Study Scheme Ug 2018 Onwards 1

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Name of the Department: Chemlcal Englneerlng

Study Scheme for Bachelor ofEngineering in Chemical Engineering


S SubJect Name L T P Hrs- Credits

Sub Code

a,I BSMA-401 E ee Mathematics I la 1 0 4 4

BSCH-401 ied Chemi Ir lo I-4 4
Elements of Mechanical

ESME.401 2 1 0 3

Workshop Technology and 0 0
4 ESME.4O2

English Communication and Soft 0 1
HSMC.401 1 1
6 BSCH-402 ied Chemi Lab 0 0 2 2 1

Elements of Mechanical 0 ;-[- 2 1

7 ESME.4O3
E eefl Lab
I ESME-404 E ineer Drawin 0 0 4 4 ?

o Workshop Technology and 0 0 4 4

ESME-405 Practice Lab


English Communication and Soft
skills Lab
Environmental Studies




Total 13 14

SetnesterJl A

s Sub Code Subject Name L T P H13. Credlts

1 BSMA-402 Engineering Mathematics ll 3 1 0 4 4
lied 1 0 4 4
2 BSPH-401
2 U J
3 ESEE-40'1 Elements of Eleclrical Engineering 1

Elements of Computer En neenng 2 0 0 2 2

4 ESCS.4O1
Elements of Elsctronics 2 0 0 2 a
ESEC-401 En ineeri
lied Physics Lab 0 0 2 ? 1
Elements of Electrical Engineering 0 0 2 2 '1

7 ESEE.4O2 Lab
AJhents of ComPtrter Engi neering 4 4 2
I ESCS-402 Lab
0 0

Elements of Electronics 0 0 2 1
o ESEC{02 E rnee Lab
12 10 25 20

Practical Training D uring summer
80 1 S/U
1 TPtN-421 Vacations ln-house 02 weeks
1 (S/U
2 Technical Com n

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14.February.2020 V L
& Syllabi B.E. (Chemical
Name of the Department: Chemical Engineering

Study Scheme for Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering

s L T P Hrs. Credits
Sub Code Subiect Name
No 4
3 I 0 4
1 ESME-501 E tneefl Mechanics
J 0 4 4
2 PCCH-s11 Material and Energy Balance 1

0 0 3 3
J PCCH-5',t2 Fluid Mechanics
0 4 4
Chemical Engineering 1

4 Therm amics
0 0 3 3
HSMC-501 Princi les of man menl 3
Fluid Mechanics lab 0 0 2 2 1
6 PCCH-514
Process TechnologY lab 0 0 2 2 1
7 PCCH-515 20

2 0 0 2 2
9. MDCH-511 Ch emical Process Calculation
2 0 0 2
MDCH.s12 Chemical Process lndustries

S L T P Hrs. Credits
Sub Code Subject Name
No 3
3 0 0 J
1 BSMA-50'1 Numerical and Statistical Methods
Numerical and Statistica ll\rethods 0 0 2 2 1
2 BSMA-502 Lab
2 0 0 2 2
3 BSBL.5O1 Biology for Engineers
3 I 0 4 4
4 PCCH-s21 Mass Transfer - |
Heat Transfer 3 I 0 4 4
5 PCCH-522
3 0 4 4
6 PCCH-523 Fluid and Particle Mechanics 1

0 0 2 2 1
7 PCCH-524 Heat & Mass Trans fer Lab
0 2 2 1
I PCCH-525 Fluid and Particle Mechanics Lab 0

a 1 0
MDCH-521 Heat Transfer
0 0 2 2 1
MDCH-522 Heat & Mass Transfer Lab

80 1 (s/us)
I TPtD-521 lnd ustrial Trainin 02 weeks
Fractional credit cou rse/Extra 1 (s/us)
Academic Activity
2 EAA-521+ +GROUP tuB/C

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V.o- Schemer& SVlla B.E. (Chemical Engg.)


A, V"(,VJ
s Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
Engineering Economics and J o
'l HSMC-603 0 0 3
2 PCCH-6'11 Chemical Reaction Engineering - | 3 1 0 4 4
J PCCH-612 Mass Transfer - ll J 0 0 J a
4 oE#611 Open Elective-l 0 0 J
oE#-612 Open Elective-2 0 0 3 3
b PECH-6 l l Professional Eleclive-'t J 0 0 J

rT- 7 PCCH.613
Reaction Engineering Lab
Total mm
0 0 2 1


HDCH-611 Process Equipment Design a 2 0 4 4

Optimization of Chemical 3 I 0 4 4
HDCH-612 Processes
r-T -----T-----
10- MDCH-611 Chemical Reaction Engineering 3 0 0 3 3
Chemical Reaction Engineering 0 0 2 2 I
MDCH-612 Lab

Semester-V B
Fractional credit course/Extra
EAA-61 1+ Academic Activity 1 (S/uS)

Semester-Vl A
S L T P Hrs. Credits
No Sub Code Subject Name
1 HSMC-601 Technical communication 0 0 2

2 PCCH.621 Transport Phenomena 1 0 4 4

0 2 J
PCCH-622 Chemical Reaction Engineering - il J 0
4 OEi,#,621 Open Elective-3 0 0 J

5 oE##-622 Open Elective-4 3 0 0 3

PECH-621 Professional Elective-ll 3 0 0 3
7 PCCH-623 Design and simulation lab 0 0 2 1

8 HSMC-602 Technical communication lab 0 0 2 2 1

Total T 20
Process ration 3 1 0 4 4
HDCH.621 I

Mass Transfer 3 1 0 4 4
10' MDCH-621

Semester-Vl B
lndustrial Trainin 04 weeks 160 3 S/US
1 TPtD-621
Fractional credit course/E)dra
Academic Activity 1 (S/US)
EAA-62'1 +

Qri?\ &- @- .4
Scb6me & Svllabi

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s Subject Name L T P Hrs. credits

Sub Code
No 0 3 3
Chemical Process lndustries 0
1 PCCH-711
3 0 4
Process Instrumen tation and 1
PCCH-712 Control
3 0 0
oe#-l1'l ope n Elective-s
4 4
J 0
4 PECH-71 1 Professional Elective- lll 1

0 0 3 3
PECH-I12 Professional Elective - 3

Process lnstrumentation and 0 0 2

2 1

o PCCH-713 Conkol lab

0 0 4 4 2
7 PR#-711 Pro e 1 and seminar
Computational TransPo rt 1 0 4 4
HDCH.71 1
3 0 4 4
9. MDCH-71 1 Process Equi ent Design 1


S L T ? Hrs. Cred its

No Sub Code Sub Name
0 0 3 3
1 PECH-721 Professional Elective
0 0 3
Profession al Elective 3
2 PECtl-722
0 0 12 12 6
J PRCH.72,I Pro
0 0 08 08 4
4 PHCH-721 Pro Hons

#sl b 0 20 26 16

L T P Hrs. Credits
Sub Code Subject Name
Nol 6
1 tNlD-721 lnternsh in lndus
12 't2 6
2 PRCH-721 Pro S ell 0 0
0 0 08 08 4
J PHCB-721 Pro.iect Hons

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B.E. {Chemical Engg.)

lv "&
.2020 s em Sylla

L T P Hrs. Credits
Sub. Code Subject Name

J 0 n 3 J
Open Elective -t
0 0 3 J
oEcH-61 1A Fuel Cells
0 0 3 3
Analytical Met hods and
oEcH-6118 lnstrum entation

3 0 0 3 J
2 Open Elective -ll .l
5 0 0 J
OECH.612A Electrochemical Engineering
J 0 0 3
oEcH-612B Renewable EnergY Sources

0 2 J
3 0
J Open Elective -m
3 0 0
oECH-621A Ag ro Residue Utilization
3 0 0 3 3
oEcH-6218 Corrosion Engineering

3 0 0 3
4 Open El ectiv'eJV
J 0 0 3 3
oECH-622A lndustrial Pollution Control
J 0 0 3 3
Energy Aud it and
oEcH-6228 Man ement

0 0 3 J
5 Open Elective .V
'L 0 0 J
Optimization Techniques for
oEcH-711A En ineers
3 0 0 3 3
oEcH-7118 Poly mer TechnologY
J 0 0 J J
oecn-zt tc Paper TechnologY

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B. E. chemicat Engg.)

Sr.No Sub. Code Sub ct Name L T P Hrs. Credits

1 Professional Elective-l
PECH.6,I 1A Agro Residue Utilization a
0 0 3 2
PECH-61 1B Paint Technology 3 0 0 1
PECH.611C Polymer Science and J 0 0 3
E tneenn 3
PECH.6,I 1D Computational Fluid Dynamics n 0 3
2 Profes sional ElectiveJl
Pulping and Bleaching J 0 0 3
Technol 3
PECH.621B Biochemical Engineering U 0 3 J
PECH-621C Polymer Technology 3 0 U 3
PECH-621D Modeling and Simulation 3 0 0 J
PECH621E Fuel Cells 0 U J
Professional Elective-lll
PECH-71 ,IA Novel Separation Technology 3 1 0 4 4
PECH-7118 Electrochemical Engineering J 1 0 4 4
PECH-71 1C Polymer Composites 3 1 0 4 4
PECH.711D lndustrial Pollution Conhol 1 0 4 4
PECH-71 1E Biorefineries 1 0 4 4
PECH-71 1F Molecular Simulation 1 U 4 4
4 Professional Elective-lV
Stock Preparation and Paper 3 0 a
PECH-712A c
PECH.7128 1 0
Polymer Materials 0 3
Petroleum Refining and 3 0 0 a
PECH.712D Fluidization Engineering J 0 0 3 a

PECH-712E Renewable Energy Sources 3 0 0 J 3

5 Professional Elective-V
PECH.721A Energy Audit and Management 3 0 0

Nanoscience and 3 0 0

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14.Febru .2020 & Syllabi B.E. (Chemical Engg.)

lv YIL
Chemical Plant Utilities and J 0 0 3
J 0 0 3 3
PECH-7?'ID Pharmaceutical Formulation
3 0 0 3 J
PECH.721E Fertilizer TechnologY

Hazardous Waste 0 0 J
PECH.721F 3
Ma ement

Professional Elective-Vl
Chemical Recovery Processes
in Pul And Pa r lndus




PECH-7228 Rubber Technology

J 0 0 3 J
PECH-722C Advance Process Control
3 0 0 3 2
PECH-722D Combustion TechnologY
Environmental lmpact 3 0 3
PECH.722E Assessment

* ,e{7

14.February .2020 b,,

scheme & sYllabi B.E. (Chemical Engg.)

t-'t { ,l
A nnex rl re-A
s""f:.:::-:t] **'' ng
programrnc: RIi
srudy schcnrc UO 1'r
Semesterl Credits
P Hrs
--l S'Jbi ect Name 0
Sub Cod I
3 1
BSMA-401 Engineenng Mathematics 3 .1
APPlred Pnysics 0 3
2 998!:!:ao1 2 1
Fiemanls ol Electlcar
3 ESEE.4O1 Enginee !ing. .-- -. 0 0 2
Elements of ComP uler
ESCS.4O1 2 2
E 0 0
Electronlcs 2
2 2
Engineering 0 o l
ed PhYsics Lab 2 2
6 aspn-aoz tp.C! 0 0 I
Elements o{ Electrical
7 ESEE-402 En ineerl ns t9!--- -. .

