School Calendar 21-22

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APRIL ‘21 14 W Ambedkar Jayanti - 29 T IBDP May 2021

Holiday Examinations begin
1 T Year end exam ends IBMYP
(6-9)-DP (11) Feedback, 15 T 30 F CBSE- Grade 9 & 10
PPYP Second Term Report Orientation
Reading, CBSE E-report Gr. 16 F PYP Mother Tongue
5-9 Grades 1-5
MAY ‘21
2 F GOOD FRIDAY - HOLIDAY, 17 S HA Charcoal Drawing and
Spring Break Quiz MYP 6-8, 1 S SLC-1 IBMYP-DP, PPYP 1st
International Art and Eng TPC Prep Junior & Prep
3 S HOLIDAY, Spring Break Debate IB 9-12, Senior, TPC Grade 1 CBSE
Orientation Grade 6 MYP,
4 S Spring Break CBSE- Grade 3 & 4 2 S
5 M PYP Gr. 1-5 E-Reports, 3 M PYP 1st SLC Grades 1-5
PPYP Prep Junior 18 S
Orientation, CBSE- Grade 1 4 T CBSE Exam Gr. 10 & 12
Orientation 19 M Inter House Soccer begins begins, PYP 1st SLC Grades
Gr. 4, 5 & 9 to 12 (B) and 1-5
6 T IBMYP-DP (Gr. 11) Year Gr. 6 to 12 (G)
End Exam E-Reports, PPYP 5 W CBSE IHA - Heritage Quiz (3
Prep Senior Orientation, 20 T New Academic Year for Gr to 5)
CBSE- Grade 2 Orientation 11 IB Begins
6 T PYP 1st SLC Grades 1-5
7 W New Academic Year 21 W
7 F
commences for Prep Jr. to
10, 12 IB-CBSE 22 T
8 S Holiday
8 T PYP Grade 1 Orientation, 23 F PYP HA Best out of waste
Grades 1&2, PYP HA Pencil 9 S
Exploring the School Prep
Senior Drawing Grades 3-5
10 M Summer Vacation for
24 S Holiday Students, PD and
9 F Exploring the school Prep Collaborative planning for
Junior, PYP HA Orientation teachers, Extra Classes for
25 S
Grades 1-5 Grade 12, NSA SUMMER
26 M Inter House Cricket begins CAMP
10 S Holiday
Gr. 2, 3 & 9 to12 (B), Inter
House Lawn Tennis Gr. 2 to 11 T PD and Collaborative
11 S
5 6 to 8 (B) & 9 to12 (B & planning for teachers,
12 M Inter House Soccer begins G), CBSE- Grade 5 & 6 Extra Classes for Grade 12
Gr. 2, 3 & 6 to 8 (B), Inter Orientation
12 W PD and Collaborative
House Cricket Gr. 4 & 5 (B),
27 T CBSE- Grade 7 & 8 planning for teachers,
Inter House Lawn Tennis
Orientation Extra Classes for Grade 12
Gr. 2 to 5 & 6 to 8 (G), PYP
Grade 4&5 Orientation 13 T Summer Vacation for
28 W CBSE IHA - English Debate
(9,10,12), International Art Teachers
13 T

20 T IBDP May 2021 3 S HA English Debate MYP 6- 18 S
Examinations End 8, CBSE Grade11
Orientation 19 M Inter House Basketball
begins Gr. 2 & 3 and 6 to 8
JUNE ‘21 4 S (G)

18 F PD and Collaborative 5 M MYP TPC begins, IBDP May 20 T

planning for teachers, 2021 Results, Inter House
Extra Classes for Grade 12, Table Tennis begins Gr. 9 to 21 W Bakri Id/Id UI Zuha -
PPYP Nursery Orientation 12 (B & G), Inter House Holiday
Soccer begins Gr. 2 & 3 (G),
19 S PD and Collaborative Block Test Gr 12 CBSE 22 T
planning for teachers,
6 T PPYP Water Play begins 23 F PYP HA Heritage Quiz
Extra Classes for Grade 12
Prep Senior Grades 3-5(S), PYP Mother
20 S Tongue Grades 1&2, CBSE
7 W Gr 6 TPC
21 M School Reopens for
Nursery - Gr. 1-12 IB-CBSE 8 T 24 S Holiday

