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Those Darn Kms

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Those Darn KMs: SPEAKER

Hyundai Takes by Dennis Madden

a U-Turn; The Sequel

n the first part of this series we covered a few of the dif- and an ECM (electronic control module). This version fol-
ferences between the A4AF3/A4BF2 transaxle that uses lowed suit until 2003, when they combined the two modules
6-solenoids, and the earlier 4-solenoid version used by into a single PCM (powertrain control module). The 2000
Hyundai from 1993 – 1999. The newer version adds two new through 2002 TCM was a modified version of the 4th design
solenoids (shift solenoid C and pressure control solenoid B) module, introduced by Mitsubishi in 1994 and used by
that improve transaxle performance, but with them came a Hyundai beginning in 1995.
few quirks. The six-solenoid version looks identical to the 4-sole-
Let’s continue looking at some of the differences you’ll noid version, so be sure you’re buying the right TCM for the
face with this newer KM transaxle. To begin with, Hyundai vehicle you’re working on. On top of that, the PCM, which
eliminated the idle switch, sometimes referred to as a closed controls both the engine and transmission on 2003-and-later
throttle switch. This switch was used so the transaxle would models, looks the same as the 2000 – 2002 ECM used in the
only shift down to second gear during a stop. This was referred Accent; the ECM just lacks the transmission control circuitry.
to as creep mode. This feature was somewhat problematic
when the switch was out of adjustment, causing a clunk during
a coast downshift. Hyundai eliminated this problem altogether
by shifting 3-1 on the coast downshift (at about 3 MPH).
Because of this, there’s no longer a need for the switch.
Another change they made with sensors and switches
occurred in 2003 with the change to a Hall Effect VSS (figure
1). The earlier VSS was a reed switch mounted in the speed-
ometer. Both create a square wave signal, so as far as the
computer is concerned nothing changed. The remainder of the
sensors and switches used on the 6-solenoid transaxle are the
same as the earlier 4-solenoid version and all the other KM
series units you’ve come to know and love, so their functions
and the tests for them are the same.
The KM series transaxles, including the Hyundai variet- Figure 1
ies, have all used a separate TCM (transaxle control module)

Figure 2 Figure 3

8 GEARS September 2006

8dmDarnKMs.indd 8 8/18/06 1:53:11 PM

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Hyundai Takes a U-Turn; The Sequel
DTC Code Definition
P0707 Inhibitor Switch; No Signal SSC
P0708 Inhibitor Switch; Multiple Signals
P0711 Trans Fluid Temp Sensor Circuit Out of Range
P0712 Trans Fluid Temp Sensor Circuit Shorted
P0713 Trans Fluid Temp Sensor Circuit Open
P0717 Pulse Generator A Circuit Open
P0722 Pulse Generator B Circuit Open
P0731 Ratio Problem in 1st Gear
P0732 Ratio Problem in 2nd Gear PCA
P0733 Ratio Problem in 3rd Gear
P0734 Ratio Problem in 4th Gear
P0741 Damper Clutch Stuck Off
P0742 Damper Clutch Stuck On
(red) SSB SSA
P0743 Damper Clutch Solenoid Circuit Problem (brown) (yellow)
P0745 Pressure Control Solenoid A Circuit Shorted
P0750 Shift Solenoid A Circuit Problem
P0755 Shift Solenoid B Circuit Problem Figure 5
P0760 Shift Solenoid C Circuit Problem
P0775 Pressure Control Solenoid B Circuit Shorted
P1703 Throttle Position Sensor
P1709 Kickdown Servo Switch Open or Shorted
P1744 Damper Clutch; Abnormal Vibration
P1765 Torque Reduction Request Signal Lines
P1766 Torque Reduction Request Signal Lines
Figure 4
Again, make sure you’re buying the right one.
Now for some electrical testing: These cars
have a light on the dash that comes on when the
TCM or PCM detects a transaxle-related problem
(figure 2). There are a couple of problems with
this system: not everything sets a code, including
problems where a code actually exists. This isn’t Reducing pressure adjustment
uncommon and is often because your scan tool is
incompatible. Figure 6
On earlier cars with the KM series transaxle,
you could retrieve the codes manually with a voltmeter (fig- very little sensor information to work right. Make sure the
ure 3). The 2000 model was the last year Hyundai made this range sensor works, the pulse generators aren’t swapped and
available, so after that you’re stuck if your scan tool won’t the connection is good, and the servo switch works; that’ll
work. We covered the entire procedure for manual code resolve 80% of all computer-related issues. All of these sys-
retrieval in the December 1997 issue of GEARS, so if you’re tems are the same as earlier versions, so we won’t go into
working on a 2000 model, try that method. them in detail.
Obviously, these units will have additional codes for Next, let’s take a quick look at the valve body (figure 5).
the two extra solenoids, and oddly, Hyundai eliminated a With the exception of two additional solenoids it looks just
few codes. Figure 4 shows a list of the valid codes for 2000 about the same as the 4-solenoid version. Figure 5 also shows
– 2006 models. As I mentioned, getting a code for an electri- the position of each solenoid and its wire color. And just like
cal or dynamic failure has never been too reliable. And the its predecessor, it has an adjustment for reducing pressure
code symptoms don’t always work. For example, an open which controls shift feel (figure 6). As before, adjusting the
circuit in either of the pulse generators is supposed to put the screw clockwise softens the shifts; counterclockwise makes
system into failsafe. But it can also cause no shifts, keeping the shifts firmer.
the transaxle in first gear. This transaxle is just like any other KM with a couple
No reverse? How about a bad range switch? I’ve seen of quirks. Use the information here to help fill in the blanks
the switch fail, cause no reverse and not set either of the two and you’ve got it made. In our next and final installment in
codes assigned to it: P0707 and P0708. I’ve also seen the this series, we’ll go really deep into the hydraulic differences
range switch fail where it didn’t report Drive to the PCM and in this unit that you just can’t live without knowing. We’ll
cause a harsh drive engagement with no overdrive, and, you go through some of the failures you can expect, and make
guessed it: no codes. understanding it a snap!
Look, make things easy on yourself: This system needs

10 GEARS September 2006

8dmDarnKMs.indd 10 8/16/06 12:05:37 PM

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