Syllabus in Assessment 1

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Republic of the Philippines


University Town, Northern Samar
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Bachelor of Physical Education
Syllabus in Assessment in Learning 1
2st Semester, SY 2020-2021

UEP’s Vision: Academically competitive, research and development- focused, public service-driven, and economically sustainable state higher
education institution.
UEP’s Mission: To offer academic program and services that will effectively transform individuals into productive citizens of the country and
accelerate the development of high-level professionals who will provide leadership in meeting the demands of sustainable development and
challenges of a diverse and globalized society.
Institutional Teacher Education Program Outcomes: Graduate of the University of Eastern Philippines should:

1. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts.
2. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline.
3. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies, and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their
4. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners.
5. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices.
6. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and outcomes.
7. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the changing local, national, and global realities.
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities.
Goal of the College of Education:

The college aims to produce God-fearing, nationalistic, humanistic and ecologically responsive professional teachers, leaders and
Program Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply scientific and evidence-based practices critical to the educational and learning processes
2. Demonstrate skilful performance in a variety of physical activities.
3. Adapt performance to variety of physical activity settings: (e.g. formal classes, recreational, and competitive)
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The original copy of this document is with the Documented Information Controller/Records Office.
Any disclosure, reproduction or use is strictly prohibited except with permission from UEP.
4. Critically examine the curriculum (e.g. content, pedagogy and assessments) and program, and enhance (e.g. innovate) them necessarily.
5. Plan and implement safe and effective physical activity programs to address the needs of individual and groups in school and/or non-
school settings.
6. Monitor and evaluate physical activity programs in school and/or non-school settings.
7. Use appropriate assessments in, as and for student or client learning.
8. Use information, media and technology in pedagogy and foe lifelong learning.
9. Demonstrate firm work/professional ethics.
10. Cultivate solidarity by working and dealing with/relating to others harmoniously.
11. Promote the advancement of the profession by making sense of and getting involved in current discourse that impact on the profession.
12. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional development.
13. Communicate effectively with PE practitioners, other professionals and stakeholders.
14. Use oral, written, and technology formats deftly.
Course Outcomes/Objectives:

1. Explain the nature and roles of a good assessment and its relevance of learners, teachers, parents and stakeholders.
2. Critique teacher-made tests using the principles of high quality assessment.
3. Construct sample valid classroom assessment tests for measuring target learning outcomes.
4. Interpret a given set of assessment data for reporting purposes.
Course Title: Assessment in Learning 1
Course Credit: 3 units
Contact hours/Week: 4 Hours
Course Description: This course focuses on the principles, development and utilization of assessment tools to improve the teaching-learning
process. This emphasizes on the use of assessment of, assessment as, and assessment for in measuring knowledge, comprehension and other
thinking skills in cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains. This allows students to go through the standard steps in test construction and
development and the application in grading system.
Prerequisite: None

Number of Hours: 4 hours every week for 14 weeks or 54 hours in a semester

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This document is a sole property of the UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN PHILIPPINES (UEP).
The original copy of this document is with the Documented Information Controller/Records Office.
Any disclosure, reproduction or use is strictly prohibited except with permission from UEP.
Weeks Course Content/Subject Matter
Course overview (Teacher Education Program outcomes, Degree Program outcomes for BTLEd and
Course Outcome in Assessment in Learning 1
Assessment, Testing, Measurement and Evaluation
Assessment Procedures
Types of Test
Modes of Assessment
Instructional Goals and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
2-3 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
Selecting Appropriate Objectives
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Principles of Testing
Principles of High-Quality Assessment
4-5 Qualities of Assessment Tools
Developing Assessment Tools
Formats of Classroom Assessment Tools
Packaging and Reproducing Test Items
Administering the Test
Analyzing the Test
6-7 Distracter Analysis
Qualitative Item Analysis
Improving Test Items
Midterm Examinations
Branches of Statistics
Frequency Distribution
8-10 Statistics for Group Performance
Statistics for Individual Performance
Statistics for Relationship
Validity of a Test
Reliability of a Test
Scoring Rubrics
Performance-Based Assessment
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This document is a sole property of the UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN PHILIPPINES (UEP).
The original copy of this document is with the Documented Information Controller/Records Office.
Any disclosure, reproduction or use is strictly prohibited except with permission from UEP.
Portfolio Assessment
Final Examinations
Submission of Requirements

