MCQ Indian Evidence Act

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Answer in bold |

5. Provisions relating to proof and

Law ofevidence is- admissibility of electronic documents
Lex tallienis have been incorporated in the
B] Lex fori Evidence Act by the-
Lex loci solutionis
C Al Evidence (Amendment) Act, 1989
D Lex situs
B) CLPC. (Amendment) Act, 1973
The Evidence Law C1 Information Technology Act,
A] has retrospective effect
affects fundamental nghts of a D Right to Information Act, 2005
person 6. Fact in issue means the fact, existence
C) has always prospective effect or non existence of which is -

D is not procedural law.

A admitted by the parties
The Indian Evidence Act is not applied B] disputed by the parties
to C non- disputed by the parties
D none of the above
A affidavits presented to Court
B proceedings before an 7. Evidence means and includes-
A only oral evidence
C Both & B
A only documentary evidence
judicial proceedings before
D C] both oral evidence and
Court documentary evidence
The Indian Evidence Act, 1872 applies D only such oral evidence based
on documents

A proceedings under Admin. Judge's personal knowledge or

Tribunals observation cannot be treated as an

B proceedings under the evidence. The statement is-

Commission of Inquiry Act, 1952
A Correct
C proceedings before Industnial
B WIong
Thbunals partly correct and partly wIong
D] none of the above D can't say

Multiple Choice Questions On INDIAN
Which of the following is
of the is:
which is not 14. is an exa
9. Amatter before the court, of 'may presume'?
in the case is-
an evidence A Presumption as to eler

A Contession of a CO a c c u s e d

records election
entries in books of Presumption as to digital
B of B
regularly kept in the
business C to electr
statement of the accused
C] messages
made uls. 313 Cr.P.C.
DI Presumption as to electron
D testimony of an experet

10. Which of the following is not a 'fact'?

15. A fact is said to be not proved'?
A] Mental condition
When it is disapproved
B] Relation of things A]
B When, after considering the
C State of things matters before it, the court
D] All of the above believes that it does not exist
11. Which one of the following does not When a prudent man considers
Come within the meaning of
C that the fact does not exist
"Document" under the Indian D When it is neither proved no
Evidence Act? disapproved
A] a writing
A fact is conclusive proof of anothe
3 a map 6.
fact.If that fact is proved then-
C a telephonic talk
A the court can call upon a paty
D a word photographed
to prove another fact
12. In relation to expressions defined in The court can allow the opposi:
section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act
party to adduce the evidence to
which of the following statement is not
disprove another fact
C Both A & B
A Facts includes not only physical D The court shall regards
facts but also psychological another fact as proved
Court includes Arbitrators 17. Which of the following is required ti
An inscription on a stone is a be proved essentially?
document A] Admitted facts
D A fact is said to be not proved B Judicial notice
when it is neither proved nor Confession
disapproved D Relevant facts
In Evidence Act, the expression 18. Relevancy and admissibility under th
"court" means- Evidence Act are
A] All judges A synonymouS
B coextensive
B All Magistrates
All persons except Arbitrators, C] neither synonymous
C coextensive
legally authorized to take evidence
none of the above
D] All of the above D
Multiple Choice Questions On INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT
law of evidence,
the relevant 25. ldentification parade may
Under the conducted by-
relevant A Magistiate
must be
A legally
B Any citizen
must be
BI legally and logically C Police officer
must be
C D All of the above

and logically committed

be legally 26. The question is, whether A
D relevant and admissible
a crime at Kolkata on a
certain day.
was at
means- The fact that on that day A
Gestae' Chennai is relevant
A Things done
As a motive forfact in issue
Things spoken
B As introductory to fact in
B S a m e t r a n s a c t i o n

relevant fact
As preparation of
As it makes the existenceof
D) Things then

which are
so connected as D
Facts fact in issue highly
21. the s a m e
part of improbable
to form Televant facts-
time established by-
occur at
the s a m e
27. The plea of 'Alibi"' is
A if they dilferent times
o c c u r at prosecution
B if they A]
Both A &
B B accused
C] above or by
None of
C either by prosecution
D accused
Evidence Act does not
Section 7 of none of the above
one of the following? D
include which
Evidence Act
A Occasion 28. Section 14 of the Indian
facts which show
makes relevant the
B] Cause
the existence of-
C] Purpose bodily feeling
of body or
Effect A any state
D B] any state
of mind
ldentification of a suspect by photo either state of
mind or of
body o r bodily feeling
Admissible in
A] in evidence mind and a
state of
not admissible
B Evidence
D a

