Case Study: Ayurvedic Management of Gastric Polyp

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World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Tripathi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

SJIF Impact Factor 7.523

Volume 6, Issue 2, 1166-1170. Case Study ISSN 2277– 7105


Neeraj Kumar Tripathi1*, Beena Tiwari2, Minakshi Chaube3 and S. K. Tiwari

Medical Officer Directorate of Ayush Gov. of NCT Delhi.
Asst. Prof Shanti Ayurvedic College and Hospital Balia.
Asso Prof. Acean Ayurvedic College and hospital Aligarh.
Ex Prof & HOD Department of Kayachikitsa IMS BHU.

Article Received on
05 Dec. 2016, The present era is a era of fast, now days everyone want to everything
Revised on 25 Dec. 2016,
Accepted on 16 January 2017
in a short time as fast food in place of traditional food, soft drink in
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20172-7783 place of homemade beverage, fast eating due to lack of time, late night
sleeping late waking manifest into fast and furious day. Peoples not has
*Corresponding Author time to eat properly food improper diet leads to digestive problem
Dr. Neeraj Kumar later on it affect as acidity, indigestion, gastric ulcer etc. and for
Tripathi maintaining it lots of medicine taking along with food. These things
Medical Officer Directorate
disrupt the human life. In present scenario maximum number of people
of Ayush Gov. of NCT
is suffering from acidity and taking antacid for it. We have treated a
special case of gastric polyp. She had taken medication from max
hospital Delhi last one year. The endoscopy had done and biopsy found to gastric polyp with
goblet cell. We planed Ayurvedic management in three steps first for maintenance of acidity
second normalising GIT and last to cure polyp, as per mentioned in our classic. In the three
month she get rid of all discomfort regarding previous symptoms. Last eight month she is
coming on and off for other problem. In last eight month she had not taken any medication
regarding acidity or gastric abnormality.

In Ayurveda a complete description of gastric problem in our classics in the form of Udara
roga[1] parinam shula shoola, anna drava shoola[2] etc. Mandagni is the root of all gastric
disorder[3] Mandagni lead to vidagdha pitta( fermentation of digestive enzyme) which leads
to acidity and improper functioning of Kapha may enhance the inflammation and polyp
formation in gastric mucosa. It involves the deeper dhatu as mansa and meda, represent as Vol 6, Issue 2, 2017. 1166

Tripathi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

projection in gastric mucosa.[4] Polyp present occasionally in antrum[5] If patient suffer with
H pylori infection rarely suffer with the fundic gland polyposis.[6]

History of present illness

Patient was alright two year back. Patient Lakshmi of age 35 came to Ayurvedic dispensary
Delhi Sachivalaya (GOV. Of NCT Delhi) her OPD no 36/ 4/6/15 with complain of acidity,
belching , heaviness of abdomen just after taking the food and irregular bowel habit last two
year. She had Eczema in left lower limb at anterior border last sex month.

Past medical history

She had taken medication for acidity from local doctor for six month but she did not have any
relief. She had shown her gastroenterologist at max super speciality hospital. Where were
investigation done. Mild derangement in liver parameter (SGOT, SGPT) were found and
medication given for one month but she did not get any relief. Doctor planed for endoscopy
and found gastric polyp .biopsy had done. Biopsy report showed that hypersecretory gastric
polyp. She had given domporidon, pentaprozol and mucoprotective sucralfate for six month.
She was fed up with medication, because on refusal of medication again similar symptom has
developed. So finally came to me.


Patient had taken Sootshekhar ras, antof syrup (5 ml syrup contains GLycarrhizha glabra 150
mg, Emblica officinalis150 mg, Narikel Lawan 100 mg, Shankha bhasma 100mg, Azadirecta
indica 10 mg), Avipattikar churna, Chitrakadi vati, panna pisti[7] kamdudha, prawal
panchamrit. These medicine were used in three steps.

First step
Patient firstly treated for acidity because she was feeling discomfort in abdomen due to hyper
secretion, so Sootshekhar ras and Antof syrup has given empty stomach three times a day.
And Avipattikar churn one tsf night with leuk warm water at bed time. For one week along
withdrawal of allopathic medicine in 15 days.

Second step
Enhancement of Agni by using Chitrakadi vati two times a day for chewing before food and
Lawanbhaskara churna one tsf in afternoon with butter milk along with SOS Antof syrup for
one month. Vol 6, Issue 2, 2017. 1167

Tripathi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Third step
At last we had given a management of polyp.
As Panna pisti 250 mg, Mauktic kamdudha ras 125 mg, Shankha bhasm 250 mg,
Sootshekhar ras 1tab ; combination BID for one month. In last above medicine Along with
Arogyawardhini and Kanchnar Guggul[8] was given for one month.
During the treatment she did not shown any symptom regarding previous.
She is used to come in OPD for follow up every month for six month. But not shown any
complain regarding to GIT.

Mode of action
In the first step we have tried to normalising Pitta which gave relief to the patient.
In second step, we have tried to enhance Agni and normalise Kapha for the breaking of
pathogenesis which responsible for formation polyp and nodules.

Third step we have tried the medicine Panna Pisti substitute of Heerak Bhasma indicated in
the arbuda Chikitsa. For two month, along with withdrawal of Sootshekhar, kamdudha, and
Shankha bhasma. Within three month patient get rid from symptoms of acidity, pain in
abdomen. Polyp and nodules are the exposed part suffers directly with gastric juices manifest
into abdominal discomfort and acidity.

In three month patient fully satisfied and got relief from this disease means nodule and polyp
subsided. Till today she did not taken any medication for acidity.

Once again she came to me 3/1/17 with complain of eczema in lower limb taking
Aogyavardhini, Kaishor guggul, Khadirarista, Rasmanikya Krimiudgara rasa, last 15 day .
She did not show any complain regarding the gastric problem. Commonly these medicines
are causing gastric trouble but this patient not so.

Ayurveda has eminence power to cure chronic disorder if medicine is taken properly with
planned management. Vol 6, Issue 2, 2017. 1168

Tripathi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Image 1

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Tripathi et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

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6. Genta RM, Schuler CM, Robiou CI, et al. No association between gastric fundic gland
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7. Siddhi Nandan Mishra Ayurvediya ras shstra rasopratna prakarana p406 chaukhambha
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8. Acharya priyavata Sharma Dravyaguna vigyan vol.2nd chaukhambha bharti academy
Varanasi p.235. Vol 6, Issue 2, 2017. 1170

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