Proclamation No 881 2015 Corruption Crimes Proclamation
Proclamation No 881 2015 Corruption Crimes Proclamation
Proclamation No 881 2015 Corruption Crimes Proclamation
r-Ilt; OI')J':lIo7o h'l'J!-.... " .... """"",. 1l1" t UrU Corruption Crimes Proclamation", Page 8152
r-M 01,»)':11"70 m·Il'!' IIht.~09" 0I·}·1· Il,e 2004 of Ihe Federal Democratic Republic of
f·I·"'~'l'fI. "IAlI'~ 'r f~ ~.I:·o~'m· '} .~" } ":>1,JP~'·
Ethiopia relating to Corruption Cr imes which are
uL::'C::I vcd c1:S uil\;.!eal' dur ing t h eil' l1ppliclition;
"I A lI" "71; t."le; "'Ilf If A II "'I fit. II 1-1
r--ll" OJ'}~/I·" O&onn U'~;l ' fOO", YVC WEHEREAS, it is found necessary to
'1116 M~'r:a" hm;l>~.f. W'»!/lo"f-) 0"tR.~"I1aJo address corruption offences in a separate
fOl'}J':A U"I (to.\:·) aJoil'l' h '}'l.!J·,..,: h"7y.·,:"/ proclamation rather than make them part of the
.f.A:j> 60(1-'} 0;1'/1 M'~ ~'}'l.F.~1'" "7~t.'? Criminal Code due to fast changing nature of the
1"00t-.'- If') Ooo1'f1:I offences;
(l h. r- A-, 01. 1. &0 "I 'P. 'l. 'I" II &ol\..f 'P. NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with
':T'OIl.h 111 oo'}"111'l0 h'}</oll' !/1; (Ii) ~" (1;) Article 55 ( I) and (5) of the Constitution of the
ooLP t. -10 r"t h'NI OJ· 7aJo~. A II Democratic Republic of E.lhiopia, it is hereby
proclaimed as follows :
.f.U h'l'~ "V --il" a>')J':/I-:Y. h'l'~ '~'I'C This Proclamation may be cited as the
;:r;fTii/~i'i.?:"·/-lIl1· I\m,,.il .el·"IAn "Corruption Crimes Proclamation No.
r. TC:}"J 2. Definitipn
011.11 h'l'~ OI·il'l' f :l'il. 1,1'111 fI.~ :"C'/-lI" In this Proclamation unless the conte xt otherwise
f"'l. .I'I'Im 01' IJ f.\ If~ 0 ll-r.." C }- requires:
iiI "foo')"Ill -lo 00_':.1' n.-r" "'1ll'}' """1'1. 1/ "public office" means any office wh ich
0-11. a>.f.lI" 0 hLA (l ou1"1il-'1' (l)! ,1, undertakes federal or regional government
V"t-t ... f.C h" VI...f.t-A a>.f.lI" rhAA activities and gets its budgets fully or partly
OU'}'?il'lo ,P'6o?'l' r"th"a>~·O'lo "7""'aJoll" from government;
uP J» t J' lI.·r ~l/l' 1
rI " VOU ') "I t"l-l. LP 60.,.:;: " "'111 'I' 0 au '}"I11 -1o 21 " public servant" means any person who is
uP I"(, f II. 'r 1Il"9" nuP1"1fH rA"'H' employed, appointed or elected to work
~C~'lo aJoil'l' '/-"''I'I:T 1"o.'I"T -too.~f\T either temporarily or permanently in a public
a>K.lI" 0111'11 -tOPCln (J~"'l.~-1o a>.f.lI" office or public enterprise and includes
01.1I..f'P.~-1o POt-') f"t,rh'1aJo') "'1'):;' aJoll" member of a management board;
§/"Ul'fl'f t:C)!:'''''' "7f1-l- (I"71lj'0l'9" h"lflll 41 "public organization" means any organ in the
hM<I-l- tDJ!.9" hU"lI'(I ri'f'l(Jf'l(J 61J!.9" pri vate sector whi ch in whatever way
IIU1I'1'P. "1A"1I1-'" ;}'II(l P' /'IIOIlO 1">/1111 admi nisters money, property or any other
1'(1<:.-'1' wJ!.9" fI.<I U·(l-}·'I f"'l..f'f"'·"'.e.·c reso urce collected from members or from the
hilA .,,, h "Iflll~-r J' fI(J)' h-1l1 n public or any money collected for the benefit
f"'l..f'i-J -'I' ". f'7 A IIC'i! 1\1l")T f"'l. h"·I1· -l-'I of the public which includes appropriate
compan y, but does not incl ude:
h.f' i-J-l- -'1'9")-
a) religious organizati on;
U) f'l J!."7'1' -r t:C )!:-l-'H
b) po li tica l party;
II) f 7'1I-I:i-J ~c""l"1 (TC'I;'nI
,h) r',}fl9" h</''i! t:C)!:'''''H 1.'1 c) internationalorganizat ion;and
UD) iJ ,I'.' C'1" i' UD fa fa J!. Il U<I 'l! 61 j!. 9" Yj!. "7 '1' d) edir or other similar tradi tional or religious
;J- 'P. f. II'''' .f' 1'1 ar "'I U(I C 'I II assoc iations.
1/ "h·/Il'm-l- ,rfla~ h- rn r "7f1-'1' (I,l. l 'fl'f 61 "appropriate company" means any private
t:C;P:-r p.,.**ou ;)<I.l.H, f'''61f1~ h-fl'I .f' limited company which is established
ill1") " 'Iy'/I.u '}J!.~ '''' h-rn,r hfl.lI-:Y· ;JC through the contribution of shares by public
r"'l..f'** ou ar1 f7ich'l "'I'lOC') ,f(ll.,pA~ A! organi zat io ns and in cludes joint venture
estab lished by s uch corn p,my in l'Il:l::ociati on
with others;
1/ "IIU1/'l'P. h1A"lII--l- f'l'flOflO u'n'I'" "'III'''' 71 " reso urce collected fo r the benefit of the
r-t'61f1~ PU'(I~i'fI '(I h'i!A '1 61J!.9" public" means any money, property or
UlI~i'f'l(J' 1 (lhl1l:l'<lj!. flouC Pt·), 61j!.9" resource that is collected with the intent to
II ou Y.1'i! 0> J!.V" II "'1(1 ~:J':J ..1· 0> J'.V" support, assist, encourage or deve lop the
fI "7 A "7-l- ;J-f!(I Pi'f'l(J f'l(J tD J!.9" fI II. U' ,}<I"7 whole or a secti on of the comm unity or
,.·'J!.arA (I"7'Ilj'61'9" ou'11Y: Nn 1.'1 obtained in any way wi th such inten t and
(I (1'1 h .I'.' t- 'I'''' J!' c )!: •.,. 61 J!. V" "'IU(I C administered or utilized by a charity or
assoc iat ion;
P"'I.',.P,Y.C 61J!.9" f"'l, ')'/>"""f! nll'(lr
111~'''' 61 J!. 9" U'(I')' ~(I)' l
~l"rM hY:6.H· .r: c;p:,l·" "'IfI')' h"l'1·(1 'lflm' 8/ HA Charity" means an instituti on, whic h is
U"I oufl~'r P", ou ll1(1 1f'1' flM h.t:'<I-'I-l' legally registered and establ ished exclus ively
,}<I"7 '(Iii' r·,'**oo'l flll1'l1 .... :,,9" f"'l.M' for charitable purposes and gives benefit to
</'*9" ~ar I the public;
fJ/ "fYK."'I"·'" Y:C","' '' "'11'1.). rh') t: YJ!."'I'j ') · 91 "religious organi zati on" means an
i'h;J·r-:Y· YW ry,:, ;J·~:a,. 'I fI "'I f.t- 'I. ,), h~' organizati on or inst itution of wo rship
I'I"'IM,i-'''' r"'l..r*</loo..)- .,.*V" 0lJ!.V" {1. ". established by the followers of a religion to
hV"~ '''' 1\11"1 f(l'l hY:t-H· 'H"'I p.:y,,) organize or to promote their religion but sha ll
Federal Negarit Gazelle No. 36 JnI April. 20 lS .. . .... page 8155
II "V rl\-I;I] .TC·t" "'ll\-}' h"lll'O III\(J)- U"I I0/ "political party" means an organization
ool\l.-'I· V'''''O''10 M" rr/l.,t" h)';').'\ registered under relevant laws of the country
V"'l...r/"9".r." J':C~'} ~(J)-I to promote political agenda; .
Ifi "'M 9" M'~ .I':C ~'l"" "'l t\ol" Vh. H" k .r Il t'intemational organization" means an
00")"/1\0}· 111\,'1 hlC oo')"IM" (1Jf.9" lI'}l\9" international entity or foreign charity or
h.,.t;: (1Jf.9" hll"'/~'e '1-~9" ,?C association that undertakes activities within
0"'l.Yl'.C1",· 1\9"9"~'i. oo,,-,c;'l- Oh.'l-i"A-,r Ethiopia based on agreements concl ud~d
between Ethiopia and other governments or
m·I\'I' I''''l.') '~ ''</'I\ '11\9" h"'~ 1-l\'9" (JJJ!.9"
international or regional organizations;
V(J)-·~· v01 hJ':/,.H' .I','C~,) (1Jf.9" "'luoc
HI.! "WI,ILn:H' ",-':-') v"'l.yh"m·') 1\",," 121 "temporary workerll means a person who
"'ll\'} o~o?H "f.'''mC (lh~f (1Jf.9" works for gain or without gain full time or
part time without being a penn anent worker
ll\M:y (100-1\. 'l.IL 01f.9" (I,}c~ 'I.IL
in a government office or public enterprise or
fOO')"II\ ,l- ool\ty 11.,1- mJ!.9" voo')"lIH ·
public organization and includes apprentice
A°'/-} J':c~r (JJf.9" fUlll1'P, J':C~')'
",-':-') r"'l.Yh"a~') I\a~ (1,11") ,r-I\""'lJ!:
I\,:-'r-~'" J"l-}';J'AI
13/ "advantage" means include
11:/ "'I'~'9"" "'ll\'l- f"'l.h" -I\,-}·') J't"l';J'A:-
a) any interest or right in money or in another
U) 01'>11'0 0>f.9" 0"'l'i':ftJ>-9" 'P;J lJ/lm-
on .I">r mf.9" 0"''' ')1lC;:" mf.9"
valuable item or property;
(I')'(ll.')' 'If. .1'1\') "")-9" (oo'(lr)I
b) any appointment, employment or contract;
1\ ) "">"0>")9" 0. 00 ,1'1 ~~'I'C mf.9" m'AI
,h) '(I .I':C')T "If..:V) wf.9" "'I'i';fOl")9" M c) paying, relieving. or making free from
0000 1\.9" U'~ IlhLA ooh~,A")T loan. obligation or any other liability fully
"(J</' C; ,)-')1 "'lm':-C; .f: ')1 m f. 9" II h ~ ILtJ or panly;
~1(?~" -,~ ".r:C;"rH
00) d) any service or favour intended to relieve
Phl\'r-P,l'.C1 fGO,)o,h 'O.h.C
from any actual or potential civil ,
administrative or criminal suit and
vm') tA h{J mJ!.9" l]{Jh"'{Jo>'
liabilities or incapacities resulting there
h"'l..J'ilh ')'t\ 01' "'l'i':f0l'9" ~"I,}
P:Y'II-:/' "''1T O"P,') wf.9" f.U')
(100M /If.. r"'l..~l."I" h1A "I11°·l- mf.9"
IV) "'l"rol")9" oo,o,l- mJ!.9" "I f..;J' e) any discharge or abstention from
oot.K9"') wf.9" hout.K9" ou;J"/>ll'n exercisi ng a right or an obligation ;
H/"V"'1 Mil 'I':J>.,." "'111'''' "'1/l f AIY~ '1':,..,. 141 "undue advantage" means an improper
tDJ!,'" h"lllll IIAIY~ 00,}1~ V"'1'Y ",:J>.,. benefit or a benefit obtained through
inappropriate means;
I'M "'1,}>;'.".'" OtD'H~.. ":J' f-!'111,..". II.-r',.,. 16/any expression in the masculine gender
J!. at'"6-A n includes the feminine.
r. ,...,. f"'17T+ tDg.,. r"...,.,,+ fcbo)lI 7,.+ 3. Presnmptjon of Intent to Obtajn Adyantpge
or to Injure
.,.:1' 6-). ...,lltJf IJA ,/>to OIl·,..,.C V.....fl'i' Unless evidence is produced to the contrary,
w'} )';II-:r; v.,· 4.0-T V"'1 J!.111 ",:J>.,. II "'1"1, :,. where it is proved that the material element (the
alJ!.'" 1I"'1fl1'Y -r alJ!.'" I\.~.".,} 1\01' /lOO1-.H' act) has been committed as defined in a
OVIYl- O-l'1..~11 VL OJ:.''}-,'l.OI- V-I'ool\h-l'aJo particular provision providing for a crime of
'?/~4-'e 'i:t, ~1C 004.,. ..... h.,';:;>1m ~C1..,: corruption perpetrated to obtain or procure
r,,.,,,oov.,,. .,.1/l fAIY~ ",:,..,. /l6-1l /I"'1"1'H, undue advantage or to cause injury of another
person, such act shall be presumed to have been
alJ!.'" I\I\.~ l\aJo /I...,fl1'f-r alJ!.'" Vl"fl''':;:
committed with intent to obtain for oneself or to
aln', ov{l-r rJJJ!.'" '1':,..,. l\ov1-JF!' "'} I..IY~ procure for another an undue advantage or to
J!,1 dD :J'An
injure the right or interest of a third person.
