Psionic Bestiary - Phrenic Hegemony

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Psionic Bestiary
Phrenic Hegemony

The Psionic Bestiary project began with a contest

started to find new authors interested in working on
Phrenic Hegemony
psionic content, particularly on psionic monsters. The dreaded Phrenic Hegemony spans countless worlds
This bestiary is the culmination of that project. and planes. Known to have utterly annihilated entire worlds,
these aberrations move from world to world, selecting new
breeding stock from among the peoples of the world, and
slaughtering those that will not submit or cannot be used
toward the creation of new phrenics. The first encounter
most worlds have with the Phrenic Hegemony is against
a phrenic scourge, the most widely known of the phrenic
aberrations. With their small force of humanoid thralls
they overwhelm an isolated community, and with their
implant attack sow the seeds for future phrenic scourges.
Author: Dean Siemsen Small rural communities often fall victim to a phrenic
Artist: Tsailanza Rayne infiltrator (lianshai) and its puppeteers; larger better
Layout: Erik Nowak defended settlements or towns might face a force of
Editing: Mark Gedak, Shane O’Connor
phrenic adepts (chiondarus) and phrenic dreadnaughts
Publisher: Jeremy Smith
(uruklaars). No matter the phrenic horrors that these
Based on the original roleplaying game rules designed by Gary communities face, the result is the same: destruction, loss,
Gygax and Dave Arneson and inspired by the third edition of the and a nightmare from which there is no awakening.
game designed by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams,
Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. There have been some few humanoids that have survived
Psionic Bestiary requires the use of Psionics Unleashed:
implantation and even worked against the will of the Phrenic
Core Psionics System, © 2010 Dreamscarred Press. Hegemony. Though they might be called lucky, they would
See surely argue that and say that they are cursed–for they live, but
for more information on Psionics Unleashed.
as phrenic spawn–abominations to both their former people
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as and the aberrations that spawned them. They often strive
Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, against the aberrations, seeking to undo their machinations
Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered and even seeking a means to reverse that which was done
trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots,
storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements to them. They are resistant to psionic attacks, but have a
that have previously been designated as Open Game Content or are weakness regarding further implant attempts.
in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity It is whispered that for all the horror a phrenic scourge
(see above), the game mechanics of this game product are Open might visit upon a region or community, or the strife a
Game Content, as defined in the Open Gaming License version
phrenic infiltrator may sow, or the sheer destruction that
1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material
designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form phrenic adepts and phrenic dreadnaughts may wrought–that
without written permission. there is something worse than these–a Phrenic Matriarch: a
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Queen for the hive that is the Phrenic Hegemony. Madness
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See http:// for more information on the Pathfinder is its sword, insanity is its shield, and only the hardiest of
Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee heroes can stand before this matron of monsters.
compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and
the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, Psi-like Abilities
and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility
License. See for more
in Creature Entries
information on the compatibility license.
Psionic Bestiary is published by Dreamscarred Press under the Open The psionic monster entries below contain a variety of
Game License version 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. psi-like abilities. In many cases, these psi-like abilities have
© 2013 Dreamscarred Press been augmented due to the creature’s effective manifester
level. For ease of use, augment effects have been added,
but GMs are encouraged to change these augment choices
if it better suits their needs and should not be viewed as
mandatory augment selections.
Psionic Bestiary • Phrenic Hegemony

Phrenic Adept
A roughly humanoid figure stands several yards away.
Its mauve-pink tinted skin glistens and is covered with
a layer of wriggling cilia; the only clothing it wears is a
loincloth of heavy fabric. The air before it shimmers as
an ectoplasmic creature appears nearby, with a gesture it
directs the creature to attack.

