Vision 2030: "Caring For The Filipino and The World"

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Social Impact
Empowered clients to Nursing Profession as a Ensure “positive
maintain the highest level recognized leader in primary practice environments”
of wellness and well-being health care for nurses
Vision 2030

To institutionalizebest To adopt local and global best
Linkages /
To forge linkages to
Professional practice resource practices in the management of generate funds from
Nursing Care: the generation resources governments and NGOs
BEST for the Filipino
and the CHOICE of
the World by 2030

To promote functional integration To institutionalize a sustainable and effective

between education and service continuing professional education and
Mission development for individual nurses and institutions
We, the Filipino
nurses, responding

to the needs of

To put into committed practice the To institutionalize sustainable

society, are engaged quality standards in education and organizational support for nursing
in providing nursing service positions
humane and
globally competent

nursing care. To advocate collegiality and To engage stakeholders and To actively participate in the
mutual respect that cut across make them co-owners of nursing socio-economic and political
Core Values all health disciplines issues and concerns arena of the country

Love of God
Caring To live the core values and Foster sense of
The Filipino

Integrity to manifest the desired accountability

qualities of a FilipinoNurse among all nurses
Nationalism “Caring for the Filipino and the World”
Objective Measures Initiative
2030 2020 2015 2011
The Filipino Nurse

To live the
core values
and to
Nurses Values
manifest the
desired Demonstration 100% 80% 70% n/a
qualities of a Index
Filipino Nurse

Foster sense Accountability Index

of component of the
accountability Nurses Values 100% 90% 80% n/a
among all Demonstration
nurses Index
Collaborative Partnership Objective Measures Initiative
2030 2020 2015 2011
% of Nursing Organizations Development of scorecards on
To engage with functional scorecards the Nursing organization level
stakeholders 100% 100% 90% 80%
aligned to NursingProfession aligned with the Nursing
and make Roadmap Roadmap
them co-
owners of % of identified nursing
Functional network**
nursingissues programs and initiatives
100% 90% 80% 70% (review centers, recruitment
and concerns supported by concerned non-
agencies, etc)
nursing stakeholders

% of policies and agreements Strengthen capacity for political

networking and lobbying
To actively that will impact Nurses and
Advocacy for critical socio-
participate in healthcare (local and global), 100% 90% 80% 50% economic and healthcare
the socio- where Nurses are consulted reforms that will impact Nursing
economic and and represented and health
political arena
% of Nursing programs Advocate for the funding of
of the
focused on family and 100% 80% 50% n/a nursing programs by LGUs and
country other funding agencies
community linked with LGUs
To advocate
collegiality and % of nurses and other
mutualrespect stakeholders reporting
that cut across positive encounters with
90% 80% 70% 50% Conduct a survey
all health other nurses
Objective Measures Initiative
2030 2020 2015 2011
- Follow-up initiatives of the Nursing sector with CHED i.e. monitoring of
schools, RLE issues and concerns
Service Excellence
% of nursing schools for - Encourage self-regulation among Nursinginstitutions
undergraduate andgraduate
100% 90% 80% 40% - Strengthen organized trainings for Nursing faculty by institutions and
levels compliant with CHED-
- Push for the accreditation of Nursing programs (undergraduate and
graduate) of institutions
- Full implementation of the undergraduate curriculum PSGs
- Implementation of the PSGs of the graduate programs in Nursing by CHED
- Review the competency-based test framework of the NLE in terms of
National Passing Averageof 80% 70% 50% 45% congruence with curriculum
Nursing LicensureExam:
- Review and innovate the NLE to be at par with global standards of nurse
To put into
licensure exams
practice the - Regulation of review centers
quality - Full implementation of the undergraduate curriculum PSG (admission and
% of schools above the
standards in 80% 70% 50% 45% faculty requirements; hospital facilities for RLE)
National PassingAverage
education and - Enforcement of sanctions for low- and non-performing schools
% of nursing services
compliant with Nursing 100% 80% 50% n/a - Institutionalize Nursing service standards on a nationallevel
Service Standards

% of Hospitals and other Utilization of the Hospital Magnet recognition program

health facilities implementing Utilization of the Nurse Sensitive Clinical Index
100% 80% 70% n/a
the use of quality indicatorsof Utilization of the Patient Satisfaction Index
care (NSCI, PSI)

Scoring of outcomes basedon

international standards as - Development of a ratio analysis based on the Nurse Sensitive Clinical Index
measured by quality i.e. falls (e.g. 1 per 1000 patient days)
indicators of care (NSCI,PSI)

sustainable Increase in ratio ofgainfully
- Development of ratio analysis linked to local and international systems
organizational employed or actively
support for practicing nurses
Competency Enhancement TARGETS
Objective Measures Initiative
2030 2020 2015 2011
To promote
% of base hospitals with
Functional Integration 100% 90% 80% 10%
a sustainable
and effective % of actively practicing nursing
continuing who have completed a
professional minimum of 20 continuing 100% 100% 100% 80%
education and education hours per year
development related to health care
for individual
nurses and
Linkages / Networking TARGETS
Objective Measures Initiative
2030 2020 2015 2011

To forge linkages
to generatefunds
Amount of funds generated and
from the private
sourced from grants and donor
government, and agencies for Nursing programs(NPV)

Sustainability of fundgeneration

Utilization of funds to ensure the

quality of Nursing education and
To institutionalize
best practice Amount of funds internally-
resource generated for the NursingRoadmap 30M 1M
generation (NPV)
Sustainability of fundgeneration
Utilization of funds to ensure the
quality of Nursing education and
To adopt localand
Compare nurses’ QOL and standard of
global best % of institutions that have adopted living in RP with those abroad, as well as
practices in the local and global best practices inthe 100% 90% 60% n/a with other professions
management of management of resources
Objective Measures Initiative
2030 2020 2015 2011
Empowered -Craft measures of
Documentation of the
clients to contributions ofNursing-
Social Impact

contribution of Nursing-related
maintain the related programs
programs to health outcomes 100% 80% 60% n/a
highest level of -Improve relationship with
and Filipino productivity and
wellness and clients to ensure health
well-being empowerment
% of nurse respondents with
Ensure “positive high rating using Positive 100% 80% 60% n/a Craft PPE Scale
practice Practice Environment Survey
for nurses Craft satisfaction index
Nurses Satisfaction Index 95% 80% 60% n/a
Utilization rate of nursing clinics
Nursing and health facilities
80% 60% 20% n/a Put up nursingclinics/programs
Profession as a #of household clients / # of
recognized households in catchment areas
leader in - Standardize costing of Nursing
primary health services (minutes spent, acuity
care Cost – Benefit Analysis
of patient, level of expertise

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