CSection 9 of the Indian state of body

identification by which is
Act excludes is a statement
photo 29
8 of the Indian
A] oral, written, spoken
D excludes
identification by B
oral and documentary
documentary or
photo C] oral, electronic form
contained in
Section 8 of the
Indian none of the above
1872 deals with
Act, Which of the following
admission is no
A Conduct evidence?
B) Motive
admission by one of the
C Preparation in a suit
several det ndants
D] All of the above
Questions On INDIAN
against another defendant A Extta-Judicial ContessO
B an admission by a guardian ad B Judicial Confession
litem against a mino C] Retracted Confession
C an admission
by one of the D Retracted Extra Judicial
partners of a firm against the Confess1on .
firm or other partners
D] Only A &B 35. A confession made to a
31. Which one of the
following statement
in the immediate
Magistrate is- presenceOf
is correct?
A inadmissible
A An admission by a
guardian and BJ Ielevant
litem against a minor is
evidence C admissible, if corroborated
B Admission on a point of lawW the Magistrate
made by a pleader in couit on D admissible, if Corroborated .
behalf of the client is evidence byother evidence
C Admission by one of the several
defendants in a suit against 36. Section 27 of the Evidence Act applie
another defendant is evidence to discovery of some fact which
D Admission of fact made by a Al The police had not
pleader in court on behalf of previously learnt from other
his client is evidence sources and was first
32. derived from the information
Avoluntarily confession is admissible
in evidence- given by the accused
B) The police had not
previously 1
A] When made to a police officer learnt from other sources
B To Magistrate having competent C The police had previously learm
Jurisdiction from other sources and the
C To a village Sarpanch with
accused has also given
Tequest to save him from police information Tegarding the same
D Where it leads to no discovery of D all the above
facts and made to the police
officer 37. To attract the provisions of section 2
which of the following is not
33. Confession is irrelevant in criminal required
A Accused person
proceeding- B] Male or female
A When it is caused by inducement C) InfoImation by accused
B) When it is caused by threat or D Recovery on the basis of
promise information of accused
C] Both A & B
None of the above 38. Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Ac
D is based on -

34. Under the provisions of the Indian A doctine of agency

Evidence Act, 1872 when an accused
B doctrine proportionality
has already made confession and doctrine of confirmation by
latter says that I have not contessed,
subsequent events
it is called -
D doctine of eclipse
obtained as a result
Material evidence C must be made before a doctor or
search /seizure is- a private person
of illegal
at all
admissible D may be made either before a
A Reliable as any other evidence magistrate or a police officer
B Admissible
but wholly or a doctor or a private
CI u n r e l i a b l e person
Admissiblebut its probative
44. For the admissibility of dying
DI on the facts
alue depends declaration, it is not necessary that the
andcircumstances of the case statement:
of one accused is A relates to cause of death
C o n f e s s i o n

evidence against co B] the person making the

statement must be under
expectation of death
tried jointly for the
if they are the person making the
Al same offences C
statement must be competent
are tried jointly for the
B] if they the statement must be complete
different offences D
thed for the same
if they are 45 An item of evidence which is not a
CI not jointly
offences but substantive is-
are tied for the different
if they A] Dying Declaration
D not jointly Statement
offences and
B] First Information
Admission of the party
Necessity rule
asto the admissibility C
Admission of authorzed agent
evidence is applicable, when the D
of of the party
maker of a
incapable and shows
is dead or has become
46. A sues B for Rs.10,000/-
A of giving evidence entries in his account books showing
his amount.
who can be found Bto be indebted to him to
B i s a person
cannot be The entries are-
but his attendance
procured without unreasonable
A] irrelevant
relevant, but are not
delay or expenses B]
who cannot be found sufficient, without other
C a person
all of the above evidence, to prove the
D] relevant and by themselves
declaration is
admissible C the debt
. A dying sufficient to prove

