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Remember Me

For SATB Choir and Keyboard

Words and Music by


In the night in which our Sav - ior was be -tray'd,


n the night in which our Sav - ior was be - tray'd,


In the night was be - tray'd,


In the night was be - tray'd,


BPl3zl0-2 @ Copyright 1989 by Beckenhorst Press, Inc. All rights reserved.

broke the bread- and to His friends He said: "Take and is my bod-y

broke the bread and to His friendsHe said: "Take and eat, this is my bod-y
- -

broke the bread- and to His friends He said:- "Take and eat, this is my bod-y

broke the bread- and to His friends He said: "Take and is my bod-y

giv'n for you; take and drink, this blood of mine is shed for Do this

giv'n for you; take and drink, this blood of mine is shed for Do this

giv'n for you; take and drink, blood shed for Do this

giv'n for you; take and drink, this blood shed for Do

poco rit.

al - ways to re-mem-ber me. re - mem-ber me.

poco rit.

al - ways to re-mem-ber me, In the

al - ways to re-mem-ber me,

ways to re- mem-ber me, re - mem-ber me."

in which our Sav-ior was He bowed His

in which our Sav-ior was He bowed His

Fa -ther cried:

your will, let this pass from ifil

your will, let cup pass from if ir

your will,spare me this In my dark est hour will you re -

be- will, spare me this In my dark est hour will you re -



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