Required Readings and Other Materials

▪ Airasian, P.W. (2000). Assessment in the Classroom. (2nd ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill.
▪ Asaad, A.S. and Hailaya, W.M. Measurement and Evaluation Concepts and Principles. Rex Book Store.
▪ Gallager, J.D. (1998). Classroom Assessment for Teachers. Prentice Hall Inc. Upper Sadle River, New Jersey.
▪ Gabuyo, Y.A., et al., (2005). Elementary Statistics: With Computer Applications. Rex Book Store.
▪ Montgomery, K. (2001). Authentic Assessment: A Guide for Teachers. Ne York: Longman.

Suggested Readings

▪ Baker, E.L. (1992). The Role of Domain Specifications in Improving the Technical Quality of Performance Assessment.
▪ Ferenz, K. (2001). Using Student Portfolios for Outcomes Assessment.
▪ Hetzel, S. M. (1997). Basic Concepts in Item and Test Analysis.
▪ Mehrens, W.A. Using Performance Assessment for Accountability Purposes.
▪ Mertler, C. A. (2001). Using Performance Assessment in Your Classroom.

Website/Videos/Film Clips

▪ Guidelines.html

Portfolio Rubrics
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This document is a sole property of the UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN PHILIPPINES (UEP).
The original copy of this document is with the Documented Information Controller/Records Office.
Any disclosure, reproduction or use is strictly prohibited except with permission from UEP.
4 3 2 1
Contents Contains all the required Contains most of the Contains some of the Contains little of the
materials required materials required materials required materials
Choice of Documentation Samples show student Samples show student Samples show some Samples show no student
progress in all knowledge progress in some student progress in some progress in knowledge
and learnings knowledge and learnings knowledge and learnings and learnings
Organization Complete and neatly Well organized. The Fairly well organized. The Shows some attempt of
organized. The reader reader has little difficulty reader may have little organization. The reader
can easily find things in finding things difficulty in finding things has difficulty in finding
Mechanics No errors in documents Few errors Errors are evident Errors are numerous
Personal Reflection All reflections include Most reflections include Some reflections include Few reflections include
insightful descriptions of insightful descriptions of insightful descriptions of insightful descriptions of
concepts and principles concepts and principles concepts and principles concepts and principles
Portfolio Presentation There is an appropriate There is an appropriate There is an appropriate There is an appropriate
eye contact with the eye contact with the eye contact with the eye contact with the
audience on all audience on most audience on some audience on few
documents presented documents presented documents presented documents presented
Overall Portfolio Impact Demonstrate well Helps demonstrate well Does little to demonstrate Does not demonstrate
students skills, abilities students skills, abilities well students skills, well students skills,
and knowledge of the and knowledge of the abilities and knowledge of abilities and knowledge of
subject subject the subject the subject

Classroom Policies
Course Requirements
1. Be an active member of the FB group.
2. Download weekly modules and perform weekly tasks.
1. Traditional Tests
3. Submit the course requirements on time.
2. Reflective Journals
4. Compile documents in portfolio
3. Performance-Based Assessments
5. Take and pass all the types of assessment.
4. Portfolio
Grading System Professor: Consultation Hours:
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This document is a sole property of the UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN PHILIPPINES (UEP).
The original copy of this document is with the Documented Information Controller/Records Office.
Any disclosure, reproduction or use is strictly prohibited except with permission from UEP.
Written Work 40% Email Address:
(Traditional Tests, Reflective Journals) [email protected] 2-3; 4-5 Daily
Performance Task 40% Contact Number:
(Performance-Based Assessments, 09194055974
Midterm and Final Exams 20%




Date: Date: Date:

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This document is a sole property of the UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN PHILIPPINES (UEP).
The original copy of this document is with the Documented Information Controller/Records Office.
Any disclosure, reproduction or use is strictly prohibited except with permission from UEP.

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