1953-Schonfeld-Analogy of Hydraulic, Mechanical, Acoustic and Electric Systems
1953-Schonfeld-Analogy of Hydraulic, Mechanical, Acoustic and Electric Systems
1953-Schonfeld-Analogy of Hydraulic, Mechanical, Acoustic and Electric Systems
A clearer conception of the analogies is pursued by t r e a t m e n t of hydraulic
systems as distinct from mechanical systems, interpretation of acoustic as
mixed mechanic-hydraulic systems, analysis of the operation of piston
mechanisms, and consideration of gyro-elements.
List of symbols.
.q cross-sectional area Q hydraulic discharge (current)
B hydraulic capacitance Qe electric charge
C electric capacitance R hydraulic resistance
c mechanical compliance Rc electric resistance
D hydraulic deliverance r mechanical resistance
E energy S area of watersurface
F force Sk hydraulic gyro-susceptance
G electric conductance Se electric gyro-susceptance
g gradient of gravity s mechanical gyro-susceptance
~,,,j mechanical glidance t time
h height watersurfaceabove datum U electric potential
H total head above datum 1.' volume
I electric current v velocity
L electric inductance II: power
31 hydraulic inertance X hydraulic gyro-reactance
m mass; mechanical inertance Xe electric gyro-reactance
P hydraulic potential .r coordinate
p pressure a',,, nlechanicat gyro-reactance
P = og H = eg: + P + -1.-'v2,
which we shall call the hydraulic potential.
F r i c t i o n in the conduit of fig. I causes a loss of p o t e n t i a l
A P = og A H = RQ,
where R = 8o31/~a 4, and R = 3[n,l/4ab a for a round tube a n d a
crevice respectively (v = kinematic viscosity). We shall call the
factor R the hydraulic resistance (for r e c t a n g u l a r and elliptic cross-
sections cf. ")).
...... zero - t e v e t
_- c. r' ,&
PI = P2 = G . . . . . ; G + c22 + G + . . . . . o.
one entrance, and likewise the terminals BC, the systems AB and
CD are said to be parallel. Then the potential difference on AB is the
same as on CD and the same as on the whole system, and the dis-
charge t r a n s m i t t e d through the whole system is the sum of t h e
discharge through A B and t h a t through CD,
W h e n the two systems are coupled in such a way t h a t B is con-
nected to C, the systems are said to be in series. Then the discharge
t h r o u g h AB is the same as through CD and the same as t h r o u g h the
whole system, and the p o t e n t i a l difference on the whole system is
the sum of the potential difference on AB and t h a t on CD.
Two e l e m e n t a r y impedances are composed in ,series or parallel
according to the following rules:
A U = Ro.I or I = G AU,
U = L dI/dt,
Qc = C A U or I = Cd(AU)/dt,
where Q,. is the electric charge of the condensor and C its capaci-
424 J . c . SCHONFELD
Complete analogy
Hydraulic Electric
vo'lume charge
discharge current
potential difference potential difference
resistance resistance
deliverance conductance
inertance inductance
capacitance capacitance
kinetic energy magnetic energy
gravitational energy electric energy
sea earth
generator (pump) generator (element)
If we consider only the formulae for the impedances, we might
also arrive at the following analogy:
Incomplete analogy
Hydraulic Electric
discharge potential difference
potential difference current
resistance conductance
deliverance resistance
inertance capacitance
capacitance inductance
kinetic energy electric energy
gravitational energy magnetic energy
The rules for joints, however, have then been disregarded. Now
we may overcome this objection sometimes by introducing mesh
currents (see the arrows in fig. 4a) so that the current in every branch
of an electric network m a y be considered as the difference of two
mesh currents s). Then the rules for a mesh (fig. 4b) are
for a water surface. The symbol for a pump, deduced from fig. I b,
denotes in particular a constant-head pump. An oscillating-head
p!~mp (membrane, piston) may be represented b y the other symbol
for a generator.
According to the complete analogy, series and parallel connections
in a hydraulic system correspond to series and parallel connections
in the analogous electric system (figs. 6a and b, and 7a and b).
Hydraulic oscillators. A U-tube as represented in fig.
8a is an example of a hydraulic oscillator. The two legs are uni-
terminal storage elements. The tube itself acts moreover as an iner-
tance. Hence we can represent the system by the scheme of fig. 8b.
e. 9 . ~
Fig. 8. U-tube.
~ _ p n
t~, I@I
a............................... _b. $ a
Fig. 9. P i t o t velocity meter.
is the velocity head (v2/2g) that activates the system, and the mano-
meter in the form of the Fl-tube will indicate this head as long as the
velocity remains constant. When the velocity is varying, the iner-
tance and resistance ill the tubes cause deviations of the indication
of the manometer from the actual value of the velocity head. Since
the manometer works as a hi-terminal storage member (fig. 3b),
the system can be represented by the scheme of fig. 9b, where the
generator denotes the action of the varying velocity head. The
resistances and inertances in the scheme of fig. 9b m a y be composed
according to the rules of series coupling, and then we obtain the
simplified scheme of fig. 9c.