I,!!!QI 4. Principle
r./"'1'}>;'w·", VOV'}"IIl-r WJ!.'" VUlIlI'e JI,'CJ!.-r 2. Any public servant or employee of public
"'6-.,. >;' 0 .,. '":t-.,. IY> 0.,." 'P 'P t V"'1 J!, 1'1 organization who, with intent to obtain for
",:,..,. /I 6-1\. /I "'1"1, T rJJ J!,'" /II\. ~ l\aJo himself or to procure for another an undue
1\ ...,fl1'f-r OJ J!.'" 0 I\. '\ (I aJo OO{l -r
rJJ J!.'" advantage or to injure the right of another,
'1':,..,. ~ J!, 1- .II T II "'1 JI,'l:1\ 0"'11\ -0 0.,.1\ m.". directly or indirectly. accepts or solicits an
;) ~ '" >T w J!,'" "'''111 C "'1 ~ L. '? V"'l, 1'1.". '} undue advantage by performing his
"')11, J' J!.C"1 OJJ!.'" ...,1: t'? V..., J!.1'1.".', responsibility or duty improperly; or who, in
" H, f I.. C '? II I\. ~ 1\.". " J!. 'I'.}'" H.,.0 /I any other way, misuses the responsibility or
OIJ!,'" fmV.,. WJ!,'" 0...,,,'1'01'''' I\.~ public trust vested in him to procure an
00'}1.1',' /I 6-1\. 01 J!.'" 1\ 1\.'\ 1\01' '1':,..,. undue advantage for himself or another; or
I\...,M')',.,. P' t-(lmOl'" I\AfI)', OIJ!.'" VU1/'O Any person who, with intent to obtain for
hl..6- f~"I'1'n V'1'1111110:" h'}J:U'H OIJ!,'" himself or to procure for another an undue
",:,..,. /I 6-1\. /I "'1 "I, ..,. W J!,'" /I I\. ~ 1\.". advantage or to injure the right of another,
Federal Negarit Gazette No. 36 3td April, 20lS ...... .page 8157
""'1M')"·} /D~9" 01\.'1 ... .". OD·n·} /D~9" promises, offers, gives or agrees to give an
'I'~9" '1~ .,. ... '1- hVI.1.CiI ""'IY:I."1 O"'lil·n undue advantage to a public servant or
" 00" '1 II 'I- /D ~ 9" " U1I II '/! .I'.: C ~'I- fP 6-.,.;;: employee of public organization; or
f"'l M I] '1'."1>9" II ou{) III 'I- :J' A f11] 1 .1'''' I. 0 1 Any person, who gives, or any public servant
Yillll /D~'/" ""'I~1. o(J r'/-il"'I"'I h" 1.IfH or employee of public organization, who
OJ~9" Oh"lIlO' ".,.t.OOO OJ~9" Oh"lIlO' accepts, an undue advantage in consideration
/\/IIY.JA, lI o'/.t.09" foo"J"lt"l-l· ouP't.l' 0.'1- for an act of public office, public enterprise
/D ~ 9" You"1 '1 iI'I' r A "'I :,. X: C ~ ,} OJ ~ '/" or public organization properly performed or
to be perfonned, shall be deemed to have
fU1I1]'/! J:.'c~'I- P'6- f07.e11] 'I'~9"
committed crimes of corruption and be liable
""'1', 'l' /D'9" ilOJ' r II III /D.e9" h"'l1'l'.".9"
to the punishments prescribed.
fOU')"l{)'} 0I.e9" rUl'I]'!! Y:C~'I- "'6-"';;'
Y"''''O'' h"11.IfH 000-11'> OI')J':A t.''''t~'I
"'Ill.l' -I! ~ If" A ..
C/ "'11;;'111-9" fou1"l() 'I- /II.e9" rUl'I]'/! 3/ Any public servant or employee of a public
Y.;C~ '} ""6-"':;'l- organization convicted of corruption crime
shall, in addition to the punishment under the
infringed provision:
a) forfeit the profit, interest, money or
U) O"'''II"1OJ' roo-II'> OI"1J':A X: "1:''1.
property unlawfully obtained or pay its
h"'t/D"'"10'} ~"I,} 0"'l.f.I."'I6 0~1 /D'I'
equivalent value where the profit or
ou"J1$': n'rOl' '1'."1>9"1 n"l101.1'.9"
"1o(Jl.'} h "1-'Lo'9" 'I'~oo-"1r "'"(1-', property is not found;
/D~9" '),01.-1:") O"'lil"'l6-'I- Y'/-l')".".
'}C'f: oJ.e9" OIIIY.' ;>. 1-'LOIt.() 0I.e9"
'1'."1>_1 1'1110'9" lf~ ')111.'" 'I A "'1")'
Y01"1 J': A OJ· m. 'I- IJ A lf~ Uo(J'" .,. 00 "I "I '5
'I' ,~.". '/-/DC'" h',-'Loo/lil .e1.I.;JAI
II) Ooo-i!'i" /D" J': 1\. 9"tO.l' ,} ,1'1')" OJ· '1'."1>9" b) pay compensation proportionate to the
damage sustained by the public office or
1I.e'i"C9" Oou')"II1'} 00116.1' fl.,} /D~9"
public organization or public enterprise
yoo""1I1'1- A"'I'I- Y.:C~'I- OJ.e9" OU1'1I'/!
although he has not obtained any
J'.'C~'I- 1I11'} 1\.1'. ,/-,'\0'1- "'IJ'..t.{).
advantage from the offence of corruption.
h.,. I. ;J11ll IJ 1. I. iI.". .,. ... 'I- ;J C ' /-00 "I "I '5
rll'~ 'I';J '"/IIC''' 0"'l1J1J l'f ~ 'I- ;>'"1-'L h<t:A
.eY.t.,~A ..
fI./ "'/":;' ",.,/" (J.". hOD') "Ill T fP 6-1':;' 41 The provisions of paragraphs <a) and (b) of
sub·article (3) of this Article shall apply to
hU1I1]'/! .I~C~:r· "'6-.,.;;: ;JC
anyone who obtains undue advantage or
"I'rf.~'1- "'111. .I'Alf~ '1'."1>9" .1'17
causes damage to the property of a public
000"1"1i1:r· ODP't.l' fl.'l-1 000"1"1P''I-
office, public enterprise or public
YA"'I'} .I::C~:r· /II.e9" OU1,1],/! Y.'c~'I-
organization due to his relationship with a
1I11'} I\.e ,/--'10} ;>'"J.'I.Y.CII .I'Y.t.1 ;>")Y.lf~ public servant or employee of a public
;>",1.>''11]0' fll.U >.1</>". 10'() >'"1"'''' (C) organization.
J.I'.A " .(,. (U) h'O (") .<:·'l,77,P'':f-
Federal Negarit Gazette No. 36 3'4 April, 20 lS ....... page 81S8
Ii. fll1 Qe)t f1'Q me tee Oeh'i ml;gA s. Criminal l,jability of .Juridical Persons Cor
tmlt)t Crimes Of CorrnptioQ
O",')l!:A U'/o >")"'/1 j (r) ri'''' ~11D~ ll'1'e9" Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 90 (3)
fou,)"lI'l-l- fM.,.Il1.C >.11'\-l-') ItJ'.£lJ.9"C of the Criminal Code, without prejudice to
individual responsibility of the officials or
f.l."lI'lw-H fi'l'lmw- I;C~-l- O-I'l'J w')J':A
employees, a juridical person other than
'I' .. 4-.e 1f'1' I\. 1~ f Y:C~'" ;'>~L"'';f w.e9"
administrative authorities involved in crimes of
lP tr i' ?f ';f. 0 f "I ~ 'f (/J' ou m f :I' 'f (/J'"">1.
i' m 0 .,.
corruption shall be punishable with:
II a fme of Birr twenty thousand for each year
r, I 0"''111. M tr:" fI "'l.), fI.,.", fI " .1'1 II ') l\-
of penalty for crimes punishable with simple
f 'l-'" '!- 't ou '!- 'I)' l'i. U 11 C I
II hli 'tou-l- (I;r';f. ()~. Mtr-l- fI"'l.)'fl4>'" 21 a fine of Birr thirty thousand for each year of
IIhrM')p,. r'l-"I'" ~-'l' M"i l'tu -oel penalty for crimes punishable with rigorous
imprisonment not exceeding five years;
r.1 h>'9"fI'!- 'tou,!- Mh ",....C 'tou'!- ()~. 3/ a fine of Birr fifty thousand for each year of
M tr + fI "'l.)' fI-~"1 fI " )' VI ').II. f'l- '" + penalty for crimes punishable with rigorous
'tou'", '19"'1 7i.u l1C I imprisonment from five years to 10 years;
~I hMC '1ou-l- (I~J'. ().,. Mtr,l' 1I"'I..I'fl4>"1 41 a fme of Birr eighty thousand for each year of
II ".1'1 W).II. r~"'-l- 'tou,,,, 11"'1'»)' 7i.u penalty for crimes punishable with rigorous
-oCTou.,.,'" h')-'l.h'i'A .eIDfI')O;rAu imprisonment exceeding ten years.
U) r-flc; ID')J':A OOO~.O"'" O'i!')'U "IIA a) becomes a fugitive with full knowledge
"fN.1I1 oull'~.') ".I'Ol</>lOlU" 'I'~~'t that he being looked for by justice organs
OOIf.,.·) f"'l.1Atl "'1f1:}'01-!!)' ouw-"H') or after issuance of a notice or after his
release on bail in connection with crimes
")'014' 0I.e9" O'l'fI hi'fI.,..,. 0:\'1 h'i!''''u
of corruption; or
)'ou/lm "')1.IfH wJ'.9"
II) ;r fI. fI e "'16 fI. J!." ~ DJ J!. 9"
01 J!. 9" 00 b) dis-appears with full knowledge of an
II.mtrw- ou9""1'/:') >'w-of. 0lJ'.9" h'I'.I'1I impending arrest or iss ues of summons by
w.e9" (I</:TTC ,....C h'l'/I (I:\~ ,rou/lm a police officer, investigator or disappears
,,')1.IfH after arrest or detention.
(I-t-n'(I-l- w~+ (I.l."I oufll+ /I",""U without prejudice to bringing him to court
when found, or the enforcement of the
ou~l(l· 0lJ'.9" 111\,1111+ fN.all-l- fMC
imprisonment or the seq uestration of the
~"',.,. i'~. ''''l. oulf~· "'J O-fl'J 01') J':A
property on grounds of corruption imposed in
9"tn.l''''' ouOlll'l f"'l.11]w- Ul1'''' ouwlfl· his absence is punishable with a fine of not
"')1.'''mll</> 11'<;' h",""u (I"'19"IIm- .(I;F less than Birr twenty thousand and not
1I"'hMII-l- w')lA II-t-U1.(Jo}· /I"!1W)1\- exceeding Birr se venty thousand for each
'lou..,' hYJ' l'tu lIC o"'i r)fI hflll l'tu ·ne penality year imposed.
n"'1.eoAT (I'h.Il. "'1 t~'l' ,,')-'1. h'i! A
J'.Oltl,)II;t-A: :
21 The fine imposed under sub-article ( I) of this
II OILU "'Hlt 10·fI ,,'HY' ouflt:'!-
f"'l.Oltl~Ol· (I,,,"'."
T4-'/''i'a~ 1]J'.1~9" /I.1~
Article shall be collected from the property of
the convict even if he is not found .
h"'l.';fA U'(I": "')P4h~A f,1.I.,7A ..