Only in criminal proceedings

A] D relevant only when expressly
admitted by B.
B Only in civil proceedings
CNeitherin criminal proceedings Technology Act,2000,
nor in civil proceedings 47. By Information
amendment made in-
D In civil as well as criminal Indian Evidence
Sectuon 17 of the
proceedings both A Act.
Indan Evidence
B Secuon 34 of the
the Indian
3. A dying declaration to be admissible- Section 35 of
must be made before
Magistrate Act
BImust be made befoie police All the above
Questions On INDIAN
Muliple Choice
48 Opinions of experts are relevant under 53. Section 47 of the Indian Evideno.
which of the following Sections of the 1872 deals with- dence As
Indian Evidence Act. A] Relevance of the
A] Section 45 Relating to Electronic Opinion 3.
B) Section 46 Signatures
C Section 47 BI Relevance ot
opinion. Relatte.
D Section 48 Existence of Right or
C Relevance ot
Opinion relatin
49. Opinion of an
expert under Section 45 Usages and Tenets
of the Indian Evidence Act. .
A] is a conclusive proof D Relevance of Opinion Relatir
to Relationship
B] is not a conclusive proof
C is not relevant 54. If any advocate asks questions
D is not admissible reasonable ground hat
50. Under the law of should court adopt: procedure
evidence, as a
A Court will not dictate them
general rule-
B Will hear quietly
A] opinion on a matter of fact is
relevant but not a matter of law C Report to State Bar Council
B] opinion matter of law is
on a
D Will permit to ask
relevant but not onamatter of fact 55. In criminal case the fact that
C] opinion the
on a matter of fact person accused is of good character
and law both are relevant A is not relevant fact
D opinion whether on a matter of B] is a relevant fact
fact or law, is irrelevant
C cannot be proved
51. When the court has to form an D is conclusive proot
as to the opinion
electronic signature of any
person, the opinion of the 56. A person is prosecuted for theft
authority which has issued certifying evidence is sought to be
the produced to
electronic signature certificate is- prove that the accused is a bad
A) Fact in issue character and suspect of theft on
several occasions in the
B Relevant fact past
C] Proved fact A bad character is relevant
D None of the above B the evidence was admiss1ble
C] the evidence was not
52 A has obtained
decree for the a admissible
possession of land against B. C, B's D none of the above
son, murders A in
consequence. Thee 57. 'Xsues'Y' for damage done by a dog
existence of the
judgment is of Y', which Y' knew to be
A] relevant, as showing motive ferocious
The fact that the dog had
for a crime bitten 'A', 'B' and 'C are-
B 1elevant, under Section 43 of
the Indian
A] relevant
Evidence Act B televant
C Both A&B
D None of the above C inadmiss1ble
D unreliable
Facts judicially noticeable 64. Which one of the following is not a

may be proved
A Copies made from the onginal by
A need not
be proved

BI mechanical proCess
be proved
need to
B Copies compared with the original
C ot the
C Counterparts of tuhe document
D Evidence Act
58 of the Indian D] Lithography

deals with
65. Point out the incorrect statement
Al Formal admissions

BI Evidentiary admissions A I acontract is Contained in

several letters, all the letters in

as well as evidentiary
C Formal a d m i s s i o n s
which it is contained, must be

evidence pIoved.
tacts by oral
Proof of If a contract 1s Contained in a bil
if given his of exchange, the bill of exchange
unable 1 speak,
witness betfore the court,
A writing must be proved
atement in be deemed drawn in a
evidence may C If a bill of exchange is
then such need be
set of three, one only
to be-
Al Oral e v i d e n c e proved
evidence is
B Documentary evidence
D] If 'A' gives 'B' oral
offered of the payment, the
C Hearsay evidence
Primary evidence
evidence is not
D law to be
evidence made by 66. A document required by
deaf-mute's under Section
A shall be deemed attested can be proved
court, Act only-
writing in open 68 of the Indian Evidence
to be -
both the attesting
A documentary evidence A by calling
hearsay evidence
atleast o n e of the
BC] oral evidence B] aby calling
ttesting witnesses

