Concept Paper
Concept Paper
Concept Paper
Concept Paper
International Conference
“Emerging Information & Communication Technologies in Higher Education”
organized by the Mongolian University of Science and Technology and
by UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education
8-10 July, 2011
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
With many developing countries envisioning a future in which they hope to become learning societies
built on knowledge economies, higher education has a significant role to play in development strategies
in the pursuit of such aspirations. No knowledge economy can function without ICTs. Therefore, it is
imperative that higher education institutions afford their graduates the literacy and competencies that
their future work environments are likely to demand of them. Furthermore, being ICT-rich gives higher
education institutions a competitive advantage. Apart from having enabling telecommunications and ICT
policies, higher education institutions will need to develop strategies for effective deployment of
emerging ICT technologies, such as cloud computing, mobile learning, e-learning, smart learning, etc.
ICT has also led to the emergence of Open Educational Resources (OER). OER can support the
growing trend to introduce e-learning or online learning both for courses on campus and in distance
education. Whether e-learning improves quality or reduce cost depends on intelligent financial and
pedagogical planning. ICTs in general and e-learning in particular have reduced the barriers to entry to
the higher education business. The wide adoption of ICTs calls for mindsets and skill sets that are
adaptive to change. An attitude of resistance to change is often caused by the lack of appreciation of the
benefits brought by ICTs and the fears about the replacement of people by technology. ICTs do not
merely reinforce the infrastructure of higher education but greatly enhance a power to implement the
academic ideal that knowledge is important.
To raise awareness on how the emerging ICTs, such as cloud computing, mobile learning,
e-learning, smart learning and OER could help, in particular, through developing guidelines and
activities to promote quality education in the universities of the developing countries.
To review best practices in terms of “Emerging information and communication technologies” in
teaching and learning, and university management of developing countries, with a special interest in
leveraging their potential for higher education.
To bring multistakeholders together in an attempt to generate partnerships for establishing a strategy
to leverage emerging ICTs for quality higher education.
Focus Areas
Application of the emerging technologies in higher education
This track aims at utilizing emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, mobile learning,
e-learning, smart learning towards improving quality of higher education. This track will highlight a
number of examples of application.
Open Educational Resources
This track focuses on new trends in knowledge sharing, dissemination and utilization.
Recommendations for the developing countries to develop OER will be elaborated.
University Management Information System
This track will examine the University Management Information System, which harnesses technology
for better planning, setting standards, effecting change and monitoring results of the core functions of
universities. Discussions on further improvement of the quality and capacity of management
information systems to support strategic decision-making and policy implementation; stimulate and
facilitate free flow of information throughout the higher education system; and respond to the needs
and demands of the younger generation (especially the digital natives) for better and increased
access to university services and information through the web.
Expected Outcomes
Guidelines for universities
Conference proceedings
Conference DVD
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Otgonbayar Yondon, Minister of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia
Prof. Damdinsuren Bayanduuren, President of MUST, Mongolia
Prof. Bernard Cornu, Director of the Innovation, CNED, France
Prof. Dae-Joon Hwang, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Prof. Jianzhong Cha, Beijing Jiaotong University, China
Prof. Dominic Newbould, Open University, UK
Prof. Toshio Kobayashi, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan
The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) was established as an integral
part of UNESCO by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 29th session (November 1997) and is
located in Moscow, Russian Federation. According to its Statutes, the Institute contributes to the design
and implementation of the programmes of the Organization in regard to application of information and
communication technologies in education. Hence, IITE serves a specific purpose within the fields of
competence of UNESCO. It is principally programme-driven, responds to both global and country needs,
is a part of an operational network of UNESCO structures and supports the achievement of the strategic
objectives and programme priorities of UNESCO. IITE’s mission is to serve as a centre of excellence
and provider of technical support and expertise in the area of ICT usage in education. Accumulated
experience allows IITE to become a unique international expertise and resource centre, offering advice
and guidance on reinforcing national potentials in ICT usage in education in the world.
Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) is one of the leading universities, which has
extensive experience in provision of engineering education in Mongolia. MUST has been the leader in
higher education reform in Mongolia after democratic changes, introducing credit-based curriculum,
modern university management and ICT-supported university management information system. Many
innovative initiatives of MUST have been disseminated to other higher education institutions. Two
schools – for Computer Science and Management and for Communication and Information Technology -
offer a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses in modern ICT technologies. Recently the
University has introduced a first e-learning platform in the country, which holds great potential for the
improvement of the quality of education.
Potential partners
The Conference plenary session will be held in the Central Library of MUST.
Parallel sessions will be held at the MUST campus.