22 T 9 F Gr 11 IBDP Orientation, 25 S
PYP HA PPT Grades 3-5(F),
23 W School Reopens for Prep PYP HA Quiz Grades 1&2 26 M Inter House Skating begins
Jr.& Prep Sr. (F), CBSE- PT1 begins- for all Grades (B & G), Gr 6
Grade 6,7& 8 TPC CBSE
24 T
10 S Holiday 27 T Gr 6 TPC CBSE
25 F PYP Mother Tongue
Grades 1-5 11 S 28 W PPYP TPC Nursery, CBSE
IHA - Charcoal Drawing (6
26 S Holiday 12 M Inter House Basketball to 8)
begins Gr. 4 & 5 and 9 to
27 S 12 (B), Inter House Soccer 29 T PPYP TPC Prep Junior
begins Gr. 4 & 5 (G), CBSE- 30 F PYP HA Heritage Quiz (P)
28 M PPYP Water Play begins
PT1 begins- Grade 5 Grades 3-5, PYP HA Fancy
Pre Junior, PPYP Exploring
the school Nursery 13 T TPC Grade 3 CBSE Dress Grades 1&2, PPYP
TPC Prep Senior, Gr 7 TPC
29 T TPC Grade 2 CBSE 14 W CBSE IHA - Drawing and CBSE
Colouring Theme (1 & 2)
30 W 31 S Gr 12 IBDP TPC, Gr 7 TPC

JULY ‘21 16 F PYP Mother Tongue

Grades 1-5, TPC Grade 3 AUGUST ‘21
1 T
1 S
2 F PYP HA PPT Grades 3-5,
17 S HAMUN IB 9-12, CBSE- PT1
PYP HA Quiz (S)Grades 2 M Inter House Basketball
ends- Grade 5- 8
1&2, TPC Grade 2 CBSE begins Gr. 2,3 and 6 to 8
(B), Inter House Swimming
Gr. 2 & 3 (G), PPYP Water 16 M CBSE PT2- Gr 6-8 begins, 2 T
Play begins Nursery, PYP Block Test Gr 11 CBSE
1st TPC Grades 1-5, CBSE begins 3 F PYP Mother Tongue
Grade 9 & 10 Block Test 1 Grades 1-5, TPC Grade 2
begins 17 T CBSE PT2- Gr 5 begins and 7 CBSE

3 T PYP 1st TPC Grades 1-5 18 W 4 S Teacher's Day Celebration

4 W 19 T Muharam - Holiday 5 S

5 T PYP 1st TPC Grades 1-5 20 F PYP Mother Tongue 6 M Inter-house Hand Ball for
Grades 1-5, PPYP Raksha Grade (4-5 & 6-8 B), Inter
6 F PYP Mother Tongue Bandhan Celebration House Swimming Gr. 9 to
Grades 3-5, PYP HA Fancy 12 (B & G)
Dress Grades 1&2 21 S Bulletin Board Assessment
IB 6-12, PPYP SLC, Class 7 T CBSE TPC Gr 5 & 8
7 S CBSE Grade 9 & 10 Block Presentation Grade 4 CBSE
Test 1 ends, Gr 11 IBDP 8 W CBSE TPC Gr 5 & 8, PPYP
TPC, Across the Border 22 S Raksha Bandhan - Holiday Treasure Hunt Prep Senior
International Dance IB 6-
12, Grade 5 & 8 TPC CBSE, 23 M 9 T PPYP World Animal Day
TPC Grade 1 CBSE practice begins
24 T CBSE PT 2- Gr 5-8 ends
8 S 10 F Ganesh Chaturthi -
25 W Holiday
9 M Inter House Basketball 26 T NIMUN 11
begins Gr. 4 & 5 and 9 to 11 S Holiday
12 (G), Inter House 27 F NIMUN 11, PYP Mother 12 S
Swimming Gr. 2 & 3 (B), Tongue Grades 1-5
PPYP Rakhi Making 13 M Inter-house Hand Ball
Activity begins 28 S Holiday Grade (4-5 & 6-8 B), Inter
House Swimming Grade
10 T TPC Grade 4 CBSE 29 S (4-5 & 6-8 G), PPYP
11 W Investiture Ceremony, 30 M Janmashtami - Holiday, Ganesh Chaturti
CBSE IHA - Rang De Inter House Cricket begins Celebration, TPC Gr 6 CBSE
Basanti (3 to 5) Grade 6 to 8 (B), Inter 14 T TPC Gr 6 CBSE
House Swimming Gr. 4 & 5
12 T PPYP Our Country Project and 6 to 8 (G) 15 W CBSE IHA - TED Talk (9 to
13 F PYP Heritage Quiz(F) 12)
31 T PPYP Janmashtami
Grades 3-5, PYP Mother Celebration, TPC Grade 2, 16 T PPYP Cooking Experience
Tongue Grades 1&2, TPC 7 and 11 CBSE Prep Junior
Grade 4 CBSE
17 F PPYP Musical chairs
14 S Holiday SEPTEMBER ‘21 Nursery, PYP HA Let's
15 S Independence Day - dance (S) Grades 1&2, PYP
1 W CBSE IHA - Sarhad Ke Paar HA Hasya Kavita (S) Grades
Hoilday (6 to 8) 3-5