Phrenic Adept (Chiondaru) CR 9

LE Medium aberration (psionic) XP 6,400
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.;
Perception +18

AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 97 (13d8+39)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +12
DR 10/magic; PR 20

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d8)
Ranged ray +13 (crystal shard)
Special Attacks summon (astral construct VII), usurp
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 13th; concentration +17/+21 defensive)
At will—crystal shard (13d6 piercing damage, ranged
touch +13), ecto protection* (+6 to DCs against dispel
psionics or similar effects, and +6 on saving throws to
resist dismiss ectoplasm, can be manifested as swift
action if used with summon ability).
3/day—ectoplasmic shambler, swarm of crystals (13d4
slashing damage).
Usurp Summoning (Su) As a standard action a chiondaru
Statistics may attempt to wrest control of any summoned
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 18 creature (whether called by arcane, divine, or psionic
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 22 means) and have it obey the phrenic adept’s commands
Feats Ability Focus (usurp summoning), Boost Construct, as if it had summoned the creature, including attacking
Combat Manifestation, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, the original summoner. The save DC to resist the effects
Toughness, Weapon Focus (ray) of usurp summoning is a Will save (DC 22), and the
Skills Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) summoned creature, not its summoner, must make this
+10, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (psionics) +19, save. A successful save means the original summoner
Perception +18, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +13, Survival +11 retains control over its summoned creature. The save
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon DC is Charisma-based.

Ecology Phrenic Adept

Environment underground or temperate plains (Chiondaru) variants
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (1-2 chiondarus, 1-2
uruklaars, and 1 phrenic scourge (leader) plus 2-8 The phrenic adept presented above is a specialist of
humanoid thralls). metacreativity discipline, however the phrenic scourges
Treasure standard have plagued many psionically gifted peoples over time,
and as a result there are a variety of chiondarus with
Special Abilities powers from each of the psionic disciplines. Presented
Summon (Su) Three times per day, as a standard action, below are these variant phrenic adepts, one each for the
a chiondaru may summon an astral construct (from remaining psionic disciplines. Only their differences are
the 7th level table) and have it attack, defend, guard, outlined (psi-like abilities, special abilities, feats and skills),
or perform other tasks the phrenic adept needs. This their HD, saves, and ability scores remain the same as the
functions as the astral construct power, but augmented phrenic adept presented above, unless otherwise noted in
to a 7th level power. their description.
Psionic Bestiary • Phrenic Hegemony

Phrenic Adept (Chiondaru) Phrenic Adept (Chiondaru)

clairsentient (seer) CR 9 psychokinetic (kineticist) CR 9
LE Medium aberration (psionic) XP 6,400 LE Medium aberration (psionic) XP 6,400
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.;
Perception +18 Perception +18

Defense Defense
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +9 natural) AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 97 (13d8+39) hp 97 (13d8+39)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +12 Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +12
DR 10/magic; PR 20 DR 10/magic; PR 20