Federal Negaril Gaune No. 36 J'" April. 2015 8159
iii "7")>;'lIJ"9" fllIJ" h-fl'i" tIJ")~II·l· Oh"»)I. II Whoever, having taken part in a corruption
tlJ,,"~ hII') 0:\" "'II~ iDS!. <;:C.\:· Il.-r crime, supplies vital information on the crime
hOO'I>l.1I- o.t.-r 1\/1.,."'00011>" Y:C1."·" committed and the role of participa:, ~
1\I\""'ll "'IS m:l''''l. ODl.J!" hflm 0.l."1 therein, before the matter is taken to Court,
ilA"'") OtilmOJo hlJA O-fl., OJ')~A
may be exempted by the competent organ
from prosecution of corruption offence
l.·)p'~hM 1I.1.l."1 J!.l·'1Au
II flIIODl.)fOJo m:l''''l.H hOJ<lfl")'i" "·C1.1:") 21 Special procedures shall be laid down in the
f :JllmOJo flOJo 1.")11 ~hM flII"'l.1.l."I0-}- relevant criminal procedure laws concerning
0·~;1· f"'l.1.)"11- Af. p'~-p'C'H· :y. h"l'111 the assessment of the vitality of the
'111 lIJ" r tIJ") A P' ~ P' C '} -r .l. "I ~ OJ fl 'i" II· u
:e: infonnation and the conditions for exemption
from prosecution of the person who has
disclosed the crime,
rl iI.:>'P, Olf~ OOA II- "1'Y 0J0 tIJJ!.'I" II.J'1T lIJ" 31 The bribe, gift or valuable thing a person has
1I"t1'1 MA "I11-t fflmOJo") "7"r(Jlo-)9" given in consideration for service he has
1'ol>9" 1. ") 1. fl m " :> II m fll1>" r 1\ mm- 1- /1 lawfully obtained or is entitled to obtain shall
tIJ J!. 'I" 1\(";1' tIJ J!.'I" '1':> ./'1Im- )1C 0 tIJ',:e: 1\. be restored to him out of the property
9"h")./'-r h-"tIJl.flm- ")1Il.-}- ,,~ forfeited to the State on account of the crime
~ODllflII;Jo A .. where he has disclosed his act of giving such
an advantage,
f!!D:()S' QlllA t;lZl,fX
I. Op:AnJl b".,q:() 011']1\'" 9 . Abllse pf Power or Be'POD'ibUUy
~I OIl!) h14>1t 'to'1I h")"'". (Ii) h" (I) 41 Notwithstanding the prOVISIons under sub-
fof-1l\8m· OSC'!" OU1'11-e .x:C~T lPt-of->,' article (I) and (2) of this Article acts
f~LO,!" hllOJo YJ!.A hflof-~1.C ,~C commined by an employee of a public
N-)')'II 1'of.T 1-n fOPlltnT'1" fOP</'Otl organization in connection with human
U'~;J- op<;'~, 'IA"'':,''1tn Oflof-.,.C O""'fI'1" resource admi nistration shall not be
tJI")~tI h,PllhM'!"1I considered as corruption offence unless the
involvement of bribes are confirmed.
! :HI outOA 10. Bribery
iii "7")':'tJI·'!" fOP't"lflT tJI.e'!" fll1l'1'l! 1/ Any public servant or employee of a public
.I':C~T "'t-',.;;: O;)'ILH: tJI.e'!" 0,..,;:' organization directly or indirectly, seeks,
"I J!.;)·w· "7.r.:': '? r"7 J!.1'lm··t 11"7.1(:': '? receives or exacts a promise of an advantage
Ol.e'l" "7.f:':o/ r~1tJ(II·") ~11"7.r.'':-/ for himself or another, in order to act or
0</'1';)''1'' In 0 ''''''1''1' t: II <100. tJI J!. '!" II I\. ~ refrain from acting, in violation of the duties
11m· '1':»9" "'}.'l_Il'l' r tn r </' T r ,,..,,0 II OJ.e'!" proper to his office, shall be punishable with
r.,.llof. ~tI r''''''OIl h't1.lI'H h·IF.~1~. simple imprisonment for not less than one
U·~;)- hh").!:" 'lou.} O"7,n1l ",,,tI M;:.,} h'1" year and fine not less than Birr three
hY' flo}- 1i.11 ,oe 0"7 .eOA 'I' OU</"". 1 OJ J!.'!" thousand or rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years and fine not exceeding
hMc 'lou,}, O"7.eOA'I' II.,. Mt-·'" h"
Birr forty thousand.
hM:1J itu -Or. O"7J!.OA'I' OU.,.',··· J!."'''IAII
,. rofZ' 1.1.~A. ');J6+ ?H."J ....C • --'ft.+" +') ru ,.,. Feden.I Nepril Guelte No. 363'" April, 2015 ....... p1ae 8161
iii DOJ1 ':' ",,'I" f lTD') "IIl''I- a> /!''I'' flJ.l''l'C I I Any public servant or employee of. public
1:e~,'" "'t-.,.,:, (J"'''m~ ;lo~L~'''' oow':-r organization who, for the perfonnance of an
"'11:':"1 f"t11Ja>'1 "'''IIJC lI"'Ih'lro" I'l.A act proper to his office, solicits or obtains an
y-u'n, " '''IlJe hoot,ooo- II"".,. a>.e'l" advantage or exacts a promise before or after
h",oou (J:\~ 'I'.r'l" "1.1!.flma>- f mf-l' T the performance of such an act, shall be
.I'1T a>/!.'I" f"'M. :JoA f"''''(J1l "')"II'H punishable, iccording to the circumstances of
"') J'. ~1~. 11-~:l" hh 1 1: 'tou-r (J"'I nil 4'~A the case, with simple imprisonment for not
Mt--l- ~" hv-Il'''' Itu -flC 0"'1 /!.IIA 'I' less than one year, or with rigorous
00.",." a>/!.'I" hM ,'" 'Joo-r II"'IY-IIA'I' 6), imprisonment not exceeding seven years and
M&-T '1.'1 hYJ' Itu lIC (1"'1 MIA1' 00"',." fine not less than Birr three thousand and not
exceeding Birr twenty thousand .
.e -I' '" A ..
Federal NeB";! Gazette No. 36 3r~ April, 20lS ....... page 8162
I/0rtu }"4'''' 'MI }"4'''' (Ii) (]DIP;: '} 21 Where the extent of the advantage. received
O'N, l\OUOJ' . w1)';A r.,.,'Y OJ' '1""'9" or the degree of responsibility or power of
h'j:1'~HT f'l'4."'~(1)< f;)'I,,-H w~'l" the person corrupted renders the crime
f p"A"", UJl' fw'J':II,' },~llO'l" hIl.(' committed under sub·article (I) of this
h.l:'C"Io}- ",')JW'H ~"I-" hM"I'I-} '}ou -} Article of particular gravity, the punishment
Mh bOt. },9"fl-l' '}(]DT II(]DY;;:fl f~:r'A shall be rigorous imprisonment from five
,,~ Mt.-l' M' h}'9"fl'} lI.u lIC O"'l.l'M years to fifteen years and fine not less than
hIlAl) lI.u 'OC O"'l.eOA'I' (]D4', .... ~1fC;A" five thousand Birr and not exceeding sixty
thousand B iIT,
r./ w")';II. fof·.I.0(]Dm· h,}lI9" },,~<;: '?lI~r 3/ Where the crime is committed in respect of a
w.e'l" "IT':· ~ ,} ,7 CO" '! f /I f P" to ;) 'I "- ~ T duty con nected wilh international trade or
w}!.9" '?J',,;J' "'1}'.IfH "",}'.~-/~, tJot;1' all,(1 transaction, the punishment prescribed in the
}, '4'1\' 'JO·fl ~\ '4'''' (Ii) w~9" (11) (]DIP;: ,} sub·articles (I) or (2) of this Article shall be
applicable. according to the circumstances of
,I' fl 4' '" A "
the case.
IiI "'11>;' m-9" h 1'I:tt. </! 7i "'I '? I\. T P"I A "I A Po ~ T 1/ Any conciliator, arbitrator, juror, trustee or
P<;:C .\': 0.,). ~'I6T "'Ol'} m'l</:T w~9" liquidator, translator or interpreter engaged
by the public authorities in their techn ical
)''''t T P"t.m-" lI"'IIJ't.(' OI1MA "'"
capacity or expert testifying before or giving
f1· j'l'OP ,t·C'i~ ol}!.9" hl'l ' /'C'i"'L w}!.9"
his opinion to judicial or quasi·j udicial
O-HH w.e9" 0 ... ~~,} ~h O~;J' .e 1-... .e
proceedings or auditor or auditing incomes
~}!. aD'" yOl' ;:1.1'; hfl,,.,I'P-,,', w.e9"
and expenditures or an engineer who verifies
P'l"lIhC~ 'l' -"'II·' P~fl'l' "'I'~(I)<9" A r. the construction according to the agreement,
),'I'</: (h,hIlTC-l')T w}!.9" ,OS wm,1 who solicits or accepts an advantage or gift
~JI.·l· f"'I, .f}'.C '? ~":"f'CT Ol}!.9" "1"'1;1' from a person interested in the matter. in
O-l'111OJ' OJ· A (]D{);:-} (]DhC;w~ " consideratio n for the performance or
f""L.f~:>'?'I' uuYVU, "'IY.· ~"I rU't,"Im-" omission of an act in violation of the duties
'III "'I .1'.:;: "I OJ.e9" "'1.1:' ;: "I P"'I.e 111(1)<" entrusted to him shall be punishable.
II"'I .1'.:;: "I 1-... r. h"'l.(]DII h-l'OJ' {)(I)< 'I.e 'l';r.9" according to the circ umstances of the case.
)'}.I!.flm<p- PmP'" w}!.9" 1'-/'.,.01'1 ",'}}'.IfH with one of the pt:'nalties prescribed under
h·H~~1~· IH;J' O/l,U )''I'J!- A),.,.,.'" I (Ii)' Article 10 (I). (2) or (3) of this Proclamation.
(11) w}!.9" (r.) h·f'oul'lh·/J-l- ~"'·H O),V\,
.e 4' '" A II
f/OIl,1I },""o O'JO·fl ),'H'''' (Ii) h1'(]Dllh'/:r 21 Whenever anyone of the persons mentioned
under sub· article (I) solicits or accepts an
()P':r. ), .,.... O'NlmOJ' ;)'1"- H ' w.e9" ' /'''II1C
(]D1P;:·l· "'1.1'.:1."1 f"'l.1'1m-' ' /''?'IC advantage or gift. before or after perfonning
an act entrusted to him, he shall, according to
lI"'IhC;w'} I\A .eU'J). -I'''I'1C h(]DLOao-
the circumstances of the case, be punishable
o,,-·l· w.e9" "LODD 0;),'1 '1''''9'' hVt()ma~ with one of the penalties prescribed under
fmf4' ro.e9" f-/'4'01l h'~II'H h·'~~1~· Article II (1) or (2) of this Proclamation.
IH;1' 011,11 "'I'J!- 0"11'''' Hi (Ii) w ~ 9"
(I) h-t'(]Dllh' I:T :to",.,.:)" O),',p,. ~4''''AII
Federal Negarit Gaulle No. 36 3.... April, 20 IS ..... page 8163
u) W} "l.r: o.K-'I" Oll.~ ""/rT 0"11C OJK-'I" a) improperly takes or ensures for himself,
n7i.r',." OJ}.'.'I" h''t.rh'i'a"~m· r60 .~e by concluding a contract or by devi s ir. ~
0'1' .l'.ell O"'l')'I'OJ''I'' r I"t· "1'}1'~')' other means, an advantage in a business
"'I'i""O)-'I" q}.'.~.). '1'.»'1" POJII..: m}.'.'I" or other undertaking •.a sale or a purchase,
}.'.,J'} ""lo'I" p"'I..f'1'5n-l-·} w-A P'I"I"l'1I
or any other transaction related with his
en K- 'I" It ~ 11.1'.. rt. /II I. h ·H~. If H
II) n "'I) ·n IJ II w- 1111 /P t.v'n OJ }.'. 'I" ;) ~ t. b) concludes a contract of material supply
h 'l-wtnm- n~}.'. Otr·, 'I'.~ r" -'"
"'I ~ 1.1J
or tennination of public works cantract or
OJ'A T r I " (,. uo* 1.'1' (11- A en f- 'J" I any other transaction at a price higher
"'I'i"I'm-'I" e et.- m-A e'I-'l"1'1I OJ}.'.'I" than that fixed by the competent authority
Om-A h ' I'DUllh-l-m' ,,-'" OJ}.'.'I" n1A "llI-')- or receives goods or services other than
those spec ified in the contract; or
(1I-'I~ f "'oj>OIl h'}J:lfH
,It ) nm'lo" "II>' n"" 60 01- " " A "I '} OJ }.'. 'I" c) in genera l, by any means, injures the
;}~t. ~.} DU,P/")' On1.6o f·,·t'lI1 U1"·} interests of the public office, public
mK-'I" 1I_III'fI</'o"') II.Mhllo~ f"'L1I)m··} enterprise or public organizalions
l'uv'}'?fI')' ou""t.)' o.·)·T I'uu'} ",,,,, .) . entrusted to his charge and wh ich it is his
duty to protect;
PA"'I'} .~·C~·'" mK-'I" PU1/1)~~ .~·e~·)·
'1'.),'1" ""'1.1'" 'I'"/I)C 0"7"":01-'1" /I.e.
