Glossary of Food Term
Glossary of Food Term
Glossary of Food Term
4-H 93111
Reprinted February 2006
Braise Fry
To cook meat or poultry slowly in a covered utensil in To cook in fat. Applied especially to (1) cooking in
a small amount of liquid or in steam. (Meat may or a small amount of fat, also called sauté or pan‑fry;
may not be browned in a small amount of fat before (2) cooking in a deep layer of fat, also called deep‑fat
braising.) frying.
Bread Grill
To coat with crumbs of bread or other food; or to coat To cook by direct heat. Also a utensil or appliance
with crumbs, then with diluted, slightly beaten egg or used for such cooking.
evaporated milk, and again with crumbs.
Broil To reduce to particles by cutting or crushing.
To cook by direct heat.
Caramelize To cut into slivers resembling matchsticks.
To heat sugar or foods containing sugar until a brown
color and characteristic flavor develop. Knead
To manipulate with a pressing motion accompanied
Chop by folding and stretching.
To cut into pieces with a knife or other sharp tool.
Cream To let food stand in a marinade which is a liquid,
To soften a solid fat such as shortening or butter with usually an oil‑acid mixture such as French dressing.
a fork or other utensil, either before or while mixing
with another food, usually sugar. Mince
To cut or chop into very small pieces.
To divide food materials with a knife or scissors. Mix
To combine ingredients in any way that effects a
Cut In distribution.
To distribute solid fat in dry ingredients by chopping
with knives or pastry blender until finely divided. Pan‑Broil
To cook uncovered on a hot surface, usually in a fry
Dice pan. Fat is poured off as it accumulates.
To cut into small cubes.
Dredge To cook in a small amount of fat. (See Fry and
To cover or coat with flour or other fine substances Sauté.)
such as bread crumbs or corn meal.
Panning Scallop
Method of cooking vegetables in their own juices in a To bake food (usually cut in pieces) with a sauce
tightly covered pan. A small amount of fat is used to or other liquid. The food and sauce may be mixed
moisten the pan before juices escape. together or arranged in alternate layers in a baking
dish, with or without a topping of crumbs.
To boil until partially cooked. Usually cooking is Sear
completed by another method. To brown the surface of meat by a short application of
intense heat.
To cut off the outside covering. Simmer
To cook in a liquid just below the boiling point, at
Peel temperatures of 185 to 210°F (85 to 99°C). Bubbles
To strip off the outside covering. form slowly and collapse below the surface.
Poach Steam
To cook in a hot liquid, using precautions to retain To cook in steam with or without pressure. The steam
shape. The temperature used varies with the food. may be applied directly to the food, as in a steamer or
pressure cooker.
To restore concentrated foods such as dry milk or Steep
frozen orange juice to their normal state by adding To allow a substance to stand in liquid below the
water. boiling point for the purpose of extracting flavor,
color, or other qualities.
To soak, cook, or use other procedures with Stew
dehydrated foods to restore water lost during drying. To simmer food in a small amount of liquid.
Roast Stir
To cook uncovered in hot air. Meat usually is roasted To mix food materials with a circular motion for the
in an oven or over coals, ceramic briquettes, gas flame, purpose of blending or securing uniform consistency.
or electric coils. The term also applies to foods such as
corn or potatoes cooked in hot ashes, under coals, or Toast
on heated stones or metal. To brown by means of dry heat.
Sauté Warm
To brown or cook in a small amount of fat. (See Fry.) A temperature of 105 to 115°F (40 to 46°C) for liquid
or food.
(1) To heat milk to just below the boiling point, when Whip
tiny bubbles form at the edge. (2) To dip certain foods To beat rapidly to incorporate air and increase volume.
in boiling water. (See Blanch.) Generally applied to cream, eggs, and gelatin dishes.
This publication was produced and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Extension work is a cooperative
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Published July 1989. Reprinted February 2006.