The pitot meter is analogous to an electric system as represented
schematically in fig. 9d. The electromotive force of the generator
represents the velocity head to be measured, and the tension on the
condensor represents the reading of the manometer.
I I I I I I l
,~- tI t2 13 14 15 16 i? 18 =g rio ~11
-" / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 1 2 k / / / / / / / / / / / k / / / / 2 / / / / 2 / / / / 2 / / / / 2 k 2 / / 2 / / /
fresh water P~
salt water • /o~
-- i i -- i I,, i - -
body. Then the force F exerted b y each b o d y upon the other depends
on the relative velocity v ~ - v2. I n case of lubricated surfaces we
may put
F = r(v I - - v 2 ) , where r = e~,S/6,
(e = density, 7, = kifiematic viscosity of the lubricating liquid,
S = area of the lubricated surfaces, and 6 = distance between
them) m a y be called the mechanical resistance of the system. Neglect-
ing inertia, the system as a whole transmits the force F. We can also
v1 - v 2 = g , , F , where g , , = 1/r
m a y be called the glidance of the system. The resistance element
dissipates energy, per u n i t time a m o u n t i n g to W = F(v t - - v 2 ) =
= g m F 2 = r(v! - V2)2.
F = F t = F 2 = n~(~) 1 - ~ ) 2 ) ,
These rules may be interpreted both vectorially for the total veloci-
ties and forces and algebraically for the components of all velocities
and forces in any particular direction. (At least one of the forces is
negative, i.e. opposed to the sense indicated in fig. 3c).
Series and parallel coupling. Two mechanical
systems AB and CD are coupled parallel to each other if A is joined
to C and B to D. Then the movement of B relative to A is the same
as that of D relative to C, and the force transmitted by the whole
system is the sum of the forces transmitted by AB and CD separately.
Two mechanical systems AB and CD are coupled i n series if B is
joined to C. Then the force transmitted by AB is the same as that
transmitted by CD, and the movement of D relative to A is the sum
of the movement of D relative to C and that of B relative to A.
The composition rules for the elementary impedances are:
Complele analogy
Mechanical Electric
force current
velocity difference potential difference
resistance conductance
glidance resistance
compliance inductance
inertance capacitance
kinetic energy electric energy
elastic energy magnetic energy
immobile earth
generator (motor) generator (element)
pair of levers ideal transformer.
A N A L O G Y OF H Y D R A U L I C A N D O T H E R S Y S T E M S 433
_a, I I I I I I I I I t ......... I
g ~
P" F
i •
Fig. 16. P i s t o n m e c h a n i s n l s ; a. D o u b l e - a c t i o n ; b. S i n g l e - a c t i o n ,
Mechanical Hydraulic
force p o t e u t i a l difference
velocity difference discharge
inertance inertance
compliance capacitance
resistance resistance
glidance deliverance
This is represented in schemes in fig. I8.
mechanical series
_a. d_. paraLLel.
', . . . . . . . .
e x ~_"
I...... 17
- a V-b-------~--l_..J'-d--7---~-7__I-f------g'~
- - c ' c ¢
Here x,,, characterizing the reaction of the top, is called the mechan-
ical gyro-reaclance. Its value is Xm = O ) ( I p - I,)/2b=b 2, where tp
denotes the m o m e n t of inertia of the top about the main axis and I,
that about any axis normal to the main axis. The reciprocal s of x,,,
m a y be called the mechanical gyro-susceptance. Fig. 29b represents a
schematic symbol.
,W v~ vu
, E W E
,~a. _b. S C.
Fig. 31. H y d r a u l i c g y r o - i n v e r s i o n .
Hydraulic gyro-inversion
resistance deliverance
deliverance resistance
inertance capacitance
capacitance inertance
series scheme parallel scheme
parallel scheme series scheme.
Universal analogy
Hydraulic Electric Mechanical
potential potential velocity
discharge current force
resistance resistance glidance
deliverance conductance resistance
inertance inductance compliance
capacitance capacitance inertance
gyro-reactance gyro-reactance gyro-susceptance
gyro-susceptance gyro-susceptance gyro-reactance
pump generator motor
sea earth immobile
series scheme series scheme series scheme
parallel scheme parallel scheme parallel scheme.
The mechanic-hydraulic translation presented in § 7 can then be
interpreted as the result of combining the rules of the mechanical
or hydraulic gyro-inversion with the above universal analogy.
We think that the mechanic-hydraulic-electric analogies are most
elegantly treated bY means of the above universal scheme, and by
then considering piston mechanisms as the dualistic mechanic-
hydraulic analogue of the gyrators. In this way ambiguity is avoided,
and all the more simple, customary schemes can be derived easily
from the universal schemes by eliminating gyrators by means of the
rules of the gyro-inversions. Of course there is no principal objection
against deriving any of the customary schemes directly, but especial-
13, in case of complicated systems the longer way by means of the
universal schemes may serve to avoid mistakes.
Received 17th December, 1953.
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