l't.OuU "}":U'H
>.")F.'t'r"i· U-).;) - !'I/O}!.- 'tu",}- n"7J'-)n '/~ 'lA 3hall be pultbilallh: whh simp le Impnsonment
M.H· M' hY'I'I-l- 11.11 1le 0"7.1'.(11.1 'I' 00'i'£'" not less than one year and a tine not exceeding
III}!.'I" hMe qou'r O"7J',OA'I' b)- Mt.,)· h" Birr three thousand or rigorous imprisonment
h), '},'!.- OD·r- if.u -fie o-,.eoA."," OD~I'(.'·" .e4'''It.\1I not exceeding ten years and fine not exceed ing
Birr one hundred thousand.
r/II/I,II h'}</>l\' 1Ml h1'/>l\' (I) h'f"I'':H~.'''' 31 Where two or more of the circumstances
9"h'),p.y·:r· U'/I'" 0IY-9" hll..p II~Y mentioned in sub·anicle (2) of this Anicle
.,.f.6-CIIOI· 1\ 1"'i- :,."",. hMIC ~OP-r Mh are present concurrently, the punishment
V,f h9"()-r ~OP-r f"'l.f.C() rl~ M6--r h'j" shall be rigorous imprisonment from ten
hY.I' 1i.u l1C Mh h6--r op.y. 1i.u 'IIC years to twenty· five years and fine not less
f"'l.f.C() OP</'t Lb J'.11''i''AII than Birr twenty thousand and not exceeding
Birr four hundred thousand,
il/P OP 1"1M' OIJ'.9" fUlIl]'P. ~·c.l!"'" "'6-"''1 41 Where a public servant or employee of a
'1':"9" f"'l"l ')" ,.,. roJ'.9" P"'IfI1,)·"" ",'"1'11 public organization. without having intent to
'"I J'. <;' t. a>' :- obtain an advantage for himself or to procure
the same for another:
Il) ht·fl· mJ'.9" f~'C '1I IIOP~. 1]1I'1'~9" a) has caused a contract to be concluded ,
a>J'.9" I]lIhhl\P'1 1I11'~1I"" ~c.l!'·'" relating to a business or other
a> J'. 9" OPI'l 6- 'f a> J'. 9" h I] A II II' ~ II -r P(J1 undertaking, a purchase or sa le, or any
M,:6-'1'''' .v..·c.l!':'· M' hCfl· 1I"'l."'6-II·'" transaction related to his function
OPP'6J' 0...,.
roJ'.9" X:C.i!"l· OPllhA between his office and an organization in
(J')"IX: OIJ'.9" 1I1\.~ p'/rT 1I"11C OIJ'.9" which he himself Or his close relative is
1I·Ii.p"I.- mJ'.9" h"''i"(J)·~OI' p'6o ?C an interested party or a shareholder, or
with a charitable organization of which he
II'/·J'.PI/ 1I"'1'i"rro·9" f P'/r "I'f'i-H' I1I"A
is a founde r or a member; or
hVU.09" J'f.t.1 h')f.I1'H roJ'.9"
~/(I,W h·)<j' Y.· ')M h 'J</'Y.· (il) ht.'09" 51 For the application of sub-anicle (4) of this
"IIOP Y.: " "'III ·1· h "Ill 'II I] 11111" U"I OPIP t. ,1, Article "relative" means a person who is
h"'mC",tol' ,'JC f / »:J roJ'.9" r ;J'II:r- related to the suspect. in accordance with the
1I9"~''i" .1'110>' (1m· ~OH' relevant law, by consanguinity or by affinity.
'}l1".). O°'l.I.Cfl (j',. >.fl6-·)· M' h'/9"" i'i.lI shall be punishable with rigorous
llC hflh yofl·)· oo.y. i'i.1I ·nc n"'l.I.Cfl imprisonment from ten years to twenty years
(101"'.'" ~1'J("AIi and fine not less than Birr fifty thousand and
not exceeding Birr three hundred thousand.
'f./ /111.11 h'}"''''' '}O'1'l h'}</>" (I) 71 Where the crime specified in sub-anicle (6)
f1'OOllh·l'tn· W'}J':A f·t-&.Ooom· lI'fA'I' ~~') of this Anicle is committed negligently, the
fl1'~ >,'}I.I1'~ hyol'l')- '}oo·)· Mh tVH, '}oo.)· punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment
O"'l.S:Cfl /l~' 1. fl 6-')' 1.'0 hhP'C i'i.1I ·nc from three years to seven years and fine not
hflh '/9"" 11.11 ·nc o"'I.I.Cfl OO'foG"" less than Birr ten thousand and not exceeding
J' I'l oj> "I A n Birr fifty thousand.
:tl 1111.11 h'}oj>" ·)D·fl h'}<1''' (i) h4.709" 81 For the application of sub-anicle (6) of this
·t-mC"I6m· f"'l.fl1'C ,,~ m/!.9" '~A4. Anicle, unless the suspect proves
h>'Cfl· 4.:t' .f: w/!.'I" ilm':,o<j' m· 6 /1' f.hllfl1. satisfactorily that the password or key of the
OOIf',,'} 'l<lflt:", Ofl1""C f"'l.fl1'C "P,,'} safe is taken without his permission or
al/!.'I" <~A4-'} 11'~ '011" >. '}t.flm Y-1OO;)'An knowledge, it shall be presumed that he
disclosed such information or handed over
the key intentionally.
ill '"l'}:;: 0)'9" f OO'},?""" '" 6-..,.:;: mY-'I" 91 Any public servant or employee of public
flll'Il~~ .e,·C~T "'?''''':;: h'?Il'1I 111'1"" ~~&. organization that uses or takes password or
>. Vl.m"''I''II·r w/!.'I" >. H. J!. 11m- .f' A.,.L."I. key of safe he is not authorized to use or take
II')"} mY-9" fA"'lIm",,'} f"'l.fl'l'C "1.'a>.f.9" and as a result public property or public
'~A fj: ml'lp. foo'}"lI'l'r mJ!.'I" fU111l'C organization advantage is embezzled or lost
.e,·C ~'1' lI,n.")· mY-'I" '},nt. ,)- fOOllnt. T by him or being cause of embezzlement shall
r mM~. mY-9" .p 111"- mY-9" >. Vl.OO I/{tC T depending up on the circumstance, b;
>. ·}-'l.m ....\(· mY-9" >. Vl.m'i, .p t.t.1 >. '} t.l1'H punishable in accordance with sub-article (6)
h,}l.~l~' 1I'~;r nll.U h'}"'" '}IM h'HX' or (7) of this Anicle.
(I) ml.'I" (1;) ool"/.:" IA'''IAn
0./ °n:;:",,'I" foo'},?I'l')- "'6. ..,.~' n,),'? II Any public servant or employee of a
h'?ll·n <'iY-4,'I'.I'.·II·)'<j' f"/A ·}·nt.·r 1I'"l.f.:t."1 public organization who, takes a parcel.
O'"lll'n "Y-If') ;1,'111 1'·,'t.h/lOl"} 1':"A T envelope , document, valuable material or
h.·tnll"TT MX" tlM'.7 ~1C OIY-'I" ht.? any other object whatsoever received on
mY-'I" >,')1.;)'11'1 f,j,t:hO",,'} '"l'O"'O)"}9" deposit or under seal ; without lawful
il:t':-- authority and without intent to
\I) rhL.,., J'l'lh&.'H fOIl'll. OI}!''I'' J'l'lml'lt. a) opens or penn its to be opened, takes or
mY-9" fh'1I1,') .ell')' f'llIm m.e9" permits to be laken, communicates Or
il:t'm, '} MA r:: fl'lm >"} t.l1'H mJ.'.'I" hands over to another;or
1'1) f-I'11'1'II'III'r w.e'l" I'I.~ I'Im· >.·I .... ·/1'I1A b) makes use of such objects, or authorizes
O-r f4,'''S: h'}I.If~ I another to make use of them;
h ... I1·)- 1I.IJ ·nr. /I'"lY-/lA1' on.'.'. . tIl}!,'I" Shall be punishable with fine nol exceeding
hh'l"l'l:" 'ioo,")' 11"'1 Y-IIA l' '''''A M6-.1· seven thousand Birr or simple imprisonment ·
~"'('lAIl not exceeding five years.
Federal Neprit Gaz..ette No. 36 3101 April. 2015 ·······plSe 1166
II .,., Ii'<1>'9" f """"1 fI + aJ /. 9" f 01111'1: '}j Where a public servant or employee of a
~C~T w~~'i' ft~~ ft""I'T
T~9" public organization commits the offence
n"lMI IllI.U h.,.,.,. 11M ".,.,.,. (Ii) prescribed under sub-article (\) of this
f~""lIh+<I>''' aJ"';&\ f ~600
"tI'H"., Article in order to solicit an advantage to
".,,, ~,~. IH;t- h"" 'too-r 0.,
~ .,.<\&\
nfl himself, in accordance to the circumstances
M~T M' hl"fI-" Ito -IIC n.,/.OAT of the case, the punishment shall be simple
"".,.,-T aJ/.9" h((l)T 'tOOT O.,.eO&\T 01), imprisonment not less than one year and fine
M~-r A<; hVf ito -lie O"/.O&\T "".,.,...
not exceeding Birr three thousand or rigorous
/..,."'An imprisonment not exceeding seven years and
fine not exceeding Birr twenty thousand.
f:1 f~n<l>' T~9" hlj:-"'i'~-r aJ/.9" 3/ Where, the extent of the advantage received
fT,,"~'i'<I>' f:H"'~+ m/.9" f ...-A"''' ".::Jr the degree of responsibility or power of the
O'W h.,.,.1\'")1M h-''''''
(I) ""w,::_" culprit or renders the crime committed under
f~L""" .... ., m"J!:A h<I~ h~c"H sub-article (2) of this Article of particular
"., "tI'H :,.",-/: h"9"fl-l' 'too-} Mh M~ gravity, the punishment shall be rigorous
h9"fI-" 'JOUT (l.ODY;t.fI f"t':fA 01)0. "fI~-" imprisonment from five years to fifteen
At; hh9"fl-" ito -IIC O.,,.,fl hflM ito years, and fine not less than five thousand
-lie O.,.eO&\T 00"',,,, .etl'<;&\11 Birr and not exceeding sixty thousand Birr.
~I n,w ".,.,.,.
")1M ".,.,.,. (Ii) 41 Where the crime specified under sub-article
r-t·ODfth~.... m"';A f~L600<l>' n'f&\~'H-r (\) of this Article is committed negligently,
A.,"tI'H :,>",-" Mh ',",'T itlJ lIe f"t"ei! the punishment shall be fine not exceeding
.....,.,... /.11'<;&\ II two thousand Birr .
li,De le
""9' ,."". r-..,.ltt£ r-Omc IS. Appronriatiog and Misappropriatjog in tbe
DiSChArge of Dllties
iii f.,.e 1/) .. ,,'!! T~9" 11""11 -r aJ.e9" 1/ If, with intent to obtain for himself or to
ft .,fI1 1 ". 0.,MI .,") 'i' <1>'9")- procure for another an undue material
tI) f oo ")"1i!T wto+';' 01leOM 000 f1lT a) any public servant in the course of a
OOU<l>''::i! ...-C'J-rT O"'~~ 71.1"1."' search. seizure or process of confiscation,
Oih.., a>-CfI m/.9" 'i'C~ 0")-11'::-" 'I/. public auction, sequestration or distrait, or
" ., "l. ~ 69" 000 aJi! ). aJ .e 9" .e 0") r ool'tl\ during any other similar procedure; or
"<;'1'<1>'9" ...- to O"tfh<;111".,0 T aI.e9"
O"tfflLtl9"OT tILl m/.9"
II) fOO')"1i!T all-'/" flJ1IfJ'e J';e~+ b) any public servant or employee of a public
w~~,:, O".,':'m·9" f...-~ h :>","t organization who by any means have the
OA:q: ft. 111- f!J'II·T', (J).e9" O,,"~ opportunity to control things which have
f + l hfJ :fill"") aI I- 9" f"tm 11.4' 'I' OJ· ' " come into his hands by virtue of or in the
course of his duties or which have been
b.4'sP";f",T fI~p..";f·'" /)11'1':> )11:1'''' Tt.
entrusted to him or are under his control;
"II(l1o")T ~")"'''.4'7i all-9" Mt ().4'sP1·") appropriates objects, legal instruments,
fall'l" all-'/" ffl(J)l A") "tI'H A")" ~1~· securities, cash, chattels or any consumable
IH;t- h"") J'; 'too+ 0., f")fl .,."&\ M~ '" thing whatsoever, he shall be punishable,
11'0' hy.fI·" ito lIe O.,/.n&\T "".,.,•• according to the circumstances of the case,
Federal Negatil Gazette No. )6 Jill April. 20lS ....... page 8167
01,1'.9" hhp'(; ,}on'1- 0"'l.l'.l1A'I' ~~. "Ilb--J- with si mple imprisonment for not less than
" .... hhp'C itll -(lC O"'l,l'.OA'I' on-h'·· one year and fine not iess than Birr three
,I'."''''An thousand or with rigorous imprisonment not
exceeding ten years and fine not exceeding
Birr ten thousand.
