TESDA Circular No. 041-2021

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Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 1 of 10 page/s

Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number Oqi , Series of 20201
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

In the interest of the service and pursuant to the Authority's efforts to enhance
and improve the system on the delivery of TVET programs and services, the following
Work Instructions are hereby issued.

These Work Instructions aim to:

1. Address and prevent occurrence and recurrence of findings from conduct of audit
and inspection by the IAS Auditors, NISP and IIAS Inspectors and re- certification
audit by TUV SUD, and issues and recommendations during the calibration

2. Provide clarification and guidance for TESDA Implementing units, TVET

Institutions and Accredited Assessment Centers and Competency Assessors in
carrying out TESDA programs and services according to guidelines and operating
procedures; and

3. Promote continuous enhancement and quality-assurance of the delivery of TVET

programs and services.

These Work Instructions consist of reiteration of existing guidelines and amended

or new instructions.

A. On Program Registration

1. Availability of Administrative and Corporate Requirements during the

conduct of Audit

1.1 To ensure availability of documents during audit and /or inspection,

Provincial Offices and institutions shall maintain digitized copies of all
Program Registration and Accreditation documents. TESDA Circular No.
07 s. 2016 Section XV- Management and Security in Program
Registration, specifically Item No. 2 states that "Provincial Offices (POs)
shall maintain a hard copy and digitized/ scanned copy of the registration
documents and store them in safe locations".

1.2 The digitized documents shall be made available to inspection and audit
teams. This is provided in TESDA Circular No. 071 s. 2020 on the Work
Instructions on the use of Virtual Audit and Blended Audit Methods in the
Conduct of Compliance Audits for Program Registration and Assessment
and Certification Section V.
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 2 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number Oq I , Series of 20261 m41 op.,n21
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

2. On Unsigned Technical Inspection Report

2.1 Technical Inspection Reports shall be signed by members of the

UTPRAS Inspection Team. Operating Procedures on Program
Registration, Item No. 6.4.2- Responsibilities/Functions of the
UTPRAS Inspection Team states that: The Team is required to
prepare and sign the Inspection Report immediately after the conduct
of inspection on the same day.

2.2 TESDA Circular No. 72 s. 2018 with subject Additional Work

Instructions on Program Registration under Item No. 1.1 provides that
signature in the required documents must be original to ensure
integrity of all program registration documents. However, in the New
Normal, e-signatures may be adopted, as provided in the TESDA
Circular No. 81 s. 2020 - Guidelines on the Online Processing of
Program Registration Application under UTPRAS, Letter C, Item No.
8 which provides that:

• Both parties should concur/agree on the results of the technical

inspection and shall affix their e-signature on the Inspection Report
and on the other accomplished program registration forms (TESDA-
OP-00-01-F13 to TESDA-OP-00-01-F21) used during the technical
inspection. An e-copy of the signed Inspection Report shall be
provided to the applicant TVI/s/company/ies through email by the
TESDA Regional/ Provincial Offices.

3. On the Document to be referred to for Information of the Institution —

The Profile Sheet is submitted during Program Registration. This is the
document that should be referred to by the Auditors/Inspectors as
evidence during Audit/Inspection, and not the General Information Sheet

3.1 TESDA Circular No. 72 s. 2018 on Additional Work Instructions on

Program Registration, Section III-Item No. 1 requires all TVIs applying
for the registration of their programs to indicate in their program
registration application letter and the corresponding documents the
specific address of their training site/venue. The Profile Sheet shall be
accomplished and attached to the application letter.

3.2 The Profile Sheet to be accomplished by the prospective applicant -

TVI/s includes the following information:
a. Institution Company Name;
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 3 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number 0Y1 , Series of 20201 lfriMmooi
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for P101
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

b. Address of Training SiteNenue;

c. TVET Institution/Company Information (Profile); and
d. Contact Person

4. On the Consistency of the Name of TVI in the CTPR and the SEC
Certificate of Registration

4.1 TESDA Circular No. 72 s. 2018 Section III — on Institution Address,

requires that the address to be indicated in the Letter of Application
and the corresponding program registration documents should be the
specific actual training site.