4 2

Elements o{ Computer I

8 ESCS-402 EI,g!n99!.!!19 Lab .-:.,,- 0 2 2 1

Flements ol Eledronlcs 20
I ESEC-402 Engin-gerin9 Lab
Total 12 3 10

Semester-ll A
Hrs credits
Stlbjecr N1!9.. .. g
, SNo Sub Code ll 3 1
1 BSMA 402 3 1 i
3 3 !
2 BSCH 401 2
3 ESME.4O1 Fnoineerlng 0
1 I
Wo-rkshoP T echnolo gY a no 1 I
,1 1 i
ESME-402 Practrce 0
and Sott ,l 0
English Communicatron
2 2 1

5 HSMC401 Skills 0 0
Che Lab 2
BSCH-402 0 2
Elements ol 2
1 ESME.4O3 Lab 0
4 2
8 ESME -404 0 0
9 ESME-405 Praclice,lab 2 2
and Soft 0 0
Englistr Comm ,.,nlcaiion 0
10 HSNIC.402 Skills !ep 0 0
11 IVICC H-401 Enviro nmentat Sr95qe9 --- '
30 20
13 3

v {s

S 40 1 S/US
2 TPtN,422 40 S/US


SNo sub Code l Subiect Name L T Hrs C redits

BSMA-501 i Numerical and Slatastical Methods 3 0 0 3 3

ita Electronics 0 0 3 a
PCCS 511 Dr _9
PCCS-512 Objecl Oflenled Programming 2 1 0 3 3

PCCS.513 Dala Structures 2 1 0 3 3

0 0 2 2
! ESBL 501 Bi
Numerical and Stalislical Melhods

6 :
BSMA,5O2 0 0 2 2
]. Lab -b
7 PCCS.514 Digital Eleclronics Lab 0 2 2
Object Oriented Prog.amming 0 0 4 4 2
B PCCS-515
pbcs-sr o Data Slructures Lab 0 0 4 2

Tolal 12 2 12 26 2A


SNo Sub C-oqq Sublecl Name L T Hrs Credits

1 ESME.5Ol E 3 1 0 4 4
Compuler Organization and 0 3
2 PCCS.52 T 3 0 3
3 PCCS-522 o 3 0 0 3
4 PCCS.523 2 1 0

I 5 H9l.r,c1501 Pfl nciples oI14anagemenl 3 0 3

6 PCCS-524 qpera!ing s m Lab 0 4 2

Database Manaqemenl Syslem
PCCS-525 0 0 2
uCttti-sot indian Constilution 3 0 0
Tolal 17 2 20

/v d,
40 1 S/US)

/US 1
l weeks
se/Exlra 40 1(s/us)
EAA.52 1' Academic ActivilY

Semester Credits
lits P
SNc b Code
I 0 3
'11 Discrete Mathe matics 0 3 3
uter Networks ?. 3
2 s-612 3 0 0
oECS-611 ve-1 0 3
-oics-orz 0
3 0 ol 3 3

5 EC5-611 Profess ional Elective-1 C

6 I echnical Com munication 0 4
_us-ryc'901 0
7 PCCS-613 Compute r Networks Lab 0 2 2 1

Lab :0
8 HS rvlc-602 T echnical Commun ication 2 6
Total 15

Semester-V B

Fraaionit ireoit coUrse/Extra 40 1(s/us)

EAA-611+ Acadenric Activity 1

Semester-Vl A credits
T P Hrs.
Sub Code Subi ect Name 0 3 ?
S No 2 1
of m
1 PCCS-621 Des n and An 3 3
Theory and Formal 2 1 0
2 PCCS-622 e5 0 3 3
3 o
3 oEcs-621 o E lective-3
3 0 0 .3_

o ECS-622 o Elective-4
3 0 0 3 3

5 PECS-621 Prof 3
and 0 0 3
Eng 3
HS MC'603 Entre neLllsh 2
Design and Ana lysrs of Algorilhm 0 0
7 PCCS'623 Lab 4
Total 16 2

Semester_ VI B 2 (q{!19)
4a .
D-621 lnduslrial I rainrn g 04 wee
l. , --.
Fracl ionalcredit course/E
xlra 40 1 (s/us)
EAA-622+ Academic ActivitY \ I
Y- l'1,

-..i..,!'- f,\.
r/ '"
SNo Sub Code Subject Name L P irrs Credits
1 PCCS-711 lnternel P lo9Ia.TI[!9_... 2 0
1 3 t 3
2 PCCS.712 Compiler Des 3 0 4
1 4
3 PECS,711 Professiona! Elective,3 0 0 3

PECS,712 Professional Eleclive,4 3 0 0 3 3

oECS-711 Elective 5 3 0 0 3 3
PCCS"713 lnlernet rammr og Lqb-... 0 c 4 4 2
PRCS.711 land Seminar 0 0 4 4 2
Total 14 2 B 2A

S No Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs- Credits
1 PECS-721 Professional Elective-5 3 0 0 3
Proiessional Eleclive,6 3 0 0 3 3
3 PRCS-721 0 0 12 12 6
Tolal 6 0 12 1B 12
SNo Sub Code SU Name L T P H rs. Credrts
lNtD-721 lnternshrp in lndur9lrv _

2 PRCS.721 Projecl lt
- ._-, _ - I 6
0 0 12 12 6
Total 0 0 12 12 12

l2/ ,v


dits l
P Hrs. C red its
l no Code Subiect Name
ls. 0 0 3 3
Open Elect ive-l
0 0 3 3
1A Soltware Engineenng
0 0 3 3
Enterprise Resource Planning
0 0 3 3
Cyber Laws an d Ethics
;- 0 o 3 3
__l 1 Programming lvlethodologY
0 0 3 3
and AnalYSls 3
s-61 1E o;at Preparation
o 0 3 3
Open Electiv e-ll

0 o 3 3
cs 6124 Software Proi eit Manigement
0 d 3 3
o E C5-6128 Decision Support SYstem
l 3
a d 0
OECS-61 2C ComPuter Networ ks
0 o 3
oECS-61 2D Object O iiented Programmtng
0 3
oECS-612E Database Managemen t System

0 0 3 3
Open Ele ctive-lll
3 o 0 3 3
oEcs-621A Requirement Engineenng

oEcs-621 B l\ilanageme nt lnformatron 3 0 0 3 3


oECS-621 c System lnsta llalion and 3 0 0 3 3

o 0 3 3
OECS'621D lnternet Programmlng
0 d 3 3
OECS -621E Database lntegrity and Se curity

0 0 3 3
i' Open Elective-
OECS- 6224 Object Oriented Analysis and 3 0 0 3 3
Design I

j' t'- 'iL &



oEcs-6228 E-Commerce
3 0 0 3 3
OECS -622C Computer Network Security
3 0 0 3
C omputer Graphics
3 0 0 3 3
OE CS.622E Data Analytics
3 0 0 3 3

5 Open Elective-V
0 0 3 3
oEc s,711A Software Reliability and Testing
3 0 0 3 3
R esource
oecs-71rC ctient Server arCnlteCiure -
3 0 0 , 3
3 0 0 3 3
becS.zrto Multimedia and Animation
] 5 0 0 3 3
OECS. 711E Data Mining
3 0 0 3 3

P a Ele P Hrs. Credits
Sr. No Sub. code Subiect Name
Prolessiona Electivel
0 3 3
3 0
PECS-611A Computer Graphics
0 0 3 3
PECS-611 B Data Mining
0 o 3 3
PEC5-611 C Cyber Laws and Ethics
I o o 3 3
PECS-61 1D Software Engineenng
0 3 3
PEC5-611 E Enterprise Resource Plannrng ?
0 0 3 3
PEC5-611 F Network ope rating SYStem

P rofessional Elective-ll
2 3
3 0 3
PECS-621A Multimedia a nd Animation
0 3 3
PECS-621 B Artificial lntelligence
0 0 3 3
3 I
PECS-621 C Mobii; Communication -t
0 0 3 3
PEC5.621D Software P roject Management
3 o 0 3
i lcs'ozt E Decision Support SYStem
Advanced Computer 3 0 0 3

Prolessio nal Elective-lll

3 0 0 3
PECS-7114 lmage Processing
3 0 o 3
PECS-7118 Soft ComPuting
3 0 0 3
Fecs-zttc Computer Netwo rka nd Security
3 0 o 3
PECS.711D Requirement Engineenng
Management lnformation 3 0 0
PECS-71 1 E
0 0 3 3
PECS-71 1F Distributed SYStem

,', v'l);. i

4 Professional Elective-lV
PECS.712A Srmulat ron and [,4odeling
3 o 0 3
PECS.712B 3
l,4achine Learning
3 0 3 3
Adhoc and Wi reless Sensor
Networks 3 3 3
Object Oriented Analysis and
PECS-712D i

Design 3 0:0 3 3
3 o,o 3 3
Parallel Computing
3 o'o 3 3

5 Professional Elective-V :

PECS.721A Digjtal Signat proc essing

3 o' 0 3

PECS-7218 Neurai Networka and Deep

Learning 3 0 0 3 3
PECS.721C Client Server Architecture
3 0 0 3 3
PECS.721D Software Reliability anO feiting
3 0 0 3 a
PECS-721E Business [., anagement System
0 0 3
P EC S-721 F Cloud Computing
3 0 0 3 3

6 Professional Elective_Vi- --
PECS,722A Python Programming -
3 0 0 3 3
PECS-7228 c omputer Vision 3 0 0 3 3
High Speeo bommuniiation
Networks 3 0 0 3 3

PECS, 722D Software Quality ATurance

3 0 0 3 3
PE CS-722 E Human Resource lvlanaqement
3 o 0 3 3
PECS-722F Embedded Systems 3 0 o 3 3

4 wqrr (

MINOIT DEG lll.lli


Subject Name L T P H rs Credits
1 -51 1 tnternet Technologies 3 i 0 4 4

Tola 3 0 4


Subject Name L T P Hrs Crcdits
lSub Code
0 4 4
1 MDCS-521 o rating System 3 1

Total 3 1 0


I L T P Hrs Credits
Sub Code Subiect Name
Application develoPmenl usrng 1 0 4
hon i
0 4 4
I olal I
3 1


sub Code Subiect Name L ; P Hrs. Credits

3 1 0 4
1 MOCS-621 Artif rcial lntelligence
Total 3 1 0 4 4


s Sub Code Subject Name ; T nl: Credits

3 0i4 4
1 MDCS-711 Soft ComPuting
Total 3 - t-l--l-
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,,, n
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Sub Code Subiect Name L T P H rs. Credits
1 HDCS-611 Dala Ana CS 3 1 0 4
2 HDCS-612 lnternet of Thi 3 1 0 4
Tolal 6 2 0 B

No Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs Credits
HDCS 621 Optimizalion Tech niques 3 1 0
Total 9 0

Semes ter-Vll
No Sub Code Subject Namc I L T P Hrs Credits
1 t.lDCS 711 Cryplography and Network
3 0 4

Total I 3 1 0 4

Sub Code Srrbjec: l.lame
No L P Hrs Credits
Pt-tcs-r21 Projed.llon's 0 0 08 OB 4
Totel 0 0 OB OB

( i



A nner rr rc- B
Stxdv Scherrc PG Progratrttnc: M.'lech in Conlputer Sciencc antl I'inginccring
Sr. Subjc.t r;dbjccl Narnc l. llrs. Crcdits
No. Codc
Afl ilicial lnlclliScncc d 0

Advance Opcr.ttirlg Slstclll 0 0

2 P(:CS 812 ,t_.

lilccti\c-l 0 0
l'l)CS-ll I I ,(-()l-c

4 PIi( S-8ll Corc lilcctilc-ll 0 0 .,1

Rt!,tA t.-tt I I Reseorch lMcthodol()gY and IPR ) 0 0

Iinglislr rcscaich papcr writing & 1 0 0
6 n a]l1r.r-81 I
Pr ol'csrion! I (:otntn un icatiolr
0 0 :l 4 1
1 PC(.S-nil A11ilicinl lnlclligcrrcc I -irb
('orc lrlcctivc-l l.ah {) (| 4
8 Pl:( S-ll I.t L 1
'Iotnl l6 0 tt 24 l8

Scmcslcr-ll (A)
Sr. Su bjcct Subjccl Namc f llIs. C re(lits
.. f!9, 0 .1 t
I P(:( S-81I i\4achinc l.,caming
0 0
l PC( S-8:2 Advancc Conrputcr Nclrtot ks
Pl:as-821 Corc Illcclivc-lll 0 0 l l
.t Prics-822 ('orc l:lcclivc-lV 0 t) l 0
j Acl\.ll l-lll I ( onsrirution i)l lndia 0 0 ).

P( ('S-lt] l Advancc ( ornptrtcr' Nctrvolks Lxb 0 {) ) ) I

1 Pti( 5-81.i Corc l:lccli!c-lV l.ab 0 0 l I

() {) 2 I
,t tc(:s-lll4 Scnrirrar'
I I'C(iS-82 5 I'roicct l.itb 0 0 4 ,l l
'l otnl 2S l8

Studcntt art 1o l)(' t'rlcouritgt'(l to grr lo induslrial lrni ing/ lntcrrlship during strntmcr

Scnlcstcl ItI

Snl)jcct Nnnrc T llrs. Crcdits

Sr. S$bj0ct
No. (:9qf c. -;
() 0
S-9 I I
Pl.:.C (lore l:lcctivc-V

olrcs-e t I dpr'rr illectiue 0 0 l

_t P('CS-91 I Disscnalion (Part-l) 0 0 l0 20 t0
'lotnl 0 20 26 l6

Scrnrslcr- l \1

SuUctt Sub.ictt N:trIlc T Ir I ttrs. lc'coirs

No. (;odc
r,( ( s-91I l'ir(-l (l 0 i,. L, ,.
l.rzl:z I
l)is\crt;rti()n { I
I rc
lol l I
0 0

'.t \y
Vr'- .t

) of Corc I.llectivcs
t ECS-lir l
Sr. No. Sulrjrct Codo Suhjecl Nrrre
Pt'CS-li I I A l'ar llcl ( ontputilrlr
l'|( S-81 I l.] Drrtl l1 cptl rzlioll aId A rlll)llf
PLCS-3 I IC Adtuntc l) labasc SIltc_!ll.I
Sr. No. S'r Codc St'l)jcc{ NxrIc
l PE('S-8l,',rA Pala llel Conrpurirrg l.ab
l'tr('S-{l lili I )irtir Preparaliot) xtrd Anlll vsis Inh
l'hC S-ll l-'i(l (l!l l) atab:r s l.atr
Sr. N0. Sul,jecl Code Subj{.t Nnmr
I PltcS-8 [A t)istrihlllcd S,.slcrn\
I'tr( s.8 [I] Advanre illgorithnrs
Pt,cs-3 t2c B l)rila Anal\ lrcs
Sr. No. Subjcct (,-{)(lc Sn
Pl:( S-El lA Dccp l-cnrtinll
Pl:C S, ItJ Solir are l1'ojccl \4an ttcIl t
t,c s- ll C' ( otnpLrl(.r
Sr'. No. .!!!!,j".!! (sdc
. antc
PI]CS.8]]A (' ofld p n-g
Plics-fllzr] lIlcrncl ol lhinijs
l)lr( S-llllC Ilioi lilnnutics
Sr. No. Su hjcct Codc SUbjrcr l\ixnrc
I PICS-3l.t (' lo ,d (' onrltul IITB l.:rb
PIiCS-82.1tI lnternt'l of I hirrgs_l-a-[r
PEC-S-82iC lliointbnnalics Lat)

Sr. No. Sulrjccl Codc Subjec( N,lmc

l,tics-9 A Optinrization lcclln
Plics-9 r I t] l)attcr'n Ilceogrriliorr
PI:CS.9IIC [)aia Scicnccs

t,isl of OpcD lllecrivcs

Sr. No. Subjtrt (i)dc Subjcct Nrnrc
otrcs-9 t I A llig D ln Anal),lics
(')l:( 5-el Ilt lnternet rrl lhinls
otcs-g r tc l)ecp l-ealrrinq
4 ot:cs-g I tD Cloud C

. v-)

w k,*^,
UC Syllabus for Degree programme (applicable to 20l g batch onwards)

B.E. (Electronics and Communication Engineering)

Semester-l (Group-A)
S, NO Sub Code 5ub ect Name L T P Hrs. Credits
3, BSMA-40]. Engineering Mathematics I 1 0 4 4
2 BSPH-401 Applied Ph Srcs 3 t 0 4 4
3 E5E E-401 Elements of Electrical Engineering 2 L 0 3
4 ESCS-401 Elements of Computer Engineering 2 0 0 ) 2
5 ESEC-401 Elements of Electronics E ineering 2 0 0 1 2
6 BSP H-402 Applied Physics Lab 0 0 2 T
Elements of Electrical Engineering
7 E5E E-402 0 0 2 2
Lab 1

Elements of Computer Engineering

8 ESCS-402 0 0 4 4 2
Elements of Electronics Engineering
9 ESEC-402 0 0 z 2 1
Total 12 10 25 20

5e mester-ll A (Group-A)
S.No, 5u b Code Subject Name T
L P Hrs. Cred its
1 BSMA-402 En inee ring Mathematics ll 1, 0 4 4
2 BSCH-401 Applied Chemist 3 1 0 4 4
Elements of Mecha nical
3 ESM E-401. 2 1 0 3 3
4 ESME-402 Workshop Technology and Practice 1 0 0 I 1
English Communication and Soft
5 HSMC-401 1 0 0 L 1,
5 kills
6 BSCH-402 Applied Chemist Lab 0 0 2 2 1,

Elements of Mechanical .i,

7 E5 M E-403 0 0 2 2
Engineerin Lab
8 ESME-404 En ineering Drawing 0 0 4 4 2
Workshop Technology and Practice
9 ESME.4O5 0 0 4 4 2
English Communication and Soft
10 HSMC-402 0 0 2 2 1
Skills Lab
11 MC-401 Environmental Studies 3 0 0 3 0
Total 13 3 L4 30 20

Se meste r-ll-B
Practical Training During Summer 1
Vacations (ln-house) 02 weeks 80 (s/us)
TP tN-422 Technical Competen (s/us)

Department of Electronics & Communication page 4

Vivek HarsheyDilip Kumar Sarbjeet Singh J.S. Ubhi A. Marwaha

to 2018 batch
,rdE Pro me (aPPl icable

UG Syllabus for Degree Programme (applicable to 2018 batch onwards)

;.No. Su b Code Sub ect Name L T P Hrs. Cre d its
'l- ESMA-50r. Numericaland Statistica I Methods 3 0 0 3 3
2 PCEC-511 Network Analysis & S nt hesis 2 L 0 3
3 PCEC.512 DigitalS tem Design 2 1 0 3
4 PCEC.513 Signa ls & Systems 2 1, 0 3 3
5 PCEC-514 Electronic Devices & Circuits 0
) 2 1 3 3
6 BS B 1.501 Biology for Engineers 2 0 0 2 2
Numerical and Statistical Methods
7 BSMA-502 0 0 2 2 1,
8 PC EC-515 Di italSystem Desi8n Lab 0 0 4 4 2
Tota I 14 03 06 20
g* 4

5.No. Sub Code Subject Name L T P H rs. Credits
1 ES M E.501 Engineering Mecha nics 3 1, 0 4 4
2 PCEC-521 Analo Communication 3 0 0 3 3
3 PCEC-522 AnaloB Electronic Circuits 2 1 0 3 3
4 PCEC.523 M icro processor & Microcontroller 3 0 0 3 3
5 HSMC-501 P rinciples of Management 3 0 0 3 3
6 PCEc-524 Ana log ElectronicCircu its Lab 0 0 4 4 2
Microprocessor & Microcontroller
7 PCEC-525 0 0 4 4 2
8 MC-501 Constitution of lndia 3 0 0 3 0
Total 1,7 02 8 27 20
9* tl 4

TPtD-521 lrldustrial Training 02 weeks (s/us)
Fractional credit course/Extra
Academic Activity

S.No Sub Code Subject Name L T P H rs. Credits
1 PCEC-611 Digital Communication 3 0 0 3 3
2 PCEc-612 EMF & Tra nsmission Lines 3 0 0 3 3
3 oEEC-611 Open Elective-1 3 0 0 3 3
4 o EEC-612 Open Elective-2 3 0 0 3 3
5 PEEC-611 Professional Elective-1. 3 0 0 3 3
6 HSMC-601 Technical Communication 2 0 0 2 2
Analog & Digital Communication
7 PCEC-613 0 0 4 4 2
8 HSMC-602 Technical Communication Lab 0 0 2 2 1
"o -u J-vllahus f..r.
-^*"o*to" De-eree r.o*rurH
rme (applicable
to 20l g batch

9* Tota I l7 0 6

s e m e s te r
F ra c o n a c r e d t co B
EAA-611+ u rs e xt ra
A c a d e m c Activity
+G R o U P A/s C 1
S.No sub Cod e s e me st e r
Sub ect Name A
1 PCEc-621
Linear ln te rated L T P
2 PCEC-622 Ci rcuits H rs.
re e s s C o m m U n 2 Credits
3 ca t o n 0
oEEC-62 1, 3
o en Elect ive-3 3 0 0
4 OEEC-62 2 3 3
o en e ct e 4 0 0
5 PEEC_621 3
P ro fe ss ona 3 0
E ec t IVE 0
6 En 3 3
c n e e r ng c o n o m cs 0 0
H5MC. 603 and 3
n t re r e n e U rs 3
7 h 3
PCEC_623 0 0
L n ar n e 3
r a t ed C rC U 5 Lab
PCEC-624 0
M A TLA B P ro r a 0 2
m m n Lab 2 1
0 0 2 2
8* Total 1"7 1,
7 4 22 20