D primary evidence
none of the attesting
C By calling some
but by calling
of the injury report witnesses
A carbon copy uniform person
who has

prepared by a Doctor by one other

knowledge of
which the original
process by the above
be admitted
D All of
prepared may
to be
A Secondary evidence required by law
67. A Section
B] primary evidence attested can be
proved under
Indian Evidence Act only by
C direct evidence
68 of the
Dcircumstantial evidence calling witness
both the
is drawn in
a the
a bill of exchange
A] who has
Where them need
B some
other person
of five, how many of
set knowledge
of the

e proved? o n e of
the attesting

C] witnessees

three All of the

Questions On
68. For providing execution of a registered 73. The execution of a document requi
will by law to be attested, cannot
Be necessary to call at least two proved by other evidence, if.
A no attesting witness can b
attesting witness A
B] Be necessary to call atleast found
the attesting witness denies the
one attesting witness B
execution of the document
C Not necessary to call any
the attesting witness does not
attesting witnesses C
D Be necessary to call the Registrar recollect the execution of the
69 Section 79 of the Indian Evidence Act witness fais to
D] The attesting
contains execution of the
prove the
An irrebutable document.
A presumption of
law old recor
74. How many years
B] A rebutable presumption of deemed to be proved, if it i
will be
iaw which the
produced from any custody
A presumption of fact court in the particular case conside
D No presumption either of fact or
of law A] Five years
Thirty years
70. Until the contrary is proved it shall be B
presumed that a lost promissory note C Twenty years
D Ten years
was -

A unstamped A agrees to sell to B' his white hors

B] insufficiently stamped in writing. 'A' has two white horses an
C] duly stamped it becomes uncertain as to whick
D] time barred horse was sold. Here in the documem
there is
71. Due execution of a document
patent ambiguty
than thirty years old coming
from A
B] latent ambiguity
proper custody, is
C no ambiguity
rebuttable presumption of law
A] none of the above
presumption of fact D
irrebuttable presumption of law Bur den of proof is lightened by
C 76.

Dnone of the above

A) presumption
Under the Evidence Act, the maps admissions
72 B
prepared by the TILA appointed by C estoppels
court as a Court Commissioner in
suit all of the above
for removal of encroachment and
77. Rules as to burdens of proof are
recovery ofpossession
A] rebuttable presumption ofla
A] shall be presumed to be accurate
ot a"
B 1Irebuttable presumption
B) may be presumed to be accurate of
must be proved to be accurate ebuttable presumptuon 1a
C] C
D need to format proot iebuttable presumptioISU

8 Multiple Choice Questions On INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT

be B for theft and wishes 83. Section 105 of the Indian Evidence Act
prosecutes applies to -
A B admitted the
78. to b e l i e v e that
the court Who must prove the Criminal trials
be theft to C. Al
a d m i s s i o n - B] civil trials
C Both A & B
the A] A
D None of the
B] B
not burden
C 84. In a criminal case, the primary
the c D) P r o s e c u t i o n

to prove a fact is upon-

of Indian
to Under
A Accused
Act court shall presumme B] Prosecution
the E v i d e n c e

regarding dowry death- Police

Section 113(A) D Court
A] 114(B) Evidence Act
ord B]
85. Section 114 of the
is Under
section 113(B) provides for certain-
he C] 114(B)
presumption of fact

rs D
A of law
is proved, the rebuttable presumption
acceSs B of law
Unless irrebuttable presumption
80. as to legitimacy of any C
presumption above
the c o n t i n u a n c e of D none of the
child born duringb e t w e e n his mother Act,
a valid
86. Section115 ofthe Indian
m a n is 1872 deals with
and any
p r e s u m p t i o n of
Rebuttable Doctrine of Estoppel
Al Presumption of fact A as to the
e B of law and
B Presumption
d Mixed presumption Commission of a
C a s to Dowry Death
h fact C Presumption
of law of
Irrebutable presumption
a s to
D] D a Married
Indian Evidence Sucide by
81. Section 113 B of the
The Doctrine of Estoppel

