How To Troubleshoot One Way Speech, Mute Calls, No Audio in A GSM Network Due To Transmission Media Mismatch. - Huawei

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12/25/2020 How to troubleshoot one way speech,mute calls,no audio in a GSM network due to transmission media mismatch.

- Huawei

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Knowledge Base

How to troubleshoot one way speech,mute calls,no

audio in a GSM network due to transmission media
Publication Date: 2012-07-24 | Views: 1891 | Downloads: 16 | Author: Rehman Akram | Document ID:

Issue Description

Alarm Information

Handling Process

Root Cause


Issue Description

In a GSM network, often one way speech/mute calls/no audio is observed.In this condition if two persons calls e
This problem can be due to transmission media mismatch.In this case describing the situation when E1,s are a
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A caller obeserve onemore
way speech/mute calls/no audio when call is established.This condition can be checked
Audio tester is attched with each E1 interface and Live call is heared for testing,to confirm that No audio is obes 1/4
12/25/2020 How to troubleshoot one way speech,mute calls,no audio in a GSM network due to transmission media mismatch.- Huawei

 MENU  
Handling Process

Fault Location can be analysed by Loop/break techniques.Step by step technique can be addopted.
Break one E1(black cables) at Site#1 for MSC1 and observed the status of E1,s at MSC2.Tranmsission path br
Break both the E1,s at MSC2 side and Starting from MSC1 side,Make a loop/break from MSC1 DDF towards M
3-Make a Loop/Break at OSN1 DDF,if OK,then Jumper Cables are also verifed.
4-Make a Outloop from OSN1 system,if OK.transmission path from MSC1 to OSN1 is OK.
Make a Inloop at OSN2,if OK, transmission path from MSC1 to OSN2 is OK.Cross connections are also verifed
Make a Loop/Break from OSN2 DDF towards MSC1,If OK,then transmission path from MSC1 to OSN2 DDF is
Make a Loop/Break from MSC2 DDF towards MSC1,It is found to be Not OK,hence problem Lies between OSN
Hence correcting the Jumper Cable sequence/connectivity between OSN2 DDF and MSC2 DDF solves the pro
BERT meter can also be used for troubleshooting of this kind of mismatch between E1,s.

Root Cause

As descirbed in attached figure.two E1,s are added bewteen MSC1 and MSC2(Located at Site#1&2 respective
MSC1--->MSC1 DDF-->Single pair Jumper Cable --->OSN1 DDF --->OSN1 --->Fiber Cable --->OSN2 ---
>OSN2 DDF --->Single pair Jumper Cable --->MSC2 DDF ---> MSC2.
As described in attached figure Jumper cables for TX (transmit) signal of two E1,s are inter changed with each
The same can be happend in following cases as well:
1- RX cable jumper is interchanged instaed of TX jumper.
2- Whole of the E1 is interchaned at a site.Means E1#1 of MSC1 is attached with position of E1#2 at MSC2 and
This situation often happen with multiple E1,s when E1,s are added between two switches,if jumper cables are


Newly added E1,s sholud be tested on BERT by connecting the BERT at last point and take loop/break from fa
2-No audio testing should be performed after each E1 addition/Inter MSC capacity addition.
3-If some problem is obserevd,it sholud be rectified prior to commercial traffic loading on these E1,s.

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