Yashoda Shrivastava: E-ISSN: 2663-0435 P-ISSN: 2663-0427

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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice 2019; 2(2): 11-13

E-ISSN: 2663-0435
P-ISSN: 2663-0427
IJMNP 2019; 2(2): 11-13 A study to assess the effectiveness of self-instructional
Received: 03-05-2019
Accepted: 07-06-2019 module regarding knowledge and practice related to
Yashoda Shrivastava
use of partograph among staff nurses working in labor
Associate Professor and HOD,
Department of OBG, Jabalpur
room of the selected hospitals of Indore
Institute of Health Sciences,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh,
India Yashoda Shrivastava

Introduction: The partograph, a graphic recording of progress of labor and salient condition of the
mother and fetus, has been used since 1970 to detect labor that is not progressing normally to indicate
when augmentation of labor is approximated. Abnormally prolonged labor and its effects are important
contributors to maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The use of Paragraph will help to
identify the complication that can occur in a labor. So knowledge regarding partograph is very essential
to staff nursres working in labor room.
Methodology: research approaches adopted for the study was pre-exprimental research design. The
research design selected for this study was a pre experimental one group pre – test post-test design. non
probability convenient purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted on staff nurses
working in labour room of selected hospital of Indore (M.P.). The sample size was 80 staff nurses.
Results: The data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. The knowledge gained through
self-instructional module was good as it was evidence with a highly significant difference (t=20.99 for
knowledge, p< 0.001 two tailed) and (t=6.05 for practice, P< 0.001 two tailed) between the mean post-
test (X2=14.50 for knowledge and X2 =7.64 for practice) and pre-test (X1=10.55 for knowledge and X1
=5.51 for practice). There was a significant association between the pre-test knowledge score, practice
score and all the taken variable like age of staff nurses, professional education, clinical experiences in
labour room, he standard parameter of partograph used in labor room.
Conclusion: The self-instructional module was found to be an effective strategy for providing
information and for improving the knowledge and practices of staff nurses. It was well appreciated and
accepted by the staff nurses. The more researches on Partograph will find better outcome for
preventing maternal mortality and morbidity.

Keywords: Partograph, staff nurses, self-instructional module, knowledge, practice

The Partograph is a simple single page monitoring tool for the first stage of labor. The tool
allows the trained birth attendant to monitor the progress of labor, the mother and the fetus,
hour by hour and to have a clear means of tracking whether labor is obstructed–with ‘alert’
and ‘action’ lines signaling when a labor has become complicated. In the year 2008 the
number of maternal deaths as a result of obstructed labour and/or rupture of the uterus varies
between 4% and 70% of all maternal deaths, amounting to a maternal mortality rate as high
as 410/100,000 live births. Each year 210 million women become pregnant, of whom 20
million will experience pregnancy-related illness and 500,000 will die as a result of the
complications of pregnancy or childbirth. The current WHO initiative is to reduce maternal
mortality to 75% of the 1990 level by 2015. If this is to be successful, the problem of
obstructed labour will need to be addressed effectively. In India every year, it is estimated
that approximately 500,000 women die as a result of pregnancy and child birth, one women
dies every minute. An average of 407 women dies every 100,000 live births It is also
estimated that 4 million newborns die in the first week of life every year, mostly due to
problems during pregnancy and child birth.
Correspondence The Partograph is a vital tool for identifying complication during child birth in a timely
Yashoda Shrivastava
manner and refer woman to an appropriate facility for treatment. Prolonged labor is a leading
Associate Professor and HOD,
Department of OBG, Jabalpur cause of death among mothers and new born in the developing countries When the
Institute of Health Sciences, Partograph will be in practice it helps midwives to identify prolonged labor and know when
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, to take appropriate action. Each year, more than 500,000 women worldwide die from

