Machine Learning Based Access Control Framework
Machine Learning Based Access Control Framework
Machine Learning Based Access Control Framework
Abstract—The main challenge facing the Internet of Things Motivated by the above, we perceive the relationship
(IoT) in general, and IoT security in particular, is that humans between IoT and ML much like the relationship between the
have never handled such a huge amount of nodes and quantity of human body and its brain. Our bodies gather sensory input
data. Fortunately, it turns out that Machine Learning (ML) such as sight, sound, smell, taste and touch while our brains
systems are very effective in the presence of these two elements. focus on gathering that data and making sense of it.
However, can IoT devices support ML techniques? In this paper,
we investigated this issue and proposed a twofold contribution: a The remainder of this paper is presented as follows:
thorough study of the IoT paradigm and its intersections with Section II exposes an overview of ML applications in IoT
ML from a security perspective; then, we actually proposed a scenarios; then Sections III and IV reveals the building blocks
holistic ML-based framework for access control, which is the of the ML-based framework aiming to handle IoT AC, as well
defense head of recent IT systems. In addition to learning as all the required concepts to understand it. Next, Section V
techniques, this second pillar was based on the organization and provides the theoretical and technical details of
attribute concepts to avoid role explosion problems and applied implementation which are applied to a smart city case study,
to a smart city case study to prove its effectiveness. before moving to the last section in which we discuss and
evaluate the results.
Keywords—Access control; internet of things; machine
learning; security; smart city II. RELATED WORKS
I. INTRODUCTION Basically, ML algorithms are computer programs that can
essentially learn and improve their accuracy by looking at data
Access Control (AC) plays a pivotal role in the security
without being explicitly programmed. In a more formal
world given its mission of protecting digital and physical
wording: “A Computer program is said to learn from an
accesses by delimiting and enforcing who has access to what
experience E with respect to some task T and some
and in which conditions [1]. However, most of the AC
performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured
solutions we find in the literature tend to consider the IoT as a by P, improves with experience E” [2, 3]. In this section, we
single block that is characterized mainly by the limited storage
will be exploring the most promising and latest ML
and computing capacities. In this paper, we will come back to
applications used in order to secure IoT environments.
this unfair and unrealistic view that slows down the
elaboration of a holistic approach to address AC in IoT A. Learning Algorithms for Constrained Environments
environments. Moreover, relying on a single technique to Despite the common sayings that build a delusive wall
address an issue that is as complex as IoT is also a weakness between ML algorithms and constrained nodes given the
that confines the performance of many IoT security-oriented computational and storage limitations of the latter, many
models. studies combined these two worlds in order to answer both
To fulfil the AC requirements, this paper will application and security issues. In this section we are about to
progressively build a global framework that not only focuses discuss the most recent and relevant ones.
on policy management and AC models, but also digs deeper Let us begin with a recent work [4] that combined the
into the mechanisms that accurately fit them; which leads to a strengths of current neural and tree-based learning techniques
smooth and coherent Machine Learning (ML) integration in conjunction with ternary (-1, 0, 1) quantization to enable
going down to highlight what and where ML algorithm(s) computation and size compression of NN models in IoT
should be implemented. platforms. This technique outperformed the state-of-the art by
To do so, we first need to delimit the perimeter covered by 11.1%, 52.2% and 30.6% in the number of computations, the
the IoT by giving a much more representative definition of the model size, and the overall memory footprint respectively,
term, which will allow us later to tackle the question of AC without losing too much in terms of accuracy.
with a much more appropriate vision, and above all, will lead Another study [5] focused on the IoT device side rather
us to know where and how we can use the power of ML to than the cloud. The proposed model is developed on a
take advantage of the large amount of objects and data we are relatively simple tree learnt in a low-dimensional space for
handling. efficient prediction on IoT nodes like Arduino UNO or
ATmega328P boards with 16 MHz, 2 KB RAM and 32 KB
ROM. The authors executed their model using several datasets
This work was supported by the IGS Group, Paris, France
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and proved that it was able to make predictions within Strength Indicator values from multiple iBeacons. It was able
milliseconds, had lower battery consumption than the state-of- to learn better action policies with at least 23% improvement
art and could fit in KB of memory. in terms of distance to the target as well as almost 67% more
gathered rewards compared to the supervised Deep RL
Additionally, a model called MorphNet was suggested by approaches.