4.2 The address of the training site/venue shall be reflected in the

Certificate of TVET Program Registration (CTPR) and in all program
registration documents. The training site/venue address shall include
the following details:
a) Street number;
b) Street name;
c) Barangay;
d) City or Municipality;
e) Area Code;
f) Name of the Building;
g) Number of the Building; and
h) Name or number of the room/unit occupied.

5. On the inconsistency of the address indicated in the CTPR of

registered MTP and the address of the registered Institution-based

5.1 TESDA Circular No. 73 s. 2018 - Revised Implementing Guidelines in

the Registration and Implementation of Mobile Training Programs
(MTPs) and TESDA Circular No. 014 s. 2019 -Addendum and
Clarificatory Guidelines on the Revised Implementing Guidelines in the
Registration and Implementation of Mobile Training Programs
(MTPs) (TESDA Circular No. 73. s. 2018) provides that for MTP
programs with institution-based program registered in another region,
the address of the physical office established within the region where
it is operating/will operate shall be used.
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 4 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number Oql , Series of 20201 MAI I 6, 7° n
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

6. On Signage in Institutions with TESDA — Registered Programs

6.1 TESDA Circular No. 07 s. 2016 on the Amended Omnibus Guidelines

on Program Registration under UTPRAS, Section XV-Item no. 2
provides the following requirements in putting up signages by all TVIs
with TESDA registered programs:

a) TVIs with registered programs shall put up a signage of their

registered programs in conformance with the following: The
word(s) "Registered Programs" shall be used and not the word
"Accreditation" which entails different processes; and

b) Title and duration of the registered program shall conform with

Section VIII-4 and Section VIII-5 of the TESDA Circular NO. 07 s.
2016, to wit:

b.1) Section VIII- 4 - Programs which conform in full with the TR

shall strictly follow the title of the qualification and the
appropriate NC level in the TR.

Example: Electronic Products Assembly and Servicing NC II

with a duration of hours

b.2) Section VIII-5 - The title of programs covering a cluster of

units of competency shall be indicated in the CTPR per
TESDA Circular on Clustering of Competencies with the
phrase "Leading to" preceding the title of the qualification
which is being addressed:

Example: Servicing Consumer Electronic Products and

Systems Leading to Electronic Products
Assembly and Servicing NC II with duration of

7. On Ownership of Building/Lot of the Institution

7.1 The Checklist of Program Registration Requirements in the Operating

Procedure on Program Registration requires only Proof of building
ownership or contract of lease (covering at least two years) upon
application for new program. For succeeding application, a valid
contract of lease is required.
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 5 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number Of , Series of 20201 mMio.101
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

7.2 Hence, auditors and inspectors should look for the proof of building
ownership or contract of lease, and NOT the owner's membership in
the Institution's Board of Incorporators.

8. On Tools and Equipment

8.1 TESDA Circular No. 07 s. 2016, Section VIII-Item No. 3 - Programs

Covered by a Training Regulations states that: The Training
Regulations (TRs) prescribe the minimum standards that shall be used
in registering a WTR program, whether full qualification or cluster of
units of competency. The UTPRAS Focals should ensure that all
requirements submitted by the TVI are as specified in the Checklist of
Program Registration Requirements and those indicated in the
Training Regulations are complete, correct and compliant.

8.2 The Auditors and Inspectors should refer to the approved program
registration documents and the TR, if WTR, during audit and
inspection of tools and equipment.

8.3 Tools and equipment should be complete, correct, compliant,

serviceable for all institutions, in all branches of the institutions.

8.4 The Qualification and Standards Office (QSO) is instructed to review

the list of tools and equipment to ensure that the specifications are
clearly stated, and not the brand.

8.5 It is further reiterated that the tools and equipment in the Training
Regulations are minimum standards. If the tools and equipment used
by the TVET Institutions are of higher standard and are more efficient
and advance, these shall be considered by inspectors and auditors.

