Cha-Cha-Cha Is A Fast Rhythmic Ballroom Dance From Latin-American Origin. The

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Cha-Cha-Cha is a fast rhythmic ballroom dance from Latin- American origin. The
dance was invented by a Cuban violinist and became craze in America and Europe in
1953. A Cuban innovation of the old Latin form Danson. Cha-Cha-Cha is a combination
of the Mambo and American Swing. A close look shows it rhythm to be that of a triple
It is the newest and the most popular of the Latin-American dances. It is also the
easiest to learn because the music has a definite and unmistakeable beat.

Character: sassy, Latin, playful, flirty

Style: Cuban motion and syncopated timing
Count: 2, 3 cha-cha-cha/ 2, 3, 4 and 1
Suggested Activity: Dance Combinations
Suggested Music: Let’s Get Loud

Basic Steps

Man’s Part

Lady’s Part

Partners Face Front.
a. Step Left foot fwd. While lifting the other foot (ct. 1), Step R ft. in place (ct.
2). Step L back in place (cts. 3, 4).
b. Step R ft. bwd. (ct. 1), as you lift the front foot; step L in place (ct. 2), step
R close to L. (cts. 3, 4).

Partners Face Front.
a. Step L fwd. Lifting the R ft. slightly (ct. 1), sstep R ft. in place (ct. 2 and),
step R in place (ct. 3), step L in place again (ct. 4).
b. Step R bwd. Lifting the L slightly (ct. 1), step L in place (ct. 2), step R ft.
close to L (cts. 1 and), Step L in place (ct. 3), step R ft. in place (ct. 4).
Partners face each other. The man holds the L hand of the lady with his R hand.
a. The man turn ans steps R across L (ct. 1), steps L as he faces his partner
(ct. 2), step R ft. in place (cts. 3 and 4) as he releases his hand takes the
hand of the lady with his L hand and repeats the steps in opposite

Partners face each other.
a. Full turn- the lady does the basic cha-cha-cha step.
b. The man steps L fwd. then execute pivot turn clockwise for half turn. Step
R ft. in place and execute another pivot turn clockwise to half turn. Do the
cha-cha-cha steps in place.


L left (foot, arm, or hand)

R right (foot, arm or hand)

ct count

cts counts
fwd forward

bwd backward
swd sideward

M measure or measures
X boy

O girl
direction where going or facing
Learning Activity Sheet #1
Name: ____________________ Date: ___________
Course/Section: ____________ Score: __________

Direction: On the given link above, create your own variations of the suggested social
dances learned. Make a video presentation and sent via this email
[email protected] . Perform gracefully and enthusiastically. The Rubric and SEI
is as follows:



5 4 3 2 1
Criteria Excellent Very Satisfacto Needs Poor Rate
Satisfactory ry Improveme
1. Mastery Showed very Almost Showed Showed Performed
of Steps high level of showed average little poorly the
mastery of the mastery of mastery of mastery of dance steps.
dance steps. the dance the dance the dance
steps but steps. steps.
some error
2. Choreo Performed 5 or Performed 4 Performed Performed Did not show
graphy more dance dance 3 dance 2 dance originality and
variations variations variations variations creativity.
correctly and correctly and correctly only.
creatively. creatively. and
3. Rhythm/ Followed the Followed the Followed Could Could not catch
Tempo correct beat correct beat the correct hardly up with the beat
and tempo of and tempo of beat and catch up and tempo of
music music but tempo of with the music.
excellently. some error music with beat and
were average tempo of
evident. accuracy. music.
4. Coordin Showed Showed Showed Showed Performed the
ation/ exemplary coordination average little dance without
Timing coordinated of coordinati coordinatio control and
movements. movements on of n and proper timing.
but slight movement timing
error were .
5. Enthusi Showed very Showed high Showed Showed Failed to
asm high level of interest in average little interest perform the
gracefulness, executing interest in in executing dance steps
poise and the dance executing the dance enthusiastically.
bearing in steps. the dance steps.
performing the steps.
dance steps.

Scale Equivalence and Interpretation

Scale Grade in Interpretation
Percent (%)

You showed an Excellent Performance! Congratulations!

5 95%- 100% I’m very proud of you.

You did a very good performance although you committed

4 89%- 94% minimal errors. Try to work on it. Keep it up!

You did a good performance. Try to exert more effort in

3 82%- 88% getting a higher grade next performance. Good Luck!

Your grade though passing shows that you did not exert
2 75%- 81% so much effort. Try to exert effort in getting a higher grade
next performance. Good Luck!

You got a failing grade in this activity. I am sure this is not

1 Below 75% what you are aiming for. Please see me during our
consultation period.

(Espeso, 2006)

Evaluator (PE Teacher): _____________________________

Complete Name and Signature
Learning Activity Sheet #2
Name: ____________________ Date: ___________
Course/Section: ____________ Score: __________


Instruction: Answer the following questions.

1. What is/are your preparations to creatively choreograph your dance?


2. Did you encounter problems while practicing? How did you resolved it?

3. What did you feel while performing?


4. What values did you gain from your performance?


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