This course examines fundamentals of network security involved in creating and
managing secure computer network environments. Both hardware and software topics are
considered, including authentication methods, remote access, network security architectures
and devices, cryptography, forensics and disaster recovery plans.
In the modern world, digital information is an important asset that is under constant
threat of theft, exploitation, and unexpected loss. Professionals who specialize in either
information assurance or information security are experienced in delivering services that can
protect against digital threats. Although both specialties guard computer systems and digital
networks, the techniques taught and practiced in each discipline are often different. This lesson
will present the similarities and differences in information assurance vs. information security
that will help you understand and provide you with perspective as you pursue your career in
information technology.
B. Learning Contents
Good day to you! Hoping that this learning module finds you in good health. And as we
welcome ourselves with this “new normal” as well as to commemorate our first step in moving
forward; take a selfie holding a sign “Let’s do this!” (some call this a fan sign) and send to our
Google classroom. A successful upload of this selfie is worth 5 points. Easy huh?
This module is about information assurance and security; so what is information? How
does information differ from data? According to Blyth and Kovacich, information is data
endowed with relevance and purpose. Converting data into information thus requires
knowledge. Knowledge by definition is specialized. And for an information to be useful, it should
possess the following characteristics: accurate, timely, complete, verifiable, consistent, and
Now that we defined what information is, next is we will discuss what information
assurance and information security is.
Have you decided to be a security professional? Can you handle the responsibilities? I
know you could! Now that this lesson is at its end, we need to have an assessment.
C. Assessment
1. Ana Maria is trying to withdraw at an ATM. What is the role of information assurance in
this transaction? How does information assurance helps Ana to feel confident that her
transaction is safe?
2. Jose Marie is trying to log-in to his facebook account. What is the role of information
security in this process? How does information security helps Jose Marie to feel safe in this
3. Describe the similarities and differences between information assurance and
information security.
4. Pick at least three responsibilities of a cyber-security professional; if you will become
one, what traits would you want to possess in order to perform your role effectively and
5. Fill in the timeline below of the significant issues and development in Information
1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2020s
D. Enrichment Activities
Word Clouds, according to Google is “an image composed of words used in a particular text or
subject, in which the size of each word indicates its frequency or importance.” Below is an
example of a Word clouds. Now, using subjects or topics in the Information Assurance and
Security; make a Word Clouds.