Psionics augmented
Chapter 1: Psions
The psionic disciplines provide themes for the different again at 18th level and 20th level, you may do so once
varieties of psions—from the shaper who focuses on more each day.
using ectoplasm to create or modify items and creatures,
to the kineticist who prefers the manipulation of the Falsehood
different forms of energy, to the seer who gleans insight The following discipline abilities replace the recovered
from intuition and extrasensory perceptions. Yet even information and alter the waves abilities of the
in these disciplines, there are specialized studies that clairsentience discipline.
take these roles and distill them further. For example, a False Notion (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you may
shaper may deal primarily in crystal, a kineticist may be expend psionic focus as a swift action to implant a false
enamored with fire, and a telepath could focus on using thought in the mind of an enemy you can see within 30
his abilities for informational gathering while keeping a feet. This enemy takes a –1 penalty to their next two
low profile. d20 rolls. At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this
First used in Ultimate Psionics, these are known penalty increases by –1, to a maximum of –5 at 18th level.
as advanced disciplines—alternative options to the This is a mind-affecting effect.
primary discipline choices for psions. Advanced Lies and Slander (Su): Starting at 8th level, you may
disciplines don’t change which psionic powers a psion expend psionic focus once per day to cause all enemies
can use, but instead alter the abilities gained from the within 20 feet to take a –1 penalty to the next d20 roll
discipline. In this book, these new advanced disciplines each of them makes. This penalty increases by –1 at 10th
have a particular focus of the original discipline, giving level and every even level thereafter, and you can use it
rise to the term focused disciplines. once more per day at each of those levels.
The following are new advanced disciplines for
psions of the clairsentience discipline.
The following discipline abilities replace the
alter the waves and seeing the connections
abilities of the clairsentience discipline.
Aura Sight (Su): Starting at 8th level, so
long as you maintain psionic focus, you can tell the
alignment of any creature you can see. If you
expend psionic focus as a swift action, you can tell
the strength of the alignment aura of all creatures
you can see.
Smiting Ideals (Su): Starting at 14th level, once
per day, you may expend psionic focus as a swift
action to use the Smite Evil ability as a Paladin of half
your class level, except it targets any one creature who
has a different alignment than you, and all references
to Charisma instead use Intelligence. At 16th level, and
Psionics augmented
an attack roll or saving throw and the result is stated. dice for your crystal shot ability to all attack and damage
This provides you with a retroactive +2 bonus to the roll, rolls with manufactured weapons.
which can change the result of the roll. At 10th level and
every two levels thereafter, you can use this ability once Guiding
more per day and the bonus increases by +1. At 14th The following discipline abilities replace the
level, you may expend two uses of this ability at once to summoner’s call and maestro of ectoplasm abilities of
provide its benefits to an ally within 30 feet. the metacreativity discipline.
Who Are You? (Su): Starting at 14th level, you may, Guide the Blade (Su): Starting at 2nd level, so long as
once per day, learn what a single creature that you can you maintain psionic focus, all attack rolls made against
see’s alignment is, as well as what its lowest and highest hostile creatures within 25 feet of you gain a +1 insight
ability scores are and what classes it has levels in, if any. bonus. This does not apply while you are flat-footed.
You may expend psionic focus as you do this to also learn At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus
the three skills it has the most ranks in and how many hit increases by +1.
dice it has. If more than three skills are tied for having Direct the Flow (Su): Starting at 14th level, you may
the most ranks, the GM selects which ones to list. expend psionic focus as an immediate action to give a
single attack roll made within 30 feet of you a bonus
Terror equal to twice the bonus provided by your guide the
The following discipline abilities replace the recovered blade ability.
information and seeing the connections abilities of the
clairsentience discipline. Plasmic
Fright Factor (Su): Starting at 2nd level, so long as The following discipline abilities replace the ectoplasmic
you maintain psionic focus, any creature that fails a Will projection and maestro of ectoplasm abilities of the
save against a Clairsentience power you manifest also metacreativity discipline.
becomes shaken for 2 rounds. You may expend psionic Right Tool for the Job (Su): Starting at 8th level, so
focus as a swift action when you would activate this long as you maintain psionic focus, you may use a move
ability to instead cause that creature to be frightened action to manipulate ectoplasm in such a way to create
for an equal number of rounds. At 6th level and every a tool to assist with a skill you have ranks in. This tool
four levels thereafter, this ability lasts for an additional provides a circumstance bonus to skill checks with
round (3 at 6th level, 4 at 10th level, and so on). that skill equal to one-fourth your psion level. You may
Terrifying Presence (Su): Starting at 14th level, so expend psionic focus when you use this tool to increase
long as you maintain psionic focus, any hostile creature the bonus to one-half your psion level, but the tool
that comes within 10 feet of you must make a Will breaks after being used in such a way.
save against a DC of 10 + half your psion level + your Persistent Plasma (Su): Starting at 14th level, so long
Intelligence modifier. On a successful save, they are as you maintain psionic focus, you gain a +2 bonus to
shaken for 1d4 rounds and become immune to this all skill checks in which you have ranks, even when not
ability for 24 hours. On a failed save, they are panicked using a tool. Using an actual tool causes you to lose this
for 1d4 rounds. bonus. This bonus increases to +3 at 17th level and to +4
at 20th level.
The following are new advanced disciplines for psions of Steel
the metacreativity discipline. The following discipline abilities replace the
summoner’s call and maestro of ectoplasm abilities of
Crystal the metacreativity discipline.
The following discipline abilities replace the Iron Ego (Su): Starting at 2nd level, once per day when
summoner’s call and ectoplasmic projection abilities of you would be hit with an attack that doesn’t target your
the metacreativity discipline. touch or flat-footed AC, you may expend your psionic
Crystal Shot (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you may focus as an immediate action. This gives you a +2 untyped
expend psionic focus as a swift action to make a ranged bonus to AC against that attack. If this would cause you to
attack with a range of 30 feet and two range increments. have a high enough AC to have not been hit, you are not
This attack deals 1d8 piercing damage, threatens a hit. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level, and again at
critical hit on a natural 20, and deals triple damage on 12th level and 17th level. You may use this ability twice
a critical hit. The damage increases by 1d8 at 5th level per day at 9th level, and three times per day at 16th level.
and every 3 levels thereafter (2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 8th Shielded Spirit (Su): Starting at 14th level, so long as
level, and so on). You may use your Intelligence modifier you maintain psionic focus, you gain a +5 shield bonus
instead of your Dexterity modifier to determine your to AC. When you use your iron ego ability, this shield
bonus to the attack roll. bonus stays in effect until the attack is resolved, instead
Crystal Edge (Su): Starting at 8th level, so long as you of immediately after you expend your psionic focus. This
maintain psionic focus, you add the number of damage shield bonus increases to +6 at 19th level.
Psionics augmented
Psychokinesis Frostbitten Waste (Su): Starting at 14th level, you
can expend your psionic focus as a free action when you
The following are new advanced disciplines for psions of manifest a power that deals cold damage. In doing so, all
the psychokinesis discipline. targets of that power must make a Fortitude save against
the normal DC of that power of be staggered for 1d6+2
Blaze rounds. If they succeed at their save, they are instead
The following discipline abilities replace the telekinetic staggered for 1 round.
hurl and energetic recharge abilities of the psychokinesis
discipline. Spark
Stop Drop and Roll (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you The following discipline abilities replace the telekinetic
gain fire resistance equal to your manifester level. hurl and kinetic aura abilities of the psychokinesis
Additionally, when fire damage is dealt to you, you may discipline.
choose to give up your resistance to fire damage for one Invigorating Volt (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you
round to spread it to your foes. All enemies within 10 may expend your psionic focus as a free action when
feet of you take one-fourth as much fire damage as you you manifest a power that deals electricity damage. For
do, in addition to any they would’ve already taken. every 5 points of damage you deal, before factoring in
Pyromniac (Su): Starting at 14th level, you may resistance or immunity, you gain a cumulative +1 insight
expend psionic focus when you use a power that deals bonus to one of the following: attack rolls, damage rolls,
fire damage to reduce all fire resistance possessed by AC, Fortitude saves, Reflex saves, Will saves, or skill
the target against this one power by an amount equal to checks.
your manifester level. If this would reduce the target’s The maximum bonus this ability can provide is equal
fire resistance to less than zero, all creatures within to your Intelligence modifier. This bonus lasts for one
10 feet of the target take fire damage equal to your round, and you can only benefit from one instance of
manifester level. Creatures without fire resistance gain this ability at a time. This bonus lasts for one more round
vulnerability to fire against this one power. at 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum
of seven rounds at 20th level (two rounds at 5th level,
Boom three rounds at 8th level, and so on). If you benefit
The following discipline abilities replace the telekinetic from this ability while it’s already active, the duration
hurl and kinetic aura abilities of the psychokinesis increases by one round.
discipline. Spark of Inspiration (Su): Starting at 8th level, once
Sonic Burst (Su): Starting at 2nd level, when you per day when you use your invigorating volt ability,
manifest a power that deals sonic damage to a single you may reduce its duration by two rounds to provide
creature, you may expend your psionic focus to instead its benefits to all allies within 20 feet of you, including
cause it to deal +1 damage per die to that creature, and yourself. You may use this ability twice per day at 13th
deal damage equal to half your manifester level to all level and three times per day at 18th level.
creatures in a 5 foot radius of the targeted creature. This
increases to a 10 foot radius at 6th level, a 15 foot radius Psychometabolism
at 12th level, and a 20 foot radius at 18th level. The following are new advanced disciplines for psions of
Crash and Clang (Su): Starting at 8th level, whenever the psychometabolism discipline.
you manifest a power that deals sonic damage to a single
creature, that creature must make a Fortitude save
against the normal DC of that power or be deafened for
The following discipline abilities replace the
one hour. A successful Fortitude save reduces this time
metabolic healing and shared effect abilities of the
to one minute. You may expend your psionic focus to
psychometabolism discipline.
affect all creatures within 5 feet of the creature instead.
Activated Glands (Su): Starting at 2nd level, when you
This increases to all creatures within 10 feet at 16th level.
manifest a psychometabolism power while maintaining
psionic focus, you gain a +1 dodge bonus to AC and
Chill Reflex saves for a number of rounds equal to the level of
The following discipline abilities replace the kinetic aura the power. This bonus increases by +1 every four psion
and psychokinetic recharge abilities of the psychokinesis levels thereafter.
discipline. Got My Own Back (Su): Starting at 8th level, any time
Sluggish Cold (Su): Starting at 8th level, so long as you manifest a psychometabolism power with a range
you maintain psionic focus, whenever you manifest a of personal, you can expend psionic focus to gain a +4
power that deals cold damage, all targets of that power insight bonus to attack and damage rolls made as part of
have all of their movement speeds reduced by 5 feet, to attacks of opportunity for a number of rounds equal to
a minimum of 5 feet. This penalty increases to 10 feet at twice the level of the power.
12th level, 15 feet at 16th level, and 20 feet at 20th level.
Psionics augmented
Animalia Psychoportation
The following discipline abilities replace the shared effect
The following are new advanced disciplines for psions of
and resilient body abilities of the psychometabolism
the psychoportation discipline.
Bestial Enhancement (Su): Starting at 8th level,
when you manifest a psychometabolism power, you can Bypass
expend 3 additional power points to gain a +2 insight The following discipline abilities replace the inconstant
bonus to one physical ability score of your choice for one position and accelerated activity abilities of the
minute. This counts as an augment for the power and psychoportation discipline.
follows the manifestation still follows the rules for the Pass Through (Su): Starting at 8th level, at-will, you
manifester level cap. This bonus increases to +4 if you can expend your psionic focus as a move action to
are manifesting a power that’s 4th level or above, and teleport 20 feet in any direction. This teleportation must
to +6 if you are manifesting a power that’s 8th level or occur in a straight line, and you need to know how far
above. you’ll be teleporting, but don’t need line of sight or line
Animalistic Retaliation (Su): Starting at 14th level, of effect. If this would cause you to occupy an occupied
once per day when a critical hit would be confirmed space, the use fails. At 10th level and every even level
against you, you may make an attack of opportunity thereafter, you may do this once more per day and you
with a +4 morale bonus to attack and damage against the can choose to teleport an additional 10 feet at a time.
creature which confirmed the critical hit. You can do this Disappearing (Su): Starting at 14th level, once per
once more per day for every level beyond 14th. day while psionically focused, you may gain an insight
on a single Stealth check to hide equal to your class level.
This is done as part of the action required for the Stealth
Second Gear
check. You may do this once more per day at 15th level
The following discipline abilities replace the
and every level thereafter.
metabolic healing and resilient body abilities of the
psychometabolism discipline.
Astounding Swiftness (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you Drive
gain a +10 foot competence bonus to all of your movement The following discipline abilities replace the nomad’s step
speeds when psionically focused. This improves by +10 and inconstant position abilities of the psychoportation
feet at 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter. discipline.
Faster Than Thought (Su): Starting at 14th level, once Push Through (Su): At 2nd level, you may expend
per day, you may expend your psionic focus to manifest your psionic focus as a full-round action to cause a
two powers, with a manifesting time of one standard willing ally within 15 feet to teleport to a location within
action or less, as a full-round action. The total power 15 feet of them to which you have line of sight. At every
point cost of these two powers may not exceed your psion level thereafter, both of these distances increase
manifester level. You may do this once more per day at by 5 feet.
16th level, 18th level, and 20th level. Chauffeur’s Voyage (Su): At 8th level, once per day
as a full-round action while psionically focused, you
can teleport yourself and all willing allies within 10 feet
to anywhere within 50 feet to which you have line of
The following discipline abilities replace the
sight. Your allies remain in the exact same position with
metabolic healing and resilient body abilities of the
relation to you, and vice-versa. At 10th level and every
psychometabolism discipline.
even psion level thereafter, you can use this ability once
Secret Pocket (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, you begin
more per day.
to access a secret pocket within your very skin. You can
store up to one cubic foot of material in your secret
pocket, and it does not count against your encumbrance. Labyrinth
Magical items within this secret pocket have no effect. At The following discipline abilities replace the nomad’s step
4th level and every two levels thereafter, the volume of and accelerated activity abilities of the psychoportation
your secret pocket increases by one cubic foot. You add discipline.
your class level to Sleight of Hand checks to hide items Incomprehensible Rhythm (Su): Starting at 2nd level,
within this pocket. when you are psionically focused, your movements do
Expulsion (Su): Starting at 14th level, you can launch not trigger blindsense or tremorsense, and you increase
items from your secret pocket with ease. As a standard the saving throw DCs of your psion powers by 2 against
action, you may expend your psionic focus to completely foes that have attacked you and missed in the last round.
empty your secret pocket. This deals 2d6 bludgeoning, Here Before (Su): Starting at 14th level, you add
piercing, and slashing damage per cubic foot that was twice your psion level to all Survival and Knowledge
filled to all creatures in a 15 foot cone, and all items (geography) checks.
stored in your secret pocket are flung to the end of this
Psionics augmented
Retrieval Informant
The following discipline abilities replace the nomad’s step The following discipline abilities replace the telepathy
and inconstant position abilities of the psychoportation and last respite abilities of the telepathy discipline.
discipline. In the Know (Su): Starting at 8th level, you’re always
To My Hand (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you may in the know, So long as you’re psionically focused, you
expend your psionic focus to cause one unattended add half psion level to all Knowledge and Diplomacy
object within 20 feet that you can hold with one hand to checks.
teleport to your hand. You must have at least one hand I Was Never Here (Su): Starting at 14th level, you
free and line of effect to the object. The range at which can erase any memory of your being there from those
you can do this extends by 5 feet every level thereafter. who would be suspicious of you. When you fail a Stealth
Boomerang Warp (Su): Starting at 8th level, you’ve check you may immediately expend your psionic focus
gained the ability to throw a weapon and bring it back as a free action to reroll the check with a bonus equal to
to your hand the instant it hits. Your thrown weapons half your Psion level, with the DC determined by a Will
are always treated as if they had the returning property, save instead of by a Perception check.
except that the weapon you throw returns to your hand
immediately after any thrown attack resolves. Mystique
Telepathy The following discipline abilities replace the mental
intrusion and telepathy abilities of the telepathy
The following are new advanced disciplines for psions of discipline.
the telepathy discipline. Recall Another’s (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you can
grab ahold of other people’s memories. As a standard
Channel action while you’re psionically focused, you may make
The following discipline abilities replace the mental a Sense Motive check. One intelligent creature within 30
intrusion and last respite abilities of the telepathy feet of your choice must then make a Will save. If they
discipline. succeed, they may not be affected by this ability for the
Direct Link (Su): Starting at 2nd level, you’re able to next 24 hours. If they fail, you gain all of their memories
link your mind with a single target as a move action. You from the past 5 hours, plus one hour for every point by
and that creature can share thoughts with each other so which they fail the Will save. This is a mind-affecting
long as you remain within 150 feet of each other. This effect.
range increased by 10 feet at every level after 2nd. This Implant Memory (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can
is a mind-affecting effect. lie to your foes through their very minds. As a standard
Distant Message (Su): Starting at 14th level, you can action while you’re psionically focused, one intelligence
send a message to any creature that you’ve used your creature within 30 feet of your choice must then make a
direct link ability with over the course of the last week. Will save with a DC of 10 + half your psion level + your
This creature must be on the same plane as you, but the Intelligence modifier. If they succeed, they may not be
range is unlimited. This is a mind-affecting effect, and affected by this ability for the next 24 hours. If they fail,
takes as much time as it would have to speak the message. you convince them that they experienced something that
they didn’t actually experience. They may use your Bluff
Closed modifier instead of their own when convincing people of
The following discipline abilities replace the telepathy this. This is a mind-affecting effect.
and last respite abilities of the telepathy discipline.
Out of the Loop (Su): Starting at 8th level, you can
keep a creature out of the loop. To do this, you must
expend your psionic focus and target a creature you
can see within 50 feet. They must succeed on a DC 10 +
half your psion level + your Intelligence modifier Will
save or become deaf and lose all telepathic abilities for a
number of rounds equal to half your class level. This is a
mind-affecting effect.
Strike The Ignorant (Su): Starting at 14th level,
you’re able to direct the actions of your allies to perfectly
coordinate an attack against those you’ve kept out of
the loop. Any creature affected by your out of the loop
ability is dealt +2d8 damage by all weapon attacks from
allies within a 30 foot radius of you.
Psionics augmented
Chapter 2: Psychic Warriors
Presented in this chapter are new path options for the saving throws against powers, psi-like abilities, spells,
psychic warrior class, as well as three new archetypes, and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th
the halo knight, reaver, and silhouette. level and every four levels thereafter.
Maneuver: Starting at 3rd level, as a move action, the
New Warrior Paths psychic warrior can expend his psionic focus to add 1d4
The following path options can be selected by any points of animus to his animus pool (temporarily creating
psychic warrior, just like the paths in Ultimate Psionics. an animus pool if he does not currently possess one).
Path powers marked with an asterisk (*) are new powers the psychic warrior has an animus pool from another
that can be found in Chapter 7: Psionic Powers. source (such as a class feature or the Tap Animus feat,
see the sidebar to the left), these points are added to that
Anomalous Path pool. At 7th level and every four psychic warrior levels
You possess an unstable psychic power within you in thereafter, the psychic warrior gains another 1d4 points
the form of animus, and you’ve learned to bend it to of animus when activating this ability. This ability can
martial pursuits. Psychic warriors with the pathwalker only be used during combat, and the psychic warrior’s
archetype from Path of War can select the anomalous animus pool persists for one minute after the last enemy
path as one of their paths, treating it as the path for the combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise end.
Elemental Flux discipline. This path counts as an animus pool for the purposes
Skills: Knowledge (arcana), Perception, Spellcraft of meeting prerequisites and requirements (excluding
Powers: Animus overload,* transfer animus* Extra Animus; the psychic warrior must possess an
Bonus Class Skill: Knowledge (arcana) actual animus pool to take that feat).
Trance: Starting at 3rd level, whenever the psychic
warrior is psionically focused, he gains a +1 bonus on Hungering Path
Your psionic power is a hungering scar within your
psyche, devouring the mental strength of your foes.
Tap Animus (Combat) Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (planes), Perception
You gain the ability to tap a small wellspring of Powers: Corrosive aura, dissipating touch
animus within you. Bonus Class Skill: Knowledge (planes)
Prerequisites: You may not possess the animus Trance: Starting at 3rd level, whenever the psychic
class feature. warrior is psionically focused, creatures within 10 feet
Benefit: When you enter combat, you gain an
of him take a –2 penalty on saving throws against the
animus pool with one point of animus at the start
psychic warrior’s abilities. This penalty increases by –1
of your first turn, and add one point of animus to
your animus pool at the start of each of your turns at 7th level and again at 15th level. In addition, the range
thereafter. Your animus pool persists for one minute of this ability increases to 15 feet at 11th level, and 20
after the last enemy combatant is defeated or the feet at 19th level.
encounter otherwise ends. At the end of any round Maneuver: Starting at 3rd level, as a swift action
in which you initiate a maneuver (a strike, boost, or made with the a single attack (either unarmed, with a
counter; see Path of War and Path of War: Expanded), weapon, or with the use of a psionic power), the psychic
you add an additional point of animus to you pool. warrior can expend his psionic focus to add his hunger
You can use this animus pool to augment maneuvers to a single attack, siphoning energy from his foe to feed
or power animus-related feats and abilities as the void. If he hits, the target loses 1d6 power points (if
normal. they possess any) and 1 point from their phrenic pool
Special: If you ever gain the animus class feature,
(if they possess one), and the psychic warrior gains 1
this feat is immediately exchanged for the Extra
temporary power point. At 7th level and every four
Animus feat.
levels thereafter, the lost power points increase by 1d6
and both the lost phrenic pool points and the temporary
Extra Animus (Combat) power points gained increases by 1. The temporary
Your reserves of animus are stronger. power points gained from this ability last for one minute
Prerequisites: Must possess an animus pool.
or until used, and can be spent as normal.
Benefits: Your initial animus pool at the start of
each combat increases by 2 points.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each Outrider Path
additional time you take the feat, your initial animus You are skilled at creating psionic constructs, allowing
pool increases by 1 point instead of 2. you to manifest a mount of ectoplasm that carries you
into battle.
Psionics augmented
Skills: Acrobatics, Handle Animal, Ride New Archetypes
Powers: Astral construct, skate
Bonus Class Skill: Handle Animal The following are new archetypes for the psychic
Trance: Starting at 3rd level, whenever the psychic warrior class found in Chapter 2 of Ultimate Psionics.
warrior is psionically focused, he can create an
ectoplasmic mount underneath him as a free action. Halo Knight
Dismissing the mount is likewise a free action. This mount “Dying is harder than it looks; trust me on this one. The
is the same size as the psychic warrior (even if he is under light of the soul blazing within me shines so brightly that
an effect that change his size), though he (and only he) can the darkness of death cannot grasp me.”
still ride it freely. It appears however the psychic warrior —Marlon “Gray” Vox, a halo knight
wishes, though it is always obviously made of energy and Some psychic warriors develop their craft with the
ectoplasm. If the psychic warrior dismounts, the mount mixed blessings of an unstable source for their power.
dissipates, but can be recreated as a free action. This unstable spiritual energy, known as animus to some,
The mount is not a true creature, though it is ridden as is where these warriors learn to hone their craft and
if it were one. Its movements are directed telepathically through rigorous practice and training, have learned
by the psychic warrior, and it can take no actions other that through focusing this energy to their martial skills
than movement. It has a number of hit points equal to that it can be harnessed into an effective fighting style.
half the psychic warrior’s maximum hit points, its AC These halo knights manipulate the ebb and flow of
and saving throws are equal to the psychic warrior’s, and their animus through their psychic reserves and use
it has no natural weapons or other offensive abilities. It it to bolster both their manifesting and combat ability
does not have ability scores, and is treated as a construct through the use of a halo of psychic energy that develops
for the purposes of spells, powers, and other effects. around them. This energy allows them to suspend
At 3rd level, the mount has a base land speed of 40 energies around them in defensive auras, aid allies, and
feet. If the psychic warrior has a burrow, climb, fly, or empower their attacks.
swim speed, the mount also has a speed of that type, Psionic Animus: At 1st level, a halo knight gains
equal to its base land speed. At 7th level and every four Tap Animus as a bonus feat. Whenever the halo knight
levels thereafter, its base land speed increases by 10 feet. manifests a psionic power during combat (excluding
It uses the psychic warrior’s class level for its ranks in psionic powers manifested with his animus
the Climb, Fly, and Swim skills, and the manifestation class feature), he adds 1 point of
psychic warrior’s Wisdom modifier in animus to his animus pool per 2 power
place of its Strength or Dexterity modifier points spent on the power (minimum
for those skills. Any time the psychic warrior 1). In addition, he can generate 1
is under an effect that his movement (such point of animus by spending
as the burst or skate powers, or a traceur’s 2 power points
acrobatic movements class feature) or as a free action.
gives him a new movement mode, he may If the halo
have it also affect the mount. knight later gains
If the mount is destroyed, the psychic another animus pool,
warrior loses all of his psionic focuses, his Tap Animus feat is
but can recreate the mount as a free action at exchange for Extra Animus
full hit points when he becomes psionically as normal, but he retains
focused again. This ability counts as the the other abilities granted by
Mounted Combat feat for the purpose of this class feature.
meeting prerequisites and requirements. This ability replaces the bonus
Maneuver: Starting at 3rd level, as a swift feat gained at 1st level.
action, the psychic warrior can imbue the Psychic Halo (Su): A halo
mount from his trance with incredible knight’s innate powers of
swiftness, granting it a +30-foot bonus to each animus bubble and boil out of
of its speeds for one round. At 7th level, his his psyche to create a semi-
mount can ignore difficult terrain for one solid field of energy. While the
round after he activates this ability. At 11th halo knight has at least 1 point
level, his mount (and by extension him) of animus, he is surrounded by
can freely move through other creatures’ a luminous field which grants
spaces as if they weren’t there for one 1 point of Wisdom bonus (if
round after he activates this ability, though any) per halo knight level
they cannot end their movement in another as a deflection bonus to
creature’s space. Unlike most path maneuver abilities, his AC. This is a force
this does not require the psychic warrior to expend his effect. This barrier also
psionic focus.
Psionics augmented
generates light as a light spell; the halo knight can Empowered Halation (Su): By channeling animus into
suppress or resume this light as a free action (while it’s his psychic defenses, the halo knight can try to make his
suppressed, his eyes glimmer with restrained animus, body impervious to harm. As an immediate action, the
noticeable with a DC 15 Perception check). This ability halo knight may spend a point of animus to improve
replaces psionic proficiency. the energy resistance granted to him by his improved
Warrior’s Path (Ex): At 1st level, a halo knight gains psychic halo class feature by an additional 20 points, or
the anomalous warrior’s path (see page 9), instead of gain 20 energy resistance to different energy types (acid,
choosing from the normal list. This ability alters warrior’s cold, electricity, or fire) if it is not his active energy type.
path, but does not cause the halo knight archetype to be If the halo knight also has the Durable Halo anima skill,
incompatible with archetypes that replace the warrior’s he increases his damage reduction from it by 5. This
path class feature. effect lasts until the halo knight’s next turn. The halo
Anima Skills: Whenever a halo knight gains a psychic knight must be at least 9th level before selecting this
warrior bonus feat, he can choose to take an anima skill anima skill.
he qualifies for instead. Unless otherwise noted, an Kinetic Halo: By tapping into the elemental powers
anima skill can only be taken once. Saving throw DCs are of animus, the halo knight expands his power list to
Wisdom-based. This ability alters bonus feats, but does include psychokinetic tools not normally available to
not cause the halo knight archetype to be incompatible psychic warriors. He adds the following powers to his
with other archetypes that alter the bonus feats class psychic warrior power list and may add one of these to
feature. his powers known (he must meet the manifester level
Anima Flare (Psi): By channeling raw animus through requirement for selecting the power known): energy ball,
his halo, the halo knight can create a spontaneous energy bolt, energy burst, energy cone, energy current,
psychokinetic effect. As standard action, the halo knight energy missile, energy push, energy ray, energy retort,
can expend his psionic focus to use one of the powers energy splash, and energy stun. This anima skill may be
added to his power list with the Kinetic Halo anima skill selected multiple times, adding a new power known to
as a psi-like ability. This power must be among his powers his list of powers.
known. The halo knight spends three points of animus to Palisade Wall (Su): By spending 1 point of animus as
manifest this psi-like ability, using his class level as his a free action, the halo knight hardens his psychic halo’s
manifester level to determine its effectiveness. A halo light to form a semi-physical field of hard light. This acts
knight must have the Kinetic Halo anima skill to select as a tower shield wielded by the halo knight, though he
this anima skill. does not physically wield it. It is held by thought and
Anima Infusion (Su): The halo knight’s ability to will alone, and the halo knight does not take the normal
manipulate animus allows him to increase the speed attack penalties or armor check penalty for using it. The
with which he may fortify or improve his form with tower shield gains a +1 enhancement bonus at 4th level,
the use of psionic powers. With this anima skill, he may and an additional +1 enhancement bonus every four
use any psychic warrior power with a range of personal levels thereafter. He can use it to gain cover as normal
as an immediate action upon spending three points of for a tower shield. The tower shield remains in existence
animus as part of that manifestation. The halo knight for one minute per use of this ability.
must be at least 6th level before selecting this anima skill. Restorative Halo (Su): The halo knight creates a burst
Animus Empowerment (Su): Weapons the halo knight of restorative radiance from his psychic halo, revitalizing
wields are empowered by the passive powers of his his allies. As a free action, the halo knight can expend
animus, increasing their enhancement bonus by +1 (up to his psionic focus and spend 2 points of animus to grant
a maximum of +5; nonmagical weapons are considered fast healing 5 to his allies within 60 feet for a number of
to have an enhancement bonus of +0 for the purposes rounds equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier (minimum 4
of this ability). His weapons increase their enhancement rounds).
bonus by a further +1 at 12th level. Thrown weapons Animus Manifestation (Su): At 4th level, a halo
retain this increase for the duration of any attacks knight gains the ability to augment his psionic abilities
the halo knight makes with them. Alternatively, the with the wild power of his animus. When manifesting
halo knight can wreath his weapons in ghostly energy, a power, a halo knight can spend points of animus in
dealing 1d6 points of additional damage of his active place of power points to pay for the manifestation; this
energy type (or 2d6 at 12th level) instead of increasing specifically allows the halo knight to mix manifesting
his enhancement bonuses. This energy allows him to with both power points and animus to pay for the same
strike incorporeal foes as if he possessed the ghost touch power. If the halo knight is also spending power points to
enhancement on the weapon. He can switch between augment the power further, these augments may be paid
energy and enhancement as a free action. for with animus as well. Animus spent in this way count
Durable Halo (Su): The halo knight’s animus is so as power points to determine how many power points
dense that it can turn blows away. While his psychic halo the halo knight may spend per round, and this does not
is active and he is psionically focused, the halo knight allow him to augment a power beyond his manifester
gains damage reduction/– equal to half his class level. level. This ability replaces path skills.
Psionics augmented
Improved Psychic Halo (Su): At 9th level, the defenses Class Skills: A reaver gains Bluff, Disable Device,
of a halo knight’s animus field improve, generating more Disguise, and Stealth as class skills. He gains 6 + his
light (as a daylight spell, though he may still suppress it Intelligence modifier in skill points per level. This alters
as normal) and more defensive power. The halo knight the psychic warrior’s skills.
gains the uncanny dodge ability. In addition, his animus Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A reaver is
pool and psychic halo manifest at the start of a combat proficient with all simple and martial weapons, plus
(this activates when initiative is roll, including the the kama, katana, kusarigama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken,
surprise round, if any), rather than the start of his first siangham, and wakizashi. He is proficient with light
turn in a combat. His halo also grants him resistance armor, but not with shields. This replaces the psychic
20 to his active energy type when manifested. If a halo warrior’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies.
knight already has uncanny dodge from a different class, Encrypted Mind: When a reaver learns a new psionic
he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead. power, he may choose his power from the cryptic power
This ability replaces secondary path. list in addition to the psychic warrior power list. This
Blazing Halation (Su): At 12th level, a halo knight is ability alters powers known.
capable of causing his psychic halo to blaze with psionic Killer’s Claim (Su): At 1st level, the reaver may
energies. This is stressful to his psionic faculties. Once align his psionic essence—his pattern—to a single
per day. while his psionic halo is active, he can cause it creature with the intent to rend their pattern asunder
to blaze with energy as a swift action. The halo blazes as a swift action. The target must be a creature the
for one minute, during which time the halo knight reaver can perceive (including with special senses,
generates 1 additional point of animus at the start of such as blindsense or tremorsense) within close range
his turn, 1 additional animus is generated during power (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 class levels). A reaver can have
manifestation, and creatures that hit him with melee a maximum number of creatures Claimed equal to
attacks take 5d6 points of energy damage (energy type his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), and may not
is based on the halo knight’s active energy type). This Claim a creature he has already Claimed until or
damage only affects a given creature once per round. unless the Claim expires. Claimed creatures using
In addition, if the halo knight would take damage the Withdraw action to leave a square threatened by
that reduces him to 0 or fewer hit points while under the reaver provoke attacks of opportunity from him.
the effect of blazing halation, he can spend 3 points of
animus as an immediate action to ignore the damage. In addition, the reaver automatically knows the position
He may use this ability one additional time per day at of creatures he has Claimed. Any opponent the reaver
15th level, and again at 18th level. This ability replaces cannot see still has total concealment (50% miss chance)
pathweaving and twisting path. against him, and the reaver still suffers the normal miss
Psionic Halation Endurance (Su): At 20th level, a chance when attacking creatures that have concealment.
halo knight’s body is so infused with animus that he is The reaver is still denied his Dexterity bonus to his AC
fundamentally altered by it. The halo knight constantly against attacks from Claimed creatures he cannot see.
gains the benefits of his psychic halo (which he can end This ability replaces warrior’s path.
or resume as a free action) and his life becomes entirely Reaver Insights: Whenever a reaver gains a psychic
sustained by the constant flood of animus through his warrior bonus feat, he can choose to take a reaver insight
psyche. His type changes to outsider and he gains the he qualifies for instead. Unless otherwise noted, a reaver
native subtype. The halo knight no longer needs to eat, insight can only be taken once. This ability alters bonus
breathe, or sleep; his animus sustains these functions feats, but does not cause the reaver archetype to be
(though he may do so if he wishes, and he still must rest incompatible with other archetypes that alter the bonus
to regain power points). This ability replaces eternal feats class feature.
warrior. Assume Pattern (Su): A feared ability of the reaver is
their ability to temporarily assume the identity of their
Reaver Killer’s Claim victims after they’ve successfully killed
“You can run all you like my friend, but all that will do is them. Upon successfully rendering his Claimed target
ensure that you will die tired.” dead, the reaver expends his psionic focus and places
—Ja’Chaunt, a reaver his hands on the target’s face or body as a full round
action to create a thin copy of the target’s pattern and
Not all psychic warriors follow the path of common
wrap it around his own, disguising himself in the eyes of
warfare, some opt to train in darker methods of combat—
those around him. Some truly ghoulish reavers harvest
that of pattern reaving. These unsavory fellows learn
their kills and carry preserved faces from victims to
more how to sneak and disguise themselves, and focus
have a ‘catalog’ of choices. This functions identically to
their intentions on the destruction of the patterns of
the psionic power mental semblance (see chapter 7 for
select foes instead of on glory in combat. These psychic
details) in that the reaver projects the person that he has
warriors, known as reavers, are ruthless killers or
copied, projecting this false sensory input to everyone
hardened avengers that use their esoteric talents to
who sees him. Unlike the psionic power, the reaver
assist their covert actions.