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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice

complications related to childbirth. With good quality Practices

obstetric care, approximately 90 percent of these deaths
could be averted. For this reason all the labours should be Table 3: Practices pre-test score distribution of selected samples in
monitored closely in order to identify delay at an early terms of frequency and percentage
stage. The partograph serves as an “Early Warning System” Frequency
and assists in the early decision on transfer, augmentation Category/Scores Frequency (N=80)
Percentage (%)
and termination of labour. It also increase the quality and Poor (0-4) 22 27.5
regularity of all observations on the fetus and the mother in Average (5-8) 44 55.0
labour, and aids early of recognition of problems. Good (9-12) 14 17.5
Excellent (13-16) 0 0.0
Methodology Total 80 100.0
The research method adopted for the study was an
evaluative approach. Since the study aims at evaluating the Table 4: Practices post-test score distribution of selected samples
effects of a self-instructional module regarding knowledge in terms of frequency and percentage
and practice related to use of partograph among staff nurses. Frequency
the research design selected for this study was a pre- Scores Frequency (N=80)
Percentage (%)
Experimental, one group pre-test post-test design. the Poor (0-4) 0 0.0
independent variable was the self-instructional module on Average (5-8) 39 43.8
partograph. the dependent variables were knowledge and Good (9-12) 35 48.8
practice to use pof partograph. the study was conducted at Excellent (13-16) 6 7.5
The study was conducted in labor room of District Hospital, Total 80 100.0
Seth Hukumchand Govt. Hospital, Govt. Malharganj
Hospital, Govt. Mangilal Churiya Hospital, Govt. Maternity The comparison between mean score of pre and post-test
Hospital Pardeshipura, Govt. P.H.C Dakachya Indore, Govt. of knowledge and practices
P.H.C kshipra Indore, Govt. C.H.C Sanver Indor, Madhya
Pradesh. The reliability of the test was found out using Karl Table 5: Mean ( X ) and Standard Deviation (s) of Knowledge
Pearson’s correlation coefficient formula. The reliability of and practice Scores
the structured knowledge questionnaire and observation
checklist (schedule) was found to be ‘r=0.834’ for Variable Test Mean ( X ) SD ( s )
knowledge questionnaire and ‘r =.795’ for practice which Pre 10.55 1.999
indicates that the tool was reliable. The sample comprised of Post 14.50 2.000
80 staff nurses working in labour room in selected hospital Pre 5.51 1.786
of Indore was taken by Non-probability Convenient Post 7.64 2.383
Sampling technique.
Table 6: Comparison of knowledge and practice scores between
Result pre and post-test
Section-The effectiveness of self-instructional module Mean Std. Error of Mean
(Sim) in terms of gain in knowledge and practice scores Knowledge D. F. t-value p-value
(X )
The section-I deals with Statistical analysis and
Pre-test 10.55
interpretation of data in order to evaluate the effectiveness 0.188 79 20.99 0.001 
Post-test 14.50
of self-instructional module (SIM) in term of gain in
knowledge as well as in their practices of studied subject’s i.
Mean Std. Error of Mean
e. staff nurses. Practice D. F. t-value p-value
(X )
Knowledge Pre-test 5.51 
0.351 79 6.05 0.001
Post-test 7.64
Table 1: Pre-test knowledge score distribution of selected samples  Indicates highly significant.
in terms of frequency and percentage
Frequency Conclusion
Category/Scores Frequency (N=80)
Percentage (%) This study shows that there is a significant increase in
Poor (0-5) 1 1.3 knowledge of staff nurses after giving the self-instructional
Average (6-10) 36 45.0 module. There was significant association between
Good (11-15) 43 53.7 knowledge on Partograph and age, professional education,
Excellent (16-20) 0 0.0 clinical experience in labour room, the standard parameters
Total 80 100.0 of partograph used in labor room.
Table 2: Post-test knowledge score distribution of selected References
samples in terms of frequency and percentage
1. Holmes P, Oppenheimer LW, Wen SW. The
Category/Scores Frequency (N=80)
Frequency relationship between cervical dilatation at initial
Percentage (%) presentation in labour and subsequent intervention,
Poor (0-5) 0 0.0 BJOG. 2001; 108(11):1120-1124.
Average (6-10) 4 5.0 2. Neal JL, Lowe NK, Ahijevych KL, Patrick TE,
Good (11-15) 49 61.3 Cabbage LA, Corwin EJ et al. Active labor duration
Excellent (16-20) 27 33.8 and dilation rates among low-risk, nulliparous women
Total 80 100.0

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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice

with spontaneous labor onset: a systematic review.

Journal of Midwifery Womens Health. 2010;
3. Dilkason. Maternal and Infant Nursing Care, 1st
Edition, Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication
Data USA, 1992, 212-214.
4. F Gary Aenningham, Norman F Gant, Kennethj
Leveno, Larry C, Gilstrap Williams. Obstetrics, Edition
21st International, M.C. Graw Hill, Medical Publication
Division New York, 2001, 124-128

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