Offense Offense
Speed 30 ft.; 40 ft. focused Speed 30 ft.; 40 ft. focused
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d8+1) Melee 2 slams +9 (1d8+1)
Special Attacks precognitive schism Ranged ray +13 (energy ray)
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 13th; concentration +17/+21 defensive) Special Attacks telekinetic slam
At will—defensive precognition (+5 insight bonus to AC Psi-Like Abilities (ML 13th; concentration +17/+21 defensive)
and saving throws, or +3 but manifest as a swift At will—energy missile* (13d6, save DC 21), energy ray*
action), offensive precognition (+5 insight bonus to (13d6+2, ranged touch +13)
attack rolls, or +3 but manifest as a swift action), 3/day —energy push* (7d6, save DC 21), energy retort*
recall agony (12d6, DC 21). (9 minutes total duration, save DC 21)
3/day—offensive prescience* (augmented, +6 insight bonus 1/day—energy wave* (13d6, save DC 21)
on damage rolls, or +4 but manifest as a swift action). *A kineticist chiondaru does not need to select an energy
1/day—greater precognition (up to 13 precognitive edges). type for this power when he gains psionic focus. He may
choose the type of damage at the time the power is
Statistics manifested.
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 18
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 22 Statistics
Feats Ability Focus (precognitive schism), Combat Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 18
Manifestation, Iron Will, Psionic Charge, Psionic Fist, Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 22
Speed of Thought, Toughness Feats Ability Focus (telekinetic slam), Combat Manifestation,
Skills Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) Greater Power SpecializationIron Will, Power
+10, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (psionics) +19, Specialization, Toughness, Weapon Focus (ray)
Perception +18, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +13, Survival +11 Skills Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana)
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon +10, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (psionics) +19,
Perception +18, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +13, Survival +11
Ecology Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon
Environment underground or temperate plains
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (1-2 chiondarus, Ecology
1-2 uruklaars, and 1 phrenic scourge (leader) plus 2-8 Environment underground or temperate plains
humanoid thralls). Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (1-2 chiondarus,
Treasure standard 1-2 uruklaars, and 1 phrenic scourge (leader) plus 2-8
humanoid thralls).
Special Abilities Treasure standard
Precognitive Schism (Su) With their insights into
possible outcomes and what events may happen, these Special Abilities
chiondarus have developed an attack which enables Telekinetic Slam (Su) A kineticist chiondaru is capable of
them to confound and penalize a humanoid creature. making powerful psychokinetic slams up to 30 feet
Precognitive schism is similar to the clairsentient away. If the chiondaru expends its psionic focus it may
powers defensive precognition, offensive precognition, perform a telekinetic slam up to 60 feet away. Once per
and offensive prescience but instead of granting an round, as a standard action, the chiondaru makes an
insight bonus, the chiondaru instills a -5 penalty to a attack against the target’s touch AC, a successful hit
single humanoid’s AC, attack roll, damage roll, or saving inflicts 3d6+4 points of damage. For every 5 points of
throw (phrenic adept’s choice). Once per round as a damage dealt the target is pushed back 5 feet. A Fortitude
standard action a chiondaru can cause its victim to see save (DC 22) reduces the damage by half and the target is
all of its possible futures. The victim cannot discern not pushed back. The save DC is Charisma-based.
what action it should take, suffering the penalty unless
it succeeds on a Will save (DC 22). The save DC is
Psionic Bestiary • Phrenic Hegemony

Phrenic Adept (Chiondaru) Phrenic Adept (Chiondaru)

psychometabolist (egoist) CR 9 Psychoportive (Nomad) CR 9
LE Medium aberration (psionic) XP 6,400 LE Medium aberration (psionic) XP 6,400
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.;
Perception +18 Perception +18

Defense Defense
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +9 natural) AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +9 natural)
hp 97 (13d8+39) hp 97 (13d8+39)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +12 Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +12
DR 10/magic; PR 20 DR 10/magic; PR 20

Offense Offense
Speed 30 ft.; 40 ft. focused Speed 30 ft.
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d8+2) Melee 2 slams +9 (1d8)
Special Attacks psychovampiric aura Psi-Like Abilities (ML 13th; concentration +17/+21 defensive)
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 13th; concentration +17/+21 defensive) At will—burst (land speed 70 ft.), detect teleportation
At will—hammer (7d8 damage), inertial armor (+10 (range 230 ft.), dimension swap (any size creature
armor bonus), thicken skin (+5 natural armor bonus) affected), flight
3/day—expansion (Huge size, swift action), natural 3/day—baleful teleport (13d6 damage, DC 21, ML 15th),
healing (21 points of damage healed) wrench (ranged touch +12)
1/day—form of doom (17 rounds), psychofeedback 1/day—psychoport (area familiarity considered 2 steps
(13 points, ability damage is delayed until the better)
power fades).
Statistics Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 18
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 18 Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 22
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 22 Feats Ability Focus (baleful teleport, psychoportive
Feats Ability Focus (psychovampiric aura), Combat spear), Combat Manifestation, Improved Initiative,
Manifestation, Greater Psionic Fist, Iron Will, Psionic Iron Will, Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam)
Fist, Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam) Skills Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +20, Knowledge
Skills Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (arcana) (arcana) +10, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge
+10, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge (psionics) +19, (psionics) +19, Perception +18, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +13,
Perception +18, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +13, Survival +11 Survival +11
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon

Ecology Ecology
Environment underground or temperate plains Environment underground or temperate plains
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (1-2 chiondarus, Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (1-2 chiondarus, 1-2
1-2 uruklaars, and 1 phrenic scourge (leader) plus 2-8 uruklaars, and 1 phrenic scourge (leader) plus 2-8
humanoid thralls). humanoid thralls).
Treasure standard Treasure standard