Psionics augmented
need not worry about the duration of this power, but Stealth Combat Training (Ex): A reaver’s specialized
this ability is taxing nonetheless; while this in effect the training grants him bonuses to several skills with which
reaver cannot regain his psionic focus (if he has multiple to better defeat his foes. He gains a bonus on Bluff,
psionic foci, he cannot regain the one that he has used Disable Device, Disguise, and Stealth checks equal to half
to manifest this ability) without breaking the assumed his class level (minimum of +1) while he is psionically
pattern. The reaver must be 6th level or higher to select focused.
this insight. Trapbreaker (Su): Gain the trapfinding ability, as per
Bloody Instincts (Su): The reaver’s attacks are the rogue class feature using his psychic warrior level.
exceptionally skilled at causing massive disruption to Additionally, the reaver needs no tools to be able to
the tissues of their Killer’s Claim target’s body. While disable traps or locks; he simply must touch the target
psionically focused, wounds inflicted on his Claimed lock or trap and concentrate on it, causing the patterns
target bleed excessively, inflicting a number of points within the object to shift and change to unlock as a
of bleed damage per round equal to the bonus damage full round action or with a force of will (expending
from the reaver’s killer instinct ability until treated (Heal the reaver’s psionic focus) shatter the lock or trap
check DC 15 + reaver’s Wisdom modifier) or magically mechanism (rendering it inoperable or unusable until
healed. The reaver must be 6th level or higher to select repaired or replaced) as a move action on a successful
this insight. Disable Device check. When attempting to use this talent
Cryptic Insight: The reaver may select a cryptic insight to open locks or disable traps, he may add his Wisdom
he qualifies for, excluding insights that utilize the modifier to the check as an insight bonus.
cryptic’s disrupt pattern ability. He uses his reaver level Acrobatic Defense (Ex): At 3rd level, a reaver’s
–2 to qualify for cryptic insights with level requirements acrobatic abilities improve his defenses while he is
and must otherwise meet all prerequisites. Reavers may psionically focused, granting him a +1 dodge bonus to his
not select supreme cryptic insights. AC and +1 bonus on Reflex saves. These bonuses increase
Mass Murdering Instinct: Most reavers are singular by +1 at 7th level and every four levels thereafter. The
hunters for the prey, stalking down and taking down reaver must be unarmored, or wearing light or medium
their foes one at a time. Others are more opportunistic, armor to receive this benefit. This ability replaces
and select multiple targets for their prey and drawing expanded path.
out the kill over time. The reaver may maintain targets Killer’s Instinct (Su): At 4th level, a reaver’s deadly
he’s selected with his Killer’s Claim for up to 24 hours. psychic connection to his target’s pattern helps him find
He still must select each target individually, but may the best methods to defeat them. While he is psionically
maintain his Killer’s Claim until he ends their lives or focused, the reaver gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls
cleanses his pattern of their identity (a full round action against his Killer’s Claim targets. This bonus increase
that provokes attacks of opportunity). by +2 at 7th level and every three levels thereafter. The
Pattern Dislocate (Su): The reaver’s Killer’s Claim reaver can expend his psionic focus to make a single
causes the target to become more susceptible to his attack against his Killer’s Claim target as a standard
abilities and powers due to his attunement to their action, dealing an additional 2d4 points of damage to
pattern. The target of the reaver’s Killer’s Claim suffers a them per 2 points of bonus damage he would normally
–4 penalty on saving throws and CMD against his psionic gain from this ability. He may also use this ability in
powers, class features, and combat maneuvers. conjunction with the Vital Strike feat, if he possesses it.
Psionic Senses (Su): While psionically focused and This ability replaces path skills.
maintaining a Killer’s Claim, the reaver gains the effects Reaving Euphoria (Ex): At 9th level, a reaver gets a
of the scent speciality ability. Some reavers can do this rush of pleasure from rending the pattern of his Killer’s
by smelling the air, or following lines of psychic power Claim targets. Whenever the reaver reduces his Killer’s
to find their targets, or touch objects that their quarry Claim target to 0 or fewer hit points (or rendering them
has come into contact with. When tracking the target, dead by other means), he may regain his psionic focus.
the reaver gains a +1 insight bonus on skill checks meant He may use this ability once per day at 9th level, twice
to follow, locate, or track the target (should they escape) per day at 12th level and three times per day at 15th level.
per 2 class levels. Additionally, the reaver’s senses with This ability replaces secondary path and twisting path.
regards to his target become supernaturally sharp, Corrupt Pattern (Su): At 18th level, a reaver is able
granting him blindsense with a range of 30 feet to help to cause vicious wounds upon the pattern of his Killer’s
him locate his quarry or sense danger from other foes. Claim target. Once per day as a free action, he can corrupt
Rogue Talents: The reaver may select a rogue talent the pattern of his Killer’s Claim target. If the reaver
he qualifies for, excluding talents that utilize the rogue’s possesses multiple Killer’s Claims, he may target each of
sneak attack. He uses his reaver level –2 to qualify them once per day for this effect. For the next 24 hours
for rogue talents with level requirements and must (or until they stop being targeted by the reaver’s Killer’s
otherwise meet all prerequisites. Reavers may not select Claim), all damage that creature takes becomes cursed
advanced rogue talents. and cannot be healed without the creature first receiving
a break enchantment or remove curse spell (using the
Psionics augmented
reaver’s class level as its caster level). A creature killed him a path as normal, but as the silhouette only gains
while under the effect of this ability cannot be revived one warrior’s path, the twisting path and pathweaving
with breath of life, raise dead, or psionic revivify; stronger abilities do not function for him. However, this
abilities such as resurrection or true resurrection must archetype is still compatible with other archetypes that
be used after a remove curse has been cast. This ability alter or replace secondary path, twisting path, and/or
replaces pathweaving. pathweaving.
Pattern Breaker (Ex): At 20th level, a reaver gains Link (Su): A silhouette is always aware of his shadow’s
the ability to enter a powerful combat trance intended relative position to him, and can see, hear, and otherwise
to destroy the patterns of his foes. Once per day, as a use his senses through his shadow’s space as if it were
free action while he is psionically focused, the reaver his own. This does not allow him to use abilities through
can enter a powerful killing trance. This trance lasts for his shadow unless otherwise noted; it merely allows
up to five minutes or until he expends his psionic focus him to always know what his shadow is doing. He can
(whichever comes first). When maintaining this trance, telepathically direct his shadow’s actions as a free action.
the reaver adds his Wisdom modifier as a competence This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level.
bonus on attack rolls, skill and ability checks, initiative Shadow Talents (Su): At 2nd level, a silhouette gains
checks, and to his AC. In addition, the reaver may inflict a shadow talent he qualifies for. Whenever he would
an additional 10d4 points of damage to a Killer’s Claim later gain a psychic warrior bonus feat, he can choose
target once per round on a successful attack (iterative to take a shadow talent he qualifies for instead. Unless
successful attacks do not add this damage bonus, otherwise noted, a shadow talent can only be taken once.
only the first). Finally, the reaver can move up to his This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2nd level.
speed without provoking attacks of opportunity as an The addition of shadow talents to their list of options
immediate action. This ability replaces eternal warrior. does not cause the silhouette archetype to be incompatible
with other archetypes that alter the bonus feats class
Silhouette feature (though a character cannot take another archetype
“I’m just the men for the job.” that replaces the same bonus feats, as normal).
—Dinas Flint, second of the Seven Blades Detonation: As a standard action, the silhouette can
expend his psionic focus to detonate his shadow, dealing
Though many are content with sparring partners and
1d6 points of damage per silhouette level to all creatures
training dummies, a silhouette has found that there
within 10 feet of it. This damage is not affected by
is only one worthy opponent to practice with: himself.
damage reduction, resistances, hardness, or immunity,
By channeling his psionic power to create an idealized
and can be halved with a successful Reflex save (DC 10 +
version of his own body, he creates a valuable tool,
1/2 the silhouette’s class level + the silhouette’s Wisdom
unquestioning servant, and loyal ally to assist him.
modifier). Neither the silhouette nor his shadow are
Shadowboxing (Su): A silhouette’s signature ability
harmed by this ability, and the shadow reappears in the
allows him to materialize his dedication and skill in a
silhouette’s space at the start of his next turn. A creature
physical form, creating a construct of psionic energy that
can only be damaged once per round by this ability, even
appears as an idealized image of himself. This construct,
if the silhouette detonates multiple shadows on them.
called his shadow, is always the same size as the
Far-Reaching Shadow: The silhouette’s shadow can
silhouette and can share his space freely. While within
move as far as medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per
the silhouette’s space, it can meld into the silhouette’s
silhouette level) from the silhouette before it winks out
real shadow. As long as it does not act, it remains hidden
and returns to his space.
from all viewers and does not need to take actions to
Follow-up Flurry: Once per round, when the silhouette’s
move with the silhouette (though any combat action will
shadow hits a creature with the attack granted by its
cause it to return to its true form). A shadow cannot stray
follow-up ability, the shadow can make another attack
further than close range (25 feet + 5 feet per 2 silhouette
against that creature at a –5 penalty. This attack is in
levels) from the silhouette; if it does so, it winks out and
addition to the normal limit on the shadow’s attacks. The
reappears within the silhouette’s space.
silhouette must have a base attack bonus of at least +6 to
A silhouette’s shadow is materialized in his space at
select this shadow talent.
full hit points when he regains power points after resting.
Follow-up Frenzy: Once per round, when the silhouette’s
If a shadow is destroyed, the silhouette can recreate it by
shadow hits a creature with the attack granted by the
spending power points equal to his character level as a
Follow-up Flurry talent, the shadow can make a third
full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
attack against that creature at a –10 penalty. This attack
When he does so, the shadow appears at full hit points
is in addition to the normal limit on the shadow’s attacks.
within his space and can take its turn normally. He can
The silhouette must have a base attack bonus of at least
only have one shadow created at once.
+11 and possess the Follow-up Flurry talent to select this
A silhouette’s shadow has game statistics are based on
shadow talent.
the silhouette, as noted in the stat block on 15.
Free-Range Shadow: The silhouette’s shadow can move
This ability replaces warrior’s path and expanded
as far as long range (400 feet + 40 feet per silhouette
path. The silhouette’s secondary path ability still gives
Psionics augmented
level) from the silhouette before it winks out and returns multiple times, choosing a different type of feat each
to his space. The silhouette must have the Far-Reaching time he does so.
Shadow talent to select this shadow talent. Split Shadow: The silhouette can create a second
Grasping Shadow: The silhouette’s shadow gains shadow. Each of his shadows have their own hit point
Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat (even if it doesn’t meet totals, but share the same pool of actions (for example,
the prerequisites) and can make attacks of opportunity they can normally only make one attack between the
without counting them against the normal limit on the two of them, and if one used a standard action, the other
shadow’s attacks. would only be able to take a move action that turn).
Limit Break: As a standard action, the silhouette can Whenever the silhouette materializes his shadow (either
allow his shadow to ignore its limited actions ability by resting or spending power points), he creates both
until the start of the silhouette’s next turn, allowing it to shadows. Whenever he uses a shadow talent that affects
make attacks or full attacks, attempt combat maneuvers, his shadow, he can choose to have it affect one or both
initiate martial strikes (if it has the Martial Training feat), of them.
and make attacks of opportunity. The silhouette must use Recall: The silhouette can cause his shadow to wink out
this ability before his shadow takes any actions during and reappear in his space as a standard action, becoming
his turn. Unlike other shadow talents, if the silhouette psionically focused in the process. If he possesses the
possesses the Split Shadow talent, he must choose one of Psionic Meditation feat, he can use this ability as a move
his shadows to break the limits of with this ability. action.
Perfect Double: The silhouette’s shadow appears as Transposition: The silhouette can expend his psionic
a perfect replica of the silhouette, even down to any focus as a move action to switch positions with his
wounds and damage he might have. It gains a +20 bonus shadow. This is a teleportation effect, and does not
on Disguise checks to appear as the silhouette, and can provoke attacks of opportunity. If the silhouette
use the silhouette’s class level as its ranks in the Disguise possesses the Perfect Double shadow talent, he can use
skill. The silhouette can speak and communicate through this ability as an immediate action, placing his shadow
his shadow freely. in the way of an attack or effect that was targeting him.
Shadow Consumption: When the silhouette is damaged, Twin Blades: Whenever the silhouette is wielding
he can choose to have his shadow take points of damage multiple weapons, his shadow gains one additional
up to twice his class level and reduce the damage he shadow weapon that works exactly like the first. When
takes by an equal amount. the shadow uses its follow-up ability, it can make an
Share Manifestation: The silhouette can treat himself attack with both of its weapons, taking the normal
as if he were in his shadow’s space for the purposes of penalties for fighting with two weapons (in addition to
manifesting psychic warrior powers, allowing him to, the potential iterative penalties).
for example, make touch powers or aim area of effect Shadow Skills (Su): At 4th level and again at 7th
powers from the shadow’s position. The silhouette must level, the silhouette chooses a skill he has ranks in. His
be at least 5th level to select this shadow talent. shadow can use his bonus with that skill instead of its
Share Training: The silhouette shares one type of own. Whenever the silhouette gains a +2 bonus to a
feat he possesss (such as akashic or psionic, but not skill from the path skills class feature, he can choose to
general feats) with his shadow, in addition to combat gain this ability instead, for another skill. This ability
and teamwork feats. A silhouette can select this talent replaces path skills at 4th and 7th levels and alters path
skills, but does not cause the silhouette archetype to be
incompatible with other archetypes that alter or replace
Shadows of Soulknives the path skills class feature. An archetype that replaces
Soulknives with silhouette levels may have special the path skills class feature replaces this class feature as
weapons (such as a panoply of blades) that don’t well.
interact cleanly with the shadow weaponry ability. Martial Power: At 6th level, a silhouette can choose
A soulknife/silhouette’s shadow gains a copy of the to gain a bonus shadow talent of his choice instead of
soulknife’s mind blade or equivalent weapon, and martial power. If he does so, he never gains the martial
can wield it as if it were the soulknife. This does not power class feature. This ability alters martial power.
allow it to make extra attacks, even if this grants it
multiple weapons. SHADOW
Silhouettes and Prestige Classes XP 0 (included with creator)
A silhouette that takes levels in prestige classes N construct
can still progress his core abilities. Any level that Init same as creator; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light
advances his psychic warrior manifesting or would vision, Perception +0
advance his path abilities counts as a psychic warrior DEFENSE
level for the purposes of determining his shadow’s
game statistics and the effects of his shadow talents. AC same as creator (including bonuses and penalties from
items and effects)
Psionics augmented
hp 1/2 creator’s Even though the shadow has no Intelligence score of its own,
Fort, Ref, Will same as creator (including bonuses and the silhouette’s control over it is such that it can use any of
penalties from items and effects) its skills, feats, and other abilities when directed to do so as if
Immune construct traits it were sentient. The shadow cannot speak unless its creator
possesses the Perfect Double shadow talent.
The shadow’s creator may have any psionic power, psi-like
Speed same as creator ability, spell, or spell-like ability affecting him also affect his
Melee or Ranged shadow weaponry shadow (and vice-versa), regardless of the distance between
Special Attacks follow-up them. If an effect would add a bonus to the shadow’s AC or
Space same as creator; Reach same as creator saving throws, the bonus is only added once (rather than
STATISTICS being applied twice thanks to the shadow sharing these
Str creator’s Wisdom score, Dex creator’s Wisdom score, Shadow Weaponry (Ex): A silhouette shadow wields a
Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 10 weapon formed from psionic energy, similar to a soulknife’s
Base Atk, CMB, CMD see below mind blade but much more limited in scope. This weapon
Feats creator’s combat and teamwork feats is treated as a duplicate of one of the weapons the shadow’s
SQ limited actions, shadow bond, shadow weaponry creator is wielding (this may be a natural weapon), including
SPECIAL ABILITIES any magical properties and similar effects (though if the
Follow-up (Ex): Once per round, when its creator misses an weapon is an intelligent item, its intelligence is not copied).
attack, the shadow can make an attack against the creature A shadow cannot copy a consumable weapon, such as
its creator missed as a free action if it is able to do so (even alchemist’s fire or a tanglefoot bag. The silhouette can
if it isn’t its turn). If the attack that missed took a penalty for change the weapon the shadow is wielding as a free action,
being an iterative attack, this attack takes the same penalty. If provided they have a different weapon for the shadow to
the shadow’s creator possesses the Split Shadows talent, his copy. A shadow can always wield any weapons its silhouette
shadows can use this ability for each others’ missed attacks as can. A shadow generates its own nonmagical ammunition
well (though each can still only do so once per round). for ranged weapons, or can consume ammunition on its
Limited Actions (Ex): Unless its creator has a shadow talent creator’s person when it makes an attack, and if it uses
that allows it to, a shadow cannot make attacks of its own a non-consumable thrown weapon, creates a new copy
except with its follow-up ability. It can still flank creatures, after each attack. If a shadow is disarmed or otherwise
however, and can freely use any abilities it has (such as from relinquishes its weapon, the weapon fades (after the attack,
feats) that do not require attack rolls. in the case of a thrown weapon).
Shadow Bond (Ex): Many of a
shadow’s game statistics are based
on its creator’s abilities. Its base
Strength and Dexterity are equal
to its creator’s Wisdom score, and
its base attack bonus is equal to
its creator’s psychic warrior level.
Its hit points are equal to 1/2
its creator’s normal maximum
hit points (it does not have Hit
Dice of its own). Its size, space,
reach, movement speeds, armor
class, and saving throws are all
equal to its creator’s. If its creator’s
statistics change, the shadow
changes to match (the reverse
is not also true—the silhouette
casts a shadow, not the other way
around). The shadow always acts
on its creator’s initiative count,
and cannot ready actions or delay
(though its creator can).
A shadow possesses and can use
any combat and teamwork feats
its creator possesses, even if it
does not meet their prerequisites.
Psionics augmented
Chapter 3: Soulknives
This includes many new options for the soulknife base skill. As a standard action, the soulknife expends her
class, including a variety of new blade skills, three psionic focus and cuts through the world around her,
archetypes, and variant rules for soulknives in a high- teleporting as if she had manifested the fold space power
psionics campaign. with a manifester level equal to her soulknife level. Just
as with the fold space power, the use of this ability ends
New Blade Skills her turn. At 16th level, the soulknife can use this ability
The following are new blade skills for soulknives. Some as a move action. This blade skill meets the prerequisites
of these blade skills have prerequisites or require a for and functions with Dimensional Agility and feats
particular archetype to take them; these will be noted in that require it as a prerequisite. The soulknife must be at
the individual blade skill’s description. least 10th level and possess the Ghost Step blade skill in
Animal Senses: (Feral Heart only) The feral heart’s order to select this blade skill.
senses sharpen to animal-like levels. She gains low- Devastating Blade: Improving on the principles of the
light vision (if she already possessed this, then she does Knife to the Soul blade skill, the soulknife has learned
not gain any visual bonuses), a +2 bonus on Perception to refine this art into a truly destructive ability. When
checks, and the scent special ability. The soulknife must using the Knife to the Soul blade skill, the soulknife can
possess the form claws class feature to select this blade damage any ability score instead of just mental ability
skill. scores, and deals 2 points of ability damage per psychic
Blade Rush: The soulknife rushes forward with a strike die instead of 1. The soulknife must be at least 16th
dash of incredible speed. As a swift action, the soulknife level and possess the Knife to the Soul blade skill to select
may expend her psionic focus and move up to her speed this blade skill.
without provoking attacks of opportunity. The soulknife Dispelling Strike: With this blade skill, the soulknife
must be at least 6th level in order to select this blade skill. is capable of channeling her psychic strike damage
Blade Rush Frenzy: The soulknife can expend her into caustic, anti-psionic energy. As a standard action,
psionic focus as a full-round action to move up to her the soulknife can expend her psionic focus and her
speed without provoking attacks of opportunity and psychic strike to make an attack with her mind blade (or
make a single melee attack against each creature she is equivalent weapon). If it hits, it deals weapon damage
adjacent to at any point in her movement. Each attack is as normal, and the soulknife affects the target with a
made at her highest base attack bonus with a –2 penalty targeted dispel psionics power as a psi-like ability, with
on the attack roll. The soulknife must be at least 8th level a manifester level equal to her class level. The soulknife
and possess the Blade Rush blade skill in order to select does not apply the expended psychic strike’s damage to
this blade skill. her attack. The soulknife must be 8th level to select this
Caltrop Spray: The soulknife is capable of shattering blade skill.
and scattering her mind blade into dozens of tiny pieces Empowered Fist: The soulknife learns to manifest
to lay down caltrops over an area as a standard action. her mind blade as a field of destructive energy as well as
The soulknife must be wielding her mind blade to use the forms her mind blade normally may take. Selection
this blade skill, and she destroys it to create this effect of this blade skill grants the empowered strikes class
(she can re-manifest it as normal). For each die of psychic feature (see the deadly fist archetype), and the soulknife
strike damage she has (minimum of 1), the soulknife gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. The
lays down a 5-foot area of caltrops within 30 feet of her. soulknife’s e mpowered strikes gain the enhancement
Unlike normal caltrops, these psychically-created traps bonus of the soulknife’s mind blade, and she may select
harbor the soulknife’s will within them, and gain a bonus its own enhancements (such as distance or flaming) as
on their attack rolls equal to her Wisdom modifier. In if it were a separate weapon from her mind blade. The
addition, they can tell friend from foe, and never attack soulknife may now also take deadly fist specific blade
or damage the soulknife’s allies. These caltrops count as skills. This cannot be taken if you possess the empowered
magic weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage strikes class feature previously. The soulknife must be at
reduction, and exist for a number of rounds equal to the least 4th level to select this blade skill.
soulknife’s class level. Empowered Natural Weapons: The deadly fist may
Cleave Space: By using the potential psychic power treat any natural attacks she possesses as unarmed
that resides within her mind blade, the soulknife may strikes for the purposes of class features that affect
carve through the veil between planes and slip gently unarmed strikes and for the Flurry of Fists blade skill, as
through it to another location nearby. The soulknife well as blade skills that require it as a prerequisite.
must be wielding her mind blade to use to use this blade Ghost Step: The soulknife has learned a potent trick
that some call the ‘ghost step’; a teleportation-based
Psionics augmented
Table 3–1: Soulknife Blade Skills
Blade Skill Prerequisites Benefit
Animal Senses Feral heart archetype Gain low-light vision, scent, and +2 on Perception checks
Blade Rush Soulknife level 6th Expend psionic focus to move as a swift action
Blade Rush Frenzy Blade rush, soulknife level 8th Expend psionic focus to move and attack in a line as a full-round action
Caltrop Spray — Transform mind blade into a field of caltrops
Cleave Space Ghost step, soulknife level 10th Expend psionic focus to fold space
Devastating Blade Knife to the soul, soulknife level Deal more damage and damage any ability score with knife to the soul
Dispelling Strike Soulknife level 8th Expend psionic focus and psychic strike to make a dispelling attack
Empowered Fist Soulknife level 4th Gain the empowered strikes class feature
Empowered Natural — Treat natural weapons as unarmed strikes for the purposes of class features
Ghost Step Soulknife level 4th Expend psionic focus to teleport a short distance
Launch Multibolt Launch mindbolt Gain the benefits of Manyshot with your mind bolt
Improved Deadly Shield Deadly shield, soulknife level Gain both offensive and defensive benefits with your mind shield
Improved Mind Armaments Armored blade archetype, Shape both mind blade and mind armaments in the same action
soulknife level 6th
Improved Psychokinetic Empowered strikes, soulknife Make full attacks at range with empowered strikes
Discharge level 6th
Mindflayer Soulknife level 6th Transform your mind blade into a dazing whip
Multi-Blade Manifestation Soulknife level 6th, three or Split your mind blade into enough light weapons for each hand
more hands
Power Reserve — Gain more power points
Psicrystal Affinity — Gain a psicrystal
Psionic Grapnel Psychic net, soulknife level 6th Use your psychic net as a grapnel that can move you or pull targets
Psionic Training — Gain a psionic feat
Psychic Net Soulknife level 4th Transform your mind blade into a net
Psychic Platform Telekinetic athletics, soulknife Create a platform to stand on or jump off of
level 6th
Psychic Strike Soulknife level 4th, may not Regain the psychic strike class feature, with a damage die of 1d8
possess psychic strike
Psychic Toolkit — Transform your mind blade into a variety of useful objects
Psychokinetic Armor Soulknife level 4th Gain the mind armor class feature
Psychokinetic Blast Soulknife level 4th Deal your psychic strike damage in an area
Psychokinetic Grenade Soulknife level 6th Throw your mind blade as an explosive weapon
Stealth Armaments Mind armor class feature Disguise your mind armor as clothing
Stunning Blade Soulknife level 6th Expend psionic focus and psychic strike to stun a target
Telekinetic Blade Soulbolt archetype, soulknife Regain the form mind blade and throw mind blade class features
level 4th
Telekinetic Bolt Soulknife level 4th Gain the mind bolt and launch mind bolt class features
Telekinetic Edge Soulknife level 4th Expend psychic strike to ignore damage reduction and hardness
Telepathic Gift Soulknife level 6th Gain telepathy and detect telepathic communication
Vampiric Blade — Expend psychic strike to gain a small amount of healing
Psionics augmented
principle that allows the soulknife to slip between Multi-Blade Manifestation: A soulknife who possesses
nearby places at great speed. As a move action, the this blade skill is capable of splitting his mind blade
soulknife can expend her psionic focus to teleport to further than others of his kind due to having more than
any location she can see within close range (25 feet + 5 two limbs capable of wielding a weapon. Limbs capable
feet per 2 soulknife levels). She can carry no more than of wielding mind blades after the first two can be armed
50 lbs. of additional gear, and cannot bring creatures with light weapon versions of her mind blade; just as
other than her psicrystal (if she has one) with her. The when using shape mind blade to create multiple mind
use of this ability ends the soulknife’s turn. At 10th level, blades, the enhancement bonus is reduced by one for
the this ability can be used to teleport up to medium these blades as well. The soulknife must be 6th level to
range (100 feet + 10 feet per soulknife level), and she select this blade skill and must possess three or more
may teleport as a swift action instead of a move action. hands (or their equivalent) to select this blade skill.
This is a teleportation effect. This blade skill meets the Power Reserve: The soulknife’s innate psychic
prerequisites for and functions with Dimensional Agility essence is stronger than others of her kind, growing more
and feats that require it as a prerequisite. The soulknife powerful as she advances in level. The power point pool
must be at least 4th level in order to select this blade skill. granted by the Wild Talent (or Psionic Talent) feat that
Launch Multibolt: The soulknife gains the benefits the soulknife receives at 1st level increases in size by two
of the Manyshot feat with her mindbolt. The soulknife points per soulknife level (the soulknife does not gain
must possess the Launch Mindbolt class feature to select bonus power points for having a high ability score from
this blade skill. this ability). If the soulknife possesses a power pool from
Improved Deadly Shield: The soulknife retains another source (such as a manifesting class or the gifted
her enhancement bonus and shield special defensive blade archetype), this feature adds to that power pool
properties on her mind shield while still gaining instead. These points may be used to manifest powers (if
weapon-like traits from the Deadly Shield blade skill. any are known) and support other abilities that require
The soulknife must be at least 6th level and possess the use of a power point pool. Once selected, the soulknife
Deadly Shield blade skill in order to select this blade skill. must rest for 8 hours every day to gain or recover these
Improved Mind Armaments: (Armored Blade only) power points. This blade skill may only be selected once.
The armored blade is capable of shaping her mind blade Psicrystal Affinity: The soulknife gains the Psicrystal
as well as her mind armor in the same action. She may Affinity feat with this blade skill, and she may use
manifest both as a move action, and starting at 10th level her soulknife level in place of her manifester level to
she may manifest both mind blade and mind armor as a determine the effectiveness of her psicrystal or to meet
swift action. The soulknife must be at least 6th level in requirements or prerequisites for abilities, feats, powers,
order to select this blade skill. or item usage (but not for prestige classes) related to her
Improved Psychokinetic Discharge: The deadly psicrystal.
fist is capable of launching volleys of discharged Psionic Grapnel: The soulknife’s Psychic Net gains
psychokinetic energy more efficiently, allowing her new versatility, gaining the ability to reel her opponent
empowered strikes class feature to remain empowered in towards her reach: or she can use this connection
to allow for full attack actions to be made at range. The to her psychic net to vault herself towards her target
range of these attacks increases to 30 feet and may be instead. This functions as as a psi-like ability of the power
used with the deadly fist’s Flurry of Fists blade skill (and ectoplasmic grapnel, using the character’s soulknife level
subsequent blade skills that improve it). The soulknife as her manifester level. When using this blade skill,
must be at least 6th level and possess the empowered the soulknife may substitute her Wisdom score for her
strikes class feature in order to select this blade skill. Strength score when making CMB checks for this ability.
Mindflayer: The soulknife with this blade skill may If choosing to launch herself towards her target, she may
channel her psionic energies into a long, thin mind whip move along her connection to the target as a free action
of mental strength that is capable of both flaying body that does not provoke attacks of opportunity due to how
and mind. The whip functions in all respects as whip or swiftly she moves. The soulknife must be at least 6th
scorpion whip (chosen when manifesting a mind blade level and possess the Psychic Net blade skill in order to
using this blade skill). While in this form, the soulknife select this blade skill.
is considered to be proficient with both weapons. Psionic Training: Gain a psionic feat instead of
Mindflayer is compatible with the Whip Mastery feat selecting a blade skill. The soulknife must meet all
(and subsequent feats). The soulknife may expend her prerequisites of the psionic feat selected. She may not
psionic focus when making an attack using her psychic select the feat Extra Blade Skill with this blade skill. This
strike to cause intense levels of pain with her mind blade skill may be selected multiple times.
whip. The target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 Psychic Net: The soulknife may generate a temporary
soulknife level + Wisdom modifier) or become dazed for field of energy in the form of a heavy net of psychic power
one round. The soulknife must be 6th level to select this created from her mind blade. By throwing a mind blade
blade skill. at a target and expending his psionic focus, it rapidly
expands into an ectoplasmic construct that envelops the
Psionics augmented
target as if the soulknife had manifested the entangling mind blade into different tools (artisans tools, a blanket,
ectoplasm psionic power (in lieu of causing damage a mess kit, a thief’s toolkit, a 10-foot. pole, the form of a
from the thrown weapon). Treat this as a psi-like ability 50-foot silk rope with grappling hook, or more with GM
that uses the character’s soulknife level as the effective discretion) as a move action. These tools add the mind
manifester level of the power and the DC to break free blade’s enhancement bonus as a competence bonus on
of this net with a Strength check is Wisdom-based. The skill checks when using these tools, and if relevant they
soulknife must be at least 4th level in order to select this possess the standard hardness, hit points, and break DC
blade skill. of items of these types. The soulknife must maintain
Psychic Platform: The soulknife produces a disk of contact with these tools for them to remain cohesive.
solid, barely luminous force beneath her feet on which Upon reaching 5th level, these tools can be generated as
to stand. As an immediate action, the soulknife expends a swift action.
her psionic focus to generate this psychic construct which Psychokinetic Armor: The soulknife may form mind
acts as a 5-foot circle of force that exists for a number of armor as if she possessed the mind armaments class
rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) feature (see armored blade soulknife archetype); this
or until the soulknife is no longer standing on it. This only allows her to form mind armor from the mind
platform is either stationary and may float in mid-air armaments class feature (weapons must be formed
or in liquid, or it is subject to gravity as normal (the from another ability). She may form the mind armor
soulknife chooses upon manifesting the platform) and as a move action and remains until it is dismissed (free
has a hardness of 5 and 10 hit points. This platform can action) or until she is knocked unconscious or dead. She
be elastic (allowing for the soulknife to be treated as if uses the mind armaments enhancement bonus from the
she had a running start for checks made to jump), slick (to armored blade archetype to determine the mind armor’s
allow for sliding down surfaces such as hills or staircases), enhancement bonus based on her soulknife level and
and/or ‘sticky’, where the soulknife may stick to it at an may select armor special abilities from that archetype.
otherwise impossible angles (such as upside down or As usual, whenever the soulknife forms multiple items,
at 90 degree or more angles) at her will. Many uses of the enhancement bonus of all items she forms decrease
this platform are subject to GM decision (Acrobatics by 1 per item formed after the first. She may also
checks for jumping or balancing, for example). Actions shape the form of her mind armor as if she possessed
related to the use of this platform gain a competence the shape mind armaments class feature (mind armor
bonus on checks equal to the soulknife’s enhancement only). Unlike the
bonus on her mind blade. The soulknife must be at
least 6th level and possess the
Telekinetic Athletics blade
skill in order to select
this blade skill.
Psychic Strike:
The soulknife gains
the psychic strike
class feature.
When learned,
this skill allows the
soulknife to add
an additional 1d8
points of damage to
an attack with her mind blade, as
per the psychic strike class feature.
This may be improved by the
Powerful Strikes blade skill. The
soulknife must not previously
possess the psychic strike class
feature to select this blade skill. The
soulknife must be 4th level to select
this blade skill.
Psychic Toolkit: By concentrating her mind
blade down into tiny slivers of hardened
thought, the soulknife can create tools with
which to perform a variety of tasks that she
otherwise would need to use specialized tools for.
With this blade skill, the soulknife may manifest her
Psionics augmented
mind armaments class feature of the armored blade, proficient with her mind blade. The mind blade gains the
psychokinetic armor is not subject to the benefits of enhancement bonus of the soulknife’s mind bolt and may
the Improved Enhancement blade skill. This functions select its own enhancements (such as keen or flaming)
otherwise in all ways as the mind armaments class feature as if it were a separate weapon from her mind bolt. The
for the purposes of prerequisites and requirements. The soulbolt must be at least 4th level to select this blade skill.
soulknife must be 4th level to select this blade skill. Telekinetic Bolt: The soulknife learns to manifest her
Psychokinetic Blast: The soulknife may cause her mind blade as a variety of ranged weapons as well as
psychic strike to explode out from her target into a the forms her mind blade normally may take. Selection
sudden burst of psychokinetic energy. When making an of this blade skill grants the form mind bolt and launch
attack, the soulknife expends her psychic strike to deal mind bolt class features (see soulbolt archetype). The
her psychic strike damage to her target as well as all soulknife is always considered proficient with her
adjacent creatures to the target (excluding the soulknife). mind bolt. The mind bolt gains the enhancement bonus
The soulknife must be 4th level to select this blade skill. of the soulknife’s mind blade and may select its own
Psychokinetic Grenade: The soulknife may charge enhancements (such as distance or flaming) as if it were
her mind blade (or equivalent ability) with explosive a separate weapon from her mind blade. The soulknife
psychokinetic energies. As a standard action, the may now also take soul bolt specific blade skills. This
soulknife uses her throw mind blade class feature (or cannot be taken if you possess the form mind bolt class
equivalent ability) against a target creature. This attack feature previously. The soulknife must be at least 4th
must be charged by her psychic strike class feature. level to select this blade skill.
Upon successfully hitting the target, the attack explodes Telekinetic Edge: The soulknife’s mind blade can be
with psychokinetic power as if it were a splash weapon honed to such a sharp edge that it can pass through a
against targets within a 10-foot-radius zone from the foe’s defenses and strike at the softer and more vital
targeted creature. The splash damage is equal to her bits inside. While psionically focused, the soulknife may
psychic strike damage plus her mind blade enhancement expend her psychic strike charge as a free action to ignore
bonus per psychic strike die. The soulknife may apply a target’s damage reduction or an object’s hardness until
the following blade skills to her psychokinetic grenades: her next turn instead of inflicting additional damage.
Fire Blade, Ice Blade, Lightning Blade, or Thunder Blade. The soulknife must be at least 4th level to select this
The soulknife must be 6th level to select this blade skill. blade skill.
Stealth Armaments: Whenever the soulknife forms Telepathic Gift: The psychic potential within the
mind armor using her mind armaments class feature (or soulknife opens up telepathic pathways in her mind,
the Psychokinetic Armor blade skill), her mind armor allowing her to reach out and connect to the minds of
gains the appearance and benefits of a mundane outfit others. She gains telepathy out to a range of 200 feet
worth 200 gp or less. The soulknife must possess the and can communicate with any creature, regardless of
ability to form mind armor to select this blade skill. language, so long as they have an Intelligence of 1 or
Stunning Blade: By channeling disruptive psionic higher. The range of her telepathy increases by 10 feet
energies through her mind blade, the soulknife may for every two soulknife levels after. Additionally, as
stun her foes with her psychic strike. When attacking a long as she maintains psionic focus, she can detect other
foe with her mind blade, she may expend her psychic creatures within 30 feet using telepathy to communicate,
strike and her psionic focus to stun her target. The target although she cannot determine the content of the
must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the soulknife’s communication. The soulknife must be at least 6th level
class level + the soulknife’s Wisdom modifier) or become to select this blade skill.
stunned for 1 round (until just before your next turn). Vampiric Blade: The soulknife with knowledge of this
This blade skill also counts as the Stunning Fist feat for art has learned that staying power is sometimes more
the purposes of fulfilling prerequisites or for effects and important than a faster kill. Armed with this skill, the
abilities that modify or use the feat. The soulknife must psychic strike of the soulknife’s mind blade is capable of
be 6th level to select this blade skill. being a life-draining conduit to restore the vital energy
Telekinetic Athleticism: The psionic energies of the of the wielder. When the soulknife expends her psychic
soulknife’s mind permeate her body, greatly enhancing strike ability on an attack against a living, corporeal
her athletic prowess. She gains the benefits of the creature she may choose to inflict only 1/2 her psychic
Mental Leap and Speed of Thought psionic feats while strike damage and heal an equal amount of hit points.
she maintains her psionic focus, and may expend her
psychic strike’s charge to fuel the secondary abilities of
these feats instead of using her psionic focus.
Telekinetic Blade: (Soulbolt only) The soulbolt learns
to manifest her mind bolt as a melee weapon in addition
to its myriad of uses as a ranged one. Selection of this
blade skill grants the form mind blade and throw mind
blade class features. The soulknife is always considered
Psionics augmented
New Archetypes abandon them item as a free action within that range
and command her psicrystal as normal.
