Determination of PH of Soils by Different Methods: Collaborative Study
Determination of PH of Soils by Different Methods: Collaborative Study
Determination of PH of Soils by Different Methods: Collaborative Study
Collaborators: H.R Agrawal; E. Allen; J. Ashworth; P. Audesse; V.W. Case; D. Collins; S.M. Combs; C. Dawson; J. Denning;
Fifty-three laboratories (including author's) from efore 1990, none of the methods used for soils analyses
Canada, India, Israel, and the United States partici-
pated in a collaborative study for the measurement
of pH of different types of soils. A method with 2 al-
B had been validated by AOAC INTERNATIONAL. In
1990, the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) and
AOAC INTERNATIONAL decided to conduct collaborative
ternative procedures was used for pH measure- studies of soils methods. The first methods chosen for valida-
ments of mineral soils (alternative I for soils tion were for pH measurements, since pH is one of the most
containing less than 17x organic carbon and alter- important properties of soils.
native II for soils with variable salt content), a sec- The pH of mineral soils is normally determined in a 1:1
ond method was used for saline-sodic soils, and a soil-to-water mixture (1). Schofield and Taylor (2) suggested
third method was used for organic soils (soils con-
the use of CaCl2 solution for mineral soils to minimize interfer-
taining at least 17x organic carbon). The pH was
ences from suspension effects (due to particles suspended in
measured potentiometricaIly. The methods were se-
the soil-solution mixture) and variable salt content. The recom-
lected by the Soil Science Society of America, S889
mendations for management of saline-sodic soils are related to
Committee on Coordination of Official Methods of
Soil Analysis. Each laboratory used all 4 proce- pH values obtained with the saturated paste method (3,4). The
dures to analyze 10 blind duplicate samples per results by the saturated paste methods were obtained during
procedure. The repeatability relative standard de- over 30 years' work by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Sa-
viation values (RSDr) were 1.45-7.80% for mineral linity Laboratory and other research laboratories. For organic
soils tested by the alternative 1,0.95-6.91% for min- soils, a 1:4 soil-to-water mixture is recommended (5).
eral soils tested by the alternative II, 0.74-7.09% for
saline-sodic soils, and 0.73-4.66% for organic Collaborative Study
soils. The corresponding reproducibility relative
standard deviation (RSDR) values were 2.67- Fifty-three laboratories from Canada, India, Israel, and the
10.75%, 2.03-7.54%, 2.45-9.93%, and 2.15-6.32%. United States participated in this collaborative study. To make
Repeatability and reproducibility data indicated that the methods as widely applicable as possible, a broad range of
the results are within acceptable levels. The 3 meth- soils differing in pH, texture, organic matter, and other proper-
ods for pH measurements of mineral, saline-sodic, ties, was selected. Descriptions of soils used in the study are
and organic soils were adopted first action by presented in the Appendix.
AOAC INTERNATIONAL. Copies of the protocol including methods and data sheets
were sent to the participants in September 1992. Eighty heat-
sealed plastic bags containing the appropriate amounts of well-
mixed representative soil samples (20 g for the method used for
Submitted for publication July 12,1994. mineral soils [10 g for each alternative], 50 g for the method for
The recommendation was approved by the Committee on Feeds, saline-sodic soils, and 5 g for the method used for organic soils)
Fertilizers and Agricultural Related Topics, and was adopted by the Official
Methods Board of the Association. See "Official Methods Board Actions" were mailed to each of the participants by Fred Kaisaki from
(1994) J. AOAC Int. 77,203A, and "Official Methods Board Actions" the National Soil Survey Laboratory, U.S. Department of Ag-
(1994) The Referee 18, October issue.
riculture, Lincoln, NE, on October 1,1992.
Roman numbers indicate the method used for the analysis: I = method 994.16—Alternative I; II = method 994.16—Alternative II; III = method
994.17; and IV = method 994.18.
