Fiber ITP
Fiber ITP
Fiber ITP
SECTION 40 95 33.23 20
1.4.1 Fiber Optic System
1.4.2 Fiber Optic Cable Installer and Splicer Qualifications
1.4.3 Fiber Optic System Instructions
1.4.4 Manufacturer's Qualifications
1.4.5 Fiber Optic Factory Test Plan
1.4.6 Fiber Optic Field Tests Plan
SECTION 40 95 33.23 20
NOTE: This guide specification covers the
requirements for exterior cabling requirements for
fiber optic (FO) media and pathway systems to
support Navy communications systems at Navy shore
installations including piers and permanently
constructed buildings.
NOTE: This specification covers outside plant (OSP)
campus media for supporting Information Technology
Transfer systems to include voice, data, video,
imaging, security, and audio systems used by various
Navy platforms. Navy designs shall provide a
minimum of 12 fibers plus 25 percent spare capacity
service to each facility. Pier projects shall
provide a minimum of 16 fibers plus 25 percent spare
capacity to pier enclosures. Shore to ship media
may be government furnished umbilical assemblies
with pre-installed connectors to mate with shore
receptacle stations. Navy systems for
interconnection to Defense Information Systems
Agency (DISA) networks must be compatible with
MIL-STD-188-176. This guide specification is to be
used in the preparation of project construction
SD-07 Certificates
Manufacturer's qualifications; G
Provide drawings for the fiber optic cable and pathway system. Provide
single line schematic details of the fiber optic and pathway media,
splices, and associated construction materials. Drawings shall be in
AUTOCAD.DXF or compatible format. Provide Registered Communications
Distribution Designer (RCDD) approved drawings of the fiber optic system.
Include drawing details of fiber optic terminations in equipment rooms.
Prepare and provide technicians and test equipment for field tests of FO
media. Conduct OTDR reel tests at the job site prior to installation.
Perform OTDR and end to end tests of all installed media. Conduct tests on
single mode fiber in accordance with TIA-526-7 for single mode fiber and
EIA TIA/EIA-526-14A for multi mode fiber.
Note: Designer shall specify requirements for Fiber
Optic media from the following selections:
NOTE: Coordinate with Sections 33 71 02.00 20
NOTE: Review submittal description (SD) definitions
in Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES and edit
the following list to reflect only the submittals
required for the project. Submittals should be kept
to the minimum required for adequate quality control.
SD-07 Certificates
Manufacturer's qualifications; G
Provide drawings for the fiber optic cable and pathway system. Provide
single line schematic details of the fiber optic and pathway media,
splices, and associated construction materials. Drawings shall be in
AUTOCAD.DXF or compatible format. Provide Registered Communications
Distribution Designer (RCDD) approved drawings of the fiber optic system.
Include drawing details of fiber optic terminations in equipment rooms.
Note: Design drawings shall provide physical
location details for aerial poles, underground media
routes, maintenance holes, handholes, ducts, duct
banks, pathways, cable markers, and related
hardware. Show telecommunications rooms, closets,
and backboards on drawings. Provide a
telecommunications media schedule on the drawings
with FO pair, counts, media length and pathway
length. Designer shall perform pathway fill, (max
40 percent), and media tension calculations for all
runs. Materials must be listed as RUS certified for
the application
Design drawings shall provide details for
installation of the FO cable in accordance with
Provide installation methods and procedures for installing the FO media and
pathway system. Include methods and procedures for installing FO media,
pathway, splices, and associated hardware. Submit installation procedures
and equipment list to the Contracting Officer.
Prepare and provide the government for review a test plan for factory and
field tests of the FO media. Provide factory OTDR test data as part of the
test report. Provide a list of factory test equipment. Include a FO link
performance test plan. Submit the plan at least [30][_____] days prior to
tests for government approval. Refer to TIA-569 for performance
measurement criteria. Conduct tests at all operating bandwidths. Provide
Prepare and provide technicians and test equipment for field tests of FO
media. Conduct OTDR reel tests at the job site prior to installation.
Perform OTDR and end to end tests of all installed media. Conduct tests on
single mode fiber in accordance with TIA-526-7 for single mode fiber and
EIA TIA/EIA-526-14A for multi mode fiber.
Note: Designer shall specify requirements for Fiber
Optic media from the following selections:
NOTE: The designer shall specify the number of
fiber strands. The minimum number of fiber to a
facility or building shall be 12 plus 25 percent
spare capacity. Designer shall specify loose tube
or tight tube design. In general gelatin filled
media should be used unless tight tube is required
to interface with customer terminal equipment. The
loose tube construction is more appropriate where
media is subject to numerous bends along the cable
route. This includes aerial and long distance runs
(over one Km). Tight tube design may be used for
exterior direct burial in ducts below the frost
line. For Navy projects the preferred underground
installation is within a pathway system compliant
with EIA/TIA-569. Direct burial installations shall
comply with EIA/TIA-590. Media for Defense
Information System Agency (DISA) equipment
connection shall comply with Mil-Std-188-176.