Special Abilities Special Abilities

Psychovampiric Aura (Su) These chiondaru egoists are Psychoportive Boost (Su) Any time a creature fails a
capable of emitting an aura that empowers them while saving throw against the chiondaru nomad’s baleful
debilitating their foes. As a standard action, a chiondaru teleport or wrench psi-like abilities, it gains a brief
egoist manifests an aura with a radius of 20 feet, centered boost of speed as it feeds off of the disruptive energies.
on the chiondaru, which causes 1 point of Strength, Until the end of its next turn, the chiondaru nomad is
Dexterity, or Constitution damage to up to 4 targets treated as if under the effects of haste.
within the aura (chiondaru’s choice). A chiondaru
cannot damage more points than its Charisma modifier
from each available target with the aura (or 4 points total
from each target). A successful Fortitude save (DC 22)
negates the ability score damage that round, but further
ability score drain attacks from the aura require a new
save at the same DC. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Psionic Bestiary • Phrenic Hegemony

Phrenic Adept (Chiondaru) The chiondaru (CHEE-on-DARU) is the result of

Telepath CR 9 psionically gifted humanoids that have succumbed to the
implant attack of a phrenic scourge, and are now a new
LE Medium aberration (psionic) XP 6,400 phrenic species that breeds true. The chiondaru are the
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; battlefield controllers of the terrifying Phrenic Hegemony,
Perception +18 capable of manifesting psionic powers to call astral
horrors, assault their enemies minds, blast them with
Defense rays of energy, hurl them great distances, and a myriad of
AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +9 natural) other psychic attacks.
hp 97 (13d8+39)
A chiondaru shaper, for example, will call an astral
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +12
construct and enhance it to withstand any powers or
DR 10/magic; PR 20
abilities it has witnessed its opponents using. Once battle
Offense is joined it will attack the largest group of enemies with
swarm of crystals or a lone manifester or spellcaster with
Speed 30 ft. crystal shard. If any manifesters or spellcasters attempt
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d8) to summon astral or planar creatures the chiondaru uses
Special Attacks psychic schism its usurp summoning ability to gain additional pawns
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 13th; concentration +17/+21 defensive) in battle.
At will—aversion (DC 21), id insinuation (up to six targets
affected, DC 21), inflict pain (up to six targets affected, A chiondaru seer will manifest its precognitive powers
DC 21) to provide it with better defensive and offensive ability.
3/day—catapsi (DC 19), psionic blast (stunned for 5 It will then utilize its precognitive schism ability against
rounds, DC 21) an opponent and assail its mind, preventing its target’s
1/day—crisis of life (DC 21) actions from succeeding.
(The save DCs do not include the +2 save bonus from the A chiondaru kineticist will blast its opponents with rays
feats Psionic Endowment and Greater Psionic Endowment.) of energy (after determining which energy effect will do
the most harm), or hurl them across the battlefield with its
Statistics telekinetic slam ability.
Str 11, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 18 A chiondaru egoist will always enhance itself prior to
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 22 engaging in combat, manifesting (in no particular order)
Feats Ability Focus (psychic schism), Combat inertial armor, thicken skin, expansion, psychofeedback,
Manifestation, Greater Psionic Endowment, Iron Will, and form of doom. Of all the chiondaru-types the egoists
Psionic Endowment, Toughness, Weapon Focus (slam) never shy from melee, seeming to enjoy the visceral
Skills Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +20, Knowledge pleasure of a fight. If it faces any psionic-using opponents
(arcana) +10, Knowledge (planes) +9, Knowledge it allows them to get near enough that it can use its
(psionics) +19, Perception +18, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +13, psychovampiric aura to drain their physical vitality while
Survival +11 empowering its psychic abilities.
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon
Chiondaru nomads enjoy moving about the battlefield,
Ecology or preventing its enemies from quitting the battle early
Environment underground or temperate plains (using wrench to keep them in place, or its psychoportive
Organization solitary, pair, or patrol (1-2 chiondarus, spear attack and choosing to swap places with a fleeing
1-2 uruklaars, and 1 phrenic scourge (leader) plus 2-8 opponent). Baleful teleport is another favored attack
humanoid thralls). option, dispersing minuscule portions of its target’s body
Treasure standard and causing severe pain and damage.
Chiondaru telepaths use their psychic powers to assail
Special Abilities the minds of their opponents; sapping their will with id
Psychic Schism (Su) As a standard action, a chiondaru insinuation or inflicting pain on up to 6 targets at once, or
telepath can create a powerful mind-affecting attack finally stunning the largest group of targets with psionic
that is capable of disrupting one target creature’s blast, which allows others to finish these enemies quickly.
actions for one minute, unless it makes a successful Will
saving throw (DC 22). Psychic schism interferes with
manifesting powers, spellcasting, skill checks, or attack
actions (the chiondaru’s choice). While the target
creature is affected, manifesting a power requires an
additional 4 power points, casting a spell requires a
concentration check with a +4 to the DC, skill checks
have a +4 to their DCs, and an attack roll suffers a -4
penalty. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Dr ea msca r r ed Pr ess

