Smart Village
Smart Village
Smart Village
Smart Village
Simaran Tatkare1, Snehal Shinde2, Jyoti Thankar3, Pradee Singh4
(Bachelor Of Engineering Department Of Civil Engineering Mumbai University/ Viva
Institue Of Technology Mumbai-401305)
Abstract : This project report deals with study and developmen of village as a smart village.We define smart
village as bundle of services of which are delivered to its residence and businesses in an effective and efficient
manner. “ Smart Village ” is that modern energy access acts as a catalyst for development in education , health,
security, productive enterprise , environment that in turns support further improvement in energy access . In this report
we focuses on improved resource use efficiency , local self -governance , access to assure basic amenities and
responsible individual and community behavior to build happy society . We making smart village by taking smart
decisions using smart technologies and services.
Keywords: Magic Pit or Soakpit, RO Plant, Biogas & Production, Rain Water Harvesting , Solar Street Light
In India there are 6,00,000 villages out of them 1,25,000 villages are backward so there is a need for designing and
building the village as a smart village . With modernization and urbanization people migrate from one place to another
place for different facilities such as education , employment and affinity of people towards the locality or city. Village
ismain criteria for development of nation. So, develop the village in such a way that which is self -dependant in
providing the services, employment and well connected to the rest of the world i.e. smart village . The smart village
corrects the social oversight by providing accommodations for sustainable family relationships without disturbing the
lifestyle of different generations . The vision of smart village is that modern energy access can act as catalyst for
development in education , health , productive enterprise, clean water, sanitation, environmental sustainability and
participatory democracy which helps to support further improvement in access to energy . Initially the concept of
development of village is of Mahatma Gandhi i.e. swaraj and suraj village. But, now days it is newly termed as smart
village. We know that, India is a developing nation, with the help of smart village we can make India as a SS nation.
Now days, our government also gives strong focus on smart village. Government implements so many schemes on
smart village.
Provide basic infrastructure. Quality of life . Clean & Sustainable environment . apply smart solutions . Functional
Toilets potable water electricity available in school , health entrees . Awareness of Good technology that can be
implemented in village , farms & nearby places . e.g. Drip Irrigation , Solar Panel Lighting systems on streetlights etc.
Maintain its Identity, Culture & Heritage. Home with access to toilets safe drinking water and regular power. A smart
villag knows all information about its citizen available resources applicable services and schemes.
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 Article No. X
XX VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)
Magic Pit or Soakpit:
Green Magic pit can offer a cost efficient opportunity for partial treatment of waste -grey or storm water and relatively
safe way of discharging it into the environment and therewith recharging groundwater bodies. As waste water
percolates through the soil from amagic pit, small particles are filtered out by the soil matrix and organics are digested
by micro - organisms . Sub-soil layers are water permeable in order to avoid fast saturation
Ro Plant:
Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification technology that uses semipermeable membrane to remove ions,
molecules and larger particles from drinking water. About 60% of diseases afflicting the rural population are
waterborne. So, instead of spending money on medical facilities use clean drinking water. Total population of the
JAVALGAO village is near to 5000.
Biogas P lant:
Biogas is a mixture of different gases produced by Breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Biogas can
Biogas can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, manure,municipalwaste,plantmaterial, sewage
green waste or foodwaste.
Rain Water Harvesting :
There Rainwater Harvesting is a technique of collection and storage of rainwater natural reservoirs and tanks , or the
infiltration of surface water into subsurface aquifers Directly fromroof tops and stored in tanks, Monsoon runoff and
water in swollen streams during the monsoon and Monsoon runoff and water in swollen streams during the monsoon.
Solar Street Light:
While Solar street lights harness energy from the sun to provide an alternative source of energy to conventional street
lighting Zero running cost Guarantied working in rainy weather. No schedule maintenance for up to 5 years
Environment friendly 100% powered by the sun.
● Locally produced and locally consumed energy.
● Creation of job.
● Contribution to global environment.
● For farmer e-learning etc. facility that will be able to ask there quarries online.
● New technologies in education, e-learning, desktop publishing, horoscope generation of interested person
of the village. Transportation of village into comfortable & safe space that enhance quality.
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[2 ] Dr. Milind kulkarni 2010, International journal of research in engg science & technology.
[3] Zhao Whiffing 2009, International journal of research in engg science & technology
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VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2021)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280 Article No. X
XX VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2021 (NCRENB-2021)