Google [6] to automate the design of Deep Neural Networks
(DNNs). This approach is specifically adjustable to meet B. Learning Applications for IoT Security
constrained environments’ requirements without Now that we have seen many ML-based applications in the
compromising the performance, it actually optimizes the DNN IoT, let us move to some studies that tackled security
by iteratively shrinking and expanding. The study showed that problems (always in IoT environments) through ML tools.
MorphNet is simple to implement and fast to apply, which is
why it is a better choice for IoT scenarios. In fact, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are one of the
first and most used ML models. They represent standard
ShuffleNet [7] is another contribution in this direction. It is classification models, generally known for splitting
a particularly computation-efficient CNN designed specifically hyperplanes. Data sorting is achieved through maximizing the
for mobile devices which are essentially characterized by their distance between the hyperplane and the nearby training
limitations in terms of computational power. It is mainly based samples of each class. SVMs are more adapted to datasets with
on the power of 1×1 convolutions combined with channel a large number of features but a relatively small number of
shuffle with the aim of reducing the required cost for samples [13]. In the IoT world, a study [14] proposed a linear
computation without neglecting the accuracy. Being SVM-based Android malware detection system to secure IoT
implemented on an ARM-based mobile device, the model platforms. The comparison that was led between the
attains up to 13× actual speedup over AlexNet. performance of the model and other ML algorithms
Besides, the authors in [8] suggested a NN-based outbalanced the SVM method. Besides, SVM was also used to
implementation that takes benefit from the communications compromise cryptographic devices [15, 16]. However, one of
passed between IoT nodes. Theoretically, this work is founded the big challenges in multidimensional SVM problems is the
on the UAT theorem affirming that a NN with a single hidden tough task of selecting a suited kernel.
layer is enough to compute a bounded approximation of a Another generic method is Random Forest (RF): an
generic continuous function. In fact, this remark has led to accumulation of Decision Trees (DTs), which means that they
integrate intelligence into IoT constrained platforms by means are built and trained in order to vote for the output class [17]. A
of some (local and on-the-fly) computations as the data study [18] over 17 IoT devices belonging to nine categories
navigate between the IoT devices using the collective behavior affirmed that RF (among other ML methods) presents
of such networks. significant improvements in the identification of unauthorized
A Mobile and Edge Computing (M/EC) solution was IoT nodes. Another ML-based study [19] was performed on
proposed in [9] to bring computation near the IoT end-nodes IoT environments to detect DDOS attacks. In this regard, RF
by applying CNNs, RNNs and RL at the edge of IoT provided slightly superior results compared to other ML
networks. The very idea of this work is to implement methods. That being said, it is important to emphasize that RF
Information-Centric Networking on top of the IoT via some methods are not always feasible, specifically over large
techniques namely shared weights, pooling, and in-network datasets as they require the construction of a -relatively- large
caching to solve storage issues on IoT nodes. This approach number of DTs.
led to remarkable reduction in latency for time-critical In another direction, UL is represented by the popular K-
applications. Means with the key objective of Data clustering (k being the
Another study [10] digs deeper into the technical hardware number of clusters). The algorithm consists of assigning each
requirements to implement DL algorithms over IoT devices. data sample to one of the k clusters based on their (similar)
The authors implemented several models inside three boards: features. Usually UL models are privileged when the dataset is
Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 used for phones and tablets (4- not labelled. In IoT, k-means clustering was used to
core 2.3 GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM and 8MB DSP), Intel distinguish Sybil attackers from normal sensors through
Edison principally oriented to wearables and form-factor clustering the channel vectors in industrial WSNs [20].
sensitive IoT (500MHz dual-core CPU, 1 GB of RAM) and Nevertheless, this technique has many limitations, namely the
finally Nvidia Tegra K1 used for example in June IoT Oven need to have roughly equal numbers in each cluster for the
[11], Nexus 9 phone and IoT-enabled cars (up to 1.7GB of algorithm to properly work, as well as the non-trivial task of
RAM). The study proved, inter alia, the feasibility of choosing k [21].
implementing DL techniques on IoT oriented boards. Now, let us move to the deep sphere, and begin our survey
A more general approach was proposed in [12], in which by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Actually, the
the authors came with a semi-supervised deep RL model basic idea of a CNN is to put a bit of structure in NNs [22] by
designed to fit smart cities. Its inference engine exploits shrinking the enormous number of connections between
Variational Auto Encoders (VAE) to generalize optimal layers, thus optimizing the training time. One of the main
policies. The model was implemented to handle localization benefits of CNNs is their end-to-end nature ensured by their
issues in a smart building case study portrayed as an ensemble built-in “features extraction” ability. Yet CNNs still have a
of labeled positions associated with the Received Signal high computational cost; hence the difficulty of implementing
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them on IoT constrained nodes. Many studies managed to ones. Though, up to now the training phase of GANs still
bypass this limitation though, especially using distributed unstable and a tough task [21].