9. On Program on Accelerating Farm School Establishment (PAFSE)

9.1 Requirements for registration under PAFSE (WTR) vis — a - vis

requirements under Regular Program Registration

The PAFSE programs to be registered shall follow the

requirements stipulated in TESDA Circular No. 56 Series 2016
(Implementing Guidelines on Provisions of Special Technical
Assistance for Program on Accelerating Farm School Establishment
(PAFSE) as indicated in Section V — Implementation Mechanics, Item
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 6 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number HI , Series of 20201 tii,:14:1,1
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for Aim
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

B.1.2, which states that the medium - to large - sized farm schools
interested to avail of the TWSP funds shall register their programs with
the nearest TESDA Regional/Provincial Offices (ROPOs) in
accordance with the Omnibus Guidelines on UTPRAS (TESDA
Circular No. 07, series of 2016).

9.2 TTIs to secure ATI accreditation as Farm Field Schools (FFS)

TTIs are also required to secure the Department of Agriculture -

Agriculture Training Institute (DA-ATI) accreditation to become FFS.
TESDA shall write the DA Secretary to request for the ATI
accreditation subject to the capability of the TTI to deliver the
program. This shall be facilitated by the Regional Operations
Management Office (ROMO).

9.3. Requirements for TTI Registration of the Production of High Bred/In-

Bred Rice Quality Seed Certification

For TTIs applying for specific qualification under PAFSE and RCEF, an
application through a Memorandum shall be submitted to the ROMO.
The ROMO will facilitate the submission of the application for the
approval of the DA.

9.4 On the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Certificate of

Registration as a Requirement for the Registration of PAFSE

If the Institution is a private TVI and ATI accredited FFS, program

registration shall follow the PAFSE and RCEF guidelines. However, if
the TVI is a medium to large enterprise, the registration shall follow the
requirements indicated in Section V — Implementation Mechanics,
Letter B.1.2 which states that the medium to large sized farm schools
interested to avail of the TWSP funds shall register their programs with
the nearest TESDA Regional/Provincial Offices (ROPOs) in
accordance with the Omnibus Guidelines on UTPRAS (TESDA
Circular No. 07, series of 2016).
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 7 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number Oql , Series of 20201 tak4 to, Aal
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

B. On the Conduct of Compliance Audit

1. On the Fire Safety Certificate

1.1. In the absence of the renewed Fire Safety Certificate (FSC), the
auditors and inspectors shall consider the official receipt of payment
made for the renewal of FSC of the TVI.

1.2.The IAS shall issue an updated checklist of requirements for the

conduct of audit that will allow/accept the official receipt of payment
made for the renewal of the FSC.

2. On the Official Receipt (OR) of payment of registration fees

2.1. The OR is not part of the registration checklist of requirements.

2.2.The IAS shall inform all auditors that without the OR, the auditors
shall not call this out as findings. However, they may request for the
copy of the receipt as evidence of the steps followed in program

3. On consistency of the Fomis/Templates Used

3.1. Forms and templates change with the revision of the Operating
Procedures, for continuous improvement. It is important to note when
the programs were registered (date indicated in the CTPR) vis the
date of effectivity of Operating Procedures and date of the
promulgation of the Training Regulations.

3.2.The IAS shall be responsible in re-calibrating and reorienting auditors

to prevent errors in calling out of findings on the forms and templates

4. On other requirements in the Compliance Audit which are not in the

Program Registration Checklist of Requirements.

4.1. The conduct of audit is based on standards in the Training

Regulations and Operating Procedures. The Compliance Audit
Checklist of Requirements should be consistent with these two (2)
documents and other guidelines and work instructions issued relating
to Program Registration and Assessment and Certification.
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 8 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number 041 , Series of 2022(1 ro4 to,;•01
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

5. On Signages for Accredited Assessment Centers

5.1. TESDA-OP-CO-03 Operating Procedure on Accreditation of

Competency Assessment Centers, Item 6.6.7 provides the following
requirements for the template of signage to be used by the accredited
Assessment Center:

a) Name of the Accredited Assessment Center (Consistent with the

Certificate of Accreditation);
b) Exact Address;
c) Accreditation Number; and
d) Title of Qualification/s where accredited.