"C./ f ".1')' m- '1':"9" h'i: ,,.;;: ~ -} 1 f'l'o\.'''~: (Il. 21 Where the extent of advantage obtained. the
f;)~'" ~-l' w,l'.9" f p'A an f.,:jf OJ}.'.9" degree of power or responsibility of the
(I"II\ft-oT (1111,'(11 (lon')"IfI-) OJ,I'.9" (l1I1111'!! culprit or the extent of the harm to private.
.e.·C:lt'r 'I'~.9" ~,I'. f 1.Ul(ll· 1--'1 ,), h'i:1,lj'~-1' public or State interest or advantage of publ ic
011.11 h'H'" '}O'1l h'}.,.", Ui) OOIP':.)' organization renders the crime committed
f " '''''''oom-'} 61'}~A M.e.· h.l':C'tr under sub·anicle (I) of this Anicle of
h')1.II'H :"'!l'" hM-} '}oo-} Mh Mt- panicular gravity, the punishment shall be
h9"fI-} '}oo'1- IIOOY:':fI f"'l.l-A ~). Mb-r rigorous imprisonment from seven years to
fifteen years and fine not less than seven
" .... hMr 7I.u 11C 0"'1J',}1l hilA,.. 71.11 '(le
(I"7,1'.(lA'I' 00"',·"
,l'.lI' .... A::
thousand Birr and nO! exceeding sixty
thousand Birr.
iii "'1'}~(Il.9" fUO'} "I1l.1- OJ,I'.9" flllll1T II Any public servant or em ployee of a public
_~'e:lt'-l- "'~"I ' :;' 0/"6-",' 9"ln.~r '1l1o~ ore;tnization who solicits or accepts 3 gift or
OJ,I'.9" Mouflll- 1I"'':(la~ 1'1'i"'l.H·:- other advantage to procure for another
person, through the exercise of the influence ,
real or pretended, he enjoys by reason of his
being a public servant or employee of a
public organization:
/\I\,~ flm'I\'"Ifl1'~' r (1£0:1' m.M" I\,~ 'I';r.9" shall be punishab le, according to the
fmP'~ m?'I" P'/··/·O/\ h")~U'H h'J~~1~· circumstances of the case, from one year to ten
lJ·l'.:1' hh,).I~: ~OD'r h ... h t. ... e ~(1D 'r year rigorous imprisonment and fine not less
O"'L~efl 6.,. M6-r M" hY'fI'} itu lIC than Birr three thousand and not exceeding
O'"l),,)fI hI'lA ... itu 'Oe O'"lJ'.IIA1' f1'>lIll Birr sixty thousand.
ou </' ,... J'. </' '" A II
21 Where the purpose of the breach of
f+L/\10'r ~~'"I~ f1·1·)'m· 1'~'I" responsibility or duty solicited, the extent of
h'f:+>;'~r1 f1'o\.,t->;'m· r;)~L~"" mJ'.9" the advantage received, the degree of power
f I"A""} ~t:lI' 1JlJ?,9" 0"1l'1l'i'01 OOU,)"1f1T or responsibility of the culprit or the extent of
mJ'.9" Olllf1l'C f..·C~'} 'I"r9" ~J'. f~t.flm· the harm to private, public or State interests
.,.}li' h'f:+'i'H' 1111.11 h'HII' ")O'fI h'HII' or adva ntage: uf public organizati on rende rs
(li) ouwt.,} f+.tlloum-') m');t':A h'l.~. the crime committed under sub·article (I ) of
this Anicle of panicular gravity, the
h.l'.:C1r "')~tTH ;r.""" hMr 'louT Mh
punishment shall be rigorous im prisonme nt
hIl6- h9""'r ~01>'r /\ou.l'.:t. ... fon"A tl~·
from seven years to fifleen years an d fi ne not
M6-r M" hMr itu 1lC f'"lJ"}'" hh')f..·
0II.y. 1I.U llC f"'l.enl.\1' au"','.'
less than Birr seven thou sand and nO l
exceeding Birr one hundred thousand.
r.t OIl.U h'H'1I' O,)O'fI t.'HII' (ll) h'''''t.lI~.·)· 3/ Wh ere two or mort: 01 the ,'lfCUIn;:.tancc::.
9"ln ,1'1'..:y. u·/",: 1DJ'.9" hll..f O~J'. ment ioned in sub-anlcle (2) of this Anlcle
+~'~COm· 1'\.1'f. '}""I: hhflC ,}ou·l· Mh are present concurrently, the pun ishment
'I' 119""'r 'lou ,} r"'L~c", tl~· M6-'} M" shall be rigorous imprisonment from tcn
h~","'e itll 'oe P'"I,n ... h'i' IW'II 'l ' OD'r·
yea rs to twenty-five years and finc not less
itu lIC f'"l.eOA'I' ou'N'" .etf'lA .. than Birr ten thousand and not exceeding Birr
two hundred tho usand.
iii '"1')>;'.,.'1" fou') "III ,1· OJ?'I" P"11(]Q! II Any public servant or employee of. public
.I~·e~T "'6-"'~: f'"lJ'.l1) 1':"9" l16-fl· organization who, with intent to obtain an
undu e advantage for him se lf:
/\'"1'71')' O'"lflll~
IJ) fl.h.tA f'"lMI) OD\J''''') 0>J'.9" OU'? a) collects or orders the collection of taxes,
dues, miscellaneous revenues or in comes,
h+mMOl' :h~'f: II~? OUU'~.") h'm'"
wages, salaries, compensation or other
"'t.1'T "I·OeT AI' AI' 'Ill m?9" AI' AI'
expenses, which he knows not to be due or
flll 'I';r.9"1 9"'}}I 1 1.OUmllT 'lUI 1DJ'.9"
to be in excess of what is legally due; or
I\,~ mm. ff'lnllO w?9" h 'J}!.I\OI\,O ,1111
1\) "'I<;~:m'9" ~:J' mJ'.9" h<j:, O"'L.fflt:h,o b) hands over or pays less than is due, while
Or m?9" O"'l.fl1'O '} 'I.IL '"IlIt.h,o OJ?9" consigning or disbursing any object or
ODh.tA h"'l.,I)m· 11"'')(1 1DJ'.9" money;
fh"-/\ h '} ~U'H
"1I.~1~. IJ·~;J"hll')f..· 'lOUT O'"l,p'}fI "'~A shall be punishable, according to the
circumstances of the case, with simple
hIl6-'} M' hY'fI-'I' 1I.U ·oe O"'lJ'.OA'I'
ou.,.,·.mJ'.9" ht.p'e 'lOU'} n'"lJ'.OA1' tl~·
imprisonment for not less than one year, and
a fine not exceeding Birr three thousand or
MtoT h<; hlll"c 1I.U ,oe O"'lJ"M h"'~" with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding
11." 1le O'"l?IIA1' ou.,.,·.. ?"''''An ten years and fine not less than ten thousand
Birr and not exceeding thiny thousand Birr.
Federal Nllprit Gautte No. 36 3'" April, lOIS ....... pap 1169
~I ;)'1"-H: wf. 'I" "I J1.;J-Cf/' ~ 'J "I. "I fI 21 Where the purpose of the breach of
f'I'~.1I10.)- ~ 'I "7 T f +1 1" Cf/' '1'."1>'1" responsibility or duty solicited, the exteht of
h",.,.:;O) ·'\-1 f'l''\.'''>;< aJ' f;)" "- H· wAV" the advantage received, the degree of power
f P' A "I ") .r. t:1I" w f. 'I" 0"1 Mt 0(\ T or resporuibillty of the culprit or the extent of
OOO")"'1f1:t-T wA'I" OU1WI! ~C)!::t- '1'."1>'1" the harm to private, public or State interests
"A f .r.UIOJ- '/ol\:t- h~"'>;'H' Olto h ").,." rendors the crime committed under sub-
')C)·II h")4' " (li) OOWt::t- f+LIIOOCf/'') article (1) of this Article of particular gravity,
w')J':A M~ h~cH ~").r.II'H ."1>"111 the punishment shall be rigorous
hM:t- ~oo:t- Mh hill,. h'l"fI:t- ~oo:t imprisonment from seven years to fifteen
llooY:al f"?l·A II), Afllr:t- M- hM:t- ltu years and fine not less than Birr seven
oflC O"7nfl M- hilAtt li.u O(\C O"7f.OA'I' thousand and not exceeding Birr sixty
00.,.'...f.1I' .... AII thousand.
r/ Oll.u "").,.,, O")(Iofl h").,." (I) 31 Where rwo or more of the circumstances
h+Ilt:II(.·}o V"h"),I'·,.l· 11-111: wA'I" hlt.l' mentioned in sub-article (2) of this Article
0'1 f. + 1.1,. C 0 Cf/' I\.1"f. ."I> "11: h M C ~ oo:t- are present concurtently, the punishment
Mh '/,1' hV"M' 'Joo,}o f"?.r.CII II), MIr:t- shall be rigorous imprisor\ment from ten
Ae; hhp'c ltu oflC f"7,1'")fI M' hh")~ years to twenty five years and fine not less
OOoI'ltu oflC f"7AOA'I' au.,.,...
f.1I' .... AII than Birr ten thousand and not exceeding Birr
one hundred thousand.
2/ Olto h').,." ')(Iofl A").,." (li) 41 Where the crime specified under sub-article
f+ODllh,,·Cf/' 01') J!:A rT.tOOOOJo (I) of this Article is committed negligently, it
Or t\ +'h :t- ~ ') .r. tl'H ."I> '"1: "''1 A M I,.:t- be
Ae; 00.,.'. .
shall punishable
imprisonment and fine .
with simple
"7")':' .... '1" f OO ')"'1f1t OJAV" fU1WI! ~c)!:,}o Any Public servant or employee of a public
wlr+'i' 0;)'1"-~1: IVAV" 1Ip'1r1JJo V"h")lt organization who, with intent to obtain an
0"'~1lII:t- ',.1\ A '1A '1'."1>'1" '1I\0J0 "7')lj' 0J0'l" advantage, directly or indirectly, from any
flm- 0.,.'1';J. 01 A 'I" II +11.,..,.
t: '1'."1>'1" person interested in 8 matter brought to his
1I"7'7T''\-1 0'/01\'" "A 'I'<l-V" ,I'1I1JJo") attention. by reason of his responsibility or duty;
"7")'i'0J0")'I" 011') 11 00'1'''''1" OIA'I" ll oo '/o.l\t or to benefit or injure any party interested in
I\.A htl."IT hp'1r .r. ")o(\T IVAV" hOOOOt,l' such matter, fails, without good cause, to decide
0If.V" h'/-lIoo.r.OJ- h"'lre m··," .1'11 0<1: on or delays the matter or abuses the interested
rh').I't .I'AwllH .I'II1f mAV" 1111 '/01\ A") party contrary to law, manuals or directives or
,1''/0'''' A") .r.II'H ~").r. ~1~- lH;J· 000"',,, accept~d office practices, shall be punishable,
accordmg to the circumstances of the case, with
w f. 'I" 0 .,." A M Ir:t- 01 J.'. 'I" h h 'I" fI t ~oo:t
O"7AO A'I' 01), AIlIr''\- Ae; hh'l"lI:t- ltu oflC ~ne ,o r sJmple imprisonment, or with rigorous
0"7 A 0 A 'I' aD.,.,....
J.'.'" "I A " ImprISonment not exceeding five years aqd fme
not exceeding five thousand Birr.
IIl.7' ,? 11l0J0") ) 1C IOh,:t d1,er fOOt h$f
19. Taking Things of Vllile Wjthout or With
"'7Tt InadeqUQte COQsiderutjml
iii "7') 'i'm' 'I" faD')"IfI '} WJ.'.V" flllWI!