Table 994.16A . Method performance for pH measurements of mineral soils using alternative 1
Repeatability Reproducibility
Overall mean of Repeatability Reproducibility relative standard relative standard
laboratory values standard standard Reproducibility deviation (RSDr), deviation
Soil (x) deviation (sr) Repeatability (r) deviation (sR) (R) % (RSDR), %
Table 994.16B . Method performance for pH measurements of mineral soils using alternative II
Repeatability Reproducibility
Overall mean of Repeatability Reproducibility relative standard relative standard
laboratory values standard standard Reproducibility deviation (RSDr), deviation
Soil (x) deviation (sr) Repeatability (r) deviation (sR) (R) % (RSDR), %
Salt content in soil influences ionic activity, which affects Air dry soil at 20°-40°C for 1-4 days, depending on relative
pH value of soil-water suspension. H+ anions are displaced by humidity and soil properties. Grind air-dried soil to pass 2 mm
cations. Exchangeable Al is displaced, which increases con- sieve and mix well. Prepare soil sample-CaCl2 suspension as
centration of H+ in solution. pH is decreased by ca 0.5 pH unit in L, beginning "Weigh 10 g air-dried soil into paper cup...."
if CaCl2 is used instead of H 2 0. N. Determination
/. Apparatus Proceed as in G.
Same as in B.
Ref.: J. AOAC Int. 78,310 (1995).
J. Reagents
Use 3 different standard soils (air-dried) of known pH, cov- H 2 0 is added to air-dried soil until saturated paste is ob-
ering pH range of test samples. Weigh 10 g air-dried soil into tained and then pH is measured. For determination of sodium
paper cup. {Note: Calibrated volume measurement of soil may adsorption ratio, salt analysis is performed on saturation extract
be substituted for weighing.) Add 10 mLO.OlM CaCl2, J(c), to from paste.
soil with automatic pipet. {Note: For fine-textured soils con- B. Apparatus
taining high level of organic matter it may be necessary to add
additional 10 mL 0.01M CaCl2 to make suspension.) Mix thor- (a) pH meter.—Equipped with glass electrodes (indicating
oughly 5 s with glass rod or mechanical stirrer. Let soil-CaCl2 and reference), or combination electrode.
suspension stand for 30 min. Measure pH of each standard as (b) Glassware.—Paper cups holding 25-250 g; or glass
in G. pH values are acceptable within ± 0.1 pH unit of known beakers, 50-400 mL.
values. If pH values fall outside this range, recalibrate instru- (c) Spatula.
ment and check pH of standard soils again. Follow manufac-
turer's instructions for recalibration. Replace electrodes if they C Reagents
cannot be calibrated within acceptable limits. (a) H20.—Distilled or deionized.
If pH values of all standard soils are 0.1 pH unit lower or (b) Standard buffers.—pH 4.00, 7.00, and 10.00. Use pH
higher than known pH of soil, recheck reference electrode. 4.00 and 7.00 for acid soils, and pH 7.00 and 10.00 for alkaline
Repeat pH measurements just before analysis of test sample. soils.
Repeatability Reproducibility
Overall mean of Repeatability Reproducibility relative standard relative standard
laboratory values standard standard Reproducibility deviation (RSDr), deviation
Soil (x) deviation (sr) Repeatability (r) deviation (sR) (R) % (RSDR), %
(b) Automatic pipet.—Capable of accurately delivering Read pH immediately (after 30-60 s) to the nearest 0.1 pH
20 mL. unit. After removing electrode(s) from soil-H 2 0 suspension
(c) Stirrer.—Glass rod or portable mechanical stirrer, capa- rinse them with H 2 0; blot off excess H 2 0 with filter paper.
ble of stirring at 1550 rpm. Small stirrer motor mounted on Follow manufacturer's instructions for storing and main-
handle with short, slightly bent plastic or glass rod agitator is taining pH electrodes.
acceptable. Ref.: J. AOAC Int. 78, 310 (1995).