The following are new archetypes for the souknife class Starting at 3rd level, the bonded weapon gains a
found in 2 of Ultimate Psionics. cumulative +1 enhancement bonus that increases every
odd level thereafter that they may spend on an actual
Augmented Blade enhancement bonus or on weapon special abilities. An
“Why would I waste effort creating a weapon when I have augmented blade’s level determines her maximum
a perfectly good sword right here?” enhancement bonus (see Table: The Soulknife as per the
—Sara Kress, an augmented blade enhanced mind blade class feature for melee weapons
Most soulknives rely on the idealized weapon-form that or see Table: The Soulbolt as per the enhanced soul
is created by their concentrated will and effort. Some bolt class feature for ranged weapons). The augmented
soulknives, however, are unable to physically manifest a blade may (and must, when her total enhancement is
solid-thought weapon into existence and use this for war higher than her maximum bonus) apply any special
because they prefer to rely on physical weapons. These ability from Table: Weapon Special Abilities instead of
soulknives introduce a psicrystal to their combat method an enhancement bonus, as long as she meets the level
to utilize their arts. By focusing this weapon-manifesting requirements. This overrides any magical or psionic
energy into their psicrystal, they can cause it to bind to enhancements that may already be on this weapon,
a weapon and augment its abilities in combat just like but the weapon retains any material or masterwork
more traditional soulknives. bonuses it may have. An augmented blade can choose
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The augmented any combination of weapon special abilities and/
blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons or enhancement bonus for attack and damage rolls
and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and with before assigning any special abilities each time that the
all shields (except tower shields). This replaces the augmented blade uses this ability. This replaces the Form
soulknife’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies. Mind Blade and Enhanced Mind Blade class features, but
Augmented Bladeworks: At 1st level, the augmented counts as Form Mind Blade and Enhanced Mind Blade
blade may select a bonus feat from the following list: for prerequisites or requirements.
Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, Blade Skills: In addition to the blade skills accessible
or Weapon Focus. If the augmented blade chooses feats by a normal soulknife, an augmented blade may choose
that select specific weapon types (such as Improved from the following list when he selects a blade skill. This
Critical, Weapon Focus, or Weapon Specialization), she ability does not cause the augmented blade archetype
may select ‘mind blade’ and gain the benefits of that to be incompatible with other archetypes that alter the
feat regardless of what type of weapon she is currently blade skills class feature.
augmenting. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained Augmented Armor: By placing his psicrystal to his
at 1st level. armor, he may enhance his armor as he would enhance a
Psicrystal Affinity: At 1st level, the augmented blade weapon when using his psicrystal. See mind armaments
gains the Psicrystal Affinity blade skill. This replaces the class feature of the armored blade archetype in Ultimate
throw mind blade class feature. Psionics to see the list of available armor special qualities
Psicrystal Augment: At 1st level, the augmented blade that can be added to a suit of armor.
learns how to attach her psicrystal to a weapon and Augmented Item: By attaching his psicrystal to a tool
cause it to bond to the item as a move action (reclaiming or item when making a Craft or Profession skill check, or
the psicrystal is a free action). Some weapons become when using an item to aid in Acrobatics, Climb, or Swim
covered in a thin sheen of crystal, for other augmented checks, the augmented blade gains a competence bonus
blades the entire weapon becomes psychic energy - the on these checks equal to his mind blade enhancement
result is the same regardless of the cosmetic appearance. bonus.
Once bonded, this psicrystal augmentation allows for Augmented Psyche: By attaching his psicrystal to
the bonded weapon to be used with blade skills and a headband or eye-slot item the augmented blade
is treated as a masterwork item when augmented. gains a competence bonus equal to his mind blade’s
Weapons created through temporary means (such as the enhancement bonus on any Appraise, Autohypnosis,
call weaponry power, or the flame blade spell) may not Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive or Spellcraft skill
be bonded with the augmented blade’s psicrystal due to checks.
their ephemeral nature. Augmented Shield: By placing his psicrystal to his
If the augmented blade is ever separated from her shield, he may enhance his shield as he would enhance a
weapon (or an item augmented by her psicrystal), the weapon when using his psicrystal. See form mind shield
psicrystal stays with that object(s) as long as the item class feature of the shield blade archetype in Ultimate
stays within range of the augmented blade and his Psionics to see the list of available shield special qualities
telepathic link (one mile) with the psicrystal. At any that can be added to a shield.
time, the augmented blade can cause the psicrystal to Improved Psicrystal Augment: Magical or psionically
enchanted weapons that possess special abilities that are
Psionics augmented
not normally on the soulknife’s enhanced mind blade Emulate Melee Weapon, Emulate Ranged Weapon,
list (such as bane) are temporarily added to that list for Enhanced Range, Full Enhancement, Improved Armor,
use by the augmented blade when using his psicrystal Mind Daggers, Mindflayer, Psychic Toolkit, Psychic Net,
augment class feature, and the enhancement bonus Psychokinetic Armor, Telekinetic Blade, Telekinetic Bolt,
applied to the weapon by that class feature increases and Twin Strike. Alternately, the augmented blade may
by +1. The augmented blade must be at least 4th level to select a bonus combat feat in place of a blade skill.
select this blade skill. This alters the blade skills class feature.
Psicrystal Power Source: As a move action, the Fast Augmentation: At 5th level, the augmented
augmented blade can attach his psicrystal to a magic blade can augment an item in her possession with her
item that uses the spell trigger (e.g. wands, staffs) or psicrystal as a free action once per round. This replaces
power trigger (e.g. dorjes, psicrowns) activation methods, the quick draw class feature.
allowing him to add his Wisdom Modifier to Use Magic Weapon Training (Ex): At 6th level, the augmented
Device checks with that item in place of his Charisma blade gains weapon training, as the fighter ability,
modifier (if higher). When using that item to produce adding an additional weapon group every six levels
a spell or power effect, in place of expending a charge after 6th (to a maximum of three groups at 18th level)
or power points from that item, he may choose to spend and increasing the bonus on attack and damage rolls for
a number of his own power points equal to double the weapon groups chosen by +1. This ability replaces the
effect’s spell or power level (e.g. using a wand of fireball, blade skill normally gained at 6th.
a 3rd-level spell, would require 6pp); if he does so, then Fighter Training (Ex): At 7th level, the augmented
he may use his class level in place of the effect’s normal blade counts her soulknife level –3 as her fighter level
caster level or manifester level, and may calculate its for the purpose of qualifying for feats (if she had levels
saving throw DCs using his Wisdom modifier instead of in fighter; these levels stack).
the minimum modifier needed to cast a spell or power of
that level. If manifesting a psionic power from the item, Brutality Blade
then he may expend additional power points to augment “Projecting my feelings? Nah mate. This is me projecting
that power as normal. In the case of a spell from a staff my feelings.”
which normally requires multiple charges to use, this —Alexander Fisher, a brutality blade
ability reduces the number of charges required to cast
Soulknives find a variety of ways to train to bring out
that spell by one - this reduction does not stack with itself.
their signature weapon, the mind blade. Some must
Split Crystal: You may split off portions of your crystal
calm their minds, some visualize the weapon, and
to perform multiple augmentations on items. When
others recall a moment in time where they most wished
you split your psicrystal in this fashion, small child-
they had the blade. Brutality blades conjure forth rage
crystals are birthed onto a piece of a equipment when
and hatred as their triggers for their weapons, and this
using augmentation abilities that fuse to the item, and
reflects in their blade skills and the very nature of how
may be reclaimed by touching the psicrystal to these
they influence their blade - and how it influences them
child-crystals as a free action. When the crystal is split,
in return.
its overall enhancement bonus is reduced by 1 for each
Soul of Wrath (Ex): A brutality blade uses his
item enhanced. This may be applied to a second weapon
Charisma instead of his Wisdom for any soulknife ability
if the character wishes to fight with two weapons, or as
he gains, such as blade skills that rely on Wisdom for
a prerequisite for other blade skills specifically tailored
determining save DC. He also uses his Charisma instead
to the augmented blade’s skill set (such as augmenting a
of his Wisdom for abilities gained from prestige classes
shield or a piece of armor). The augmented blade must
that advance his mind blade.
be at least 4th level to select this blade skill.
Manifest Rage Blade (Su): At 1st level, the brutality
The augmented blade is unable to use the following
blade can let his anger and hatred rise to the surface in
blade skills: Alter Blade, Bladestorm, Bladewind,
a wild flood of psychic energies that alter his mind blade,
Deceptive Blade, Discipline Blade Shapes, Dual Imbue,
changing it into a rage blade. While the rage blade is
manifested, a brutality blade gains phenomenal psionic
Rage Blades and Crystalline Foci empowerment to his mind blade, but may harm himself
When using an item like a crystal hilt with a manifested by the reckless use of his power (see psychic enervation,
rage blade, crystalline focus items normally limit the on the next page).
maximum enhancement bonus to attack and damage A brutality blade can choose to manifest his rage
rolls to +5. Rage blades may surpass this limit and blade whenever he forms his mind blade or he may
increase this limit by the enhancement bonus of the empower his already formed mind blade with this
crystalline focus. For example, a +3 crystal hilt would incredible wrath. A rage blade is always a single weapon
have a maximum enhancement bonus of +8; up to +5 and is never split like a normal mind blade can be - the
from the enhanced mind blade class feature and then brutality blade needs to keep his focus (if the brutality
up to an additional +3 from the crystal hilt itself. blade has used his form mind blade class feature to form
Psionics augmented
two mind blades, he releases one of these to focus his blade, a brutality blade may be overcome by the strain
power into the remaining mind blade). Rage blades may of her effort, causing him to take 2 hit points of damage
not be thrown and cannot be disarmed as the weapon per brutality blade level. The chance of suffering psychic
is almost fused with the brutality blade’s body. When enervation is 10%. This ability functions identically to the
he manifests his rage blade, he increases the mind wilder’s psychic enervation class feature and qualifies
blade’s enhancement bonus by +1 (even if the mind for prerequisites and requirements using this ability.
blade normally does not have an enhancement bonus). Enhanced Mind Blade:The brutality blade’s mind
The enhancement bonus boost gives him the ability blade is improved like a standard soulknife’s mind blade,
to add special weapon properties (such as flaming or including if the brutality blade creates two mind blades,
keen), or push the enhancement bonus of the weapon except the enhancement bonus increases at a reduced
beyond its normal maximum from the enhanced mind rate, rather than every odd level, as indicated on Table:
blade class feature. For example, a 7th level brutality Brutality Blade Progression.
blade (+2) with a normally +1 keen mind blade using This replaces the Enhanced Mind Blade class feature,
this ability on his mind blade would be able to add +2 but counts as Enhanced Mind Blade for prerequisites or
to his enhancement mind blade class feature (increasing requirements.
the mind blade’s enhancement bonus from +2 to +4), Wrath Augments: Starting at at 2nd level, a brutality
allowing him to increase the enhancement bonus to hit blade may take a special, rarified form of blade skill they
by +1 and adding flaming to make it a +2 keen flaming refer to as wrath augments. These abilities function as
mind blade. Whenever the rage blade is manifested, blade skills, may be selected by brutality blades when he
the brutality blade may freely reconfigure the blade’s would otherwise select a blade skill. This ability does not
enhancements as if they had used the Improved Fluid cause the brutality blade archetype to be incompatible
Form blade skill (without suffering the penalties of using with other archetypes that alter the blade skills class
this blade skill), and when the rage blade is dismissed it feature.
returns to its usual form. If the brutality blade has the Blade Geyser: While manifesting a rage blade, the
ability to manifest a mind shield or mind armor, the rage brutality blade may expend his psionic focus as a full
blade’s enhancement bonus increases do not affect their round action and drive his blade into the ground at his
enhancement bonuses, and the formation of multiple feet, causing the blade to split beneath him and erupt into
items reduces each item’s enhancement bonus by 1. circle of blades around him. This blade skill functions as
At 7th level, a brutality blade increases this
enhancement bonus to his mind blade by two instead
Table 3–2: Brutality Blade Progression
of one. At 13th level, he increases this enhancement
bonus to his mind blade by three. These bonuses to Class Level Enhancement Bonus Value
the enhancement bonus of the rage blade equal a total 1st —
bonus of +10 (not to exceed the +5 enhancement bonus —
maximum for attack and damage rolls). The brutality
3rd +1
blade’s rage blade always is enhanced for the maximum
amount possible, for unleashing such rage and hate in 4th +1
this fashion does not lend itself to using self-control. 5th +1
The brutality blade can manifest his rage blade for a
6th +2
number of rounds equal to 4 + his Constitution modifier.
At each level after 1st, he can maintain his rage blade for 7th +2
2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, 8th +3
such as those gained from powers like animal affinity or +3
spells like bear’s endurance, do not increase the total
number of rounds that a brutality blade can maintain 10th +3
his rage blade per day. Once a brutality blade dismisses 11th +4
his rage blade, he loses psionic focus and is fatigued 12th +4
for 1d4+1 rounds and may not regain psionic focus
13th +5
during this time. A brutality blade can manifest his rage
blade as a free action as part of manifesting his mind 14th +5
blade normally. The total number of rounds per day is 15th +5
renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours
16th +6
do not need to be consecutive.
This replaces the throw mind blade class feature and 17th +6
the bonus feat gained at 1st level. 18th +7
Psychic Enervation (Ex): Pushing oneself by 19th +7
manifesting a rage blade is dangerous to one’s mind and
20th +7
body. Immediately following the manifesting of the rage
Psionics augmented
per the Whirlwind Attack feat.The brutality blade must unleash furious blows upon his target. When attacking a
be at least 4th level to select this blade skill. foe and unleashing his psychic strike ability upon them,
Body of Rage: While manifesting a rage blade, the he may expend his psionic focus to make a second attack
brutality blade with this wrath augment subsumes his at the same attack bonus upon the target.
rage blade as a swift action and grows in size as if he had Raging Surge (Su): At 4th level, the brutality blade
used the expansion psionic power (using his class level channels his emotions into a physical boost of energy
as his manifester level to determine its effects). While in that strengthens his body. A brutality blade can invoke
this form, his hands radiate raging psychic energy in the a raging surge while manifesting his rage blade, and
form of crude claws or knives. These claws are treated this surge is maintained while the rage blade is
as light weapon forms of his mind blade except that manifested. The brutality blade gains a +4 morale bonus
they count as both natural and manufactured weapons. to his Strength after invoking a raging surge. At 8th
Bloody ectoplasm also forms blades on his body, which level, the brutality blade also gains a +2 morale bonus
count as armor spikes. The rage blade takes a –1 to its to Constitution during a raging surge. At 12th level, the
overall enhancement bonus while manifested this way, morale bonus to Constitution increases by +2. At 16th
but his both of his rage blades and his armor spikes share level, the morale bonus to Strength increases to +6. At
the same enhancement bonuses and weapon properties. 20th level, the morale bonus to Constitution increases to
This infusion of wrathful power is maintained as long as +6. Hit points gained by increasing his Constitution score
the rage blade is manifested. The brutality blade must be through a raging surge are lost first.
at least 10th level to select this blade skill. Invoking a raging surge when manifesting his rage
Destroyer’s Will: While under the benefits of a raging blade increases the risk of psychic enervation from 10%
surge, the brutality blade channels his boundless anger to 20%. This replaces the blade skills gained at 4th level
to shrug off magics and afflictions alike. The brutality and 12th level.
blade may expend his psionic focus to reroll a failed Instantaneous Wrath (Su): At 5th level, the brutality
Fortitude or Will saving throw as an immediate action. blade may manifest his mind blade as a free action if he
The brutality blade must be at least 4th level to select manifests it as a rage blade. This replaces the quick draw
this blade skill. class feature.
Fountain of Blood: With this wrath augment, the Wrath Perfected: At 20th level, a brutality blade
brutality blade’s rage blade inflicts bleeding wounds reaches the pinnacle of his wrath and his connection to
when he activates his psychic strike or upon making a his unending rage is so strong that it cannot be quenched.
successful critical hit on a target creature. The target He no longer requires a Will save to maintain his mind
suffers 1d4 points of bleed damage for each psychic blade in a null psionics field so long as his rage blade
strike die the brutality blade possesses. This target is manifested and it retains all enhancement bonus
creature bleeds each round until the wound is bandaged and special abilities. Additionally, the brutality blade’s
properly (DC 15 Heal check) or until magical healing hatred is so perfect with its purity that he no longer
(such as a cure spell) has been applied. The target can be suffers a risk of psychic enervation when manifesting
subject to multiple bleeding wounds. The brutality blade his rage blade. This replaces the mind blade mastery
must be 6th level to select this blade skill. class feature.
Hand of Hatred: The brutality blade’s wrath can be
infectious, spreading to his allies and inspiring them to Psychic Armory
acts of rage. While in a raging surge, the brutality blade “When one fights with the idea of weapons, travel and
may expend his psionic focus as a swift action and share training are the same.”
his raging euphoria bonuses with allies within 30 feet of his —Gemma of the Far Shores
position while his rage blade is manifested. The brutality Most soulknives work on perfecting one blade, their
blade must possess the raging euphoria wrath augment to idealized blade, that forms the core of what they do with
select this wrath augment. their psychic abilities. Some however, either cannot
Raging Euphoria: The brutality blade is capable of settle on a singular blade or otherwise cannot gain the
churning forth great anger and turmoil when his rage proper focus to forge the image of an ideal mind blade.
blade has manifested. While his rage blade is manifested, These soulknives, known as psychic armories, generate
the brutality blade’s innate psionic energies empower multiple quasi-real mind blades that swarm around
his physical form with surging forces. This surge of rage them. This swarm form of mind blades however, does
and anger provides a +1 morale bonus to his attack and lend itself towards being both weapon and shield for
damage rolls. This bonus improves by +1 at 14th level psychic armory soulknife and many new options for
and again at 20th level. These bonuses persist while the battle are born from it.
rage blade is manifested and end when the rage blade is Form Panoply of Blades: The psychic armory forms a
dismissed. The brutality blade must be 8th level to select myriad of blades around her body to encircle her loosely,
this blade skill. orbiting over and around her in shiftless patterns within
Rend the Body: While under the benefits of a raging her space. These weapons are of all manner of shapes,
surge, the brutality blade with this wrath augment may large and small, and they glimmer in and out existence
Psionics augmented
as used or if ignored for too long. They are the psychic damage type of an existing weapon group (light, one
armory’s mind blades, and while cosmetically they can handed or two handed) in her panoply of blades, or may
look however they are imagined, they all function the summon a new panoply of blades with different damage
same based on their weapon type. A psychic armory’s types, as a full-round action. Otherwise, the panoply
panoply includes quasi-real light, one-handed, and two- of blades retains the last damage type configuration
handed mind blades that she can use to make melee chosen every time it is summoned. If the psychic armory
or thrown attacks. When thrown or used for a melee chooses to reshape the weapons within her panoply, it
attack, a piece of the panoply dissipates after the attack, requires a full-round action, and she may reshape any
whether it hit or missed. A psychic armory’s panoply can or all of her weapons. She may also re-assign the type of
generate as many weapons as she wills; she has no limit damage dealt as part of reshaping her panoply of blades
on its use beyond her attacks in a round. if she so chooses. A psychic armory can reassign the
Whether her attacks are melee or ranged, the psychic special ability or abilities she has added to her panoply
armory controls her panoply telekinetically. She must of blades from her enhanced armory class feature (see
use her hands to direct her attacks, as appropriate the next page). To do so, she must first spend 8 hours in
(a light or one-handed panoply attack requires one concentration. These cannot be the normal 8 hours used
hand, and a two-handed panoply attack requires two). for rest, even if the psychic armory does not require sleep.
Otherwise, she may combine them with other weapons’ After that period, the panoply of blades materializes with
attacks normally, so long as she still has the right the new ability or abilities selected by the psychic armory.
number of free hands to use. She is treated as wielding In all other respects, the panoply of blades functions
her panoply of blades for the purposes of threatening as a the form mind blade class feature, and subject to
spaces, and can make attacks of opportunity with any anything that would affect a mind blade (except crystal
applicable weapon in it. hilts.) When using the psychic strike class feature, the
The psychic armory’s panoply weapons function just psychic armory charges the panoply as a whole, and then
like normal mind blades in all ways except how may discharge it once through an attack with any of
she attacks with them, including damage, her panoply mind blades. The panoply of
damage type, and handedness. blades may take enhancements as
The range increment of her light if it were both a melee and a ranged
mind blades is 20 feet, and the range weapon. If the psychic armory has the
increment of her one-handed mind Focused Offense blade skill, she can use
blades is 15 feet. She may not throw her her Wisdom instead of her Dexterity
two-handed mind blades unless she for thrown panoply attacks (while
possesses the Two-Handed Thrower still using her Wisdom instead of
feat (in which case they have a range Strength for damage).
increment of 10 feet, and may be This ability replaces form
thrown without penalty). A psychic mind blade, shape mind
armory’s panoply of blades blade, and throw mind
has a maximum range of blade, but counts as these
five range increments, class features for requirements
as normal for thrown and prerequisites.
weapons. Ranged panoply Bonus Feat: The psychic
attacks do not provoke armory gains either
attacks of opportunity. Point-Blank Shot or
Regardless of the Weapon Focus (mind
weapon forms a psychic blade) as a bonus feat
armory has chosen, her at 1st level. This ability
panoply of blades does not replaces the normal
have a set damage type soulknife bonus feat
per weapon type. When choices at 1st level.
shaping her panoply of Blade Skills: At 2nd
blades and assigning level, the psychic armory
abilities to it, the psychic may select blade skills as
armory chooses whether would a normal soulknife.
the weapon type (light, one- The following blade
handed, or two-handed) skills are not available
will deal bludgeoning, to a psychic armory:
piercing, or slashing Alter Blade, Deceptive
damage. The psychic Blade, Discipline Blade
armory may change the Shapes, Emulate Melee
Psionics augmented
Weapon, Emulate Ranged Weapon, Enhanced Range, Panoply Eruption: As a full round action, a psychic
Focused Offense, Interrupting Throw, Mindflayer, armory expends her psionic focus and spreads out her
Telekinetic Blade, and Telekinetic Bolt. Fluid Form and panoply of blades in a wide radius of bladed shards
Improved Fluid Form adjust the functions of the panoply around herself (10 feet + 5 feet per four psychic armory
of blades as it would with a normal mind blade. Shields levels), quivering with aggressive intent, ready to attack.
formed from the psychic armory are in the panoply but Creatures that walk in this area treat it as difficult terrain,
operate normally, defending the player (these shields do and the psychic armory may make attacks of opportunity
not occupy the character’s hands). If the Mind Daggers as if she threatened every square in the burst. While in
blade skill is selected, these are added to her panoply of effect, she may make a number of additional attacks
blades and she can use them the same way as the rest of of opportunity equal to her Wisdom modifier. This
her panoply mind blades. Their range increment when uses all of her blades for the round and her panoply is
thrown is 30 feet. refreshed the following round, ending this effect. If the
Armory Tactics: A psychic armory gains a number of psychic armory possessed an energy-base blade skill
unique blade skills available to her use with her panoply (such as Fire Blade), she may choose to deal half of the
of blades, that may be selected any time the psychic damage from attacks of opportunity made with this skill
armory would get a blade skill. This ability does not as energy damage of the same type as the energy based
cause the psychic armory archetype to be incompatible blade skill of her choice.
with other archetypes that alter the blade skills class Psychic Fortress: The psychic armory is capable
feature. of driving her panoply of blades into the form of a
Hungry Blades: The psychic armory’s panoply of blades temporary wall that can be used as cover and grants
threatened area increases. When attacking in melee, her concealment, or total concealment if the character is
panoply mind blades are treated as reach weapons that completely sheltered behind the barrier using the total
can also attack adjacent creatures. defense action. As a standard action, she expends her
Increased Range: The psychic armory gains incredible psionic focus and hardens her blades into a temporary
range from his panoply’s attacks. Light weapons increase shelter, forming a wall 10 feet long and 5 feet tall, with a
their range to 100 feet, one-handed weapons increase hardness of 10 and 30 hit points. This depletes her entire
their range to 60 feet, and two-handed weapons increase panoply, and she may form her panoply of blades again
their range to 30 feet. If the character possesses the Mind on her next turn. The hardness and hit points of the
Daggers blade skill, their range increases to 200 feet. wall is improved by the panoply’s enhancement bonus.
Panoply Counter: With lightning reaction time, the The wall lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + her
psychic armory is capable of bringing her panoply of Wisdom modifier.
blades into positions to defend her from attacks. As an Swirling Panoply: The psychic armory may set her
immediate action, the psychic armory may expend her panoply of blades spinning and may expend her psionic
psionic focus to oppose her opponent’s attack roll against focus to cause them to explode out around her or at a
her with panoply of blades. She makes an attack roll at designated point within medium range (100 feet + 10
her full base attack bonus to do to this as if she were feet per psychic armory level) as a standard action. This
making an attack with the panoply, and if the result is effect creates a 20-foot-radius explosion of cutting blades
equal to or higher than the attacker’s result, the attack that inflicts 1d6 points of slashing and piercing damage
is negated by the panoply blocking the attack. This can per psychic armory level, plus the enhancement bonus
be used on melee or ranged attacks, and/or spells and of the psychic armory’s panoply of blades to all targets
powers with touch or ranged attacks equally. within the blast radius. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 +
Panoply Drive: The psychic armory directs her panoply 1/2 the psychic armory’s class level + the psychic armory’s
into a teeming barrage of cutting shards of psychic Wisdom modifier) will halve this damage. This attack is
fury. She expends her psionic focus and as a standard subject to damage reduction as normal. This uses all of
action, she directs her weapons to become a 60-foot her blades for the round and they return to her panoply
line of cutting blades that inflicts 1d6 points of slashing the following round. If the psychic armory possesses an
and piercing damage per psychic armory level, plus the energy-based blade skill (such as Fire Blade), she may
enhancement bonus of the psychic armory’s panoply of choose to have her swirling panoply deal half its damage
blades to all targets along its path. A successful Reflex as energy damage of the same type as the energy based
save (DC 10 + 1/2 the psychic armory’s class level + the blade skill of her choice.
psychic armory’s Wisdom modifier) halves this damage. Two-Handed Thrower: The psychic armory gains Two-
This attack is subject to damage reduction as normal. Handed Thrower as a bonus feat, even if she doesn’t
This uses all of her blades for the round and they return meet the prerequisites.
to her panoply the following round. If the psychic Enhanced Armory: At 3rd level, the psychic armory’s
armory possessed an energy-based blade skill (such as panoply of blades are improved like a standard
Fire Blade), the psychic armory may choose to deal 1/2 soulknife’s mind blade. The enhancement bonus is
this damage as energy damage of the same type as the set per weapon type. Example: An 11th level psychic
energy-based blade skill of her choice. armory with a +5 enhancement bonus could have her
Psionics augmented
High-Psionics Soulknives
Two-Handed Thrower
You hurl weapons with both hands and with great force, As noted in Psionics Augmented: Soulknives, some GMs
sometimes using a whirling technique to send your running higher magic and psionics campaigns may find it
weapon flying through the air at tremendous speeds. reasonable to add the manifesting and power progression
Prerequisites: Str 15. of the gifted blade archetype to all soulknives by default,
Benefit: Whenever you use two hands to throw a to create a more a more “psionic’” soulknife. This gives
one-handed or two-handed weapon, you gain a bonus the soulknife more of a competitive edge in a world where
on damage rolls equal to 1–1/2 times your Strength manifesting and/or magic is highly dominant, without
bonus. Using two hands to throw any weapon requires compromising the combat focus of the class. The gifted
only a standard action for you. If you also have the Quick blade archetype adds some additional flexibility both in
Draw feat, you can throw two-handed weapons at your and out of combat, and lets the soulknife stand as both
full normal rate of attacks. a combative and psionic equal to classes like the psychic
Normal: You add your Strength bonus on thrown warrior and marksman.
weapon damage, regardless of available hands. Throwing In games with higher levels of expertise, powerful
a two-handed weapon is a full-round action. classes and abilities, or just generally better toys available
to characters, we at Dreamscarred Press recommend
adding the gifted blade archetype’s manifesting abilities
light weapons be +3 keen flaming mind blades, her one- to the soulknife as well.
handed weapons could be +2 keen impact mind blades, When using this variant, levels in prestige classes
and her two-handed weapons could be +3 icy burst mind that advance a soulknife’s gifted blade manifesting also
blades. The blade skills Fluid Form and Improved Fluid advance their enhanced mind blade ability as if they
form may be used to change one or all of types of mind had gained a level in soulknife. The inverse is also true;
blades in the psychic armory. levels that advance a soulknife’s mind blade advance
This modifies the Enhanced Mind Blade class feature, the soulknife’s gifted blade manifesting at an equal rate
but counts as Enhanced Mind Blade for prerequisites or (if the character possesses manifesting from another
requirements (see blade skills on page 26 for restrictions). source, it is not advanced by such prestige classes).
Swift Panoply: At 5th level, the psychic armory may If a class advances both the soulknife’s manifesting and
conjure her panoply of blades as a swift action. This their mind blade (such as the dark tempest in Ultimate
functions otherwise identically to the quick draw class Psionics), then the soulknife’s manifesting and mind
feature, and counts as quick draw for prerequisites or blade are advanced independently. If the soulknife
requirements. possesses levels in another manifesting class, they may
Mastery of the Armory: At 20th level, the psychic still choose to advance that class’ manifesting, and also
armory has reached the pinnacle of her art and her progress their mind blade abilities (but not their gifted
connection to her library of blades is so strong it cannot blade manifesting) as normal.
be severed. She no longer requires a Will save to maintain For example, a soulknife/psychic warrior who took
her panoply of blades in a null psionics field, although it levels in dark tempest would add their dark tempest level
still loses any enhancement bonus and special abilities. to their soulknife level for the purposes of determining
This replaces the mind blade mastery class feature. the effectiveness of their mind blade. Then, at each level
of the prestige class, they would have to choose whether
that level added its manifesting progression to their
gifted blade manifesting or psychic warrior manifesting.
Psionics augmented
Soulknife Magic Items Universal Items
Presented below are a variety of new psionic items for The following universal items interact with soulknife
soulknives. class features, and as such are particularly useful to
Crystalline Focus Items
These items are used by the soulknife archetypes in this BLADE BANGLES
book to enhance their mind blades. Aura Moderate psychokinesis; ML 8th
Slot Wrist; Price 16,500 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 3rd (+1), 6th (+2), 9th (+3) DESCRIPTION
Slot weapon; Price 11,200 gp (+1), 44,800 gp (+2), 100,800 These psychic bangles are often made of wire frames set with
gp (+3); Weight 2 lbs crystals or engraved pieces of metals that are set with crystal
pieces between inscribed forms of warriors demonstrating
DESCRIPTION a combat art. While wearing one of these blade bangles on
A crystal ioun looks like a common ioun stone made of deep his wrist, a soulknife gains the benefits of a blade skill that is
crystal. A soulknife with the psychic armory archetype, encoded into the crystals of this item. The bangle does not
or anyone else with the ability to manifest a panoply of provide prerequisite blade skills (if applicable) and so the
blades, channels their panoply of blades through the soulknife himself must possess these prerequisites before
crystal ioun when summoning it. This does not otherwise being able to utilize the item properly, or have another
alter the action needed to summon a panoply of blades, blade bangle that possesses a prerequisite blade skill.
the summoner must simply have the crystal ioun orbit
their person and choose to manifest the panoply of blades CONSTRUCTION
through the crystal ioun. Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, ability to manifest a
Crystal iouns have 45 hit points and a hardness of 15. When a mind blade, and possession of the blade skill to be used in
panoply of blades is manifested in this fashion, the enhancement the bangle; Cost 8,250 gp
bonus and the maximum enhancement bonus of the panoply
of blades is increased by the enhancement bonus of the crystal GREAVES OF MEHSIM
ioun, although any enhancement bonus above +5 is lost. Aura Moderate psychometabolism; ML 11th
Crystal iouns may only be made with a +1, +2, or +3 Slot Feet; Price 34020 gp; Weight 6 lbs.
enhancement bonus.
These greaves benefits only a wearer who has levels in
Requirements Craft Crystalline Focus, ability to manifest soulknife and has the psychic strike class feature. If such
a panoply of blades; Cost 5,600 gp (+1), 22,400 gp (+2), a character wears these boots, he may expend his psychic
50,400 gp (+3) strike as a swift action to gain the benefits of physical
CRYSTALLINE SETTING acceleration for a number of rounds equal to the wearer’s
number of psychic strike damage dice.
Aura faint psychokinesis; ML 3rd (+1), 6th (+2), 9th (+3)
Slot weapon; Price 11,200 gp (+1), 44,800 gp (+2), 100,800 CONSTRUCTION
gp (+3); Weight 2 lbs Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, physical acceleration;
Cost 17,010 gp
A crystalline setting looks like a deep crystal setting that a SKIN OF THE BLADE
psicrystal could be slotted into to make it look almost like Aura Faint psychometabolism; ML 8th
a piece of jewelry. Whenever an augmented blade channels Slot —; Price 25500 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
their power through this item to augment a weapon or
item of their choosing, it increases the potency of their DESCRIPTION
augmentation (see crystalline ioun).
This psychoactive skin benefits only a wearer who has levels
Crystalline settings may only be made with a +1, +2, or +3
in soulknife. If such a character wears this skin, he gains the
enhancement bonus.
Psychokinetic Armor blade skill and he may apply armor
CONSTRUCTION enhancement bonuses to the skin of the blade as if he had
the Enhanced Mind Armaments class feature from the
Requirements Craft Crystalline Focus, ability to psicrystal Armored Blade soulknife archetype.
augment; Cost 5,600 gp (+1), 22,400 gp (+2), 50,400 gp
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, inertial armor; Cost
12,750 gp
Psionics augmented
Augmented Enhancement List
Soulknives are an adaptive lot, and below is a list of mind blade enhancements that use an updated whitelist of
magical and psionic enhancements that can be chosen with the soulknife’s mind blade enhancement class feature.
Limited-Use Enhancements: Whenever a soulknife uses his Enhanced Mind Blade class feature (or equivalent
ability) to enchant his mind blade (or equivalent ability) with an enhancement with a limited number of uses, such
as is the case with the lucky enchantment, any uses the soulknife uses counts towards the daily limit and is not
refreshed whenever the soulknife reform’s the mind blade (or equivalent ability). The same should apply to other
enchantments acquired such as from the Personalized Trick trait, that may have limited uses such as per encounter,
etc. A soulknife with the Fluid Form bladeskill may still expend its psychic strike as a swift action to refresh these
limited use enhancements on the mind blade (or equivalent ability) within the limits of the blade skill.
Psionics augmented
Table 3–4: Mind Armament Special Abilities
Armor Special Enhancement Armor Special Enhancement
Ability Bonus Value Required Level Ability Bonus Value Required Level
Benevolent 1 5 Ghost Touch 3 9
Deathless 1 5 Invulnerability 3 9
Fortification, Light 1 5 Fortification, 3 9
Mirrored 1 5 Spell Resistance (15) 3 9
Staunching 1 5 Energy Resistance, 4 12
Rallying 2 7 Spell Resistance (17) 4 12
Spell Resistance (13) 2 7 Fortification, Heavy 5 15
Delving 3 9 Spell Resistance (19) 5 15
Energy Resistance 3 9 Energy Resistance, 5 15
Psionics augmented
Chapter 4: Wilders
The question inevitably arises, “what is a wilder?” Or, New Archetypes
perhaps more accurately, “why is a wilder not a psion?”