II Any public servant or employee of a public
.~·C )!: ,} "'Ir+'i' ' /-1Q V"tn .1'''1- ttJ.'.'1' t:fflo organization, Who, without proper cause
.f llh~~,I' m}t.V" .PM</: h'i:.I' "7e;:"m·V" "';J receives a thing of value without payment 0;
.fll m·') ~ 1C f+"'O Il A·).r.II'H hh'l"M' with inadequate payment, shall be punishable
'laD')· 1I"7J.'.OA'I' -~"A MIr:t- ~ .... hh'l"fI:t- with simple imprisonment not exceeding five
It u 11 C 0"7 J.'. 0 A 'I' -N·a. J.'. </' "I A II years and fine not exceeding Birr five thousand.
,.. ~Jlii'e 1..t.IrA '1;16''''' ;m."l "'",C M -;'}o S'l "', Il'i..I , .,. Federal Ncgaril Gazcne No. 36 Jtd April. 20 I j ." ..... page 8170
r;.fOb7Qll 'S""g- ""lImT OJg.9" "76"'" 20. Granting or Approying ' ,jcense Improperly
lil "'1·g:m·9" fou')"1{JT '''t-1-1;' II'~ 'Oil' 1/ Any public servant who intentionally grants
'fJoh ~Alf~ OJ.e9" nll'7 1I.l"ImOJ· 1I"'1.e11J or approves a business license or work permit
I"Im· "'1<;"'fm·19" n"1.~· OJ.e9" f P't- to an ineligible person or to a perso n not
4,""1: fl"lm (Ilf,9" ,1'011.'" ,,')1I.II'H (Ilf,9" legall y entitled to obtain suc h lice nse or
h1X- ~1C f"'Lh'OJ')nT,} n;l- .PII h"1lJ·n permit, or improperl y grants or permits a
ft."'1. OJ}!'9" fl"lm >,')1I.II'H >'11.~1~. place where things are to be done , shall be
lJ' lIT O"''1A Mt·T'! OD.,.,b" (Ilf,9" punishable, according to the circumstances of
hhP'C 'lou.) 0"'1}!.0A'1' II~- Mt-T >.'! the case, with simple imprisonment and fine
hY'il'I' 7i.U ·nc n"'1.1'·}(} hlP~<'i 7i.u ·nc or with ri gorous imprisonment not exceeding
0"'1 .e 0 A 'I' OD.,.' ...·
.e.,. "I i!\ ::
ten years and fine not less than three
thousand Birr and not exceeding thin y
thousand Birr.
'iiI "'1·g'm·9" foo')"1il'1' fll'llIJ?: II Any public servant or em ployee of a public
Y:C~')' "'t-',.I;' fll') (Ilf,9" nO':: 1'10)0:- organization, being or had been in office,
Fedcnll Neprit Gautte No. 36 3N April. 20lS ....... 8171
IJ) r~C' 1...:)fm· M·') fI/IO'}- OJU· a) maintains a standard of living above that
hfl4' .1':'1" m 0 ~ 0 -r rOD') "1M' OJ J.'. 'I" which is commensurate with the official
rOllf1'P. $':C~'r Fir mJ.'.'I" 0/\.'\ income from his present or past
OD')1$': h"'l..I'1·)" m' OJJ.'.'I" 1\./'1")" m' occupation or other means; or
h~O":OJ' 1I.7'P. 11l rfIl1m ~ '}1.lI'H
(if h"lfl'O~'l' flllm, U"l h,l'ftml!-:j>'l" ''''011" 1/ Without prejudice to the exemptions
N ' 1. ~ 11 aJ' h ') f.. -t- III 0 oj> If" "'I') >;' OJ· V" prescribed in relevant laws, any public
(,oo').,t'I.} (Il.e'l" rU1'fI~~ Y:C~'}
servant or employee of public organization
who discloses or communicates information,
""1r1' >;' "'10. ,r AIf~ 'I'-r'l" 1I"'I"n-:" T
document or fact which is secret by its
III\,~ 1101' 1I"'1fl1')" ,}- w.e'l" n l\,~ flOJ·
nature, or have been secret by order, or is not
'I"}>9" OJl'.¥" on,n·l· ~ .f. ·/0 ... ·1· ~ Vl.1.Ct'l
intended for publication which has come to
II07Jt:~·1 O"'lt'l'(J :lP'1r0l' V"h').!'-)·
his knowledge in the course of his duties,
,1'01</'01' lI''i nmfli~ "'U,'I'C r ll'~"" ') even where his occupation or position has
OJJ.'.'I" o"'l.t'I'I'C ~ ,)J!. m O-r r ;J·lIlIm·') been ended, shall be punishable with
o>.e'l" ,\tJ'Hll ~'J"'J.'.·' M r"'IIM,IIOI") rigorous imprisonment not Jess than two
oot::l!'T I1H'. 1O.1'.'l" 'f!,(, ~1C Firm") years and not exceeding twelve years and
(Il J.'.'I" 1i-ov":') 11114" " O;\~ 11.If')'I" ~'H\ fine not less than Birr five thousand and nof
?1110 w l','I" .I't'I ·' · ~lIt. ~,)f..If·, ht/'II -} exceeding Birr thirty thousand.
Federal Neg..-i. Guelle No. 36 J'~ April. 2015 ....... pa'e 1 172
I/IIII.U h')</>'" 'lo-fl h·l."". (ii) ou(P(."I- 21 Where the crime committed under sub·anicl.
1I·'·~.lI.OU",. /D')J':A 1'<\..1-';'",. N ' lIf ( I) of this Article is aggravated due to the
criminal's special obligation to maintain secrecy
"'l.fl1'C foumllo} ./JI.:J- /D./'.9" 1-.9"~"I
or special position of trust, or to the gravity of
f " '''IIIII''I- OJ./'.9" OJ1J':1I· II·I'II./'. M: !II the damage caused by the breach of duty, the
'/-.<\.... .r ",1,(1 ~') ... tfH =/-''1'1' h~,rll ')' punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment not
'}ou.... Mh Y! '}ou .} f"?1.Cfl /l~. less than five years and not exceedi ng twenty
Mt-:r· 1-.'1 hh/"C 71.11 'IIC Mh Y9"I\ years and fine not less than Birr ten th ousand
7t1l l1C f"'l.1.Cfl OO'/'G'" ./'.If'>A .. and not exceeding Birr fifty thousand .
M t· ,} .r: t. fl !.If e; A II
3/ Whosoever. knowingly uses documents
r./ "7'g'o>9" 1101' Oll.U ,.'HlI· O'Hl'1'I ,.'HlI·
mentioned under sub·article (I) of this
(ti) (I",oullh,"ol' ouflt."" OJ~ ,hcH'
Article shall be punishable under same sub·
O.,.IIOJIO OJJ!-9" /1,1.11"" O,,.II;>;e: l\~""
article .
"lOJ'" \""1111()O -} "'}~U'~ OIW' ·HI·()
,,'}.,,'" 01,oulIll' l'o> :,.",'1' .e."nIA"
41 For the application of this article unless
9./1111.11 "-HI'.· "~.l\l\9" "7'}>;'m'9" proved otherwise any public servant or
pOU'} "I1l-} (JI.r.9" pml'l?! .r:c;t:·} employee of a public organization shall be
IP t-.,. '1' (I flao· wJ'.9" lit-fl· '1':"9" presumed that he produced or caused the
"'}"~m'A -1'ou<'i()I1- p-,.,pt- OJ~9" OJ~ production of the document where the
,1.11')' P-I'lIoIIll Il~"" OO,o/,T
fedcl1IIl Ncgarit Gazettc No. 36 3n1 April, 20lS ...... ,plgc 1174
Oi'lthc"t .... r Oltl'l· (JJ~'I" 0"'11'1 .... '1" document falsified or counterfeited in his
l. "111-11 1I<1!'1"r~· p'C ri'1'f ), 11.1I'~ name or for his advantage is found in his
i'~&-t "'1fl1.1I: 1)".,.-:0 Olli''''C 1'I~p'.') residence. vehicle, pocket or in any manner
), &-1'1. ), 1.1\ " .:> ~.... (JJ ~ 'I" ), 1.11." .:> It' under his control.
},1111.<:1.... f.1 oo:1'An
Ii/ "'11 Ii' ....9" 0'1.... f 1\." .... ') 'o'IOJ' 00 -11'1- (JJ ~ 9" I I Whosoever. with intent to injure the rights or
"'''''9'' t\ 00,. .1\ 'I- w I!. 9" t\ &-0'1. OJ I!. 9" t\ 1\." interests of another, or to obtain for himself
0'1.... i'1ft .I' t\ II' ~ "'1 'i' '1' .... 1 'I" 0011'1- or to procure for another any undue right or
w ~'I" "''''''1''
II "'1"1'f 'I- (JJ ~'I" II "'11'11')" ,1' advantage damages, tears, destroys,
0"'10'1-11 0 OD') '7 0'1'1- OJ ~ 9" 0 UlI'l 'f! X: c It':,. suppresses or takes an instrument belonging
m~ 'I" II 1111-11 M .I:' ,,~ ,..1\ 'I- to a public office or a public organization
),1.11.1.COII:" .I'''<:1r r"'""r .I'm4-r shall be punishable with rigorous
",:,,9" "I!. ), ').1\ I!.<D-A J'R.<'.1 aJI!.9" r wo'l R. imprisonment not less than three years and
},1"1I'~ hl"l'I'1' 'Joo:,. Mh l.p'c 'Joo,,. not exceeding ten years and fine not less than
1I"7."CI'I r)). M&-'I- M' hl.p'c ltll 11C Birr ten thousand and not exceeding Birr
seventy thousand.
Mh (If) ltll 11C 1I"7."CI'I 00"'""
I!.'" '" A "
I/O'w 1.1</'1\' '10-1'1 1.1</>1\' (Ii)
2/ Where the crime specified under sub-article
ri'oollhi'm- m1;i!:A ri'Looo.... }'1",LU
(I) of this Article is committed by a public
J' t\ (Do ' ) 0'1 ~ X: ), ').11..1''' .'Ilt' r ), ').11. '7 -II r
servant or employee of a public organization
}, ").I!. m 11"" (JJ ~ 'I" ), 1.11.1'1", ;) ,,4. H
officially entrusted with the drawing up
1Ii'''m.... f OP 1"11'1'1- (JJ~'I" rlllflJ'P. registration, keeping, disposal or delivery of
X:Cl:':" "'&-i'O;: )'·)R.II'H ..,,"'.,. hM'" such instrument, the punishment shall be
'JOO:" Mh Y.I' l.'I"fl'l- 'JOPT f"7.1.Cfl rigorous imprisonment not less than seven
6), M&-T },'i' hY.I' "V"1I'1- ltll 11C Mh years and not exceeding twenty-five years
h').I:' 00.,.
ltll l1C f"7.1.CIl 00'",.' and fine not less than Birr twenty five
thousand and not exceeding Birr one hundred
f./OIW h').,.1\'
')o-fl h'l4'l\' (II)
3/ Where the crime specified under sub-article
""OOllh1'OI' (JJ'))!t\ "LY09" oni9" MJ:'
~1I''i' A"
'/, /I. :,. "I'" c) X""i Ah M to T
(2) of this Article is very serious, the
punishment shall extend up to life
~I IllLU h1</>1\' ')o-ll "1</>1\' (Ii) (JJU" (II) 4/ Where the crime specified under sub-articles
ft(1llllhtCll' aflJ':A ft6./JODOJ- (I) or (2) of this Article is committed
(J:':A"'l5~T ",)1.lI'H ""1-1, hhV"IlT negligently, the punishment shall -be simple
OJ-t- J'AOt\m "'''A ),0'1&-:" )''i' hM·l· imprisonment not exceeding five years and
f~.'l:!I mg.,. 110. "\In Hr ""Omt 25. Giylng Bribe or Undue Adyantage
C/ .,'Pi'.,.9" 1'10)' 011.11 h'l']'; Oh'Hy,' If 31 Whosoever offers bribe to the individuals
"1-ou"h,/:·l· I'Ip.'f. '1-0 fl'lm ",)I:.II'~ mentioned under Article 12 of this
Proclamation shall be punishable as provided
011.11 h't-/'I1- 'to' 1'1 h,}</>/\' (Ii)
under sub-article (I) of this Article ..