Phrenic Dreadnaught opportunity, an uruklaar makes a slam attack against

its target, if the target fails a Fortitude save (DC 24) it is
This hulking brute resembles a giant, but its bony carapace hurled back (1d6 x 10) feet, suffers 4d6+20 points of
with spiky barbs clearly marks it apart from any of the giant- damage and is knocked prone. A successful Fortitude
kin. Its carapace glistens with slime and tiny tendrils of cilia save halves the damage and the target is not knocked
writhe between the bony exoskeleton. The behemoth wears prone. If an obstacle prevents the completion of the
a breastplate and wields a large morningstar with ease. The target’s move, the target and the obstacle each take 2d6
ground shakes as it approaches. points of damage per 10 ft. hurled, and the target is
knocked prone in the space adjacent to the obstacle.
The save DC is Strength-based.
Phrenic Dreadnaught
(Uruklaar) CR 10
NE Large aberration (psionic) XP 9,600
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision;
Perception +17

AC 27, touch 9, flat-footed 27 (+6 armor, +12 natural, -1 size)
hp 142 (15d8+75); fast healing 5
Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +13

Speed 40 ft. (base), 30 ft. (with breastplate)
Melee morningstar +18/+13/+8 (2d6+10/19-20, 2d6+11/19-20
if maintaining psionic focus) or 2 slams +17 (1d8+7)
Ranged javelin +10 (1d8+7)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks psychokinetic knockback
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 10th; concentration +13)
At will—stomp (7d4 nonlethal damage, DC 17)
3/day—inertial barrier (DR 5/-), graft weapon
1/day—expansion (Huge size, as a swift action, duration
10 minutes/level), immovability

Str 25, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +11; CMB +19 (+21 bull rush); CMD 29
(31 vs bull rush)
Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Critical (morningstar), Iron Will, Power Attack, Psionic
Weapon, Toughness, Weapon Focus (morningstar)
Skills Climb +18, Intimidate +18, Perception +17, Stealth +7 The uruklaar (OO-rook-LAHR), or phrenic dreadnaught,
(+15 in desert terrain), Survival +17 (+21 in desert terrain); is the result of careful cultivation and planned raids or
Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth in deserts, +4 Survival attacks upon half-giant tribes (and sometimes members of
in deserts the true giant races). This brutish aberration now breeds
Languages Aklo, Giant true and is the supreme warrior race among the Phrenic
Hegemony, physically powerful and psionically gifted.
Uruklaar leaders often have levels of psychic warrior and
Environment temperate deserts or temperate plains, are imposing sights on the battlefield.
or underground
An uruklaar begins combat with expansion (as a swift
Organization solitary, gang (2-5), or patrol (1-2 chiondaru,
action) and inertial barrier to provide it a measure of
1-2 uruklaar, 1 phrenic scourge plus 2-8 humanoid thralls).
protection against its foes. It then moves within melee
Treasure standard (masterwork breastplate,
distance and strikes with its morningstar or slam attack
morningstar, other treasure)
(it is not against using its psychokinetic knockback as an
Special Abilities opening assault). If an uruklaar cannot easily close within
melee reach of its enemies, it uses stomp to good effect,
Psychokinetic Knockback (Su) A phrenic dreadnaught knocking opponents prone and battering them at the same
can perform an impressive physical attack, which is time. If it can take advantage of prone enemies attempting
psionically-charged, up to three times per day, as a to stand up, it will make an attack of opportunity to keep
standard action that does not provoke an attack of its foes down.
Psionic Bestiary • Phrenic Hegemony

