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In-flight catering

management software

·· Planning:

A distribution map reveals what,

how much and when to produce.

·· Automation: This solution aims to control and optimize all processes that go
Provides accurate information on into the management of in-flight catering companies. Its modules
on-board services provided; cover from meal production through to the daily process of creating
Allows for pre-configuration upon and generating flight plans upon each airline’s meal rotation, in
the requirements of each aircraft. addition to inventory tracking and customer invoicing. Developed
through the web technology, the system allows for real-time, off-site
management of multiple locations, thus empowering a company’s
·· Final Statement:
administration and decision making capabilities.
Customer invoicing by
time period;
InFlightor System enables a company to fulfil legal requirements of
Service end price calculation every country since its main features are easy customization and
based on individual item costs. adaptation to any work environment.

·· Integração: The starting points in TEKNISA'S commitment to clients are freedom

and incentive for innovation of their company’s management. Our
Integrates with modules ERP:
software solutions can fit into each company profile, according to
Stock, Purchasing, Supply Chain, its management method, thereby ensuring higher control over its
Finance, Tax and Accounting. business.

Technology at service of the

in-flight catering industry

Customer Pricing / Costing Operational Production Finance Stock

Menu request

Presentation to customer Menu approval

Production manual

Flight plan generation

Pax confirmation

Delivery issue
Production Stock levels update

Production costs verification

Issued delivery appraisal

Entry of invoice

Accounts receivable

Accounts payable Goods receipt
As Teknisa understands the technological needs of the market, it develops specific solutions for each industry. Thus, TEKNISA
developed InFligthtor, a corporate system that entirely covers all requirements of airline catering providers, including areas
such as production, management, support and technology.

The software application runs on a three-tier architecture (Client, Application Server, Database), which ensures centralized
data processing. Big airline catering companies have extended the use of InFlightor to their units overseas, specially because
of its multi-currency and –language capabilities. Also, the system is fully ready to suit different government regulations.

The software optimizes resources, compares planned against actual costs, sets goals for cost control purposes, detects
execution errors and their causes, in addition to easy customization and adaptability to each company’s processes.

A tailor-made solution for
on-board service

Providing management support solutions with high

compliance levels in all processes is what made Teknisa
a market leading provider of food service software.

Customer Service Invoicing

·· Delivery issue and maintenance control; ·· Customer invoicing within various time periods;
·· Accurate insight on service loads, thus production department can spend ·· Financial close on a daily basis or within pre-established periods;
more time in working out flight plans; ·· Flexible module that handles several currecy types;
·· Configuration of each aircraft with relation to: number of passengers by ·· Extensive, configurable tax parameters that can adapt to airlines from
travel class, handling services, miscellany and meals to be served. many countries;

·· Meal tray assembly planning and steering; Commercial
·· Generation of a daily prodution map informing of what, how much and ·· Flight service end price calculation based on individual item costs;
when to produce for each airline with basis on the production manual; ·· Elaboration of production and assembly manuals;
·· Work planning through kitchen department and production time ·· Meal picture storage;
monitoring; ·· Importation of costing data from other systems;
·· Statistical passenger forecasting in order to reduce raw material waste and ·· Use of own costing data.
avoid delays.

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