architectures [23]. Another study showed that CNNs could
Providing a large amount of training data is not always an
help in Android malware detection by means of raw sequence
static analysis (RSSA) of disassembled programs [24]. easy task; hence, finding alternatives is a matter of serious
concern for ML experts. Reinforcement Learning (RL)
One more giant pillar of ML nowadays goes under the consists of learning behavior only through interactions
name of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). It is undoubtedly between an agent (usually represented by the algorithm) and
one of the ML big discoveries thanks to their particularity of its surrounding environment; in fact this learning process
having memory. They can read inputs in sequence, and consists of increasing the rewards it receives from the
“remember” some information/context thanks to their hidden environment. Many researchers focus on the application of RL
layer activations that get passed from a given time-step to the to IoT security; for instance, the work in [28] opted for an RL
following [22]. Accordingly, RNNs can achieve excellent approach to learn a sub-band selection policy so that it could
results in classifying network traffic and detecting malicious avoid both jammer signals as well as interference from other
behavior. Besides, RNNs could be a good choice for IoT since radios in wideband autonomous cognitive radios (WACRs).
it produces massive sequential data from different nodes. For Two of our previous works [1, 29] tackled the Access Control
instance, a previous work [25] proved the worth of using (AC) in IoT scenarios, the two building blocks were: first
RNNs to detect network traffic behavior by modeling it as a taking into account the smart devices’ context while making
sequence of states changing over time. Yet, vanishing and an AC decision; and proposing AC policies that can be
exploding gradient problems still the ultimate nightmare of improved and optimized over time. However, given the
RNNs. enormous and heterogeneous amount of data generated by IoT
devices, the proposition benefits from the power of RL, to
In another direction, many researchers consider that there accomplish this task. The problem with RL algorithms is that
was various contributions in ML in recent times, but they require a large number of practice run (given their trial-
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are the only error nature) before they can make significant progress.
contribution that could be called a breakthrough in the last
decade. GAN trains two models at the same time: a generative It is worth noting that, in addition to provide an explicit
model G to identify the data distribution, and a discriminative survey of the latest and relevant works in IoT and ML, one of
model D to predict the probability that a sample came from the motivations of this related works section is to prove that
the training data rather than G [26]. A recent work [27] ML is already used in the IoT world, and consequently to
realized a GAN-based architecture in order to secure IoT disprove the idea claiming that IoT and ML are two parallel
systems by detecting abnormal behavior. GANs may have a universes. In the following section, the proposition of this
potential application in IoT security especially in zero-day- paper is presented with all the necessary details.
like threats given their ability to learn diverse attack scenarios
Table I summarizes and compares these studies especially
and then to generate innovative attacks beyond the existing
based on their achievements in a number of IoT situations.
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III. PRELIMINARIES oriented chips, which are mainly due to the excessive demand
and hot market of AI applications these days. This subsection
We begin this section by exposing the research questions exposes three reasons to motivate researchers –and investors–
standing behind our work, together with all the essential not to draw a spontaneous correlation between IoT and ML
details required to understand our proposition. ineptness:
A. Problematic IoT > constrained nodes: As explained before, one key
The nature of a large portion of IoT devices (e.g. idea to clarify when talking about IoT is that it is more
Healthcare, critical infrastructures) makes security the number than just a collection of constrained nodes. Not to
one priority: it is, literally, a matter of life and death. In confound with Wireless Sensor Networks.
addition, the density, heterogeneity and autonomy are intrinsic
characteristics of these systems that not only expend the Hardware progress: The AI market is in an exponential
perimeter of potential attacks but also their magnitude [21]. growth, which leads to more investments, then to more
innovations. This climate could only be beneficial for
However, it turns out that treating all security aspects in ML community. With this in mind, one can take a look
one proposition is not a reasonable task; hence, this paper is at Amazon store for example to see how the ratio of
focusing on the AC cornerstone because of its nature of hardware size to its storage capacity is decreasing
protecting the access to digital and physical resources by faster than ever before. Regarding computation
delimiting, managing and enforcing who has (has not, is capacities the progress is astonishing as well, for
obliged to have) access to what, when and under which instance, just few months ago, NVIDIA announced a
conditions [1]. 70mm x 45mm AI computer, 4 GB memory, Quad-
Furthermore, the abovementioned IoT features impose core ARM® A57 CPU and 128-core NVIDIA Maxwel
intelligent and dynamic management instead of traditional and GPU [30].