18 S Class Presentation Grade 3 2 S Gandhi Jayanti - Holiday 20 W PPYP Cooking Experience
CBSE, First Term Exam Nursery, CBSE IHA - IT Quiz
Grade 5-8 begins CBSE, 3 S (9 to 12)
Online - GBM
4 M Inter House Athletics Final 21 T
19 S selection begins for All
Grades (B & G), PPYP 22 F PYP Mother Tongue
20 M Inter house Selection trail World Animal Day Grades 1&2, PYP HA
for Athletics (B& G) Celebration Patriotic Song Competition
(P) Grades3-5
21 T Gr 6-11 IB First Term 5 T E Result Grades 1 to 4
Examination begins CBSE 23 S Drama IB 6-12, Gr 6- 11 IB
First Term Examination
22 W CBSE IHA - Movie Making 6 W CBSE IHA - Group Dance (1 Results, PPYP 1st term
(9 to 12) & 2) Reports, PYP Grades 1-5
1st Term E- Reports
23 T 7 T
24 S
24 F PYP HA Hasya kavita (F) 8 F PYP HA Patriotic song
Grades 3-5, PYP HA Let's competition (P) Grades 3- 25 M PPYP Sports Day Practice
Dance(P) Grades 1&2 5, PYP HA Let's Dance (F) begins
Grades 1&2, Navratri
25 S Holiday Celebration 26 T
26 S 9 S HA Metrical Mirth (Poem 27 W
enactment) MYP 6-8, Ted
27 M Inter house Selection trail Talk IB 9-12 28 T
for Athletics (B& G),
Revisional Assignment I 10 S 29 F SLC-2 IBMYP-DP, PYP HA
Grades 1 to 4 begins CBSE, Patriotic Song
MT-Gr 11 and 12 begins 11 M Competition(F) Grades 3-5,
CBSE PYP Mother Tongue
12 T Grades 1&2, Grade 5- Pop
28 T up Bazaar CBSE
13 W CBSE IHA - P.A Quiz (6 to 8)
29 W and Pencil Drawing (3 to 5) 30 S Holiday
30 T 14 T PPYP Navratri & Dussehra 31 S

OCTOBER ‘21 15 F Dusshera - Holiday NOVEMBER ‘21

1 F PYP HA Patriotic Song 16 S Holiday 1 M
Competition(S) Grades 3-
5, PYP HA Let's Dance (P) 17 S 2 T PPYP Diwali Celebration
Grades 1&2, Revisional
18 M 3 W Diwali Vacation begins
Assignment Grades 1 to 4
ends CBSE, First Term 19 T PPYP Roll the ball Prep
Exam Grade 5-8 ends CBSE 4 T
5 F
6 S 27 S Holiday 18 S PPYP TPC, TPC - Gr 3 and
7 S 28 S
19 S
8 M 29 M Mathmania
20 M
9 T 30 T Mathmania
21 T
10 W
11 T
1 W Block Test - Gr 11 CBSE, 23 T Annual Concert
12 F Prelims - Gr 12CBSE
24 F Winter Vacation begins
13 S Holiday 2 T
25 S Christmas - Holiday
14 S 3 F PT3- Gr 6-8 begins CBSE
26 S
15 M School Reopens for all 4 S Class Presentation Grade 2
CBSE, PT3- Gr 5 begins 27 M
16 T TPC 2 begins MYP/DP, BT -
2 Gr 9 and 10 CBSE begins 28 T
5 S
17 W CBSE IHA - Metrical Mirth 29 W
(6 to 8) 6 M Gr 10 IGCSE Mock & Gr 12
30 T
IB Practice Examination
18 T
begins 31 F
19 F PYP Mother Tongue
7 T PPYP Annual Sports
Grades 3-5, PYP HA
Recitation(S) Grades 1&2 JANUARY ‘22
8 W PPYP Annual Sports
20 S Gr 11 IB TPC, PYP 2nd TPC 9 T PPYP Annual Sports 1 S
Grades 1-5, TPC Grade 1
CBSE 10 F PT3- Gr 5-8 ends CBSE 2 S