Phrenic Infiltrator Ecology

Environment any urban or underground
This emaciated bipedal creature has skin colored a deep Organization solitary, pair, or discord (1 lianshai,
purple, not unlike an awful bruise. Upon noticing you it 2-8 puppeteers, and 1 flesh harrower puppeteer).
swiftly moves and attacks, its jaw distends and a long tongue Treasure standard
with a lamprey-like mouth stretches towards your head.
Special Abilities
Phrenic Infiltrator (Lianshai) CR 6 Consume Cognizance (Su) On a successful tongue attack,
the target is drained of 1d4 points of Intelligence,
NE Medium aberration (psionic, shapechanger) XP 2,400 Wisdom, or Charisma (a DC 19 Will save halves this
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; damage). For every 2 points drained, lianshai gains a
Perception +7 +1 competence bonus on any mental skill checks. The
benefit persists for 5 minutes. A lianshai cannot drain
Defense more than twice its HD worth of ability scores during
AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 Dex, +5 natural) a 24-hour period. The save DC is Intelligence-based.
hp 58 (9d8+18) Dispassionate Insight (Ex) The phrenic infiltrators use
Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +8 a cold, alien logic and as a result all of its psi-like and
supernatural abilities use its Intelligence modifier
Offense instead of its Charisma modifier.
Speed 30 ft. Perfect Copy (Su) When a lianshai uses minor metamorphosis
Melee tongue +10 (2d8 plus consume cognizance) it can assume the appearance of specific individuals
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with tongue attack) (often the victims of its consume cognizance ability).
Special Attacks consume cognizance Quickness (Su) A phrenic infiltrator is exceptionally
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 9th; concentration +12) quick, capable of taking an extra move action during
At will—call to mind (+8 bonus), mind thrust (9d10 its turn each round.
damage, DC 18)
3/day—ego whip (2d4 Cha damage, DC 17), id insinuation The result of phrenic scourges attacking and successfully
(4 targets, DC 18) implanting doppelgangers with their larva, the lianshai
1/day—mind trap (7 rounds) (lee-YAWN-shay) have over time become an aberration
species that breeds true. The phrenic infiltrators are the
Statistics spies and assassins of the Phrenic Hegemony.
Str 11, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 15, Cha 13 Like a doppelganger in its natural form, a lianshai
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 20 (singular or plural) looks more or less humanoid but
Feats Ability Focus (consume cognizance), Alertness, slender and frail with gangly limbs and half-formed facial
Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Finesse features. Its flesh is a sickly purple and hairless and it can
Skills Acrobatics +15, Bluff +9, Disguise +7 (+15 acting), open its mouth impossibly wide to reveal its exceptionally
Escape Artist +15, Knowledge (local) +14, Perception +15, long tongue that is uses as a weapon.
Sense Motive +15, Stealth +16; Racial Modifiers +8
A lianshai often travels from rural town to rural town
Disguise when acting
(smuggling in its discord of puppeteers) and prepares to
Languages Aklo, Common, Dwarven, Undercommon
set the town against itself, turning friend against friend,
SQ change shape (minor metamorphosis), perfect
brother against brother until the strife and chaos reaches a
copy, quickness
fever pitch. At this point it is often too late for the community
to rally as a phrenic scourge horde comes to complete the
mission: slaughter those that will not submit and begin the
selective breeding process for new phrenic scourges. The
lianshai avoid larger settlements, such as cities or towns,
that might prove harder to undermine and cause the level
of dissent it so enjoys. Larger settlements often have well
trained militia or, worse, itinerant adventurers looking
for trouble or monsters to kill. Lianshai prefer the quiet
isolated rural communities that are often “off the beaten
path” and several days travel from larger cities and towns.
(The better for their schemes to go unnoticed).
A lianshai will attempt to change its form to disguise itself
rather than fight, but if forced into combat it will utilize its
mind thrust ability from a distance, only resorting to its
tongue attack if forced into melee. A lianshai would rather
take a victim by surprise, leeching its mental energy and
then assuming the victim’s form.