(d) Glassware.—Paper cups holding 28 g; or glass beak-
ers, 50 mL. Results and Discussion
C. Reagents
The results of analyses were received from 53 collaborators
(a) H2O.—Distilled or deionized. by February 5, 1993, and are presented in Tables 2-5. Results
Table 2. Collaborative study results for pH measurements of mineral soils using alternative I
Lab. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 5.90 6.35 5.13 9.61 8.04 4.50 6.12 6.08 4.51 4.37 6.13 9.62 8.08 6.49 6.10 7.83 5.95 4.38 5.15 7.83
2 5.48 6.01 4.82 9.77 7.98 4.43 6.14 5.90 4.48 4.25 5.84 9.77 7.88 6.11 5.91 7.71 5.69 4.28 4.85 7.65
3 5.50 6.10 4.80 9.65 7.80 4.20 5.90 5.80 4.20 4.05 5.80 9.60 7.85 6.00 5.80 7.80 5.50 4.05 4.80 7.70
4 5.45 6.04 4.84 9.97 7.93 4.38 5.90 5.91 4.33 4.26 5.85 9.99 7.87 6.04 5.85 7.91 5.52 4.30 4.87 8.04
5 5.37 6.19 5.13 9.33 7.52 4.76 5.92 5.67 4.44 4.20 5.89 9.44 7.73 6.19 5.70 7.68 5.59 4.24 4.87 7.42
6 5.18 5.80 4.59 9.67 7.85 4.38 5.74 5.75 4.30 4.03 5.70 9.65 7.89 6.10 5.75 7.65 5.57 4.06 4.68 7.58
7 5.46 6.13 4.88 9.70 7.95 4.38 5.95 5.86 4.38 4.16 5.93 9.65 7.97 6.14 5.85 7.82 5.53 4.17 4.91 7.82
Table 3. Collaborative study results for pH measurements of mineral soils using alternative II
Lab. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 3.76 7.49 7.47 4.49 7.48 4.53 4.36 5.32 5.64 4.48 5.64 4.44 4.44 5.77 5.33 5.80 9.08 7.56 3.75 9.10
2 3.59 7.41 7.50 4.41 7.45 4.30 4.28 5.07 5.44 4.52 5.40 4.28 4.20 5.46 5.10 5.52 9.35 7.48 3.64 9.35
3 3.50 7.60 7.60 4.25 7.60 4.25 4.25 5.15 5.45 4.20 5.45 4.25 4.20 5.60 5.15 5.60 9.35 7.60 3.50 9.35
4 3.61 7.44 7.42 4.34 7.45 4.32 4.37 5.03 5.29 4.24 5.36 4.35 4.25 5.51 5.06 5.51 9.53 7.44 3.59 9.46
5 3.73 7.13 7.25 4.85 7.33 4.43 4.35 4.91 5.35 4.44 5.40 4.37 4.22 5.48 5.01 5.58 8.76 7.28 3.93 8.74
6 3.38 7.26 7.41 4.49 7.25 4.29 4.26 5.05 5.35 4.22 5.38 4.32 4.26 5.51 5.13 5.54 9.09 7.56 3.70 9.05
7 3.62 7.58 7.55 4.33 7.56 4.33 4.28 5.09 5.41 4.30 5.43 4.28 4.27 5.57 5.13 5.58 9.26 7.53 3.68 9.24
1 7.47 7.59 4.98 4.35 7.67 5.95 5.50 4.90 7.76 6.17 9.36 5.94 9.47 4.28 6.10 4.12 5.48 4.34 5.60 5.64
2 7.66 7.46 4.81 4.26 7.80 5.75 5.44 4.78 7.68 5.89 9.75 5.79 9.71 4.41 5.92 3.96 5.40 4.23 5.40 5.42
3 7.45 7.40 4.60 4.15 7.60 5.70 5.15 4.60 7.60 5.80 9.25 5.65 9.15 3.70 5.80 3.70 5.20 4.10 5.35 5.35
4 7.52 7.63 4.87 4.11 7.76 5.80 5.64 4.70 7.79 6.02 9.76 5.66 9.80 4.23 5.89 4.12 5.49 4.07 5.46 5.36
5 7.56 7.57 5.16 4.46 7.76 5.76 5.54 4.70 7.79 5.96 9.27 5.74 9.20 4.04 5.90 3.93 5.40 4.23 5.37 5.38
6 7.33 7.40 4.54 4.11 7.45 5.55 5.16 4.51 7.47 5.76 9.47 5.64 9.48 3.89 5.75 3.91 5.23 4.17 5.27 5.23
7 7.54 7.57 4.84 4.31 7.78 5.80 5.39 4.81 7.79 6.00 9.46 5.82 9.46 4.21 6.00 4.05 5.37 4.31 5.56 5.56
Lab. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
1 6.51 6.34 8.13 6.80 7.66 7.27 5.54 7.61 7.02 7.87 5.49 7.05 6.66 8.09 7.55 6.81 7.23 7.88 6.40 7.57
2 6.03 6.00 8.10 6.60 7.50 7.11 5.12 7.56 6.91 7.84 5.18 6.93 6.64 8.19 7.41 6.67 7.13 7.83 6.16 7.40
3 6.20 6.05 8.00 6.15 7.50 7.10 4.85 7.50 6.90 7.75 4.90 6.85 6.60 8.05 7.40 6.55 7.05 7.80 6.05 7.40
4 5.91 5.97 7.97 6.06 7.41 6.97 4.90 7.43 6.83 7.74 4.91 6.81 6.54 7.99 7.34 6.58 6.99 7.72 5.89 7.29
5 6.18 6.22 7.94 6.37 7.43 6.99 5.18 7.41 6.82 7.76 5.18 6.75 6.53 7.99 7.35 6.47 7.01 7.75 6.24 7.36
6 5.78 5.69 7.30 6.62 7.14 7.07 4.80 7.06 6.95 7.48 4.91 6.57 6.52 7.52 7.39 6.92 6.99 7.54 6.13 7.27
7 6.30 6.17 8.21 6.32 7.56 7.18 5.12 7.54 6.89 7.81 5.02 6.90 6.58 8.12 7.41 6.59 7.13 7.80 6.01 7.38
All laboratories informed us that all 80 bags containing test Agricultural Related Materials); and the following collabora-