TPtD-621 n d u st r a T ra n
n 04 e ks
Fractionai credit
co urse/Extra 150 3(s/us )
EAA-622+ Academic Activity

S.No Sub Code Semester-Vll

s bj e ct N a m e
1 PCEC-71.1. L T
D rg t a s P
cna P ro c e ss n8 Hrs. Credits
2 PCEC-7 12 3 0
A n e n n a a n d Wave 0 3
P ro p a g a t o n 3
3 PEEC.777 P ro fe 5S o n a 0 0
Elective-3 3
4 PEEC-712 3 0
P ro fe s s ona e c ve -4
E 3
5 oEEC-711 3 0
Open Elective- 5 0
6 PCEC-713 3 0
D ta S n a P ro C e ss n 0
b 0
PCEC.71.4 An e n n 0 2
M C o a e La b 2 1
PREC.711 0 0
Pro ject Sta e land 4 4
Semi nar 2
0 0 4 4
Total 2
9 HDEC-711 15 0
Hon's SubJect-4 10 25 20

S.No. Semester-Vl
Sub Code Subject Nam e
1 PEEC-7 L T
21 P ro fe ss o n a P rs.
E ec e 5 H Credits
2 PEEC-722 3 0
P ro fe ss ona 0
E e c VE 6 3
3 PR EC-721 3 0
Project Sta ge ll 0 3 3
0 0 L2 12 6

Departmen t of Electro
nics & Co mmunication
Page 6
UC Syllabus for Degree Programme (applicable to 2018 batch on

PHEC-121 Hon's Project t o-fo_l o8 o8 4

Tota I lolo 20 26 t16
S.No. Sub Code Sub ect Name L T P H rs. Credits

tN lD-7 21 lnternship in lnd ustry 6


2 P REC-721 Project Stage ll 0 0 t2 72 6

PHEC-7 27 Project Hons 0 0 08 08 4

Total 0 0 20 20 16

tFor honor subjects

credit structure Of E Progra m

te L T P Hrs Credits
S.No Ca

H uma nities and Socialsciences including 9 0 4 11

Ma na ement courses
L7 4 6 27 24
2 Basic Science courses
EngineerinB Science courses includ ing
12 18 33 24
3 workshop, drawing, basics of
electrica l/mechanical/co m ute r etc
34 5 26 65 52
4 Professional core courses
Professional Elective courses relevant to cho se n
18 0 0 18 18
sp ecia lization/branch
open subjects - Electives from other technical 0 0 L5 15
and /or emergi sub ects
Project work, seminar and internship in in d ustry 16
or elsewhere
Mandatory Courses IEnvironmental Sciences,
6 0 0 6 0
8 lnduction training, lndian Constitution, Essence
of lndian Traditional Knowledgel
111 1,2 54 t77 160

Page 7
bepartrnent of Electronics & Communicatiott

\.:-.-1. I l^-^L 6t 'f-\i I i; I{rrmar Sarhieet Sinsh J.S. ubhi A. Marwaha

\Z e!'" UG Syllabus for Degree Programme (applicable to 201g batch onwards)

r*l' lrsj/

List of Professional Electives

5r.No 5ub. Code Subject Name

1 PE EC-611A Pulse and Digital Switching Circuits
2 PE EC-6118 M EMS

[3 I PE EC-611C lnformation Theory & Coding

Sr. No Sub. Code Subject Name

1 PEEC-621A Control System Engineering
7 PEEC-6218 Telecommunication Switching
Systems & Networks
3 PEEC-621C MOS Device Physics & Modelling

t srJ,r" 5ub. Code Subject Name

[1 PEEC-711A Microelectronics
2 PEEC-7118 Optoelectronics Devices & Circuits
3 PEEC.711C Computer Communication &
Professional Elective-lV
5r. No 5ub. Code 5ubject Name
1, PEEC-1 tzA Microwave & Rada r Engineering
2 P EEC-7128 Computer Architecture &
PEEC-I12C lndustrial Electronics
Professional Elective-V
Sr. No Sub. Code Subject Name
1 PEEC-I2!A Wireless Senso r Networks
2 PEEC-I21,8 Satellite Communication
PEEC-7Z-t-C VLSI Circuits

Sr. No 5ub. Code Subject Name

1 PEEC-722A Fiber Optics Communication
2 PEEC-722s Electronic Measurement &
3 PEEC-I22C Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic

Department of Electronics & Communication Page 8

Vivek HarsheyDilip Kumar Sarbjeet Singh J.S. Ubhi A. Marwaha

(applicable ro zu 1o uq'-" -
UG Syllabus for Degree Programme .-1I:)

List of Onen Electives

Sub. Code Sub.iect Name

t ne a r nte a ed C rc u ts
1 OEEC.611A
2 oEEC-611B Dig ital Electronics
o EEC-611C Electronic Measuremen t&
lnst rumentation

Sr.No Sub. Code Subject Name

cat on En n e e fl n
1 o E E C-612A P ri n C p e of c o m m u n
2 oEEC-6128 Op ticat Electronics

3 OEEC.612C MATLAB Programming

Sr.No Sub. Code Sub,ect Name

p p ca t o n s
1 oEEC-6214 M c ro p o ce ss o ( a n d A

2 OEEC-6218 VLSI Techo logy

oEEC-621C Nanb TechnologY

Sub. Code Subiect Name

oEEC-622A Bi omedical Electronics
nee nn
OEEC.522B Co n t ro S Yst e m E n
OEEC-622C Electronic System D e

Sub. Code Subiect Name

OEEC.711A Dic ital SYstems
Em be d d e d S ste m s
OEEC.711B M c ro c o nt ro e r a n d
Wlreless Co m m u n ca
t on
1 oEEC-711c

\cs & Cornmun A. MarlNatra
t\t O i E\ectron I.s.ubhi
g6rbleet Singh
a( rrrnal
St,lET, Longo\val I BE (Electrical Engineering) Syllabus, 20 | 8

Study Scheme for Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical (GEE)

Semester-l C:roup-A (GEE)

S. No. Sub Code Su bject Name L T P Hrsl Credits
1 BSMA-40] Engineering Mathematics I 3 I 0 4 4
2 BSPH-40 t Applied Physics 3 I 0 4 4
3 ESEE-4OI Elements of Electrical Engineering 2 I 0 3 3
4 ESCS-40 t Elements of Computer Engineerir,g 2 0 0 2 2
5 ESEC-401 Elements of Electronics Elgineering 2 0 0 2 2
6 BSPH-402 Applied Physics Lab 0 0 2 2 I
7 ESEE.402 Elements of Electrical Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 l
8 ESCS-402 Elements of Computer Engineering Lab 0 0 4 4 2

9 ESEC-402 Elements of Electronics Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1

T Total t2 03 l0 25 20

Semester-ll A Croup-A (GEE)

S. No. Sub Code Subject Nanre L T P Hrs. Credits
I BSMA-402 Engineering Mathematics II 3 I 0 4 4
2 BSCH.4OI Applied Chemistry 3 1 0 4 4
ESME-401 Elements of Mechanical Engineeiing 2 I 0 3
4 ESME-402 Workshop Technology and Practice I 0 0 1 I

5 HSMC-401 English Communication and Soft Skills I 0 0 I

6 BSCH-402 Applied Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 2 l

7 ESME-403 Elements of Mechanical Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 i
8 ESME-404 Engineering Drawing 0 0 4 4 2
9 ESME-405 Workshop Technology and Practice Lab 0 0 4 4 2
t0 HSMC-402 English Communication and Soft Skills Lab 0 0 2 2 I
ll MCCH-4O I Mandatory Course-l 0 0 3 0

Total t3 03 L4 I
i lo i

Semester-Il B G roup-A (GEE)

Practical Training During Summer Vacations --T--
I TPIN-42I (ln-house) 02 weeks 40 r (s/us)

2 TPIN-422 Technic..l Competency

] 40 r (s/us)

Pag e 5 | l17
SI-IET, Longowal IBE (Electrical E[gineering) Syllabus, 2018

Semester-III t]roup-A (CEE)

S. No. Sub Code Subject N8me L T P Hrs. Credits
I BsMA-501 I.Iumerical and Statistical Methols 3 0 0 3 3

2 PCEE-i I I Electrical Circj-Jit Analysis and ,l 3 I 0 4 4

PCEE.5I2 Electronic Devices and Circuits i 3 I 0 4 4

4 PCEE-513 Electrical Machines-l 3 I 0 4 4

(Transformers and DC Machiner)
5 BSBL.5Ol Biology for Enginegts 2 0 0 2 2

6 BSMA.502 Nurnerical and Statistical Metho,ls Lab 0 .,0 2 z 1

'7 PCEE-514 Electronic Machines-I Lab 0 0 2 2 I

8 PCEE.5I5 Electrical Circuit Lab 0 0 2 2 i

Total t4 03 06 23 20

Semester-IV -A Group-A (GEE)
S. No. Sub Code Subject Nsme L T P H rs. Credits
I ESME.5OI Engineering Mechanics 3 I 0 4 4

2 PCEE-521 Digital Electronics 3 0 0 3 3

3 PCEE-s22 Electrical Machines-Il I 3 I 0 4 4

(Asynchronous and SynchronouS
4 PCi)E-523 Signals and Systems 3 I 0 4 4

5 HSMC-501 Principles of Management

.3 0 0 3 3

6 PCEE-524 Analog and Digital Electronics I',ab 0 0 2 2 I

7 PCEE-525 Electrical Machines-Il Lab 0 0 2 2 I

8 MCMH-501 Mandatory Course - 2 3 0 0 3 0

Total l8 3 4 ,r I :o

1 TPID.52I
Semester-IV-B Group-A (GEE)
lndustrial Trainiu 02 weeks
-----T----t 40 l (s/us)
Fractional credit course/Extra
Academic 40 l (sius)
2 EAA-521+ Activi +GROUP A,/B/C

P age 6l ll7
S,lET, Longo\.val I BE (Electrical EnginecrinS) S)'llabus, 201 8

Semester-V- 4 Group-A (GEE)

S No. Sub Code Subiect Name L T P Hrs. Credits
3 0 0 3 3
l PCEE-611 Electrical Power System-l
Generatio transmission and dis:ribution
0 4 4
2 PCEE-612 CoDtrol Systems 1

3 oEEE-61 I Open Elective- I 3 0 0 l 3

3 0 0 3 3
4 oEEE-612 Open Elective-2
5 PEEE-6I I Professional Elective' I 3 0 0' 3

Technical Cotnmun icalion

) 0 0 2 2
0 0 2 2 I
7 PCEE-6I3 Control System Lab
8 HSMC-602 Technical Communication La b 0 012 2

t7 4 22 20
Total 1

Se'r',gster-V-l] GrouP-A (GEE)