Easy answers present themselves: wilders learn fewer The following are new archetypes for the wilder class
powers, wilders utilize surging emotions and are tougher, found in Chapter 2 of Ultimate Psionics.
faster, and harder to attack natively. The reasons behind
these answers, however, reveal the wilder’s identity as a Surging Muse
distinct psionic class. “Leader? No, no, we’re all valued members of the Brookbane
Those who become wilders are people in touch with Seven. I prefer to be thought of as a facilitator.”
their emotions. Dispassionate or calculating individuals —Lady Akane Hayashi, a surging muse
do not become wilders, which is not to imply that only Surging muses are those wilders who find vibrancy
people who can’t control their emotions become wilders; in sharing their passion with others. Leaders, artists,
wilders understand their emotions and respect the composers, and visionaries, surging muses focus their
influence they have on their lives, but a wilder is still power outward into their allies.
perfectly capable of exercising restraint. A wilder’s Enhanced Surging Aura (Su): The area of the
powerful emotions aid in manifesting powers, but so surging muse’s surging aura increases by 5 feet, plus an
does their understanding, acceptance, and trust in those additional 5 feet for every 4 class levels. Whenever the
emotions. surging muse invokes her wild surge, other allies within
Instinct is a good way to describe how wilders her surging aura gain an insight bonus to damage rolls
approach psionics. One might have been the apprentice equal to her wild surge’s intensity until the end of their
of a psion who embraced a natural talent and intuition next turn.
over formalized learning, while another wilder may If the surging muse doesn’t have the Surging Aura feat,
have had no formal education whatsoever. However she instead gains a surging aura with a 10-foot radius.
they come into their power, wilders tend to trust their Whenever she invokes her wild surge, she may choose an
instincts, their gut reactions, and their first impressions. ally (other than herself) within her aura; that ally gains an
These instinctual responses keep wilders one step ahead insight bonus to damage equal to the surging muse’s wild
of harm and fuel their powerful wild surges by letting surge intensity until the end of their next turn.
the wilder find shortcuts and exploits in manifestation Force Enhancement (Su): The surging muse can
that more cautious manifesters might ignore for safety’s channel her wild emotions and fierce friendship into
sake. Wilders ride the high they get from manifesting her allies’ weapons. She may expend her psionic focus
into a euphoria that helps them accomplish their goals. as a standard action to grant bonus force damage equal
A wilder’s passion somewhat splits their focus and they to her Charisma modifier to melee or ranged attacks
learn far fewer powers compared to their closest cousins, made by allies (other than her) within her surging aura.
the psions. However, wilders have a somewhat greater Affected allies do not need to remain within the surging
tendency to learn new and unusual powers (such as muse’s surging aura to retain this bonus damage, which
through the Expanded Knowledge feat) when following lasts for 1 round. This ability replaces surge blast.
their passions to new and interesting places. Wilders favor Passion’s Dance (Su): The surging muse shares her
powers they can augment, because their wild surges let passions with others, coordinating them in a dance that
them bring those powers to heights that no other manifester leads them away from enemy assaults. Starting at 2nd
can match. Wilders nearly universally become adventurers; level, allies (other than her) within the surging muse’s
their power and passion make striking additions to a group, surging aura gain a +1 dodge bonus to their Armor Class.
and adventuring can sate a wilder’s thirst for adrenaline, This bonus increases by 1 every 4 levels thereafter (+2 at
excitement, and other needs. More ‘settled’ wilders happen 6th level, +3 at 10th level, etc).
either because they feel as though they cannot continue
adventuring, or because something they care for deeply is Voidheart
located wherever they have settled. The result is that it is “You don’t want my attention. People fall into it and can’t
rare and unexpected to see an old wilder, though when they get back out.”
do happen they are often terrifying veterans of mystical —Myra, a voidheart
and psionic combat and not to be trifled with.
Not all wilders utilize powerful emotions when invoking
their psionic powers. Those known as voidhearts are
wilders afflicted with a curious hole in their souls, a
connection to a place, or perhaps concept, they refer
to as the void, or sometimes as the nothing within.
Psionics augmented
Voidhearts feel its consuming pull tugging
at them constantly, demanding to be filled
with sensation, experience, emotion,
and life. Many succumb, becoming
little more than predators or parasites;
others restrain themselves, finding a
way to feed the nothing without letting
it define them.
Hollow Surge (Su): Unlike other
wilders who infuse their powers with
wild emotion, voidhearts can call upon
the nothingness within. The voidheart
may choose to invoke her hollow surge
whenever she manifests a power; if
she does, treat the manifester level of
that power as 1 lower (to a minimum
of 1) when calculating level-dependant
effects and for the purposes of
dispelling attempts. She does not suffer
any penalties outside of those related to the
manifestation itself (for example, level-dependent
class abilities are not reduced in power). When this
occurs, all hostile creatures within close range (25 feet range. That
plus 5 feet per 2 class levels) treat their caster and creature must succeed
manifester levels as 1 lower when calculating level- at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2
dependant effects and for the purposes of dispelling the voidheart’s class level + her Charisma modifier) or be
attempts. If this penalty would reduce an ability, power, wreathed in bands of darkness shot through with violet
or spell’s duration below 1 round, it reduces that lines which seem to suck air into themselves. The victim
duration to 1 round instead (instantaneous durations becomes incapable of benefiting from healing of any
are unaffected). They do not suffer any penalties outside variety for a number of rounds equal to the voidheart’s
of those related to caster and manifester levels (for Charisma modifier. This ability replaces surge blast.
example, level-dependent class abilities are not reduced Surging Euphoria (Ex): The voidheart gains the
in power). The penalties inflicted by hollow surge last benefits of the surging euphoria ability when she
until the beginning of the voidheart’s next turn. invokes her hollow surge; she benefits from the energy
At 3rd level, the penalties inflicted by this ability she has stolen from others. This ability modifies surging
worsen to –2. At 7th level they worsen to –3, then to –4 euphoria.
at 11th level, –5 at 15th level, and –6 at 19th level. The Greater Voidsoul (Su): At 5th level, the voidheart
voidheart may not intentionally lower these penalties; becomes immune to fear effects.
the growing nothingness within always draws power At 9th level, her bonus to saving throws vs. mind-
into itself at its maximum intensity. affecting abilities increases to +4.
A voidheart can benefit from items, effects, and At 13th level, the voidheart becomes immune to
abilities that would normally increase the bonus of a negative energy damage.
wilder’s wild surge class feature. Any such effect, when At 17th level, her bonus to saving throws vs. mind-
applied to the voidheart, instead increases the penalties affecting abilities increases to +6.
of her hollow surge by an equal amount. For the purposes This ability replaces improved surge bond.
of prerequisites and requirements, hollow surge counts Invoke the Void (Su): At 20th level, the voidheart can
as wild surge with a bonus equal to the penalty inflicted. channel pure elemental nothing through her wounded
This ability replaces wild surge and psychic enervation. soul, blasting her enemies with raw nihilistic thought.
Psychic Enervation: Voidhearts do not suffer from Once per day, she may increase the penalty levied by
psychic enervation. her hollow surge to –10. Hostile creatures affected by
Voidsoul (Su): Voidhearts suffer from an expanding this worsened hollow surge must succeed at a Will save
hole in their soul, their essence, which both strengthens (DC 10 + 1/2 the voidheart’s class level + her Charisma
and weakens them. The voidheart is immune to energy modifier) or gain 1d4 negative levels and lose 3d6 power
drain and enjoys a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. mind- points.
affecting abilities. This ability replaces surge bond. The voidheart becomes swathed in darkness, as if the
Umbral Roar (Su): The voidheart may expend her subject of a deeper darkness spell cast by a sorcerer of
psionic focus as a standard action and select a creature her class level, when she enhances her hollow surge
within medium (100 feet plus 10 feet per class level) with this ability. This ability replaces perfect surge.
Psionics augmented
Chapter 5: Feats and Traits
There’s more to psionic characters than just classes and Trickshot Soul (Combat): You are particularly gifted
powers—feats and traits allow a manifester to customize with using your mind blade at range. +1 trait bonus to
their abilities further. ranged attack rolls using throw mind blade or equivalent
ability (i.e. mind bolt, etc). You gain the trick shot talent
New Traits and can manifest this power with a manifester level of
Unlike psionic feats, psionic traits can be taken by any 1. If you have manifester levels from a psionic class, you
character, regardless of whether or not they have the may instead use the manifester level from that class.
psionic subtype. If a trait grants a talent or psi-like ability,
a non-psionic character will gain that subtype when they
New feats
take the trait. Unlike other feats, psionic feats can only be taken by
Contest of Blades (Combat): When clinching blades characters with the psionic subtype (generally gained by
with an enemy, your countenance is unnerving to some. having 1 or more power points, or taking a psionic trait).
You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks. Once per Surge Feats: Some feats presented in this section are
day, in the surprise round of combat you may perform an surge feats; surge feats require (or permit) invoking
intimidate check to demoralize vs a flat-footed opponent a character’s wild surge to activate an ability or gain
as a free action. a bonus. Invoking a wild surge to activate a surge feat
Mind Blade Dancer (Psionic): Your graceful combat requires the wilder to check for psychic enervation as
style enlivens your mind blade to illumination. Perform normal.
(dance) becomes a class skill if it is not already. You gain
Adrenal Overchannel (Combat, Psionic)
the crystal light talent and can manifest this power with
You are able to channel your very life force into a psychic
a manifester level of 1. If you have manifester levels
edge with which to defeat your opponents.
from a psionic class, you may instead use the manifester
Prerequisites: Overchannel, base attack bonus +4.
level from that class. Your mind blade or equivalent
Benefit: You can use the Overchannel feat to gain a +1
ability (i.e. mind bolt, etc) is considered a crystal object
insight bonus on attack rolls and a +2 insight bonus on
for the purpose of this talent.
damage rolls for one round instead of gaining a bonus
Mischievous Blade (Combat): Your mind blade
to your manifester level. At 8th level, these bonuses
shares your devious streak. You gain a +2 trait bonus on
increase to +2 on attack rolls and +4 on damage rolls (and
combat maneuver checks while performing a dirty trick
the damage taken increases to 3d8), and at 15th level,
with your mind blade or equivalent melee-ranged ability
they improve to +3 on attack rolls and +6 on damage
(i.e. mindclaws, etc).
rolls (and the damage taken increases to 5d8). You must
Natural Blade (Psionic): You’ve learned to continue
choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and
some of your soulknife training even when exploring
its effects last until your next turn.
different trades. You add +2 trait bonus to your soulknife
level to determine the strength of your mind blade Advanced Anomalous Path (Psionic)
enhancement and access to blade skills as if your You have developed finer control over of your psionic
soulknife level were two higher (this does not improve animus.
blade skill effectiveness, only your ability to meet Prerequisites: Wis 13; Animus Potency or Extra
prerequisites). Your effective mind blade level cannot Animus; any metapsionic feat, warrior’s path class
exceed your character level. The character must have feature, manifester level 10th, base attack bonus +6.
the enhanced mind blade class feature (or its equivalent) Benefit: The anomalous trance benefit now applies
to actually receive the magical enhancement bonus to to your touch Armor Class against powers, psi-like
the mind blade. abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities. Additionally,
Personalized Trick (Psionic): You’ve got an innate when using the anomalous path maneuver, the animus
knack for mimicking a weapon enhancement not provided from this ability increases from 1d4 to 1d6 at
normally found in mind blades. Choose a magical 3rd level, and from 2d4 to 2d6 at 7th level. This feat is a
weapon (or armor/shield) property that is not listed as supernatural ability.
available with the mind blade enhancement class feature.
Advanced Gladiator Path (Psionic)
You may select that property when choosing abilities
You’ve developed keen tactical instincts and are able to
for Enhanced Mind Blade (or its equivalent). Weapon
leverage these with both mental and physical power.
properties such as bane that have a variable property to
Prerequisites: Wis 13; Combat Expertise, Ready
them must specify that variable when selecting this trait;
Response; warrior’s path class feature, manifester level
this choice is permanent.
10th, base attack bonus +6.
Psionics augmented
Table 5–1: Feats
Feat Type Prerequisites Benefit
Adrenal Overchannel Combat, Psionic Overchannel, base attack bonus +4 Use Overchannel to gain attack and
damage bonus
Advanced Anomalous Path Psionic Wis 13; Animus Potency or Extra Animus; any Increased defense from trance, increased
metapsionic feat, warrior’s path class feature, animus gain from maneuver use
manifester level 10th, base attack bonus +6.
Advanced Gladiator Path Psionic Wis 13; Combat Expertise, Ready Response; Move after failed CMB checks and add
warrior’s path class feature, manifester level combat maneuvers to an attack
10th, base attack bonus +6.
Advanced Hungering Path Psionic Con 13; Psionic Body or Toughness, Warrior’s Sicken foes that fall within your aura and
Focus; warrior’s path class feature, manifester reap life when you steal power
level 10th, base attack bonus +6.
Advanced Outrider Path Psionic Wis 13; Mounted Archery or Ride-By Attack; The power of your psionic mount’s
Warrior's Focus, Outrider path class feature, movement damages nearby foes
manifester level 10th, base attack bonus +6.
Animus Potency Psionic Must possess an animus pool, Spellcraft 5 Spend animus to increase the save DC of
ranks manifested powers
Biokinetic Adept Psionic Psionic Meditation, Con 13 Gain temporary hit points when psionically
Biokinetic Rhythms Psionic Biokinetic Adept, Psionic Meditation, Con 15 Expend psionic focus to gain fast healing
Biokinetic Shielding Psionic Biokinetic Adept, Psionic Meditation, Con 13 Psionic focus grants natural armor
Biokinetic Surge Psionic Biokinetic Adept, Con 13, wild surge class Invoke wild surge to heal ability damage
Biokinetic Feedback Psionic Con 13, psychic enervation class feature Lose hit points instead of power points
from psychic enervation
Blade of Terror Psionic Ability to generate a mind blade, one blade Deliver terrors through your mind blade
skill and one terror known
Brutal Surge Psionic Ability to manifest a rage blade, ability to Treat rage blade enhancement bonus as
manifest 1st-level powers from the gifted wild surge
blade list
Cleaving Power Metapsionic — Your power jumps from a downed target to
another one
Collective Focus Psionic Collective class feature Store a psionic focus in your collective that
can only be used for collective-based effects
Communal Overchannel Psionic Overchannel, collective class feature Offload Overchannel damage to collective
Countersurge Psionic, Surge Improved Initiative, wild surge class feature, Wild surge as an immediate action to
manifester level 6th counter an effect
Critical Imbuement Psionic Psychic strike +1d8 Recharge psychic strike on a critical hit
Dancing Shadow Style Psionic, Style Cloak Dance, ability to generate a mind blade, Recharge psychic strike when you perform
psychic strike +1d8, Acrobatics 2 ranks, Stealth a Cloak Dance
7 ranks
Dancing Shadow Waltz Psionic Cloak Dance, Dancing Shadow Style, ability Move while performing a Cloak Dance as a
to generate a mind blade, psychic strike +1d8, full-round action
Acrobatics 5 ranks, Stealth 7 ranks
Dancing Shadow Psionic Cloak Dance, Dancing Shadow Style, Dancing Recharge psychic strike and gain the ability
Retribution Style Waltz, ability to generate a mind blade, to counter-attack when performing a
psychic strike +1d8, Acrobatics 9 ranks, Stealth Cloak Dance as a full-round action
9 ranks
Deadly Imbuement Psionic Psychic strike +1d8 Recharge psychic strike when downing a foe
Psionics augmented
Table 5–1: Feats
Feat Type Prerequisites Benefit
Enduring Mind General Wis 13 Reduce ability damage to mental scores
Psionics augmented
Benefit: The gladiator path trance ability allows you to Benefit: The benefits of your Enduring Mind feat
tactically reposition yourself whenever you fail a combat increase by 2 while you are psionically focused. You may
maneuver attempt against an enemy or an enemy fails expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to
a combat maneuver attempt against you, allowing you negate all mental ability damage from a single source
to move up to 5 feet as a free action without provoking (other than you) for 1 round.
attacks of opportunity (even if it isn’t your turn). You
Biokinetic Adept (Psionic)
may use the maneuver of this warrior’s path as part of
You utilize biokinetic techniques when you gain your
an attack action you have made as a free action once per
round. You must expend your psionic focus and you may
Prerequisites: Psionic Meditation, Con 13.
immediately make a combat maneuver attempt (such as
Benefit: You may gain temporary hit points equal
a disarm or grapple) as part of that attack action. This
to 1/2 your manifester level whenever you gain your
feat is a supernatural ability.
psionic focus. These temporary hit points last for up to
Advanced Hungering Path (Psionic) one minute per character level. You may gain temporary
You ever-hungry psionic scar holds greater demands for hit points from this feat up to four times per day, and
greater power. they do not stack with themselves.
Prerequisites: Con 13; Psionic Body or Toughness;
Biokinetic Feedback (Psionic)
Warrior’s Focus; warrior’s path class feature, manifester
You convert your psychic enervation into physical
level 10th, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: The hunger path’s trance causes those who
Prerequisites: Con 13, psychic enervation class feature.
fail a saving throw against your powers or class abilities
Benefit: If you would lose power points as the result
to become sickened for two rounds from the power of
of psychic enervation, you may instead lose an equal
your aura. When using the maneuver, the ranged touch
number of hit points. Additionally, if you possess the
attack not only draws in psychic power, but it also
Overchannel feat, you may use it in conjunction with
life energies. In addition to the power point drain, the
your wild surge. The effects stack. Combining your wild
attack inflicts 1d6 points of damage at 3rd level, and this
surge with Overchannel in this manner increases your
damage improves by 1d6 points of damage at 7th level
chance for psychic enervation by 20%.
and every four levels thereafter. You gain 5 temporary
hit points for 10 points of damage inflicted by this attack. Biokinetic Rhythms (Psionic)
These temporary hit points last for one minute or until You know how to heal your body with biokinetic
they are taken away by damage; further applications techniques.
of this ability do not stack up additional temporary hit Prerequisites: Biokinetic Adept, Psionic Meditation,
points. This feat is a supernatural ability. Con 15.
Benefit: You may expend your psionic focus as
Advanced Outrider Path (Psionic)
a standard action to gain fast healing equal to your
Your ectoplasmic mount strikes at foes you pass.
Constitution modifier for 5 rounds. Using this feat drains
Prerequisites: Wis 13; Mounted Archery or Ride-
your body’s natural biorhythms; after activating this feat
By Attack; Warrior’s Focus, Outrider path class feature,
you must wait 10 minutes before activating it again.
manifester level 10th, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: Whenever you are riding the mount from Biokinetic Shielding (Psionic)
your outrider trance and its movement takes you within While focused, you enhance your form with biokinetic
5 feet of an opponent during your turn, you may deal techniques.
force damage equal to your Wisdom modifier to that Prerequisites: Biokinetic Adept, Psionic Meditation,
opponent. A given opponent can only take this damage Con 13.
once per round. This feat is a supernatural ability. Benefit: You gain a natural armor bonus to your AC
equal to your Constitution modifier while psionically
Animus Potency (Psionic)
You are capable of channeling animus into your psionic
powers when you manifest them. Biokinetic Surge (Psionic, Surge)
Prerequisites: Spellcraft 5 ranks, must possess an You can burn away long-term damage to your body.
animus pool. Prerequisites: Biokinetic Adept, Con 13, wild surge
Benefit: When you manifest a power that allows a class feature.
saving throw, you can spend up 2 points of animus to Benefit: You may invoke your wild surge as a swift
increase its save DC by 1. At manifester level 8th and action to heal an amount of ability damage to your
every four levels thereafter, you can spend an additional Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution equal to your wild
2 points of animus to add an additional +1 to the save DC. surge’s intensity. The first time per day that you use this
feat, you do not need to check for psychic enervation.
Armored Mind (Psionic)
You check for psychic enervation as normal for each use
Your mental resilience is psionically enhanced.
Prerequisites: Enduring Mind.
Psionics augmented
Blade of Terror (General) Special: You cannot benefit from this feat at the same
You have learned to blend the fearsome arts of the dread time as Psicrystal Containment or Deep Focus. If you
with your mind blade. have more than one of these, you may only have a single
Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, additional psionic focus at any given time.
knowledge of one blade skill and one terror Communal Overchannel (Psionic)
Benefit: You may use your mind blade to deliver your You burn the life force of others to strengthen your
terrors as if you had used your devastating touch, and powers.
you may add half your soulknife level (rounded down) Prerequisites: Overchannel, collective class feature.
to your dread level to determine saving throws for your Benefit: When you use the Overchannel feat, you
terrors. Additionally, anytime you successfully use a fear can instead have a member of your collective take the
effect (either through a terror or a manifested power) damage. They are allowed a Will save to resist this
you may regain your psychic strike as a free action once effect (DC 10 + 1/2 manifester level + your manifesting
per round. ability modifier), in which case you take the damage as
Brutal Surge (Psionic) normal.
You are able to manifest powers using your anger to a Countersurge (Psionic, Surge)
greater degree. You can invoke your surge to disrupt powers and spells.
Prerequisites: Ability to manifest a rage blade, ability Prerequisites: Improved Initiative, wild surge class
to manifest 1st level powers from the gifted blade list. feature, manifester level 6th.
Benefit: You may treat the enhancement bonus Benefit: You may invoke your wild surge as an
increase from your rage blade as the wild surge class immediate action in response to a power being
feature (see wilder base class for details) on powers manifested, or a spell being cast, within 100 feet of you.
that you manifest. You spend one round of your rage If you do, the source of the power or spell must succeed
blade usage and initiate a wild surge and risk psychic at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your manifester level + your
enervation as per the wilder class (using the brutality Charisma modifier) or that power or spell has its caster
blade’s enervation penalty). or manifester level (and, as a result, all effects dependent
Cleaving Power (Metapsionic) on caster or manifester level, such as damage and
You know how to enhance your powers with a foe’s pain, range) reduced by an amount equal to your wild surge’s
blowing through them into another target. intensity. If this would reduce the power or spell’s level
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic below the minimum needed to cast it, that power or spell
focus. If any creatures are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points is still cast, though a spell or power with its caster level
(or 0 or fewer points in one of its ability scores) by the reduced to 0 or lower is negated and has no effect. Using
affected power, choose one additional creature within this feat increases your chance of psychic enervation by
30 feet of your victim; that creature suffers the effects 20%. You must declare that you are using this feat after
of the affected power (including but not limited to any the power is manifested or the spell is cast, but before its
augmentations or additional metapsionic feats). The results are determined.
second creature must be a legal target for the power, and Critical Imbuement (Psionic)
is still entitled to power resistance and/or a saving throw, You are able to recharge your psychic strike through
as the power allows. Using this feat increases the power truly potent attacks invigorating your confidence.
point cost of the power by 4. The power’s total cost cannot Prerequisites: Psychic Strike +1d8
exceed your manifester level. Only powers with one or Benefit: One per round when you make a successful
more specific targets may be modified by this feat. critical hit you may recharge your psychic strike as a
Collective Focus (Psionic) free action (even if it is not your turn).
You can store a psionic focus within your collective’s Dancing Shadow Retribution (Psionic)
minds for your use. You have mastered the cloak dancer’s evasive combat
Prerequisites: Collective class feature. style, blending in lightning fast strikes to your defensive
Benefit: You can psionically focus your collective dance.
itself, in the same manner in which you gain psionic Prerequisites: Cloak Dance, Dancing Shadow Style,
focus normally. At any time when you need to expend Dancing Style Waltz, ability to generate a mind blade,
your psionic focus on an ability that would affect a psychic strike +1d8, Acrobatics 9 ranks, Stealth 9 ranks.
member of your collective (including you), you can Benefit: When performing a cloak dance as a full
expend this psionic focus instead. At any time when you round action, you gain total concealment and you may
need to maintain psionic focus for an ability that affects recharge your psychic strike while moving up to your
a member of your collective (including you), you can base speed. When foes make attacks against you, these
use your collective’s psionic focus instead. Psionically attacks provoke attacks of opportunity from you while
focusing your collective works just like focusing your you’re under concealment from your cloak dance.
own mind.
Psionics augmented
Dancing Shadow Style (Psionic, Style) weapon loses its held charge when you sleep or if you’re
You’ve learned to turn your evasive combat style into a knocked unconscious or killed.
potent meditative technique.
Improved Psychic Strike (Psionic)
Prerequisites: Cloak Dance, ability to generate a mind
You have mastered a way to prolong the charge on your
blade, psychic strike +1d8, Acrobatics 2 ranks, Stealth 7
psychic strikes to devastate a foe for multiple attacks.
Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6, Psychic Strike +2d8.
Benefit: When performing a cloak dance (see the
Benefit: You may expend your psionic focus when
Cloak Dance feat), you may charge your psychic strike.
you use your psychic strike to apply your psychic strike
Dancing Shadow Waltz (Psionic) damage to all mind blade attacks you make until the
Your evasive combat style allows you to move through start of your next turn.
danger without worry.
Inspired Gift (Psionic)
Prerequisites: Cloak Dance, Dancing Shadow Style,
You apply your surging emotions to skill checks.
ability to generate a mind blade, psychic strike +1d8,
Prerequisites: Wild surge class feature.
Acrobatics 5 ranks, Stealth 7 ranks.
Benefit: When you take this feat, select a number
Benefit: When performing a cloak dance as a full
of skills equal to your Charisma modifier. You gain an
round action you may move up to your base speed while
insight bonus equal to your wild surge’s intensity on
gaining concealment.
checks made with those skills.
Deadly Imbuement (Psionic) Special: You may select this feat multiple times.
You are able to siphon off residual psychic impressions
Looming Presence (Psionic)
to recharge your psychic strike from fallen foes.
Your mental presence pressures those under your
Prerequisites: Psychic Strike +1d8.
Benefit: Whenever you reduce a foe to 0 hit points
Prerequisites: Unwilling Participant, collective class
or less, you may recharge your psychic strike as a free
action once per round. Foes slain in such a manner must
Benefit: Members of your collective take a –2 penalty
possess an Intelligence score of 3 or more for you to be
to their attack rolls and AC against you.
able to recharge your psychic strike.
Metapsionic Animus (Psionic)
Enduring Mind You are capable of great talent with your animus reserves,
You are trained to resist mental damage.
being able to influence and modify your powers with it.
Prerequisites: Wis 13.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (psionics) 5 ranks, must
Benefit: Whenever you would suffer ability damage
possess an animus pool.
to a mental ability score, reduce that damage by 2 (to
Benefit: When you manifest a power and apply a
a minimum of 0). Ability damage you deal to yourself
metapsionic feat, you may spend points of animus equal
(such as from one of your feats or powers) is not reduced
to twice that metapsionic feat’s normal cost adjustment
in this fashion.
instead of the power points it would normally cost. This
Extra Animus (Combat) still counts as spending the power points for the purposes
Your reserves of animus are stronger. of the maximum power points spent on the power.
Prerequisites: Must possess an animus pool.
Metapsionic Knife (Psionic)
Benefits: Your initial animus pool at the start of each
You have learned to blend your ability to manifest
combat increases by 2 points.
powers with your mind blade, using it as a conduit for
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each
some of your powers.
additional time you take the feat, your initial animus
Prerequisites: Psionic Meditation, ability to generate
pool increases by 1 point instead of 2.
a mind blade, ability to manifest 1st-level powers.
Imbuement of the Phantom Weapon (Psionic) Benefit: You may use your mind blade to deliver touch
You have learned how to suspend a destructive psychic or ranged touch powers. As a standard action, you may
field on weapons other than your mind blade. manifest a power with the range of touch or close and
Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, make a single attack, expending your psionic focus. If
psychic strike +1d8. this attack is successful, then the attack deals damage
Benefit: You may charge your psychic strike on a from the mind blade and the effects of the power
weapon other than your mind blade as if it were your manifested with this ability.
mind blade and release it on a foe in the same manner.
Mind Sniper
You may only maintain a number of charged weapons
You have mastered ways to use your psychically-
equal to the number of psychic strike dice you possess.
generated weapons in a deadly and precise manner.
If the charged weapon ever leaves your possession
Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade or
(either by being thrown or by being taken or lost), then
mind bolt, knowledge of one blade skill, style technique
the weapon loses its charge the following round. The
class feature.
Psionics augmented
Benefit: Your mind blade or mind bolt always counts Benefit: As a standard action, you may throw your
as a favored weapon for your favored weapon class mind blade or launch a soul bolt at your full base attack
feature, and your levels in soulknife count as marksman bonus. If the attack is successful you may add your
levels when determining your favored weapon bonuses. disrupt pattern class feature to the attack’s damage,
along with insights that may modify this effect as well as
Opportunistic Conscription (Psionic)
with abilities like Psionic Shot or Psychic Strike.
You can quickly exploit any weakness in the mental state
of your enemies. Piercing Surge (Psionic)
Prerequisites: Unwilling Participant. Your surges cleave through resistance.
Benefit: When a creature within the range of your Prerequisites: Wild surge class feature.
Unwilling Participant feat fails a save against an effect Benefit: You benefit from an insight bonus equal to
created by another member of your collective, you your wild surge’s intensity on checks made to overcome
can use the Unwilling Participant feat on them as an power resistance. Additionally, when invoking your wild
immediate action. surge you ignore an amount of energy resistance equal
to twice your wild surge’s intensity.
Pain Bonding (Psionic)
You can form a collective with willing creatures; those Psi-Animus Assault (Combat, Psionic)
creatures can withstand your enervation for you. You are capable of channeling the churning energies of
Prerequisites: Vent Agony, Autohypnosis 9 ranks. your animus into your attacks through your psychically
Benefit: You may form a collective with which to enhanced combat methods.
share the pain of your psionic backlash. As a standard Prerequisites: Psionic Fist, Psionic Shot, or Psionic
action, you may join any number of willing targets to Weapon; must possess an animus pool.
your collective (up to your limit, see below). You must Benefit: When expending your psionic focus to use
have line of sight to each target, each target must have a one of the prerequisite feats (or their greater versions),
Wisdom score of at least 1, and all targets must be within you may spend one point of animus to deal an additional
Medium range (100 feet plus 10 feet per manifester 1d6 points of damage. At character level 4th and every
level). Your collective may contain up to a number of four levels thereafter, you can spend up to one additional
creatures equal to your Charisma modifier. You are point of animus to deal an additional 1d6 points of
always considered a member of your own collective, and damage.
do not count against this limit.
You can choose to remove a member as a free action
Psychic Celerity (Psionic)
Your psionically-enhanced movement evolves further.
on your turn, and any member can voluntarily leave the
Prerequisites: Psionic Meditation, Speed of Thought.
collective as a free action on their turn. Any member
Benefit: You may expend your psionic focus to move
whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves out of
up to your speed as a swift action.
range of the collective is automatically removed. If a
member enters a null psionics field, the connection to Ranged Martial Power (Combat, Psionic)
the collective is suppressed until that member leaves the You’ve learned how to use your martial path talents at
field. A member who leaves the collective for any reason range.
immediately loses any and all benefits they may have Prerequisites: Martial power class feature.
gained from being a member. You are aware of the status Benefit: You can use your martial power class feature
of this collective and can, roughly, sense the presence of when making ranged attacks.
each member, although beyond telling if such a creature
is still a member, this has no mechanical benefit.
Sadism (Psionic)
The pain of your collective reinvigorates you.
Whenever you would suffer psychic enervation, a
Prerequisites: Collective class feature, character level
willing member of your collective may choose to suffer
its effects instead of you. When you use the Overchannel
Benefit: Whenever another member of your collective
feat, you may divide the damage amongst willing
takes damage, you may expend your psionic focus as
members of your collective in increments as small as 1
an immediate action in order to gain temporary hit
die (that is, if your Overchannel feat would deal you 3d8
points equal to half the damage dealt. These temporary
points of damage and there are 2 willing members of
hit points fade at a rate of 1 per round, and stack with
your collective, you and those members each suffer 1d8
temporary hit points gained from this feat. You may only
points of damage). This feat counts as having a collective
gain temporary hit points in this way to a limit of up to
as a class feature for the purpose of prerequisites.
half of your normal maximum hit points.
Pattern Blade
You have learn to use your patterned logic and apply it to
Surge Blade (Psionic, Surge)
You can enhance your mind blade with your wild surge.
your techniques with your mind blade.
Prerequisites: Mind blade class feature, wild surge
Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, throw
class feature.
mind blade or launch soul bolt, knowledge of one blade
Benefit: You may invoke your wild surge as a swift
skill and one cryptic insight.
action to increase your mind blade’s damage by one
Psionics augmented
die step, as well as gain an insight bonus equal to your Vent Agony (Psionic)
wild surge’s intensity on attack and damage rolls made You share your psychic pain with others.
with your mind blade. These benefits persist until the Prerequisites: Overchannel or wild surge.
beginning of your next turn. Benefit: Whenever you suffer psychic enervation
Swift Imbuement (Psionic) or use your Overchannel feat, you may select a hostile
You have learned how to efficiently charge your mind creature within 30 feet That creature must succeed at a
blade’s psychic strike to make it more available in Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your manifester level + your key
combat. ability modifier) or suffer the effects of your psychic
Prerequisites: Ability to generate a mind blade, enervation and/or the damage from your Overchannel
psychic strike +1d8. feat (you still suffer those effects yourself). This is a pain
Benefit: You may charge your psychic strike as a swift effect.
action. Warrior’s Focus (Combat, Psionic)
Normal: You charge your psychic strike as a move You have mastered a subdivision within your psyche
action. that thinks only of battle.
Tap Animus (Combat) Prerequisites: Must possess the warrior’s path class
You gain the ability to tap a small wellspring of animus feature.
within you. Benefit: You gain an additional psionic focus, a
Prerequisites: You may not possess the animus class special type dedicated to combat and the warrior’s path;
feature. this focus is gained and used exactly like the character’s
Benefit: When you enter combat, you gain an animus normal psionic focus, but may only be used to maintain
pool with one point of animus at the start of your first or use your warrior’s path class feature.
turn, and add one point of animus to your animus Wild Mind (Psionic)
pool at the start of each of your turns thereafter. Your It’s hard to get a grip on your mind.
animus pool persists for one minute after the last enemy Prerequisites: Surging euphoria class feature.
combatant is defeated or the encounter otherwise ends. Benefit: While benefitting from your surging euphoria,
At the end of any round in which you initiate a maneuver you also gain a bonus equal to your wild surge’s intensity
(see Path of War and Path of War: Expanded), you add an on saving throws against mind-affecting abilities,
additional point of animus to you pool. You can use this powers, and spells. You may expend your psionic focus
animus pool to augment maneuvers or power animus- as an immediate action to double the bonus granted by
related feats and abilities as normal. this feat for 1 round.
Special: If you ever gain the animus class feature, this
feat is immediately exchanged for the Extra Animus feat.
Telepathic Feedback (Psionic)
You overload the connections people make with your
Prerequisites: Wild Mind or Wis 15.
Benefit: You may activate this feat whenever you
are targeted by a hostile mind-affecting ability, power,
or spell, or when you are subjected to unwanted
telepathic contact (you are automatically aware
of when you have been targeted or contacted
in this manner, though without further
information you might not be able to
identify the source). The source of
the ability or contact must succeed
at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your
character level + your Wisdom
or Charisma modifier) or suffer
damage equal to your character level.
You may only activate this feat
once per provoking ability or
Psionics augmented
Chapter 6: Prestige Classes
Prestige classes, unlike base classes, are specialized and awakening of great psychic potential. While greatly
individuals who study a narrow range of abilities and feared where they’re active, legend says you can find
techniques. These individuals thereby gain special these killers by the stain of ashes on their palms—this is
abilities that most characters could only dream of. a false rumor started by the ashen blades themselves as
The prestige classes and rules presented in this a way to throw their foolish pursuers off their trail.
chapter include the following: Hit Die: d8
Ashen Blade: These soulknives focus on stealth and
cunning, supplementing their mind blades with powers.
To qualify to become an ashen blade, a character must
Cross-Discipline Master: These wilders mix psionics
fulfill all the following criteria.
from multiple disciplines for great effect.
Skills: Knowledge (Psionics) 2 ranks, Sleight of Hand 2
Marvel: Possessing a telekinetic power to enhance
ranks, Stealth 5 ranks.
their bodies, marvels are giants on the battlefield—
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Feint.
regardless of their size.
Blade Skills: Must possess the Mind Daggers blade
Primarch: The contemplative primarchs merge
elemental power with their mind blades, channeling the
Special: Must possess the psychic strike class feature
might of the world through their sword.
or the covert training class feature.
Strategos: Masters of logistics, strategos arm their
allies through psionic power. CLASS SKILLS
Surge Adept: These wilders delve into their emotional The ashen blade’s class skills (and the key ability
side, empowering their psionics with inner will and modifiers) are Acrobatics (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Climb
surging energies. (Str), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Intimidate (Cha),
Volcanic Mind: Like their namesake, volcanic minds Knowledge (local) (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex),
are explosive and dangerous, channeling their wild Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
surge into dangerous eruptions of power. Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Soulknives and Prestige Classes: This section
includes new special rules for soulknives entering
The following are the
prestige classes, allowing normally-manifesting-based
class features of the
classes to be adapted to mind blade users.
ashen blade.
Psionics augmented
Table 6–1: Ashen Blade
Base Attack Fort Reflex Will Power Powers Max Power Level
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Points Known Known
1st +0 +0 +1 +0 Augmented strike (basic), 1 1 1st
assassin’s blade, fast knives (swift
action feint)
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Psychic strike +1d8, cunning 3 2 1st
3rd +2 +1 +2 +1 Blade skill 6 3 1st
4th +3 +1 +2 +1 Augmented strike (adept) 10 4 2nd
5th +3 +2 +3 +2 Psychic strike +2d8 15 4 2nd
6th +4 +2 +3 +2 Fast knives (free action feint) 23 5 3rd
7th +5 +2 +4 +2 Augmented strike (master) 31 5 3rd
8th +6 +3 +4 +3 Psychic strike +3d8 43 6 4th
9th +6 +3 +5 +3 Blade skill 55 6 4th
10th +7 +3 +5 +3 Master of ashes 71 7 4th
level plus his soulknife level (not to exceed his character path of psionic assassination - each level of this prestige
level). class counts as a level of the soulknife base class when
Alternatively, if the ashen blade was capable of calculating the mind blade enhancement class feature
manifesting psionic powers as a gifted blade soulknife and for determining the effects and prerequisites of
before becoming a ashen blade, he may choose to forgo blade skills. When making a feint attempt to attack a foe
this training, instead opting to progress his existing with his mind blade, the ashen blade adds a +4 bonus
manifesting class at each level of this prestige class. At to the attempt. Additionally, the ashen blade may select
each level, he gains power points, access to new powers, a single weapon type as if he had gained the Emulate
and an improved manifester level as if he had gained a Melee Weapon blade skill as a form for his mind blade.
level as a gifted blade. This must be a light or one-handed melee weapon as
Once the ashen blade has chosen his manifesting path, anything larger may be too easily noticed. He may select
it can never be changed—not even with effects such as another weapon shape at 4th level, another at 7th level,
psychic reformation. and a final one at 10th level.