21 S 11 S Holiday 3 M

22 M 12 S 4 T

23 T 13 M 5 W School Reopens for All

24 W CBSE IHA - G.K Quiz (1 & 2) 14 T 6 T PPYP Annual Concert

Practice begins, Prelim - Gr
25 T TPC 2 begins MYP/DP, BT - 15 W 10 CBSE
2 Gr 9 and 10 CBSE ends
16 T 7 F PYP Mother Tongue
26 F PYP HA Recitation(F) Grades 1-5, TPC Gr 5 & 8
Grades 1&2, PYP Mother 17 F CBSE
Tongue Grades 3-5
8 S IT Quiz IB 6-8, 9-12, TPC
Grade 2, 5, 8 & 11 CBSE
9 S FEBRUARY ‘22 15 T

10 M TPC Gr 6 CBSE 1 T 16 W

11 T TPC Gr 6 CBSE 2 W CBSE IHA - Movie Making 17 T

(6 to 8) and Rock Band
12 W PPYP colour day Nursery, (9,11) 18 F
CBSE IHA - Hindi Hasya
Kavita (3 to 5) 3 T PT4- Gr 6-8 begins CBSE, 19 S Gr 11 IB TPC, TPC Grd 4, 5
BT - Gr 9 begins CBSE & 8 CBSE
13 T Gr 10 IGCSE Mock & Gr 12
IB Practice Examination 4 F 20 S
Results, PPYP Memory
Game Prep Sr 5 S Gr 12 IBDP TPC, FUNFAIR 21 M TPC Gr. 5 & 8 CBSE, Annual
2022, Rock Band 6-12, Exam - Gr 11 CBSE
14 F Uttrayan - Holiday Class Presentation Grade 1
22 T PPYP Word ladder Prep
15 S Makarsankranti - Holiday Senior, TPC Gr 7 CBSE
6 S
16 S 23 W
7 M
17 M TPC Gr 7 CBSE 24 T
8 T
18 T TPC Gr 7 CBSE 25 F TPC Gr 7 CBSE
9 W CBSE IHA - Poem
19 W Annual Sports Day 26 S Holiday
Recitation (1 & 2)
20 T Annual Sports Day 27 S
School invitations - 28 M TPC Gr 6 CBSE
21 F Annual Sports Day, SLC - 3
Basketball, Cricket and
Tongue Grades 1-5
22 S Holiday
School invitations - 1 T Mahashivratri - Holiday
23 S Basketball, Cricket and
Football), PPYP Annual 2 W
24 M PYP 2nd SLC Grades 1-5 Concert, PT4- Gr 5-8 ends
25 T PYP 2nd SLC Grades 1-5
26 W Republic Day - Holidays School invitations -
5 S PPYP SLC, TPC Gr 2 & 6
Basketball, Cricket and
27 T PYP 2nd SLC Grades 1-5 CBSE
28 F 6 S
13 S
29 S 7 M
14 M Closing Ceremony of NISV
DE SPORTS(Basketball, 8 T PPYP Quiz Prep Senior
30 S
Cricket and Football), BT -
31 M Gr 9 ends CBSE 9 W PPYP Quiz Prep Junior
10 T APRIL ‘22 JUNE ‘22