Fractional credit coursc/Extra Academio 40' l(srus)
I EAA-61 I +
Activity +GROIJP A/B/C rnii$tnnlliEr,r-iliin

Semester-VI-A GrouP-A (GEE)

Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
S No. Sub Code
3 0 0 3 3
1 PCEE-621 Electrical and Electronic Measutements
0 4 4
2 PCEE-622 Electrical Po er System-Il 1

Anal sis and Protection

3 0 0 3 3
oEEE-621 Open Elective-3
3 0 0 3 3
4 oEEE -622 Open Elective-4
3 0 0 3 3
5 PEEE.62I Professional ElectiYe-2
0 0 3 3
6 rrsMc-603 Engineering Economics a nd Entr,.ipreneurship 3

Power System Lab 0 0 2 2 I

7 PCEE-623
18 2 21 20
Total 1

Se mester-VI-B Grou p-A (GEE)

lndustrial Traini 04 weeks 40 2 (S/US)
F ractr o na cr ed c o u rs e/Extra Aordemic
ct +G R o U P Alb IC 40 r (s/us)
2 EAA,-622+

P age 71117
'SLlE I, Longorval I BE (Electrical Engineering) Syllabus, 2018

Semester-VII Group-A (GEE)

S No. Sub Code Subj€ct Name L T P Hrs. Credits
I PCEE-711 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 I 0 4 4

2 PCEE-7 t2 Power Electronics and Drives 3 0 0 3 3

3 PEEE-7I I Profeisional Elective-3 3 0 0 3 3

Professional Elective-4 3 0 0 3 3
4 PEEE-712
0 0 3 3
5 oEEEri I I Open Elective-5 3

6 PCEE.7I3 Microproccssors and Microcontrcllers 0 0 2 2 1

7 PCEE-7 14 Power Electronics and Drives Latr 0 0 2 2 I

Project Stage I and Sentinar 0 0 4 4 2

8 PREE-71 I
Total 15 1 8 24 20

Semester-\IIII Group-A (GEE)

S No. Sub Code Subject Nsme L T P H rs, Credits
Professional ElectiYe-5 3 0 0 3 3
1 PEEE-721
2 PREE-722 Professional Elective-6 3 0 0 3 3

3 PRI]E-72I Project Stage Il 0 0 l2 t2 6

Total 6 0 l2 l8 12

S No. Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits

1 INID-721 Internship in Industry 40 6

2 PREE.72I Project Slage Il 0 0 t2 t2 6


l. I1CCH-401 MflndatorY Course - 1: Environntental Studies
2. MCMH-501 Mandatory Coursc - 2; Indian Constil'ution

Pag e 8 | I 17
S",lEl Lougorval IBD (Ele rical Engincering) Syllab!s, 20tB


L ist of Onen Rlectivcs


S. No. Sub. Code Subiec( irlanre L T P H rs. Credits
l olrrrE-6r I Operi Elcctive-t 3 0 0 3 3

a) OEEE.6 I I A Electrical Circuits 0 0 3 3

b) OEEE-6I IB Electricai Engineeririg lvtaterials 3 0 0

c) OEEE.6I IC Ren
e'n e, gy" Souiei-- 3 0 0 3

2 oEEE-612 Open Elective-II 3 0 0 3

a) OEEE.6I2A Energ)z Conservatiorl Practices 3 0 0 3

b) OEEE-6I2B Energy Auditing and Management 0 0 3

c) OEEE-6I2C Utilizatioll of Electrical Eners/ 0 0 3 3

3 otrEE-62t Open Elective-IlI 3 0 0

a) OEEE.62I A Microprocessors and Applica:ions 3 0 0 3 3

b) OEEE-62I B Elcments of Power System 3 1) 0 3

c) OEEE.621 C B ionri:dical Instrurncntation 0 0

4 oEEE-622 Open Elective-IV 3 0 0 3

a) OEEE-622A. Control Syster;r 3 0 0 3 3

b) OF,EE-6228 Microcontrollers and Applictii iolrs 3 0 0 3

cr\ oEEF.-622C Electricai Safctv a0d Standards 0 l 3

0 0 3 3
5 oEEE-71I Open Elective-V 3

IA Signals and Systems 3 0 0 3 3

a) OEEE-7I

0 0 3 3
b) OEEE.TI IB Sensors and Trausducets

3 0 0 3 3
c) oEEE-711C S,rft Computing Techniques

P age 9ll17
- SiltEt, Longorval IBE (Electrical EngineeriDg) Syllabus,20l8

l, ist nf Professionrl Iilectives

List of Professional Elcotives

S. No. Sub. Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits

I PEtiE-611 ProfessionalElective-1 t, 3 0 0 3 3

a) PEEE-6I IA Biomedibal lnstrumentation 3 0 0 3 3


b) PEEE-6I IB Electromagnetic Field'fheory 3 0 0 3 3

c) PE,;F-6I I C Electrical Safety and Sta0darils 3 0 0 3 3

PEEE.621 Professio sl Elective-2 3 0 0 3 3

a) PEEE.62IA Electrical Energy Conservatirin ald 3 0 0 3 3

b) PEEE.621B Non-Linear aud Optimal Contrql 3 0 0 3 3

c) PEEE.62IC Telemetry and Data Acquisition 3 0 0 3 3

3 I,EEE-71I Profession&l Elective-3 3 0 0 3 3

a) PEEE.TI IA Wind and Solar Energy Systems 3 0 0 3 3

b) PEEE.7I lB Computational Electrcmagr)elic 3 0 0 3 3

c) PEEE-7I 1C Reliability Engineering 3 0 0 3 3

4 PEEE-?12 Professional Elective-4 3 0 0 3 3

a) PEEE-712 A Soft Computing Techniques ! 3 0 0 3 3

b) PEEE-'I I2B Elcctrical and flybrid Vehiclr's 3 0 0 3 3

c) PEEE. i I2C Virtual lns;iiumentation 3 0 0 3 3

PEEE-7ZI ProfessionalElective-s,. 3 0 0 3 3

a) PEI]E-72I A Power Quality and FACTS 3 0 0 3

b) PEEE.72IB Utilization of Electrical Energy 3 0 0 3 3

c) PEEE-721C Robotics 3 0 0 3 3

6 PEEE-122 Professional Elec(ive-6 3 0 0 3 3

a) PEEE.722 A Advanced Microprocessors and 3 0 0 3 3

b) PEEE-7228 High Voltage Engineering 3 0 0 3 3

c) PEEE-'722C Modelling and Simulation 3 0 0 3 3

Page l0ll17

B.E. (Food Tech) Course Scheme and Syllabus 2OLB

Semester-I Group-B (FET)

SNo Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
I BSMA-401 Engineering Mathematics I 3 1 0 4 4
2 BSCH-401 Applied Chemistry 3 1 0 4 4
3 ESME-401 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 2 1 0 3 3
4 ESME-402 Workshop Technology and Practice 1 0 0 I 1

5 HSMC-401 English Communication and Soft Skills 1 0 0 1 I

6 BSCH.4O2 Applied Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 2 I
7 ESME-403 Elements of Mechanical Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1

8 ESME-404 Engineering Drawing 0 0 4 4 2

9 ESME-405 Workshop Technology and Practice Lab 0 0 4 4 2
10 HSMC.4O2 English Communication and Soft Skills Lab 0 0 2 2 1

11 MCCH-4OI Environmental Studies 3 0 0 3 0

Total l3 3 14 30 20

Semester-Il A Group-B (FET)

SNo Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
1 BSMA-402 Engineering Mathematics II 3 I 0 4 4
2 BSPH-401 Applied Physics 3 I 0 4 4
3 ESEE-401 Elements of Electrical Engineering 2 1 0 3 )

4 ESCS.4O1 Elements of Computer Engineering 2 0 0 2 2

5 ESEC-401 Elements of Electronics Engineering 2 0 0 2 2
6 BSPH.4O2 Applied Physics Lab 0 0 2 2 I

7 ESEE-402 Elements of Electrical Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1

8 ESCS.402 Elements of Computer Engineering Lab 0 0 4 4 2

9 ESEC-402 Elements ol Electronics Engineering Lab
Tota I
0 0
25 20

Semester-Il B Grou -B ET
Practical Training During Summer Vacations I
I TPIN-42I (ln-house) 02 weeks \ 80 (s/us)
TPIN-422 Technical Competency (SruS)

{.o o_>
oJ'/ 5

,e/,* G-w
B.E. (Food Tech) Course Scheme and Syllabus zOLB

Semester-III Group B (FET)

SNo Sub Code Subj ect Name L T P Hrs. Credits
I ESME.5O1 Engineering Mechanics 3 I 0 4 4
2 PCFT-5I I Fogd Chemistry 3 I 0 4 4
J PCFT-512 Food Microbiology 3 0 0 3 3

4 PCFT-513 Heat and Mass Transfer 3 I 0 4 4

5 HSMC.5O1 Principles of management 3 0 0 3 3

6 PCFT-s I3 Heat and Mass Transfer Lab 0 0 2 2 1

7 PCFT-5I4 Food Chemistry and Microbiology Lab 0 0 2 2 I

8 MCMH-5OI Indian Constitution 3 0 0 3 0

Total 18 03 04 25 20
9 MDFT-sI I Food and Preservation 3 I 0 4 4

Semester-IVA Grou B ET)

0 Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs, Credits
BSMA.5O1 Numerical and statistical methods 3 0 0 3 3

2 BSMA-502 Numerical and statistical methods lab 0 0 2 2 1

3 BSBL-5OI Biology for Engineers 2 0 0 2 2

4 PCFT.52I Food Biochemistry and Nutrition 3 I 0 4 4

5 PCFT-522 Food Biotechnology 4 0 0 4 4
) PCFT-523 Food Engineering 3 I 0 4 4
7 PCFT-524 Food En nee Lab 0 0 2 2 1

Food Biochemistry and Nutrition and 2

8 PCFT.525 0 0 2 1
Biotechnolo tab
Total 15 2 6 Z) 20
9 MDFT.521 Food Biochemi and Nutrition 3 1 0 4 4

Semester-IVB MET)
TPID.52I Industrial Training 02 weeks 40
i S/US
Fractional credit course/Extra Academic 1
EAA-521+ (s/us)
2 Activi +GROUP A/B/C


t N,.
/, ,?kr or \V
B.E. (Food Techl Course Scheme and Syllabus 20LB

Semester-V-A Group-B (FET)

lNo Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
1 PCFT.61I Technology of Animal product (core course) 3 0 0 3 3

2 PCFT-612 Dairy Tech (core course) 3 0 0 3 3

3 OEFT-611 Open Elective-l 3 0 0 3 3

4 oEFT-612 Open Elective-II 3 0 0 3 J

5 PEFT-611 Professional Elective-I 3 0 0 3 3
Animal product technology and Dairy
6 PCFT-6I3 0 0 2 2 2
technology lab
7 HSMC.6O3 Engineering economics and entrepreneurship _1 0 0 3 J
Total l8 0 2 20 20
8 MDFT.6I1 Plant Food Product Technology 3 1 0 4 4
9 HDFT.6I I Enzymes in Food Processing 3 I 0 4 4
l0 HDFT-6I2 Basic A cultural Process En lne 3lr lol 4 4