Augmented Strike (Su): At 1st level, the ashen blade If the ashen blade is capable of manifesting a panoply
is capable of augmenting his attacks with psychic power of blades, in lieu of the previous abilities, the ashen blade
to make them far more deadly. His level determines receives the following abilities from this class feature.
what abilities are available to him, and he must spend He receives the Distill Panoply armory tactic at 1st level
a number of power points as a swift action to generate and may use this blade skill even if his panoply is not
these augmentation effects (if applicable, not all abilities manifested to create a singular dagger (see fast knives
are subject to augmentation) which last for one round below). When using a weapon he is wielding through
or until used on his next attack. If the attack misses, the the use of the Distill Panoply armory tactic and making a
charge is maintained until his next successful attack feint attempt, he receives a +4 bonus to the attempt.
(melee or ranged) or until his next turn when they Fast Knives (Su): At 1st level, the ashen blade is
expire. He may not perform another augmentation until always capable of bringing a mind dagger to his hand
the previously manifested augmentation has been used at the speed of instinct and can release them just as fast.
or dismissed. A ashen blade may not spend more power The ashen blade may manifest a single mind dagger to
points on augmenting his attacks than his class level. A attack and then immediately release it after damage
ashen blade may utilize his augmented strike ability a has been rolled as part of a standard attack action (the
number of times per day equal to 5 + Wisdom modifier ashen blade may make a free Sleight of Hand or Stealth
(minimum of 1) per day. At first level he may apply a check as part of this attack to hide the manifestation
single augment, at 4th level he may apply a second of the mind blade and its dismissal). At 1st level, this
augment, and at 7th level he may apply a third augment. allows the ashen blade to make a feint attempt against
See the following for a list of ashen blade augments. his target when using a mind dagger as a swift action. At
Assassin’s Blade: At 1st level, the mind blade of the 6th level, the ashen blade is so skilled that he can make
ashen blade becomes dull and partially translucent, as if the attempt as a free action once per round as part of
made of smoke and ashes, to better disguise the weapon that attack. If this feint attempt is successful, the ashen
and it’s sudden and speedy attacks. The ashen blade’s blade inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage as if he
mind blade continues to grow in power as he walks the possessed the sneak attack class feature. If the character
Psionics augmented
possessed sneak attack dice from a previous class, these
Table 6–2: Ashen Blade Augments
are added to this attack.
Psychic Strike (Su): Starting at 2nd level, the ashen Level Ability
blade may charge his mind blade with destructive Basic Increased Psychic Strike
psychic energies as a move action. This effect inflicts
Basic Focus-Destroying Blow
an additional 1d8 points of damage and is released into
an opponent as a free action as part of an attack. This Basic Stunning Strike
bonus increases to 2d8 points of damage at 5th level, and Basic Bypass concealment
to 3d8 points of damage at 8th level. If the ashen blade Adept Mental Assault
possessed the psychic strike ability from a previous class,
these class features stack to determine the total number Adept Ghost Breaker
of psychic strike damage dice. This functions otherwise Adept Psychic Vampire
exactly as the soulknife class feature of the same name Master Life Quencher
(see the soulknife class, Ultimate Psionics pg 64, for
Master Synaptic Disruptor
further details on this ability).
Cunning (Ex): At 2nd level, the ashen blade gains a
+1 bonus on Bluff and Stealth skill checks made while Mental Assault: The ashen blade’s next attack deals
maintaining psionic focus. The ashen blade may expend 2 points of either Intelligence or Wisdom damage in
his psionic focus to double this bonus for a single Bluff addition to its normal damage. The ashen blade chooses
or Stealth check. If the character possessed the cunning which type of ability damage to deal when activating
class feature from the cutthroat soulknife archetype, the power. For every 2 power points spent, the ability
his levels in cutthroat stack with his ashen blade levels damage increases by 1.
to determine its effectiveness; if not then this bonuses Ghost Breaker: The ashen blade’s
increases by +1 at 5th level and again at 9th level. next attack can strike incorporeal
Blade Skill: At 3rd level, the ashen blade may select a creatures, as if her weapon had
new blade skill. He may select an additional new blade the ghost touch special ability. This
skill at 9th level. augmentation persists until the
Master of Ashes: At 10th level, the ashen blade’s skill ashen blade’s next turn.
at killing has reached mastery, and his mind blade is the Psychic Vampire: The ashen
perfect tool for his art. He no longer has a limit to how blade’s next attack drains
many times per day he can use his augmented strike a number of power points
ability and any time he kills a creature with at least 1 Hit from the target equal to half
Die and an Intelligence of 3 or higher, he may recharge the damage dealt. Drained
his psychic strike or regain his psionic focus (the ashen power points are available
blade may choose which). for the ashen blade to use
in the following round, but
Ashen Blade Augments expire at the end of his next
An ashen blade has access to the following effects for her turn.
augmented strike. Life Quencher: A creature
Increased Psychic Strike: The attack inflicts an struck by the ashen blade’s
additional 1d8 points of psychic strike damage. For next attack gains 1d4
every 2 power points spent, this damage increases by negative levels for 1 round;
1d8 points. The attack must be one to which sneak attack a successful Fortitude save
damage applies. (DC 17 + Wisdom modifier)
Focus-Destroying Blow: A creature hit by the ashen reduces this to 1 negative
blade’s attack must make a Will saving throw (DC 12 + level bestowed. For every
Wisdom modifier) or lose its psionic focus in addition to 4 power points spent, the
taking the damage from the attack. For every 2 power duration of the negative levels is
points spent, the DC increases by 1. increased by 1 round.
Stunning Strike: A creature hit by the ashen blade’s Synaptic Disruptor: A creature
attack must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + struck by the ashen blade’s next
Wisdom modifier) or be stunned for 1 round in addition attack cannot cast spells, manifest
to taking the damage from the attack. For every 2 power powers, or use spell-like or psi-
points spent, the DC increases by 1. like abilities for 1 round unless it
Bypass Concealment: The ashen blade’s next attack succeeds on a Will save (DC 17 +
ignores the miss chance provided by concealment or Wisdom modifier). For every
total concealment. The ashen blade must still attack the 2 power points spent, the DC
correct square when attacking an invisible creature. increases by 1.
Psionics augmented
Cross-Discipline Master benefit that class would have gained (such as bonus
feats or class features). This essentially means that she
“There’s a saying about hammers and nails. There are adds those levels of cross-discipline master to the level
those who prefer to address it by buying a bigger hammer, of whatever other manifesting class the character has,
but me? I always preferred a tool set.” then determines power points per day, powers known,
—Adyel the Wanderer, a cross-discipline master and manifester level accordingly. If the cross-discipline
Wilders rely on their passions to carry them through master had more than one manifesting class before
adversity and enact their will upon the world. Some— she became a cross-discipline master, she must decide
perhaps even many—wilders develop new and exotic to which class she adds each level of cross-discipline
powers as part of this paradigm, but cross-discipline master for purpose of determining power points per day,
masters are a cut above such dabblers. True experts powers known, and manifester level.
in many disciplines, cross-discipline masters delight in Unlike other psionic prestige classes that advance
learning new and exotic powers and use them with a manifesting, the cross-discipline master does not
smooth ease that can only be described as art. advance her wild surge. Do not add levels of cross-
The overwhelming majority of cross-discipline discipline master to levels of wilder to determine wild
masters are wilders, though other surging characters surge’s intensity or the effects of psychic enervation.
are eligible for membership. Most continue along that Cross-Discipline Learning (Su): The cross-discipline
path after exploring their discipline mastery. master learns how to utilize many disciplines at once.
Hit Die: d8 At 1st level, and each level thereafter, she selects a
discipline. She learns a power from that discipline
REQUIREMENTS (even if it’s not on her class list; if the power appears on
To qualify to become a cross-discipline master, a multiple class lists, use the highest-level version) and
character must meet the following requirements: increases her manifester level when manifesting powers
Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks of that discipline by 1. The cross-discipline master must
Psionics: Manifester level 5th select a new discipline for this ability at each level.
Special: Wild surge class feature, able to manifest Adaptive Surge (Su): At 3rd level, the cross-discipline
powers from three or more disciplines, one of which master learns to use her passions to adapt to changing
must be 3rd level or higher. circumstances. Up to three times per day, she may invoke
CLASS SKILLS her wild surge as a swift action and learn a new power
The cross-discipline master’s class skills (and the key from a discipline she has selected for cross-discipline
ability for each skill) are Knowledge (psionics) (Int), and learning. She retains knowledge of this power for a
Spellcraft (Int). number of minutes equal to her wild surge’s intensity,
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier after which it dissipates from her mind.
Cross-Discipline Efficiency (Su): At 5th level, the cross-
CLASS FEATURES discipline master becomes more efficient at using powers
The following are class features of the cross-discipline from many disciplines; she reduces the base power point
master. cost of her powers by 1, to a minimum of 1 pp.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Cross-discipline Cross-Discipline Mastery (Su): At 6th level, the cross-
masters gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. discipline master reaches the pinnacle of her learning
Powers Known: At every level except 1st, the cross- in utilizing powers of many disciplines. She chooses a
discipline master gains additional power points per metapsionic feat (she doesn’t have to know this feat).
day and access to new powers as if she had also gained Whenever she manifests a power from a discipline from
a level in any one manifesting class she belonged to which she hasn’t already manifested a power during this
previously. She does not, however, gain any other encounter, she may apply the chosen metapsionic feat
Psionics augmented
to it without expending her psionic focus. She still pays CLASS FEATURES
any increased pp costs, and the power still needs to be The following are class features of the marvel.
compatible with the chosen feat. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Marvels gain no
additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
Marvel Manifesting: At 2nd level and every level thereafter, a
“I tried dramatic battlecries for a while, but, honestly? It’s marvel gains additional power points per day and access
hard to beat the clean schoolyard joy of ‘Look what I can to new powers as if she had also gained a level of gifted
do!’” blade manifesting. She does not, however, gain any
—Misty Lovegood, a marvel other benefit a character of that class would have gained
(blade skills, psychic strike, and so on). This essentially
Some soulknives create their idealized weapon or set means that she adds the level of marvel to her gifted
of weapons with their minds, others create fantastic blade level, and then determines power points per day,
armories of floating weapons that they can use at their powers known, and manifester level accordingly.
whims. And then there are those soulknives with a Alternately, if the marvel had powers from being
propensity for the generation of personal power who a psychic warrior, she may advance that power
undertake a great feat of psychic evolution to make their progression in place of gifted blade manifesting. If she
own bodies into the ideal weapon. These few psychics possessed no manifesting at all before entering this class,
become known as marvels. Fortified with telekinetic this class feature does not grant the ability to manifest
power, these marvels are capable of feats of impossible psionic powers.
power and durability, as well as achieving telekinetic Marvel: At 1st level, a marvel’s psionic abilities grow
flight. together and evolve, the blend of psychic mastery and
Hit Die: d12 power manifestation improving their physical abilities.
REQUIREMENTS Each level of the marvel class counts as a soulknife
To qualify to become a marvel, a character must fulfill level for the purposes of determining the effectiveness
all the following criteria. of her blade skills (as well as qualifying for higher level
Skills: Acrobatics 4 ranks, Autohypnosis 5 ranks, blade skills) and of her mind blade enhancement class
Knowledge (Psionics) 5 ranks. feature. In addition, if the marvel possesses levels in the
Feat: Psionic Body and one of the following: Psionic psychic warrior class, her marvel levels stack with her
Fist, Psionic Shot, or Psionic Weapon. psychic warrior levels for the purposes of determining
Blade Skills: Telekinetic Athleticism. the effectiveness of her her path’s trance and maneuver
Special: Must possess the enhanced mind blade class abilities.
feature. Gift of Power (Su): At 1st level, a marvel’s psionic
energies fortify her form with telekinetic power. A
CLASS SKILLS marvel adds 1 point of her Wisdom modifier (minimum
The marvel’s class skills (and the key ability modifiers) 0) per marvel level as an insight bonus to her Strength
are Acrobatics (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy score while psionically focused. She may also add her
(Cha), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), full Wisdom modifier (minimum 0) plus her marvel level
Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft to her Strength score when making Strength checks to
(Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). break objects and for determining her carrying capacity.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. In addition, she gains the rock throwing special ability.
Unlike a normal rock-throwing creature, a marvel is
Psionics augmented
not limited by her size when throwing an object using psionically focused, the marvel’s attacks automatically
this ability; she merely needs to be able to lift it over overcome damage reduction.
her head (see Strength and Carrying Capacity in the Marvelous Flight (Su): At 8th level, the marvel’s
Pathfinder Core Rulebook) to throw it, regardless of the ability to fly has improved with great practice. While
object’s size. A marvel only gains these benefits while psionically focused, the marvel gains the ability to fly at
psionically focused. a speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability.
Telekinetic Amor (Su): At 2nd level, the telekinetic True Marvel (Ex): At 10th level, the marvel has
energies of the marvel create a thin field of energies finished her transformation into a true psychokinetic
within her very skin. For every two marvel levels that wonder, a fusion of psionic power and biological form.
she possesses, she increases her natural armor bonus to Her type changes to outsider and she gains the native
her Armor Class by +1 while she maintains psionic focus. subtype. In addition, her damage reduction improves to
Psychic Strike (Su): Starting at 3rd level, the marvel 10/–, she gains immunity to disease and bleed damage,
may charge her mind blade with destructive psychic and she is no longer required to maintain psionic focus
energies as a move action. This effect inflicts an to use her marvel class features that require it. While
additional 1d8 points of damage and is released into an sleeping or resting, the marvel regains hit points and
opponent as a free action as part of an attack. This bonus heals ability damage at twice the normal rate.
increases to 2d8 points of damage at 9th level. If the
marvel possessed the psychic strike ability from another Primarch
class, these class features stack to determine the total
“I practice the art of destruction. Is it any surprise that I
number of psychic strike damage dice. This functions
choose to learn from its master, Nature Itself?”
otherwise exactly as the soulknife class feature
—Brother Selzan, a primarch
of the same name (see the soulknife class from
Ultimate Psionics, for further details on this The path of the primarch is
ability). one of self reflection and
Gift of Flight (Su): At 4th level, contemplation. As they delve
the marvel is capable of achieving deeper into the mysteries
a modicum of three dimensional of their mind and focus on
mobility. While psionically focused, the powers they’ve trained and
the marvel gains the ability to fly developed, the Primarch achieves
at a speed of 60 feet with good mastery over the composition of his
maneuverability. She can begin powers in both elements of its creation
flying as a swift action, and as well as the skills he masters through
can remain in flight for a constant battles. By compartmentalizing
number of minutes equal portions of his martial skill and remembering
to her marvel level plus successes and failures within these shelved
her Wisdom modifier memories, the primarch is able to draw upon
(minimum 1 minute). these experiences and forge his personal
These minutes need weapon into the best possible weapon it
not be consecutive, could ever be.
but must be used Hit Die: d10
in one-minute REQUIREMENTS
increments. To qualify to become a primarch, a
Gift of Durability character must fulfill all the following
(Su): At 5th level, a marvel’s criteria.
psionic energies create a Skills: Acrobatics 4 ranks, Intimidate
buffering field of protective 5 ranks, Knowledge (psionics) 5 ranks.
telekinetic force around her. Feats: Weapon Focus (mind blade or
While psionically focused, equivalent) and Swift Imbuement.
the marvel gains damage Blade Skills: One of the following -
reduction 5/adamantine. Fire Blade, Ice Blade, Lightning Blade,
Blade Skill: At 6th level, the Thunder Blade, or Telekinetic Edge.
marvel may select a new blade Special: Ability to generate a mind
skill. blade (or its equivalent), throw mind
Gift of Potency (Su): At 7th blade (or its equivalent), mind blade
level, the telekinetic field enhancement +3.
of the marvel is capable of
ripping apart and penetrating
the defenses of enemies. While
Psionics augmented
CLASS SKILLS Storm: From the tumultuous depths of the primarch’s
The primarch’s class skills (and the key ability modifiers) spirit does he find a storm of unending lightning. When
are Acrobatics (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Intimidate generating a mind blade, it appears as a blade of solid
(Cha), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense storm clouds that ripple with electricity or maybe even
Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). softly glowing lightning. This stormy blade gains the
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier per level shocking weapon enhancement.
Flame: Passion burns deeply within the primarch’s
CLASS FEATURES heart, and from his core an inferno looms with the desire
The following are class features of the primarch
to consume his foes. When forming his mind blade, it may
prestige class.
appear as so much barely coherent lava or a jet of flame.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Primarchs gain no
This fiery weapon gains the flaming weapon enhancement.
additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
Metal: The determination and discipline of the
Primacy of the Blade: At 1st level, the primarch’s
primarch reveals a truth about his iron-hard spirit,
focus on his mind blade continues into his mastery of
and his mind blade shares his determination. His mind
blade skills. Each level of primarch counts as a soulknife
blade may appear as a wondrous adamantine blade, a
level for the purposes of the enhanced mind blade class
mercurial mithral blade of impossible craftsmanship,
feature as well as increasing his effective soulknife level
or more mundane in appearance yet impossibly sharp
for the purposes of blade skills and their effects and
and durable. The primarch’s mind blade is as hard as
prerequisites. If the character possesses manifesting
adamantine, gaining the unique properties of that metal.
from being a gifted blade, then each level of primarch
Reformative Blade Skills (Ex): Starting at 1st level,
advances his manifesting as a gifted blade.
the primarch gains the ability to change his tactics mid-
Psychic Epiphany (Su): Beginning at 1st level, the
battle, his mind altering his blade skills to better suit the
primarch makes a discovery about the inner power
combat before him. This ability allows him to reconfigure
within his mind and therefore buried within his mind
his blade skills once per encounter as an immediate
blade. At the core of his mind, he discovers the power
action. The primarch may then select any one blade skill
source within his soul and may derive a potent psychic
whose requirements he meets and trade out a blade skill
epiphany from it. This deep understanding grants his
he currently possesses to use this new one. The effect of
attunement to his element and what abilities he derives
the blade skill selected lasts for 1 minute. The primarch
from his epiphany. His epiphany is based on his choice
may reform blade skills a number of times per day equal
of blade skill for entry to this class (Ice Blade leads to
to 3 + his Wisdom modifier (minimum of 3).
the Ice epiphany and awakening, Fire Blade to Flame
At 4th level, he may trade out two blade skills through
epiphany and awakening, Lightning or Thunder Blade to
this method, and at 7th he may trade out three blade
Storm epiphany and awakening, and Telekinetic Edge to
skills. At 10th level, the primarch has a variable blade
Metal epiphany and awakening), this is the path that the
skill that he may select at the beginning of any encounter
primarch will follow and it may not be changed. These
to fill with any blade skill he may qualify for.
bonuses are in addition to any that would be received
Blade Skill: At 2nd level, the primarch may select a
from the mind blade enhancement class feature.
new blade skill. He may select an additional new blade
Ice: A primarch who finds that his psychic power
skill at 6th level.
comes from a freezing place within his mind generates
Psychic Strike (Su): Starting at 3rd level, the
a blade that resembles ice or a freezing, frost coated
primarch may charge his mind blade with destructive
weapon. This chilling numbness grants the weapon the
psychic energies as a move action. This effect inflicts
frost weapon enhancement.
Psionics augmented
an additional 1d8 points of damage and is released into power, allowing him to create whole finished objects
an opponent as a free action as part of an attack. This with the ice created. As a full round action, he expends
bonus increases to 2d8 points of damage at 8th level. If his psionic focus and may create up to 10 cubic feet of ice
the primarch possessed the psychic strike ability from per round (for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom
a previous class, these class features stack to determine modifier) and use modify matter on it to shape it into
the total number of psychic strike damage dice. This fantastic forms and useful items. Treat the hardness
functions otherwise exactly as the soulknife class feature and hit points of this ice as stone with the primarch’s
of the same name (see the soulknife class, Ultimate enhancement bonus to his mind blade increasing its
Psionics pg 64, for further details on this ability). hardness and hit points.
Psychic Awakening (Su): At 4th level, the primarch’s Storm: The turbulent winds within the primarch’s
mind blade begins to evolve in form, as his mind spirit are controlled by his enduring will, allowing him
awakens new pathways to release the potency hidden in to generate winds to serve his bidding. As a standard
his blade. He may access this first awakening when his action, he may expend his psionic focus to manifest the
mind blade has been manifested. Saving throw DCs are telekinetic force psionic power as a psi-like ability, using
10 + primarch level + Wisdom modifier. spinning currents of wind to lift or manipulate the object
Ice: The freezing cold derived from his epiphany instead of pure force of will alone.
grants the primarch the ability attack with intense Flame: The fiery intensity of the primarch’s passions
freezing cold. The intense cold of the weapon increases burn ever hotter, burning foes that draw too near to him.
its cold damage from the frost property from 1d6 to As a standard action, he may expend his psionic focus
2d6 additional cold damage. As a full round action, the and manifest the energy retort psionic power on himself
primarch may expend his psionic focus to launch his as a psi-like ability (fire damage only).
mind blade as if he manifested the energy stun power as Metal: The mind blade of the primarch actively hunts
a psi-like ability (cold damage only). his foes and their vital spots, allows him to expend his
Storm: The storm within the primarch’s mind blade psionic focus and resolve his attacks with his mind blade
increases its intensity, sparking and crackling with as touch attacks for one round.
lightning and rumbling with restrained thunder Psychic Defense (Ex): At 5th level, the primarch
whenever manifested. The lightning within the blade becomes partially resistant to his psychic epiphany’s
increases the electrical damage from the shocking element. While maintaining psionic focus, the primarch
property from 1d6 to 2d6 additional electrical damage. As gains energy resistance of 10 for his corresponding
a full round action, the primarch may expend his psionic element (ice grants cold resistance, storm grants
focus to launch his mind blade as if he manifested the electrical resistance, and flame grants fire resistance).
energy bolt power as a psi-like ability (electrical damage Metal primarchs gain DR 5/adamantine.
only) with a Reflex save for half damage. At 9th level, the primarch’s energy resistance increases
Flame: The fiery core within the primarch’s mind to 20, and the Metal primarch’s natural armor bonus
infuses his mind blade with a single-minded goal of increases by 2.
consuming all it contacts and leaving nothing but ashes Singularity of War: At 10th level, the primarch has
in its wake. The heat from the blade is so incredible that perfected his mind blade, growing its potency through
the flaming property of the weapon increases its damage the nurturing of its hidden source within his mind. He
from 1d6 to 2d6 additional fire damage. As a full round may now access the following technique based on upon
action, the primarch may expend his psionic focus and the primarch’s psychic epiphany. Saving throw DCs are
throw his mind blade at a target or target location to 20 + Wisdom modifier.
manifest energy ball as a psi-like ability (fire damage Ice: The bitter cold within his mind blade allows the
only) with a Reflex save for half damage. primarch to freeze a foe solid with a single icy blow. As
Metal: The inflexible potency of the primarch’s mental a full round action, the primarch may expend both his
core allows for his mind blade to be harnessed and psychic strike and psionic focus to manifest the spell
honed to razor-fine edge with supernal durability. This polar ray as a psi-like ability. The primarch uses his
allows his mind blade to bypass any damage reduction character level as his caster level.
or hardness as if it were not even there. He may expend Storm: The storm within the mind of the primarch may
his psionic focus to gain the benefits of the Improved be released in a pressurized torrent of furious wind. As a
Sunder feat and inflict an additional 1d6 points of full round action, the primary expends both his psychic
damage to objects (should he already possess this feat, strike and his psionic focus to unleash the effects of a
he inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage to objects). whirlwind spell as a psi-like ability. The primarch uses
At 7th level, he gains access to a new tier of power his character level as his caster level.
as his mind blade advances towards its perfect state. Flame: The primarch focuses the fury of his mental
He accesses his second awakening as well as his first inferno forms it into a conflagration of destruction.
awakening when his mind blade has been manifested. As a full round action, the primarch expends both his
Ice: The freezing potency of the mind blade increases, psychic strike and psionic focus, and he manifests the
allowing the primarch to generate ice from his weapon spell firestorm as a psi-like ability. The primarch uses his
and affect it as if he was using the modify matter psionic character level as his caster level.
Psionics augmented
Metal: The primarch’s mind blade allows him to class feature. If the character possesses the telepathy
make a flurry of attacks in the span of a heartbeat. The ability from another source, then the Telepathic Gift
primarch expends his psychic strike and his psionic blade skill is unnecessary for entry.
focus, and he gains the benefits of the Whirlwind Attack
feat, making attacks at full base attack bonus at any
The strategos’s class skills (and the key ability modifiers)
target that he threatens within his melee range or attack
are Acrobatics (Cha), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy
targets at full base attack bonus at any target within the
(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Sense
first range increment on a ranged attack. These attacks
Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
always cause bleeding wounds as if the primarch’s
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
weapon possesses the wounding weapon enhancement.
Strategos The following are class features of the stratego prestige
“Logistics wins wars.” class.
—“Chessboard” Rue Rivers, a strategos Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Strategos gains no
additional weapon or armor proficiencies.
Some wielders of psychic power seek to extend and Manifesting: At each indicated level, the character
stretch the depths of their psionic power to assist their gains additional power points per day and access to
abilities in many different ways. Some small select few, new powers as if he had also gained a level in any one
those who are quite gifted in the telepathic arts, find that manifesting class he belonged to previously. He does not,
they are able to forge bonds with their allies to share however, gain any other benefit a character of either
their implements of war and assist their allies. This bond class would have gained (bonus metapsionic, or item
may be used as a delivery medium for their psionic skills creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that he
as well as a potent weapon. Strategos, as they are called, adds the level of strategos to the level of whatever other
learn to use their telepathic mastery as both offense and manifesting class the character has, and then determines
defense in pursuit of greater psionic knowledge and power points per day, powers known, and manifester
personal glory or power. level accordingly. If a character had more than one
Hit Die: d8 manifesting class before he became a strategos, he must
REQUIREMENTS decide to which class he adds each level of strategos for
To qualify to become a strategos, a character must fulfill purpose of determining power points per day, powers
all the following criteria. known, and manifester level.
Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 4 ranks, Spellcraft 6 ranks. Telepathic Blade: At 1st level, the strategos’ mind
Feats: Metapsionic Knife. blade continues to advance, his mental powers growing
Blade Skills: Telepathic Gift. at each level to empower his mental arsenal. Each
Manifesting: Manifester level 5th, ability to manifest level of the strategos class counts as a soulknife level
two or more powers from the telepathy discipline. for the purposes of determining the effectiveness of
Special: Must be possess the form mind blade class his blade skills (as well as qualifying for higher level
feature (or its equivalent) and the enhanced mind blade blade skills) and of his mind blade enhancement class
feature. Additionally, when using the Metapsionic Knife
feat, he may expend his psychic strike charge in place of
Exotic Soulknives with Bladed Collectives
his psionic focus when delivering psionic power effects
For soulknives with more exotic forms of mind blades
through his mind blade. If the strategos manifests his
(augmented blades, deadly fists, feral hearts, psychic
powers as a gifted blade when advancing manifesting in
armories, and rage blades), mind blades that are delivered
this class, then he advances his manifesting at each level
from the collective function as followed. Augmented
instead of as listed on the table and may select powers
blades lend small fractions of their psicrystals that
from the tactician list (from 1st through 4th levels, and
form either ghostly versions of the weapon used by
he gains access to tactician 0th level talents) when
the soulknife or lend their psicrystal in tiny fragments
choosing powers.
to their allies to enhance their own weapons as if the
Collective (Su): A strategos learns to use psionic
augmented blade had used their weapon augmentation
power to connect willing minds through an internal
on it. Deadly fists and feral hearts simply lend their
network that strengthens their psychic bonds. As a
natural weapons to their allies or create phantom
standard action, a strategos can join any number of
claws or fists to attack enemies. Psychic armories direct
willing targets into his collective (up to his limit, see
weapons from their panoply to be used by their allies
below). The strategos must have line of sight to each
or manifest weapons around their allies to attack. Rage
target, each target must have a Wisdom score of at least 1,
blades cannot share their wrath augments or their rage
and all targets must be within medium range (100 feet +
blades at all—they can only share their normal mind
10 feet per strategos level). The collective can contain up
blades due to the possible psychic pollution that could
to his Wisdom modifier or his strategos level, whichever
come from sharing their rage.
is higher. The strategos is always considered a member
Psionics augmented
Table 6–6: Strategos
Base Attack Fort Reflex Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Manifesting
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Telepathic blade, collective —
2nd +1 +1 +1 +1 Telepathic defense, bladed +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +2 Collective skill +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +1 +1 +2 Uncanny dodge +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +2 +2 +3 Collective skill +1 level of existing class
6th +4 +2 +2 +3 Telepathy focus +1 level of existing class
7th +5 +2 +2 +4 Collective skill +1 level of existing class
8th +6 +3 +3 +4 Improved uncanny dodge +1 level of existing class
9th +6 +3 +3 +5 Collective skill +1 level of existing class
10th +7 +3 +3 +5 Collective eruption +1 level of existing class
of his own collective, and does not count against this foes that lie within the range of his telepathy. He gains
limit. If the strategos has levels in a class that grants a an insight bonus to his Armor Class equal to his primary
collective, then he does not gain a new collective class manifesting attribute modifier to a maximum of his
feature and may simply advance a previously gained class level against foes within range of his telepathy.
one as if he were advancing that class. A strategos must be capable of reading the surface
The strategos can choose to remove a member as a thoughts of a creature to gain this bonus to Armor
free action on his turn, and any member can voluntarily Class, thus he does not gain telepathic defense against
leave the collective as a free action on their turn. Any mindless creatures such as oozes, most constructs, and
member whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves some forms of undead or against foes who are immune
out of range of the collective is automatically removed. to mind-affecting abilities. The strategos does not gain
If a member enters a null psionics field, the connection this bonus if he is wearing medium or heavy armor. He
to the collective is suppressed until the member leaves retains this bonus to his Armor Class even when caught
the field. A member who leaves the collective for any flat-footed against creatures with 1 or more Intelligence.
reason immediately loses any and all benefits they may Bladed Collective (Su): At 2nd level, the strategos
have gained from being a member. A strategos is aware is capable of manifesting his mind blade through his
of the status of his collective and can, roughly, sense the collective - striking from unexpected angles or lending
presence of each member, although beyond telling if his mind blade to his collective. As a standard action the
such a creature is still a member, he would instead need strategos may manifest a mind blade in the square of an
to rely on his telepathic gift blade skill to determine ally in his collective and attack as if he were standing in
more information. that position. This mind blade dissipates after the attack.
A strategos can manifest certain powers through his This attack may be combined with other abilities that
collective. If a strategos power specifies one or more augment attacks, such as psychic strike damage, feats,
willing targets (or is harmless) and has a range greater martial maneuvers or other such abilities.
than personal, he can manifest this power on a member Alternately, as a free action (once per round per ally),
of his collective regardless of the range of the actual he may lend a copy of his mind blade to an ally within
power. All other non-range restrictions still apply. He his collective. Any mind blade granted to ally through
may manifest any power with the Network Descriptor the collective is sized appropriately for the ally. Every
this way, regardless of their actual ranges or targets. If he copy of his mind blade reduces the overall enhancement
is capable of manifesting powers or casting spells from a bonus granted from his enhanced mind blade class
different class (as is the case for a multiclass manifester), feature by 1 (minimum of 0, treating all mind blades
any compatible spell or power with a range greater than as masterwork weapons). Enhancement bonuses break
touch can also be used through the collective. down and reconfigure as the strategos grants the use
If a member of the collective dies, the member is of a mind blade to an ally. These mind blades persist as
removed from the collective and the strategos must long as the strategos maintains them or as long as the
make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or lose 1 power point for ally chooses to wield it - either may be dismissed as a
every Hit Die of the fallen member and be sickened for free action. Blade skills that alter or shift the shape
an equal number of rounds. or function of the basic mind blade (such as Emulate
Telepathic Defense (Su): At 2nd level, the strategos’ Weapon) do not affect copies of the strategos’ mind blade
skill within his specialty grows to assist him in combat wielded by allies. These skills can be lent through Share
by reading the surface thoughts and intentions of his Blade Skill, however.
Psionics augmented
Collective Skill: At 3rd level, the strategos gains a Collective Threat: The strategos can make attacks of
unique form of blade skill that allows for a strategos to opportunity through his blade collective whenever an
use unique abilities involving his mind blade and his ally within his collective does. This attack is made as if
blade skills through the members of his collective. the strategos were also in the same space as his ally and
Collective Armaments: The strategos with this he makes this attack of opportunity as normal after the
collective ability is capable of granting mind blades to ally’s attack of opportunity is resolved. Attacks made
his allies, but if he possesses the ability to generate mind count against his normal limit of attacks of opportunity.
armor or a mind shield he may also lend these through If the ally does not make an attack of opportunity, the
his bladed collective as well. strategos may still make an attack of opportunity if he
Collective Protection: A strategos with this skill and chooses to. This is a passive blade skill and may not
the Ghost Step blade skill may use this collective skill to be shared through the collective unless the ally also
swap places an ally by expending his psionic focus as a possesses the ability to form a mind blade.
move action, moving the ally to the strategos’ space and Improved Bladed Collective: The strategos’ ability to
the strategos to the ally’s previous space. The strategos grant every member of his collective his mind blade
must possess the Ghost Step blade skill to select this improves. He is may now grant his mind blade to an
ability. ally without reducing his mind blade’s enhancement
Collective Psychic Strike: A strategos with this bonus. Mind blades gifted to allies have reduce their
technique may charge his collective with a use of his enhancement bonus reduced by 1, but do not reduce the
psychic strike ability. The strategos may charge bonuses of any other mind blades.
his collective as he would normally charge his Improved Share Blade Skill:
mind blade, and any ally within his collective Instead of only granting
may use this psychic strike charge as a access to a single blade
free action as a part of an attack. Use of skill he possesses to his
this ability does not prevent a strategos collective, all of his blade
from charging his own mind blade(s). skills are automatically
If a member of the collective also available for the collective
possesses the psychic strike class to use (with the same
feature, that ally may also recharge restrictions that the Share
the collective’s psychic strike - a Blade Skill ability possesses).
collective can only hold one psychic Allies may choose which blade
strike charge however. skill they wish to use once per
Collective Reading (Defensive): By round on their turn as a free
using his senses and the subtle action. They may change this
mind reading of his foes, the each round, and allies may pick
strategos is capable of directing different blade skills to use. The
the defenses of his allies within strategos must possess the Share
his collective to better protect Blade skill collective skill to select
them against their foes. Allies this ability.
in the strategos’s collective gain Share Blade Skill: The
a +2 insight bonus to Armor Class strategos chooses and grants a
and Reflex saving throws against single blade skill he possesses
creatures whose surface thoughts can for use to the collective as
be read (see the Telepathic Defense class a move action. This blade
feature). This bonus increases to +3 when skill remains available to the
the strategos reaches 6th level and to +4 collective until the strategos
when they reach 9th level. either ends the collective or
Collective Reading (Offensive): By utilizing replaces it with another blade
the senses of his allies on a subconscious level skill. If that blade skill requires a
and processing the flow of battle, the strategos mind blade, one must be granted
is able to better direct his allies in combat to the collective for the ally to
against their foes. Allies in the strategos’s use with bladed collective. If
collective gain a +2 insight bonus to attack it requires the psychic strike
and damage rolls against creatures whose class feature, then they
surface thoughts can be read (see the must either possess it or
Telepathic Defense class feature). This the strategos must grant
bonus increases to +3 when the strategos it through the collective
reaches 6th level and to +4 when they psychic strike collective skill.
reach 9th level. If the blade skill requires the
Psionics augmented
Table 6–7: Surge Adept
Base Attack Fort Reflex Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Manifesting
1st +0 +0 +0 +1 Surge disciple —
2nd +1 +0 +0 +1 Bonus feat +1 level of existing class
3rd +2 +1 +1 +2 Share surge +1 level of existing class
4th +3 +1 +1 +2 Bonus feat +1 level of existing class
5th +3 +1 +1 +3 Master surge +1 level of existing class
use of psionic focus, the ally must possess the ability to confidence. Surge adepts explode into stunning displays
maintain psionic focus or else the blade skill may not be of raw might, infuse their allies with their passion, and
used by that ally. reduce or even negate backlash from their surge. Their
He may select another collective skill at 5th level, 7th power comes with a risk, it’s true, but most surge adepts
level, and at 9th level. would argue that it’s better to live on the edge than play
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 4th level, the strategos gains it safe.
the uncanny dodge class feature. If he already possesses Hit Die: d8
uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically
gains improved uncanny dodge instead.
