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Configuration Manual: AR-SERIES Controller

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ARICO Technology Co., Ltd.

AR-SERIES Controller

Configuration Manual

Ver.: AR-SERIES-A4E-1.0.0

ARICO Technology Co., Ltd.

reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior notice.
1 Digital Input Menu ........................................................................................ 1
2 Digital Output Menu ..................................................................................... 2
3 Function 2 Menu .......................................................................................... 3
4 A/D Calibration Menu................................................................................... 5
5 FDA Calibration Menu.................................................................................. 7
6 Status Monitor Menu 2 ................................................................................ 9
7 Factory Default Menu .................................................................................. 11
8 Advance Delay Menu................................................................................... 12
9 Slope Adjustment Menu............................................................................... 13
10 System Delay Menu ..................................................................................... 15
11 Temperature Parameter Menu .................................................................... 17
12 Additional Temperature Information ............................................................ 25
1. Digital Input Menu

Figure 4-1-1
Purpose: Check the logic status (ON/OFF or LOW/HIGH) of each input port
Description: (A) Input port: the areas that correspond to 01 ~ 32 and status display
Remark: If input port name is red, logic status is “ON”, “(Low)”. 24G is linked to input port


Figure 4-1-2 Figure 4-1-3

Purpose: Parameter menu for mapping digital input menu to hardware input ports
Description: (B) Input mapping setup column
Individually set the labeled input to the corresponding hardware input port
(C) Input port name
Turns red when signal is “ON”
[Example] In Fig. 4-1-2, Close mold is set to “1” so maps to hardware Input (1)
In Fig. 4-1-3, Close mold is set to “2” so maps to hardware Input (2)
In Fig. 4-1-3 Photo is set to “0” so it is not used

2. Digital Output Menu

Figure 4-2-1
Purpose: Check or test the logic status (ON/OFF or LOW/HIGH) of each output port
Description: (A) Output port: the areas that correspond to 01 ~ 32 and status display
Remark: If output port name is red, logic status is “ON”, “(Low)”. 24G is linked to output port


Figure 4-2-2 Figure 4-2-3

Purpose: Parameter menu for mapping digital output menu to hardware output ports
Description: (B) Output mapping setup column
Individually set the labeled output to the corresponding hardware output port
(C) Output port name
Turns red when signal is “ON”
[Example] In Fig. 4-2-2, Close mold is set to “1” so maps to hardware output (1)
In Fig. 4-2-3, Close mold is set to “2” so maps to hardware output (2)
In Fig. 4-2-3 Low Pressure is set to “0” so it is not used

3. Function 2 Menu



Figure 4-3-1

Subject: Function 2 Parameter Menu
Purpose: (A) Close mold auxiliary valve configuration column
Used for setting the close mold “auxiliary valve” and opening of individual “stages”
Figure. 4-3-1:
(G) If auxiliary valve field is set to “1”, this means output “1” is set as the close mold
auxiliary valve
(H) Set close mold action stage 1 to enable close mold auxiliary valve (when ON the
number becomes red)
(I) Set close mold action stage 3 to enable close mold auxiliary valve (when ON the
number becomes red)
(J) Set close mold action stage 5 to enable close mold auxiliary valve (when ON the
number becomes red)
When close mold auxiliary valve is set to enable the stage 1, stage 3 and stage 5 of the
closing mold action of output “1”
(B) Open mold auxiliary configuration column
Used for setting the open mold “auxiliary valve” and enabling of individual “stages”
(C) Injection auxiliary valve configuration column
Used for setting the injection “auxiliary valve” and enabling of individual “stages”
(D) Pressure-hold stage parameters
Used to for setting pressure-hold “section” for enabling the specified (C) injection
auxiliary valve
(E) Charge auxiliary valve configuration column
Can set the charge “auxiliary valve” and enabling of individual “stages”
(F) Write to memory: Write all stage parameters to memory

Remarks: The above are the auxiliary valve configuration columns for each operation. These
synchronizes the auxiliary valve with the labeld operation.

