COMPUTER SKILLS Book 3-Answer Key Chapter 1-Hardware and Software
COMPUTER SKILLS Book 3-Answer Key Chapter 1-Hardware and Software
COMPUTER SKILLS Book 3-Answer Key Chapter 1-Hardware and Software
Practice time
A. Choose the correct answer.
1. The toggle key:
a. Page Up b. Esc c. Num Lock d. Home
2. The help key:
a. F1 b. End c. Esc d. F12
3. The key which should be ON to enter numbers using the numeric keypad is
a. Caps Lock b. Num Lock c. Home d. F1
4. The key that is used to cancel a command given to the computer is
a. F4 b. Enter c. End d. Esc
5. The key that is used to move the cursor to the end of a line in a document is
a. Enter b. Tab c. Home d. End
1c, 2a, 3b, 4d, 5d
3. Name the two keys used to scroll the page up and down.
Page up and page down keys are used to scroll the page up or down.
4. Give the names of any two function keys. Explain their function.
F1- It is always used as the help key. Every program opens a help screen when this key is
F2- It is used to quickly rename a selected file or folder in all versions of windows.
B. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. Windows 10 is an example for application software. F
2. The taskbar is found at the bottom of the computer screen. T
3. When you turn on the computer the first screen that you see is Windows Explorer. F
4. When you delete a file from a hard disk, the deleted file is stored in the Recycle Bin. T
5. We can recover any file until you empty the Recycle Bin. T
Life skills
‘A place for everything and everything in its place.’ We have learnt that the desktop is similar
to an actual desk which serves as a surface for your work. The programs or folders on the
desktop can be arranged however you want. Why should the items on the desktop be arranged
a. It looks attractive.
b. It is easy to locate a file or folder if they are neatly arranged.
Ans: b
C. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. The shape of the mouse pointer cannot be changed as per our choice. F
3. When you shut down the computer your work is saved automatically. F
4. A window that is maximized cannot be resized without restoring it to the previous size. T
3. How will you arrange icons on the desktop using Sort by option?
The sort by option is used to arrange icons by name, size, date and type of file. To arrange
icons alphabetically use the option sort by name. The steps are:
Right-click on the empty area of the desktop.
Select Sort by from the context menu.
Select Name from the sub menu
Life skills
In this lesson, we have learnt that arranging desktop icons makes it easier to locate your files
and folders. Similarly, it is very important to arrange your things like books and clothes,
neatly. Based on what you have learnt, choose the correct answer to complete the famous
quote given below.
_______________ is next to godliness.
a.Laziness b. Cleanliness c. Kindness
Ans: b
C. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. The full form for Logo is Language of Graphics Oriented. T
2. The names of the menus are found on the title bar. F
3. We can execute a command by pressing the Enter key. T
4. BK is the short for the command BACK. T
5. Reset button can be used to clear the screen. T
6. What are the three methods by which a Logo program can be closed?
Logo program can be closed using any of the following three methods:
1. Click the close button on the title bar
2. Select Exit option from the file menu
3. Type the command BYE in the input box and press the ENTER key.
B. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. The command used to hide the turtle is hide turtle. T
2. PENDOWN command lifts the pen from the screen. F
3. Home command is used to display the turtle on the screen. F
4. PENUP command puts the pen down so that the turtle can start drawing again. F
5. Home command brings back the turtle to its original position on the graphic screen. T
C. Match the following:
2. PENUP b. HT
Ans: 1c, 2d, 3a, 4e, 5b
2. Write the command to draw a line of length 50 steps in the forward direction.
FD 50
3. Write the command to move the turtle backward by 100 steps without drawing a line.
BK 100
1. d
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. c
B. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. The command used to change the width of the line drawn by the turtle is setpensize. T
2. The PRINT command displays the result in the commander window. T
3. The (+) symbol is used for multiplication of numbers. F
4. SETPENCOLOR command changes the colour of the pen. T
5. The output of the command PRINT 20>75 is FALSE. T
To draw a green coloured line of length 100 in the forward direction the steps are:
Click on the Set tab in the menu bar.