Psionic Bestiary • Phrenic Hegemony

Phrenic Larva Swarm from negative energy) that deals at least 5 points of
damage to the victim automatically destroys all of the
A mass of wriggling, writhing black maggots covers the phrenic larva infesting it, ending the effect
ground before you, and as if sensing life or perhaps intelligent prematurely. Additionally, any effect that removes
thought, undulates forward, almost grasping for you. disease instantly ends a phrenic larva infestation.
Immunity to disease offers no defense. The save DC is
Phrenic Larva Swarm CR 4 Unnatural Vision (Ex) A phrenic larva swarm sees and
hears through its entire body of wriggling maggots, this
N Diminutive vermin (aberrant, swarm) XP 1,200
gives it a +4 racial bonus to Perception checks.
Init +5; Senses tremorsense 30 ft.; unnatural vision;
Perception +5
Although often expelled by phrenic matriarchs, or
Defense discarded by phrenic scourges when they attack, phrenic
larva swarms exist in large numbers underground, often
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 14 (+5 Dex, +4 size) in pools of briny fluid to keep them from drying out. It has
hp 40 (9d8) been hypothesized that these larva are the earliest forms
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +4 of phrenic scourges. If true, it could further suggest that
Defensive Abilities swarm traits; Immune mind- the phrenic matriarch is a similarly advanced form of the
affecting effects, weapon damage; PR 15; Resist acid 10 phrenic scourge.
Offense The latter notion is discounted by many, citing the
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. differences of the scourges and matriarchs as final proof,
Melee swarm (2d6 plus engulf) that while they are both phrenic creatures, they are also
Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft. separate monsters of a broader category.
Special Attacks distraction (DC 14)

Str 1, Dex 20, Con 10, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 3
Base Atk +6; CMB —,; CMD —,
Skills Climb +13, Perception +5; Racial Modifiers +4
Perception; modifies Climb with Dexterity

Environment any underground
Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3-6 swarms)
Treasure none

Special Abilities
Engulf (Ex) To use this ability, a phrenic larva swarm
must have at least one creature of Large size or smaller
in its space. A larva swarm that has a least one creature
in its space automatically begins burrowing into the
victim’s flesh, causing 2d4 points of damage per
round unless it succeeds at a DC 19 Reflex save.
This effect continues as long as the
victim remains in the swarm and
continues for 1d6 rounds after it
leaves the swarm. Any
energy-based attack
(including damage