4. A/D Calibration Menu




Purpose: Signal calibration menu for the analog linear voltage of each stage.
Description: (A) Calibration: On/Off option for calibration procedure
(B) Fixed Pressure: Specify the fixed pressure output for the executor at calibration
(C) Fixed Speed: Specify the fixed speed for the executor at calibration start
(D) Select: Specify the AD stage as well as the corresponding hardware AD Input stage
parameter field
(E) Screw: Set the A/D range and execution parameters for the stroke of injection
(F) Mold: Set the A/D range and execution parameters for the stroke of mold
(G) Ejector: Set the A/D range and execution parameters for the stroke of ejector
(H) NOZZLE: Set the A/D range and execution parameters for the stroke of NOZZLE
( I ) Pressure: Set the A/D range and execution parameters for the stroke of pressure
(J) Current Value (Right: unsigned): The A/D value feedback from the executor's
position sensor
(K) Current Value (Left: Unit): The A/D value feedback from the executor's position

[Example] The steps for calibrating the injection position scale is as follow:
1. Set the calibration option to “ON”.
2. Input the maximum mechanical stroke of the machine's injection screw into the
“Stroke” field.
3. Press the Injection button until the injection hydraulic cylinder can't move any further.
Enter the “Current Value (Right: unsigned)” for AD into the “Minimum AD” field.
4. Press the Ejection button until the injection hydraulic cylinder cannot move any

further. Enter the “Current Value (Right: unsigned)” for AD into the “Maximum AD”
5. Switch the calibration option back to “OFF” to finish the calibration process.

Remarks: 1. The calibration process for the mold, ejector and nozzle unit are identical to injection,
but pay attention to the vector of the position parameters (pin 1 and 3 on the
potentimeter will affect the direction). The number decreases closer to the machine
center and increases as it moves to the sides of the machine.
2. If input is connected to pressure sensor: Simply enter the pressure sensor specifications
such as output DC voltage and the detected maximum/minimum values into the
“Maximum” and “Minimum” fields.

5. FDA Calibration Menu




Purpose: Adjust the voltage proportion curve for pressure and speed analog linear outputs
Description: (A) Calibration: On/Off option for calibration procedure
(B) Fixed Pressure: Specify the pressure output to use for the output amplifer when
calibration starts
(C) Fixed Speed: Specify the flow output to use for the output amplifer when
calibration starts
(D) Set the reference points for the output pressure curve; the pressure and flow output
curves can each be adjusted using 10 reference points
(E) Stage Select: Specify the FDA stage as well as the corresponding hardware FDA
output stage parameter field
(F) Max/Min Pressure FDA: The maximum and minimum of the pressure amplifier
(G) Max/Min Speed FDA: The maximum and minimum of the pressure amplifier
(H) Max/Min Back Pressure FDA: The maximum and minimum of the pressure

[Example] Adjusting or correcting the system's pressure FDA output curve

1. Press “ENTER” at “Item Select” until “Pressure” appears.
2. Set scale stage 10 to 140 Bar. (100%)
3. Change “Scale Stage 10” to “ON” then record the reading from the system pressure
4. Set “Scale Stage 10” to “OFF”. (Turn off output)
5. Enter the recorded reading from the system pressure gauge in to the scale “10”
pressure field.
6. Repeat steps 2 ~ 5 for all of the remaining curve reference points. All of the “scale”

values must be clearly defined. (based on a 100 or 140 Bar distribution)

Proportional Proportional
valve curve valve curve

Reference Reference
voltage voltage
control curve control curve

Traditional control curve Calibrated control curve

Remarks: 1. The method for speed adjustment and correction is generally the same as for FDA
output curve.
2. When adjusting or correcting the pressure output curve, please use fixed speed = 50. If
adjusting the speed, used fixed voltage = 50 (do not use an excessively small value).

Remarks: 1. The analog input resolution processor for this machine uses 16-bit computing and has a
resolution of up to 65535 steps.
2. The analog output resolution processor for this machine uses 12-bit computing and has
a resolution of up to 4095 steps.
3. The minimum value for stage 1 of pressure and speed should approach “0” but this
depends on the dead band for the hydraulics.

6. Status Monitor Menu 2

Purpose: Instructions for status monitor menu 2.

(A) Write to memory: Write all stage parameters to memory
(B) Read from memory: Read stage parameters in memory to the current stage

Instructions for status monitor menu 2:

As shown below: After a reset, all of the parameter funtions circled in red must be entered into (A) Write to
Memory: “Write” for the configuration process to be complete. Otherwise, the system returns to the default
parameter settings after power is interrupted.

