Trainguard MT
Trainguard MT
Trainguard MT
Trainguard MT
Intelligent and future-oriented mass transit solutions for smiling cities
Cities are becoming increasingly larger The overall performance of mass As a modern modular ATC system,
and more complex. This also imposes transit systems depends largely on the Trainguard MT offers all these
increased requirements on mass tran- performance of the automatic train features, providing the basis for
sit systems. Their operators have to control (ATC) system employed. With attractive, safe and efficient mass
cope with rapidly growing traffic flows increasing automation, the responsi- transit systems which satisfy the
and passengers' rising expectations. bility for operations management needs of both passengers and railway
Their success is measured against gradually shifts from drivers and operators throughout the world.
factors such as safety, punctuality, operators to the system.
convenience and energy efficiency. Benefits
An ATC system comprises functions for
Siemens' intelligent and future- the monitoring, execution and control Short headways by implementing real
oriented mass transit solutions of the entire operational process. It moving-block operation
support operators in successfully can feature different levels of automa-
meeting these challenges. tion such as driver-controlled train
operation, semi-automated train oper- Scalability and upgradability
We regard our customers as partners ation, driverless and unattended train
All automation levels STO, DTO, UTO
who we support through our work in operation.
sustainably developing their urban Maximum reliability, availability and
environment and making their public The ATC system continuously indicates safety
mass transit both efficient and effec- the current movement authority on
Economical maintenance
tive. You thus boost your passengers' the cab display and super vises the per-
quality of life and the attractiveness missible train speed. Color light signals Support of mixed-traffic environments
of your city as a business location. are therefore no longer required.
Flexible refurbishment and migration
The modular and future-proven
Trainguard® MT automatic train Support of holistic rail automation
control system is Siemens’ answer to solutions
the comprehensive requirements of
urban rail transport today and offers Energy-efficient driving
(saving of traction power)
the latest standard in automation at
different levels. Remote connectivity and monitoring
Performance Scalability Upgradability Mixed traffic / mode Life-cycle costs
The following train control levels can Continuous train control (CTC) • Semi-automated train operation
be used jointly or separately. Trainguard MT with continuous train (STO)
control features a bi-directional radio The train is driven automatically
Intermittent train control (ITC) transmission channel (CBTC) as well from station to station and the
Intermittent track-to-train communica- as real moving-block functionality in driver merely initiates train
tion allows fixed-block operation with combination with comprehensive ATO departure.
continuous supervision and already capabilities. Train separation according
offers automatic train operation (ATO) to the moving-block principle results in • Driverless train operation (DTO)
functionality. The intermittent train minimum headways, thereby enhanc- Train movements are fully auto-
control level can be used for parts of ing system performance significantly. mated and a driver is no longer
the line with lower headway require- Color light signals can be reduced to a required. Passenger transfer, auto-
ments or as a temporary system dur- minimum or even completely omitted. matic departure and reversals are
ing refurbishment and switchover handled by Trainguard MT. An atten-
periods. In CTC operation, the energy con- dant is present onboard the train to
sumption of trains is optimized by manage at least emergency
intelligent ATO algorithms. situations.
STO: Semi-automated train operation | DTO: Driverless train operation | UTO: Unattended train operation | n. a.: not applicable
Technical solution: ITC with STO (suburbs / commuter area)
antenna Balise antenna Point machine Axle counter Point machine Axle counter
Eurobalise Eurobalise
Technical solution: CTC with STO, DTO or UTO (city center / metropolitan area)
OPG Radar
Balises and lineside electronic unit Precise train locating using radar Reliable track vacancy detection
The ETCS-compliant Trainguard Euro- and odometer pulse generator (TVD)
balise is used for intermittent track-to- The radar sensor measures the train Trainguard MT works without any track
train communications. The balise sys- speed over ground by applying the vacancy detection system. During nor-
tem uses a transmission technique Doppler effect. The odometer pulse mal operation, all trains report their
that is based on inductive coupling generator measures the distance by position cyclically to the Trainguard MT
and data transmission with frequency counting the pulses derived from wayside units. In case of disturbances,
shift keying. There are two different wheel rotation. the TVD can be used to detect non-
types of balises: By using intelligent sensor fusion algo- reporting trains so that operation can
rithms, precise detection of the train be restored to normal within a short
• Fixed data balises are passive
speed and distance is ensured. There- time and with minimal interference.