To qualify to become a surge adept, a character must
At 8th level, the strategos’ uncanny dodge ability
meet the following requirements:
improves to improved uncanny dodge. Should he already
Skills: Autohypnosis 10 ranks, Knowledge (psionics) 4
possess this class feature, the levels from the classes that
grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum
Feats: 1 or more surge feats.
rogue level required to flank the character.
Psionics: Able to manifest 5th level or higher powers.
Telepathy Focus (Ex): At 6th level, the strategos’ focus
Special: Wild surge +3.
on telepathic powers grants him a +2 bonus to saving
throw DC’s on telepathy powers that he manifests, and CLASS SKILLS
a +2 insight bonus to saving throws to resist powers of The surge adept’s class skills (and the key ability for each
that discipline. skill) are Autohypnosis (Wis), Knowledge (psionics) (Int),
Collective Eruption (Su): At 10th level, the strategos and Spellcraft (Int)
may cause his mind blade to vanish and appear multiple Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier
places at once, attacking through his collective from his
allies space. The strategos dismisses his mind blade as a
All the following are class features of the surge adept
full round action and expends his psionic focus. He then
prestige class.
makes one attack (melee or ranged) using his mind blade
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Surge adepts gain
per ally that is in his collective using his full base attack
no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
bonus. Each attack must originate from a different ally’s
Powers Known: At every level except 1st, the surge
position as part of this ability, but the strategos may
adept gains additional power points per day and access
alternate between melee attacks or ranged attacks as
to new powers as if she had also gained a level in any one
needed to attack foes at range or adjacent to allies.
manifesting class she belonged to previously. She does
Surge Adept not, however, gain any other benefit that class would
have gained (such as bonus feats or class features). This
“I do not ‘fly off the handle’. I carefully, and with the benefit essentially means that she adds the level of surge adept
of years of practice, throw the entire gods-damned pot.” to the level of whatever other manifesting class the
—Dymian Stormheart, a surge adept character has, then determines power points per day,
All wilders enhance their powers with raw emotional powers known, and manifester level accordingly. If the
energy, but not all focus their continued training on this; surge adept had more than one manifesting class before
some, perhaps even many, wilders choose to improve she became a surge adept, she must decide to which
their finesse when manifesting powers, or explore other class she adds each level of surge adept for purpose of
avenues of psionic expression. determining power points per day, powers known, and
Surge adepts are not those wilders. They choose to manifester level.
delve deep into their emotional side, unleashing their Surge Disciple (Su): The surge adept’s experiments
inner selves in their powers and infusing their psionic with her wild surges and meditations to understand
prowess with their passion, drive, and unshakeable the emotions within give her unparalleled power over
her wild surge. Levels in surge adept stack with levels
Psionics augmented
in classes that grant wild surge when determining the CLASS SKILLS
effects of wild surge (this does not stack with the bonuses The volcanic mind’s class skills (and the key ability for
granted by the surge adept’s additional powers known). each skill) are Knowledge (psionics) (Int), and Spellcraft
Additionally, the surge adept decreases her chance for (Int)
psychic enervation by 5%, to a minimum of 1%. Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier
Bonus Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, and again at 4th level,
the surge adept gains a bonus metapsionic or surge feat. CLASS FEATURES
She must meet the prerequisites for this feat. The following are class features of the volcanic mind
Share Surge (Su): At 3rd level, the surge adept may prestige class.
invoke her wild surge as an immediate action whenever Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Volcanic minds
a willing ally within 30 ft. manifests a power. That power gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
gains all the benefits of the surge adept’s wild surge. The Powers Known: At every level except 1st, the volcanic
surge adept, not her ally, checks for psychic enervation. mind gains additional power points per day and access
Master Surge (Su): At 5th level, the surge adept can to new powers as if she had also gained a level in any one
invoke a mighty wild surge above and beyond her normal manifesting class she belonged to previously. She does
limits. Once per day, when invoking her wild surge while not, however, gain any other benefit that class would
manifesting a power, she may declare that surge to be a have gained (such as bonus feats or class features). This
master surge; in addition to the normal effects of wild essentially means that she adds the level of volcanic
surge, a master surge ignores power resistance, ignores mind to the level of whatever other manifesting class
energy resistance equal to the surge adept’s manifester the character has, then determines power points per
level, and does not check for psychic enervation. day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly. If
the volcanic mind had more than one manifesting class
Volcanic Mind before she became a volcanic mind, she must decide
“There’s a difference between losing your temper and to which class she adds each level of volcanic mind for
throwing it.” purpose of determining power points per day, powers
—Kyria Glasstaff, a volcanic mind known, and manifester level.
Pressurized Mind (Su): Volcanic minds build up
Some wilders try to avoid or mitigate the negative effects intense psychic pressure that they release through their
of their wild surges. Volcanic minds embrace them; these wild surges. Levels in volcanic mind stack with levels
volatile psionicists hold their emotional energy, building in classes that grant wild surge when determining the
psychic pressure that is released in eruptions that wash effects of wild surge (this does not stack with the bonuses
over their enemies. Some liken volcanic minds to playing granted by the volcanic mind’s additional powers known).
with fire; others recognize that there is a difference Additionally, their chance for psychic enervation when
between being burned on accident and accepting that invoking their wild surge increases by 5% every round
there is no gain without pain. they do not suffer psychic enervation, to a maximum
Alignment: Any non-lawful. of an 80% chance to suffer psychic enervation. If the
Hit Die: d8 volcanic mind would suffer a condition (such as dazed
REQUIREMENTS or sickened) as a result of psychic enervation, she may
To qualify to become a volcanic mind, a character must instead choose to suffer 1d6 points of Wisdom damage
meet the following requirements: (this choice may affect her Vent Agony feat).
Skills: Knowledge (psionics) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks. Eruption (Su): Volcanic minds push the pain of
Feats: Cleaving Power, Vent Agony. psychic enervation out from their minds and into
Psionics: Manifester level 5th. their enemies. When the volcanic mind suffers psychic
Special: Wild surge class feature, psychic enervation enervation, hostile creatures within 30 ft. must succeed
class feature. at a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the volcanic mind’s manifester
Psionics augmented
level + her Charisma modifier) or be overwhelmed by Variant Progressions for Soulknifes
this torrent, becoming sickened and suffering damage The nature of prestige classes and how they interact
equal to the volcanic mind’s manifester level as a result. with the soulknife is limited in many respects. Most
The penalties last for a number of rounds equal to the soulknives do not have any manifesting ability and
volcanic mind’s manifester level. This is a pain effect. there are definitely prestige classes that could benefit
Cleave Mastery (Su): At 2nd level, the volcanic mind’s soulknives more specifically than they currently do. This
passionate fury lends itself to her powers; she may apply section details how some prestige classes can be used
the effects of her Cleaving Power feat to powers she by soulknives. A soulknife who qualifies for and enters
manifests without increasing their pp cost (she still has these versions of the listed prestige classes cannot use
to expend her psionic focus). the original rules for the classes.
Aftershocks (Su): At 3rd level, the victims of the
volcanic mind’s eruption ability are deafened in addition Adaptive Warrior
to the other penalties of eruption. Furthermore, the The adaptive warrior is a great class that showcases how
volcanic mind may target a creature suffering the effects psionic potential can be used in combat situations to
of her eruption ability with her powers, regardless of the allow for a soulknife to truly excel by reading an enemy
distance between herself and that creature, provided and changing tactics to suit them. Depending on how the
they are both on the same plane. Cover and concealment single class soulknife meets the prerequisites for this
still apply when appropriate, and powers that normally class, use the following modifications.
require successful attack rolls (such as energy ray) still Manifesting: In place of manifesting, the adaptive
require such rolls. warrior soulknife may choose one of the following paths
Psionics augmented
Elocator Mind Blade Advancement: Starting at 1st level,
The elocator is the type of class that soulknives would love the pyrokineticist class counts as soulknife levels to
to have, if they could meet the manifesting requirements determine their mind blade enhancement bonus.
of this class. The emphasis on manifesting is minor, and Fire Lash: The character is automatically considered
soulknives appreciate the emphasis on speed, mobility, to act as if he had the Altered Blade skill with use with
and complete control over their position. To make this his fire lash.
more compatible with soulknives, we propose these
optional, alternate rules: War Mind
Prerequisites: Remove the manifesting 1st level The War Mind is a perfect, natural fit for the soulknife,
powers requirement. Add in the ability to generate a with the downside of it not helping out the character’s
mind blade, mind blade enhancement +1, and the Ghost mind blade advancement at all. For the soulknife who
Step blade skill. wants to learn the arts of the War Mind and is willing
Manifesting: Each level of manifesting increases to sacrifice its power progression, then this is an option
the soulknife’s effective level with his mind blade available to you:
enhancement class feature. Manifesting: The war mind gains no manifesting
Transporter: Change this ability to grant the blade ability from this class.
skill Cleave Space instead as a free blade skill. If there Warrior’s Journey: The soulknife who becomes a
character already possesses this, then the soulknife may war mind has a few options on how to rework this class
choose another blade skill of their choice that they meet feature.
the prerequisites for Non-Manifesting Soulknife: Advance the mind
blade by one level at each level of the prestige class
Mystic Archer for the purposes of determining the mind blade
The mystic archer is a terrific class that does not naturally enhancement class feature, and levels in this prestige
lend itself to soulknives beyond those of the soulbolt class count as soulknife levels to determine the effects
archetype, being largely the province of the marksman. and prerequisites for blade skills. If this option is chosen,
This being said, the Mystic Archer also enables a popular then the war mind class will not advance manifesting for
trope with the blind warrior concept, so if we twist it a any other class for this character - the class is locked into
little bit we can more enable the blind swordsman angle supporting his mind blade.
instead and the soulknife (and others, for that matter) Gifted Blade: Advance the soulknife’s mind blade at
may find a home here. The mystic archer / mystic 2nd level through 9th level at each level for the purposes
swordsman has the following rules: of the mind blade enhancement class feature as well as
Prerequisites: Change the prerequisite feats to Blind- their gifted blade manifesting. This keeps the character
Fight, Intuitive Fighting, and Psionic Weapon. Otherwise, roughly on pace with his abilities as normal without
the base attack bonus requirement of +6 and 6 ranks of drastically reducing his power set. If this option is chosen,
Perception are still required. If the character possesses then the war mind class will not advance manifesting for
the Focused Offense blade skill, he can forgo the Intuitive any other class for this character - the class is locked into
Fighting feat. supporting his mind blade and gifted blade powers.
Ranged Sneak Attack: This feature becomes an War Soul Soulknife: Allow the war mind’s levels
increase for psychic strike on these levels. If the psychic to stack with the war soul soulknife for advancing the
strike class feature was not possessed, then they gain mind blade’s enhancement bonus and the war soul’s
that class feature for use with their mind blade (or with initiator level, maneuvers known, maneuvers readied
powers like call weaponry). and stances at all levels except 1st and 10th. This
option shores up the martial options of the class with
Pyrokineticist maneuvers and stances to best fit the nature of this class
The pyrokineticist is a great match for the soulknife, as as a more combat focused option. If this option is chosen,
it combines furious melee abilities and ranged support, then the war mind class will not advance manifesting at
supernatural abilities that are similar but different to all for this character - the class is locked into supporting
powers, and adds a level of interesting character to it his mind blade and his martial maneuver progression.
because it doesn’t require a lot of psychic muscle to get Well of Power: The war mind no longer gains this
into. The fire lash ability supports the mind blade as a class feature; instead, the character may select a new
concept, but does little more than allow its basic use and blade skill at this level.
upgrades the whip. With the following options, we’ll
incorporate more of the soulknife into the class with a
few small changes:
Hand Afire: The soulknife pyrokineticist does not
receive this class feature.
Psionics augmented
Chapter 7: Psionic Powers
The powers collected in this chapter can be learned and DisruptionA: Block the target’s ability to cast spells, manifest
used by manifesters just like the powers in Ultimate powers, or use some other mental abilities.
Psionics. Below is a list of the new powers, sorted by Ectoplasmic CarpetA: Create a temporary flying carpet
class and level. An A appearing at the end of a power’s that has various utility uses.
name in the power lists denotes an augmentable power. Energy AllergyA: Your target becomes vulnerable to the
Powers with an N at the end of the power’s name carry energy of your choice.
the Network descriptor. Lift: Suspend a foe in midair.
Vacuum Ball: Supporting atmosphere vanishes, causing
Cryptic Powers suffocation and silence.
0-Level Cryptic Powers (Talents) 5th Level Cryptic Powers
Bioluminescence: Cause existing vegetation to produce Kyria’s Vascular DisruptionA: Your target’s vascular system
natural light. explodes, dealing 9d6 damage and entangling creatures in
1st-Level Cryptic Powers a 20-foot burst.
Absorb Dorje: Make a dorje part of your body, manifest its Mind TrapA: You store a power in your mind as a trap for
power as if it were a power known. those who affect you with mind-affecting effects.
AccelerantA: Coat a target in flammable gel. Retarget PowerA: Move an ongoing spell or power between
Accelerated EntropyA: Rapidly age a magic or psionic item, two creatures.
ruining it.
Bullet TimeA: Dodge incoming ranged attacks. Dread Powers
Mind PalaceA: A moment’s reflection offers a bonus to your 1st Level Dread Powers
next roll. Absorb Dorje: Make a dorje part of your body, manifest its
Steal LanguangeA: Rip a language out of the target power as if it were a power known.
creature’s mind and put it in your own. AccelerantA: Coat a target in flammable gel.
Temporary BlindnessA: Block the creature’s body from Accelerated EntropyA: Rapidly age a magic or psionic item,
processing images. ruining it.
2nd Level Cryptic Powers HallucinationsA: Cause the target to hear imaginary sounds.
Apathetic AuraA: Cause nearby enemies to ignore you and Temporary BlindnessA: Block the creature’s body from
those accompanying you. processing images.
BoreA: Create a temporary one-way peephole through solid 2nd Level Dread Powers
objects. BloodfountainA: Cause a target to start spontaneously
Captivity Bond: Target takes only nonlethal damage. bleeding.
Dirt NapA: Rest within an extradimensional grave. Body SlamA: Force two creatures to collide, causing injuries.
Ectoplasmic Charged ArmorA: Coat your form in charged Captivity Bond: Target takes only nonlethal damage.
ectoplasm that reacts to attacks. InsubstantialA: Gain some benefits of incorporeality.
Ectoplasmic ObeliskA: Create a short-lived obstacle that Epidermal FissureA: Engorge a creature’s muscles, granting
blocks movement and line-of-sight. them +4 to Strength and Intimidate checks, but causing
Pummelling BarrageA: Deal nonlethal damage to a target them to take bleed damage.
using ectoplasm. Mental MistA: Cause affected creatures to believe they are
Selective HearingA: Creature becomes deaf to the voice of surrounded by mist.
Suppress InstinctA: Temporarily make an animal immune 3rd Level Dread Powers
to fear. Caustic RetributionA: Transform a creature’s blood into
Suspend Psionics: Temporarily pause the duration of caustic fluid, allowing them to damage enemies they bleed
beneficial powers manifested on you. on.
UpliftA: Gift some of your Intelligence to an animal. Caustic TransfusionA: Transform a creature’s blood into
Mental SemblanceA: Duplicate a creature’s pattern and caustic fluid, dealing 2d6 damage per turn and fatiguing
gain +30 on Disguise and Bluff checks to act as them. them.
DisruptionA: Block the target’s ability to cast spells, manifest
3rd Level Cryptic Powers powers, or use some other mental abilities.
Fracture PatternA: You rewrite a target’s pattern, making Energy AllergyA: Your target becomes vulnerable to the
them vulnerable to a type of energy damage. energy of your choice.
Psionics augmented
Vacuum Ball: Supporting atmosphere vanishes, causing Psion/Wilder Powers
suffocation and silence.
Sanguine DisplacementA: Teleport a creature’s blood away 0-Level Psion/Wilder Powers (Talents)
from its body, dealing 1d4 Constitution damage and Bioluminescence: Cause existing vegetation to produce
possibly granting you temporary hit points. natural light.
Psionics augmented
3rd Level Psion/Wilder Powers 2 Ghostward: Prevent incorporeal undead from passing
Biokinetic EnduranceA: Reduce damage to your physical through walls.
ability scores. 3 InsubstantialA: Gain some benefits of incorporeality.
Captivity Bond: Target takes only nonlethal damage.
Ectoplasmic CarpetA: Create a temporary flying carpet that has Kineticist (Psychokinesis) Discipline Powers
various utility uses. 2 Telekinetic BolaA: Animate several objects around you
Energy RingsA: Create an energy prison that discourages for defensive and offensive use.
movement. Wardrobe Malfunction: Disassemble an enemies’ armor
Lift: Suspend a foe in midair. at a distance.
Caustic RetributionA: Transform a creature’s blood into
caustic fluid, allowing them to damage enemies they bleed Seer (Clairsentience) Discipline Powers
on. 2 BoreA: Create a temporary one-way peephole through
Caustic TransfusionA: Transform a creature’s blood into solid objects.
caustic fluid without protecting them, dealing 2d6 damage ImproviseA: Ready an action without specifying a trigger
per turn and fatiguing them. event.
DisruptionA: Block the target’s ability to cast spells, manifest Psychic Warrior Powers
powers, or use some other mental abilities.
Fracture PatternA: You rewrite a target’s pattern, making 1st Level
them vulnerable to a type of energy damage. Absorb Dorje: Make a dorje part of your body, manifest its
Sanguine DisplacementA: Teleport a creature’s blood away power as if it were a power known.
from its body, dealing 1d4 Constitution damage and Elongate ExtremitiesA: You lengthen your legs or your
possibly granting you temporary hit points. arms.
Energy DaggerA: Form a dagger out of psionic energy
4th Level Psion/Wilder Powers charged with your active energy type.
Kyria’s Crystalline AuraA: You create a swarm of crystals Energy TouchA: You charge your touch with your active
that can attack or defend for you. energy.
Cloned TwinA: Create a copy of yourself and shunt your
mind between your body and your clone’s. 2nd Level
Energy AllergyA: Your target becomes vulnerable to the Ablative ArmorA: Your armor temporarily performs above
energy of your choice. specification.
Vacuum Ball: Supporting atmosphere vanishes, causing Ectoplasmic Charged ArmorA: Coat your form in charged
suffocation and silence. ectoplasm that reacts to attacks.
Hurl EnemyA: Telekinetically hurl one enemy at another. Telekinetic BolaA: Animate several objects around you for
defensive and offensive use.
5th Level Psion/Wilder Powers Animus OverloadA: Consume a target’s animus points to
Mind TrapA: You store a power in your mind as a trap for deal damage to them.
those who affect you with mind-affecting effects. Transfer AnimusA: Transfer your animus points to another.
Rending ForceA: Tear a creature limb from limb with Epidermal FissureA: Engorge a creature’s muscles, granting
telekinetic force. them +4 to Strength and Intimidate checks, but causing
6th Level Psion/Wilder Powers them to take bleed damage.
Kyria’s Vascular DisruptionA: Your target’s vascular system Steal AnimusA: Steal the target’s animus points with a
explodes, dealing 9d6 damage and entangling creatures in touch.
a 20-foot burst. Sympathetic DrainA: Sacrifice hit points to cause a target
Mental ContagionA: Cause a creature to spread mind- to lose an equal amount of hit points.
affecting effects to others. 3rd Level
8th-Level Psion/Wilder Powers Biokinetic EnduranceA: Reduce damage to your physical
Retarget PowerA: Move an ongoing spell or power between ability scores.
two creatures. Caustic RetributionA: Transform a creature’s blood into
caustic fluid, allowing them to damage enemies they bleed
Cloned TwinA: Create a copy of yourself and shunt your
Conduit (Athanatism) Discipline Powers mind between your body and your clone’s.
1 Accelerated EntropyA: Rapidly age a magic or psionic Form Astral ArmorA: Create an astral suit like an aegis.
item, ruining it. Fracture PatternA: You rewrite a target’s pattern, making
Hauntvision: Detect haunts nearby, attempt to identify them vulnerable to a type of energy damage.
them. 4th Level
2 CorpsewalkA: Take temporary control of a mindless Kyria’s Crystalline AuraA: You create a swarm of crystals
undead. that can attack or defend for you.
Psionics augmented
Tactile TelekinesisA: Add +2 to attack and damage rolls, Mental MistA: Cause affected creatures to believe they are
increase your effective Strength for carrying capacity, and surrounded by mist.
gain the rock throwing ability. Suppress InstinctA: Temporarily make an animal immune
to fear.
Tactician Powers
3rd Level Vitalist Powers
1st Level Tactician Powers Caustic RetributionA: Transform a creature’s blood into
Animus OverloadA: Consume a target’s animus points to caustic fluid, allowing them to damage enemies they bleed
deal damage to them. on.
Bullet TimeA: Dodge incoming ranged attacks. Caustic TransfusionA: Transform a creature’s blood into
Euterpe’s Prophetic SongA: Grant allies a +1 insight bonus caustic fluid without protecting them, dealing 2d6 damage
on attack rolls while you concentrate. per turn and fatiguing them.
Transfer AnimusA: Transfer your animus points to another. Sanguine DisplacementA: Teleport a creature’s blood away
2nd Level Tactician Powers from its body, dealing 1d4 Constitution damage and
Ectoplasmic ObeliskA: Create a short-lived obstacle that blocks possibly granting you temporary hit points.
movement and line-of-sight. Captivity Bond: Target takes only nonlethal damage.
Epidermal FissureA: Engorge a creature’s muscles, granting 4th-Level Vitalist Powers
them +4 to Strength and Intimidate checks, but causing Cloned TwinA: Create a copy of yourself and shunt your
them to take bleed damage. mind between your body and your clone’s.
ImproviseA: Ready an action without specifying a trigger event.
Mental MistA: Cause affected creatures to believe they are 8th-Level Vitalist Powers
surrounded by mist. Retarget PowerA: Move an ongoing spell or power between
Steal AnimusA: Steal the target’s animus points with a two creatures.
Suspend Psionics: Temporarily pause the duration of beneficial
Power Descriptions
powers manifested on you. ABLATIVE ARMOR
Wardrobe Malfunction: Disassemble an enemies’ armor
at a distance. Discipline: Psychokinesis [Force]; Level: Psychic warrior 2
Display: Visual
3rd Level Tactician Powers Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Captivity Bond: Target takes only nonlethal damage. Range: Personal
DisruptionA: Block the target’s ability to cast spells, manifest Target: You
powers, or use some other mental abilities. Duration: 10 min./level (D)
Ectoplasmic CarpetA: Create a temporary flying carpet Power Points: 3
that has various utility uses.
A heat-haze of warped space surrounds your armor,
Fracture PatternA: You rewrite a target’s pattern, making
hinting that it has been enhanced beyond expectations.
them vulnerable to a type of energy damage.
You must be wearing a suit of armor (or benefiting from
4th-Level Tactician Powers
inertial armor or similar effect) or wearing bracers of
Hurl EnemyA: Telekinetically hurl one enemy at another.
armor (or similar item that grants an armor bonus to
AC) to manifest this power. Your armor bonus to AC
5th Level Tactician Powers increases by two. Each time you are successfully hit by
Mind TrapA: You store a power in your mind as a trap for an attack (other than an attack that targets touch AC) the
those who affect you with mind-affecting effects. improvement granted by ablative armor is reduced by
Vitalist Powers one. Once your improvement from ablative armor is
reduced to zero, this power ends.
1st-Level Vitalist Powers While under the effect of this power, your armor is
Absorb Dorje: Make a dorje part of your body, manifest its also treated as if it had the ghost touch property.
power as if it were a power known. Augment: For every three additional power points
AccelerantA: Coat a target in flammable gel. you spend, the improvement granted by this power
Involuntary Bodily FunctionA: You cause the target to lose increases by one.
control of their bodily functions. Mythic Ablative Armor
Mind PalaceA: A moment’s reflection offers a bonus to your Attacks from non-mythic creatures cause mythic
next roll. ablative armor to degrade at half the usual rate, so
2nd Level Vitalist Powers two successful attacks are required to degrade its
Epidermal FissureA: Engorge a creature’s muscles, granting improvement by one.
them +4 to Strength and Intimidate checks, but causing
them to take bleed damage.
BastionA: Temporarily bolster the abilities of an astral suit.
Psionics augmented
ABSORB DORJE Once so coated, the target is vulnerable to any source
of flame, psionic or mundane. Mere contact with fire
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Cryptic 1, dread 1,
ignites the gel, forcing the subject to make a Reflex save
psychic warrior 1, vitalist 1
to avoid catching on fire. On a failed saving throw, the
Display: Visual
target takes 1d6 points of fire damage. Each round
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
thereafter, the target must make another Reflex save
Range: Personal
at the same DC to extinguish the flames, with failure
Target: You
resulting in an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. The
Duration: Until discharged; up to 24 hours
target of this power may automatically extinguish (but
Power Points: 1
not remove) the burning jelly by jumping into enough
A light nausea overtakes you as you witness violation
water to douse themselves. If insufficient water is
of your body, and a solid object slides under your skin.
available, the target may roll on the ground or smother
When you manifest this power, you must be holding
the fire with cloaks or similar to make another save
a psionic dorje that contains a power that is on your
with a +4 bonus. This fire does not cause clothes or
power list but is not necessarily one of your powers
equipment to burn.
known. That dorje merges into your flesh, becoming
The flammable jelly remains present even when not
part of your body.
burning and can be reignited by fresh exposure to a fire
As long as the dorje you have absorbed has charges,
source. Once the duration of this power expires, the fuel
you may manifest its contained power as if it was one
vanishes. If the target is on fire when accelerant ends,
of your powers known. You must expend power points
as normal to manifest the absorbed power as well as
one charge from the dorje. The manifested power uses
your manifester level and ability score for purposes of
determining its DC and other variable effects.
Once the absorbed dorje runs out of charges, it is
immediately ejected from your body. You cannot eject
it earlier voluntarily however a day after you absorb the
dorje, it will slide harmlessly from your skin as absorb
dorje expires. You can never have more than one dorje
absorbed; attempting to manifest this power again
while it is already in effect does not work.
Mythic Absorb Dorje
You may absorb as many dorjes as you have mythic
tiers. Doing so causes the duration of mythic absorb
dorje to be divided by the number of dorjes absorbed.
Additionally, manifesting a power from any of the
absorbed dorjes consumes a charge from each of the
absorbed dorjes.
Discipline: Metacreativity; Level: Cryptic 1, dread 1, psion/
wilder 1
Display: Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Effect: Ray
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: See text; Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 1
The stench of oils wafts around you, then the target of
your ire finds themselves doused in a sticky flammable
jelly that reeks of fiery doom. When you manifest
accelerant, one creature or object becomes coated by a
layer of fluid that they cannot easily remove. The target
may immerse their entire body in a solvent to remove
the oily slick, but ordinary water does not dissolve the
fuel you have created.
Psionics augmented
they remain burning until they succeed at putting the Mythic Accelerated Entropy
fire out. This power can now apply to items that contain more
Augment: For every additional two power points you than one charge. In such a case, if the item fails its
spend, the damage dealt by this power increases by 1d6 saving throw, a number of charges equal to twice your
and the saving throw DC increases by 1. mythic tier are lost, as if they had been used.
Mythic Accelerant
The damage dice increase to 1d10s and the target ANIMUS OVERLOAD
gains the death throes monster special ability. If the Discipline: Metacreativity
subject of mythic accelerant is killed while on fire due Level: Gifted blade 1, psion 1, psychic warrior 1, tactician 1
to this power, they explode in a blinding flash of fire Display: Auditory, Material, Visual
that deals 10 points of fire damage per damage die to Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
anything within 10 feet per damage die (Reflex DC equal Range: Touch
to this power’s halves). The subject does not need to die Duration: Instantaneous
due to burning to trigger this explosion. If the subject Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Power Resistance: No
dies while having temporarily extinguished the flames, Power Points: 1
they do not explode.
This power allows the manifester to cause the power
Augmented (6th): Creatures that fail their Reflex save
of the already-unstable animus within a target to lose
to take half damage from a death throes explosion become
containment and become explosive within the target’s body.
covered in mythic accelerant as if originally targeted.
When manifesting this power, the manifester makes a touch
This does not extend the duration of this power but such
attack against the target and he may cause 1d4 points of
creatures are considered to automatically have been
animus in the target to erupt within them (consuming the
exposed to fire and start taking burning damage on their
point of animus), causing 5 points of damage per animus
turns. The death throes special property is inherited by
point consumed with this ability. The target of this ability
these creatures, possibly allowing a cascading series of
may make a Fortitude save to negate the damage while
explosions for the duration of this power.
they release the dangerous animus from their body, but the
ACCELERATED ENTROPY animus targeted by this power is consumed. If the target
does not possess animus, this power has no effect.
Discipline: Athanatism; Level: Conduit 1, cryptic 1, dread 1 Augment: If you spend an additional 2 power points
Display: Material and olfactory points, you may alter the range of this power to close range
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action (25 feet + 5 feet per two manifester levels) and make the
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) attack as a ranged touch attack.
Effect: Ray If you spend an additional 2 power points, you may
Duration: Instantaneous consume and explode an additional 1d4 points of animus
Saving Throw: Will negates, see text; Power Resistance: within the target.
Power Points: 1 APATHETIC AURA
The smell of rancid, rotting vegetation suffuses the
Discipline telepathy (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level
area as the object of your ire rapidly ages and falls
Cryptic 2, psion/wilder 2
apart. When you manifest this power, you must make
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
a ranged touch attack (typically AC 10) against a single
Display Visual
magical or psionic consumable item such as a potion,
Range 20 ft.
scroll, shard, or power stone. The object targeted must
Area 20 ft. radius centered on you
make a successful saving throw or it is immediately
Duration 1 round/level
broken. If the item is unattended, use its manifester level
Saving Throw Will negates; Power Resistance Yes
as its Will saving throw bonus. If the item is attended,
Power Points 3
use the Will saving throw bonus of the creature holding
it. You emit an aura that causes creatures to be uninterested
This power cannot be normally be used against items in you or those accompanying you. The affected creatures
that contain more than one charge, such as wands are aware of your presence, but simply find your presence
or dorjes. In the case of items such as scrolls that are unworthy of their attention. Creatures accompanying you
single-use but contain more than one spell or power, must be within 10 feet of you to be similarly ignored. Any
one randomly chosen spell or power can be ruined per action that would directly harm the affected creature allows
manifestation of accelerated entropy. it to make an additional save against this power with a +4
Augment: If you spend 2 additional power points, you circumstance bonus to negate this effect.
can target a single, non-magical item weighing up to 10 Augment: If you spend an additional 4 power points, the
pounds per manifester level. In addition, for every two duration becomes 10 minutes/level.
additional power points you spend, the saving throw DC
increases by 1.
Psionics augmented
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Psion/wilder 2, Discipline: Psychometabolism
vitalist 2 Level: Psion/wilder 3, psychic warrior 3
Display: Mental Display: Visual
Manifestation Time: 1 standard action Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Range: Personal
Target: Creature touched; see text Target: You
Duration: 1 min./level Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless); Power Power Points: 5
Resistance: Yes (harmless) You alter your body’s rhythms, defending yourself against
Power Points: 3 crippling attacks and turning your skin (as well as fur,
A fluttering of your eyelashes reveals your
feathers, or scales) a pale gray color. Whenever damage
concentration as you expend extraordinary effort
would be dealt to one of your physical ability scores by a
restructuring the biological makeup of your ally, granting
source other than you, reduce that damage by 2 points, to
them extra ability. When you manifest this power upon
a minimum of 0. Once this power as prevented an amount
an ally with the ability to form an astral suit, they gain
of ability damage equal to your manifester level, it ends
an extra customization point which they can spend on
their turn as a free action. When this power expires, the
Augment: For every 2 additional power points you
customization invested is removed automatically.
spend, the ability damage reduced by this power, as well as
Augment: For every four additional power points
the maximum amount of damage that can be prevented,
you spend, the recipient is granted an additional
increases by 1 point.
customization point.
Surge Augmentation: If you invoke your wild surge
Mythic Bastion
while manifesting this power, choose one of the following
You may use mythic bastion offensively against an
enemy aegis. When you manifest this power, you attempt
to suppress a number of customization points invested in • The power’s range changes to close (25 ft. plus 5 ft. per
their astral suit. Treat this similarly to a targeted dispel 2 levels) and its target changes to ‘one creature.’
psionics check. The enemy aegis uses their aegis level as • 2. You gain DR X/—, where X is equal to your wild
their manifester level. If you are successful, you remove surge’s intensity.
as many customization points from the target’s pool as
you would normally grant an ally aegis. Your opponent
may choose which customizations their suit sheds for Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Cryptic 0, psion/
the duration of this power and once this power ends, wilder 0
those customizations return to full potency immediately. Display: Visual
Manifestation Time: 1 standard action
BESTOW BLADE Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Discipline: metacreativity; Level: gifted blade 1 Area: A 30-ft.-radius patch of natural fungus or similar
Display: Material, Visual simple plant-life
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Duration: One hour; see text
Range: 0 ft. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless); Power
Duration: 1 min./level; see text (D) Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No Power Points: Psionic focus or 1
Power Points: 1 A glowing ball of dim light fades into perceptibility
around the caverns nearby, revealing the tiny natural
You manifest a short duration copy of your mind blade and plants living there, but never fades away. To manifest
you may either use it yourself or grant it to an adjacent ally. this power, you must target an area of existing small-scale
This mind blade uses the same configuration for your mind plant life (no more complex than simple grasses). The
blade with the enhancement bonus reduced by 1 (if the chemistry of any of these plants within the area of your
enhancement bonus would be 0, consider the weapon a power is altered so the plants naturally emit dim light.
masterwork weapon). This alteration is fueled by a symbiotic link between you
Augment: If you spend an additional 2 power points and the plant life, which continue to produce light as long
points, you may alter the range of this power to close range as you remain within range and one hour thereafter. If
(25 feet + 5 feet per two manifester levels). you return within range of glowing plants before they
If you spend an additional 3 power points, you may extinguish, they relink to you automatically and resume
manifest an additional weapon at the same enhancement feeding harmlessly on your excess mental energy.
bonus. The illumination emitted by these plants is non-psionic
in nature, raising the ambient lighting level of the area
Psionics augmented
naturally, which may prevail in circumstances where Power Points: 3
magic or psionic illumination and darkness powers have A giant band of yellow light surrounds your foes then
cancelled one another out. snaps out of existence as they smash against one another.
Mythic Bioluminescence When you manifest this power, you select two creatures
You can optionally cause the affected plants to emit that are beside each other and push them violently
normal light instead of merely dim light. Additionally, together, dealing 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage to
the alteration to the plants is a permanent genetic trait each. Both of your targets may make a Reflex save to
that is passed on to future generations, causing the attempt to reduce the damage taken by half.
plants to emit light any time a sentient (Intelligence 3 or Augment: This power may be augmented in one of the
higher) creature is within 30 feet. This change cannot following ways.
be dispelled. 1. For every additional power point you spend, the
Augmented (3rd): By expending two uses of mythic damage dealt to each creature increases by 1d6. Also, for
power you may target a single large plant such as a every extra 2d6 damage, the DC of this power increases
tree, which will thereafter shed light in a 30-ft. radius by 1.
around it. Seeds and cuttings taken from this tree pass 2. By spending an additional two power points, targets
on its ability though saplings may only emit light in a 5-ft. that fail their Reflex saves are knocked prone in addition
radius, which expands as the newly planted tree grows to taking damage.
to adulthood. Mythic Body Slam
You may use this power on as many creatures as you
BLOODFOUNTAIN have mythic tiers. The effected creatures must all be
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Dread 2, psion/wilder adjacent to at least one other targeted creature, allowing
2 you to use mythic body slam on targets who are lined up,
Display: Visual or in formation.