Select PenColor from the drop-down list
Select green color and click OK.
Type the command FD 100
Click Execute.
Life Skills
Priya wants to display the following message using Logo.
We must complete our work neatly and in time.
Given below are a few statements. Choose the correct one from the options given below:
a.PRINT [We must complete our work neatly and in time.]
b.PRINT “We must complete our work neatly and in time.
c.PRINT We must complete our work neatly and in time.
Ans: a
Practice time
A.Choose the correct answer.
1. The command used as a shortcut for a set of commands that are repeated is
a.Redo b. Procedure c. Repeat d. Duplicate
2. A function that is useful if you want to reuse a certain set of commands is called a.
procedure b. instruction c. formula d. none of these
3. The number of parts a Logo procedure consists of, is
a.two b. three c. Five d. four
4. While naming procedures the first character should always be a
a.number b. special character c. symbol d. letter
5. The command given to end the procedure is
a.Close b. End c. Exit d. Stop
1c, 2a, 3b, 4d, 5b
C. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. In Repeat command, the commands to be repeated should be given inside square
brackets. T
2. Procedure is a series of steps followed in a regular, definite order. T
3. A Logo command can be used as a title of a procedure. F
4. X * Y is a valid procedure name. F
5. To load a procedure, select Load command from the File menu. T
3. What is a procedure?
2. The feature that displays the name of the document and the program is
3. Status bar displays information like total number of pages and words in the document,
language used etc.
4. When you want to save an existing document in another name the command used is
Save as.
5. The text that you type in MS Word will appear to the left of the insertion point.
C. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)
1. Quick Access Toolbar contains the most frequently used commands in Word T
2. The Exit command found on the File tab is used to close a Word document. T
5. The Help Icon can be used to get any help related to using Word. T
6. Explain the steps to save a document in Word for the first time.
Steps to save a document in Word:
Click on FILE tab
Click SAVE option
A dialog box is displayed where you have to select the drive and folder where you
want to save the file
Type name of file
Click on save button. The file is saved with the extension .docx
1. Close Ravi’s document without saving and start his own work.
Assessment - 1
A.Choose the correct answer.
2. The Home key can be used to move the cursor to the beginning of a line.
4. The command used to turn the turtle in the clockwise direction is Right. 5.
CLEARSCREEN command is used to return the turtle to its starting position.
C. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. Pen drive is a storage device. T
2. The function key F1 is always used as the help key. T
3. Windows cannot be resized or moved. F
4. Reset button can be used to execute a command. F
5. PD puts the pen down so that moving the turtle draws a line. T
3. Which key is used to move the cursor to the end of the line?
End key is used to move the cursor to the end of a line.
PENUP command or PU lifts the pen from the screen so that moving the turtle doesn’t draw a
line. PENDOWN or PD puts the pen down so that moving the turtle draws a line.
Assessment - 2
A.Choose the correct answer.
5. The word processor that allows you to create and edit various types of document is
a.Windows b.MS Paint c. Logo d. Word 2010
C. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. The area where you type the text in Word 2010 is the Document area. T
2. Logo command names cannot be used as title for procedures. T
3. The QUOTIENT command can be used to find the remainder of division in Logo. F
4. When you type the command PRINT 100<75 the result is TRUE. F
5. PENNORMAL command is used to bring the pen of the turtle to normal mode. T
1f, 2d, 3b, 4e, 5a, 6c
Tabs: They are found at the top of the ribbon. They contain groups of related
commands like Home, Insert, Page Layout etc.
Groups: Related commands are organized into groups. Each group name appears
below the group on the ribbon. For example, a group of commands related to Font or
a group of commands related to Paragraph etc.
Commands: Commands appear inside each group.
You can also close a document by clicking the close button of the document window or by
clicking on the Exit option on the File tab.