Provide FO single mode media with outer sheath jacket,[ strength member,]
ripcords, water blocking material,[ optional steel shield,] core tube, and
core fibers as installed in a permanent underground pathway system as shown
on the construction drawings. Media shall have all glass, dual window,
graded index material with a core diameter of [_____][8.7] microns. Fiber
shall be coated with a cladding material which is concentric with the
core. Fiber cladding diameter shall be nominal 125 microns. Media shall
have a transmission window centered at 1300 and 1550 nanometer wavelengths,
attenuation at 1550 nanometers shall be less than 0.5 dB per kilometer. FO
media shall comply with TIA/EIA-472DAAA,and TIA-758.
NOTE: Designer shall specify splice materials and
enclosures for fiber optic splices. The number of
fiber splices must be minimized to preserve the
transmission system signal. RUS 7CFR part 1753.f401
provides information on fiber optic splices.
2.5.1 Conduit
Test 100 percent OTDR test of FO media at the factory prior to shipment in
accordance with TIA-568-C.1 and TIA-568-C.3. Use TIA-526-7 for single mode
fiber and EIA TIA/EIA-526-14A Method B for multi mode fiber measurements.
Calibrate OTDR to show anomalies of 0.2 dB minimum. Provide digitized or
photographic traces to the Contracting Officer.
Provide stainless steel, 41.25 mm 1 5/8 inches in diameter 1.58 mm 1/16 inch
thick, and circular in shape.
NOTE: Designer must specify the depth of media
placement. Designer may specify air blown fiber
installed in new or existing underground duct
pending the approval of the media manufacturer. Air
blown fiber installation and construction materials
must be approved by the contracting officer.
Provide a marker at each change of direction of the cable, over the ends of
ducts or conduits which are installed under paved areas and roadways and
over each splice. Identification markers shall be of concrete,
approximately 500 mm 20 inches square by 150 mm 6 inches thick and stake
mounted warnings meeting the requirements of REA.
For duct line connections to existing structures, break the structure wall
out to the dimensions required and preserve the steel in the structure
wall. Cut the steel and the duct line envelope.
For duct line connections to concrete pads, break an opening in the pad out
to the dimensions required and preserve the steel in the pad. Cut the
steel and extend it out to tie into the reinforcing of the duct line
envelope. Chip out the opening in the pad to form a key for the duct line
Where connections to existing duct lines are indicated, excavate the lines
to the maximum depth required. Cut off lines and remove loose concrete
from the conduits before new concrete encased ducts are installed. Provide
reinforced concrete collar, poured monolithically with the new duct line to
take the shear at the joint of the duct lines.
NOTE: Choose one of the following options.
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number and title
in the blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
Test duct lines with a mandrel and swab out to remove foreign material
before the pulling of FO media. Avoid damage to cables in setting up
pulling apparatus or in placing tools or hardware. Do not step on media
when entering or leaving the maintenance holes. Do not place media in
ducts other than those shown without prior written approval of the
Contracting Officer. Roll cable reels in the direction indicated by the
arrows painted on the reel flanges. Set up media reels on the same side of
the maintenance hole as the pathway section in which the media is to be
placed. Level the reel and bring into proper alignment with the pathway
section so that the media pays off from the top of the reel in a long
smooth bend into the duct without twisting. Under no circumstances shall
the media be paid off from the bottom of the reel. Check the equipment set
up prior to beginning the media cable pulling to avoid an interruption once
pulling has started. Use a cable feeder guide of suitable dimensions
between media reel and face of duct to protect media and guide cable into
the duct as it is paid off the reel. As media is paid off the reel,
Do not install media utilizing the shortest route, but route along those
walls providing the longest route and the maximum spare cable lengths.
Form cables to closely parallel walls, not to interfere with duct
entrances, and support media on brackets and cable insulators at a maximum
of1220 mm 4 feet. In existing maintenance manholes, handholes, and vaults
where new ducts are to be terminated, or where new media are to be
installed, modify the existing installation of media, cable supports, and
grounding as required with cables arranged and supported as specified for
new media.
NOTE: Include tensioning and sag data on drawings
in tabular form.
Keep media ends sealed at all times using cable end caps. Take media from
reel only as it is placed. During placing operations, do not bend in a
radius less than 10 times the outside diameter of media. Place temporary
supports sufficiently close together, and properly tension the media where
necessary, to prevent excessive bending. In those instances where
spiraling of media is involved, accomplish mounting of enclosures for
3.1.7 Grounding
NOTE: Designer should verify the existence of
grounding facilities. It is essential that all
grounding facilities, new and existing, conform with
IEEE C2, NFPA 70, MIL-HDBK-419, and MIL-STD-188-124.
3.1.8 Housekeeping
NOTE: The purpose of this test is to assure the
Government and the installation contractor that the
media was not damaged during shipment.
Perform end-to-end tests including power meter light source and OTDR
tests. Perform OTDR measurements as required by TIA-568-C.1 and TIA-568-C.3.
Single mode fiber shall be tested in accordance with TIA-526-7 (Optical
NOTE: Suggestions for improvement of this
specification will be welcomed using the Navy
"Change Request Forms" subdirectory located in
SPECSINTACT in Jobs or Masters under
"Forms/Documents" director or DD Form 1426.
Suggestions should be forwarded to:
-- End of Section --