samples were received intact. All 53 laboratories were familiar tors:
with soil-to-liquid suspension methods. Five laboratories indi- Donna Collins, W.M. Ward Technical Services Laboratory,
cated that they did not have any experience with the saturated Manitoba Environment, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
paste method. Clive Dawson, B.C. Ministry of Forests, Research Labora-
Most of the participants used a combination electrode, while tory, Victoria, BC, Canada
some used a glass electrode and a calomel reference electrode. Brian Douglas, P.E.I. Soil and Feed Testing Laboratory,
Two laboratories reported that it was difficult to obtain a stable Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
reading when using the method for mineral soils (due to lack Brian G. Drought, Soil Science & Agricultural Engineering,
of a significant amount of supernatant hquid), while the Agriculture Canada, Research Station, Summerland, BC, Can-
method for saline-sodic soils gave stable readings. Ten labora- ada
tories found it necessary to tilt beakers when measuring pH by Lloyd Hodgins, Saskatchewan Soil Testing Laboratory,
R.S. Singh, Central Research Laboratory, Udai Pratap Col- W Shaw Reid, CU Nutrient Analysis Laboratory, Cornell
lege, Varanasi, India University, Department of Soil, Crops and Atmosperic Sci-
Zev Gerstl, Agricultural Research Organization, The Vol- ences, Ithaca, NY
cani Center, Institute of Soils & Water, Bet Dagan, Israel Janet Sorrels, Agrico Agronomic Services Laboratory,
Earl Allen, Department of Agronomy, Oklahoma State Uni- Washington Court House, OH
versity, Stillwater, OK M. Ray Tucker, North Carolina Department of Agriculture,
Vernon W. Case, University of Kentucky, Soil Testing Raleigh, NC
Laboratory, Lexington, KY Darryl D. Warncke, MSU Soil Testing Laboratory, Michi-
gan State University, East Lansing, MI
Sherry M. Combs, University of Wisconsin, Department of
Maurice E. Watson, Research Extension Analytical Labora-
Soil Science, Madison, WI
tory, Ohio State University, Wooster, OH
Joe Denning, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Larry Wikoff, Minn. Valley Testing Laboratory, Grand
Parent material: Glacial till, loamy sand. Samples collected and profile described by: John M. Rob-
Classification: Orthic ferro-humic podzol (Canadian), Hu- bins, Jr, Richard D. Ford, SCS, and Tom Hallmark, IFAS, April
mic cryothod (American). 6,1978.
Laurentides: Ae (A2), 0-5 cm Gray (7.5YR 5/0 m), light Horizon: Al.
gray (7.5YR 7/0 d) loamy sand; single grain to weak fine Depth: 0-8 cm (0-3 in.).
subangular; firm in place, friable when removed; few fine and Description: Very dark gray (10YR 3/1 crushed) fine sand;
medium roots; abrupt, wavy to irregular boundary; 3-13 cm uncrushed colors have a salt and pepper appearance; weak fine
thick; pH 3.9. crumbs structure; very friable; matted with many fine and me-
Laurentides LFH: 8-0 cm Black (10YR 2/1 m), very dark dium roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary.
grayish-brown (10YR 3/1 d), semi-decomposed to well-de-
composed organic matter; fibrous to fine granular; abundant Peckb
fine and medium roots; abrupt, smooth boundary, 5-15 cm
Notes: Vegetation—greasewood.
Al—0-5 cm; dark brown (10YR 3/3) loam; pale brown
(10YR 6/3) dry; strong very fine platy structure; soft, very fri-
able, slightly sticky, slightly plastic; common very fine roots;
common very fine vesicular pores; 890941; slightly efferves-
cent; abrupt smooth boundary.
Provided by F. Kaisaki, except for Peck 90-9,90-10,90-11, and
90-12 samples.
Details received from T.R. Peck.