5.2. The Auditors should audit based on the above-mentioned

requirements and not on the requirements for a TVI with registered
program/s. Recommendations from the Auditors in terms of size and
location shall be considered as OFIs, and not as findings.

6. On integration of 21st Century Skills in the Curriculum

6.1. TESDA Circular No. 097 series of 2019 on Implementing Guidelines

on the Newly Promulgated Competency Standards for Basic
Competencies Integrated with the 21st Century Skills was issued in
September 13, 2019. The programs registered prior to the issuance
of these guidelines have complied with the Training Regulations
which have not integrated the 21st Century Skills.

6.2.The QSO shall disseminate the list of TRs with the 21st Century Skills

C. Other Standards and Requirements

a) On Distance Requirement for Off - Campus Facility

a.1.There is no specific standard distance for off-campus facility,

however, the ROPO shall ensure that it is accessible to learners.

a.2. The off-campus facility should be compliant to TESDA requirements

based on technical inspection.
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 9 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number oil , Series of 20201 0,01 )o,
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

b) On Change of Trainers and Additional Trainer/s

b.1. As indicated in TESDA Circular no. 044 s. 2019 on the Enhanced

Operating Procedure on Program Registration re Change of
Designated Trainer/s, the same requirements shall be applied for the
additional trainer and shall be submitted by the institution/s to the
TESDA Provincial Office:

a) Letter informing TESDA on the change of / additional the

b) Copy of the National TVET Trainer's Certificate (NTTC) Level I
or II of the new trainer/s for WTR programs;
c) For NTR programs, copy of the Training Certificate on Trainer's
Methodology (TM) I or other training methodology certificates
and evidence of specialization of the trainer of the program;
d) Certificate/s of Training relevant to registered program/s; and
e) Certified true copy of notarized contract of employment.

b.2. The TESDA Regional Office shall issue a Letter of Approval to the
TVI approving the change of or additional designated trainer/s for the
registered programs of the institution.

b.3. The Letter of Approval for the change of / additional designated

trainers shall be posted beside the CTPR of the concerned registered
program/s of the TVIs. Likewise, the Provincial Office shall ensure
that a copy of the Letter of Approval is filed in the program registration
documents of the concerned TVI/s.

c) NISP's Exit Briefing

c.1. TESDA Circular No. 105 series 2019 dated August 19, 2019 states
that the NISP shall not conduct exit conference with RO/PO on the
results of verification with scholars. This is for the safety/protection
of the scholars interviewed. This is also in compliance with the Data
Pr vary and Confidentiality requirements.

c.2. For TVI inspection, the exit conference is conducted with the TVI
inspected. The Preliminary Report of TVI Inspection shall be signed
by the NISP inspectors and TVI representative/s and shall be
forwarded to the concerned PO or RO for their information, within five
(5) days from date of inspection.
Subject: Work Instructions on Program Registration Page 10 of 10 page/s
Requirements, Conduct of Inspection and Number MI , Series of 20201 f1/14 4v1 io,
Compliance Audit and Other Guidelines for '40
Continuous Enhancement of Delivery of
TVET Programs and Services

Date Issued: Effectivity: Supersedes:

03 May 2021 Immediately

D. General Instructions

1. The IAS/NISP shall conduct regular calibration of its auditors/inspectors

together with the Certification Office and Qualification and Standards
Office to ensure consistency of inspection and audit requirements with
existing standards, guidelines and operating procedures.

2. The Provincial Directors shall conduct regular orientation and monitoring

of TVIs and Assessment Centers to ensure that they are updated with
the standards, guidelines, operating procedures and work instructions.

3. The Regional Directors shall be responsible for continuing adherence of

all concerned to the policies and guidelines to ensure delivery of quality
assured TVET programs and standard conduct of compliance audit and

4. All other issuances, rules and regulations or parts thereof which are
inconsistent with this Circular are hereby repealed and modified

This Circular shall take effect as indicated and shall remain in force until
superseded by new Guidelines and Operating Procedures.


Director General

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