Semester-V-B Group-B (FET)

Fractional credit course/ Extra Academic
1 EAA-611+
Activity +GROUP A,/B IC L 1",,''
Semester-VI-A Group-B (FET)
iNo Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
Technology ofCereal, Pulses and Oilseeds
PCFT-62I ) 1 0 4 4
2 PCFT-622 Technology of Fruits and Vegetable Products 3 0 0 3 3

3 oEFT-621 Open Elective-lll 3 0 0 3 J

4 OEFT-622 Open Elective-lV 3 0 0 3 3

5 PEFT-621 Professional Elective-ll 3 0 0 3 3

6 PCFT.623 Plant Foods Lab 0 0 2 2 I
7 HSMC.6OI Technical Communication 2 0 0 2 2
8 HSMC.602 Technical Communication lab 0 0 2 2 1

Total t1 1 4 22 20
9 MDFT-621 Unit Operations in Food Engineering 3 1 0 4 4
0 HDFT-62I Instrumental Techniques in Food 3 I 0 4 4

Semester-Vl B Group-B (FET)

1 TPtD-621 Industrial Training 04 weeks 2 S/US


l/ ,tcrl"
vw LN)/'-y4
B.E. fFood TechJ Course Scheme and Syllabus 20LB

Semester-Vll Group-B (FET)

No Sub Code Sub ect Name L T P Hrs, Credits
I PCFT-711 Food anal sis and ali Control (core course 3 1 0 4 4

2 PCFT-712 Packasins Technology 3 0 0 3 3

J oEFT-711 o n Elective-V 3 0 0 3 3

4 PEFT-711 Professional Elective-III 3 1 0 4 4

5 PEFT-712 Professional Elective-lV 3 0 0 3 3

Food Analysis, Quality Control and Packaging 0 0 2 2 I

6 technolo Lab
7 PRFT.71I Pro ect s e I and Seminar 0 0 4 4 2
Total l5 2 6 23 20
MDFT-7I I En tneenn Properties of Foods 3 I 0 4 4

I HDFT-7I I Food 3 1 0 4 4

Semester-VIII Group B (FET)

No Sub Code Sub ect Name L T P Hrs. Credits
1 PEFT-721 Professional Elective-V 3 0 0 3 3

2 PEFT-722 Professional Elective-VI 3 0 0 3 3

r3 PRFT-721 Pro ect Sta eII 0 0 12 12 6

4 PHFT.72I Project Honors 0 0 08 08 4

Total 6 0 12 18 16

No Sub Code Sub ect Name L T P Hrs. Credits

l INID-72I Internship in lndustry 0 0 0 40 6

2 PRFT-72I Project Stage II 0 0 l2 t2 6

) PHFT-72I Project Honors 0 0 08 08 4
Total 0 0 20 60 16


d./ e-,P \r z
B.E. [Food Tech) Course Scheme and Syllabus zOLB


s.No. Sub. Code Sub ect Name L T P Hrs. Credits

1 oEFT-611 o en Elective-I 3 0 0 3 3

a OEFT-61I A S aration Technolo 3 0 0 3 3

b OEFT.6II B Biochemical En lneerl 3 0 0 3 3

2 OEFT-612 Open Elective-II J 0 0 3 3

a OEFT-612 A Principle of Food Processing 3 0 0 3 3

b OEFT.6I2 B Principle of Food Preservatio n 3 0 0 3 3

., oEFT-621 o en Elective-III 3 0 0 3 )

a) OEFT-62I A Food and Nutrition 3 0 0 J 3

Unit o erations in food 3 0 0 3 J

b) OEFT-621 B cess
4 0EFT-622 o en Elective-IV 3 0 0 3 3

a) OEFT-622 A Fundamentals ofBiotechnology J 0 0 3 )

b) OEFT-622 B Food Laws and Re ulations 3 0 0 3 3

5 oEFT-711 Open Elective-V - 3 0 0 3 3

a) OEFT-711A Flavor Technolo 3 0 0 3 3

b) OEFT.TI I B Food plan t Sanitation and Waste management 3 0 0 3 3


S.NO Sub. Code Sub ect name L T P Hrs Credits

I PEFT-6I5 Professional Elective-I 3 0 0 J 3

a) PEFT-6I5A Fluid Flow o ration 3 0 0 J 3

b) PEFT-6I5B Post-harvest En lneerl 3 0 0 3 3

Professional Elective-II 3 0 0 3 J
2 PEFT-625
a) PEFT-625 A Food stora eEn neerrn 3 0 0 3 3
b PEFT.625 B Technolo of and conlectio roducts 3 0 0 )

elective-III 0 0 3 J
3 PEFT.7lI Professional 3

a) PEFT-711A Health and Functional Food 3 0 0 3 3

b) PEFT.71IA Technology ol food plant by product utilization 3 0 0 3 )

4 PEFT.712 Professional Elective-IV 3 0 0 3 3

Technolo of Bever ES 0 0 3 J
a) PEFT-712 A 3

b PEFT-712 B Industrial Microbiology 3 0 0 3 3

5 PEFT.72I Professional Elective-V 3 0 0 3 3

a) PEFT-72I A Food Additives and In ients 3 0 0 3 3

b PEFT.721 B Technolo of Fats and oils 3 0 0 3 )

6 PEFT.722 Professional Elective-VI 3 0 0 3 3

a) PEFT.722 A Food Processing Plant Layout and design , 0 0 3 3

b) PEFT-722 B Innovative Technique in Food Processing 3 0 0 3 3

r ({

.il,'-, '.--,'
SLIET, Longowal I BE (lnstrumentation and Control) Syll

study Scheme for Bachelor of Engineering in lnstrumentation and control (GlN)

Semester-I liroup-A (GIN) 1

S. No. Sub Code Subject Name L T P [u.t Credih

Engineering Mathematics I 3 1
to 4 4

3 4 4 3
2 BSPH-4O I Applied Physics 1

3 ESEE-4O I Elements of Electrical Engineerirrg 2

l1l ao l 3 3

4 ESCS.4O I Elerrents of ComPuter Enginee ri:rg 2 lol


5 ESEC-4OI Elements of Electronics Engineet ing 2

Applied Physics Lab 0 0 z 2 I
6 BSPH-402 6
Elements of Electrical En neeflll Lab 0 0 2 z 1
7 ESEE-402 7
0 4 4 2
8 ESCS-402 Elernents of Computer Engineer i'rg Lab 0

Elements of Electronics Engineet'ing Lab 0 0 2 2 I 8

9 ESEC-402
Total 12 03 10 25 ZO

Semester-II .q' GrouP-A (GIN)

Subject Name L T P Hrs. Cred
S. No. Sub Code
0 4 4 S. No.
I BSMA-402 Elgineering Mathematics II 3 I

) I 0 4 4 I
2 BSCI-I-401 Applied Chemistry
2 I 0 3 3 2
J ESME.4O I Elements of Mechanical Engineering
0 0 I 3
Workshop TechnologY and Pract lce
4 ESME-402
0 0 4
HSMC.4OI English Communication and So ft Skills
1 1
0 0 2 2 I
6 BSCH-402 Applied Chemistry Lab
l 6
0 2 2
1 ESME.4O3 Elements of Mechanical Engineer ing Lab 0
0 0 4 4 2
8 ESME-404 Engineering Drawing
2 8
0 4 4
9 ESME.4O5 Workshop TeclrnologY and Pra ctice Lab 0
2 2
IISMC-402 En gl I s h Communicatiotr and So ft S k I I I S La b 0 0 1
0 0 3 0
ll MCCH-4OI Mandatory Course-1 3

13 03 14 30 20

Semester-Il B GrouP-A (GIN)

Practical Training Duriug Summer Vacations
40 1 S/
I TPtN-421 InJrouse 02 weeks

40 I
2 TPIN-422 Technical Comp etency

us, SLIET, Longowal I BE (lnstrumentation and Control) Syllabus,

Semester-Ill GrouP-A ( GIN)

L T P Hrs. Credits
S. No. Sub Code Subject Name
3 0 0 3 3
I BSMA.5OI Numerical and S tatistical Methoils
0 4 4
rlits PCrE-51 I Electrical Circuit AnalYs is and 3 1
t S hesis
4 4
3 1 0
4 3 PCLE-'12 Electlonic Devices and Analog
lnte ated Circuits 4
3 J I 0 4
4 PCIE.5I3 Electrical and El €ctronlc
Measurement 2
2 0 0 2
2 BSBL-501 Biology for Engineers
0 2 2 I
6 BSMA.502 N u mefl cal and S tatl stica I M ethods La b 0
0 0 2 2 I
't PCtE-514 Electronic Devices and Analog
2 In rated CircuitS Lab
0 0 2 2 I
8 PCIE-5I5 Electrical and Electronic
Measurement Lab 20
Total t4 0l 06 23

Semester-IV -A GrouP-A (GIr9

red L T P Hrs. C red I ts
S. No. Sub Code Subject Name
4 0 4 4
il ESME-501 En g I neefl It Mechan lc S 3 1

4 0 0 3 3
2 PCIE-52I Digital Electronics I
3 I 0 4 4
3 PCtE-522 Sensors and Transducers
3 I 0 4 4
4 PCIE-523 Signals and SYstems
I 0 0 3 3
5 I{SMC-501 Principles of Management
I 0 0 2 2 1

6 PCIE-524 Digital Electronics Lab

I .,7 0 0 2 2 1

PCIE-525 Senscls and Transducers Lab

2 0 0 3 0
8 MCMH-s01 Mandatory Course-2
2 18 3 4 25 20
Total r-i;-ilii
Semester-IV-B GrouP- A(GrI9
20 40 l (s/us)
I TPID-52I Industrial 02 weeks
Fractional credit cou rse/llxtra (sius)
40 1

a EAA-521+ Activity +GROUP A/Brc-*- -:-- t .:--1



Page | 5
SLIET, Longolval i BE (Instrumentation and Control) Syllabus,

Semester-V-A Qroup-A (GIN)

S No. Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs C
1 PCIE-61I Anallical and Optical Instrumen:ation 3 0 0 3 3

PCtE-612 Control Systems 3 I 0 4 4


3 oErE-6ll Open Elective-l 3 0 0 3 3

4 oErE-612 Open Elective-2 3 0 0 3 3

5 PEIE.6I I Professional Elective-l 3 0 0 3 3

HSMC.6OI Technical Communicatlon l 2 0 0 2 z

6 (

PCIE-6I3 Control System Lab 0 0 2 2 1

8 HSMC.6O2 Technical Communication Lab 0 0 2 2 t)
Total \'7 1 4 22 20

Semester-V-B Group-A (GI19

Fractional credit course/Extra Academic 40 l(s/u s i\
1 EAA-61 1+
Activi +GROUP A,/B/C I
Semester-V.[-A GrouP-A (GIN)
S No, Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Cred

