Unit 4 Program Modeling

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• Modelling processes are used for software analysis and design before
software implementation.
• A software analysis and design helps
– A description of the system requirement
– A description of how system works
– Shows system validation
Graphical modelling languages use a diagram technique with named
symbols that represent concepts and lines that connect the symbols and
represent relationships and various other graphical notation to represent
Five Ways of Modelling an Embedded System

1. Sequential Program Model

2. Data Flow graph (DFG) Model

3. Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG) Model

4. Finite States Machine(FSM) Model

5. Petri Net Model

1. Programming using Sequential

• Idea: Use of multiple function calls sequentially

Programming model of Six sequential function calls
ACVM Example Sequential Program Model

• Run function get_user_input ( ) for obtaining

input for choice of chocolate from child.
• Run function read_coins ( ) for reading the
coins inserted into ACVM for cost of chocolate.
• Run function deliver_chocolate() for delivering
the chocolate.
• Run function display_thanks() for displaying
‘Collect the nice chocolate. Visit again!’
Sequential Programming Model of an ACVM
2. Data Flow graph (DFG)
• A program is modelled as handling the input data
streams and creating output data streams.
• A data-flow means that a program flow such that
specifically the data only determines all the program
execution steps and program flows are determined
specifically only by the data.
• Programmer predetermines the data inputs and
designs the programming steps to generate the data
Data Flow Graph (DFG) Model for
Program Analysis
• A set of data-input generates a set of data-
output and another set of input will generate
another output
Example of Data Flow graph (DFG)
• A program for finding an average of grades in
various subjects will have the data inputs of
grades and data output of the average.
• Program executes a function to generate the
appropriate output.
• The data flow graph model is appropriate to
model the program for the average.
Data Flow graph (DFG) Modelling
• A circle represents each process (set of program steps) in
• An arrow directed towards the circle represents the data
input (or set of inputs) and an arrow originating from the
circle represents a data output (or a set of outputs).
• Data input along an input edge is considered as token.
• An input edge has at least one token.
Data Flow graph (DFG) Modelling

• The circle represents the node.

• The node is said to be fired by the tokens

from all input edges.

• The output is considered by outgoing tokens,

which are produced by the node on firing.
Data Flow graph (DFG) Modeling

• There are no control conditions in steps at DFG

• A DFG does not have any conditions within it so

that the program has one data entry point and
one data output point.

• There is only one independent path for program

flow when program is executed
Data Flow graph (DFG) Modelling

• Data flow graph models help in a simple code

• A simple code design can be defined as that in
which the program mostly breaks into DFGs.
• A DFG models a fundamental program
element having an independent path.
Data Flow graph (DFG) Modelling

• A DFG gives that unit of a system, which has

no control conditions and thus a single path
for the program flow.
3. Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG)
• A control flow means that specifically only the
program determines all program execution
steps and the flow of a program

• The programmer predetermines these steps

Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG)
• The steps may have loops or condition
statements in-between.
• Data that is input generate the data output after
a control data-flow as per controlling conditions.
• Output(s) and paths taken after the steps
depends on the control statements for various
decisions in a process.
Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG)
• In the CDFG model, there is a diagram, which
graphically represents the conditions and the
program flow along a condition dependent path.

• The CDFG diagram also represents the effect of

events among the processes and shows which
processes are activated on each specific event.
Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG)
• Here, a variable value changing above a limit
or below a limit or falling within a range is also
like an event that activates a certain process.
Control Data Flow Graph (CDFG)
• A circle also represents each process (called node) in a CDFG.
• A directed arrow towards the circle represents the data input (or
set of inputs)
• A directed arrow from the circle represents a data output (or a set
of outputs).
• A box (square or rectangle with its diagonal axes horizontal and
vertical) may represent a condition

• Modelling of the steps (a) Data inputs and

Controlling input (decision) nodes shown by
test boxes in a CDFG for an FIR filter with ten
inputs and 10 coefficients
CDFG Modeling
• Helps in understanding all conditions and in
determining the number of paths a program may
• Guides us how software to be tested for each
path starting from a decision node
• Helps in analysing the program in terms of
4. Finite States Machine(FSM) Model

• A finite state machine is one that has a limited or finite

number of possible states.
• A finite state machine can be used both as a development
tool for approaching and solving problems and as a formal
way of describing the solution for later developers and
system maintainers.
• There are a number of ways to show state machines, from
simple tables through graphically animated illustrations.
A state machine as:
• A set of input events
• A set of output events
• A set of states
• A function that maps states and input to output
• A function that maps states and inputs to states (which is
called a state transition function)
• A description of the initial state
• A description of the output state
• The formal description of this state machine is the following:
• A: if input == 1 then { output 0, state = B} else { output 0, state = A}
• B: if input == 1 then { output 0, state = C} else { output 0, state = A}
• C: if input == 1 then { output 0, state = C} else { output 1, state = A}
• The initial state is A.
• The final state is C.
Example: Process State diagram
Ex1: State diagram of a Simple Soda Vending Machine
• Draw the FSM model / State diagram of
• Draw the FSM model / State diagram of
Digital Camera.
5. Petri Net Model

Idea: Abstract formal model of information flow

Major use:

Modeling of systems of events in which it is

possible for some events to occur concurrently,
but there are constraints on the occurrences,
precedence, or frequency of these occurrences.
• Consider the computer program shown below. Normally, the

instructions would be processed sequentially—first, A = 1,

then B = 2, and so on. However, notice that there is no logical

reason that prevents the first three instructions—A = 1;B =

2;C = 3—from being processed in any order or concurrently.

• With the continuing decline of the cost of computer

hardware, and processors in particular, there is increasing

interest in concurrent processing to achieve greater speed

and efficiency.

• The use of Petri nets, graph models of concurrent

processing, is one method of modelling and studying

concurrent processing
Petri Net as a Graph
:Models static properties of a system
• Graph contains 2 types of nodes
– Circles (Places)
– Bars (Transitions)
• Petri net has dynamic properties that result from its execution
– Markers (Tokens)
– Tokens are moved by the firing of transitions of the net.
we have modelled the above computer program. Here
the events (transitions) are the instructions, and the places
represent the conditions under which an instruction can be

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