Act contains provision 87.

a s to Dowry make
statement in
Presumption Not to
A] A to the earlier

death to

intention statement
Presumption as
to Restriction to make
B B] the
cause death contrary
cause of death statement ladmission
C Presumption as to
motive of c a u s e
Presumption as to C Res judicata
D D Vague s t a t e m e n t
to statement is
relating to abetment Which of the
82 Provision
w o m a n has
been 88.
Suicide by a married correct
of the Evidence
not a rule
of e v i d e n c e
provided in Estoppel is
A form r e c o r d

Act. Estoppel
B judicata
A Section 113 bar of res
on a point
be estoppel
B] Section 113 A There can
C Section 113 B of law

DSection110 9
During the course of trial of a rape
D There cannot be estoppel 93 case, a person present in the coun
when the truth of the matter
causes a knife injury to another person
is known to both parties
before the court. The Judge before
89 Section 118 of the Indian Evidence whom the incident took place
Act, who amongst the following is not may not be called in evdence
competent witness? BI May be called in evidence only
A A child upon a special order of a higher
B The accused Court
C] A lunatic who is prevented C] May be examined as a
by hhis lunacy from witness
understanding the question D May be called in evidence. ony
put to him and giving if trial of that incident 1s go
rational answer to them on before a higher court
D All of the above
No revenue officer shall be
94 information a
90. The evidence unearthed by the sniffer to say when he got any
dog falls under of any oftenc
to the c o m m i s s i o n
revenue. Thig
A] oral evidence against the public
contained in -

provision is
B documentary evidence
125, Evidence Act
C] hearsay evidence Section
A] Indian
Section 124 of the
sCientific evidence B Evidence Act
91. Dumb witness may give his evidence Indian
Section 123. of the
by writing or signs in open court such Evidence Act
evidence shall be deemed to be - of the Indiar
D Sectuon. 126.
Al Wntten Evidence Evidence Act

B] Oral Evidence
Communication by a client to
C not admissible in evidence 95
Advocate is not permitted to
the discietion of
D It depends on
is or not
disclosed under Section of t
the couIt to accept it Indian Evidence Act. 1872

92. Husband and Wife A] 126

Are competent witnesses B 127
against each other in
C 128
matmonial cases D 129
B Are not Competent
they are 96 Testimony of an accomplice betoi
against each other as
is accepted & acted upon
one person in law
ust be corrobotated from
C] Are competent witnessos A
against each other in civil testimony of another acco
corroborated fror
cases only B) must be
an independent source
D Are competent witnesses
against each other in civil as CCieed not he cc:robotatet
Well as C i n a l cases A or C
Indian Evidence Act 102. The right to cross examine on an
Section134 of the
97 number of witness in a
answer to court question is available-
provides a set
of proof
case a s a requirement
A to the adverse party only
None B to the party calling the
B) One only
C Minimum Twvo C t o either ofthe parties with
Two Alone leave of the Court
a trial of Murder, Rape and Dacoity D none.of the parties
No. of witnesses required 10, 8 and 6 103. Examination of witnesses in criminal
respectively cases through video conferencing