I PCIE-62I Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 3 I 0 4 4

2 PCIE-622 Industrial Instrumentation .

3 0 0 3 3

0 0 3
l oEIE-621 Open Elective-3 3 3
S Nr
4 oEtE-622 Open Elective-4 3 0 0 3 3

0 0 3 3 I
5 PEtE-621 Professional Elective-2 3
0 2
HSMC-603 Engineering Economics and Entfl:preneu rship 3
3 0 3

PCTE-623 Microprocesso rs and Microcontroilers Lab 0 0 2 2 1

Total l8 I 2 21 20

Semester-Vl-B GrouP-A (GIN) rLi$.ol

Industrial Training 04 weeks 40 2 Sru
1 TPID-62I l. M
Fractional credit course/Extra Academic
40 I (S/US 2. M
2 EAA-622+ Activity +GROUP A/B/C i:.]]]--r-rT

rllabu:, SLIET, Longowal I BE (lnstrumentation and Control) Syllabus, 2018

Semes ter-VII Group-A (GIN)

Sredi S No. Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
Process Dynamics and Control 3 1 0 4 4
4 Data Commuuication and Networking 3 0 4 4
2 PCIE-71,2
J PEIE.7l I Professional Elective-3 3 0 0 3 3

PEIE-712 Professional Elective-4 3 0 0 3 3
3 3 0 0 3 3
5 oEtE-711 Open Elective-5
2 Process Dynamic and Control Lab 0 0 2 2 I
6 PCIE-713
,i 2
1 0 0 4 4
PRIE-71 1 Pro ect S I and Seminar
t5 2 6 23 20
r'_ rlX;lirti,_,-t]_IiiIi rrr

Semester-VIIL GTouP-A (GIN)

l(s/u S No. Sub Codi: Subject Name L I P Hrs, Credits
0 0 3 3
PE[E-721 Professional Elective-5 3

z PEtE-722 Professional Elective-6 3 0 0 3 3

PRIE-721 P ect S II 0 0 tz t2 6
C re 6 0 t2 l8 l2
r. -.]:ii'.'.l
Subject Name L f- l P Hrs. Credits


Sub Code
Internship in Indushy
Project Slage II
t=l 0 0 t1,
1 li

), S/US
MCCH-401 Mandatory Course - 1: Environmentai Studies
I S/U .iMCMH-501 Mandatory Course - 2: Indian Constitution

Pa Page | 7

SLIET, Longowal I BE (Instrumentation and Control) Syllabus,

List of Onen Electives
: Lis
S. No. Sub. Code Subject Name
L T P H rs. Credil
1 OEIE-611 Open Elective-I -) 0 0 J 3

a) oEtE-6r lA Electrical Circuits 3 0 0 3 J


b) OEIE-61 IB Electrical Engineering Materials 3 0 0 3 3

c) OEIE-6I1C Renervable Energy Sources 3 0 0 3 3

2 oDrE-612 Open Elective-Il 0

3 0 3 3

a) OEIE.612A Energy Conservation Practices 3 0 0 3 3 4

b) OEIE-6I28 Energy Auditing and Management 3 0 0 3 3 b)

c) OEIE.612C Power Plant Engineering 3 0 0 3 3

3 OEIE-621 Open Elective-Ill 3 0 0 3 3 3
a) OEIE-62 ]A Microprocessors and Applications 3 0 0 3 3 a)

b) OEIE-62I B Elements of Power System 3 0 0 3 3 b)

c) OEIE.621C Biomedical Instrumentation 3 0 0 3 ,3
4 oEtE-622 Open Elective-IV 3 0 0 3 3 4
a) oF.tF.-622A Control System 3 0 0 3 3
b) oEtE-6228 Microconlrollers and Applications 3 0 0 3 3
c) oElE-622C Industrial Safety Engineering 3 0 0 3 3
5 OEIE-711 Open Elective-V 3 0 0 3 3
a) OEIE-7I IA Sigrrals and Systems 3 0 0 3 3
b) OEIE-7I I B Sensors and'lransducers 3 0 0 3

c) OEIE.TI IC Introduction to Soft Computing 3 0 0 3 3




bus, SLIET, Longowal I BE (lnstrumentation and Conhol) Syllabus, 2018

ffi;iP.or.ttt""at B

Profe sional tlves

Subject Name L T P H rs. Credits

No. Sub. Cdqe
,| Professional Elective'1 3 0 0 3 3
PEIE-6I1A B iomedical Instrumentation J 0 0 3 3
3 0 0 -l 3
PEIE.611B Electrical Machines
3 0 0 J J
PEIE-6I IC Industria[ Safety
, Professional Elective-2 3 0 0 J 3

a) PEIE-621A Biomedical Signal and Image Processing -) 0. 0 , 3


Power Electronics and Drivesl 3 0 0 3 3

J b) PEIE-62IB

Telemetry and Data Acqu rsltlon J 0 0 J 3

3 c) PEIE.62IC
3 0 0 3 3
3 J PEIf,-711 Professional Elective'3

Wind and Solar Enerry SYstems 3 0 0 3 3

3 a) PEIE-7I IA

3 PEIE.7118 Telemedicine and Robotic-Surgery J 0 0 3 3


0 0 J J
3 c) PEIE.7I1C Non-Linear and OPtimal Contro I J

0 0 3 3
3 4 Pf,IE.7I2 Professional Elective'4 3

3 0 0 3 3
a) PETE-7124 Digitat Signal Processing
3 3 0 0 3 3
b) PEIE-712E Optimization Techniques
3 3 0 0 3 3
c) PEIE-712C Virtual Instrumentation
3 J 0 0 J 3
5 PEJI.-721 Prol'essional Elective-S
t 0 0 3 3
a) PEIE-1214 Robotics
3 0 0 3 3
b) PEIE.721B Computer Control of Processes
3 0 0 3 3
c) PEIF-721C Introduction to MEMs

3 0 0 3 3
6 Pr,tr.122 Professional Elective-6

3 0 0 3 3
a) PEIE.'I221. Advanced MicroProcessors and
3 0 0 J 3
b) PEIE,-1228 Power Plant Instrumentatlon

3 0 0 3 3
c) PEIF'122C Modelling and Simulation

Pa Page | 9
UG Mechanical Engineering 2018 batch only (updated 1srh June 2019)

Study Scheme of UG Programme in "Mechanical Engineering (Manufacturing

SNo sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs Credits
1 BSMA-401 Engineering Mathematics I 3 1 0 4 4

2 BSCH-401 Applied Chemistry 3 1 0 4 4

3 ESME-401 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 2 1 0 3 3

4 ESME-402 Workshop Technology and Practice 1 0 0 1 1

5 HSMC-401 English Communication and Soft Skills 1 0 0 7 1

6 BSCH-402 Applied Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 2 1

1 ESME-403 Elements of Mechanical Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1

8 ESME-404 Engineering Drawing 0 0 4 4 2

9 ESME-405 workshop Technology and Practice Lab 0 0 4 4 2

10 HSMC-402 English Communication and Soft Skills Lab 0 0 2 2 1

11 MCMH-401 Mandatory Course-1 3 0 0 3 0

Total 13 3 L4 30 20
- --- -,-t
.i, :t.ii:,1,-.,.:t': r.:.:i. i, a' .

Semester-ll- A
5No Sub Code subiect Name L T P Hrs. Credits
1 BSMA-402 Engineering Mathematics ll 3 1 0 4 4

2 BSPH-40]. Applied Physics 3 1 0 4 4

3 ESEE-401 Elements of Electrical Engineering 2 1 0 3 3

4 ESCS-401 Elements of Computer Engineering 2 0 0 2 2

5 ESEC.4O1 Elements of Electronics Engineering 2 0 0 2 2

6 BSPH-402 Applied Physics Lab 0 0 2 2 1

7 ESEE.4O2 Elements of Electrical Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1

8 ESCS-402 Elements of Computer Engineering Lab 0 0 4 4 2

ESEC-402 Elements of Electronics Engineerin Lab 0 0 2 2 1

Total L2 3 L2 25 20

Practical Training During Summer Vacations (ln-
TPIN-421 house) 02 weeks 80 ! s/u s)
TPtN-422 Technical competency 1(s/u s)

SNo sub code Subiect Name L T P Hrs, Credits

I ESME-501 Engineerin Mechanlcs 1 0 4 4

Applied Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 4
2 PCME.511
Manufacturing Processes 3 0 0 3 3
3 PCME-512
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 3 1 0 4 4
4 PCME-513
5 HSMC-501 Principles of Manment 3 0 0 3 3

6 PCM E-514 Applied Thermodynamics Lab 0 0 2 2 1

7 PCME-515 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab 0 0 2 2 1

8 Mandato Course-2 0 0 3 0
Total 18 4 20

tr (r) ,fu YKv- L^-
UG lvlechanical Engineering 2018 batch only (updated 15rh June 2019)


SNo Sub Code sub e€t Name
1 BSt\,4A-501 NumericaI and Statistical Meth ods
lH^ Credits
3 0 0 3 3
2 PCME-s21 Physical Metallurgy 2 0 0 2 2
3 PCME-522 Kinematics of Machines 3 0 0 3 3
4 PCME-523 Strength of Material 1 0 4 4
5 BSBt-501 Biol for
I En rneers 2 0 0 2 2
6 BSMA-502 Numerical and Statistical Methods Lab 0 0 2 2 L
1 PCME-524 Kinematics of Machines Lab 0 0 2 2 1
8 PCME-52s Stren8th of Material Lab 0 0 2 2 1
I PCME-526 Machine Drawing 0 0 4 4 2
10 PCME-527 Physical Metallurgy Lab 0 0 2 2 1

Total 13 1 ,:T,6
L2 20

1 TPtD-521
lndustrial Training 02 weeks
Fractional credit course/Extra Academic activity
rT---r_-- 1(s/us)
2 A/8/c Group A/slc

Semester-v A
SNo sub code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
7 PCME-611 Machine Design-l 3 1 0 4 4
2 PCME-612 Measurement and lnstrumentation 2 1 0 3 3

3 oEME-611 Open Elective-1 3 0 0 3 3

4 oEME-612 Open Elective-2 3 0 0 3 3

5 PEME-611 Professional Elective-1 3 0 0 3 3

6 HSMC-603 Engineering Economics and Entrepreneurship 3 0 0 3 3

7 PCM E-613 Measurement and lnstrumentation Lab 0 0 2 2 L

HPME-611 Advance Manufacturing Processes 3 0 0 3 3


HPME 512 Advance Manufacturing Processes Lab 0 0 2 2 1


H PME-613 Modeling and Simulation 3 0 0 3 3


HPME.6].4 Modeling and simulation lab 0 0 2 2 1


Total 23 2 6 3l 28

-l EAA-611#(#-
Fractional credit course/Extra Academic activity
Group A/B/c
---T--[- 1(s/us)


sub code Subject Name

L T P Hrs. Credits
Heat & Mass Transfer

1 PCME-621 3 0 0 3 3
2 PCME-622 Principles of lndustrial Engineering E I I lI
3 oEM E-621 Open Elective-3 3 0 0 3 3

w ({ro' w

w ,bll/ {2)