Manifestation Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch BORE
Target: Creature touched Discipline: Clairsentience; Level: Cryptic 2, seer 2
Duration: One round/level Display: Material
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Power Resistance: Yes Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Power Points: 3 Range: Touch
Your press your fingers against the pliant flesh of your Target: One touched solid surface
enemy and through this contact tap into its bloodstream, Duration: Concentration up to 1 round/level
overloading its capacity. When you manifest this power, Power Points: 3
your target’s blood pressure (or similar life-giving fluid) The seemingly impenetrable solid surface before
increases to the point that vessels begin to burst. A you frosts over with a sheet of ice crystals which upon
creature affected by bloodfountain begins to leak their deeper inspection can be seen to hold images of another
precious fluids out of eyes, ears, or other openings. Such place. You can manifest this power on a wall, door, or
a creature bleeds 2 hit points of damage at the start of similar surface, creating a virtual pinhole through to the
its turn each round. This bleed damage functions as other side. This hole is up to one inch in diameter and
normal, requiring a DC 15 Heal check or magical healing is only visible from your side of the surface. You can see
to stop. through this hole but not hear through it, nor can you
Augment: For every two additional power points you pass items through the crystals.
spend, the bleed damage increases by one each round This power does not provide illumination to the other
and the DC also increases by one. side, but alternate means of vision such as darkvision
Mythic Bloodfountain function as expected. Also, the vision of the other side
Every round that a creature takes damage from mythic is tuned to your psyche, providing only a scrambled blur
bloodfountain, it also takes one point of Constitution of color to anyone other than you who attempts to see
damage unless it succeeds at an additional Fortitude through.
saving throw. Succeeding at this saving throw does not Bore is blocked by stone thicker than 1 foot, common
end the power early. metal thicker than one inch, a thin sheet of lead, or by
wood or dirt thicker than 3 feet.
BODY SLAM Augment: For each additional five power points you
Discipline: Psychokinesis; Level: Dread 2, psion/wilder 2 spend, the thickness of the materials bore can penetrate
Display: Visual are doubled.
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Mythic Bore
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) You may create a number of holes equal to your
Target: Two creatures adjacent to one another mythic tiers. All of these holes must be within 5 feet of
Duration: Instantaneous the original but they now function for creatures other
Saving Throw: Reflex half; Power Resistance: Yes than you.
Psionics augmented
BORROWED FUTURE SELF must decide to manifest bullet time before an attack roll
is made.
Discipline Psychoportation; Level seer 3 When using bullet time, you may attempt a single
Display Visual, Mental, Auditory Reflex save to evade the incoming attack. The DC
Manifesting Time 1 standard action for this save is equal to the attack, minus 10. If you
Range Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) succeed at this Reflex save, the incoming ranged attack
Effect One future self automatically misses. If you fail the save, the attack is
Duration 1 minute/level resolved normally (which may possibly still miss).
Power Points 5 Augment: For every additional two power points
You reach out into all your possible futures and for a short you spend, you make attempt to evade one additional
while, you draw a fragment of your future self into this time. ranged attack made by the same source whose turn
Your duplicate has no actual substance, it only looks like you interrupt with your immediate action. You do not
you, and you cannot use it to alter its surroundings or to need to determine how many power points to spend at
attack or otherwise harm creatures it encounters. You the moment of manifestation; the power lingers for the
can use the duplicate to speak, and interact verbally with attacker’s turn, allowing you to spend additional power
creatures using the Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skills. points during that time.
You can see, hear, taste, and smell your duplicate’s Mythic Bullet Time
surroundings as if you are actually present in its location
using your Perception or Sense Motive skills. While you also
remain aware of your own immediate surroundings when
controlling your duplicate, controlling it does take a toll on
your senses. You take a –4 penalty on Perception checks
while you control your duplicate.
The duplicate moves under your mental command, and
while you need not act out its movements, you must take
a standard action to control your duplicate for 1 round
(concentrating on the power) or it winks out of existence.
You can maintain control of your duplicate even if you have
no line of sight or line of effect to it.
The duplicate immediately winks out of existence if it is
hit by an attack or in the area of a damaging effect, or if it
moves beyond the maximum range of the power.
Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more
of the following ways.
1. If you spend 2 additional power points, you can define
what your duplicate should do and general orders and it
will do this by it’s own volition, as if you were the duplicate.
You can still use your senses through the duplicate if you
manifest it like this, but cannot influence its actions once
2. If you spend 2 additional power points, the duration
increases to 10 minutes/level.
Discipline: Clairsentience; Level: Cryptic 1, marksman 1,
tactician 1
Display: Mental and visual
Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No
Power Points: 1
With a sudden blur of activity, you fling yourself out of
the path of a deadly oncoming projectile. You are able
to manifest this power in reaction to a perceived ranged
attack, including ranged touch attacks such as rays. You
Psionics augmented
You can manifest this power as a swift action and if Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Power Resistance: Yes
you do so, its duration changes to one round. You must, Power Points: Dread 3, cryptic 3, marksman 3, psion/wilder
however, decide how many power points to spend at the 5, tactician 5, vitalist 5
time of manifestation. A thin film of colored oily liquid engulfs your target
Augmented (4th): By expending two uses of mythic then appears to be absorbed into their skin, leaving
power, you can evade a single melee attack using this them tinted to match. For the duration of this power, the
power as an immediate action. altered creature can take only nonlethal damage from
Augmented (8th): By expending four uses of mythic any source. If they are suffering from ongoing bleed
power, you can attempt to evade as many melee attacks damage, they will bleed nonlethally. This power only
as you have paid for by augmenting the power. Each applies to effects that deal hit point damage, and it can
such attempt is considered a free action that can be only be manifested upon creatures that are not immune
taken when it is not your turn. to nonlethal damage.
Mythic Captivity Bond
CAPTIVITY BOND For the duration of this power, if the target creature
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Dread 2, cryptic 2, performs movement away from the manifester, they
marksman 2,psion/wilder 3, tactician 3, vitalist 3 take nonlethal damage equal to the resulting increase
Display: Material in distance. For example, a creature moving around
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action obstacles may move 15 feet, but only 5 of those feet might
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) be “away” from the manifester, and thus that movement
Target: One living creature causes 5 points of nonlethal damage. Movement
Duration: One round/level performed by psychoportive means does not cause the
target to take damage.
Discipline: Psychometabolism [Acid]; Level: dread 3, psion/
wilder 3, psychic warrior 3, vitalist 3
Display: Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 5
You alter a creature’s blood into a caustic fluid and adjust
their veins and arteries to accommodate it. The target gains
acid resistance 10. Additionally, when the target is damaged
by a melee attack, its attacker must succeed at a Reflex save
or take 3d6 points of acid damage. Attackers using a natural
weapon suffer a –4 penalty to their save.
Whenever the target takes damage from a bleed effect,
creatures adjacent to the target must succeed at a Reflex
save or suffer 3d6 points of acid damage.
Augment: You may augment this power in the following
• For every 2 power points you spend, its damage
increases by one die (d6).
• If you spend an additional 4 power points, creatures
damaged by this power who fail their saves are also
blinded until the beginning of their next turn.
Discipline: Psychometabolism [Acid]; Level: dread 3, psion/
wilder 3, vitalist 3
Display: Visual
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature (see text)
Psionics augmented
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 round per level) + 1 round When you manifest this power, your body creates a
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text); Power perfect copy of yourself into a single adjacent square. As
Resistance: Yes long as the twin exists, whenever you take a move action
Power Points: 5 to move, the twin can move as well, although it does not
You convert large portions of your target’s blood to a caustic need to follow you and cannot take any other actions. On
fluid, wracking them with pain and misery. The target takes subsequent rounds, at the start of your turn, your mind can
2d6 acid damage at the start of their turn and becomes instantaneously exchange places with your twin, becoming
fatigued until the beginning of their text turn. A successful the twin and your original body becoming the twin. This is
Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the fatigued not an action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
condition. If the target is suffering bleed damage at the The twin has a speed of 30 feet and provokes attacks of
beginning of its turn, adjacent creatures must succeed at a opportunity from movement as normal. Your twin cannot
Reflex save or suffer the damage dealt by this power as well. speak while you are in your other body, and cannot flank,
Augment: You may augment this power in the following make attacks of opportunity, or otherwise threaten enemies.
ways: It has an AC equal to 10 + 1/2 your manifester level and a
number of hit points equal to your manifester level. If the
• For every 2 power points you spend, its damage twin is reduced to 0 hit points, it is destroyed, although you
increases by one die (d6). can create a new one on your turn as a standard action as
• If you spend an additional 4 power points, victims that long as the duration persists.
fail their saving throws also become nauseated for 1 Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more
round. of the following ways.
In addition, for every 2 power points spent to achieve 1. If you spend 2 additional power points, the duration
either of these results, increase the save DC of this power extends to 1 minute/lvl.
by 1. 2. For every 2 additional power points you spend, you
create another cloned twin.
CHARGE PSYCHIC STRIKE 3. If you spend 4 additional power points, the twin uses
Discipline: psychokinesis; Level: gifted blade 1 your AC, movement speeds, movement modes and hit
Display: Audible, Visual points at the time of the split, and retains any spells, powers
Manifesting Time: 1 move action or effects that were affecting you when you split.
Range: Personal 4. If you spend 2 additional power points, if you are reduced
Duration: Instant to 0 hit points, you can freely shift your consciousness into
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No the twin, while the body you inhabited is destroyed.
You quickly channel energy from your power pool into Discipline: Metacreativity; Level: Marksman 4
your mind blade to create a psychokinetic charge which is Display: Material
released as a free action as part of an attack. This charge Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
inflicts an additional 1d8 points of damage.This functions Range: Personal
exactly like the psychic strike class feature and may be used Target: You
to power blade skills or feats that require the expenditure of Duration: 1 round
the gifted blade’s psychic strike. Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: Yes
Augment: For every 4 power points spent, this Power Points: 7
psychokinetic charge inflicts an additional 1d8 points of Your arrows explode on impact, ejecting shards of
damage. If you spend 8 or more power points on manifesting ectoplasmic energy when they hit. Each attack you make
this power, you may manifest it as a swift action. with a ranged or thrown weapon this round causes 3d6
CLONED TWIN points of splash damage to the squares adjacent to your
target if you hit. The damage dealt is piercing damage
Discipline Psychometabolism; Level Egoist 3, psion/wilder and it is treated as if it were of the same material as your
4, psychic warrior 3, vitalist 4 ammunition. Thusly an alchemical silver arrow that
Display Olfactory strikes your target will deal splash damage that bypasses
Manifesting Time 1 standard action DR/silver.
Range Personal If you arrows miss your target, they do not deal any
Effect One cloned twin splash damage.
Duration 1 round/level Augment: For every two additional power points you
Power Points psion/wilder7, vitalist 7, egoist 5, psychic spend, the splash damage dealt increases by 1d6.
warrior 5 Mythic Collateral Damage
You can change the damage dealt from piercing to the
energy type you selected when last you gained psionic
Psionics augmented
Augmented (6th): By expending two uses of mythic DIRT NAP
power, your splash damage is treated as any alignment
Discipline: Metacreativity; Level: Cryptic 2, psion/wilder 2
your weapon possesses for purposes of bypassing
Display: Auditory
damage reduction. Additionally the duration of this
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
power double to two rounds.
Range: Touch
CORPSEWALK Target: One touched surface of dirt of stone
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Discipline: Athanatism; Level: Conduit 2 Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No
Display: Auditory Power Points: 3
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action With a wrenching moan, an extradimensional space
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) opens at your feet, resembling a freshly excavated grave.
Target: One mindless undead This grave generally appears as a 5-ft. by 10-ft. rectangle
Duration: 1 min./level (D) but its interior is always adequate for those who inhabit
Saving Throw: Will negates; Power Resistance: Yes it. Creatures in the extradimensional space are hidden,
Power Points: 3 beyond the reach of powers (including clairsentience
The lurching and uncoordinated movements of powers), unless those powers work across planes. The
a nearby monster suddenly take a controlled and space holds as many as eight creatures (of any size).
purposeful smoothness. When you manifest corpsewalk, The interface between this extradimensional space
you temporarily gain the ability to inhabit the body of a and the material plane is semi-solid and can support
mindless undead creature such as a skeleton or zombie. covering materials such as spread straw or a sleeping
Your body becomes limp and unresponsive while your bag. The interface can support up to 20 pounds of
consciousness is riding in its temporary host. You material. Such items can be placed from within the
remain aware of events around your body and you may space by reaching up then gently retracting your hands,
return to it by dismissing corpsewalk (a standard action). leaving the items above what you now see as your ceiling.
While you inhabit an undead husk, it is unable to act Powers cannot be manifested across the
in any way. You control its body and may use it as you extradimensional interface, nor can area effects cross
wish, making slam attacks, moving, or using whatever it. Those in the extradimensional space can see out of it
equipment you can place its hands upon. as usual but those outside see only an empty grave plot.
You gain whatever senses your undead host possesses Anything inside the extradimensional space is ejected
and the body retains any defensive or passive abilities when the power ends. Only one creature at a time can
(such as Damage Reduction) it has which do not require cross through the interface.
activation. Otherwise, you do not gain control of any Augment: For every two additional power points you
supernatural, or psi-like abilities the creature has, nor spend, this power can shelter an additional creature.
do you gain access to any feats it possesses. You are Mythic Dirt Nap
able to use feats and skills you know as long as they are The duration of this power changes to Permanent.
appropriate to the body you are occupying. Augmented (3rd): By expending a use of mythic
You may make Disguise or Bluff checks to attempt to power, you can manifest a power from inside the
disguise yourself but a mindless undead typically moves extradimensional space to outside. Doing so weakens
with a gait that is distinctive and unnatural, meaning the interface material, allowing those outside of the
you are likely to be spotted as unusual while in motion. space to see inside (but not to manifest powers against
If your undead host body is destroyed while you occupy those inside).
it, corpsewalk immediately ends. During this power, you
are merely linking to the undead body and your soul DISRUPTION
remains within your own, so if your host body is within
Discipline Telepathy [mind-affecting]; Level Cryptic 3,
a negative energy effect such as channel negative energy,
dread 3, psion/wilder3, tactician 3
the body heals and you suffer no ill effect.
Display Auditory
Augment: For every additional two power points you
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
spend manifesting this power, you gain the ability to
Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
manifest one psionic power while you are controlling
Target One creature
the undead body and the DC for this power increases by
Duration 1 round/level
Power Points 5
Mythic Corpsewalk
You may attempt to take over the bodies of intelligent The power overwhelms the target’s mind and ability to
undead, but doing so reduces the duration of this power concentrate, making manifesting powers or casting spells
to one round per level. extremely hard. The subject must succeed at a concentration
check (DC equal to the save DC of this power) in order
to cast a spell, manifest a power, use any spell-like ability,
Psionics augmented
use any psi-like ability, or use any spell completion, power choose one of the several modes in which it can operate.
completion, power trigger or spell trigger magic items. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed for this
While under the effect of this power, if the subject must manifestation.
attempt a concentration check to cast a spell, manifest a Flying: In this mode, an ectoplasmic carpet acts as a
power, use a psi-like ability or a spell-like ability for any flying carpet of the same size. Unaugmented, it can carry
reason other than the effect of this spell (such as manifesting up to 200 lbs. and has a fly speed of 40 ft. plus the usual
defensively, being injured while manifesting, and so on), overland flight capability.
it takes a penalty on that check equal to 1/2 its caster or Restraint: In this mode, an ectoplasmic carpet can wrap
manifester level. itself around a creature’s arms, preventing them from
Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more being used to wield weapons or perform fine activities
of the following ways. using hands. The carpet is treated as a set of masterwork
1. For every 2 additional power points you spend, you can manacles (Escape Artist DC 35 or Strength check DC 28 to
choose another target. escape or break) but also constrains the target’s fingers.
2. If you spend 2 additional power points, the range This imposes an Arcane Spell Failure chance of 20%
increases to Medium instead of Close. upon those to whom it may apply. A creature can make
3. If you spend 3 additional power points, the target a Reflex save to avoid being ensnared by a carpet in this
takes a penalty to all concentration checks equal to your mode. As a move action, you can direct the carpet to a
manifesting ability stat, in addition to any other penalties target within range, and as a standard action you can
it might suffer. attempt to ensnare a creature. Only one creature can be
held at a time and releasing a creature is a free action.
ECTOPLASMIC CHARGED ARMOR Shield: In this mode, an ectoplasmic carpet acts as a
Discipline Metacreativity; Level Cryptic 2, psion/wilder2, sheet of protective material that you can move around
psychic warrior 2 within your space as a free action. This functions as a
Display Olfactory, Auditory heavy shield (+2 shield bonus to AC) but only against
Manifesting Time 1 standard action ranged attacks as it is too insubstantial to interfere with
Range Personal melee attacks. This shield has no armor check penalty
Target You or Arcane Spell Failure chance since it is weightless and
Duration 1 min./level or until discharged encumbrance-free.
Power Points 3 Tripping: In this mode, an ectoplasmic carpet can
be slipped beneath the feet of an opponent then
You cover yourself with charged ectoplasm that reacts to telekinetically pulled out from beneath them. This
any physical attacks by transforming the kinetic energy requires a move action to mentally direct the carpet
into volatile crystal shards. Any creature striking you with to slide underneath a target within range, and a
its body, natural weapon, or a handheld weapon takes 2d6 standard action to perform a trip attempt. You use your
points of piercing damage. Each time the power discharges, manifester level in place of your base attack bonus and
the number of dice is halved, down to a minimum of 1d6. your primary manifesting ability modifier in place of
Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more Strength for calculating your CMB for this trip attempt.
of the following ways. You cannot trip a creature larger than this carpet.
1. For every 2 additional power points you spend, increase Augment: This power may be augmented in one or
the base damage by +2d6. more of the following ways:
2. If you spend 2 additional power points, each discharge 1. For every additional two power points you spend,
only removes 1d6 from the next damage, instead of halving the basic flying mode carpet expands one size as per
it. flying carpet. The first augmentation increases the carpet
3. If you spend 2 additional power points, you also gain 3 to 5-ft. by 10-ft. and carrying capacity to 400 lbs. The
temporary hit points per die of base damage. second augmentation increases the carpet to 10-ft. by
ECTOPLASMIC CARPET 10-ft. and carrying capacity to 800 lbs. Each subsequent
augmentation increases size by two 5-ft. squares and
Discipline: Metacreativity (Creation); Level: Cryptic 3, carrying capacity by 400 lbs. Any carpet augmented to
psion/wilder 3, tactician 3 10-ft. by 10-ft. or larger changes its duration to 1 hour/
Display: Material level.
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action 2. For every additional power point you spend, the DCs
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) for escaping or breaking a restraint carpet increase by 1.
Effect: One 5-ft. square of temporarily real carpet 3. For every additional three power points you
Duration: 1 min./level spend, the shield bonus granted by a basic shield carpet
Saving Throw: See text; Power Resistance: Yes increases by 1.
Power Points: 5 4. For every additional four power points you spend,
A glossy sheet of soft ectoplasm coheres in space to do the basic tripping mode carpet becomes one size larger
your bidding. When you manifest this power, you must (from a 5-ft. square appropriate to a Medium creature to
Psionics augmented
a 10-ft. square appropriate to a Large creature, then to a EPIDERMAL FISSURE
15-ft. square appropriate to a Huge creature and so on).
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: dread 2, psion/wilder
A tripping carpet that is large enough may be used to trip
2, psychic warrior 2, tactician 2, vitalist 2
multiple creatures at once if they all fit within its area.
Display: Visual
Mythic Ectoplasmic Carpet
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
A flying mythic ectoplasmic carpet bestows flight upon
Range: Close (25ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
its riders for a number of rounds equal to your mythic
Target: One creature
tier when it ends (either as its duration expires or if it is
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Power Resistance: Yes
A restraint ectoplasmic carpet causes any creature
Power Points: 3
ensnared within it to be entangled.
A shield ectoplasmic carpet grants its shield bonus to You engorge the muscles of your target, shredding their
AC against melee attacks as well as ranged attacks. skin and exposing the tissue beneath. The target gains a +4
A tripping ectoplasmic carpet is treated as difficult enhancement bonus to Strength and a +4 enhancement
terrain by those standing upon it. You can leave the bonus to Intimidate checks. Additionally, the target suffers
carpet underneath your foes by declining to make trip 2 points of bleed damage at the start of their turns.
attempts. Augment: You may augment this power in the following
• If you spend 3 additional power points, the Strength
Discipline: Metacreativity; Level: Cryptic 2, psion/wilder 2, and Intimidate bonuses increase by 2.
tactician 2 • For every 2 additional power points you spend, the
Display: Material bleed damage increases by 2.
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action • For every 2 additional power points you spend, the
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) target suffers a –2 penalty to their natural armor (this
Effect: Temporarily real statue up to 5-ft. square cannot reduce their natural armor below 0).
Duration: 1 round/level
Power Points: 3 Additionally, for every 2 power points you spend to
Expanding from a mid-air spec of colorful ectoplasm, achieve the above results, increase this power’s save DC by 1.
a massive statue forms in space where you designate ELONGATE EXTREMITIES
it, blocking travel and sight. When you manifest this
power, you must specify an unoccupied square, which Discipline Psychometabolism; Level Egoist 1, gifted blade
then becomes filled by a simple ectoplasmic statue of 1, psychic warrior 1
your design. This statue impedes movement as would Display Material, Mental
one of the same size carved out of stone. An ectoplasmic Manifesting Time 1 standard action
obelisk has hardness 10 and 30 hit points. The created Range Personal
obelisk is newly created and thus has not yet made any Target You
impression in the floor below it, so it may be possible to Duration 1 min/level
push it one square with a DC 15 Strength check. Power Points 1
Augment: You may augment this power in one or You elongate either your arms (or whatever extremities are
more of the following ways. equivalent) or your legs to gain an advantage over your
1. For every additional power point you spend on this enemies.
power, the hardness of the obelisk is increased by 1 and Arms: Increase your reach by 5 ft for the duration of this
its hit points increase by 2. Additionally, the weight power.
of the obelisk increases, adding 1 to the Strength DC Legs: Increase your speed by 5 ft for the duration of this
required to push it. power. In addition, you can end your turn in the same
2. By spending an additional 6 power points, you may square as any creature that is the same size or smaller as you.
make an ectoplasmic obelisk up to one 10-ft. square in Augment: You can augment this power in one or more of
size. the following ways.
3. By spending an additional 10 power points, the 1. If you spend 2 additional power points, the duration
duration of this power becomes Permanent. becomes 10 minutes per level.
Mythic Ectoplasmic Obelisk 2. If you spend 2 additional power points, the speed
You may move through any mythic ectoplasmic obelisk increase becomes +15 ft instead of +5 ft and you can end
you create, though you cannot end your turn in the same your turn in the same square as a creature that is up to two
square as one. Also, the 10-point augment that changes sizes larger than you.
the duration of this power now optionally changes to 3. If you spend 2 additional power points, you can
Instantaneous, preventing it from being dispelled. elongate both arms and legs at the same time.
4. If you spend 2 additional power points, your reach
increases by 10 ft for the duration of this power.
Psionics augmented
5. If you expend your psionic focus, you can double the Augment: You can augment this power in one or more of
bonus and manifest it as a swift action but the power only
the following ways.
lasts for 1 round, and the duration cannot be augmented 1. If you spend 2 additional power points, the dagger
in any way. becomes a +1 weapon.
2. If you spend 4 additional power points, it becomes a
ENERGY ALLERGY +1 weapon with the corresponding energy enhancement
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Cryptic 3, dread 3, (flaming, frost, shocking, thundering) in addition to its
psion/wilder 4 energy bonus.
Display: Olfactory 3. If you spend 6 additional power points, it becomes a
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action +1 weapon with the corresponding energy enhancement
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) (flaming burst, icy burst, shocking burst, keen thundering).
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D) ENERGY RINGS
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Power Resistance: Yes Discipline: Psychokinesis [see text]; Level: Psion/wilder 3
Power Points: Cryptic 5, dread 5, psion/wilder 7 Display: Auditory
The skin of your foe begins to discolor as its very Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
nature changes, introducing a potentially fatal flaw in Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
its defenses. When you manifest this power, the target Target: One Medium or smaller creature
gains vulnerability to the energy type you selected when Duration: 1 round/level (D)
you last gained psionic focus. Such a creature takes an Saving Throw: Reflex half or Fortitude half; see text; Power
additional 50% damage from that energy type for the Resistance: Yes
duration of energy allergy. Power Points: 5
Resistance and immunity to the energy type you You create an immobile cylindrical stack of rings of
specify remain unaffected by this power. energy of your active energy type that surrounds your
Augment: By spending an additional four power target, threatening to harm them if they move. When
points you can specify a second energy type or specify initially placed, these rings do no damage, but they
an energy type other than the type you chose when last discourage your foe from undertaking movement. While
gaining psionic focus. surrounded by energy rings, the targeted creature may
Mythic Energy Allergy still take actions within their square as usual, including
A creature with immunity to the energy type you making ranged or melee attacks, or manifesting powers
specify is no longer immune, but reduces all damage without hindrance.
taken of that energy type by 50%. In order to escape the energy rings, the target must first
succeed at a Strength check to break the rings. The DC
ENERGY DAGGER for this check is equal to the DC of the power. Attempting
Discipline Psychokinesis [see text]; Level psion/wilder 1, to do so requires the target to directly contact the rings,
psychic warrior 1 which deals 5d6 points of damage to the creature
Display Visual, Material touching the rings. This power ends if any of the rings
Manifesting Time 1 standard action are broken.
Range 0 ft. Cold: A set of rings of this energy type deals +1 point
Effect One dagger of damage per die. The saving throw to reduce damage
Duration 1 minute/level from cold rings is a Fortitude save instead of a Reflex
Power Points 1 save.
Electricity: Manifesting a set of rings of this energy type
You focus your mental energy into the form of a dagger
provides a +2 bonus to the save DC and a +2 bonus on
wreathed in psionic energy. This dagger deals damage like
manifester level checks for the purpose of overcoming
a normal dagger for your size and has an additional effect
power resistance.
depending on your active energy type. If the dagger leaves
Fire: A set of rings of this energy type deals +1 point of
your hand, it disappears at the end of the round.
damage per die.
Cold: +1 point of cold damage and anyone damaged by
Sonic: A bolt of this energy type deals -1 point of
this takes a -1 penalty to saves against cold effects.
damage per die and ignores an object’s hardness.
Fire: +1d4 fire damage.
This power’s subtype is the same as the type of energy
Electricity: +1 point of electricity damage and a +3 bonus
you manifest.
to attacks against enemies in metal armor.
Augment: You can augment this power in one or both
Sonic: –1 point of damage and ignores an object’s
of the following ways:
1. For every additional power point you spend, this
This power’s subtype is the same as the type of energy you
power’s damage increases by one die (d6).
2. For every two additional power points you spend,
this power can affect a creature one size category larger.
Psionics augmented
Additionally, for each two power points spent on either EUTERPE’S PROPHETIC SONG
augment, this power’s save DC increases by 1.
Discipline: Clairsentience [mind-affecting, sonic]
Special: A kineticist does not need to select an energy
Level: Psion/wilder 1, tactician 1
type for this power when he gains psionic focus. He
Display: Auditory
may choose the type of damage at the time the power is
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Mythic Energy Rings
Area: 60 ft. radius sphere centered on you
The damage dice of the power and its augments
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 minute/level)
increase to d10.
Power Points: 1
Augment (3rd): If you expend two uses of mythic
power, you can target one additional creature or You weave your prophetic power into song, using it to
unattended object for every three mythic tiers you bolster your allies with visions of the future. Allies within the
possess. area gain a +1 insight bonus to their attack rolls as long as
you concentrate on singing, humming, or otherwise making
ENERGY TOUCH music (allies within the area of silence or similar effects, or
Discipline Psychokinesis; Level psion/wilder1, psychic who are deafened, cannot benefit from this bonus). You
warrior 1 cannot manifest this power while unable to make music,
Display Visual, Auditory such as by being within the area of a silence spell.
Manifesting Time 1 standard action Augment: You may augment this power in the following
Range Touch ways.
Target One target per level • If you spend 4 additional power points, the insight
Duration Instantaneous bonus also applies to skill checks.
Saving Throw None; Power Resistance Yes • If you spend 8 additional power points, the insight
Power Points 1 bonus also applies to weapon damage rolls in addition
You charge your touch with your active energy type, dealing to the above options.
1d6 points of energy damage on a successful melee touch • If you spend 12 additional power points, the insight
attack. You can use this melee touch attack up to one time bonus also applies to AC in addition to the above
per manifester level. options.
Cold: A touch of this energy type deals +1 point of • If you spend 16 additional power points, the insight
damage per die. bonus also applies to saving throws in addition to the
Electricity: You gain a +3 bonus on your attack roll if the above options.
target is wearing metal armor and a +2 bonus on manifester In addition, the insight bonus granted by this power
level checks for the purpose of overcoming power resistance. increases by 1 for every 2 power points spent on the above
Fire: A touch of this energy type deals +1 point of damage options.
per die. Surge Augmentation: If you invoke your wild surge
Sonic: A touch of this energy type deals –1 point of while manifesting this power, change its duration to
damage per die and ignores an object’s hardness. ‘concentration plus 3 rounds’.
This power’s subtype is the same as the type of energy you
Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more Discipline: metacreativity; Level: gifted blade 3, psychic
of the following ways. warrior 3
1. For every 2 power points you spend, this power deals Display: Material, Visual
+1d6 energy damage. Manifesting Time: 1 full-round action
2. If you spend 2 additional power points, each energy Range: Personal
type gains a secondary effect as follows: Effect: Astral Suit; see text
Cold: The target must make a Fortitude save or become Duration: 1 min./level; see text (D)
staggered for 1 round. Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No
Electricity: The target must make a Will save or become Power Points: 5
shaken for 1 round.
Fire: The target must make a Reflex save or catch on fire You form a suit of astral armor, similar to an aegis, of the astral
and take 1d6 of extra fire damage. skin, astral armor or astral juggernaut type over your body.
Sonic: The target must make a Fortitude save or become The astral suit has the free customizations of associated suit
sickened for 1 round. at the appropriate manifester levels (see aegis base class for
details) plus an additional 5 customization points. Use your
manifester level to determine your aegis level when gaining
free customizations from this power. If you already possess
the ability to manifest an astral suit you may add these
customization points to your astral suit when you manifest
Psionics augmented
this power. If you possess the mind armaments class feature coats existing physical materials and you must be able
(see armored blade soulknife archetype), you may use to see the surfaces you intend to cover. This generally
these customization points (and any purchased through does not allow you to imprison an incorporeal undead
augmenting this power) to add astral suit customizations as you normally cannot see all surfaces of a container,
to your mind armor. but it might allow you to ward all surfaces of a room you
Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend, occupy to keep the creature out.
you gain 1 customization point. Mythic Ghostward
Instead of coating a material surface, you may choose
FRACTURE PATTERN to cover an incorporeal undead creature that you can see
Discipline: Psychometabolism (and which has a surface area within your manifestation
Level: Cryptic 3, psion/wilder 3, tactician 3, vitalist 3 limits). Doing so hinders the creature’s ability to pass
Display: Mental through solid objects. Such a warded creature cannot
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action pass through any walls etc, but is still able to ignore
Range: Medium (100 ft. plus 10 ft. per level) armor that does not have the ghost touch property.
Target: 1 creature or object
Duration: 1 round/level HALLUCINATIONS
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Discipline Telepathy; Level telepath 1, dread 1
Power Resistance: Yes Display Olfactory, Auditory
Power Points: 5 Manifesting Time 1 standard action
You brutally rewrite the pattern of your target, leaving
them vulnerable to further attack. If your target fails its
saving throw, choose bludgeoning, cold, fire, electricity,
piercing, slashing, or sonic damage. Your victim suffers 50%
additional damage from sources that deal damage of the
chosen type for the duration of this power.
Augment: You may augment this power in one or both
of the following ways.
• For every 2 additional power points you spend, your
target suffers 1d6 points of untyped damage as their
pattern is violently rent by your will.
• For every 4 additional power points you spend, this
power affects an additional target within range.
In addition, for every 2 power points spent on either of
the above options, the power’s save DC is increased by 1.
Surge Augmentation: If you invoke your wild surge
when manifesting this power, the damage dealt by its first
augment option is of the type chosen when your victim
failed their saving throw (and therefore deals 50% more
Discipline: Athanatism; Level: Conduit 2
Display: Material
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Effect: Ectoplasmic coating whose area is up to one 10-ft.
Duration: Concentration up to 1 round/level
Power Points: Conduit 3
A shadowy silhouette of your hand reaches out from
you and appears to spread a portion of your essence
upon a nearby surface. This power allows you to cover a
wall, floor, ceiling, or similar surface with energies that
incorporeal undead find repulsive. Such creatures are
unwilling to cross through this energy, making the area
you ward impassable to them. You may shape the area
you designate to some degree, but your ward always
Psionics augmented
Range Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Your body becomes coated in a sheen of frost as your
Target One target per manifester level core temperature drops, hinting at the spiritual sight you
Duration Concentration have gained. While under the effect of hauntvision, you
Saving Throw Will negates; Power Resistance Yes can detect, identify, and eventually understand haunts
Power Points 1 nearby. The amount of information revealed by the
manifestation of this power depends on how long you
You cause the targets to believe they hear any sound you
study a particular area or subject.
Detection of a haunt may trigger it to manifest,
The sound can include intelligible speech. Instead of
depending on the conditions and nature of the individual
precisely imagining a sound, you can identify a sound the
subjects know and they imagine it doing what you describe
1st Round: Presence or absence of haunts.
as you manifest the power. All targets hear the same sounds.
2nd Round: Number of different haunts and the
You can change the sound as part of concentrating on the
strength of the most potent haunt. For purposes of
determining a haunt’s strength, those with CR 1-3 are
Augment: This power can be augmented in any of the
considered weak, CR 4-6 moderate, CR 7-9 strong, CR 10-
following ways:
12 potent, CR 13-15 imposing, and CR 16+ deadly.
1. If you spend 2 additional power points, you can script
3rd Round: The strength and location of each haunt.
whatever happens for 1 minute per level, instead of having
If the haunts are within line of sight, you can make
to concentrate on the power. The power will play out as you
Knowledge (religion) checks to attempt identification.
defined it, including reacting to what the targets say or do,
Mythic Hauntvision
provided you defined that interaction when scripting it.
You may add your mythic tier to Knowledge (religion)
2. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can include
rolls made to identify haunts.
the image of any object, creature, or force you imagine or
identify for the targets to imagine. You can move the image HURL ENEMY
while you concentrate. The image fails and disappears
when struck by an opponent unless you cause it to react Discipline Psychokinesis [force]; Level Psion/wilder 4,
appropriately while concentrating. Its AC is equal to 10 + ½ tactician 4
your manifester level. Display Auditory, Visual
3. If you spend 6 additional power points, you can include Manifesting Time 1 standard action
an image as above, but also any olfactory, thermal and Range short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
tactile elements, completing the mental hallucination. Target one creature (see text)
4. If you spend 5 additional power points, you can create Duration instantaneous
a triggered mindtrick instead. This changes the duration to 1 Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Power Resistance yes
week/level + 1 minute/level. You set the triggering condition Power Points 7
(such as hearing a certain word or seeing a type of creature) You concentrate on a creature and use telekinesis to try
when manifesting the power. The event that triggers the to hurl it at another target. The creature being hurled
power can be as general or detailed as desired but must be must weigh less than 50 pounds per manifester level. If
based on an audible, tactile, olfactory, or visual trigger. The the targeted creature fails its save, you forcefully launch it
trigger can’t be based on any quality not normally obvious at another target that must be within 30 ft. of the affected
to the senses, such as alignment. This power uses the target’s creature.
senses to notice triggers. If this event happens during the Make a ranged touch attack against the target. If the
first duration, the mindtrick plays out as if you had scripted attack is successful, deal 7d6 points of damage to both the
it, for 1 minute per level and then ends. hurled creature and the target of the ranged attack. If the
5. If you spend 8 additional power points, change the attack misses, deal 3d6 points of damage to the hurled
target to 1 target and the duration to permanent. You can creature.
make a general script for how the power interacts, when it Augment: For every additional power point spent,
activates and other general reactions, and the targets mind the damage to each creature increases by 1d6. For every
will actively work to make these scripts work. additional 2d6 of damage, the save DC increases by 1.
Discipline: Athanatism; Level: Conduit 1 Discipline: Clairsentience; Level: Seer 2, tactician 2
Display: Material Display: Mental
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Range: 60 ft. Range: Personal
Area: Cone-shaped emanation centered on you Target: You
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D) Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No Power Points: 3
Power Points: 1
Psionics augmented
Your ability to form and implement a plan rapidly is not cause damage only have a 50% chance of affecting
improved. When you manifest this power, you can use you. Force powers and effects, such as from entangling
the Readying An Action special initiative action without debris, affect an incorporeal creature normally.
specifying the conditions that will trigger your readied Mythic Insubstantial
action. You must still specify what action you will take This power’s duration changes to 1 round per mythic
as your readied action. tier you possess.
Augment: If you spend six additional power points,
the duration increases to 1 round per level, but once you NVOLUNTARY BODY FUNCTION
take the readied action, the power ends. Discipline Psychometabolism; Level psion/wilder1, vitalist
Mythic Improvise 1
You no longer need to specify what action you intend Display Olfactory, Auditory
to take as your readied action. Manifesting Time 1 standard action
Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
INSUBSTANTIAL Target one living creature
Discipline: Athanatism; Level: Dread 2, conduit 3 Duration 1 min/level
Display: Visual Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Power Resistance Yes
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Power Points 1
Range: Personal You trigger a number of involuntary bodily functions in a
Target: You living target, making them sickened unless they succeed on
Duration: 1 round a Fortitude save.