elements for the purpose of train
fore, Trainguard MT can fulfill the Furthermore, TVD can be used for
locating without any connection
ambitious stopping accuracy require- mixed-traffic and non-equipped train
cable. They transmit only fixed
ments of +/- 30 cm and less. operation.
telegrams which tell the passing
trains their current position in the If required the Clearguard ACM axle
Remote connectivity and monitoring
network. counters can serve as a secondary track
The signaling system can be connected
vacancy detection system. Trainguard
• Transparent data balises are through a Data Capture Unit (DCU) as
MT also allows the use of other kinds
connected to a signal via a lineside the one-way data gateway for the
of track vacancy detection systems
secure connection of the signaling net-
electronic unit (LEU). The LEU will (e.g. track circuits).
work to a remote storage medium
reprogram the balise telegram every
(server) over the IoT. Via MindSphere,
time the signal aspect of the Ergonomic human-machine
the open, cloud-based IoT operating
connected signal changes. In this interface (HMI)
system from Siemens, operators can
way, the transparent data balise will analyze and merge operational and The ergonomic human-machine inter-
always transmit the respective historical system data, timetable in- face is the driver’s multifunctional
movement authority according to formation and weather forecasts or operator console. It combines a high-
the current signal aspect. information on major events in a city. resolution color TFT display, touch-
Transparent data balises and LEU are This helps to improve the performance screen operation and audible
used for ITC only. of your operation and the utilization of feedback.
your assets. Furthermore, maintenance
can be done more efficiently and
system availability can be increased.
Intelligent analysis can reveal failures
by predicting them in advance and
fixing them before they actually
Secure IP-based radio propagation for track-to-train data communications
Trainguard MT
Wayside equipment
Wayside network
Wayside subsystem
Access point
Access point Access point
Air gap
Trainguard MT
Antennas On-board equipment
On-board subsystem
System overview The Airlink radio communication system guarantees a highly reliable seamless
and redundant flow of information between the track and a train.
Secure, reliable connectivity between trains and the wayside infrastructure is a fundamental requirement in a CBTC
system. Therefore, Siemens has developed the Airlink radio communication system to ensure continuous and smooth
operation of its Trainguard MT automatic train control system. Airlink supports all levels of automation from semi-auto-
mated to fully automated train operation and ensures highly efficient train operation.
System overview
Train radio units establish multiple
wireless connections to the access
points along the track. Handover from
one radio cell to the next (roaming) is
Highest security
High-level firewalls and security func-
tions in line with well-known and
proven standards based on EN 50159
On-board equipment Antennas are provided. Encryption and authenti-
cation via IPsec (Internet Protocol
Security) using HMAC-SHA-256 in
combination with configurable key
exchange intervals prevent unautho-
rized access or manipulation of data
CSR = central system router to secure communication.
United Kingdom
New York
Spain Algeria
Venezuela Barcelona
Salvador da Bahia
São Paulo
Buenos Aires
Paris Line 1 refurbishment S-Bane, Copenhagen
Line 1 is the oldest subway line in the Paris metro Siemens is modernizing the complete mass transit network
network and carries 567,000 passengers per day. in Copenhagen consisting of, in total, 170 km of double
The project includes the refurbishment of line 1 track and 135 passenger trains. The legacy system will be
(25 stations, 16,5km) signaling system to driverless refurbished with the state-of-the-art Trainguard MT system
operation (GoA4) without service interruption including Sicas® ECC electronic interlockings and a new
(“under rolling wheel“). The 49 newly delivered trains operations control system from the Controlguide family.
have been equipped with the CBTC onboard system
Trainguard MT. The project will be executed in six phases.
The first section (early deployment) has been put into
The first fully automated train was inaugurated in
operation at the beginning of 2016. With this moderni-
November 2011 and the full automation was
zation program, the customer, S-bane, aims to increase
completed in December 2012. The system provides
now a headway of 85 sec. availability, improve safety and reduce headways for its
commuter rail operations. The new system requires very
little maintenance due to fully electronic control systems,
the use of maintenance-free and low-maintenance
equipment and the omission of wayside signals.
Austria Budapest
Budapest South Korea
Malaysia Dongguan
Kuala Lumpur Fuzhou
Hong Kong Guangzhou-Foshan
Singapore Nanjing
Nagpur Qingdao
Saudi Arabia
Published by Siemens Mobility GmbH 2018
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
81739 Munich
Printed in Germany