A Right A permissible
B) WIong it requires 12, 10 and 8 B impermissible
witnesses respectively permissible at the option of the
C Judge directs how much witness.
witnesses to be adduced Dpermissible at the option of
D] Not particular number of accused

witness required criminal case was

104. A witness in a
u/s.145 Evidence Act
99. The examination of witness by the contradicted
his- with the statement of another
party who calls him shall be called made in the c o u r s e
of the
A Re-examination is-
investigation. The procedure
Examination in chief
B] A regular
Cross e x a m i n a t i o n
C B proper
D None of the above
C legal
100. Examination after the cross D illegal
examination of a witness by the party
141 ofthe Indian
who has called him, is called 105. According to Section
Evidence Act, 1872, any question
A] Main examination which the
suggesting the a n s w e r
Additional cross examination
wishes or expects to
B person putting it
C] Re-examination receive, is called-
D Re-cross examination A] Answerable Questions
B Convenient Questions
101. Re-examination ofwitness C Suggestive Questions
canbe for the purposes of filling
A examination
D] Leading Questions
what is left-over in
order to discover
in chief 106. The Judge may, in
the purp0se of of relevant
be for or to obtain proper proof
B can
referred to he pleases in
explaining the matters facts, ask any question
in cross examination any form-
Ccan be for the purpose A]
in chief examination

referred to B before tnal

explaining the matters

in the examination in
chiet at any time
All the above of the above
D D none

ACT 11
107. Leading questions can be asked in

C] Leading question
A cross examination D) Hearsay question
B examination in chiei and re112. Which of the following sections ns.
examination Indian Evidence Act, make
C Both A &B provision that there shall be nmakes the
D None of the above trial on the ground of impro
admission or rejection of evider roper
108. Under provison of Section 146 (3) of
A Section 166
the Evidence Act, in a prosecution for
rape in her cross examination, the B] Section 165
prosecutrix - C] Section 167
D Section 161
A can be put questions as to her
general immoral character 113. Which Section of the Indian Evidenco
B can be put questions as to her
Act based upon the principle tha
general immoral character with public welfare is supreme law ?
the permission of the court.
A] Section 119
C cannot be put questions as to
BJ Section 120
her general immoral character
C Section 115
D cannot be questions as to her
D Section 123
109. A person summoned to 114. Conclusive proof means
produce a
documents when produces the A Where court presumes a fact
document then - B Those evidence which are
A He becomes a witness necessary to reach at judgement
B He is cIoss examined by both C Court grants permission to prove
parties a conclusive proof
D] When one fact is declared by
C He is crOSS examined with the
the Indian Evidence Act to be
permission of the court
D] He does not become witness conclusive proof on another
and cannot cross examined the Court shall, on proof of
unless and until he is called as one fact regard the other as
a witness proved and shall not allow
evidence to be given for the
110. Which Section of the Evidence Act, purpose of disapproving it
1872 does not apply to illiterate
witness? 115. The question is whether A committed
a crime at Calcutta on a certain
A Section 155 day.
The fact that on that day, A was at
B Section 154
Lahore is-
C] Section 159
D None of the above A] Relevant
B Irelevant
111. Any question suggesting the answer
C Fact in issue
is called D None of the above
A Oral question
B Special question
Multiple Choice Questions On INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT
116. FI.R. is
not a substitute evidence, it 121. Until the contrary is proved is shall be
can be used during trial
presumed that a lost promissory note
A] To corroborate the informant was-

B To contradict the informant

A unstamped
C] Both A & B B] insufficiently stamped
D Neither A nor B
C] duly stamped
117. In the Evidence Act, the conditions in D time barred
respect of computer output to be 122. The presumption of legitimacy under
deemed and admissible in evidence Section 112 is -
as document is contained in -
A presumption of law
Al Section 65(B(4)
Section 65(B)(1)
B presumption of fact
B Cmixed presumptíon of law and
C] Section 65(B)(2)
D Section 65(B)(5) D None of the above
118. Which of the foliowing is correct in 123. Leading question has been defined
respect of determining the date of birth under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872
of A?
Al A letter from A's deceased
A] Section 141
father to a friend, announcing
the birth of A is a relevant fact
B Section 142

A letter from A's deceased father

C Section 143
B D Section 145
to a friend, announcing the birth
of A is not a relevant fact 124. Under which section of the Indian
A letter from A's deceased father Evidence Act, 1872 a public servant
C shall not be compelled to disclose
to a friend, announcing the birth
communication made to him in official
of A is not admissible in evidence
None of the above
D A Section 123
119. Opinions of experts are not relevant B] Section 124
A upon a point of science C Section 125

