Complete Guide Carb
Complete Guide Carb
Complete Guide Carb
HE CARB COUNTER has one purpose only—to tell you the net carb count
of as many foods as humanly possible. It is not a calorie counter, nor is it a
comprehensive encyclopedia of food counts. You won’t learn how much calcium
1 How to Use the 23 Fish & Shellfish a food has, how many grams of omega-6 fat, how much protein or how much vitamin
Atkins Carb Counter C. All of that information is available elsewhere. What is not widely available—until
25 Fruit now—is a way of answering the all-important question, “How many net carbs does
3 Atkins & Other this portion of food that I’m about to eat contain?”
Low-Carb Specialty Foods 28 Grains, Noodles & Pasta
30 Legumes Knowing that number is going to make it possible for you to do Atkins the right way,
6 Baking Ingredients
the effective way, and the way that works for you, no matter what Atkins Diet plan
7 Beef, Lamb, Pork 31 Nuts & Seeds (Atkins 20 or Atkins 40) you’re on.
& Other Meats
33 Oils, Fats, Vinegar
What’s more, we based our net carb counts on realistic amounts of food—the amount
9 Beverages & & Salad Dressings
of a food you’re actually likely to eat! Remember, manufacturers are famous for making
Alcoholic Beverages
35 Poultry “serving sizes” ridiculously unrealistic in order to make their numbers look less bad.
2 Breads, Crackers,
1 We’ve all seen examples of this: A single
Tortillas & Wraps 36 Sauces & Marinades cookie you’d eat in two bites is labeled
39 Snacks * Counting Carbs? “2 servings” with “1/ 2 cookie” constituting
14 Candy & Chewing Gum one “serving”; or a small 8 ounce bottle of
41 Soups Atkins Net Carb Count assists juice at the convenience store with a label
15 Cereals
you in tracking carbs that impact claiming it’s “2 servings”.
43 Sweeteners,
17 Condiments & Seasonings
Spreads & Syrups blood sugar. Fiber and sugar
18 Dairy, Eggs & alcohols should be subtracted Our net carb counts are based on the real
Dairy Substitutes 45 Vegetables from the total carbs since they portions of foods real people eat. If we’re
talking about an Atkins Bar, for example,
21 Desserts 49 Vegetarian Products minimally impact blood sugar. we’ll give you the net carbs in an Atkins
52 Chain Restaurants Bar—we don’t tell you that an Atkins bar is
CARBS FIBER ALCOHOLS “two servings” and then give you the net
19g - 6 g - 9g = carbs per “serving”.