Intput/output menu stage configuration

Function Menu 2 auxiliary valve configuration

A/D Calibration Menu stage configuration

FDA Calibration stage configuration

7. Factory Default Menu


Purpose: The hardware specifications menu for the machine

Description: (A) Ejecion Control: The ejector configuration for the machine. (Options: On/Off,
Time or Position control)
(B) Injection unit Control: The nozzle configuration for the machine. (Options: On/Off
or Time limited)
(C) Startup Language: Default language display on startup
(D) Screw: The number of teeth for one full revolution of the screw speed sensor gear
(E) Special Function: Special function configuration
(F) Date: Set year, month, day, week, hour, minute
(G) Temperature Unit: Temperature parameter's display and calculation unit
(H) Sleep mode: Set the sleep mode time (minutes). “0” disables the sleep mode; the
recommended setting is “5” minutes
( I) The Low limit of Oil Temperature: Minimum temperature for hydraulics
(J) Motor Runtime: Display the total motor run time in hours and minutes as well as
reset (password required)

8. Advance Delay Menu





Purpose: Set the delay time for each of the main operations
Description: (A) Close mold delay: Set the delay time for close mold operation
(B) Injection Unit Advance: Set the delay time for the injection unit advance operation
(C) Injection Delay: Set the delay time for the injection operation
(D) Pre-suck back Delay: Set the delay time for the pre-suck back operation
(E) Charge Delay: Set the delay time for the charge operation
(F) Post-suck back Delay: Set the delay time for the post-suck back operation
(G) Injection Unit Return: Set the delay time for the injection unit return operation
(H) Open Mold Delay: Set the delay time for the open mold operation
(I) Ejecting Forward Delay: Set the delay time for the ejecting Forward operation
(J) Ejecting Return Delay: Set the delay time for the ejecting return operation
(K) Core 1 In Delay: Set the delay time for core 1 plug-in operation
(L) Core 1 Out Delay: Set the delay time for core 1 return operation
(M) Core 2 In Delay: Set the delay time for core 2 plug-in operation
(N) Core 2 Out Delay: Set the delay time for core 2 return operation

9. Slope Adjustment Menu



Figure 4-10-1
Purpose: the slope configuration for all of the main operations' proportional pressure and flow
amplifer ramps
Description: (A) Close mold slope: the slope setting column for raising (start) and lowering (stop)
the ramp during close mold
(B) Injection Unit advance Slope: the slope setting column for raising (start) and
lowering (stop) the ramp during injection unit advance
(C) Injection Slope: the slope setting column for raising (start) and lowering (stop) the
ramp during injection
(D) Pre-suck back Slope: the slope setting column for raising (start) and lowering
(stop) the ramp during pre-suck back
(E) Charge Slope: the slope setting column for raising (start) and lowering (stop) the
ramp during charge
(F) Post-suck back Slope: the slope setting column for raising (start) and lowering
(stop) the ramp during post-suck back
(G) Injection Unit Return Slope: the slope setting column for raising (start) and
lowering (stop) the ramp during injection unit return
(H) Open mold: the slope setting column for raising (start) and lowering (stop) the
ramp during open mold

Output ratio

Flow analog reference

voltage curve

Pressure analog
reference voltage
Ascending curve
curve Flow amplifier
slope angle Descending

Output time
amplifier slope

Remarks: The slope parameter is a numerical representation (12-bit, 4095-level) for slope rate SINEψ
included angle. A larger value means a larger angle and a shorter start/delay time so the
execution unit responds more sharply. A smaller parameter means a smaller angle and a
slower execution response.

10. System Delay Menu




Figure 4-12-1
Purpose: Set the delay time for valves related to the starting and stopping of each process
Description: (A) Close mold: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and action
valve during mold close process
(B) Injection unit advance: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and
action valve during injection unit advance process
(C) Injection: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and action valve
during injection process
(D) Pre-suck back: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and action
valve during pre-suck back return process
(E) Charge: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and action valve
during charge process
(F) Post-suck back: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and action
valve during post-suck back return process
(G) Injection unit return: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and
action valve during injection unit return process
(H) Mold open: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and action
valve during mold open process
(I) Clamping Fast: set up delay time for proportional pressure/speed valve and action
valve during mold shift advance process




Flow Valve
Output Time

Action Valve
Output TIme
Execution Time

1.The unit for the delay parameter is seconds. A higher value means a longer delay and vice versa.
2.The Delay menu sets the delay time and is different from the slope rate used in the Slope Rate Menu.