impractical one; we believe that IoT must benefit from these Software evolution: What is true for hardware also
features considered so far as obstacles, IoT nodes need to holds for software. Section II is an illustration of the
“learn to look after each other”. To do so, our research has active race in proposing new and suitable ML
confronted many speed bumps that we have tried to demolish algorithms for IoT. Besides, many dedicated and
in this article. extremely optimized ML libraries are already easing
First, the misleading idea that reduces the IoT to programmers’ life. For instance, Google’s Tensorflow
constrained devices, but more importantly: The need to exploit Lite transforms heavy TensorFlow models into
the quantity of IoT devices and data as a catalyst for security compressed flat buffers, which are then loaded into a
to emerge. mobile or embedded device [31].
Not to mention the necessity for models that go beyond Furthermore, there are several active research directions
simply defining AC policies to understand the context of each that could lead to further findings (even breakthroughs) in
smart device and continuously improving these policies, IoT-adapted ML applications: (i) parallel computing in
without falling into the trap of static management or role training phase using Graphical Processing Units and Tensor
explosion. Processing Units (GPUs/ TPUs), (ii) transfer learning in order
to swiftly transfer the knowledge from pre-trained models,
To the best of our knowledge, there seems to exist no (iii) fog computing to decrease communications overhead size,
previous work presenting a holistic ML-based framework for data traffic, user-side latency, (iv) fast optimization algorithms
IoT answering these problematics. [32].
B. IoT and Computation Paradigm C. Background
At first sight, IoT is a concatenation of two words: The aim of this section is to explore two concepts that are
“Internet”, which refers to connectivity and communication essential to understand our proposition, namely, AC and IoT
aspects; and “Things”, which is a generic and global term that architecture.
includes all kinds of objects, whether large or small, powerful
or not. In that sense, every “thing” endowed with communication In fact, AC is of paramount importance being the entry
capacity is an IoT device. Put this way, one can easily classify point of every system after the identification/ authentication
the aforementioned constrained nodes, together with mobile phase, thus securing any system must pass through (if not
phones, a Raspberry Pi board and cloud servers as IoT begin with) controlling its accesses. In the literature, tens of
devices; and can also set traditional TVs, calculators or models are handling this issue, one of the most popular is Role
pillows outside the IoT scope (unless they are connected). Based Access Control [33] (RBAC); without going into too
much details: instead of granting (or removing) a separate
Actually, no one can deny the difficulty (sometimes even permission to every subject in the network, the model
the impossibility) of implementing complex ML tools on aggregates these subjects by roles and thus gets a lightweight
several types of constrained nodes. Yet, these latters remain version of its AC policy. Yet, end devices are not involved in
ambiguous especially given the recent innovations in ML- AC decision, also, even with the aggregation of subjects into
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therefore no need for AC at all). For simplicity reasons, in 2) Inference stage request processing: Now that AC
both scenarios this entity is given the name “object owner” policies are initiated and stored in the PIP, phase 2 begins: a
(OO). subject is willing to execute an action on an object , to
As shown in Fig. 3, the object owner i ( ) owns several do so the following request is sent to the Policy Enforcement
IoT devices which can belong to any category (C1, C2 or C3). Point (PEP):
He defines their AC policies and stores them either locally, in
a distributed manner on multiple servers or even in large
networks (like blockchain) using smart contracts. Henceforth, When the PEP gets the access request, it triggers the
the location of these policies is called Policy Information process of matching (phase 3); it is the step where we go up
Point (PIP), as defined by the ISO/IEC standard for the access from concrete to abstract entities in order to reduce the
control framework [41] and the XACML related architecture complexity. So the PEP transfers (4) to the Policy Decision
[42]. Point (PDP), which in its turn requests the PIP by an:
As mentioned before, the choice of OrBAC as the (5)
background model to an IoT-oriented framework is defended
by the following reasons: First, it has the concept of After that, the PIP, responds by the corresponding
organization by design thus no need for extra dimensions to matches:
designate the OO. Also, OrBAC is distinguished by two other (6)
features crucial for IoT environments, namely an advanced
level of abstraction required to alleviate the complexity Up till now, the PDP has all the static features to take the
produced by the colossal number of devices; together with the decision. However, even if we have already handled two IoT
context incarnated in all OrBAC rules, which will ease the major worries, namely context and complexity, the process
collect of real time contextual information from the end nodes still lacking dynamism. In fact, policies are statically stored in
for better AC decisions. In a more formal sense, the AC policy the PIP without any learning from past experiences. To answer
is stored in the PIP as rules presented in this form: this, (6*) will be coupled with an extra feature: a ratio
reflecting the probability of a safe access granting given the
(1) aforementioned characteristics:
Where org stands for organization or the view owner, r for (7)
role (aggregation of subjects), v for view as a collection of
objects, ay for activity which is an abstraction of actions To do so, (1*) needs to be joined with the probability
whereas c is the context. Thus the previous rule declare that: feature which is set by default (in the policy definition phase)
In the organization org the role r has permission to execute the to p=1, then it is updated over time:
activity ay on the view v under c circumstances.