11 F Term 2 exams begin- Gr 5- 1 F Spring Break for students 17 F PD and Collaborative

9 CBSE begins planning for teachers

12 S Holiday 2 S
18 S PD and Collaborative
13 S 3 S planning for teachers
14 M Gr 6- 9, 11 IB Second Term 4 M 19 S
and Gr 12 IB Mock
Examinations begin, PPYP 5 T 20 M School Reopens for
Fancy Dress Nursery Nursery - Gr. 1-12 IB-CBSE
6 W Spring Break for students
15 T PPYP Fancy Dress Nursery ends, Gr 6-9,11IB Second 21 T
Term & Gr 12 Mock
16 W Results, PYP Grades 1-5 22 W School Reopens for Prep
2nd term E- Reports, CBSE Jr.& Prep Sr.
17 T Holi, PPYP Fancy Dress Results
7 T New Academic Year ABBREVIATION
18 F Dhuleti - Holiday commences for Prep Jr. to B - Boys
10, 12 IB-CBSE G - Girls
19 S TPC Grade 1 CBSE S - Selection
P - Practice
20 S F - Final
MAY ‘22 HA - House Activity
SLC - Student Led Conference
21 M TPC - Teacher Parent Conference
9 M Summer Vacation for PD - Professional Development
22 T Students begins, PD and PT - Periodic Test
Collaborative planning for BT - Block Test
23 W teachers, Extra Classes for
Grade 12
24 T
10 T PD and Collaborative
25 F PYP Exhibition Grade 5 planning for teachers,
Extra Classes for Grade 12
26 S Holiday
11 W PD and Collaborative
27 S planning for teachers,
28 M Extra Classes for Grade 12

29 T PPYP 2nd Term Reports 12 T Summer Vacation for

Teachers begins
30 W

31 T

Public Holidays

Ambedkar Jayanti 14th Apr. '21

Ramzan-Id/Id-Ul-Fitr 13th May '21
Bakri Id/Idu’l Zuha 21st Jul. ‘21
Independence Day 15th Aug. '21
Muharram 19th Aug. '21
Rakshabandhan 22nd Aug. '21
Janmashtami 30th Aug. '21
Ganesh Chaturthi 10th Sep. ‘21
Gandhi Jayanti 2nd Oct. '21
Dusshera 15th Oct. '21
Christmas 25th Dec. ‘21
Uttrayan 14th Jan. '22
Makar Sankranti 15th Jan. '22
Republic Day 26th Jan. '22
Mahashivratri 1st Mar. '22
Dhuleti 18th Mar. '22


Summer Vacation for students begins 10th May '21

Summer Vacation for teachers begins 13th May '21
NISV re-opens for Teachers 18th Jun. '21
NISV re-opens for Nur. & Gr. 1-12(IB & CBSE) 21st Jun. '21
NISV re-opens for Prep. Jr. & Sr. 23rd Jun. '21
Diwali Vacation for students & teachers 3rd to 14th Nov. '21
Winter Vacation for students & teachers 24th Dec. '21 to 4th Jan. '22
Spring Break for students & teachers 1st to 6th Apr. '22

Major Events Co-curricular

Valedictory Function(IB & CBSE) TBA

NSA Summer Camp 10th May '21
Investiture Ceremony 11th Aug. '21
NIMUN 11 26th-27th Aug. '21
Teacher’s Day Celebration 4th Sept. '21
Online GBM 18th Sep. '21
Navratri Celebrations 8th Oct. '21
Inter School “Mathmania” 29th-30th Nov. '21
Sports Day - Pre-Primary 7th-9th Dec. '21
Annual Concert 23rd Dec. '21
Sports Day Gr. 1-12 19th to 21st Jan. ‘22
Fun Fair 5th Feb. '22
NISV DE Sports 10th to 14th Feb. ‘22
Annual Concert Pre-Primary 11th Feb. '22
IB PYP Gr. 5 Exhibition 25th Mar. '22
NISV Outbound Progamme TBA

Major Events Curricular

First Term Exam Gr. 5-8 CBSE 18th Sept. '21

First Term Exam IB DP Gr. 6-11 21st Sept. '21
IGCSE Mock/IB DP Practice Exam 6th Dec. '21
Prelims Gr. 10 CBSE 6th Jan. ‘22
Year End Exam Gr. 11 CBSE 21st Feb. '22
Year End Exam Gr. 5-9 CBSE 11th Mar. '22
Year End Exam Gr. 6-9, 11(IB) 14th Mar. '22
Mock Exam IB DP Gr. 12 14th Mar. '22


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