11. Temperature Parameter Menu

Internal Temperature Parameter Menu 1






Purpose: The menu for all of the internal temperature parameters

A. Temperature Status: Shows the output status. Light on: ON; Light off: OFF
B. Output proportion: The percentage of heated output. The range is 0 ~ 100%.
C. Alarm Code: Alarm sensor code
0: None
1: Thermocoupler disconnect alarm code
2: Thermocoupler reversed alarm code
4: Low temperature alarm code
8: High temperature alarm code
16: Absolute value alarm code
D. Temperature Display: Actual temperature value
E. Temperature Setting: Target temperature setting
F. Temperature Zone enable Option: Single-stage temperature control switch. Options are ON/OFF
G. Thermocoupler Type: Select type of thermocoupler. Options are J/K
H. Control Mode: There are 5 control modes as listed below:
0: ST (Self-Turning) control:
Makes use of electric heating characteristics to calculate the PID value from the electric
heating reaction time and speed of temperature increase when the user has just started the
electric heating function.
ST Requirement: Once temperature control has been turned on, the actual temperature not
lower than ambient temperature plus 30 degrees.
1: P control:
Use the proportions from the previous automatic ST or AT calculations for temperature

2: ON-OFF control:
Delay Band

ON (Defaults to 1)


3: Manual Output Mode:

Use the manual output parameters set in Internal Temperature Parameter Menu 4 to control
heating output.
4: User PID:
When this mode is chosen, the P, I, D values set by the user in Internal Temperature
Parameter Menu 3 is used for PID heating control.
5: AT (Auto-Turning) control:
Use the P, I, D values derived from AT calculation for PID heating control
Requirement: The AT switch (Internal Temperature Parameter Menu 3) must be set to ON
and the actual temperature is more than 5 degrees lower than the target temperature. If the
actual temperature is greater than the target temperature, the temperature must then drop to
more than 5 degrees below the target temperature.

AT start
AT Finish

J. Thermostat Settings: Set the thermostat range. Range is between 0-255 °C/°F
K. Module Switch: The control module switch. Options are ON/OFF
This is the master switch for all temperature control modules. It controls the heating, alarm and
cooling functions.
L. Thermostat Switch: Enables the thermostat master switch. Options are ON/OFF
When the Thermostat Switch is ON, the sections with the thermostat function enabled will
maintain their temperature based on the user's thermostat settings (thermostat switch and settings
are all located in Internal Temperature Parameter Menu 2).
Operation: Thermostat temperature – Target temperature SV – Thermostat setting
M. Temperature unit: Cycles between °C/°F

Internal Temperature Parameter Menu 2:



Figure 4-13-2
A. The 10 types of alarm mode are listed below:
0: None
1: Lower limit alarm mode
Delay Band
ON (Defaults to 1)


Lower limit alarm mode

2: Upper limit alarm mode

Delay Band
(Defaults to 1) ON


limit alarm mode

3: Lower and Upper limit alarm mode
Alarm Alarm
Delay Band Delay Band
ON (Defaults to 1) (Defaults to 1) ON


limit alarm mode Upper上限警報範圍
limit alarm mode

4: Standby lower limit alarm mode

The lower limit alarm will not trigger if the temperature falls below the lower limit when
heating is turned on for the first time. The temperature must fall below the lower limit again
before the low temperature alarm will trigger.
5: Standby lower and upper limit alarm mode
Standby lower limit alarm mode + Upper limit alarm mode
6: Absolute value alarm mode

7: Reverse absolute value alarm mode

8. Reverse lower limit

Delay Band
(Defaults to 1) ON


Lower limit alarm mode


9. Reverse upper limit
Delay Band
ON (Defaults to 1)


Upper limit alarm mode


10. Reverse lower and upper limit

Alarm Alarm
Delay Band Delay Band
(Defaults to 1) ON ON (Defaults to 1)


Lower limit alarm mode

下限警報範圍 Upper limit alarm mode

B. Alarm Upper limit: Sets the value for the upper limit of the alarm. Range is 0-255 °C/°F
C. Alarm Lower limit: Sets the value for the lower limit of the alarm. Range is 0-255 °C/°F
D. Alarm Absolute Value: Sets the absolute value for the alarm. Range is 0-255 °C/°F (Alarm mode
is set to 6)
E. Auxiliary Alarm: Enables the cooldown alarm. Options: ON/OFF
Screw protection paradigm
(8 segments Jie same function)
First paragraph, the set value SV = 100, range between cold CPR = 20, between cold countdown
set time CPS = 300 seconds (5 minutes)
Alarm lower limit ALL = 30, between cold alarm switch AAM.8 = ON, the countdown time
between cold CPT (display value)
After the temperature boot program of work,CPS to fill the CPT
PV> = SV-CPR (100-20), PV> = 80 when, CPT start the countdown (screw Protection)
If PV <= SV-ALL (100-30), PV <= 70, the temperature limit send alerts ,CPS to fill the CPT
If the alarm switch between single-stage cold AAM.8 = OFF, CPT (screw Protection) This section
does not determine the function
F. Cooldown Interval: The range of the cooldown alarm. Range is 0-255 °C/°F
G. Module Alarm: Cooldown alarm code. Range is 0 ~ 1
If code is 0 then the temperature in all stages falls within the cooldown alarm interval
If code is 1 then the temperature in some stages are not yet within the cooldown alarm interval
H. Number resilient section: Number of normal temperature range of 1 to 8 above, an example of a
machine using only 1-6 segments, if the first 6 fault, Paragraph 6 may be resilient to the number
of segments 7, and the temperature of the temperature sensitive wiring output wiring, to be
replaced Paragraph 7, the temperature may be normal control.