Power Points: Dread 3, conduit 5 Augment: You can augment this power in any of the
Your form becomes indistinct and blurry as if viewed
following ways
through a heat-haze. While under the effect of this
1. If you spend 3 additional power points, the target
power, you gain the incorporeal monster ability. Because
instead becomes nauseated on a failed save, and falls prone
this transformation is temporary, it only grants you the
ability to move through solid objects as an incorporeal
unless they make a successful Reflex save.
creature would, though insubstantial can be augmented
2. If you spend 2 additional power points, you can
to offer additional benefits.
designate one target per manifester level instead of just one.
When this power ends, you are staggered for one KYRIA’S CRYSTALLINE AURA
round. Additionally, if you are partially or completely
inside a material object when this power ends, you are Discipline: Metacreativity
ejected into the nearest free space, taking 1d6 points of Level: Psion/wilder 4, psychic warrior 4
damage per 5 feet of material you move through to find Display: Material
a free space. Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Augment: You may augment this power in one or Range: Personal
more of the following ways. Target: You
1. By spending an additional two power points, you Duration: 1 round/level
gain the innate sense of direction common to naturally Power Points: 7
incorporeal creatures, able to move at full speed even You create a cloud of whirling, razor-sharp crystals around
when you cannot see. This does not grant you any yourself. When you manifest this power, choose defensive or
additional senses and is therefore mostly useful while offensive (you may alter this choice as a swift action). While
passing through solid objects. this power is in defensive mode, the shards lock together to
2. By spending an additional two power points, you protect you from attacks; you gain a +3 shield bonus to AC,
can move silently. Creatures making Perception checks as well as a +3 competence bonus to Reflex saves. While this
to observe or locate you suffer a -5 penalty on those power is in offensive mode, creatures within a 10 ft. radius
checks. of you suffer 5d6 slashing damage at the beginning of each
3. By spending an additional four power points, your round (and whenever they voluntarily enter a space within
Armor Class is altered as a natural incorporeal creature; 10 ft. of you) and must succeed at a Reflex save or suffer 2d6
you lose any natural armor bonus to Armor Class and bleed damage.
gain a deflection bonus equal to your Charisma modifier. Augment: You may augment this power in one or both
This bonus does not stack with other sources. Any armor of the following ways:
or shield that does not have the ghost touch property
• For every 2 additional power points you spend, the
ceases applying to your Armor Class while you are
bonuses granted by the defensive mode increase by 1,
and the damage of the offensive mode increases by 1
4. By spending an additional eight power points, you
die (d6; this includes the bleed damage).
gain immunity to non-magical attack forms and take
• For every 2 additional power points you spend, the
only half damage from magic weapons and powers from
area of the offensive mode increases by 5 ft.
corporeal sources. Corporeal powers and effects that do
Psionics augmented
Surge Augmentation: If you invoke your wild surge while movement. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage
manifesting this power, you may choose to manifest it in and prevents the burst of blood. Creatures without blood
both defensive and offensive mode at the same time. If you or an equivalent bodily fluid (including, but not limited
do so, you may not switch its mode for this manifestation, to, most forms of undead, constructs, and elementals) are
and its duration is cut in half (rounded down). immune to the effects of this power.
Augment: You may augment this power in the following
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: cryptic 5, dread 5, • For every 1 additional power point you spend, this
psion/wilder 6 power’s damage increases by one die (d6). For each two
Display: Visual, auditory extra dice of damage, this power’s save DC increases
Manifesting Time: 1 Standard action by 1.
Range: Medium (100 ft. plus 10 ft. per level) • If you spend 4 additional power points, the eruption
Target: 1 creature of blood occurs even if the victim succeeds at their
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 round per level (see text) saving throw.
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: cryptic 9, dread 9, psion/wilder 11 Surge Augmentation: If you invoke your wild surge
while manifesting this power, you may affect creatures that
You violently disturb your victim’s vascular system, sending do not have blood or equivalent bodily fluids; you convert
an eruption of gooey blood from their body. Your victim part of their form to liquid and force it outward.
suffers 9d6 points of damage and erupts in a 20 ft. burst
of blood. Creatures within the burst (including the victim) LIFT
become entangled for 1 round/level as the blood congeals Discipline: Psychoportation; Level: Cryptic 3, psion/wilder
into a web-like mass that constricts their 3
Display: Olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: One Medium or smaller creature
Duration: Concentration up to 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates; Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 5
With a mental thrust you fling your foe upwards
then suspend them there. When you manifest lift, you
cause a target to float unnaturally five feet above the
ground. This typically prevents them from moving
though creatures which can fly are unaffected by lift.
Additionally, a creature that is able to react walls, items,
or creatures nearby may be able to push themselves
horizontally. This requires deliberate intent, so a target
creature kicking or punching an adjacent foe does not
float away unexpectedly.
This power is inherently stable and being suspended
in midair does not impose any penalty on actions the
target creature might undertake excepting movement.
Each round at the end of its turn, the target creature
makes an additional save at the original DC of this
power to terminate its effects.
Mythic Lift
You may manifest mythic lift on one creature per
mythic tier you possess, but no two creatures may
be more than 15 feet apart from one another.
Psionics augmented
Duration: Instantaneous Surge Augmentation: If you invoke your wild surge while
Saving Throw: Fortitude half manifesting this power you shatter the spirit of its victims;
Power Resistance: No creatures that fail their saves also suffer a penalty equal to
Power Points: 3 your wild surge’s intensity on attack rolls, skill checks, caster
You unleash a blast of charged sonic energy that manifests level checks, and manifester level checks for a number of
as a howling shriek. Creatures and objects within the rounds equal to your key ability modifier.
area suffer 3d4 points of sonic damage, which ignores MENTAL MIST
the hardness of objects, and creatures that fail their saves
become deafened for 1 round per manifester level as the Discipline Telepathy [mind-affecting]; Level dread 2, psion/
sound persists in their minds, drowning out all others. The wilder2, tactician 2, vitalist 2
deafened effect is mind-affecting. Display Mental
Augment: You may augment this power in one or both Manifesting Time 1 standard action
of the following ways: Range Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area 20 ft radius
• For every additional power point you spend, this Duration 1 minute/level
power’s damage increases by one die (d4). For each 2 Saving Throw Will negates; Power Resistance Yes
extra dice of damage, this power’s save DC increases Power Points 3
by 1.
• If you spend an additional 4 power points, you may You reach into the minds of your targets and cloud them,
exclude any number of allies and/or objects from the making them think they are deep inside an overwhelming
power’s effects. mist or fog. Those who fail their Will saves are affected
as follows: The mental mist obscures all sight, including
Surge Augmentation: If you invoke your wild surge while darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has
manifesting this power, double its range and area. concealment (attacks have a 20% miss chance). Creatures
MENTAL CONTAGION farther away have total concealment (50% miss chance, and
the attacker can’t use sight to locate the target).
Discipline: Telepathy [mind-affecting] Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more
Level: Dread 5, psion/wilder 6 of the following ways.
Display: Mental 1. If you spend 4 additional power points, all targets that
Manifesting Time: 1 full-round action fail their saves are mentally drained, move at half their
Range: Close (25 ft. plus 5 ft. per 2 levels) normal speed and take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls and
Target: 3 creatures (see text) melee damage rolls and cannot take a 5-foot-step while
Duration: 5 rounds inside.
Saving Throw: Will negates 2. If you spend 4 additional power points, all targets that
Power Resistance: Yes failed their Will save also take 1d6 points of damage at the
Power Points: Dread 9, psion/wilder 11 start of your turn, beginning with the turn you manifest the
You join your mind with a creature and seize the afflictions mental mist.
around its mind, spreading them to others. When you 3. If you spend 6 additional power points, all targets must
manifest this power, choose a creature within range, then make a Fortitude save at the beginning of their turn or be
choose up to two additional creatures within range. overwhelmed by horrid mental images tearing them apart,
The additional creatures must succeed at a Will save or taking 1d4 points of Wisdom damage. If they succeed on
immediately suffer the effects of all mind-affecting abilities this save, they take half damage.
affecting the first creature for 5 rounds, except that you are 4. If you expend your psionic focus, you can exclude
treated as the caster (or origin, as appropriate) for those yourself from all effects while inside the area.
Augment: You may augment this power in one or both
of the following ways. Discipline: Telepathy [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Cryptic 2, psion/wilder 2
• For every 4 additional power points you spend, the Display: Auditory, Material, Visual
number of additional creatures increases by 2, to a Manifesting Time: 1 full round action
maximum of 6. Range: Personal
• If you spend 2 additional power points, make a Duration: 10 minute/level
manifester level check against DC 11 + the caster or Saving Throw: Will negates; Power Resistance: No
manifester level of the highest-level mind-affecting Power Points: 3
ability affecting the initial creature chosen. If you
succeed, all mind-affecting abilities affecting that When manifesting this power, you are capable of duplicating
creature are removed. the psionic pattern of an individual you’ve touched and
attempt to duplicate them. This is a mind-affecting ability
that causes those who view you to see and hear you as
Psionics augmented
the duplicated individual, granting you a +30 competence Power Points: 9
bonus on Disguise and Bluff checks to appear and act like You store a single power in your mind as a trap to any who
the duplicated individual. You may duplicate patterns that would trespass there. When you manifest this power, select
are similar to your own; creatures duplicated must be of another power you know with a range of close or greater,
same type and size or within one step smaller or larger, and and a target of ‘one creature’. That power is stored inside
must have the same configuration of limbs (if you duplicate your mind trap (you may still manifest it normally).
someone with a missing limb, observers will see that this When you succeed at a saving throw against a mind-
limb is missing still). This power only affects the senses of affecting power, spell, or ability, you may trigger the stored
sight and sound, you will still smell the same and creatures power, targeting the source of the effect you saved against
with scent may pick up the difference. Individuals who (regardless of the distance between you and that source).
perceive falsehood in your disguise and representation of You must pay all costs associated with the power, and may
the duplicated victim may attempt a Will save to disbelieve augment it as normal.
the power and see through it. However, this does not end Augment: For every 4 additional power points you spend,
the power, only allowing the creaturing making the save to you may trigger the power stored in your mind trap an
see through it to what you really are. additional time. You still need to pay all costs associated
Augment: If you spend an additional 2 power points with the triggered power each time you use it.
points, the bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks increase by 2
and the DC to disbelieve the disguise increases by 1. MINDSCRAMBLE
MIND PALACE Discipline: telepathy; Level: gifted blade 2
Display: Auditory, Olfactory
Discipline: Clairsentience; Level: Cryptic 1, psion/wilder 1, Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
vitalist 1 Range: Melee or ranged attack (see text)
Display: Auditory Target: Your mind blade (or equivalent)
Manifesting Time: 1 immediate action Duration: One round, see text.
Range: Personal Saving Throw: Will (see text); Power Resistance: Yes
Target: You Power Points: 3
Duration: Instantaneous
Power Points: 1 When manifesting this power, you create a subtle psionic
At the sound of a sharp snap, your eyes glaze over field around your mind blade (or any of its variant types)
as you internalize your thought processes, rummaging and strike out at an enemy as a standard action. Your
amongst the recesses of your mind to reach resources successful attack causes this field to discharge and inflict
normally inaccessible to your conscious self. For a tiny an additional 2d6 points of nonlethal damage. Additionally,
moment of time, your personal sense of time’s passage this power stuns foes on a failed Will save for 1d4 rounds.
is distorted, granting the priceless boon of time to think. Augment: For every additional 2 power points spent,
When you manifest mind palace, you envision a artificial increase the damage by 1d6 and increase the stun duration
representation of your mind’s contents, and you search by 1 round. For every 4 additional power points spent on
within that representation for shards of knowledge that this power, increase the Will save DC by 1.
might be applicable to the problem immediately before
you. The amount of hidden useful knowledge to be
gained is unpredictable. You gain a 1d4 bonus to the Discipline: Psychokinesis; Level: Marksman 2
next attack roll, saving throw, skill check, ability check, Display: Visual
manifester level check or similar check you make before Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
the start of your next turn. Range: Touch
Augment: For every additional two power points you Target: One touched ranged weapon
spend, bonus granted by this power increases by 1d4. Duration: 1 round/level
Mythic Mind Palace Power Points: 3
The bonus dice for mythic mind palace are increased A shimmering pocket of space opens up near your
to 1d8. bow, inviting the insertion of a small item. While this
power is in effect, you can load an alchemical item such
MIND TRAP as an acid flask or holy water into the space, and your
Discipline: Telepathy [mind-affecting]; Level: cryptic 5, next shot will deliver that item in addition to its normal
dread 5, psion/wilder 5, tactician 5 effects. Loading this pocket requires a move action but
Display: Mental once loaded, the pocket remains ready to use until the
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action power expires or you take a shot with your weapon.
Range: Personal Augment: For every additional two power points you
Target: You spend, you may place an additional alchemical item into
Duration: 1 hour/level or until discharged the loading pocket when you load it, without requiring
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No
Psionics augmented
more time. Such items will still only attach one per touch attack to deal 3d6 nonlethal damage against a single
projectile, so delivering two items requires two shots. creature.
Mythic Payload Augment: This power can be augmented in one or both
You are able to draw and load alchemical items into of the following ways.
the loading pocket as a free action. In addition, you 1. For every 2 power points you spend, you can make
may choose to deliver up to one item per two marksman another ranged touch attack.
levels you possess with a single shot. 2. If you spend 3 additional power points, the ectoplasm
sticks to the target if it hits and deals the same amount of
PINNING SHOT nonlethal damage at the beginning of your next turn.
Discipline: Psychokinesis; Level: Marksman 2
Display: Material RENDING FORCE
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Discipline Psychokinesis [force]; Level psion/wilder 5
Range: Personal Display Material
Target: You Manifesting Time 1 full-round action
Duration: 1 round/level Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Power Points: 3 Target one creature
Your arrows glisten with a thin layer of what appears Duration instantaneous
to be an exotic psionic adhesive. While you have this
power manifested, you fire shots that can bind targets in
a number of ways. You can use this to make it difficult to
open a door or similar portal, or to make it difficult for a
creature to move.
Creature: To use this binding method, you must first
successfully make a shot with a ranged weapon against
your target. If you hit, instead of dealing damage as
normal, you may choose to pin them to an adjacent object,
including the floor. If there is no suitable adjacent object
(such as in the case of a flying creature), this method has
no effect. A target pinned to a solid object is unable
to move from their location without succeeding at a
Strength check with a DC equal to 13 + your key ability
Door: To use this binding method, you must first
successfully make a shot with a ranged weapon against
your target. A door, chest, or similar items typically have
AC 10. If you hit, your projectile binds the portal shut,
rendering it difficult to open. Opening such a bound
item requires a Strength check with a DC equal to 13 +
your key ability modifier.
Augment: For every additional two power points you
spend, this power’s DC increases by 1.
Mythic Pinning Shot
Add your tier to the Strength check DC required to
unbind a target. Additionally, a bound creature counts
as entangled until they pull free.
Discipline Metacreativity; Level psion/wilder2, cryptic 2
Display Material, Mental
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target One or more creatures
Saving Throw None; Power Resistance Yes
Power Points 3
You pummel the creature with ectoplasm, possibly knocking
them out without seriously injuring them. Make a ranged
Psionics augmented
Saving Throw Fortitude partial (see text); Power Resistance Range: Touch
Yes Duration: Instantaneous
You rip the body of the target creature apart with telekinetic Saving Throw: Will half; Power Resistance: No
force, rending it limb from limb. The target creature suffers Power Points: 3
9d6 points of damage. If this damage reduces the target’s Manifesting this power allows the manifester to steal the
hit point total by more than half, a limb is removed from unstable animus from a target with a touch. The manifester
the creature’s body flies 15 feet in a random direction away makes a touch attack against the target and may attempt
from the creature and causes the affected creature to bleed. to steal 1d4 points of animus from the target. A successful
The creature suffers one additional 5 points of damage each Will save by the target halves the loss of animus. If the target
round. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check does not possess animus, this power has no effect.
or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage, Augment: If you spend an additional 2 power points
but the limb can only be restored by powerful healing points, you may alter the range of this power to close range
effects such as regeneration or heal. (25 feet + 5 feet per two manifester levels) and make the
If the damage reduces the target’s hit points to below attack as a ranged touch attack.
zero, all of its limbs are affected in this fashion. For every additional 2 power points spent, you may steal
Creatures without a discernible anatomy or limbs are an additional 1d4 points of animus from the target.
unaffected by rending force.
Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more STEAL LANGUAGE
of the following ways.
Discipline Telepathy; Level psion/wilder1, cryptic 1
1. If you spend 2 additional power points, the damage
Display Olfactory, Auditory
dealt uses d8 instead of d6.
Manifesting Time 1 standard action
2. If you spend 2 additional power points, a limb is
Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
removed if the damage reduces the target’s hit point total
Target One creature with at least one language
by more than 1/4.
Duration 1 minute/level
3. If you spend 2 additional power points, the target is
Saving Throw Will negates; Power Resistance Yes
also sickened if a limb is removed.
Power Points 1
In addition, for each power point spent augmenting this
power, the damage increases by an additional die of damage. You rip knowledege of a language out of the mind of the
target and implant it into your own mind. Unless the target
SANGUINE DISPLACEMENT succeeds on its saving throw, you add the language to your
Discipline: Psychoportation; Level: dread 3, psion/wilder 3, languages known for the duration of the effect and your
vitalist 3 target loses access to this language for the duration of the
Display: Visual effect.
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more
Range: Close (25 ft. plus 5 ft./2 levels) of the following ways.
Target: One creature 1. For every additional power point you spend, choose
Duration: Instantaneous one more language that your target knows that it will lose
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; Power Resistance: Yes and you will gain on a failed save.
Power Points: 5 2. If you spend 2 additional power points, the duration
extends to 1 hour/level.
You teleport blood and vital fluids from your target’s body. 3. If you spend 4 additional power points, the duration
The target suffers 1d4 points of Constitution damage (save extends to 1 day/level.
for half). If you feed on blood or life force (such as if you
are a vampire or a wight), you may teleport the removed SYMPATHETIC DRAIN
fluids into your own body, gaining 3 temporary hit points
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Psion/wilder 2,
per point of Constitution damage dealt by this power; these
vitalist 2
do not stack with other uses of this power, and last for up
Display: Visual
to 1 hour. These temporary hit points may be used to satisfy
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
feeding requirements, if applicable.
Range: Close (25 ft. plus 5 ft. per 2 levels)
Augment: For every 4 power points you spend, the
Target: You and 1 other creature
damage of this power increases by one die (d4) and its save
Duration: Instantaneous
DC is increased by 2.
Saving Throw: Will partial
STEAL ANIMUS Power Resistance: Yes
Power Points: 3
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Gifted blade 2, psion/
wilder 2, psychic warrior 2, tactician 2 You establish a channel between you and a victim, through
Display: Auditory, Material, Visual which you both bleed life force. When you manifest this
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action power, sacrifice any number of hp up to 1/2 your full
maximum total (you may not sacrifice temporary hp). Your
Psionics augmented
victim loses an equal amount of hp and must succeed at a 4. If you spend 4 additional power points, you can target
Will save or be sickened for 1 round. one target per manifester level.
Augment: For every 2 additional power points you spend 5. If you spend 6 additional power points, the duration
when manifesting this power, the duration of the sickened becomes Permanent instead of 1 round/lvl.
effect increases by 1 round and its save DC increases by 1. In addition, for every 2 power points you spend to
Surge Augmentation: If you invoke your wild surge augment this power, increase the DC by +1.
when you manifest this power your opponent loses 2 hp for
each 1 hp you sacrifice. TRANSFER ANIMUS
Discipline: Psychometabolism (mind-affecting); Level:
TACTILE TELEKINESIS Gifted blade 1, psion/wilder 1, psychic warrior 1, tactician 1
Discipline: psychokinesis; Level: gifted blade 4, psychic Display: Material, Visual
warrior 4 Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Display: Auditory, Material Range: Touch
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 minute
Range: Personal Saving Throw: Will (harmless); Power Resistance: No
Duration: 1 min./level; see text (D) Power Points: 1
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No Upon manifesting this power, you are able to transfer your
Power Points: 7 animus to an individual with a touch. To use this power, you
While you manifest this power, you gain a +8 circumstance must possess an animus pool. The target of this power need
bonus to your Strength score to determine what your lifting not have an animus pool or a method of using it; if they do
and dragging capacity is or when you are making Strength not, they may not use this animus for any reason, simply
checks to break objects, and you gain the rock throwing becoming harmlessly charged by it. You may transfer two
special ability while this is in effect. Additionally, you may points of animus to a target creature, and this energy lasts
add a +2 circumstance bonus to your attack and damage for one minute before dissipating harmlessly.
rolls. Augment: If you spend an additional 2 power points points,
Augment: For every additional 2 power points spent, you may alter the range of this power to close range (25 feet
the Strength bonus to determine your lifting and dragging + 5 feet per two manifester levels) and the manifester must
capacity increases by an additional +1. For every additional make a successful ranged touch attack on an unwilling target.
4 power points spent, the circumstance bonus to your If you spend an additional 1 power point, you may transfer
attack and damage rolls increase by an additional +1. an additional two points of animus to the target.
Discipline Psychometabolism; Level cryptic 1, dread 1, Discipline: Psychokinesis; Level: Cryptic 5, psion 8, vitalist 8
psion/wilder1 Display: Visual
Display Visual, Mental Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Manifesting Time 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) and touch
Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature touched and one creature; see text
Target One target Duration: Immediate
Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates; see text; Power Resistance:
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Power Resistance Yes Yes
Power Points 1 Power Points: Cryptic 9, psion 15, vitalist 15
A bridge of coruscating multi-hued light builds between
You temporarily disconnect the body’s sight from whatever
two creatures, photonic evidence of magical redirection.
processes the images in them, causing them to suffer
Retarget power can be used to move an ongoing magical
temporary blindness. The target must make a Fortitude
spell or psionic power from one creature to another.
save or become blinded. The target can make a new save at
Prior to its use, you must have identified the specific
the end of each round to remove the blindness.
single spell or power you intend to move either through
Augment: This power can be augmented in one or more
the use of Spellcraft, or by having been the original
of the following ways.
caster or manifester of the spell or power. Simply being
1. If you spend 2 additional power points, the duration
told, even by the original caster is insufficient for this
extends to 1 minute per level. The target gets to make a
purpose though any experience equivalent to first-hand
new save every minute instead of every round.
knowledge (such as by means of mind-reading) is.
2. If you spend 4 additional power points, the duration
You must touch the creature that is currently under
extends to 1 day per level. The target gets to make a new
the effects of the ongoing spell or power. That creature
save every day instead of every round.
is entitled to a Will saving throw to resist your transfer
3. If you spend 4 additional power points, the target does
though they may choose to voluntarily fail their save as
not gain any additional saves if they fail the first.
usual. If this condition is satisfied, the target creature
Psionics augmented
you select may also make a saving throw to resist other. You can augment in both ways at once by spending
accepting the transfer. If either creature succeeds at its appropriate power points.
saving throw, retarget power has no effect and the spell 2. By spending an additional six power points, all
or power remains active on its original target. Spell sounds created by the source creature are inaudible to
resistance applies to both the source and target creatures. your target.
This power cannot be used to transfer a power that For every two additional power points spent on either
cannot apply to the target creature. For instance, hold augment, the DC of this power increases by 1.
person cannot be moved to an outsider (because hold Mythic Selective Hearing
person can only target humanoids). Retarget power You can allow your target to hear the source creature
is, however, usable in cases of immunity, for instance as if not under the effects of this power. When so
allowing you to move mind-affecting spells or powers allowing, you can tap into the hearing of your target as
onto undead. long as they are on the same plane as you are, and hear
Augment: For every additional two power points you the voice of the source creature you specified. You only
spend, the DC of this power is increased by 1. hear that voice, not that of your source target or any
Mythic Retarget Power other sounds.
You may hold open the psionic conduit between the The duration of mythic selective hearing becomes 1
source creature and the target creature for one round hour/level and its saving throw becomes a Will save.
per mythic tier you possess. This may be useful to allow
you to get closer to a target creature that is outside of the SPRAY
power’s range. Manifesting any other power or casting Discipline: Metacreativity (Creation); Level: Marksman 3
any other spell (or use of psi-like or spell-like abilities) Display: Material
ends this power immediately. Manifesting Time: 1 swift action
Augmented (6th): By expending three uses of mythic Range: Personal
power, you may manifest one power or cast one spell Target: You
without ending this power. Duration: Immediate
Power Points: Marksman 5
SELECTIVE HEARING The arrow you have just fired arcs towards its target
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Cryptic 2, psion/ then abruptly reality is rewritten and multiple arrows
wilder 2 spawn in its place. If you manifest spray just after taking
Display: Auditory a shot with a ranged weapon (but not thrown weapon),
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action just before striking its target, your projectile splits into
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) as many as three identical projectiles, able to strike
Target: One creature, see text different targets. You may designate two targets adjacent
Duration: 1 min./level to your original target, and the two twin projectiles will
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; Power Resistance: Yes be directed at them. You make a single attack roll and
Power Points: 3 modify that roll for each target as appropriate for cover,
With a sudden disturbing throb, your foes ears concealment and similar effects.
become exceptionally tuned, their drums refusing to Each duplicate projectile created by spray is identical
vibrate in response to carefully chosen stimuli. When to the original, so any effects or abilities being delivered
you manifest this power on a creature that can hear by that projectile are similarly duplicated.
normally, you specify one other creature that it will In the case of a critical threat on the single attack roll,
become unable to hear any longer. Once in place, you must roll separate confirmation rolls per target.
selective hearing prevents its target from being able to In the case of a critical fumble (if playing with fumble
hear the voice of the source creature you have chosen. optional rules), only roll one confirmation.
The source creature does not need to be within range Augment: For every four additional power points you
of this power when you manifest it, however you must spend, you may add one more duplicate projectile.
have heard the source creature’s voice in the past. Mythic Spray
The target creature can still hear other sounds For every mythic tier you possess, you may ignore one
created by the source creature, allowing for simple 5-ft. square for purposes of target adjacency. Thus, at 1st
communication through such means as banging two tier, and 9th level, you could direct your three projectiles
items together. at two targets adjacent to one another, and a third target
Augment: You can augment this power in one or both that is 5 feet away from either of the first two. At 2nd
of the following ways: tier, that third target could have been 10 feet from the
1. For every additional three power points you spend, first two, or each of the three targets could have been 5
you can choose a second target creature or a second feet from one another.
source creature. For instance, this could allow you to
have one creature that cannot hear two others, or to
have two creatures that cannot hear a single common
Psionics augmented
SUPPRESS INSTINCT your saving throws against; suspend psionics cannot be
used upon powers that were placed upon you by enemies.
Discipline: Telepathy; Level: Cryptic 2, psion/wilder 2,
Mythic Suspend Psionics
vitalist 2
You may suspend a number of powers on your person
Display: Auditory
equal to your mythic tier.
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Target: One touched animal
Duration: 1 min./level Discipline: Psychokinesis; Level: Kineticist 2, psychic
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); Power Resistance: warrior 2
Yes (harmless) Display: Auditory
Power Points: 3 Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Your thoughts gently caress the primitive mind of an
Range: 5 feet
animal, reworking its most base urges to enable it to
Target: Up to three objects weighing no more than 5
act more calmly than natural. Once under the effect
pounds each
of this power, the subject animal becomes temporarily
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
immune to fear effects. In addition, the animal can now
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No
potentially be convinced to perform acts that it would
Power Points: 3
A small number of items become animated, hurling
otherwise be unwilling to do, such as run through a
about your person in a dizzying orbit, ready to act at
sheet of fire or walk along a sharp cliff. This may allow
your behest. When you manifest this power, you must
an animal to take advantage of abilities that would
choose one of two modes in which you intend it to be
normally alarm it, such as if it were subject to a fly spell
used. Once chosen, this choice cannot be altered until
(though directing it in flight may require Handle Animal
the power ends.
In either case, you cause a set of objects to spin rapidly
This does not make an animal suicidal, but merely
around you, primed to either defend you, or aid in your
keeps its natural fears from preventing it from acting.
offense. These objects move quickly enough that they
You also do not gain any special influence over the
do not impair your vision, nor do they provide you cover
animal and must direct it as you would to take any
or concealment. The objects so animated remain within
actions it would not normally find distasteful.
your square at all times and if they are removed by any
Augment: For every two additional power points you
means, they cease being under the control of the power.
spend, you may manifest this power on one additional
Defensive: In this mode, the objects you animate are
animal. You do not need to touch each animal at the
prepared to intercept physical attacks against you. Once
same time to activate this power but must touch all
per animated object per round, you can direct an object
target animals within the duration of the power.
to try to block such an attack as a free action that can be
Mythic Suppress Instinct
taken outside of your turn. The animated item moves to
This power can now apply to magical beasts and its
intercede, providing you a +1 shield bonus against that
duration is changed to 1 hour/level.
attack. Unlike most cases, this bonus stacks with any
SUSPEND PSIONICS shield bonus you have from another source.
Offensive: In this mode, the objects you animate can
Discipline: Psychokinesis; Level: Cryptic 2, psion/wilder 2,
be used to make offensive attacks. Once per animated
tactician 2
object per round, you can direct an object to attack a
Display: Visual
creature that is attacking you as a free action. This is
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
resolved after the attack that you are reacting to. You
Range: Personal
make an attack roll using your base attack bonus and
Target: You
adding your manifesting ability bonus. If you hit, the
Duration: Concentration up to 1 min./level
animated object deals 1d3 points of damage. You cannot
Power Points: 3
react with more than one object per attack made against
The visible auras of magic surrounding you dampen
noticeably, signifying some reduction in effect. When
Augment: For every four additional power points you
you manifest this power, you select one ongoing power
spend, the shield bonus granted increases by +1 or the
in that is currently manifested upon you. While you
damage dealt increases by 1d3.
concentrate, the selected power is suppressed, its benefits
Mythic Telekinetic Bola
cease and its remaining duration stops decreasing. Once
Your shield bonus is now constant, applying to all
you cease concentrating, the power immediately springs
attacks during the power’s duration. Similarly, in
back into effect and resumes its normal duration.
offensive mode the mythic telekinetic bola automatically
You can only specify powers that you have manifested
counter-attacks after every melee attack made against
upon yourself and powers you have voluntarily failed
you, and the damage dice increase to 1d6.
Psionics augmented
UPLIFT rest or use of ambrosia or similar items, and remains
unavailable until mythic uplift ends.
Discipline: Psychometabolism; Level: Cryptic 2
Display: Mental VACUUM BALL
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) Discipline: Psychoportation; Level: Cryptic 3, dread 3,
Target: One animal psion/wilder 4
Duration: 1 day/level (D) Display: Visual
Saving Throw: Will negates; Power Resistance: Yes Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Power Points: 3 Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
A sphere of psychic static emanates from you,
Target: One creature
hinting at a furious transmission of mental identity.
Duration: Concentration up to 1 round/level
By manifesting this power, you attempt to raise the
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text; Power Resistance:
Intelligence of the target animal by gifting some of your
own. When you use uplift, your Intelligence score is
Power Points: Cryptic 5, dread 5, psion/wilder 7
A skin of force abruptly surrounds your foe, then the
reduced as if by ability score damage by an amount you
environment within changes to mimic the hostile space
select. This reduction cannot be healed, repaired, or
between worlds. When you target a creature with this
negated in any way until uplift ends, at which point your
power, you transport the atmosphere and environment
Intelligence score returns to its normal level (applying
that surrounds them to space, leaving behind an area
any actual damage or drain you might have). You cannot
of vacuum. An affected creature immediately takes
reduce your Intelligence score below 1 using this power.
3d6 points of damage from sudden decompression.
At the same time that your intellect is reduced, the
Additionally, the area within a vacuum ball does not
mental capacity of the target creature is increased by
support the transmission of sound, so is treated as if
the same amount. The cogitation thus granted is your
under the effects of silence. Finally, a creature within
own and some of your knowledge is gifted along with
a vacuum ball begins suffocating if they need to breathe.
it. A target subject to uplift learns Common or one other
A creature cannot escape from a vacuum ball by
language you know (though they may not have the
means of movement; the hostile area follows them as
physical ability to speak it).
they move. This does not prevent escape by means of
This power does not place the target animal under your
psychoportive travel such as fold space. If a creature
control or influence it in any way, but it may provide the
does manage to escape the confines of a vacuum ball, the
creature sufficient intelligence that it can be bargained
power immediately ends.
with, or convinced to provide assistance by reasoned
The membrane surrounding a vacuum ball is semi-
use of Diplomacy. Perversely, as the mental capacity of
permeable, allowing the surrounded creature to act
the target animal increases, yours reduces, potentially
normally in most ways. They are still able to make melee
rendering you unable to effectively reason with it.
and ranged attacks (though items and abilities relying on
The target creature type for uplift cannot be altered by
air such as firearms may not function). Fire does not
any other spell, power, feat, class feature or other ability.
function within a vacuum ball, so carried torches will be
Augment: This power may be augmented in one or
immediately extinguished, but this does not interfere
more of the following ways:
with powers with a duration of instantaneous from
1. For every additional power point you spend, you
harming a creature within if they deal fire damage. A
may transfer all of your ranks in one skill you possess
flaming weapon is suppressed while its wielder is within
to the target creature. Using this augment temporarily
a vacuum ball.
removes your access to those ranks until the power ends.
Mythic Vacuum Ball
2. For every two additional power points you spend,
A creature within the confines of a mythic vacuum
the DC of this power increases by one.
ball takes an additional 3d6 points of damage each
Mythic Uplift
round that you maintain concentration. After five
By expending a use of mythic power, the amount of
rounds of being contained with a mythic vacuum ball,
Intelligence gained by the target creature is increased
such a creature’s blood vessels begin to rupture. Such
100%. You may expend a number of uses of mythic
a creature must make a Fortitude save (DC same as the
power up to your tier in this way, each time adding
power’s) or become temporarily blind. This blindness
another 100% of your Intelligence reduction to the target
ends two rounds after this power ends.
creature. Thus, if you decide to reduce your Intelligence
by 3 and expend one use of mythic power, the target WARDROBE MALFUNCTION
creature gains 6 Intelligence instead of the normal 3.
Similarly, if you instead expended four uses of mythic Discipline: Psychokinesis; Level: Kineticist 2, tactician 2
power, the target creature would gain 15 Intelligence Display: Auditory
(the normal 3 plus four more times that). Mythic power Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
expended for this purpose cannot be recovered through Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Target: One worn suit of armor or clothing
Psionics augmented
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/level WINDTUNNEL
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; Power Resistance: Yes Discipline: Psychokinesis; Level: Marksman 2
Power Points: 3 Display: Audible and visual
With furrowed brow, you remotely loosen straps, open
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
buckles, and otherwise disassemble an enemy’s armor.
Range: Personal
When you manifest this power, if your target fails their
Effect: A short tunnel of fast-moving air that you can point
saving throw, you may start removing portions of their
Duration: 1 round/level
armor, reducing the armor bonus to AC that it grants by
Saving Throw: None; Power Resistance: No
2. Each round that you concentrate on this power, the
Power Points: 3
target must make an additional saving throw to resist its
The air before you swirls into a roiling tornado. This
effects. Failure results in further reductions in armor
power provides you a tunnel through which you can fire
bonus, to a minimum of zero.
ranged attacks that use ammunition. The tunnel causes
As a standard action on their turn, your target may
your shots to accelerate, which increases their range
refasten their armor, restoring their armor bonus by up
increments by 10 ft.
to 2, to a maximum of the normal armor bonus granted
Augment: For every additional two power points you
by their armor. Disassembly caused by wardrobe
spend, the range increments of your shots is extended an
malfunction remains after the power ends, and a creature
additional 10 ft.
wearing such armor must spend actions to reassemble it.
Mythic Windtunnel
This power does not harm a suit of armor, even one
You add your Wisdom modifier to the damage dealt by
that appears to be one integral piece, such as in the case
each attack you make through your mythic windtunnel.
of hide armor. Such armor merely becomes improperly
seated on its wearer, and can be donned normally once
this power’s influence is ended.
This power does not affect armor bonuses granted
from sources other than armor, such as that granted by
inertial armor or bracers of armor.
Wardrobe malfunction can be similarly used upon
common clothing. In this case, each round you may
designate a single article of clothing your target is
wearing. If the target fails its saving throw that round,
the item slips off of them.
Mythic Wardrobe Malfunction
Once this power has reduced a suit of armor’s armor
bonus to 0, the manifester may start reducing the shield
bonus (if any) their target possesses. Additionally, this
power may be used to reduce a creature’s natural armor
bonus by pulling and prying portions of protective
plating out of place, but only once the target’s armor and
shield bonuses to AC are reduced to 0.
Psionics augmented
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