1) Pre-request stage: Policy initiation: In step one, when Now, and based on a threshold fixed by the OO, the PDP
the OO have to define a new rule, either the device o fits in can decide (phase 4) and inform the PEP, and consequently
one of the existing views v so the affectation : the requester, about the final decision. Note that this threshold
(2) is executed; if not the role is automatically created when has two essential benefits: first it gives the organization a
declaring a new permission and the subject and role get the better personalization of the framework, in addition to
same name. allowing it to define even several thresholds given the
criticality of certain resources or context.
Another key concept of this framework is the process of
matching abstract and concrete entities, it also begins in phase
one: In fact, besides the aforementioned rules, the PIP
contains two types of match functions:
Usual correspondences in the form of ( )
as shown in (2) are employed for the frequently used entities,
while generic match functions based on attributes, for
Which means if a subject s, has the
attributes then it belongs to the role . Yet since the
designation of could as well be considered as an attribute of
itself, we can use (3) for both. Fig. 3. Step 1: to define AC Policies.
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3) Post-request stage learning and upgrading: The final Note that the proposed framework is a decentralized one.
phase -5- in our process is a post access one, it consists of In fact, the concept of organization is introduced to
calculating a feedback rating of the experience, which will be decompose complex IoT environments into reasonable and
used by the PDP to generate AC policy updates leading to manageable groups, not to turn them into one giant centralized
one. For instance, if we have to manage AC in a smart city
more accurate decision in the future (a concrete example is
situation, the framework will treat this multidimensional
given in the case study section). The output will be stored in platform as a collection of organizations interacting and
the “learning matrix” which will have 6 columns collaborating with each other.
(organization, role, view, activity, context, feedback) and as
many line as the number of experiences the system could Several studies have examined the collaboration issues in
store; while feedback is a rational number between 0 and 1. OrBAC [37, 44, 45, 46], either by creating further abstract
entities, web services, or even through prior agreements
The learning algorithms run in phase 5 varies according to between the involved organizations, however the definition of
the hardware resources of the system but also according to the AC relationships using attributes that we saw in 1.b. (Table II)
layers defined in Section III-C. However, generally in is a better alternative in IoT situations since with one tool we
complex and multifaceted IoT environments we propose answer both intra and inter organizations AC concerns. An
using: RL and many resource consuming SL scheduled, for example of this scenario will be discussed in the following
example, periodically in category C3; SL up to a reasonable section, where we are exploring a smart city case study.
size of the learning matrix in C2; while leaving normal
equation stechnique or no ML at all to C1. Table II
summarizes the previously detailed steps.
For simplicity reasons, we were focusing in permission
formulas, however what goes for permissions is also valid for
obligations and prohibitions [43].
B. The Algorithm
The steps discussed in Table II are compressed in the
following Fig. 4 to explain the overall functioning of the
algorithm. In fact, the framework could be segmented into
three main time frames: (i) pre-request tasks, which handle the
definition of the AC policies; (ii) request processing,
involving all the actions triggered after an access request up
till the subject receives back a permission/rejection; (iii) post-
request actions that are responsible for the learning and policy
Fig. 4. Overall Functioning of the Framework.
Action Responsible Example
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that what is important for this CRA is whether the car is back humans learn, they always have some innate skills before
in time and its mechanical situation, and that for both features anyone comes to teach them anything.
this experience was negative, so the feedback was set to 0.6.
Finally, we believe that having the ability to personalize
The learning matrix is now updated:
the threshold, not forcing an immediate update after each
experience, and allowing explicit as well as extracted
attributes bring this framework with further flexibility and
Now we can imagine that if after a while similar feedbacks adaptability to fit the IoT requirements discussed in
comes from the same organization ( ) or under the same SectionIII-A.
context or whatever, the algorithm will detect the pattern when
the learning model is run over the collected data REFERENCES
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