19th August, 2019
The good building is not one that hurts the landscape, but one which makes the landscape
more beautiful than it was before the building was built.
---By Frank Lloyd Wright
Landscape and architecture are related to one another as we all know that our mother recites
in the trees and earth and all other forms of nature that our ancestors praised and worshipped.
It is the origin and the end of life. We humans have originated from nature therefore it is
necessary to be connected to it. Also there are various surveys that say that nature provides
peace to us therefore it is important to be connected to nature which comprises of flora and
fauna and all the forms. But due our needs and the amount we have exploited it for our need
we provide landscape that is shaping of land accordingly for psychological and aesthetical
The architects have found a way in between the two now the building and the landscape go
hand in hand with the material we use and the amount of energy a building consumes.
The green building and the sustainable building both have different aspects that respect
nature in their own ways.
Even the history give importance to landscape for example the char bagh in Taj mahal is a
Persian, Indo-Persian, and Islamic quadrilateral garden layout based on the four gardens of
Paradise mentioned in the Qur'an. The quadrilateral garden is divided by walkways or
flowing water into four smaller parts. They are found in countries throughout Western Asia
and South Asia, including Iran and India.