Psionic Bestiary • Phrenic Hegemony

Phrenic Matriarch 5-20 servants in any combination of duergars, gnolls,

troglodytes, or similar humanoids).
Like a nightmare given form and madness given flesh, this Treasure triple standard
creature appears as a mass of tentacles, slavering maws, and
Special Abilities
eerie non-human eyes.
Disgorge Phrenic Larva Swarm (Ex) Once per minute,
a phrenic matriarch may expel a phrenic larva swarm
Phrenic Matriarch CR 16 as a standard action. The swarm acts independently of the
NE Huge aberration (psionic) XP 76,800 matriarch and will disperse in 10 rounds if not destroyed.
Init +10; Senses all-around vision, blindsight 30 ft., Insanity Aura (Su) As a swift action, a phrenic matriarch
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, pierce the veils; is capable of surrounding itself within an aura of alien,
Perception +28 psychic energy. Any living creature that comes within
Aura insanity (30 ft., DC 27) 30 feet of the phrenic matriarch feels the inherent
“wrongness” of the aberration and unless it succeeds on
Defense a Will save (DC 27), it suffers from a continuous confusion
effect, as the spell. The save DC is Charisma-based.
AC 30, touch 18, flat-footed 20 (+10 Dex, +12 natural, -2 size)
Resistant to Transformation (Ex) The phrenic
hp 270 (20d8+180); fast healing 10
matriarch gains a +4 bonus on any saving throw against
Fort +14, Ref +16, Will +19
an effect that would alter her into a new form, such as
Defensive Abilities resistant to transmutation, escape
fuse flesh or crystallize. If the phrenic matriarch fails
detection, slip the bonds; DR 10/good; Immune acid,
the saving throw, she gets another saving throw on the
charm, confusion, and insanity effects; Resist
following round at the same DC and with the same +4
electricity 10, sonic 10; PR 27
bonus to the saving throw. Effects which damage the
Offense phrenic matriarch’s body, but which do not alter her
form, such as decerebrate, are not considered to be
Speed 40 ft. transformation effects.
Melee 3 bites +24 (3d6+8/19-20 plus 1d8 acid),
3 tentacles +22 (2d6+4 plus grab) An encounter with a phrenic matriarch leaves few
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with tentacles) humanoids completely unscathed, whether physically or
Psi-Like Abilities (ML 17th; concentration +24) mentally, as even coming near one can cause individuals to
Constant—escape detection, pierce the veils, slip the bonds go mad. A phrenic matriarch is rarely encountered above
At will—dispel psionics (+17 to dispel), psionic blast ground, not due to any sensitivity or weakness to bright
(stunned 7 rounds, DC 26) light or sunlight, but for the simple fact that its horde sees
3/day—breath of the black dragon (17d6 acid, DC 26), fold to its needs. Potential breeding stock that has resisted a
space (self only, move action) phrenic scourge’s implantation method rarely has the
1/day—fuse flesh (DC 26), inflict pain (up to 8 targets, DC endurance to fight the larva swarm that a matriarch can
26), mind thrust (17d10, DC 26) expel. Any casualties from the attacks against villages and
(The save DCs do not include the +2 save bonus from the towns are given to it to consume, and it is often defended
feats Psionic Endowment and Greater Psionic by either a pair of uruklaars (at minimum) or several
Endowment). servants or thralls of the phrenic scourges. Anything
Special Attacks constrict (1d8+8), disgorge phrenic larva that should disrupt this otherwise idyllic life (from the
swarm matriarch’s point of view) will be dealt with harshly, and if
Statistics it must heave its bulk up from the comfort of its nest, woe
upon the interlopers and trespassers that have roused its
Str 26, Dex 31, Con 26, Int 22, Wis 21, Cha 25 ire and attention.
Base Atk +15; CMB +25 (+29 grapple); CMD 45 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Combat Reflexes, Greater Psionic Endowment, A phrenic matriarch begins combat by surrounding
Improved Critical (bite), Iron Will, Multiattack, Psionic itself within its insanity aura and emitting a psionic
Endowment, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon blast to incapacitate and stun its assailants. Those that
Focus (bite, tentacles) submit to madness or that are stunned become victims of
Skills Acrobatics +33, Autohypnosis +25, Intimidate +30, a disgorged larva swarm, as their defenses against such
Knowledge (arcana) +26, Knowledge (planes) +26, attacks are low. Should its attackers prove resistant to its
Knowledge (psionics) +29, Perception +28, Sense Motive insanity aura or its psionic blast, it maintains its distance
+25, Stealth +25, Survival +28 and unleashes breath of the black dragon, catching as
Languages Aklo, Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, many opponents as possible within the line of vitriol. It
Undercommon uses mind thrust against a potent melee opponent, or fuse
flesh against a powerful manifester or spellcaster. If the
Ecology battle is truly going against it and it is reduced to half its
total hit points, a phrenic matriarch manifests inflict pain
Environment any underground
(catching as many enemies as possible within the effect)
Organization solitary, or phrenic horde (1 phrenic
followed by fold space (a move action) putting as much
matriarch, 2-5 phrenic scourges, 1-3 phrenic adepts, 1-3
distance between it and its foes as possible.
phrenic infiltrators, and 2-8 phrenic dreadnaughts plus
Psionic Bestiary • Phrenic Hegemony

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