^f- (
UG Mechanical Engineering 20'18 batch only (updated 1 srh June 2019)

4 oEME-622 en Elective-4 3 0 0 3 3

5 PEME.621 Professional Elective-2 3 0 0 3 3

6 HSMC-501 Technical. communication 2 0 0 2 2

7 PCt\48-623 Heat & Mass Transfer Lab 0 0 2 2 1

Tool Design 3 1 0 4 4
9 HSMC,602 Technical Communication Lab 0 0 2 2 7

Total 20 2 4 26 24

1 TPtD-621
lndustrial Training 04 weeks

Fractional credit course/Extra Academic activity

tTt 160 2 (s/us)

2 Al.B/c) Group A/B/C []
SNo sub Code Subiect Name L T P H rs, credits
1 PCME-711 CAD/CAM 3 0 0 3 3

2 PCME-712 Machine Design-ll 3 1 0 4 4

oEME-711 Open Elective-s 3 0 0 3 3


PEME-711 Professional Elective-3 3 0 4 4

3 0 0 3 3
5 PEME-772 Professional Elective-4
0 0 2 2 1
6 PCM E-713 CAD/CAM Lab
HPME.711 Non-Conventional Machining 3 0 0 3 3
HPME.712 Non-Conventional Machining lab 0 0 2 2 1

9 PROIME-711 Pro.iect Stage I and Seminar 0 0 4 4 2

Total T 18-Tt-[-TzaI
2a 24

SNo Sub Code Subiect Name L T P Hrs. Credits
7 PEME-721 Professional Elective-5 3 0 0 3 3

2 3 0 0 3 3
PEME-722 Professional Elective-6
Project-Honors/Specializati0n 0 0 8 8 4


4 PROJME.721 Pro.iect Stage ll 0 0 72 72 6

Total 6 0 20 z6 16

SNo Sub code subject Name L P Hrs. Credits
1 tN lD-721 lnternship in lndustry ----T_--t [---f---- 6

Projed-Honors/Specialization 0 0 8 8 4
3 PROJME.721 Project Stage ll 0 0 72 1,2 6

Total 0 0 20 20 16

t'/ ,tJt/ *'Y' (3)

W. o$- flT^'t,
UG Mechanical Engineering 2018 batch only (updated 15'h June 2019)

Study Scheme of UG Programme in "Mechanical Engineering (Welding Technology)"

SNo Sub Code Sub ect Name t T P Hrs. Credits
1 BSMA-401 Engineering Mathematics I 3 1 0 4 4
2 BSCH-401 Applied Chemistry 3 1 0 4 4
3 ESME-401 Elements of Mechanical En ln eefl n 2 1 0 3 3
4 ESME-402 Workshop Technology and Practice 1 0 0 1 1
5 HSMC-401 English Communication and Soft Skills 1 0 0 1 1
6 BSCH-402 Applieq Ctlemistry Lab 0 0 2 2 1

7 ESME-403 Elements of Mechanical Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1

8 ESME-404 Engineering Drawing 0 4 4 2

9 ESME-405 Workshop Technology and Practice Lab 0 0 4 4 2
10 HSt\4C-402 English Communication and Soft Skills Lab 0 0 2 2 1
11 MCMH-401 Mandatory Course-1 3 0 0 3 0

l Total 13 3 74 30 20

Semester-ll- A
SNo Sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
1 BSMA-402 Engineering Mathematics ll 3 1 0 4 4
2 BSPH-401 Applied Physics 3 1 0 4 4
3 ESEE-401 Elements of Electrical Engineering 2 1 0 3 3
4 ESCS-401 Elements of Computer Engineering 2 0 0 2 2
5 ESEC-401 Elements of Electronics Engineering 2 0 0 2 2
6 BSPH-402 Applied Physics Lab 0 0 2 2 1
7 ESEE-402 Elements of Electrical Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1
8 ESCS-402 Elements of Computer Engineering Lab 0 0 4 4 2
9 ESEC-402 Elements of Electronics Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 1

Total t2 3 L2 25 20

[ *^", -
TPtN-422 Technical com eten
Practical Training During Summer Vacations (ln-
house) 02 weeks t---t--t- 80 1(s/us)

SNo Sub Code Subrect Name L T P Hrs Credits
1 ESME-501 Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4 4
2 PCME-511 Applied Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 4
3 PCME-512 Manufacturing Processes 3 0 0 3 3
4 PCM E.513 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 3 1 0 4 4
5 HSMC-501 Principles of Management 3 0 0 3 3
6 PCME-514 Applied Thermodynamics Lab 0 0 2 2 1
't Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab
PCME-515 0 0 2 2 7
8 MCMH,5O1 Mandato Course-2 0 0 0
Total 18 3 4 25 20

It/A (4)
\-W b
UG Mechanical Engineering 20t8 batch on,y (r.rpdated 1sri
June 2019)

SNo Sub Code 5u Name L T Hrs.
P Credits
7 BSMA-501 Numerical and Statistical Methods 3 0 o 3 3
2 PCtvlE-521 Physical Metallurgy 2 0 0 2 2
3 PCME-'22 Kinematics of Machines 3 0 o 3 3
4 PCME-523 Strength of Material 3 1 0 4 4
5 for Engineers a,
BSBL-501 Bio

0 0 2
6 ESMA-502 Numerical and Statistical Methods Lab 0 , 1

7 PCME-524 Kinematics of Machines Lab

lr T_, ltl2
Strength of Material Lab ,
8 PCME-525 0 0 1
Machine DrawinB .T-. I
9 PCME-526 0 2
10 PCME-527 Physical Metallurgy Lab

-- -[1
] l-- L2 26


i -[]
1, TPtD-521 lndustrialTrainin 02 weeks 1(s/us)
EAA-521s(#- Fractional credit course/Extra Academic activity
2 A/B/c) Grou AlB/c

Semester-V A
SNo 5ub code Sub ect Name L T P Hrs. Credits
1 PCME-611 Machine Design-l 3 1 0 4 4
2 PCME.612 Measurement and lnstrumentation 2 1 0 3 3
3 oEME-611 n Elective-1 3 0 0 3 3
4 oEME-612 Open Elective-2 3 0 0 3 3
5 PEME-611 Professional Elective-L 3 0 0 3 3
6 HSMC-603 E neering Economics and rsh 0 0 3 3
7 PCME-613 Measurement and lnstrumentation Lab 0 0 2 2 1
H PWL.6 ].1 Advance Welding Processes 3 0 0 3 3

HPWL.612 Advance Welding Processes lab 0 0 2 2 1

H PWL.613 Welding metallurgy 3 0 0 3 3

HPWL.614 Welding metallurgy lab 0 0 2 2 1

Total 23 2 6 3 28


-TAa-61fn(c-_l l
Fractional credit course/Extra Academic activity
Grou A/B/c [-T-- 1(s/us)

SNo sub Code
1 TpovrE.ozr_l
sub ect Name
Heat & Mass Transfer
t----;- tr
P Hrs. Credits
Principles of lndustrial Engineering
lr F-l--4
-o--T_-3 la
2 PCME-622

HPWL-621 Inspection and testing of welds 3 lo 3

\/ A)
b*/ W
t^'^tfir b--
UG Mechanical Engineering 2018 batch only (updated 1srh June 2019)

HPWL-622 lnspection and testing of welds lab 0 0 2 2 1


5 oEME-621 Open Elective-3 3 0 0 3 3

6 Open Elective-4 3 0 0 3 3
7 PEME.621 Professional Elective-2 0 0 l 3

8 HSMC-601 Technical communication 2 0 0 2 2

9 PCME-623 Heat & Mass Transfer 0 0 2 2 t

10 HSMC-602 Technical Communication Lab 0 0 2 2 1

Total 20 1 6 27 24

1 TPtD-621 lndustrial Training 04 weeks 160 2 (s/us)
EAA-621f(f- Fractional credit course/Extra Academic activity
2 A/B/c) Group A/B/c

SNo sub code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
1 PCME-711 CAD/CAM 3 0 0 3 3

2 PCME-712 Machine Design-ll 3 1 0 4 4

3 oEME-711 Open Elective-s 3 0 0 3 3

4 PEME-711 Professional Elective-3 3 1 0 4 4

5 PEMe-772 Professional Elective-4 3 0 0 3 3

6 PCME-713 CAD/CAM Lab 0 0 2 2 1

HPWL-711 Design of Welds 3 1 0 4 4


8 PROJME-711 Project Stage land Seminar 0 0 4 4 2

Total 18 3 alztl ,o

SNo sub Code Subject Name L T P Hrs. Credits
7 PEME-721 Professional Elective-5 3 0 0 3 3

2 PEME-722 Profesrional Elective-5 3 0 0 3 3

Project-Honors/Specialization 0 0 8 B 4
4 PROJME-721 Project Stage ll 0 0 12 72 6

Total e lo lzolzs 16

5ub code
Subiect Name
lnternship !n lndustry
re I

Project-Honors/Specialization 0 0 8 8 4
3 PROJME.721 Proiect Stage ll 0 0 72 72 6

Total 0 0 20 20

1 MC-401 Professional and Engineering Ethics

2 MC-501 lndian Constitution

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UG l,Iechanical Engineering 2018 batch only (updated 15rh June 2019)

oEME-611 Open Elective- I

OEME.611A Power Plant Engineering
OEME-6118 Automobile Engineering
oEME-677C Welding - Processes, Codes and Standards

oEME-512 Open Elective- 2

OEME.612A Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
OEME-6128 Measurement and lnstrumentation
oEME-612C Finite Element Method (FEM)

oEME-521 Open Elective- 3

OEME-621A Cryogenic Engineering
OEME-6218 Safety Engineering
OEME.621C Supply Chain Management

oEME-622 Open Elective- 4

OEME-622A Quality Engineering
OEME.622B lndustrial Automation
oEME-622C Optimization Technique

oEME-711 Open Elective- 5

OEME.711A Non Conventional Ener8y Resources
OEME-7118 Robotics
OEME.711C Energy Auditing

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UG Mechanical Engineering 2018 batch only (updated 15'h June 19)

PEME-51I Professional Elective- I

PEME-511A Theory of Metal Cutting and Formin8 /
PEME-6118 Advanced Strength of Material ,r'
PEME-511C Welding - Processes, Codes and Staa/ards
PEME-621 Professional Elective- 2
PEME-621A Automobile Engineering
PEME-621B Dynamics of Machines
PEME-621C Power Plant EnBineerinB
PEME-711 Professional Elective- 3
s ,-( PEME-711A
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Optimization Technique
PEME.71lC Finite Element Method (FEM)
tiL PEME-712
Prof essional Elective- 4
Non Conventional Energy Resources
PEME.712B Flexible manufacturing System(FMS)
PEME-7L2C Supply Chain Management

PEME-72I Professional Elective- 5

PEME-721A Cryogenic Engineering
PEME-7218 lndustrial Automation
\ t
PEME-721C Quality Engineering

N \ PEME.722 Professional Elective- 5

F PEME.722A Robotics

i N
Energy Auditing
Safety Engineering
Work study and er8onomics

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