I. Minimum output%: When the minimum output% to 0, AP ratio is 30, 17 show the temperature, set
temperature 19, the output of 17%, When the minimum output% to 30, AP ratio is 30, 17 show
the temperature, set temperature 19, the output of 35%, That is twice the sum output%, more than
30% on output, Means the percentage of the output value if less than the minimum output%
setpoint is not output, But the energy will be added to the next, until the energy output% greater
than the minimum set value, the output power.

Internal Temperature Parameter Menu 3:



Figure 4-13-3
A. AT Switch: Enables single-stage Auto Tuning calculations. Control mode must be set to 5 for this
switch to work
B. AP-Proportion: The proportion band after ST and AT calculations. Range is 0-999 °C/°F
C. AI-Operation: The integral time from ST and AT calculations. Range is 0-999 seconds
D. AD-Operation: The differential time from ST and AT calculations. Range is 0-999 seconds
E. P-Proportion Band: The proportion band set by the user. Range is 0-999 °C/°F
F. AI-Operation: The integral time set by the user. Range is 0-999 seconds
G. AD-Operation: The differential time set by the user. Range is 0-999 seconds

Internal Temperature Parameter Menu 4:


A. Heating Cycle: Controls the output cycle time. Range is 0 ~ 20 seconds.

Example: Set heating cycle to 1 second and output proportion to 50% then output is ON for 0.5
seconds and output is OFF for 0.5 seconds
B. Output Limit: Limit the output percentage. Range is 0 ~ 100%.
Formula: Actual output % = PID calculated output ratio * output limit / 100
C. Manual Output: Manually control the output percentage. Range is 0 ~ 100%
D. Temperature Compensation: The range of temperature compensation. Range is 0 ~ 199
Hen temperature compensation ≧ 100, Display temperature = Actual temperature – (Temperature
compensation – 100)
Hen temperature compensation ≦ 100, Display temperature = Actual temperature + Temperature
E. P Compensation: P control mode (control mode is set to 1), compensation range control output %,
Range is 0 ~ 199
When P compensation = 0, AP-Proportion = 30, Display temperature is 25 = Set temperature is
25, Output % = 0.
When P compensation = 10, AP-Proportion = 30, Display temperature is 25 = Set temperature is
25, Output % = 10.
When P compensation = 0, AP-Proportion = 30, Display temperature is 25, Set temperature is 40,
Output % = 50.
When P compensation = 110, AP-Proportion = 30, Display temperature is 25, Set temperature is
40, Output % = 40.

12. Additional Temperature Information
(a) Temperature sensor can be type J or type K. Generally, the type depends on the operational
temperature. Type K sensors are usually used for working with rubber.
(b) P' Band / P operation is shorthand for proportional output in temperature control. Basically,
when the current value is below the P band, temperature control will adjust the heating speed
and ascending curve on a proportional basis. If temperature is outside of the P band, the
program will only set the switch to ON or OFF.
(c) PID Operation:
* P→Larger: Temperature increases or decreases more slowly. The temperature curve is also
flatter. This is usually used where the system responds more quickly and is harder to control.
* P→ Smaller: Temperature increases or decreases more quickly. The temperature curve is also
steeper. This is usually used where the system responds and cools down more slowly. If the P
Band is too small, this can lead drastic flutuations in temperature.
* P-Band weakness: There will be a margin of error in a P-stabilized system and the error will
always exist (unless the system is changed). This error margin is referred to as the Offset.
The offset can be manually removed (i.e. Reset) or automatically adjusted for by adding the
“I” operation.

* Integral operation. The error is eliminated through integration. This must be set based on past
experience with heating or it will cause system oscillations and unstable temperatures.

* Differential operation. External interference during heating can be compensated for using
differential operation. This must be set based on past experience with heating or the system
may end up requiring more time to stabilize the temperature.

ARICO Technology Co., Ltd.

8F., No. 1, Alley 1, Lane 235, Baoqiao Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City, 23145, Taiwan
TEL: +886-2-29101266 FAX: +886-2-29159434
www.arico.tw / www.arico.com.tw

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