B upon a point ofart D Section 126

C upon a point of domestic law 125. Ais charged with travelling in a railway
Das to identity oí handwriting without a ticket. The burden of proving
120. A witness may, while under that he had a ticket, is -

examination, refresh his memory by A] on prosecution

referring to any writing made by B] on accused
himself at the time of the transaction Neither on prosecution nor on
or soon afterward. This provision is accused
provided under -
D None of the above
A] Section 159 Law is
Objective of Evidence

B] Section 160
and liabilities
A ascertain nghts
C Section 158
B system of rules
D Section 155

Multiple Choice Questions On INDIAN
C system of Rules for compelled to answer Su
ascertaining controversial questionns
question of fact through C Court may presumne
judicial inquiries D None of the above
D none of the above
131. The case of Kashmira Singh v. Statee
127. In respect of certified copy, of Madhya Pradesh relates to -
a thirty
years old, which fulfils allI the A Privileged communication
conditions laid under Section 90 of the
B Dying declaration
Indian Evidence Act, the court-
C Confession to police officer
A shall presume D Confession of a co-accused
B may presume
C will not presume 132. 'Estoppel' has been defined under
D None of the above A Section 115
128. Which one is not B Section 114
correctly matched?
A) Opinion as to existence of right orI C Section 117
custom- Section 48
D Section 130
B) Opinion as to usages, tenets etc. 133. The Bill of Evidence Act was prepared
section 49 by
C) Opinion as to
section 50
relationship A Fourth Law Commission
B Sir Henry Mane
D Opinion as Digital
section 47 Signature C Sir James Stephen
D None of the above
129. Under Proviso of
Section 146(3) of the 134. The
Evidence Act, in principle which precludes:
in her cross
of rape person from denying some statement
examination, the previously made by him is known as
A) Can be put questions as to A Admussion
her B
general immoral character Confess1on
B With the peimission of the Court C Res subjudice
can be put C] Estoppel
questions as to her
general imnoral character 135. Which one of the
C Cannot be put
questions as to matched under thefoliowing is correctly
her general immoral Act?
Indian Evidence
Cannot be put
questions her A]
as to
Burden of proof Section 101
B Dowry Death 122 Section
130. If C Dumb witness
question asked to witness to Section 107
matter relevant to the any
matter D Accomphce
and the answer in issue Sectton 119
such question willgiven by witness to 136. Rules
relating to
criminate him, then- 'identification o
A) The witness shall parade' are contained in which of the=
to answer such compelled following section of Indian Evidence
B The questions
witness shall
not be A] Section 9
14 B Section 19
Multiple Choige Acti
C Section 29
used to establish the mnens rea of
D] Section 399
an accuse but not the actus reus
137. Under which Se tion of the Evidence 140. Which of the
Act legitimacy of a child born during following statements is
most accurate about
the lawful wedlock is presumed ? Leading
A] Section 112 A A leading question is any
B Section 113
question suggesting the answer
C Section 114
that the court pects to receive
D Section 115
B] Leading questions are permitted
138. Which of the following statements is during examination in chief
most accurate about extra C) Leading questions are permitted
judicial -

during re examination
confessions in India?
Extra - judicial confessions are D Leading questions are
A] permitted during cross
illegal examination
B Extra -judicial confessions are
inadmissible E The permission of the court is

necessary to ask leading

C Extra - judicial confessions are
questions during examination in
admissible only with the chief, re examination, or CIoss
accused's permission examination
D] Extra - judicial confessions
are admissible but a weak **** **** **** **

form of evidence
E Extra-judicial confessions would
not ordinarily require any

139. Which of the following statements is

most accurate about illegally obtained
evidence ?
obtained evidence
A] Illegally
cannot be relied on to convict an
accused but can be relied only on
to support contentions
in civil

obtained evidencce
B) Illegally
cannot be relied on by any court
C] llegally obtained evidence

be used against a party

charged with an offence
can be
D llegally obtained evidence
relied on, only if corIoborated by
other evidence
can be
Ellegallyobtained evidence

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