Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) : Measuring Progress
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) : Measuring Progress
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) : Measuring Progress
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
M&E is a management tool that provides information regarding the effectiveness of the strategies, programs,
project, and activities that were applied in the entire tourism development. This tool can be useful for other
destinations that want to replicate the success of the destination from where the tourism plan was applied. It
can also be used in replacing ineffective strategies and learning tools for other developers.
The development of monitoring and evaluation strategies should be an integral part of the entire planning
process. Monitoring focuses on the continuous tracking of the tourism plan’s progress in terms of the
schedule, outputs, resources, and cost. Evaluation measures the performance level of achieving the set goals
and objectives.
The M&E plan identifies the following elements of the tourism planning and development process:
• Results (goals, objectives, outputs) • Data collection methods
• Success indicators • Frequency of when monitoring and
• Specific target results per indicator evaluation will be made
• Data source for performance assessment • Roles and responsibilities
Results Success Specific Target Data source for Data Frequency Roles and
Indicator Results per Performance Collection Responsibilities
Indicator Assessment Methods
Increased Number of 100% increase Business Document Every three Local planning
number of business in the number permit and review (3) years and
tourism- permits issued of tourism- licensing office development
related by LGU with related office and
businesses owners from businesses tourism officer
owned by host owned by
host community community
Table 1. Tourism M&E Strategy
Source: Tourism Guidebook for Local Government Units (Revised Edition), 2017
Table 1 shows an example of the M&E strategy for monitoring the progress of the increase in host community-
owned tourism-related businesses in a destination. In the said example, each element of the tourism planning
and development process is identified. It analyzes progress towards the achievement of desired outcomes
through the given elements.
Communicating M&E Results to Stakeholders
The results of the entire tourism plan must be regularly reported back to all stakeholders, and the
achievements can be integrated into the overall state of a region. The following items may be included in the
M&E reports:
• Goals and objectives achieved
• Projects, programs, and activities accomplished
• Expenditures
To know the effectiveness of the tourism plan, using the baseline data can measure the performance of the
tourism industry before and after the implementation of the plan. Baseline data can determine the effects of
the plan through comparison of the tourism situation in an area before and after the tourism planning and
development process.
Table 2 shows the accomplishment of a tourism plan in terms of the destination’s economy and indicates that
the strategy to achieve the desired result exceeded the targets of the plan. The baseline data determined and
showed that the average annual income was P40,000 in 2007, and the actual accomplishment has shown that
the community income increased by 100% in 2013.
Valuable information for the M&E strategy can be acquired through existing monitoring plans or year-end
overall progress report of the destination’s local government. M&E is also useful for re-planning if goals and
objectives are not attained. This can be done by re-evaluating the strategies that have been implemented.
The following examples of the local government’s monitoring plans and progress reports can be used as
references for gathering tourism data:
• Business permits issued by the local government
• Hotel room inventory and occupancy rates
• Attraction visitor counts and admissions
• Visitor information from visitor centers
• Research/Studies made and funded by the local government
• Other studies by the academe, private sector, and non-government organizations (NGO).
Tourism Guidebook for Local Government Units. (2017). Retrieved from Department of Tourism website: on November 15, 2019