01-t7PI'IIH-0)' t7P w t.+
§/ Oll.U h')</>It ')0·0 h')</>It (li)T (I) mJ'-V" 41 Where the purpose of the breach of
responsibility or duty solicited, the extent of
(C) l'11- ou l'lh1-.,. OJ'):t:A OJ'):t:A
the advantage offered or promised, the degree
h.!:"t-'l.OI' ,1'</>1.0.,. nlll1 hlj:'r-'i'HT
powers or responsibility of the culprit or the
OJI.9" ,e:C1.:f: O"lMl1T OU1,l1T
extent of the harm to private, public or State
Oou,)"IM'T mJ'-V" OUlI'l'l! Y:cl!"'" 'I':"V"
interests or public organizations renders the
~.e h<j:1-~ '''Po,.,.'t O"'ll'lh1-". fm't;t;".')
crime com mined under sub-articles (I), (2) or
h~_1l69" h'1J1.- hJl.·C1r "')l:.lI'H :"IlI'/:
(3) of this Article of particular gravity, the
hhV"I'I'''' 'Jou,,,, "l'Ih hl'l6- hV"I'I'''' 'JOD,'" punishment shall be rigorous imprisonment
I'IOD.!:"l.fI P"'l.'f·A tl~· M6-r M' from five years to fifteen years and fine not
hh9"I'I 'r itu 'OC p.,nfl hh').\:- ou:'{- less than Birr five thousand and not
itUl1C f"J'-OA'I' 011</>'·... J'-II'''-A" exceeding Birr one hundred thousand.
'(;/ foo')"1M' m.eV" fU1/'l'l! .!:"cl!''1- w6- '/-~ 5/ Any person who, in consideration for the
O'/,l'Ima. ;lo~",~,,,, oow"",. "'I1:t."1 performance by a public servant or employee of
f"'l.',q.,·') "'''I'1e ",)-'l.J'h..-.,·'} fl.A .ell'n· a public organization of an act proper to his
1-"1'l C h 00 "- 0"'" 0 '" ..,. mJ'- 'I" II "- 0 (/D 0 :>. ~ office, gives or offe rs him an advantage or a gift
1\ II.U· "'6-./' >;' ... :,,'1" mJ!.'I" l'I,n;)' f I'Im before o r after the performance of such an act,
OJM" ,"'1.0 "'Pi' 0).9" 1'1.,. r h ') I:. ~1~· shall be punishable, according to the
ci rcumstances of the case, with fine-or simple
lI'k;J- OOD'N°'" O'''~A hl'l6-')' h'O
impriso nment and fine, or with rigorous
OOO"',··T m.e'l" hh'l"f/:l- ,}oo,.,. O".eOA'I'
imprisonment not exceeding five years and fine
Il~ M6-'} "..- hh'l"fI'} ltll fie O"J'-OA'I' not exceeding Birr five thousand .
no.,. ,..j.'. </> "I &I "
FodcnIl Nepril Gazene No. 36 3'" April. 201S ······· 1176
'1./ Olto h1.,.X' h1Ml h1.,.X' (Ii) Mh (li) 61 Whe,e anyone of the crimes specified from
f1"OOllh1"1D- 1Il";(A f1"~II001D- f
(l.".H· 01"(lm.". (l.". fll'~ "1 ~II'H
"'' I sub·articles (I) to (5) of this Article is
committed by a juridical person, the court
01''f.'" h"t(lffilD- ~"'-l- 01"£Q."7 t <i:C ~ may, in addition to the punishment, give an
/I.." 1''f..,.lj'.". hoo1"1il-l- ooP'tf 1I.-l-1 order depriving the culprit, permanently or
hoo1"1p'-l- fA"7-l- ~c~-l- 1Ilf.'I" temporarily, of his right to take part in any
trade or transaction with public office, public
hUlI'l'P' ¥:C~'t- .7C "7"'1'.,,.1'1" 'Jf.~'}
enterprise or public organization.
ID-A OJf.'I" "Iilf.-l- "11', f.~()'I" Oll"</!~-l-
1Il!-'I" lI1"IIlM 1.tL f"7.hlIhA -l-M1'
1I.(l'l' .e:Y·"An
I'I.T.? lOp' )lC tOMt mg..r lOOt b,., 26. Glylpg Things Of vu'lle Without or Wjth
"'Omx Inadequate Consideration
Ii/ "71':'.".'1" fllD- 1"1/l 'l"h"f-l- ... !-<;,:.". \I Whosoever, without adequate reasons offers,
"'''I') 'i'.".'I" f oo1"1il 't- OJ f.'I" f 111,1] 'I! gives or agrees to give to any public servant
t.-C"''1· lP601"lj' OJWI" h"CfI· .7C or employee of a public organization or to
"11>- ~ -l- "lI.". "'11':'.".'1" lI." (l.". any other person related to him, anything of
J'lIh'i:J' mJ'.'J" J'IIO-t h'i:J' "'I"'fm."}'J" value without payment or with an inadequate
'1'.7 flllD- ~1C f"'':01 fflffi OJ!-'I" payment shall be punishable with simple
II 0011 m 't- f -t-II"'I"'I " ") ~ lTH hh 'J"II,"" imprisonment not exceeding five years and
'JOO'I' O"7f.OA'I' "'''A M6o-l- "" fine not exceeding Birr five thousand.
hh'J"II'} i'i..IJ ·nc O"'lf.OA'I' 00"'""
1/ OM~. OJf.'I" OhlJl]/l1D- 'lilA OJf.'I" 21 Giving or offering a valuable gift considered
A"'IY.· OO(ll:'1' "11.1"60 rOJI\~H' by national or local culture or custom as a
'l"Ah-l- f"7.fl1' 'I';J flllD- il(h;J- oollm.)' co~on manifestation of affection or giving
tJJ J!. 'J" II II :> tJJ J!. 'J" II :> 11;F f ~ C 11 "00 ¥: a gl~ to a close relative by consangui nity or
OJ!-'I" lI~Cil 1Il1\~ 11m.+- OOlIm-l- OIW affimty or to a close friend, does not
h " "'X' lI1" UP lIh·/,.". 1Il1J':A "7**"7..1' constitute a crime under this Article.
n. ,,"'qOA 27.Facjljtutjng Act of BribeD'
"7Jo;' ID-'I" /lID- lIt-/l. "7,,:f1D-J'I" 'J f. ~-l
Who,s oeve.r, even without receiving any
'I'olo'J" I] .1'1 Of 'J" " .) !>. f UP 1 "I(l 't- III f. 'I" conSlderatl~n for himself, accepts money, a
fUl'I]'!! ¥:C"'-l- P'6o" lI"7.J'h"m··) (la>' 1-/1 valuable thmg, a service or some other benefit
lIUPllm't- "l")lIil1 '1'.7 J'lIlD- ~1C1
from another with a view to giving it as bribe to
h 1 A "I flo ;1· tJJ .e 'J" lI." ~ J!. ~ -l- 'I'~'J" h lI."
(l.". f./·.,.Oll " ')~tI'H OJf.'I" f6o(l.·, f'l1h . . servant or employee of a pu bl Ie
a public '
orgamzatlOn Or uses his banking account for
y. ... 1l 1I·'1.II,1l '}.e~-l- 10(1 1\"7"'110&1 f'l'l\ such transaction or creates condition or mediates
11 11. II' ~ I {/I !-'I" 10 /1 11 '} -'l. (l "1m. U· ~;J- JD :Y"J or meeting places for such bribery, shall
J' oo;F 'f T .I'1"·f T .I' (l "'1"'1 OJ f. 'J" f 1.l\l\ be punzsha~le, according to the circ.umstances of
1I11.tI'H 1111.~% U·~;J· O+"A M6o-l- M' th~ ca~e, With simple imprisonment and fine l or
OOO""'''T {/I.e'l" hY'il-l- 'foo." Mh hP'C with ngorous imprisonment not less than three
'JUP.} O"7.1.Cil ()). "il6o-l- "" hY'lI-l- i'i..u years and not exceeding ten years; and fine not
ilC Mh hp'C i'i..u ilC O"7.1.Cil UP"'", less than Birr three thousand and not exceeding
.e." "I A " Birr ten thousand .
Fedc ...1 Nepril Gazeue No. 363'" April, 20 1S ······· 1177
1'$.06.0£ Q"", tlDm+r 18. Jlu or Pretended Authority
Whosoever, promising to perform tertain things,
solicits or accepts an undue advantage or gift
from another:
61 hoo")"lil-r OJ""" hUlfCl'l! ¥:C~-r P"t-tD- II by pretending to be still on active duty while
h;/'1J: T h1'''OJ': T h,,·l!".: h1'OJ1J: OJ""" he has been suspended, transferred, removed
p"AII)"'") OJ""" :)~.L~,,,, ho/·OJ O:\~ or dismissed from or has quitted his
oP"t-tD- ~" f il 0.., il ool'l AI employment of public office or public
organization; or
r.1 f 00 ""I il r
OJ" "" f U11 fl 'P. .l:" C~ r 31 by appearing BS a public servant, or employee
lPt-1'~ "'''If') ooill\· OOO~':O(]J ofa public organization while he is not;
/lODnm'l- N-n...,..., 1\)"-lf~ O,W h-H-t! shall be punishable with the penalty provided
01"'il 1.1.,.". (Ii) O-l-~~11a>- ool'l~-r under sub-article (I ) of this Article.
.I'-</>"'A ..
r.1 ""-)>;'.~9" I'I.~ O/W M)~ O1.1</>". II 31 Whosoever, with intent to obtain the
(Ii) UA -I-t- (tI)T (II) tTJf.9" (,h) advantages mentioned under Article 16 (I)
f-t-OD/I h-t-.". -J ",'1>9" /I """1-)" -} 0"'1/1 11 paragraph (a). (b) or (c) of this Proclamation.
II...,-g:m-9" f OD 1 "1 /l-l. tTJ .I'-9" f U1111'l! gives or agrees to give a gift or any other
¥:C~-r w,:.-r->;, il(ll:1" tTJ.I'-9" I\.~ 1'<}>9"
advantage to any public servant or employee
fl'lm tTJ.I'-9" /lODilm-r f-l-il...,..., A1"-lf~ of public organizations shall be punishable
with the penalty provided under sub-article
OtW 1.1.,.". W)O·il 1.1.,.". (Ii)
(I) of this Article.
0.,-"- ~11"" 001'1<:'1- .I'-</>"'A ..
iiI "')>;'a>-9" 1'Ia>- fOD9"~1' tTJ.I'-9" fODOD~1' 11 Whosoever, directly or indirectly, promises
0011-} J' /I.". I\. ~ 1'1.". 000 -n." 0 -I-",M or grants a sum of money, or any other
00 11 ¥: " 1-'1. m "'9" tTJ .I'-9" OD1I-I: 1 advantage whatsoever to an individual right
"-H.1·a>- 1I"¥:~"1 0"'1':1" "'f.9" to vote or to be eJected, in order to persuade
0-1-" '1''1' t 00 1 1 Y: ,.,,, 11 "'.I'-9" ., c; :fa>-9" him to exercise his right to vote or to be
I\.~ 'J.I'-~-r 1'<}>9" fl'lmT ro.l'-9" IIODl'ltn-r elected in a particular way or to abstain from
~A f11J A1"-lfH hh9"fI'I- 'Jou'l- exercising iI, shall be punishable with
O"f.OA1' 6)- Mt-'r M' h1.9"il-r /tU rigorous imprisonment not exceeding five
-nc O"'l.l'-OA'" 00</>,_ .I'-</>"'A .. years and fine not exceeding Birr five
thousand .
II foo9"~1' tTJ.I'-9" rODoo~1' oo1l-r fila>- 21 Whosoever possessing the right to vote or to
.,1>;'a>-9" 1'Ia>- OlW' 0011-1: be elected, accepts or agrees to accept a sum
A')"l.m"'9"O-r ro.l'-9" 01. 1 ¥: O-r-roM of money or any other advantage, in
oo"),.1!- A")"l.m</>9"O -} WJ!.9" consideration of exercising his right, or
" .I'-tn "'9"0-r " H. +C ,., " 11 w.I'-9" exercising it in a particular way, or of
"'I') 'f 0>-9" 11,'1 'J .I'- ~ -r 1'<}>9" f -1-.,.0 fI abstaining from exercising it, shall be
W f. 9" II 00.,.0 A f -I-il.,., ., 1 >;' 0>-9" 1'Im- punishable with the punishments provided
nrw h.,.,.". (I') 0- il 1. 1 +". (Ii) under sub-article (I) of this Article.
O-l-ou/lh·,...,. 'I>",,} .1'-</>"'1'. ..
lit ...,1'1ro·9" fOO-)"lfI-r ro.l'-'1" fU1/1J'l! I I Any public servant or employee of a public
¥:C~ ,} "'':'-1->;' -1-111. J'Alf~ 'OArl"l,) organization, with the intent to obtain for
I\t-{J. 1I"'I"rrT wf.'I" 11M 1'1a>- himself or to procure for a third person an
II "'I fl1'O; -r 0 "'11'1 -n unjustifiable enrichment, appropriates. or
fU1We f:C~'r procures for another, takes or causes to be
taken, misappropriates, uses to his own
MA "If10-r ro.l'-9" O1.~':'
benefit or that of a third person, or disposes
f-l-l'Imro'1 'I';J .1'110>-1 ~1C roJ'.'1" 1't.
of for any similar act, in whole or in pan, a
"'''11 0-/\. tTJf.9" Oh4.A /\6-1'1• .l'1.~1T
thing or a sum of money which is the
Wf.'I" 1\1\.'\ 1'10>' 'T-.~·IT fOll'lT-. T property of another and which has been
J'flwl'11.' fl'1wl' wf.'I" 1It-1'1· wf.9" delivered to him in trust or for a specific
III\." 1'1 a>- h 1 A "1/1- -r .I' 'I' /I '" .I'-'1" .I'- U1 purpose breaches trust shall be punishable
u I tUlefl
I.,,'..... A .,.,06'). ;JH.nt • .,.C M -::>n..)- rI +'J illS ",r Federai Ncprit Gazcnc No . 363'" April, 2015 ·· .. ···p.So 81 79
fOD"'MlII>"'J "'1'1'1'11>"')9" h~&-H' f~I\OD with rigorous imprisonment from three years
h'HW", hY'fl'l' 'JOD-l- hilh M."f- 'Jou."f- to seven years and fine from Birr ten
O"'1.J?Cil ~',. Mb-·l- h'1 hh .... c 1I,u -flC thousand to Birr fifty thousand.
Mh V9"'" 7i.u 'OC O"7,f.CI'I 01'.,.,'"
}.'..,. "I A "
1/ r-,.n'lI>" 'I'~9" h'\!"''i'~."f-T r'l'~-"'i'1I>" 21 Where the extent of the advantage received,
f FA "I') IDf.9" f~,\L H f.lJ!' IDf.". the degree of power or responsibility of the
Oou-)'?iI')' T Ol/WI'!! "'CJ!-."f-T OU11-11 culprit or the extent of the harm to private,
ID}.'.9" O"lM-II 'I'~9" <\.e f "ll'la>' .,.I\.l- public or State interests, or interest of a
public organization renders the crime
h"",.'i'H 011.11 h'J</'~ ,)0'1'1 h,)"'~ (Ii)
committed under sub-article (I) of this
OD"'l ')' f-I·t.KODII>"') 1Il')J>;A hfJ.v:
Article of particular gravity" the punishment
hJ:'c''/-l- h U.II'H ~"I'I: hM.:r· '}OD."f-
shall be rigorous impri sonment from seven
>.II h VJ' h 9" iI."f- '}OD."f- O"7,f. C 1'1 " ).
years to twenty five years and fine not less
M&-~' "'1 hV". ... 71.11 lIC Mh h,)y'"
than Birr fifty thousand and not exceeding
ltu -IIC O"'1.R.CiI ou'N- !!.1I'<;An
one hundred Birr thousand .
f'./ Mil h'J</'Y.. ')(}ol'l hH~ (Ii) "'1 (II) 31 For the application of sub-article (I ) and (2)
"t,lI)l9":- of this Article:
II) -,.h ... li· Oh9"~'1' OJ!!.9" OhR.b- c) up on ca ll the acc used ,unless he proves
P-I'lIma>''} 1,}II-II IIlA9" ,,:I> IIlA9" 'I'? satis factorly to produce or repay a sum
of money or a valuable object that he
I fill>"') ~'C flODODM IDf.9" flODh~A
taken or prove that he used for actual
lilA 9" " :I> II>" J'M ."f-'} U, ).;r II "'1'" f ."f-
purpose presumed to be the intent to
IIlA9" II ""0.""MA "111-'1' J''I'fllI>"
obtain for him sel f or to procure for a
ODII'~.') fI"'Il'Ill\ T 'IA7f1 'J'Ol"',)
third person an unjustifiable enrichment.
iI b-iI· w.e 9" ill\. <\ illI>" J' A 1-, fJ 'I'~ 9"
P"'1'PA " ... ·n h').'\/I(I)· !!.-l'mb-A n
9,/ IIIttJ h,)'"'' h~"09" II.fJA "h"'~')' 41 For the purpose of the implementation of this
"'1'/0 f. A " "'1i1T ""0.
J'AII'~ ·nA""I'1
Article, "breach of trust" means any act
with intent to obtain for himse lf or to procure
fI"'I'?')"l' wf.9" iIIl. ... {Jal' iI"'II'I·"'.,'I'
for a third person an unjustifiable enrichment,
0"'1 {J ·0 f I\, " (J II>" f II' ~ II>" ') '1 fI h 'J .1'.:
appropriates, o r procures for another. takes or
/I'''OJfI~ "1A"//I-')' OJ!!.¥" nhR.~ causes to be taken, misappropriates, uses to
r"'ilIIlOl" ) nll'o wf.9" lJ:I> 0l}.'.9" '1',7 his own benefit or that of a third person, or
.fllO'··J ~' C 0IJ'-9" '1'':' nll'o n""'II, di sposes of for any sim ilar act, in who le or in
0lY-9" nht,A lIb-il· wA9" II/\,<\ ilo>' part, a thing or a sum of money which is the
f "'l !f: l "I T r ODOJ·iI.~ T f"'1i1 wilY: T property o f another and whi ch has been
Federal Negarit Gazelle No. 36 3'.1 April, 20 15 .. , ., :'Iagc 8180
foPl\mCT mg.9" I\tol"l· m J'.9D 1\ '" " 1\ OJ' delivered to him in tru st or for a specific
MfA "11\""" f"'l'l' fA T mg.9" g.U·} purpose.
foP"U"'D"'} "'1'1'(-(1)' 9" h 9" H' f "'I ?-S1. fA
(I)") )'; A") .r lj ,.,. ;to A II
32. Aggrayated Fraudulent MisrenresentatioQ
Ii / "'I") 'i' lJ)o 9" foP") "11"1"" m g. 9" f U We l' II Any public servant or employee of a public
f.'C l!:''''' lP to" , 'i' f"'l g.11J ·OfA «1"1'1 1\ to 1"1. organization with intent to obtain for
1\ "'I at)' .." m g. 9" 1\ '" '\ ... (I). fI "'I fI1')' r himself or to procure for a third person an
0"'11"1'0 "",,:y.
fl1')· )lC:f··} OoP'I'/CT unlawful errichment, fraudulently causes a
person to act in a manner prejudicial to his
f tol"l··) "'I')~'''' mg.9" IH:t- OoP"'mC
mg.9" oP"lt\O f"'l.·/IJOl'J ~lC lIoP1.lI.]> rights in property, or those of a thi rd person,
f/ II,W h 1</,1\' 1NI h'}</'I\' (li) 21 Where the crime stipulated in sub-article I of
r-f'oPl\/)-f'(I)' O)'}:P:A f"·t.KoPaJo N'l,OJ' this article is committed by a public servant
'1':"9" /)'i'1''i'H' 0)~9" lIoP'}"I()'l'T or employee of public organization of high
m }? 9" 0 U1I1J 'I! ft.. Cl!:''''' mI. 'I" 11111"11 status or when the advantage obtained or the
'1'.]>9" '\ g. f .t:I.I"I(I)' .,. Po ·l· h'i!"':;: ~ .l.r damage caused to individual, state. public
Ow'})';A "Yo·to·/.m· f()A"!'} .t:I.JI" organ ization or public interest is grave, the
rmJ:!!:I\.·} ),,l.'W9" h'lX' ".I'.:C'I"" punishment shall he rigorous imprisonmenl
l.·).t:lf~ .]>"!'I: hh9"()'} ~oPr Mh Mt- from five years to fifteen years and fine not
>'9"()..,. ~ oP..,. f"'l..t: C () «I ~. M to •.,. " <;' less than Birr ten thou sand and not exceeding
"",..,C i'll)oP"',O.•
lIC M" h'H!: OD·r· li,u 'IIC
Birr a hundred thousand;
C/ 0
N·t.OoPOJ· Om1"O l\().,.P,.t:C
3/ where the crime is committed against public
w}?9" 0,1>1111 "1/.\"111.. ..,· '\~ rll'~
admin is trations or services, punish ments
l.J.t:lf~ 1.11.~·,~. U'~;J' Mg.
prescribed in one of the above sub-articles
h"'oPl\h·",.,. '}O.() h 'N' p:y. 0" '}p,.
shall be applicable, depending on the
oPl"Il.'''' j'()"'''IAII circumstances of the case,
M. a-Q<r' mll':A r"'lI1 unll lDR.9" "~-t
,},,?f MODOII- "7tC:;:fI'i OlDlii:MOD__ t 33. Mo uey [ ,3I1p d cr ine
OW'})';A ~Cl.·l· f·,·,·y nll'lI U:>'P,
MOUflll· f"'l.»l.ll m1J'.:A f'hl.OOD(I)'
Where the predicate offence for money
Oou:()<;, W'})';A "oP")tXl.)"" hl1'~ ""llJlIH'
laundering is corruPtion, the crime shall be a
Corruption Crime and reJevant Money
j'l\m' lIaJ')J'.:A X'C·/.r r.,.,'f
,'11/11 W.e9"
Laundering and corruption laws shaJJ .be
1111.r ,l.:>'I! h ... OPI'Il\- "'1.»1.'0 U"I applicable.
Federal Negaril Gazelle No. 36 3111 April, 2015 ." .... page 8181
II (J)') J': AU.,. roo J': 006.1' ;I- ~ :,. h <j: A The Provisions Anicles 1 to 237 of the General
hh ')"'1\' Ii M h h ') '/>1\' If0Z .I' /I. olo Part of the Criminal Code shall be applicable to
1;1.71,JP':f IlfW h'l':l- M'OOl\h."olo r-ile; Corruption Crimes provided for under this
(J)') )';1\. ';f'9" ,,.L ''''Holo ,et;' t.r'l'AII Proclamation.
f(J)1J':A fl•.,. h')"'1\' CfifliT h')"'1\' rfifliT Article 379, Article 381, Articles 402 to 419,
hh')"'l\' !If!1 Mh h')"'l\' !lEilr hh'Hl\' Articles 427 to 43 \ , Article 468 and Article 676
§fl'lZ Mh h')"'1\' §f0lir h1</>l\' !!f~g he; (\) of the Criminal Code are hereby repealed.
rh')"'1\' ififi (li) 011." h'l':l- +7i'::'I'AII
f"'l. h +/1. olo II II. U h 'I':l- II + i1 L)· .,.1\ I" 1- ~ .e The following shall be inapplicable with respect
"'4. ''''l. ~.} h.e~- t·~:(1}·9"l- to corruption crimes provided for in this
Proclamation :
~/ ;)<I.l.H') M"1f111 OO1A1A'H +11l. 21 the provisions of the Criminal Code relating
.I'AII') 'I'~9" "'I"1Ti'') w,e9" "'IM'f'}') to abuse of power, receiving or causing
"e; Ol\,~ 1'1(1}' 00'0')' ro,e9" .,.:,.9" ~.e another person to receive undue benefits and
.,. Po -l- "'I J'.: .:: fl1 /I 00:" "',} N' .e. ~ 1.,. hanning the interests or rights of others;
faJ'})';A ih1' y':') ,np'';f'l
r:/ hl/.Il h 'I' ~ ,7C r"'l.-"''::'" 11'1' :f,';f. r 31 proclamations, regulations, directives and
.e. ') (I ';f. r 00 00(,.1' JP ';f. " e; r h IP (,. C customary practices inconsistent with this
A"'II'- ';f,"
37.Tran$jtpry ProyidpQ$
m. fODltz/U t'):>7.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 35
r fLU h 'I':l- h ')"'1\' c!l~ "e; c!li I; ') .:>1.JP1-
and 36 of this Proclamation, corruption cases
II. 'J~. 9" ft,U II 'I' ~ IlPt,. ~ft, hoo'l'/I. Ilk'"
that are commited before effective date of this
r+4."'ao· rao'ile; oOJ':I\·:r, r°7,;I'f.'} Proclamation shall be finalized in accordance
O(lJ')J':A ".,. .!:"),71.P':Y· OPIP'::')- ,e1l'e;A" with the provisions of the Criminal Code.
Federal Negaril Gazette No. 36 3'" April. 201S ... ... page 8182
.eu h'l'~ 1l"-~toA ~;,I':'r ;,111."1 7:""" This Proclamation shall come into effect on the
h","IO:" </>') '1.'1"1': fO'i JW·<;"' .. date of publication in the Federal Neg.rit